Introduzca Los Términos de Búsqueda.: Casma

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ay | Recuay | Chiquian i | Chimbote | Casma | Huarmey

a capital de la provincia del cada en el kilmetro 375 de la

e desde las faldas occidentales asta la zona costera de la Subsma, es el principal curso de norte de la provincia, tiene como la margen derecha el ro Sechn Grande.

Introduzca los trminos de bsqueda.

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merables actractivos turisticos, cos hasta los naturales o mas conocidos tenemos:

a "Max Uhle". echn Alto. ajo.

Mojeque o Moxeque.

as Aldas. Pescadores.

Sechin Archeological Site and the MaxUhle Site Museum ma 5 km / 3 miles southeast of Casma (10 minutes by car). Visiting hours: Mon. Sun. 8:00 A.M. 5:00 P.M. e y This adobe and stone ceremonial center belonging . - to the Sechin Culture (1800 a B.C. 800 B.C.) features a wall covered with carefully carved stones outside of the se entrance and a painted wall on the inside. The museum eo offers information about the las main pre-Hispanic cultures that settled in the region like the Moche, the Wari, the Chimu, the Casma, and the Inca; it also displays the objects found during the excavations on the as archeological sites of the en CasmaValley, especially el ceramics. TortugasBeach 20 km / 12 miles northeast of Casma (30 minutes by car) This beach forms part of a cove framed by the prolongation of the hills Cerro Grande to the north and Cerro Tortuga to the south. The very calm ocean there makes it a good place

e a

for water sports. Walking along the pebbly beach, you can see strange rock ras formations produced by the sas erosion. por el

Las Aldas Archeological Remains 15 km / 9 miles south of Casma (30 minutes by car) These pre-Inca an constructions date from a el around 1600 B.C. Their n, location, on top of a hill, would suggest that it used to to be a strategic point to perform religious ceremonies. The complex or consists of a main platform surrounded by lateral pyramids. Housing constructions can be seen in r the flat area. .


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