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Emily Anason (603)205-5950 e: OBJECTIVE: To graduate the Uni ersit!

o" #e$ %am&shire nursing &rogram $ith the 'est &ossi'le ()*+ and continue education to recei e a #urse )ractitioner license. EDUCATION: University of New Hampshire: ,a-or: #ursing+ ./&ected (raduation: 2006 32.00 credits com&leted $ith a 3.45 ()* *l&ha .&silon 1elta (2003-&resent) 2ecei ed 1eans 3cholarshi&: *ugust 2002-&resent Exeter High School: (raduation: 2002 EMPLOYMENT HISTORY: Goodwill Industries of Northern New England: 3ales *ssociate 44 4n this &osition+ 4 $or5 the cash register+ &rice merchandise+ maintain the store+ and sort donations. 4n this &osition+ 4 ha e trained ne$l! hired em&lo!ees+ hel&ed to o&en a ne$ store+ and $on em&lo!ee o" the month in ,a! 2003. This &osition taught me communication s5ills+ organi6ation+ time management+ and leadershi&. ,a! 2002-&resent )ortsmouth+ #e$ %am&shire Campus Recreation Center at University of New Hampshire: 4ntramural 3&orts 7""icial 4n this $or5-stud! &osition+ 4 o""iciated intramural olle!'all in the recreation de&artment at the Uni ersit! o" #e$ %am&shire. This &osition in ol ed 8uic5 decision-ma5ing s5ills+ strong leadershi&+ and critical o'ser ation to e""icientl! run the games. 3e&tem'er 2002-#o em'er 2002 1urham+ #e$ %am&shire VOLUNTEERING: University of New Hampshire merican Red Cross Clu! (3e&tem'er 2002-&resent) *merican 2ed 9ross :olunteer (3e&tem'er 2002-&resent) ;lood 1ri e 9ommittee ,em'er (*&ril 2003-&resent) University of New Hampshire Student Nursing "rgani#ation COMPUTER SKILLS: 4 ha e e/&erience in 1ocu9are+ ,icroso"t <ord+ ,icroso"t )o$er)oint+ and 3)33 3tatistics. LICENSES AND CERTI ICATES: 9)2 certi"ied through the *merican %eart *ssociation: ,a! 2003 (e/&ires ,a! 2005) RE ERENCES: 2e"erences are a aila'le u&on re8uest.

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