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Enduring Engagement: Beyond OER and MOOC

Nagarjuna g. Gnowledge lab Homi Bhabha Centre for S ien e Edu ation !"#R nagarjun $

Beyond OER

communication in one's own language continuous upgrade of teachers as well as the resources created by conversation and interaction collaboration need resources that work need a variety of resources need a critical mass to sustain

thi% media ha% a me%%age&

let us talk let us collaborate let us network let us share let us make it together let us assess together let us be transparent

imagine a OER and "nternet without indi'idual% a tor%

who talk who make who interpret who reinterpret who make sense

what thi% new media i% not(

for consumers, but for producers and makers a publishing medium it is a making medium it is a connecting medium therefore we need to redo our resources that this medium supports we may re-publish our old resources, but that is not enough we need to redo them to suit this new medium. we need to re-purpose our resources

engaging community connecting resources networking community organizing knowledge dialogue and conversation

than) you

Nagarjuna g. Gnowledge lab Homi Bhabha Centre for S ien e Edu ation !"#R nagarjun $

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