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Maggie Kearns Phase 3 Instructional Program 1 Student Name: JJ Program Manager: Maggie Kearns

Context for Instruction: Instruction will occur at the Champaign Public Library (CPL) on Tuesdays and Thursdays from approximately 1:10 pm until 2:30 pm. This is the time allotted for the student, JJ, to work at his vocational placement. The focus of this program is to teach JJ how to sort the Teen Graphic Novels (TGNs) both alphabetically and numerically. This genre of books is organized on the shelves alphabetically by the title of the books. The TGNs are mostly series, which contain many books in the same series; the books are numbered. The materials needed for instruction are TGNs that patrons of the library have returned, an empty cart, and a small magnetic alphabet strip. While we are at the library, there is also a paraprofessional and another student there working, but they are typically in different areas of the library. When we are in the teen section putting the books on the shelves, there are patrons around. When we are in the back room or the basement of the library, there are also CPL staff members around.

Program Objective: While at his vocational placement at the Champaign Public Library, JJ will independently sort (alphabetically and numerically) and shelve 50 Teen Graphic Novels with 95% accuracy on four consecutive workdays.

Generalization: Because JJ is learning skills that are very specific to working at the library, a major generalization concern is that he will not translate the skills that he is learning to other,

similar jobs that he may hold in his future. This can be addressed by having JJ put away other books or materials at the library once he has reached his goal for the TGNs. Similar instructional programs can be implemented in order to instruct JJ on sorting and putting away those materials.

Rationale: JJs ability to independently sort and shelve books at the library is important because it will demonstrate his ability to learn a job and be independently employed. Once JJ is able to independently do this, support for him at the library from myself or other paraprofessionals can be faded out, leaving him to work independently as any other employee or volunteer would. The skill of being able to sort and shelve items is not only a skill for the library, but for many other potential jobs, such as Family Video or grocery stores.

Assessment Procedures: Baseline 1. Enter the library. Explain to JJ that he is going to be signing in, sorting and putting books away, and signing out. Let him know that as he moves about the library you will be watching and taking some notes. 2. Following the order on the TA, record what JJ is doing. If he has initiated and correctly performed a step within 10 seconds of finishing the last step, indicate this in the corresponding box on the data sheet by using a + sign. If he has not initiated or correctly performed the step within 10 seconds of finishing the last step, put a sign in the corresponding box. Do the step for him. If the step does not apply on that particular day (i.e. putting belongings away in the closet does not always apply depending on the

weather) write a NA in the corresponding box on the data sheet. If the student does not make it to any of the steps, put NA. 3. At the end of the work shift, record the total number of books that JJ put away.

During Program Duration 1. Enter library with JJ. He will sign in, put on his nametag, and locate the Teen Graphic Novels in the basement that must be sorted and shelved. He will then place 30 TGNs on an empty cart and head to the sorting table.

Assessment Schedule: Assessment will be continuous throughout the duration of the program. Each day that JJ goes to the CPL for work, data will be kept on his abilities to sort and shelve books. This data will be continuously analyzed in order to make instructional decisions for JJ to be most successful.

Instructional Procedures: Enter library with JJ. He will sign in, put on his nametag, and locate the Teen Graphic Novels in the basement that must be sorted and shelved. He will then place 10 TGNs on an empty cart and head to the sorting table. Make sure that all books are pushed to the right side of the shelf on the cart. Place magnetic alphabet strip on the cart between shelves. Once this is done, instruction on the sorting and shelving may begin.

The following section states how to correctly sort books and put them in the correct place on the shelf.

1. State that you will begin with the letter A (physically indicate that it is the first letter on the alphabet strip). Point to the label of each book and determine if the book begins with the A. Be sure to verbalize your actions so that JJ can hear. 2. If a book begins with the letter A, pull it out and place it on the left side of the cart. If a book does not start with the letter A, move on to the next book. Continue on until all books beginning with A are on the left side of the shelf. 3. If there are multiple books that begin with A, compare two at a time by finding the second letter of each title. Use one finger to point to the second letter of one title on the alphabet strip, and another finger to point to the second letter of the other title. Determine which one comes first in the alphabet (is closest to the left). If multiple letters in the titles are the same, continue this step until there are two different letters. Place the book that comes first on the shelf, then put the next book on the right side of that book. 4. Repeat steps 2-4 with each letter of the alphabet until all of the books have been sorted and are on the left side of the cart. 5. Beginning with the first book, determine if any of the books are part of a series (use the title and the physical characteristics of the books to determine this). If there are multiple books in a series, put them in numerical order from smallest to greatest. Repeat this step with all of the remaining books on the shelf. 6. Take the cart from the sorting table to the teen section of the CPL. 7. Take the first book off of the cart (or up to 3 books if they are from the same series) 8. Go to the very first shelf; identify the letter that the books on that shelf start with (A). Determine if you must move onto another letter, or if you are in the right section for the book that you have.

9. If you are in the correct section, use the alphabet strip to compare the second letter of the book that you are shelving to the book that is already on the shelf in that section. If the second letters are the same, move on to the next letter until you have found the appropriate place for the book to be shelved. If the second letters are not the same, use the alphabet strip to determine if you must move on or go back a letter. Continue this until the correct location for the book is determined. 10. Repeat steps 8 and 9 until all books on the cart have been put away. 11. Repeat this entire process as many times as possible until the shift is over.

This program will initially be instructed using a most-to-least strategy that incorporates time delay. On the first day of instruction, the instructor will perform all of the steps while verbally explaining what is being done. The next workday, the instructor will give verbal prompts to the student for every task. If within 3 seconds the student does not initiate performing the step, the instructor will do it for them. Verbal praise will be given for each task that is correctly performed (by either student or instructor). This will continue for each shift until the student has 90% accuracy. Once 90% accuracy is reached, the verbal prompting will be removed. The student will have 3 seconds to initiate each task before the instructor will provide a verbal prompt to the student. If the student does not perform the task within three seconds after the prompt, the instructor will perform the task. Verbal praise will be given after each completed task.

Reinforcement: There will be a variety of reinforcements used throughout the program. He will receive positive reinforcement in the form of verbal praise when he correctly sorts the books and places them in the appropriate place on the shelf. This praise will be consistent throughout the

shift, but not after every single correct action. Additionally, each time that JJ adds two or more books to the number of total books that he put away on a workday, he will be allowed to check out a book, magazine, or DVD at the end of his shift.

Maintenance: As JJ continues working two days a week at the library, he will continue sorting and putting away books on shelves. This continuous use of the skills that he will develop over the course of the program will naturally help to maintain the skills over time. Once JJ reaches the goal of independently putting away 50 books within his shift, he will no longer have to put away 2 more books than the previous workday, but instead will automatically be able to check out a material at the end of his shift. Once JJ has reaches his goal of independently putting away 50 books during his shift, assessment will only occur every other workday, instead of every workday. Once he can independently put away 50 books when only being assessed every other workday, the assessment will be cut down to every other week, then every third week.

Skill Sequence: Teen Graphic Novels

Teen books/Adult Fiction

Adult Non-fiction



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