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Shalonda Wright

15815 Court Village Lane Taylor, Michigan 48180 Phone: 734-67 -5753 !-Mail: e"1561#$ayne%e&u

Fox Run, Novi, MI- Home Support Aide

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Per'or(ing Light )ou*e+ee,ing *uch a* -acuu(ing, &u*ting, *$ee,ing, &i*h$a*hing, an& laun&ry% .**i*ting $ith 'ee&ing, a("ulation, &re**ing, tran*'erring, ,er*onal hygiene an& re,o*itioning% .l*o o''ere& (e&ication re(in&er*, encourage/li(ite& 'lui&*, ,re,are& (eal*, e*cort to a,,oint(ent*%

%ooper& Moving and Storage, South'ield, MI ( Secretar) 0*!"0##+0,!"0##

0reeting cu*to(er* an& &irecting call*% Ty,ing (e(o*, &e-elo,ing "u*ine** agen&a* an& (a+ing $or+ or&er*% 1che&uling (o-e* an& calculating e*ti(ate*%

Wa)ne State %enter 'or Studie&, /etroit, MI- Re&earch A&&i&tant 0,!"0#0-0*!"0##

Create chart* an& ta"le* to *u((ari2e &ata% .&(ini*ter co(,uter a**i*te& tele,hone inter-ie$*% Per'or( a -ariety o' clerical &utie* a* $ell a* other ,ertinent to the e*ta"li*h(ent% 3tili2e Micro*o't o''ice%

Wa)ne State -niver&it), /etroit, MI 4achelor* in 1ocial 5or+ Ecor&e %ommunit) High School, Ecor&e, MI Michigan !n&or*e 6i,lo(a "001-"000 "000-"0#*

2olunteer Wor3
4uidance %enter, 5a)lor, MI "0#"- 6re&ent .**i*ting Teacher $ith *tu&ent* an& &aily acti-itie*% 6al %heerleading %oach, South'ield, MI "0#0- "0## .**i*ting )ea& Coach $ith &rill* 7u(,* an& cheer* &uring ,ractice an& ga(e*%

6age " M) 7ittle Si&ter& 6rogram, Ecor&e, MI "000- "0## Mentoring )igh *chool girl*%

%erti'ied Nur&ing A&&i&tant, MI "0#"- 6re&ent

Pro'icient in Micro*o't 8''ice 9nternet 1a--y Ty,e* 45 $,(

Field Education Expectation

Through (y 'iel& e&ucation 9 ho,e to integrate in cla**roo( learning *uch a* conce,t* an& *+ill* into ,ractice by working in a professional environment by interacting with clients and colleague. I also

anticipate gaining hands on learning experience through working with social workers that will help me develop core and competent skills for entering the social work profession.

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