Vocabulary For Final Project

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Perjury- Lying under oath- The criminal committed perjury when he lied on

during his trial. 2. Pork-Barrel Legislation- Laws the congress pass to appropriate money for local federal projects- The Indiana congressman passes Pork-barrel

legislation for the local I-70 job. 3. Expressed powers- Enumerated powers (article one, Section 3)- The right to

speech is expressed in the constitution. 4. Necessary and proper clause- elastic clause, implies that congress has powers beyond those expressed in the first 17 clauses.- FDR used the Necessary and Proper clause to build the interstate system saying it would

help build the army.

5. Appropriations bill- Proposed laws to authorize spending money.- The Appropriation for money for the DOD was passed

6. Interstate commerce- commerce among between states- IN and IL conduct interstate commerce when IN sells corn to IL

7. 25th amendment- when office of VP becomes empty, the president will

appoint a replacement. 8. Rider- a provision on a subject other than the once that is being covered by the bill

9. Veto- when the president refuses to sign a bill and returns it to congress

including reasons for the actions

10.Standing committee- a permanent committee

11.Select committee- a temporary committee 12.Joint committee- a committee made up of members of both chambers in a

bicameral legislature

13.Cloture- closes a debate

14.Quorum- minimum number needed to conduct busines

s 15.Reappointment- re-dividing the 435 house seats based upon their population 16.Speaker- the most powerful position in the house

17.Majority leaders- the most powerful position in the senate

18.Whips- assistants to a leader whose is to make sure people are there to

vote for important bills 19.Pro tempore (Senate)- for the time being elected leader on the absence of the president or VP 20.Bicameral legislature- made up of two houses, Senate and House of Reps

21.Census- population count 22.Gerrymander- the political party controlling the state government that draws a districts boundaries to gain advantages in elections 23.At-large- statewide 24.Incumbent- member currently in office 25.Constituents- resident of a district represented by an elected official

26.Caucus- a closed meeting

27.Majority leader- helps plan the partys legislative program, steer important bill 28.Bill- a propose law until both houses of congress pass it and the president

signs it 29.Ways and means committee- a committee that has total jurisdiction on taxation, tariffs, and other revenue-raising bills 30.Appropriation- an approval of government spending 31.Lobbying- the work the lobbyist do to persuade officials to support their

view 32.PACs- political actions committee 33.Concurrent resolution- deals with mattes where laws arent needed 34.Speaker of the house- member who presides, appoints some members to committees, refers bulls to a standing committee 35.The great compromise- a bicameral legislature with a house of reps based on population and a senate with equal representation for all states 36.Federalism- the system of government under which the national and state governments share powers 37.Confederation- a system in which man decisions are made by an external member- state legislation

38.Reserved powers- powers solely for the states 39.Concurrent powers- powers shared by national and state governments 40.Full and faithful credit clause- states are required to accept courts judgment, licenses, contracts, and other civil acts of all other states.

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