8085 Microprocessor

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[ 8 M ARKS ]

Chapter Details
1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 Evolution of Microprocessor Salient Features of 8085 Microprocessor Pin Diagram of 8085 and Description Architecture of Intel 8085 8085 System Bus Demultiplexing of AD0-AD7 of 8085 Limitations of 8-bit Microprocessor


Microprocessor & Programming

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Basics of Microprocessor




A common way of categorizing microprocessors is by the number of bits that their ALU can work with at a time. The first commercially available microprocessor was the Intel 4004 produced in 1971 and known as 4-bit processor. It contains 2300 PMOS transistors and mostly used with calculator. In 1972 8008 microprocessor is produced known as 8-bit microprocessor but requires 20 or more additional devices to form a functional CPU. In 1974, Intel introduced the 8-bit microprocessor which has much larger instruction set than 8008 and requires only two additional devices to form a functional CPU. After that Motorola came out with MC6800 as 8-bit general purpose CPU. It has the advantage that it requires only +5V power supply. In 1977 Intel produced 8085 microprocessor. It was implemented with 6200 transition on a single chip NMOS device. In 1978 to 1982 Intel introduced 16-bit microprocessors 8086 microprocessor. 0186/80286 which are used for embedded control applications. These processors were implemented with NMOS technology which was more faster than NMOS. In 1985 to 1989 32-bit microprocessor 80386/80486 were produced. They can directly access upto 4 GB of memory and had multiuser and multitasking features. 80486 added more parallel execution capability with 5 pipeline stages. It also has built in math co-processor and 8 kB code and data cache. Pentium produced in 1993 which has superscalar, super pipelined architecture. It has 2 pipelines where each one is a 4 stage pipeline. Then Pentium Pro P-I, P-II, P-III and P-IV are developed. All are 64-bit microprocessor. It can directly address upto 64 GB memory. P-II supports multimedia extension instruction. P-III supports and has been developed by using 0.25 micro technology.
Microprocessor: It is an electronic device made up of silicon technology which can compute mathematical and logical operations.

BTE[S.10,W.10]-2M Describe evolution of microprocessor with suitable examples. Or Give evolution of microprocessor.


Microprocessor & Programming



8085 microprocessor can read or write or perform arithmetic and logical operations on 8-bit data at time. Device ii. It is a single chip NMOS device implemented with 6200 SOD: Serial Output transistors. Device iii. It requires +5V power supply. iv. It provides on chip clock generator. v. Maximum clock frequency is 3 MHz and minimum clock frequency is 500 kHz. vi. It provides 74 instructions with five addressing modes. vii. It provides 5 hardware interrupt and 8 software interrupts. viii. It has 8 data lines and 16 address lines hence capacity is 216 = 64 kB of memory. ix. It can generate 8-bit I/O address so 28 = 256 input and 256 output ports can be accessed. x. It provides two serial I/O lines SID and SOD so that serial peripherals can be interfaced directly with 8085 microprocessor.
SID: Serial Input


X1 X2 RESET OUT SOD SID TRAP RST 7.5 RST 6.5 RST 5.5 INTR INTA AD0 AD1 AD2 AD3 AD4 AD5 AD6 AD7 VSS(GND) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 INTEL IC 8085 P 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 VCC HOLD HLDA CLK OUT RESET IN READY IO / M S1 RD WR ALE S0 A15 A14 A13 A12 A11 A10 A9 A8

Figure 1.1: Pin diagram of 8085

Basics of Microprocessor Pin Description


The microprocessor 8085 is a 40 pin INTEL IC whose internal circuit is made of 6200 transistors. The microprocessor 8085 consists of following pins. 1. X1, X2: A Quartz crystal is connected on pin X1, X2 which is used to generate the system clock of the frequency 3.14 MHz. RESETIN : This is an active low input reset signal used

Quartz crystal X2


3. 4.


to reset microprocessor. When the signal on this pin is low, the program counter is set to zero. The buses are tri stated and the microprocessor is reset. RESETOUT: This is active high output signal generated by microprocessor after receiving RESET signal and used to reset other devices in the system. SOD, SID: The SOD stands for Serial Output Data and SID stands for Serial Input Data. These two pins are used to perform serial communication with microprocessor. The SID pin is used to receive data serially from external devices and similarly the SOD pin is used to output data serially by microprocessor for external devices. Hardware Interrupt Pin: (TRAP, RST 7.5, RST 6.5, RST RST: Restart Interrupt TRAP: Non Maskable 5.5, INTR) microprocessor consists of five different Interrupt hardware interrupt pins which are TRAP, RST 7.5, RST 6.5, RST 5.5 and INTR. The TRAP is the highest priority interrupt followed by RST 7.5, RST 6.5, RST 5.5 and INTR which is the lowest priority interrupt. Whenever the microprocessor is interrupted it will branch from the main program to a sub program called as ISR (Interrupt Service Routine).
(Main Program) M/P A B
br an ch es



P s rn tu re ck ba



Figure 1.2: ISR


Microprocessor & Programming

After executing the entire sub program or ISR microprocessor returns back from the sub program to the main program by executing instruction RET (Return). 6. INTA (Interrupt Acknowledgement): If microprocessor is interrupted by INTR signal then it will generate logic 0 on INTA pulse. The INTA is used to get the sub program address from external devices. 7. Address Lines (A15-A8 and AD7-AD0): The microprocessor 8085 has 16 bit address lines from A15-A8 and AD7-AD0. These lines are used to transfer 16 bit address of memory as well as 8-bit address of I/O ports. The lower 8 lines (AD7-AD0) are often called as multiplexed data lines. 8. Status Pins (S1, S0): The microprocessor 8085 has two status pins as S1, S0 which is used to indicate the status of microprocessor or operation which is performed by microprocessor.
S1 0 0 1 0 S0 0 1 0 1 Operation HLT state Writing operation Reading operation Opcode fetch operation


ALE (Address Latch Enable): The ALE signal is used to enable or disable the external latch IC (74373/8212). The external latch IC is used for the demuiltiplexing of AD7-AD0 lines, i.e., it is used to separate the address and data from AD7-AD0 lines. If ALE = 1/0 then external latch IC is enabled / disabled respectively. RD : Read: This is active low signal which indicates that the selected I/O or memory device is to be read and also is available on the data bus. WR : Writing: This is active low signal which indicates that the data on data bus are to be written into a selected memory location. IO/ M : (Input / Output / Memory): This is used to select either Input / Output devices or memory operation. When it is high it indicates an I/O operation and when it is low, it indicates a memory operation. Ready: The READY signal is used to introduce wait state in microprocessor if READY = 0 then microprocessor ethers into wait state and if READY = 1 microprocessor does not enters into wait state. CLKOUT: The CLK out signal is used to provide system clock to the external devices. The frequency of this signal is same as the frequency of crystal present on X1, X2 pins, i.e., 3.14 MHz.

10. 11. 12.



Basics of Microprocessor 15.



HOLD, HLDA: The HOLD signal is used to transfer microprocessor in the HOLD state. If HOLD = 1 then HLDA: Hold microprocessor enters into HOLD state and it gives logic 1 Acknowledgement on HLDA pin (HOLD acknowledge). In HOLD state microprocessor losses the control over address lines, data lines, control lines and these lines are now used by 8237 DMA controller. Power Supply Pins (VCC, GND): The microprocessor 8085 has single VCC pin and single GND pin. The VCC is connected to +5 volt and similarly GND is connected to system GND.
IO/M 0 0 1 1 RD 0 1 0 1 WR 1 0 1 0 Operation Memory reading Memory writing I/O reading I/O writing
BTE [S-2010] 6M Draw the block diagram of 8085 microprocessor. Explain the function of instruction register, program counter and stack pointer.



RST 7.5 RST 4.5 TRAP RST 6.5 Interrupt control RST 5.5 INTR INTA SID SOD Serial I/O control

8 bit data bus 8 Accumulator (8) 8 Temporary (8) 8 Flag (8) 8 8 8 8 ALU (8) ID 256 8 IR (8) W(8) B(8) D(8) H(8) SP(16) PC(16) INC/DEC (16) 256 16 8 X1 X2 Control signal ALE RD WR VCC GND (+5V) (+5V) Timing and control unit Address buffer 8 A15 - A8 8 Address/ Data buffer 8 AD7 - AD0 8 Z(8) C(8) E(8) L(8)

Figure 1.3


Microprocessor & Programming

The microprocessor (microprocessor) 8085 is 40 pin NMOS family IC whose internal circuit is made of 6200 transistors. The internal Block diagram of microprocessor 8085 is known in figure.



A bus is a collection of conducting path which is used to transfer signal from one functional unit to another functional unit. The microprocessor 8085 has three types of buses. i. Address bus ii. Data bus iii. Control bus are only used by microprocessor and user is not allowed to use these register.


ALU (Arithmetic Logical Unit)

ALU stands for arithmetic and logical unit. The ALU of microprocessor 8085 is 8-bit microprocessor. The ALU is responsible to perform all arithmetic and logical operation like addition, subtraction, comparison, ANDING, etc.

BTE [S-2011 1M] Describe the register organization of 8085 microprocessor.


Register Organization

Accumulator (ACC): The accumulator is 8-bit register which contains 8 flip flops. Hence it can store maximum 8-bit data. The importance of accumulator is that, whenever microprocessor performs any arithmetic or logical operation in ALU then first 8-bit number is always transferred from accumulator and result is stored back to the accumulator.

Register organization
i. Accumulator ii. Temporary register (W, Z, Temp) iii. General purpose Register (B, C, D, E, H, L) iv. Stack Pointer (SP) v. Program Counter (PC) vi. Inc/Dec Register vii. Flag Register


Temporary Register: (TEMP, W, Z): The microprocessor 8085 has three 8-bit temporary registers as temp W, Z. These registers are only used by microprocessor and user is not allowed to use these register. General Purpose Register: The microprocessor 8085 has six 8-bit general purpose registers as B, C, D, E, H and L. These registers can be used to store any 8-bit user data.


Basics of Microprocessor


For storing a 126 bit number, we have to make pairs of two 8-bit registers like, BC, DE and HL. d. Stack Pointer (SP): The stack pointer is a 16-bit register which is used to store the 16-bit address of stack memory. It is used as a memory pointer. It points to a memory location in R/W memory called as a stack. The beginning of the stack is defined by loading a 16-bit address in the stack pointer. Stack Pointer (SP) points current top of stack. e. Program Counter (PC): The program counter is 16 bit register which is used to store 16 bit address of memory during the execution of program. The function of program counter is to point to the next byte of instruction is to be fetched. When the byte is being fetched, the program counter is automatically incremented by one to point the next memory location. INC/DEC Register: Increment/Decrement: It is a 16-bit register used to increment or decrement the contents of program counter and stack pointer. Flag Register: The flag register of microprocessor 8085 is of 8-bit which contains 8 flip-flop, hence it can store maximum 8-bit data.
D7 SF D6 ZF D5 X D4 AC D3 X D2 PF D1 X D0 CF

f. g.

Sign flag

Zero flag

Auxillary carry flag

Parity flag

Carry flag

Figure 1.4: Flag register format of 8085 microprocessor

The flag register contains following five different flags. i. Carry Flag (CF): Whenever microprocessor performs addition of two 8- bit numbers then the carry generated after the addition of entire 8-bit number is directly copied into carry flag. Similarly whenever microprocessor performs the subtraction of two 8-bit numbers then borrow required for subtraction is directly copied into carry flag. Parity Flag (PF): The count of logic 1 in 8-bit result is called a s parity. If the count of logic 1 in 8-bit result is an even No. i.e. 0/5/2/4/6/8/ then the parity is even and PF = 1. Similarly if the count of logic 1 in 8-bit result is an odd number i.e. 1/3/5/7/ then it is an odd parity and PF = 0. Auxillary Carry Flag (AC): The auxillary carry flag is also known as intermediate carry or half carry.




Microprocessor & Programming Whenever microprocessor performs addition of two 8-bit numbers then the carry generated after the addition of four LSBs is directly copied into AC flag. Similarly whenever microprocessor performs the subtraction of two 8-bit numbers then borrow required by 5 LSBs is directly copied into AC flag. Zero Flag (ZF): If the result obtained is completely zero, i.e., all 8-bits of result is zero then ZF = 1. But if the result obtained is non-zero then ZF = 0. Sign Flag (SF): This sign flag is only used for signed binary numbers. If the result obtained is negative number then SF = 1. But if the result obtained is a positive number then SF = 0.




Instruction Register (IR)

BTE [S.2010] 6M Describe function of 8085 i. ALU ii. Timing and control unit iii. Instruction Register IR (8) ID 86256 256 Timing and Control unit

The Instruction Register is an 8-bit register which is used to store 8-bit opcode of the instruction fetched from memory. The opcode present in IR is then transferred to instruction decoder. The instruction decoder has 8 input and 256 output lines. The ID decodes the 8-bit opcode of 8-bit each instruction so as to general 256 bits micro codes or micro instruction.


Instruction Decoder (ID)

It accepts an op. code of the instruction from the instruction register decode it and give information to control logic. The information include what operation is to be performed who is going to perform, how many operand bytes the instruction has, etc


Timing and Control Unit

The timing and control unit accepts information from the instruction decoder and generates different control signal. This unit synchronizes all the microprocessor

Basics of Microprocessor


operation and generates control and status signal necessary for communication between the microprocessor and peripherals.


Interrupt Control Unit

The 8085 microprocessor includes four maskable interrupts and one non-maskable interrupt. The microprocessor can ignore or delay a maskable interrupt request if it is performing some critical task. However it has to respond to a non-maskable request immediately. Maskable Interrupts
INTR Interrupt Request- priority 5 RST 7.5 Restart Interrupt priority 2 RST 6.5 Restart Interrupt priority 3 RST 5.5 Restart Interrupt priority 4 Non-Maskable Interrupt TRAP Priority - 1

When microprocessor is executing a program it checks the INTR or any other interrupt signal during the execution of each instruction. If any signal is high the microprocessor completes the current instruction or executes the interrupt service routine. For INTR interrupt microprocessor sends INTA signal as an acknowledgement to INTR request. RST are the vectored interrupts. During the execution of these interrupts program control to automatically transferred to specific location in memory without any external hardware. TRAP is non-maskable interrupt known as NMI. It has highest priority. It need not be enables and it cannot be disabled.


Serial I/O Control Unit

The 8085 microprocessor has two pins specially designed for software controlled serial I/O data transmission. Data transfer is controlled through two instructions RIM and SIM. RIM instruction is used to input serial data through SID line whereas SIM instruction is necessary to output data serially from SOD line.


Address/Data Buffer

Buffers are commonly used to increase the driving capability of dada bus and address bus.


Microprocessor & Programming


A bus is a collection of conducting path which are used to transfer signal from one functional unit to another functional unit. The microprocessor 8085 has following types of buses. i. Address Bus: The microprocessor 8085 has 16-bit address bus from A15-A8 and AD7AD0. The address bus id used to transfer 16 bit address of memory as well as 8bit address of I/O ports. Data Bus: The microprocessor 8085 has 8-bit data bus from AD4-AD0. These lines are often known as well as multiplexed lines and time shared lines. The AD7-AD0 are used to transform both addresses as well as data. But the address and data is not transferred simultaneously so these lines are often known as time shared lines. iii. Control Bus: The microprocessor 8085 has 3 control buses as IO/M, RD, WR . The IO/M is used to define operation either of memory or I/O ports. The RD and WR is used during reading and writing operation respectively.




In the 8085 microprocessor the higher address lines, i.e., A8 - A15 are directly available, but the lower order address lines are multiplexed with data bus in time sharing. Hence, the de-multiplexing of address/data bus is required, i.e. separation of address and data bus. In microprocessor 8085, AD7-AD0 pins are used to transfer 8 LSBs of address as well as 8-bit data. Practically AD7-AD0 pins are separated or demultiplexed using 8-bit internal latch (IC 8212). When microprocessor will transfer 16 bit address on A15- A8 and AD7-AD0 pins, then at the some time When microprocessor will give ALE = 1 (Address latch enable). When ALE = 1, then latch IC is enabled. So LSBs of address on AD7-AD0 pins is stored in this latch. So address is continuously available on A15-A8 and A7-A0. When microprocessor will transfer 8-bit data on AD7-AD0 pins then When microprocessor gives ALE = 0. So latch IC is disabled and the 8-bit is not stored in the latch and data is available on data line D0-D7.

Basics of Microprocessor
8 +5 V P 8 0 8 5 ALE 8 VCC 8 bit latch IC 8212 GND 8

A15 - A8

A15 - A8

A7 - A0

AD7 - AD0

Figure 1.5: Demultiplexing of address data pins of 8085

D7 - D0

i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii.


The 8085 is on 8-bit microprocessor hence it can perform operation only on two 8bit numbers. The 8085 has 16 bit address lines and 8-bit data lines. The 8085 can address maximum memory of 64 kB (216). The 8085 cannot perform any operation on ASCII number. The 8085 cannot perform multiplication and division of numbers. The 8085 cannot perform subtraction, multiplication and division of BCD number. The 8085 cannot transfer the data directly from one memory to another memory.

viii. The 8085 can only address 256 I/O ports. ix. x. The 8085 cannot perform the pipelining of instruction. The 8085 microprocessor there is no provision to determine whether the result obtained is within the limit of 8/16 bit number.


Microprocessor & Programming

Microprocessor is an electric device which is made up of silicon technology and can compute mathematical and logical operations. 8085 microprocessor 8-bit ALU so it is called 8-bit microprocessor and at a time only 8-bit data processes. It is 40 pin IC. 8085 has 16 bit address lines and 8-bit data lines. Internal Architecture of 8085 microprocessor includes ALU (Arithmetic and Logical Unit) Timing and control unit Instruction register and instruction decoder (IR and ID) Register Array 8085 has a. 6 general purpose register B, C, D, E, H, L b. c. d. e. Accumulator Program Counter (PC) Stack Pointer (SP) Temporary register (W, Z, temp)

Interrupt control unit (Hardware and software interrupt) Serial I/O control Address and Data Buffer Flag Register ALE is used to demultiplex the address and data signal.

Basics of Microprocessor


Exercise ____________________________________
1. 2. State the function of program counter and stack pointer of 8085. State the function of following of 8085: i. ii. iii. iv. 3. 4. Accumulator Temporary Register Flag Register ALU (Refer 1.4) 2M (Refer 1.4) 4M

List maskable and non-maskable interrupts of 8085 microprocessor. (Refer 1.3) 2M Describe the function of following block of 8085. i. ii. iii. ALU Timing and control unit Instruction Decoder (Refer 1.6) 6M (Refer 1.7) 2M (Refer 1.4) 6M (Refer 1.4) 6M

5. 6. 7. 8.

Explain de-multiplexing of address and data bus in 8085. State limitation of 8085 microprocessor. Draw neat labeled architecture of 8085 indicating different.

List all registers of 8085 microprocessor and categorize them into 8 and 16 bit register. (Refer 1.4) 4M


Microprocessor & Programming

BTE Questions________________________________
[S.11 - 8M]

1. 2.

Describe the register organization of 8085 microprocessor. (Refer 1.4) Describe the function of following block of 8085. (Refer 1.4) i. ii. iii. ALU Timing and control unit Instruction decoder of microprocessor with suitable

[W.10 - 6M]

[S.10, W.10 - 2M]


Describe evolution example.

[S.10 - 6M]


Draw the block diagram of 8085 microprocessor. Explain the function of instruction register, program counter and stack pointer. (Refer 1.4) Explain Flag Register of microprocessor. (Refer 1.4) Explain system bus of 8085 microprocessor. (Refer 1.5) Explain De-multiplexing of address and data bus? (1.6)

[SP - 6M] [SP - 2M] [SP - 4M]

5. 6. 7.

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