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Full Name: Jose Gabriel B. Reyes Nickname: Gabe Section | Class Adviser 7 !una "s. Buena#lor 1. $%y do you &ant to 'oin (a)let* +o )et a ,eek into t%e li#e o# a 'ournalist. 2. +alents - Skills N-A .. /# )iven t%e c%ance to be an editor0 &%at ,osition-s do you t%ink you are ca,able o# %andlin)* 12ou may c%oose more t%an one3 $%y* 1(4,lain in at least . sentences3 a. News Editor b. Features Editor c. Sports Editor d. Photos Editor e. Graphic Design Editor f. Web Editor g. Art Editor (Games, Artwor s, etc! h. "e#iews Editor ($o#ie, Game, %oo , P&a'! i. An' other position or (ob 'ou &i e Revi&s (ditor as it allo&s me to s%are my o,inion &it% ot%ers. 4. Avera)e )rade last year 57 6 5. A&ards last year 17onors0 Sub'ect (4cellence0 8e,ortment - "erit A&ards3 9nd 7onor 6. $ere you an o##icer in Grade :* in Grade ;* in Grade <* in Grade 7* in Grade 5* $%at ,osition-s* N-A 7. Are you active online 1e mail0 2"0 FB0 etc.3* S,eci#y your email address0 FB account name0 +&itter account name0 etc 'ose) 7obbies - /nterests: (atin)0 bein) la>y and ,layin) video )ames S,orts-Games: C?CA Grade 9:@Aab scout@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Gr. .:@C%ess@@@ @@@@@@@@@ Gr. ::@Ri>al Book Club@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Gr. ;:@B%oto /ma)in)@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Gr. 7:@(a)let@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Gr. 5:@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Ambitions: Get %onors Ac%ievements C: N-A 9: N-A .: 7onors :: Got t%rou)% to be in "iddle Sc%ool ;: 7ave 9nd 7onor <: 7: N-A 5: Bass into 7S 7S: Bass into Colle)e Colle)e: Get a )ood 'ob Res,onsibilities 7eld: Be a )ood youn)er bro Greatest Gi#ts #rom God: Nerdiness 8e#ine !ove: +%at moment &%en you meet your soul mate $%o is your Celebrity Crus%* N-A $%o is your Real Crus%* N-A "otto - Duote: 2ou learn somet%in) ne& everyday. FavoritesE. (4,lain $%y Favorite Saints:N-A Favorite 7eroes: Rooster +eet% Favorite Books: Rick Riordan books and 8iver)ent books

Favorite Son)s: +&o 8oor Cinema Club Favorite "ovies: !?+R because it is a #antasy &orld. Favorite +eac%ers: None Favorite Food: +onkatsu and Sus%i because t%ey are bot% tasty and Ja,anese. Favorite Restaurants: Ca#F !idia and Bucco 8eli. 7ome Address: +ele,%one Gs: Cell,%one G: "om - $ork: "arisa Reyes Gynecolo)ist 8ad - $ork: Ricardo Reyes Anest%esiolo)ist Siblin) - Sc%ool: Baen) H"a##yI Reyes Ateneo 7i)% Sc%ool Siblin) - Sc%ool: Rac%el Reyes 2ork Jniversity Siblin) - Sc%ool:

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