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Learning Environment A.

Classroom Management: Describe and explain activities that would develop a positive climate where students will feel like valued members of a learning community. In order to develop a safe and positive classroom environment I will have a consistent routine for the students each day as they enter and leave the classroom. I will encourage the students to ask questions and express their opinions about the material by raising their hand at the appropriate time in the lesson. The classroom will be neat and organized and have lots of open space for the students to move around during activities. Lesson objectives will be clearly stated on the board and all materials will be assigned places. Classroom rules will be made clear at the beginning of the school year and posted at the front of the classroom. Also, I want to emphasize the value of being respectful to others during music class. I will do this through constant reminders of what it means to be a good musician, which means following the golden rule and being respectful towards other musicians. I also want to teach by my example of being positive and encouraging towards all students in the class, especially while they are performing. One activity I might use at the beginning of the year to develop a positive learning environment would be playing the name game. Students will learn each others names by clapping or beating on a drum as they sit in a circle. During this time, students will learn about good musicianship, being respectful of others, and the music class rules. List the 3-5 behavioral expectations or rules for all students in your classroom. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Raise your hand for permission to talk or to leave your seat. Respect yourself and others. Ask for permission to touch any equipment in the music room. Keep surroundings neat and clean. Listen carefully to instructions to perform your best work.

List the hierarchy of consequences that you will follow when infractions of the rules occur in the classroom. Consequences: 1st offense: Warning, name on the board 2nd offense: Name on the board and one check, time out for 10 minutes 3rd offense: Name on the board and two checks, time out for remainder of class and no privileges 4th offense: Name plus three checks, parents notified, office referral.

List the types of intrinsic and extrinsic reinforcements that you will utilize in the classroom. I will include intrinsic factors such as picking songs to learn that the students are interested in to make them more intrinsically motivated to learn the piece. I will also utilize extrinsic factors daily in the music classroom. The teacher that I am working with now picks two music stars for every class. These students get to write their names on a chart before leaving the class, get a small piece of candy or a sticker, and get to help the teacher straighten up the room before leaving class. Students who are music stars get to have their names on the chart all week long. Classes who behave well overall for the week get to add a track to a paper CD on the

wall. When they have 9 songs on the CD they get a special party. I like the way this music teacher uses these short term and long term rewards for good behavior in the class. B. Non-Instructional Routines and Procedures Describe non-instructional routines and procedures that will ensure your classroom runs safely and smoothly.
Class will start each day with a welcome and attendance. Any other business of the day will also be done during this time like taking up permission forms for a field trip or making announcements. To end the class, I will pick the two music stars for the day who shows exemplary behavior. These students put their name on the chart on the wall and help me set up the room for the next class or straighten up the room. Any other warnings or behavioral occurrences will be documented if necessary. Students who are using instruments will follow a procedure for putting away their instruments in the appropriate places. If I have to distribute materials, I will do so by letting the students pass them around the room. For younger students, I will probably distribute them myself. Students who are finished with the assignment can sit and look at me while I come around the room and collect the work. Or, they might pass them to the end of the row when everyone is finished. In music class students will rarely use a pencil. However, if they do need to sharpen a pencil, they can do so before we begin the assignment. They must raise their hand and go to the pencil sharpener one at a time. I might also have some hand held pencil sharpeners that they can use in their seat. If students need to go to the bathroom they may do so by taking the hall pass to the bathroom during the class. Only one student will be allowed to go out at a time. Students must line up quietly to leave the room and walk on the right side of the hallway to transition to their next class. If there is an emergency situation, I will have a signal that I use to tell students what to do. I will emphasize that the class must stay together during an emergency. Also, we will go over the fire and tornado drill procedures throughout the year. I will remind students to always find the teacher during an emergency and follow directions when they hear or see the signal.

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