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From the unleashed power of a hurricane wind or destructive tornado to drawing the breath from your targets lungs, Air Powers command the life-giving atmosphere all around us. Whip up wind blasts and shields to protect you from attack, fly on the wings of the wind, and let it carry your words across great distances as you snuff out fires and the consciousness of your foes!

of its speed, with the fastest wind speed on Earth being about 250 miles per hour (speed rank 7). Given the destructive force of this kind of wind, Gamemasters can safely assign a Damage rank to wind equal to twice its speed rank, in terms of gusts striking structures and other large objects. Countering: Air powers, along with countering each other, can potentially counter any power dependent upon air to function or vulnerable to the physical movements of the wind. For example, air powers can potentially counter fire effects by depriving them of their oxygen, while powerful sustained winds may be able to counter various types of projectiles, pushing them off course and scattering them. Powerful winds may wear down some targets; air is mystically seen as opposed to the element of earth (much as water is opposed to fire) so air powers may be able to counter some earth powers, particularly if both are magical in nature. Air powers can potentially counter movement effects like Flight, creating powerful turbulence or even robbing a flier of motive power. Even if unable to counter a Flight effect, an air power may still be able to make flying difficult or dangerous (see Utility Powers for more).

The following are some important descriptors associated with air powers, with potential influence on their use. Air: Broadly speaking, air means the normal combination of gases making up the Earths atmosphere: primarily nitrogen with a significant percentage of oxygen and some carbon dioxide, water vapor, and trace gases, all existing in a gaseous state at Earthnormal pressures and temperatures. Amongst other things, this generally means air powers do not work directly on gases other than those found in the atmosphere: an air-controller can whip up a wind to move a cloud of chlorine vapor, for example, but cannot manipulate that gas directly. Similarly, air changed by tremendous pressure into a liquid (or even a solid in extreme cold) is outside of an aircontrollers influence, although such an extreme environment carries its own concerns. The same is true of a vacuum, where there is no air at all to manipulate. Wind: Wind is the movement of air masses due to differences in temperature and pressure under normal circumstances. Wind is primarily measured in terms

Some potential Feature effects associated with Air Powers include the following: Freshen Air: You clear the air of all scents, leaving it smelling crisp and clean.


Scent: You can generate any mild scent in the air around you, like an incense, perfume, spice, or the smell of flowers. Wind Effect: You can create a gentle stirring breeze at will, just strong enough to ruffle hair and clothing and possibly scatter things like paper or leaves. Wind Hearing: You ignore the effects of wind noise on your Perception checks to hear things, as if the sound did not exist.

a Strength or Dodge check against your effect rank check. If the target wins, there is no effect. If you win, the target is flung a distance rank equal to your effect rank minus the targets weight rank. So a 200 lb. man (weight rank 2) hit with a rank 8 Flinging Gust would be hurled 1,800 feet (distance rank 6, or 8 minus 2). Note that a character with the Aerokinesis power (under Utility Powers) can duplicate the effects of this power. Area versions of this power are common, including Wind Wall (under Defensive Powers, following) and Wind Blast (in the Weather Powers profile).
Flinging Gust: Move Object, Limited Direction 1 point per rank.

Anyone who has witnessed the awesome destructive power of a hurricane or tornado knows full well the effectiveness of mere air as an attack. Air controllers can also wield more subtle offensive powers, including depriving targets of oxygen.

You fill the air around the target with a disgusting, nauseating stench sufficient to cause a significant distraction and potentially powerful enough to incapacitate the target.
Stench: Ranged Cumulative Affliction (Resisted and Overcome by Fortitude; Dazed, Stunned, Incapacitated), SmellDependent 2 points per rank.

You strike with a powerful blast of compressed air that hits with hammering force. Typically, this power produces swirls and contrails of mist; if it uses nothing but unseen air, it also qualifies for the Subtle modifier.
Air Blast: Ranged Damage (air pressure) 2 points per rank.

You create an explosive outward blast of compressed air or a momentary vacuum that causes the surrounding air to rush in with the force of a thunderclap, potentially stunning targets in the area. If you can only produce the burst in an area around you, remove the Ranged modifier.
Air Burst: Ranged Burst Area Affliction (Resisted and Overcome by Fortitude; Dazed, Stunned, Incapacitated) 3 points per rank.

A Cloud Area version of this power is a common variation, affecting all targets in 15-foot radius for two rounds (the initial attack and the following round).
Stench Cloud: Ranged Cloud Area Cumulative Affliction (Resisted and Overcome by Fortitude; Dazed, Stunned, Incapacitated), Smell-Dependent 3 points per rank.

You cut off a targets air, literally drawing the air out of their lungs and causing them to suffocate. For air controllers with sufficient command over the element, this power may be Perception Ranged.
Suffocation: Ranged Progressive Affliction (Resisted and Overcome by Fortitude; Fatigued, Exhausted, Incapacitated) 4 points per rank.

Rather than striking with compressed air, you use that force to propel small objects as projectiles, like an air rifle. If you can do either, add 1 rank of Variable Descriptor.
Air Rifle: Ranged Damage (projectiles) 2 points per rank.

You create a powerful whirlwind capable of damaging structures and picking up unsecured objects. The basic tornado has a radius of 30 feet (distance rank 0). It can grab or lift objects with weight rank equal to or less than its rank; a realistic tornado should be limited to around rank 8 in terms of both wind speed and lifting capabilities (sufficient to pick up and hurl vehicles), but the GM can allow cyclones of any rank. Because the power is Damaging, it can lift objects, hold them (trapped in the whirlwind), hurl them away, or simply damage them.
Tornado: Cylinder Area Move Object, Damaging 4 points per rank, +1 point per rank per +1 area distance rank

A wind kicks up dust, sand, and other grit or debris to fly into a targets eyes, blinding them.
Blinding Gust: Ranged Cumulative Affliction (Resisted by Dodge, Overcome by Fortitude; Impaired, Disabled, Unaware), Limited to Vision 2 points per rank.

A powerful gust of wind picks up your target and flings it a considerable distance. If the attack hits, the target makes


The winds ability to deflect often provides defensive air powers, as does the simple value of fresh air (or a strong breeze) in defending against airborne hazards.

You condense a heavy mist out of the air. It imposes a 2 visibility modifier in the area. For twice the cost (2 points per rank), the mist imposes a 5 visibility modifier. You are unable to see through your own mist unless you have an appropriate Senses effect (such as Counters Concealment or the Air Sense power, following). You can also apply a Feature to your power (does not impede your own vision) or make it Selective in order to decide who is and is not affected.
Mist: Environment (Visibility) 1 point per rank (2 modifier) or 2 points per rank (5 modifier)

You create a bubble of fresh, clean, breathable air around you, 30 feet across (distance rank 0). Anyone inside the bubble is able to breathe normally (assuming they are an air-breather). If you stop sustaining the air bubble, its surface tension is sufficient to keep it intact for one more round before it pops. If you can create an air bubble at a distance, apply the Ranged modifier for an additional 2 points. If the bubble protects against other hazards, increase the rank of the Immunity (at a cost of 3 points per rank) to cover them. This includes the bubble resisting pressure (such as deep under water) or vacuum (in space) or maintaining a constant temperature.
Air Bubble: Immunity 2 (Suffocation), Affects Others, Cloud Area, Sustained 6 points + 2 points per +1 area distance rank.

You create a narrow corridor or wall where the wind blows strongly in one direction, creating a barrier of sorts: anything trying to pass through the wind wall must beat an opposed check of Strength or Speed against the walls rank. If the wall wins the check, the target is flung in the direction the wind is moving a distance rank equal to the walls rank minus the targets weight rank. So a Str 4 person running into a rank 8 wind wall (moving at Speed rank 0) must make a Strength check (d20 + 4) versus d20 + 8 (the walls rank) or be thrown distance rank 8 2 (average human weight) or 1,800 feet (distance rank 6). A Wind Wall can be combined with Deflecting Winds (previously) to create a barrier that provides a defensive bonus as well as flinging aside things trying to cross the barrier.
Wind Wall: Line Area Move Object, Limited Direction (along the length of the line) 2 points per rank +1 point per rank per +1 distance rank of wall length.

You surround yourself with a thin barrier of hardened air that protects you against damaging attacks. The default air shield is visible as a misty shimmer; if it is truly invisible, apply the Subtle modifier as well. A stronger air shield may have the Impervious modifier, allowing it to ignore lesser attacks.
Air Shield: Protection, Sustained 1 point per rank.

You can generate your own supply of air, sufficient to allow you to breathe normally in airless conditions. If your air supply provides you with protection from other environmental hazards, increase the rank of Immunity. To provide an air supply for others, see the Air Bubble power.
Air Supply: Immunity 2 (suffocation), Sustained 2 points.

The wind provides motive power for sailing, gliding, and soaring and can just as easily interfere with all such forms of movement, redefining the meaning of air superiority.

You can walk on air as if it were solid ground, including ascending or descending invisible inclines or simply standing and hovering in one spot.
Air-Walking: Flight 1, Subtle, Quirk (the prone condition causes you to fall, 1 point) 2 points.

You can wield the winds to deflect ranged attacks at a distance, setting up a swirling barrier protecting anyone inside it. Roll the die and add your Deflect rank, adding 10 to the die roll if it is a 10 or less. The result becomes the active defense for targets inside the area if it is higher than their normal active defense. See Whirlwind in the Weather Powers profile for a similar effect, with an expanded Cloud Area, allowing the whirlwind to deflect attacks on the round after it is used as well.
Deflecting Winds: Deflect, Burst Area, Limited to Physical Projectiles 1 point per rank.

You summon up a wind to fill the sails of a vessel and speed it along: increase its speed to your effect rank if it is higher than the vessels normal speed. The realistic rank limit on Earth is around rank 6, but the GM may allow any rank, as desired.
Full Sail: Swimming, Affects Objects, Limited to Wind-Powered Vehicles, Alternate Effect: Flight, Affects Objects, Gliding, Limited to Wind-Powered Vehicles 1 point + 1 point per rank.


You can ride wind currents to glide through the air, but you can only gain altitude from updrafts, so your maximum gliding distance is equal to your starting height plus your effect rank.
Gliding: Flight, Gliding 1 point per rank.

They can look like virtually anything, from misty humanoids to mythic creatures like thunderbirds or dragons. You can apply the various modifiers for the Summon effect to get additional air creatures or to make them more active or capable (removing the minion type from the template). Note the creature template has a power level higher than the Summon effect rank, an option discussed in the Summoning Powers profile.
Air Creatures: Summon Air Creature 6 (90-point minion) 12 points.

Your control over the air allows you to ground or becalm wind-powered forms of movement in an area. This includes winged Flight, sailing-based Swimming, and Flight based on conventional aerodynamics (as opposed to sheer power like anti-gravity, magnetics, and so forth). As long as you maintain your concentration, taking a standard action each round to do so, targets in the area remain grounded and those not yet grounded have to make a new resistance check. If you can maintain a grounding area as a free action, apply the Sustained modifier for an additional 1 point per rank cost.
Grounding: Nullify Flight and Swimming Based on Air, Concentration, Cylinder Area, Effortless 4 points per rank.



STR 0 STA AGL 2 DEX 0 FGT 0 INT AWE PRE Powers: Aerokinesis (Move Object 2); Air Form (Concealment 4 (visual), Insubstantial 2 (gaseous), Permanent, Innate); Suffocation (Cumulative Affliction 8 (Resisted and Overcome by Fortitude; Fatigued, Exhausted, Incapacitated; AE: Wind Blast (Move Object 8, Accurate 4, Limited to Flinging Away)); Unliving (Immunity 30: Fortitude Effects); Wind-Walker (Enhanced Advantage 2 (Improved Initiative 2), Movement 1 (Environmental Adaptation: Aerial), Flight 7 (250 MPH)) Skills: Close Combat: Unarmed 8 (+8) Offense: Initiative +10, Suffocation +8 (Close, Affliction 8), Wind Blast +8 (Ranged, Move Object 8) Defense: Dodge 10, Parry 10, Fortitude Immune, Toughness 6, Will Immune Totals Abilities 26 + Powers 88 + Advantages 0 + Skills 4 + Defenses 24 = 90

You can truly ride the wind, similar to Gliding (previously) except you can create the necessary updrafts to control your ascent and maintain altitude at will. If you can command the wind to carry others aloft with you, either apply the Affects Others, Ranged, and Area modifiers, or use wind lifting (see Utility Powers) to pick up and carry them along.
Wind-Riding: Flight 2 points per rank.

You can transform from flesh and blood into a mass of mobile air. In air form you are gaseous and insubstantial, able to slip through any opening that is not airtight, and largely immune to physical harm (although energy attacks and area effects, like explosions, still affect you). You can become invisible or appear as a misty, humanoid shape resembling your normal form. You can move through the air in any direction, but lack physical strength and cannot touch or move objects on your own, although you can still use powers like Aerokinesis to do so. Your air form may grant you other air powers, such as Suffocation or Stench (previously), either at their normal range or limited to close range, requiring you to engulf the target in your air form.
Air Form: Concealment 4 (visual), Flight 1, Insubstantial 2 (gaseous) 20 points.

Control over air grants a number of other useful effects, from animating masses of air into mobile minions to moving large objects, sensing the flow of air currents, or even transforming into air itself.

You use focused winds or mini-whirlwinds to lift and move objects with an effective Strength equal to your rank. See Wind-Lifting in the Weather Powers profile for a Burst Area and Selective version of this power.
Aerokinesis: Move Object 2 points per rank.

You can feel the movement of air currents around you, giving you an effective picture of your surroundings without having to see and allowing you to sense any unusual disturbances of the air nearby (usually from the use of other powers with an air descriptor).
Air Sense: Senses 2 (Air Awareness, Ranged Touch) 2 points.

You can summon or create semi-independent creatures of air that obey your commands. The air creatures you summon are not truly alive, merely animated masses of air.


You can solidify air into a transparent crystalline material, like very strong glass, creating objects out of it which dissolve back into normal air when you choose or are no longer maintaining them. If your creations are truly invisible, apply the Subtle 2 extra to the power.
Solid Air: Create Solid Air Objects 2 points per rank.

physical body at all! The character might be able to interact with solid objects via powers like Aerokinesis or having Affects Corporeal Strength but, even then, the character will find it difficult to lead a normal life. Air powers may compensate for other disabilities, allowing characters to be more active. For example, the ability to fly carried by the wind overcomes many of the drawbacks of being unable to walk. Likewise, a power like Air Sense may partially compensate for being blind, providing at least a clear picture of the characters surroundings.

You whip up high winds in the area, impeding movement. In addition to the speed rank reduction, the GM may impose a circumstance modifier (2 for 1 rank, 5 for 2 ranks of reduction) to movement-related skill checks like Acrobatics, Athletics, and Vehicles.
Wind Conditions: Environment (Impede Movement) 1 point per rank for a 1 rank reduction in movement speeds, 2 points per rank for a 2 rank reduction.

With powers linked to the open air and the sky, a fear of enclosed spaces and suffocationclaustrophobia may be common for air controlling characters, making them less willing to venture underground or into tight indoor areas where their powers and maneuverability may be limited. Conversely, an air controller with a fear of heights or wide open spaces could face some interesting challenges! Imagine someone who has the potential to soar on the winds but who remains firmly grounded due to an extreme fear of heights.

Currents of air carry your voice over a distance, allowing you to deliver a message to someone further than you could normally speak (or even shout).
Whispering Wind: Communication (auditory, air), Subtle 1 1 point + 4 points per rank.

Air powers are dependent on air as a medium to create and carry their effects. While some air powers (such as Air Bubble) actually create air, others might be rendered ineffective in the absence of air to manipulate, such as in a vacuum chamber, underwater, or in the depths of space. Whether powers like Air Blast create the air they use or not depends on whether or not the player wants to accept the Power Loss complication (and the hero point award that comes with it). Characters might also lose the use of air powers for other reasons. Mystical air powers could be negated by conditions like being surrounded with an opposing element, such as earth, so a character inside a cavern (or buried beneath a landslide) would be rendered powerless. Air powers relying on fans, turbines, or similar technology could be jammed, damaged, or otherwise rendered inoperative. Such devices could also have the Removable modifier (Heros Handbook, page 149).


Closely connected to the air powers in this profile are the abilities of the Weather Powers profile, as noted in several places. Many air powers can become weather powers and vice versa. In particular, any weather power with wind in its name is also a potential air power.

Wielders of air powers can encounter complications stemming from the medium they manipulate or the attitudes or inclinations it gives them, such as the following.

The potential destructive force of air powers like Tornado is considerable, and characters wielding hurricanes and twisters as weapons may find themselves dealing with a lot of collateral damage in the aftermath. Such accidents may lead to air controllers exercising greater restraint with their powers (sometimes to their disadvantage) or having to deal with others who want to place restraints on their powers and what they can do with them.

Weaknesses associated with air powers include vulnerabilities to opposed elements, such as earth or water: characters might suffer an additional degree of effect from such attacks, or find their defenses less effective against them. Similarly, air controllers might be able to counter airborne attacks like gases by pushing or blowing them away, but might also be vulnerable to them, given their sensitivity to the surrounding atmosphere.

A character with a Permanent Air Form (see Utility Powers) suffers from a significant disability: having no



MUTANTS & MASTERmINDS POWER PROFILE: AIR POWERS Writing and Design: Steve Kenson Editing and Development: Jon Leitheusser Art Direction and Graphic Design: Hal Mangold Interior Art: Dennis Calero Playtesters: Darren Bulmer, Leon Chang, James Dawsey, Nathan Kahler, Jack Norris, Aaron Sullivan Publisher: Chris Pramas Green Ronin Staff: Bill Bodden, Joe Carriker, Will Hindmarch, Steve Kenson, Jon Leitheusser, Nicole Lindroos, Hal Mangold, Chris Pramas, Evan Sass, Marc Schmalz Mutants & Masterminds Power Profile: Air Powers is 2012 Green Ronin Publishing, LLC. All rights reserved. References to other copyrighted material in no way constitute a challenge to the respective copyright holders of that material. Mutants & Masterminds, Super-powered by M&M,
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