Types of Organizational Chart

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Types of Organizational Chart

Arellano University Master of Arts in Nursing Administration & Management

Submitted by: Michael Janrick G. ivera N Submitted to: Salome !alao N" MAN Submitted on: #ebruary $%" &'$(

Functional Organizational Chart

#unctional structure is set u) so that each )ortion of the organi*ation is grou)ed according to its )ur)ose. +n this chart" there are esearch & !evelo)ment" ,)erations and Marketing and each of it has a members" they act differently for e-am)le" Marketing" they are res)onsible for the develo)ment & to )romote the school in other )laces etc... but in my chart here" it is only for a small business because functional structures .orks very .ell for small businesses in .hich each de)artment can rely on the talent and kno.ledge of its .orkers and su))ort itself. /o.ever" one of the dra.backs to a functional structure is that the coordination and communication bet.een de)artments can be restricted by the organi*ational boundaries of having the various de)artments .orking se)arately.

Divisional Organizational Chart

!ivisional structure ty)ically is used in larger com)anies that o)erate in a .ide geogra)hic area or that have se)arate smaller organi*ations .ithin the umbrella grou) to cover different cam)uses of Arellano University. 0he benefit of this structure is that needs can be met more ra)idly and more s)ecifically1 ho.ever" communication is inhibited because em)loyees in different divisions are not .orking together. !ivisional structure is costly because of its si*e and sco)e.

Matrix Organizational Structure

+t is a hybrid of divisional and functional structure. 0y)ically used in large multinational com)anies" the matri- structure allo.s for the benefits of functional and divisional structures to e-ist in one organi*ation. 0his can create )o.er struggles because most areas of the com)any .ill have a dual management22a functional manager and a )roduct or divisional manager .orking at the same level and covering some of the same managerial territory .hich you can see in my organi*ational chart.

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