Journal Week 3

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Sumayya Abdulla

H00052502 AET4

Journal week 3
Through third week of the teaching practice, the celebrated of the national day at the morning assembly were ongoing. There were various activities that attracted students, interact them and make them active. As well, the school was participated in the heritage competition, which is a part of the national day activity at the RAKs schools. Teachers and students were worked well and did the best to win, and they got the third place. On the other side, in the classroom I focused on the teacher rule and who she controlled the class and managed the misbehaviors students. As I noticed, she reminded the students about the rule and the suitable behave that students have to do in the lab. For example, one student bring a water to the lab and she asked the teacher to drink, teacher reminded the student that is not allow to bring water to the lab. Teacher also used high voice to attracted students attentions. Furthermore, teacher used body language to control the class, such as eyes contact to let students stop the misbehavior. According to Gower, Phillips, & Walter, eye contact important, because its the way that help teacher to contact with her students, communicate and make the relationship between teacher and students (Gower, Phillips, & Walter, 2005, p.8). From that I knowledgeable, using clear body language during the lesson, its help teacher to attract students, make them paying attention with her and help them to understand what the teacher want. Second, its help teacher to leave the impression that she want in their students, control and manage the classroom. Finally, its easy to communicate with students, and save teachers time. During this week, I started teaching on Monday; I repeat the lesson for grade for, because they were late from other classes. On Tuesday I taught new lesson for grade 4, and it was observed by MST. And on Wednesday I taught grade 4 also and it was observed by MCT. Moreover, in this week I and my friend Asma started work in the display. At the first, we add and designed in the first section the computer parts and add the name and description for each part. We also add the important tools of the computer that students used it daily such as copy, paste and cut. In addition, the second part we made it for students work. In this week, I noticed how the display is important in the classroom, especially if it include different color that attract students and contain the curriculum content. Because, having display in classroom creates a good environment for students and motivates them to learn. In addition, it encourages students to work and make a competition between them to put their work in the students work section, so its promote active learning. Finally, having display helps teacher to use it successfully, for example manage class by putting rule in it. Overall, I spent great and exciting teaching practice. As I see it, its good experience, because we learn a lot from it, and develop our skills and knowledge.

Sumayya Abdulla
H00052502 AET4

Gower, R., Phillips, D., & Walters, S. (2005). Teaching practice handbook. Oxford: Macmillan Education.

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