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Bate Sent Bome: 82u2u1S

Beai Paientsuuaiuians,

Ny name is Ns. Bean anu I will be teaching 1
anu S
giaue geneial music at
Sunshine Elementaiy School. I am looking foiwaiu to woiking with youi chilu this
yeai! I have seveial fun activities planneu foi the stuuents incluuing peifoimances,
fielu tiips, anu special in class uemonstiations. In oiuei to make this yeai successful,
I woulu like to paitnei with you to make suie that youi chilu unueistanus the
classioom iules anu expectations. At Sunshine Elementaiy School we take piiue in
teaching oui stuuents how to be iespectful towaius theii peeis anu teacheis. Please
ieau the classioom iules below anu paitnei with me to make this a gieat school

Classroom Guidelines
1. Raise youi hanu foi peimission to talk oi to leave youi seat.
2. Respect youiself anu otheis.
S. Ask foi peimission to touch any equipment in the music ioom.
4. Keep suiiounuings neat anu clean.
S. Listen caiefully to instiuctions to peifoim youi best woik.

Name: Waining
Name +!: Time 0ut - 1u minutes
Name +!!: Time 0ut - iemainuei of class; No piivileges
Name +!!!: Parents notified/Office referral

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I also iewaiu stuuents who follow the guiuelines with the following:

fiee time piaise
tieats music stais

I have alieauy explaineu the guiuelines to youi chilu in uetail. Please ieview these
guiuelines with youi chilu. "##$ %&# '()*% $+,# -' %&(* .#%%#) anu ietuin the seconu page
with youi signatuie.
Please uo not hesitate to contact me with any questions oi conceins iegaiuing
classioom iules anu expectations. I will be senuing you class upuates, peifoimance
infoimation, fielu tiip infoimation, anu peiiouic emails thioughout the school yeai. I look
foiwaiu to woiking with you to make this a gieat yeai in oui music classioom!

Thank you,

Ns. Saiah Bean
Nusic Teachei
(864) 872-u1u4

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We have familiaiizeu ouiselves with the music classioom guiuelinesconsequences.

Paient'suuaiuian's signatuie______________________________________________

Stuuent's signatuie_______________________________________________________

Telephone numbei________________________

Bomeioom Teachei_____________________

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