Cases For Constitutional Law 1

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Featured Cases* in Constitutional Law (for Legma Students)

*in addition to the assigned topics in the books of J. Cruz


Interpretation, Amendment or Revision of the Constitution: Mani a !rince "ote v. #$I$, #.R. %o. &''&(), *+ ,ebruar- &../ 0ambino v. Come ec, #.R. %o. &/1&(+, '( 2ctober '**) Comparison bet3een the !hi ippine and 4.$. Constitutions: 5a6 2n Right to 7ear Arms Chavez v. Romu o, #R %o. &(/*+)&, *. June '**1 8istrict of Co umbia v. "e er, ((1 4.$. (/* 5'**96, Mc8ona d v. Chicago, ()& 4$ +*'( 5'*&*6 2n Abortion $ee $ection &', Artic e II of the &.9/ Constitution: Roe v. ;ade, 1&* 4.$. &&+ 5&./+6 2n Church<$tate Re ationship =strada v. =stritor: AM %o. !<*'<&)(&, *1 August '**+ 2n $ame<se> Marriage 4nited $tates v. ;indsor, (/* 4.$. ????, ') June '*&+ $ee $ection &', Artic e II and Artic e @A of the &.9/ Constitution $eparation of !o3ers $i verio v. Repub ic, #.R. %o. &/1)9., '' 2ctober '**/ Abakada v. !urisima, #.R. %o. &))/&(, &1 August '**9 Abakada v. =rmita, #.R. %o. &)9*(), *& $eptember '**( 0egis ative 8epartment $ocia Justice $ociet- v. 8angerous 8rugs 7oard and !hi ippine 8rug =nforcement Agenc-, #.R. %o. &(/9/*, *+ %ovember '**9 Ang 0ad ad v. Come ec, #.R. %o. &.*(9', *9 Apri '*&* Bri anes v. !imente , #.R. %o. &/.9&/, '/ June '**9 Ang 7agong 7a-ani v. Come ec, #.R. %o. &1/(9., ') June '**& 7araga- Association for %ationa Advancement and Bransparenc57A%AB6 v. Come ec, #.R. %o. &/.'/&, *9 Ju - '**. Atong !ag aum v. Come ec, #.R. %o. '*+/)), *' Apri ', '*&+



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A. AI.

!o3ers of Congress $enate v. =rmita, #.R. %o. &).///, '* Apri '**) 7a-an v. Camora, #. R. &+9(/*, &* 2ctober '*** $abio v. #ordon, #.R. %o. &/1+1*, &/ 2ctober '**) %eri v. $enate, #.R. %o. &9*)1+, *1 $eptember '**9 !hi ippine Constitution Association v. =nriDuez, #.R. %o. &&+&*(, August &., &..1 0a3-ers Against Monopo - and !overt- v. $ecretar- of 7udget and Management, #.R. %o. &)1.9/, '1 Apri '*&' =>ecutive 8epartment Becson v. Come ec, #.R. %o. &)&1+1, *+ March '**1: =strada v. 8esierto, #.R. %o. &1)/&*<&(, *' March '**&: read a so $C Reso ution dated *+ Apri '**& $o iven v. Makasiar, #.R. %o. 9'(9(, &1 %ovember &.99: read a so C inton v. Jones, ('* 4.$. )9& 5&../6 !o3ers of the !resident Marcos v. Mang apus, #.R. %o. 99'&&, &( $eptember &.9. Ai ena v. $ecretar- of the Interior, #.R. 0<1)(/*, '& Apri &.+. 8avid v. Arro-o, #.R. %o. &/&1*., *+ Ma- '**)


Judicia 8epartment 7iraogo v. Bhe !hi ippine Bruth Commission of '*&*, #.R. %o. &.'.+(, */ 8ecember '*&* 8e Castro v. J7C, #. R. %o. &.&**', &/ March '*&* Maca inta v. !residentia %ovember '*&* = ectora Bribuna , #.R. %o. &.&)&9, '+


Chavez v. Judicia and 7ar Counci , #.R. %o. '*''1', &/ Ju - '*&' and &) Apri '*&+ Accountabi it- of !ub ic 2fficersEImpeachment ,rancisco v. "ouse $peaker, #.R. %o. &)*')&, &* %ovember '**+ #utierrez v. "ouse of Representatives Committee on Justice, #.R. %o. &.+1(., &( ,ebruar- '*&& Re: Comp aint<Affidavit for 8isbarment Against $enior Associate Justice Antonio B. Carpio ,i ed b- Mr. 0auro #. Aizconde , August &*, '*&'

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