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goel ~ a member of your family who had to carry out special duties on your behalf.

For example, the goel had to pay for your freedom if you became a slave. And he had a duty to buy back your family property if you had to sell it. Gospels ~ the books that Matthew, Mark, Luke and John wrote. grapes ~ fruits that people use to make wine. grasshopper ~ an insect that is like a small *locust. Greek ~ the language of the people who live in Greece. guilt offering ~ an *offering by someone who is responsible for certain wrong acts. See the explanation in the note called The 5 *sacrifices near the beginning of this commentary. half sister ~ the daughter of only one (and not both) of your parents. Hebrew ~ the language that the *Jews spoke. herd ~ a group of cows and *bulls. holiness ~ the quality of somebody who is *holy, or very, very good. holy ~ very, very good; only God is really holy. Or, a description of something that belongs to God. hoof ~ the foot of some animals. horn ~ hard material that grows on the heads of some animals like cows and goats. Or, the points that were on the corners of the *altars. hyssop ~ a type of plant. idol ~ an image that people *worship; a false god. incense ~ a material that gives a good smell when people burn it. Israel ~ the name of the country where the *Jews went to live, especially the northern part of that country. Israelites ~ the *LORDs people whom Moses led out of Egypt. Afterwards, they lived in the countries called *Judah and *Israel. itch ~ a problem with the skin that makes us want to rub it or to scratch it. Jewish ~ a word that describes *Jews and what they do. Jews ~ another word for the *Israelites. joint ~ a part of the body where bones join together, for example, the knee. Jubilee Year ~ a special year that happened once at the end of each period of 50 years. Judah ~ the name of the southern part of the country where the *Jews went to live. kidney ~ an important inner part of an animals body. lamb ~ a young sheep. lampholder ~ an object that holds a lamp. Latin ~ the ancient language of the people who lived in Rome.

leprosy ~ a serious skin disease. Levite ~ a member of the *tribe of Levi. linen ~ a material that people make from a plant called flax: it was usually white. liver ~ an important inner part of an animals body.

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