Liquefied Natural Gas

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LNG production facilities and receiving terminals.

Bechtel is no stranger to LNG. Since the industrys birth some 40 years ago, li!uefaction capacity " more than any other contractor. e have built about a third of the orlds

Li!uefied natural gas #LNG$ is natural gas chilled to minus %&' degrees (elsius #minus '&0 degrees )ahrenheit$. *t this temperature, natural gas becomes a li!uid that occupies one si+,hundredth the volume of gas, so it can be transported safely and economically by sea. LNG can then be -regasified. at a receiving terminal and used for heating, coo/ing, fueling po er plants, and many other industrial purposes. 0ur successful collaboration ith (onoco1hillips on the 1hillips 0ptimi2ed (ascade 1rocess has revolutioni2ed the industry. 3he process, developed by 1hillips 1etroleum, streamlines the cooling of natural gas by refrigerating it in stages, allo ing critical components to be duplicated ithin a single train. 3he (onoco1hillips 0ptimi2ed (ascade LNG 1rocess as first used in *las/a, at the (onoco1hillips 1etroleum 4enai plant built by Bechtel in %5&5. 6ts a dependable alternative"4enai has been operating continuously since it as commissioned and has not missed a shipment. Bechtel and 1hillips operate a 7oint development center in 8ouston to improve and mar/et the process. Standardi2ation of parts and smaller, more efficient compressors have brought costs do n even further. Bechtel has also designed and9or constructed LNG facilities found in *lgeria, 6ndonesia, :*;, Libya, ;gypt, 3rinidad, and *ustralia.

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