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Bantam Books by Richard P. Feynman SURELY YOU'RE JOK !"# $R. FEY!$%!

&' ()%* +O YOU ,%RE ()%* O*)ER PEOPLE *) !K-' . . What /ii 0 1 1

Do You Care What Other People Think?


a& tol" to Ralph 'ei(hton

)ANTA* )OO+S NEW YOR+ , TORONTO , 'ONDON , SYDNEY , AUC+'AND . . /iii 0 1 1


E2,EP* O!%L' 3 Minneapolis Star Tribune Brin4s Feynman to 5i6e in a55 his 7onder685 and m85ti95e dimensions. $ar:e5o8s' 3 Kirkus Reviews ;Feynman's< tenacio8s inte55i4ence# conta4io8s enth8siasm# h8mor# and o66beat sty5e are mo:in4. ... *here is nothin4 obt8se or di66ic85t abo8t ;this< book. ndeed# Feynman's renderin4 o6 s8ch a 9otentia55y com95e= s8b>ect as the Challenger disaster is strai4ht6or7ard# 58cid# and accessib5e.' 3 San Francisco Chronicle % 4ent5er book ;than Surely You're Joking, Mr Feyn!an"'<# and 6or those interested in the man# a more s8bstantia5 one.' 3 #os $ngeles Ti!es . . This e%ition contains the co!plete te&t o' the original har%cover e%ition !O* O!E (OR+ )%S BEE! O$ **E+. /i: 0 1 1

()%* +O YOU ,%RE ()%* O*)ER PEOPLE *) !K-' $ (anta! (ook ) publishe% by arrange!ent with * * +orton , Co!pany, -nc .R-+T-+/ 0-ST1RY * * +orton e%ition publishe% 1ctober 2344 (anta! 5&port e%ition) +ove!ber 2343 (anta! +ew $ge an% the acco!panying 'igure %esign as well as the state!ent 6the search 'or !eaning, growth, an% change7 are tra%e!arks o' (anta! (ooks, a %ivision o' (anta! 8ouble%ay 8ell .ublishing /roup, -nc $ll rights reserve% Copyright ? 9344 by /weneth Feyn!an an% Ralph #eighton Cover photo copyright ? 2343 by Faustin (ray +o part o' this book !ay be repro%uce% or trans!itte% in any 'or! or by any !eans, electronic or !echanical, inclu%ing photocopying, recor%ing, or by any in'or!ation storage an% retrieval syste!, without per!ission in writing 'ro! the publisher For in'or!ation a%%ress: * * +orton Co!pany, -nc , ;<< Fi'th $venue, +ew York, +Y *01 -S(+ <=;;>=2?>>@=< .ublishe% si!ultaneously in the Anite% States an% Cana%a (anta! (ooks are publishe% by (anta! (ooks, a %ivision o' (anta! 8ouble%ay 8ell .ublishing /roup, -nc -ts tra%e!ark, consisting o' the wor%s 6(anta! (ooks7 an% the portrayal o' a rooster, is Registere% in A S .atent an% Tra%e!ark 1''ice an% in other countries Marca Registra%a (anta! (ooks, BBB Fi'th $venue, +ew York, +ew York 2<2<> PR !*E+ ! *)E U! *E+ S*%*ES OF %$ER ,% . . /: 0 1 1

Pre6ace :ii P%R* @ % ,UR OUS ,)%R%,*ER *he $akin4 o6 a Scientist @ (hat +o Yo8 ,are (hat

Other Peo95e *hink-' A t's as sim95e as One# *7o# *hree... BC "ettin4 %head D@ )ote5 ,ity DB (ho the )e55 s )erman- DE Feynman Se=ist Pi4& FG J8st Shook )is )and# ,an Yo8 Be5ie:e t- FB Letters# Photos# and +ra7in4s FA P%R* H $R.FEY!$%! "OES *O (%S) !"*O!I !JES* "%* !" *)E SP%,E S)U**LE C0$##5+/5R + S%S*ER Pre5iminaries KK ,ommittin4 S8icide KA *he ,o5d Facts E@ ,heck Si=& @@@ "8mshoes @@F Fantastic Fi48res @BG %n n65amed %99endi= @BA *he *enth Recommendation @DK $eet the Press @FB %6tertho84hts @FE %99endi= FI Persona5 Obser:ations on the Re5iabi5ity o6 the Sh8tt5e @CF

EP LO"UE Pre6ace @E@ *he Ja58e o6 Science @EH . . /:ii 0 1 1

(ecause o6 the a99earance o6 Surely You're Joking, Mr Feyn!an"' a 6e7 thin4s need to be e=95ained here. First# a5tho84h the centra5 character in this book is the same as be6ore# the ad:ent8res o6 a c8rio8s character' here are di66erentI some are 5i4ht and some tra4ic# b8t most o6 the time $r. Feynman is s8re5y not >okin4 3 a5tho84h it's o6ten hard to te55. Second# the stories in this book 6it to4ether more 5oose5y than those in Surely You're Joking #' 7here they 7ere arran4ed chrono5o4ica55y to 4i:e a semb5ance o6 order. L*hat res85ted in some readers 4ettin4 the mistaken idea that SYJ is an a8tobio4ra9hy.M $y moti:ation is sim95eI e:er since hearin4 my 6irst Feynman stories# ha:e had the 9o7er685 desire to share them 7ith others. Fina55y# most o6 these stories 7ere not to5d at dr8mmin4 sessions# as be6ore. 7i55 e5aborate on this in the brie6 o8t5ine that 6o55o7s. Part @# % ,8rio8s ,haracter#' be4ins by describin4 the in658ence o6 those 7ho most sha9ed Feynman's 9ersona5ity 3 his 6ather# $e5# and his 6irst 5o:e# %r5ene. *he 6irst story 7as ada9ted 6rom *he P5eas8re o6 Findin4 *hin4s O8t#' a BB, 9ro4ram 9rod8ced by ,hristo9her Sykes. *he story o6 %r5ene# 6rom 7hich the tit5e o6 this book 7as taken# 7as 9ain685 6or Feynman to reco8nt. t 7as assemb5ed o:er the 9ast ten years o8t o6 9ieces 6rom si= di66erent stories. (hen it 7as 6ina55y com95ete# Feynman 7as es9ecia55y 6ond o6 this story# and ha99y to share it 7ith others. *he other Feynman stories in Part @# a5tho84h 4enera55y 5i4hter in tone# are inc58ded here beca8se there 7on't be a second :o58me o6 SYJ. Feynman 7as 9artic85ar5y 9ro8d o6 t's as Sim95e as One# *7o# *hree#' 7hich he occasiona55y tho84ht o6 7ritin4 89 as a 9sycho5o4y 9a9er. *he 5etters in the 5ast cha9ter o6 Part @ ha:e been 9ro:ided co8rtesy o6 "7eneth Feynman# Freeman +yson# and )enry Bethe. Part H# $r. Feynman "oes to (ashin4ton#' is# 8n6ort8nate5y# Feynman's 5ast bi4 ad:ent8re. *he story is 9artic85ar5y 5on4 /:iii0 beca8se its content is sti55 time5y. LShorter :ersions ha:e a99eared in 5ngineering an% Science and .hysics To%ay M t 7as not 98b5ished sooner beca8se Feynman 8nder7ent his third and 6o8rth ma>or s8r4eries 3 958s radiation# hy9erthermia# and other treatments 3 since ser:in4 on the Ro4ers ,ommission. Feynman's decadeN5on4 batt5e a4ainst cancer ended on Febr8ary @F# @AEE# t7o 7eeks a6ter he ta84ht his 5ast c5ass at ,a5tech. decided to inc58de one o6 his most e5oO8ent and ins9irationa5 s9eeches# *he Ja58e o6 Science#' as an e9i5o48e. Ra59h Lei4hton $arch @AEE

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*hat 8o You Care *hat 1ther .eople ThinkC'

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Part @


The *akin( o- a S!ienti&t
- have a 6riend 7ho's an artist# and he sometimes takes a :ie7 7hich don't a4ree 7ith. )e'55 ho5d 89 a 65o7er and say. Look ho7 bea8ti685 it is#' and '55 a4ree. B8t then he'55 say# # as an artist# can see ho7 bea8ti685 a 65o7er is. B8t yo8# as a scientist# take it a55 a9art and it becomes d855.' think he's kind o6 n8tty. First o6 a55# the bea8ty that he sees is a:ai5ab5e to other 9eo95e 3 and to me# too# be5ie:e. %5tho84h mi4ht not be O8ite as re6ined aesthetica55y as he is# can a99reciate the bea8ty o6 a 65o7er. B8t at the same time# see m8ch more in the 65o7er than he sees. can ima4ine the ce55s inside# 7hich a5so ha:e a bea8ty. *here's bea8ty not >8st at the dimension o6 one centimeterP there's a5so bea8ty at a sma55er dimension. *here are the com95icated actions o6 the ce55s# and other 9rocesses. *he 6act that the co5ors in the 65o7er ha:e e:o5:ed in order to attract insects to 9o55inate it is interestin4P that means insects can see the co5ors. *hat adds a O8estionI does this aesthetic sense 7e ha:e a5so e=ist in 5o7er 6orms o6 5i6e- *here are a55 kinds o6 interestin4 O8estions that come 6rom a kno75ed4e o6 science# 7hich on5y adds to the e=citement and mystery and a7e o6 a 65o7er. t on5y adds. don't 8nderstand ho7 it s8btracts. ':e a57ays been :ery oneNsided abo8t science# and 7hen 7as yo8n4er concentrated a5most a55 my e66ort on it. n those days didn't ha:e time# and didn't ha:e m8ch 9atience# to 5earn 7hat's ca55ed the h8manities. E:en tho84h there 7ere h8manities co8rses in the 8ni:ersity that yo8 had to take in order to 4rad8ate# tried my best to a:oid them. t's on5y a6ter7ards# 7hen ':e 4otten o5der and more re5a=ed# that ':e s9read o8t a /H0 5itt5e bit. ':e 5earned to dra7 and read a 5itt5e bit# b8t

'm rea55y sti55 a :ery oneNsided 9erson and don't kno7 a 4reat dea5. ha:e a 5imited inte55i4ence and 8se it in a 9artic85ar direction. Be6ore 7as born# my 6ather to5d my mother# 6 it's a boy# he's 4oin4 to be a scientist.'Q (hen 7as >8st a 5itt5e kid# :ery sma55 in a hi4hchair# my 6ather bro84ht home a 5ot o6 5itt5e bathroom ti5es 3 seconds 3 o6 di66erent co5ors. (e 95ayed 7ith them# my 6ather settin4 them 89 :ertica55y on my hi4hchair 5ike dominoes# and 7o85d 98sh one end so they 7o85d a55 4o do7n. *hen a6ter a 7hi5e# 'd he59 set them 89. Pretty soon# 7e're settin4 them 89 in a more com95icated 7ayI t7o 7hite ti5es and a b58e ti5e# t7o 7hite ti5es and a b58e ti5e# and so on. (hen my mother sa7 that she said# Lea:e the 9oor chi5d a5one. 6 he 7ants to 98t a b58e ti5e# 5et him 98t a b58e ti5e.' B8t my 6ather said# !o# 7ant to sho7 him 7hat 9atterns are 5ike and ho7 interestin4 they are. t's a kind o6 e5ementary mathematics.' So he started :ery ear5y to te55 me abo8t the 7or5d and ho7 interestin4 it is. (e had the 5ncyclopae%ia (ritannica at home. (hen 7as a sma55 boy he 8sed to sit me on his 5a9 and read to me 6rom the (ritannica (e 7o85d be readin4# say# abo8t dinosa8rs. t 7o85d be ta5kin4 abo8t the Tyrannosaurus re&# and it 7o85d say somethin4 5ike# *his dinosa8r is t7entyN6i:e 6eet hi4h and its head is si= 6eet across.' $y 6ather 7o85d sto9 readin4 and say# !o7# 5et's see 7hat that means. *hat 7o85d mean that i6 he stood in o8r 6ront yard# he 7o85d be ta55 eno84h to 98t his head thro84h o8r 7indo7 89 here.' L(e 7ere on the second 65oor.M B8t his head 7o85d be too 7ide to 6it in the 7indo7.' E:erythin4 he read to me he 7o85d trans5ate as best he co85d into some rea5ity. t 7as :ery e=citin4 and :ery# :ery interestin4 to think there 7ere anima5s o6 s8ch ma4nit8de 3 and that they a55 died o8t# and that nobody kne7 7hy. 7asn't 6ri4htened that there 7o85d be one comin4 in my 7indo7 as a conseO8ence o6 this. B8t 5earned 6rom my 6ather to trans5ateI e:erythin4 read try to 6i48re o8t 7hat it rea55y means# 7hat it's rea55y sayin4. (e 8sed to 4o to the ,atski55 $o8ntains# a 95ace 7here 9eo95e 6rom !e7 York ,ity 7o85d 4o in the s8mmer. *he 6athers /B0 7o85d a55 ret8rn to !e7 York to 7ork d8rin4 the 7eek# and come back on5y 6or the 7eekend. On 7eekends# my 6ather 7o85d take me 6or 7a5ks in the 7oods and he'd te55 me abo8t interestin4 thin4s that 7ere 4oin4 on in the 7oods. (hen the other mothers sa7 this# they tho84ht it 7as 7onder685 and that the other 6athers sho85d take their sons 6or 7a5ks. *hey tried to 7ork on them b8t they didn't 4et any7here at 6irst. *hey 7anted my 6ather to take a55 the kids# b8t he didn't 7ant to beca8se he had a s9ecia5 re5ationshi9 7ith me. So it ended 89 that the other 6athers had to take their chi5dren 6or 7a5ks the ne=t 7eekend. *he ne=t $onday# 7hen the 6athers 7ere a55 back at 7ork# 7e kids 7ere 95ayin4 in a 6ie5d. One kid says to me# See that bird- (hat kind o6 bird is that-' said# ha:en't the s5i4htest idea 7hat kind o6 a bird it is.' )e says# t's a bro7nNthroated thr8sh. Yo8r 6ather doesn't teach yo8 anythin4&' B8t it 7as the o99osite. )e had a5ready ta84ht meI See that bird-' he says. t's a S9encer's 7arb5er.' L kne7 he didn't kno7 the rea5 name.M (e55# in ta5ian# it's a Chutto #apitti%a n Port848ese# it's a (o! %a .ei%a n ,hinese# it's a Chung=long=tah# and in Ja9anese# it's a Katano Teke%a Yo8 can kno7 the name o6 that bird in a55 the 5an48a4es o6 the 7or5d# b8t 7hen yo8're 6inished# yo8'55 kno7 abso58te5y nothin4 7hate:er abo8t the bird. Yo8'55 on5y kno7 abo8t h8mans in di66erent 95aces# and 7hat they ca55 the bird. So 5et's 5ook at the bird and see 7hat it's %oing 3 that's 7hat co8nts.' L 5earned :ery ear5y the di66erence bet7een kno7in4 the name o6 somethin4 and kno7in4 somethin4.M )e said# For e=am95e# 5ookI the bird 9ecks at its 6eathers a55 the time. See it 7a5kin4 aro8nd#

9eckin4 at its 6eathers-' Yeah.' )e says# (hy do yo8 think birds 9eck at their 6eathers-' said# (e55# maybe they mess 89 their 6eathers 7hen they 65y# so they're 9eckin4 them in order to strai4hten them o8t.' %55 ri4ht#' he says. 6 that 7ere the case# then they 7o85d 9eck a 5ot >8st a6ter they':e been 65yin4. *hen# a6ter they':e been on the 4ro8nd a 7hi5e# they 7o85dn't 9eck so m8ch any more 3 yo8 kno7 7hat mean-' Yeah.' )e says# Let's 5ook and see i6 they 9eck more >8st a6ter they 5and.' t 7asn't hard to te55I there 7as not m8ch di66erence bet7een /D0 the birds that had been 7a5kin4 aro8nd a bit and those that had >8st 5anded. So said# 4i:e 89. (hy does a bird 9eck at its 6eathers-' Beca8se there are 5ice botherin4 it#' he says. *he 5ice eat 65akes o6 9rotein that come o66 its 6eathers.' )e contin8ed# Each 5o8se has some 7a=y st866 on its 5e4s# and 5itt5e mites eat that. *he mites don't di4est it 9er6ect5y# so they emit 6rom their rear ends a s84arN5ike materia5# in 7hich bacteria 4ro7.' Fina55y he says# So yo8 see# e:ery7here there's a so8rce o6 6ood# there's so!e 6orm o6 5i6e that 6inds it.' !o7# kne7 that it may not ha:e been e=act5y a 5o8se# that it mi4ht not be e=act5y tr8e that the 5o8se's 5e4s ha:e mites. *hat story 7as 9robab5y incorrect in %etail# b8t 7hat he 7as te55in4 me 7as ri4ht in principle %nother time# 7hen 7as o5der# he 9icked a 5ea6 o66 o6 a tree. *his 5ea6 had a 65a7# a thin4 7e ne:er 5ook at m8ch. *he 5ea6 7as sort o6 deterioratedP it had a 5itt5e bro7n 5ine in the sha9e o6 a ,# startin4 some7here in the midd5e o6 the 5ea6 and 4oin4 o8t in a c8r5 to the ed4e. Look at this bro7n 5ine#' he says. t's narro7 at the be4innin4 and it's 7ider as it 4oes to the ed4e. (hat this is# is a 65y 3 a b58e 65y 7ith ye55o7 eyes and 4reen 7in4s has come and 5aid an e44 on this 5ea6. *hen# 7hen the e44 hatches into a ma44ot La cater9i55arN5ike thin4M# it s9ends its 7ho5e 5i6e eatin4 this 5ea6 3 that's 7here it 4ets its 6ood. %s it eats a5on4# it 5ea:es behind this bro7n trai5 o6 eaten 5ea6. %s the ma44ot 4ro7s# the trai5 4ro7s 7ider 8nti5 he's 4ro7n to 6855 siRe at the end o6 the 5ea6# 7here he t8rns into a 65y 3 a b58e 65y 7ith ye55o7 eyes and 4reen 7in4s 3 7ho 65ies a7ay and 5ays an e44 on another 5ea6.' %4ain# kne7 that the detai5s 7eren't 9recise5y correct 3 it co85d ha:e e:en been a beet5e 3 b8t the idea that he 7as tryin4 to e=95ain to me 7as the am8sin4 9art o6 5i6eI the 7ho5e thin4 is >8st re9rod8ction. !o matter ho7 com95icated the b8siness is# the main 9oint is to do it a4ain& !ot ha:in4 e=9erience 7ith many 6athers# didn't rea5iRe ho7 remarkab5e he 7as. )o7 did he 5earn the dee9 9rinci95es o6 science and the 5o:e o6 it# 7hat's behind it# and 7hy it's 7orth doin4- ne:er rea55y asked him# beca8se >8st ass8med that those 7ere thin4s that 6athers kne7. $y 6ather ta84ht me to notice thin4s. One day# 7as 95ayin4 7ith an e=9ress 7a4on#' a 5itt5e 7a4on 7ith a rai5in4 aro8nd /F0 it. t had a ba55 in it# and 7hen 9855ed the 7a4on# noticed somethin4 abo8t the 7ay the ba55 mo:ed. 7ent to my 6ather and said# Say# Po9# noticed somethin4. (hen 9855 the 7a4on# the ba55 ro55s to the back o6 the 7a4on. %nd 7hen 'm 9855in4 it a5on4 and s8dden5y sto9# the ba55 ro55s to the 6ront o6 the 7a4on. (hy is that-' *hat# nobody kno7s#' he said. *he 4enera5 9rinci95e is that thin4s 7hich are mo:in4 tend to kee9 on mo:in4# and thin4s 7hich are standin4 sti55 tend to stand sti55# 8n5ess yo8 98sh them hard. *his

tendency is ca55ed SinertiaT b8t nobody kno7s 7hy it's tr8e.' !o7# that's a dee9 8nderstandin4. )e didn't >8st 4i:e me the name. )e 7ent on to say# 6 yo8 5ook 6rom the side# yo8'55 see that it's the back o6 the 7a4on that yo8're 9855in4 a4ainst the ba55# and the ba55 stands sti55. %s a matter o6 6act# 6rom the 6riction it starts to mo:e 6or7ard a 5itt5e bit in re5ation to the 4ro8nd. t doesn't mo:e back.' ran back to the 5itt5e 7a4on and set the ba55 89 a4ain and 9855ed the 7a4on. Lookin4 side7ays# sa7 that indeed he 7as ri4ht. Re5ati:e to the side7a5k# it mo:ed 6or7ard a 5itt5e bit. *hat's the 7ay 7as ed8cated by my 6ather# 7ith those kinds o6 e=am95es and disc8ssionsI no 9ress8re 3 >8st 5o:e5y# interestin4 disc8ssions. t has moti:ated me 6or the rest o6 my 5i6e# and makes me interested in all the sciences. L t >8st ha99ens do 9hysics better.M ':e been ca84ht# so to s9eak 3 5ike someone 7ho 7as 4i:en somethin4 7onder685 7hen he 7as a chi5d# and he's a57ays 5ookin4 6or it a4ain. 'm a57ays 5ookin4# 5ike a chi5d# 6or the 7onders kno7 'm 4oin4 to 6ind 3 maybe not e:ery time# b8t e:ery once in a 7hi5e. %ro8nd that time my co8sin# 7ho 7as three years o5der# 7as in hi4h schoo5. )e 7as ha:in4 considerab5e di66ic85ty 7ith his a54ebra# so a t8tor 7o85d come. 7as a55o7ed to sit in a corner 7hi5e the t8tor 7o85d try to teach my co8sin a54ebra. 'd hear him ta5kin4 abo8t &. said to my co8sin# (hat are yo8 tryin4 to do-' 'm tryin4 to 6ind o8t 7hat & is# 5ike in H& U K V @F.' say# Yo8 mean D.' Yeah# b8t yo8 did it by arithmetic# yo8 ha:e to do it by a54ebra.' 5earned a54ebra# 6ort8nate5y# not by 4oin4 to schoo5# b8t by /C0 6indin4 my a8nt's o5d schoo5book in the attic# and 8nderstandin4 that the 7ho5e idea 7as to 6ind o8t 7hat & is 3 it doesn't make any di66erence ho7 yo8 do it. For me there 7as no s8ch thin4 as doin4 it by arithmetic#' or doin4 it by a54ebra.' +oin4 it by a54ebra' 7as a set o6 r85es 7hich# i6 yo8 6o55o7ed them b5ind5y# co85d 9rod8ce the ans7erI s8btract K 6rom both sidesP i6 yo8 ha:e a m85ti95ier# di:ide both sides by the m85ti95ier#' and so on 3 a series o6 ste9s by 7hich yo8 co85d 4et the ans7er i6 yo8 didn't 8nderstand 7hat yo8 7ere tryin4 to do. *he r85es had been in:ented so that the chi5dren 7ho ha:e to st8dy a54ebra can a55 9ass it. %nd that's 7hy my co8sin 7as ne:er ab5e to do a54ebra. *here 7as a series o6 math books in o8r 5oca5 5ibrary 7hich started o8t 7ith $rith!etic 'or the .ractical Man *hen came $lgebra 'or the .ractical Man and then Trigono!etry 'or the .ractical Man L 5earned tri4onometry 6rom that# b8t soon 6or4ot it a4ain# beca8se didn't 8nderstand it :ery 7e55.M (hen 7as abo8t thirteen# the 5ibrary 7as 4oin4 to 4et Calculus 'or the .ractical Man By this time kne7# 6rom readin4 the encyc5o9edia# that ca5c858s 7as an im9ortant and interestin4 s8b>ect# and o84ht to 5earn it. (hen 6ina55y sa7 the ca5c858s book at the 5ibrary# 7as :ery e=cited. 7ent to the 5ibrarian to check it o8t# b8t she 5ooked at me and said# Yo8're >8st a chi5d. (hat are yo8 takin4 this book o8t 6or-' t 7as one o6 the 6e7 times in my 5i6e 7as 8ncom6ortab5e and 5ied. said it 7as 6or my 6ather. took the book home and be4an to 5earn ca5c858s 6rom it. tho84ht it 7as re5ati:e5y sim95e and strai4ht6or7ard. $y 6ather started to read it# b8t he 6o8nd it con68sin4 and he co85dn't 8nderstand it. So tried to e=95ain ca5c858s to him. didn't kno7 he 7as so 5imited# and it bothered me a 5itt5e bit. t 7as the 6irst time rea5iRed that had 5earned more in some sense than he. One o6 the thin4s that my 6ather ta84ht me besides 9hysics 3 7hether it's correct or not 3 7as a

disres9ect 6or certain kinds o6 thin4s. For e=am95e# 7hen 7as a 5itt5e boy# and he 7o85d sit me on his knee# he'd sho7 me roto4ra:8res in the +ew York Ti!es 3 that's 9rinted 9ict8res 7hich had >8st come o8t in ne7s9a9ers. One time 7e 7ere 5ookin4 at a 9ict8re o6 the 9o9e and e:erybody bo7in4 in 6ront o6 him. $y 6ather said# !o7# 5ook /K0 at those h8mans. )ere's one h8man standin4 here# and a55 these others are bo7in4 in 6ront o6 him. !o7# 7hat's the di66erence- *his one is the 9o9e' 3 he hated the 9o9e any7ay. )e said# *his di66erence is the hat he's 7earin4.' L 6 it 7as a 4enera5# it 7as the e9a85ets. t 7as a57ays the cost8me# the 8ni6orm# the 9osition.M B8t#' he said# this man has the same 9rob5ems as e:erybody e5seI he eats dinnerP he 4oes to the bathroom. )e's a h8man bein4.' LBy the 7ay# my 6ather 7as in the 8ni6orm b8siness# so he kne7 7hat the di66erence is in a man 7ith the 8ni6orm o66 and the 8ni6orm on 3 it 7as the same man 6or him.M )e 7as ha99y 7ith me# be5ie:e. Once# tho84h# 7hen came back 6rom $ * L 'd been there a 6e7 yearsM# he said to me# !o7 that yo8':e become ed8cated abo8t these thin4s# there's one O8estion ':e a57ays had that ':e ne:er 8nderstood :ery 7e55.' asked him 7hat it 7as. )e said# 8nderstand that 7hen an atom makes a transition 6rom one state to another# it emits a 9artic5e o6 5i4ht ca55ed a 9hoton.' *hat's ri4ht#' said. )e says# s the 9hoton in the atom ahead o6 time-' !o# there's no 9hoton be6orehand.' (e55#' he says# 7here does it come 6rom# then- )o7 does it come o8t-' tried to e=95ain it to him 3 that 9hoton n8mbers aren't conser:edP they're >8st created by the motion o6 the e5ectron 3 b8t co85dn't e=95ain it :ery 7e55. said# t's 5ike the so8nd that 'm makin4 no7I it 7asn't in me be6ore.' L t's not 5ike my 5itt5e boy# 7ho s8dden5y anno8nced one day# 7hen he 7as :ery yo8n4# that he co85d no 5on4er say a certain 7ord 3 the 7ord t8rned o8t to be cat' 3 beca8se his 7ord ba4' had r8n o8t o6 the 7ord. *here's no 7ord ba4 that makes yo8 8se 89 7ords as they come o8tP in the same sense# there's no 9hoton ba4' in an atom.M )e 7as not satis6ied 7ith me in that res9ect. 7as ne:er ab5e to e=95ain any o6 the thin4s that he didn't 8nderstand. So he 7as 8ns8ccess685I he sent me to a55 these 8ni:ersities in order to 6ind o8t those thin4s# and he ne:er did 6ind o8t. %5tho84h my mother didn't kno7 anythin4 abo8t science# she had a 4reat in658ence on me as 7e55. n 9artic85ar# she had a /E0 7onder685 sense o6 h8mor# 3 and 5earned 6rom her that the hi4hest 6orms o6 8nderstandin4 7e can achie:e are 5a84hter and h8man com9assion. . . What /A 0 1 1

Do You Care What Other People Think?

*hen 7as a yo8n4 6e55a# abo8t thirteen# had someho7 4otten in 7ith a 4ro89 o6 48ys 7ho 7ere a 5itt5e o5der than 7as# and more so9histicated. *hey kne7 a 5ot o6 di66erent 4ir5s# and 7o85d 4o o8t

7ith them 3 o6ten to the beach. One time 7hen 7e 7ere at the beach# most o6 the 48ys had 4one o8t on some >etty 7ith the 4ir5s. 7as interested in a 9artic85ar 4ir5 a 5itt5e bit# and sort o6 tho84ht o8t 5o8dI "ee# think 'd 5ike to take Barbara to the mo:ies...' *hat's a55 had to say# and the 48y ne=t to me 4ets a55 e=cited. )e r8ns o8t onto the rocks and 6inds her. )e 98shes her back# a55 the 7hi5e sayin4 in a 5o8d :oice# Feynman has somethin4 he 7ants to say to yo8# Barbara&' t 7as most embarrassin4. Pretty soon the 48ys are a55 standin4 aro8nd me# sayin4# (e55# say it# Feynman&' So in:ited her to the mo:ies. t 7as my 6irst date. 7ent home and to5d my mother abo8t it. She 4a:e me a55 kinds o6 ad:ice on ho7 to do this and that. For e=am95e# i6 7e take the b8s# 'm s899osed to 4et o66 the b8s 6irst# and o66er Barbara my hand. Or i6 7e ha:e to 7a5k in the street# 'm s899osed to 7a5k on the o8tside. She e:en to5d me 7hat kinds o6 thin4s to say. She 7as handin4 do7n a c85t8ra5 tradition to meI the 7omen teach their sons ho7 to treat the ne=t 4eneration o6 7omen 7e55. %6ter dinner# 4et a55 s5icked 89 and 4o to Barbara's ho8se to ca55 6or her. 'm ner:o8s. She isn't ready# o6 co8rse Lit's a57ays 5ike thatM so her 6ami5y has me 7ait 6or her in the dinin4 room# 7here they're eatin4 7ith 6riends 3 a 5ot o6 9eo95e. *hey say thin4s 5ike# sn't he c8te&' and a55 kinds o6 other st866. didn't 6ee5 c8te. t 7as abso58te5y terrib5e& /@G0 remember e:erythin4 abo8t the date. %s 7e 7a5ked 6rom her ho8se to the ne7# 5itt5e theater in to7n# 7e ta5ked abo8t 95ayin4 the 9iano. to5d her ho7# 7hen 7as yo8n4er# they made me 5earn 9iano 6or a 7hi5e# b8t a6ter si= months 7as sti55 95ayin4 +ance o6 the +aisies#' and co85dn't stand it any more. Yo8 see# 7as 7orried abo8t bein4 a sissy# and to be st8ck 6or 7eeks 95ayin4 +ance o6 the +aisies' 7as too m8ch 6or me# so O8it. 7as so sensiti:e abo8t bein4 a sissy that it e:en bothered me 7hen my mother sent me to the market to b8y some snacks ca55ed Pe99ermint Patties and *oasted +ainties. (e sa7 the mo:ie# and 7a5ked her back to her home. com95imented her on the nice# 9retty 45o:es she 7as 7earin4. *hen said 4oodni4ht to her on the doorste9. Barbara says to me# *hank yo8 6or a :ery 5o:e5y e:enin4.' Yo8're 7e5come&' ans7ered. 6e5t terri6ic. *he ne=t time 7ent o8t on a date 3 it 7as 7ith a di66erent 4ir5 3 say 4oodni4ht to her# and she says# *hank yo8 6or a :ery 5o:e5y e:enin4.' didn't 6ee5 O8ite so terri6ic. (hen said 4oodni4ht to the third 4ir5 took o8t# she's 4ot her mo8th o9en# ready to s9eak# and say# *hank yo8 6or a :ery 5o:e5y e:enin4&' She says# *hank yo8 3 8h 3 Oh& 3 Yes 3 8h# had a 5o:e5y e:enin4# too# thank yo8&' One time 7as at a 9arty 7ith my beach cro7d# and one o6 the o5der 48ys 7as in the kitchen teachin4 8s ho7 to kiss# 8sin4 his 4ir56riend to demonstrateI Yo8 ha:e to ha:e yo8r 5i9s 5ike this# at ri4ht an45es# so the noses don't co55ide#' and so on. So 4o into the 5i:in4 room and 6ind a 4ir5. 'm sittin4 on the co8ch 7ith my arm aro8nd her# 9racticin4 this ne7 art# 7hen s8dden5y there's a55 kinds o6 e=citementI %r5ene is comin4& %r5ene is comin4&' don't kno7 7ho %r5ene is. *hen someone says# She's here& She's here&' 3 and e:erybody sto9s 7hat they're doin4 and >8m9s 89 to see this O8een. %r5ene 7as :ery 9retty# and co85d see 7hy she had a55 this admiration 3 it 7as 7e55 deser:ed 3 b8t didn't be5ie:e in this 8ndemocratic b8siness o6 chan4in4 7hat yo8're doin4 >8st beca8se the O8een is comin4 in.

So# 7hi5e e:erybody's 4oin4 o:er to see %r5ene# 'm sti55 sittin4 there on the co8ch 7ith my 4ir5. L%r5ene to5d me 5ater# a6ter had 4otten to kno7 her# that she /@@0 remembered that 9arty 7ith a55 the nice 9eo95e 3 e=ce9t 6or one 48y 7ho 7as o:er in the corner on the co8ch smoochin4 7ith a 4ir5. (hat she didn't kno7 7as that t7o min8tes be6ore# a55 the others 7ere doinT it too&M *he 6irst time e:er said anythin4 to %r5ene 7as at a dance. She 7as :ery 9o985ar# and e:erybody 7as c8ttin4 in and dancin4 7ith her. remember thinkin4 'd 5ike to dance 7ith her# too# and tryin4 to decide 7hen to c8t in. a57ays had tro8b5e 7ith that 9rob5emI 6irst o6 a55# 7hen she's o:er on the other side o6 the dance 65oor dancin4 7ith some 48y# it's too com95icated 3 so yo8 7ait 8nti5 they come c5oser. *hen 7hen she's near yo8# yo8 think# (e55# no# this isn't the kind o6 m8sic 'm 4ood at dancin4 to.' So yo8 7ait 6or another ty9e o6 m8sic. (hen the m8sic chan4es to somethin4 yo8 5ike# yo8 sort o6 ste9 6or7ard 3 at 5east yo8 think yo8 ste9 6or7ard to c8t in 3 7hen some other 48y c8ts in >8st in 6ront o6 yo8. So no7 yo8 ha:e to 7ait a 6e7 min8tes beca8se it's im9o5ite to c8t in too soon a6ter someone e5se has. %nd by the time a 6e7 min8tes ha:e 9assed# they're o:er at the other side o6 the dance 65oor a4ain# or the m8sic has chan4ed a4ain# or 7hate:er& %6ter a certain amo8nt o6 this sta55in4 and 6oo5in4 aro8nd# 6ina55y m8tter somethin4 abo8t 7antin4 to dance 7ith %r5ene. One o6 the 48ys 7as han4in4 aro8nd 7ith o:erhears me and makes a bi4 anno8ncement to the other 48ysI )ey# 5isten to this# 48ysP Feynman 7ants to dance 7ith %r5ene&' Soon one o6 them is dancin4 7ith %r5ene and they dance o:er to7ards the rest o6 8s. *he others 98sh me o8t onto the dance 65oor and 6ina55y c8t in.' Yo8 can see the condition 7as in by my 6irst 7ords to her# 7hich 7ere an honest O8estionI )o7 does it 6ee5 to be so 9o985ar-' (e on5y danced a 6e7 min8tes be6ore somebody e5se c8t in. $y 6riends and had taken dancin4 5essons# a5tho84h none o6 8s 7o85d e:er admit it. n those de9ression days# a 6riend o6 my mother 7as tryin4 to make a 5i:in4 by teachin4 dancin4 in the e:enin4# in an 89stairs dance st8dio. *here 7as a back door to the 95ace# and she arran4ed it so the yo8n4 men co85d come 89 thro84h the back 7ay 7itho8t bein4 seen. E:ery once in a 7hi5e there 7o85d be a socia5 dance at this 5ady's st8dio. didn't ha:e the ner:e to test this ana5ysis# b8t it seemed to me that the 4ir5s had a m8ch harder time than the boys did. n those days# 4ir5s co85dn't ask to c8t in and dance 7ith boysP it 7asn't 9ro9er.' So the 4ir5s 7ho 7eren't :ery 9retty 7o85d sit 6or ho8rs at the side# >8st sad as he55. /@H0 tho84ht# *he 48ys ha:e it easyI they're 6ree to c8t in 7hene:er they 7ant.' B8t it 7asn't easy. Yo8're 6ree#' b8t yo8 ha:en't 4ot the 48ts# or the sense# or 7hate:er it takes to re5a= and en>oy dancin4. nstead# yo8 tie yo8rse56 in knots 7orryin4 abo8t c8ttin4 in or in:itin4 a 4ir5 to dance 7ith yo8. For e=am95e# i6 yo8 sa7 a 4ir5 7ho 7as not dancin4# 7ho yo8 tho84ht yo8'd 5ike to dance 7ith# yo8 mi4ht think# "ood& !o7 at 5east ':e 4ot a chance&' B8t it 7as 8s8a55y :ery di66ic85tI o6ten the 4ir5 7o85d say# !o# thank yo8# 'm tired. think '55 sit this one o8t.' So yo8 4o a7ay some7hat de6eated 3 b8t not com95ete5y# beca8se maybe she rea55y is tired 3 7hen yo8 t8rn aro8nd and some other 48y comes 89 to her# and there she is# dancin4 7ith him& $aybe this 48y is her boy6riend and she kne7 he 7as comin4 o:er# or maybe she didn't 5ike the 7ay yo8 5ook# or maybe somethin4 e5se. t 7as a57ays so com95icated 6or s8ch a sim95e matter. One time decided to in:ite %r5ene to one o6 these dances. t 7as the 6irst time took her o8t. $y best 6riends 7ere a5so at the danceP my mother had in:ited them# to 4et more c8stomers 6or her 6riend's dance st8dio. *hese 48ys 7ere contem9oraries o6 mine# 48ys my o7n a4e 6rom schoo5. )aro5d "ast and +a:id Le66 7ere 5iterary ty9es# 7hi5e Robert Sta95er 7as a scienti6ic ty9e. (e 7o85d s9end a 5ot o6 time to4ether a6ter schoo5# 4oin4 on 7a5ks and disc8ssin4 this and that. %ny7ay# my best 6riends 7ere at the dance# and as soon as they sa7 me 7ith %r5ene# they ca55ed me into the c5oakroom and said# !o7 5isten# Feynman# 7e 7ant yo8 to 8nderstand that we 8nderstand that %r5ene is your 4ir5 toni4ht# and 7e're not 4onna bother yo8 7ith her. She's o8t o6 bo8nds 6or

8s#' and so on. B8t be6ore 5on4# there 7as c8ttin4 in and com9etition comin4 6rom 9recise5y these 48ys& 5earned the meanin4 o6 Shakes9eare's 9hrase $ethinks tho8 dost 9rotest too m8ch.' Yo8 m8st a99reciate 7hat 7as 5ike then. 7as a :ery shy character# a57ays 6ee5in4 8ncom6ortab5e beca8se e:erybody 7as stron4er than # and a57ays a6raid 7o85d 5ook 5ike a sissy. E:erybody e5se 95ayed baseba55P e:erybody e5se did a55 kinds o6 ath5etic thin4s. 6 there 7as a 4ame some7here# and a ba55 7o85d come ro55in4 across the road# 7o85d be 9etri6ied that maybe 'd ha:e to 9ick it 89 and thro7 it back 3 beca8se i6 thre7 it# it 7o85d be abo8t a radian o66 the correct direction# and not any7here near the distance& %nd then e:erybody 7o85d 5a84h. t 7as terrib5e# and 7as :ery 8nha99y abo8t it. /@B0 One time 7as in:ited to a 9arty at %r5ene's ho8se. E:erybody 7as there beca8se %r5ene 7as the most 9o985ar 4ir5 aro8ndI she 7as n8mber one# the nicest 4ir5# and e:erybody 5iked her. (e55# 'm sittin4 in a bi4 armchair 7ith nothin4 to do# 7hen %r5ene comes o:er and sits on the arm o6 the chair to ta5k to me. *hat 7as the be4innin4 o6 the 6ee5in4# Oh# boy& *he 7or5d is >8st 7onder685 no7& Somebody 5ike has 9aid attention to me&' n those days# in Far Rocka7ay# there 7as a yo8th center 6or Je7ish kids at the tem95e. t 7as a bi4 c58b that had many acti:ities. *here 7as a 7riters 4ro89 that 7rote stories and 7o85d read them to each otherP there 7as a drama 4ro89 that 98t on 95aysP there 7as a science 4ro89# and an art 4ro89. had no interest in any s8b>ect e=ce9t science# b8t %r5ene 7as in the art 4ro89# so >oined it too. str8445ed 7ith the art b8siness 3 5earnin4 ho7 to make 95aster casts o6 the 6ace and so on L7hich 8sed m8ch 5ater in 5i6e# it t8rned o8tM 3 >8st so co85d be in the same 4ro89 7ith %r5ene. B8t %r5ene had a boy6riend named Jerome in the 4ro89# so there 7as no chance 6or me. >8st ho:ered aro8nd in the back4ro8nd. One time# 7hen 7asn't there# somebody nominated me 6or 9resident o6 the yo8th center. *he e5ders be4an 4ettin4 ner:o8s# beca8se 7as an a:o7ed atheist by that time. had been bro84ht 89 in the Je7ish re5i4ion 3 my 6ami5y 7ent to the tem95e e:ery Friday# 7as sent to 7hat 7e ca55ed S8nday schoo5#' and e:en st8died )ebre7 6or a 7hi5e 3 b8t at the same time# my 6ather 7as te55in4 me abo8t the 7or5d. (hen 7o85d hear the rabbi te55 abo8t some mirac5e s8ch as a b8sh 7hose 5ea:es 7ere shakin4 b8t there 7asn't any 7ind# 7o85d try to 6it the mirac5e into the rea5 7or5d and e=95ain it in terms o6 nat8ra5 9henomena. Some mirac5es 7ere harder than others to 8nderstand. *he one abo8t the 5ea:es 7as easy. (hen 7as 7a5kin4 to schoo5# heard a 5itt5e noiseI a5tho84h the 7ind 7as hard5y noticeab5e# the 5ea:es o6 a b8sh 7ere 7i445in4 a 5itt5e bit beca8se they 7ere in >8st the ri4ht 9osition to make a kind o6 resonance. %nd tho84ht# %ha& *his is a 4ood e=95anation 6or E5i>ah's :ision o6 the O8akin4 b8sh&' B8t there 7ere some mirac5es ne:er did 6i48re o8t. For instance# there 7as a story in 7hich $oses thro7s do7n his sta66 /@D0 and it t8rns into a snake. co85dn't 6i48re o8t 7hat the 7itnesses sa7 that made them think his sta66 7as a snake. 6 had tho84ht back to 7hen 7as m8ch yo8n4er# the Santa ,5a8s story co85d ha:e 9ro:ided a c58e 6or me. B8t it didn't hit me hard eno84h at the time to 9rod8ce the 9ossibi5ity that sho85d do8bt the tr8th o6 stories that don't 6it 7ith nat8re. (hen 6o8nd o8t that Santa ,5a8s 7asn't rea5# 7asn't 89setP rather# 7as re5ie:ed that there 7as a m8ch sim95er 9henomenon to e=95ain ho7 so many chi5dren a55 o:er the 7or5d 4ot 9resents on the same ni4ht& *he story had been 4ettin4 9retty com95icated 3 it 7as 4ettin4 o8t o6 hand. Santa ,5a8s 7as a 9artic85ar c8stom 7e ce5ebrated in o8r 6ami5y# and it 7asn't :ery serio8s. B8t the mirac5es 7as hearin4 abo8t 7ere connected 7ith rea5 thin4sI there 7as the tem95e# 7here 9eo95e 7o85d 4o e:ery 7eekP there 7as the S8nday schoo5# 7here rabbis ta84ht chi5dren abo8t mirac5esP it 7as m8ch more o6 a dramatic thin4. Santa ,5a8s didn't in:o5:e bi4 instit8tions 5ike the tem95e# 7hich kne7 7ere rea5.

So a55 the time 7as 4oin4 to the S8nday schoo5# 7as be5ie:in4 e:erythin4 and ha:in4 tro8b5e 98ttin4 it to4ether. B8t o6 co8rse# 85timate5y# it had to come to a crisis# sooner or 5ater. *he act8a5 crisis came 7hen 7as e5e:en or t7e5:e. *he rabbi 7as te55in4 8s a story abo8t the S9anish nO8isition# in 7hich the Je7s s866ered terrib5e tort8res. )e to5d 8s abo8t a 9artic85ar indi:id8a5 7hose name 7as R8th# e=act5y 7hat she 7as s899osed to ha:e done# 7hat the ar48ments 7ere in her 6a:or and a4ainst her 3 the 7ho5e thin4# as i6 it had a55 been doc8mented by a co8rt re9orter. %nd 7as >8st an innocent kid# 5istenin4 to a55 this st866 and be5ie:in4 it 7as a tr8e commentary# beca8se the rabbi had ne:er indicated other7ise. %t the end# the rabbi described ho7 R8th 7as dyin4 in 9risonI %nd she tho84ht# 7hi5e she 7as dyin4' 3 b5ah# b5ah. *hat 7as a shock to me. %6ter the 5esson 7as o:er# 7ent 89 to him and said# )o7 did they kno7 7hat she tho84ht 7hen she 7as dyin4-' )e says# (e55# o6 co8rse# in order to e=95ain more :i:id5y ho7 the Je7s s866ered# 7e made 89 the story o6 R8th. t 7asn't a rea5 indi:id8a5.' *hat 7as too m8ch 6or me. 6e5t terrib5y decei:edI 7anted the strai4ht story 3 not 6i=ed 89 by somebody e5se 3 so co85d decide 6or myse56 7hat it meant. B8t it 7as di66ic85t 6or me to /@F0 ar48e 7ith ad85ts. %55 co85d do 7as 4et tears in my eyes. started to cry# 7as so 89set. )e said# (hat's the matter-' tried to e=95ain. ':e been 5istenin4 to a55 these stories# and no7 don't kno7# o6 a55 the thin4s yo8 to5d me# 7hich 7ere tr8e# and 7hich 7ere not tr8e& don't kno7 7hat to do 7ith e:erythin4 that ':e 5earned&' 7as tryin4 to e=95ain that 7as 5osin4 e:erythin4 at the moment# beca8se 7as no 5on4er s8re o6 the data# so to s9eak. )ere had been str8445in4 to 8nderstand a55 these mirac5es# and no7 3 7e55# it so5:ed a 5ot o6 mirac5es# a55 ri4ht& B8t 7as 8nha99y. *he rabbi said# 6 it is so tra8matic 6or yo8# 7hy do yo8 come to S8nday schoo5-' Beca8se my 9arents make me.' ne:er ta5ked to my 9arents abo8t it# and ne:er 6o8nd o8t 7hether the rabbi comm8nicated 7ith them or not# b8t my 9arents ne:er made me 4o a4ain. %nd it 7as >8st be6ore 7as s899osed to 4et con6irmed as a be5ie:er. %ny7ay# that crisis reso5:ed my di66ic85ty rather ra9id5y# in 6a:or o6 the theory that a55 the mirac5es 7ere stories made 89 to he59 9eo95e 8nderstand thin4s more :i:id5y#' e:en i6 they con65icted 7ith nat8ra5 9henomena. B8t tho84ht nat8re itse56 7as so interestin4 that didn't 7ant it distorted 5ike that. %nd so 4rad8a55y came to disbe5ie:e the 7ho5e re5i4ion. %ny7ay# the Je7ish e5ders had or4aniRed this c58b 7ith a55 its acti:ities not >8st to 4et 8s kids o66 the street# b8t to 4et 8s interested in the Je7ish 7ay o6 5i6e. So to ha:e someone 5ike me e5ected as 9resident 7o85d ha:e made them :ery embarrassed. *o o8r m8t8a5 re5ie6 7asn't e5ected# b8t the center e:ent8a55y 6ai5ed any7ay 3 it 7as on its 7ay o8t 7hen 7as nominated# and had been e5ected# s8re5y 7o85d ha:e been b5amed 6or its demise. One day %r5ene to5d me Jerome isn't her boy6riend anymore. She's not tied 89 7ith him. *hat 7as a bi4 e=citement 6or me# the be4innin4 o6 hope& She in:ited me o:er to her ho8se# at @FD (estminster %:en8e in nearby ,edarh8rst. (hen 7ent to her ho8se that time# it 7as dark and the 9orch 7asn't 5it. co85dn't see the n8mbers. !ot 7antin4 to dist8rb anyone by askin4 i6 it 7as the ri4ht ho8se# cra75ed 89# O8iet5y# and 6e5t the n8mbers on the doorI @FD. /@C0 %r5ene 7as ha:in4 tro8b5e 7ith her home7ork in 9hi5oso9hy c5ass. (e're st8dyin4 +escartes#' she

said. )e starts o8t 7ith S,o4ito# er4o s8mT 3 S think# there6ore amT 3 and ends 89 9ro:in4 the e=istence o6 "od.' m9ossib5e&' said# 7itho8t sto99in4 to think that 7as do8btin4 the 4reat +escartes. L t 7as a reaction 5earned 6rom my 6atherI ha:e no res9ect whatsoever 6or a8thorityP 6or4et 7ho said it and instead 5ook at 7hat he starts 7ith# 7here he ends 89# and ask yo8rse56# s it reasonab5e-'M said# )o7 can yo8 ded8ce one 6rom the other-' don't kno7#' she said. (e55# 5et's 5ook it o:er#' said. (hat's the ar48ment-' So 7e 5ook it o:er# and 7e see that +escartesT statement ,o4ito# er4o s8m' is s899osed to mean that there is one thin4 that cannot be do8bted 3 do8bt itse56. (hy doesn't he >8st say it strai4ht-' com95ained. )e >8st means someho7 or other that he has one 6act that he kno7s.' *hen it 4oes on and says thin4s 5ike# can on5y ima4ine im9er6ect tho84hts# b8t im9er6ect can on5y be 8nderstood as re6erent to the 9er6ect. )ence the 9er6ect m8st e=ist some7here.' L)e's 7orkinT his 7ay to7ards "od no7.M !ot at a55&' say. n science yo8 can ta5k abo8t re5ati:e de4rees o6 a99ro=imation 7itho8t ha:in4 a 9er6ect theory. don't kno7 7hat this is a55 abo8t. think it's a b8nch o6 ba5oney.' %r5ene 8nderstood me. She 8nderstood# 7hen she 5ooked at it# that no matter ho7 im9ressi:e and im9ortant this 9hi5oso9hy st866 7as s899osed to be# it co85d be taken 5i4ht5y 3 yo8 co85d >8st think abo8t the 7ords# instead o6 7orryin4 abo8t the 6act that +escartes said it. (e55# 48ess it's okay to take the other side#' she said. $y teacher kee9s te55in4 8s# S*here are t7o sides to e:ery O8estion# >8st 5ike there are t7o sides to e:ery 9iece o6 9a9er.T' *here's t7o sides to that# too#' said. (hat do yo8 mean-' had read abo8t the $Wbi8s stri9 in the (ritannica# my 7onder685 (ritannica& n those days# thin4s 5ike the $Wbi8s stri9 7eren't so 7e55 kno7n to e:erybody# b8t they 7ere >8st as 8nderstandab5e as they are to kids today. *he e=istence o6 s8ch a s8r6ace 7as so rea5I it 7asn't a 7ishyN7ashy 9o5itica5 O8estion# or anythin4 that yo8 needed history to 8nderstand. Readin4 abo8t those thin4s 7as 5ike bein4 7ay o66 in a 7onder685 7or5d that nobody kno7s abo8t# and yo8're 4ettin4 a kick not on5y 6rom the /@K0 de5i4ht o6 5earnin4 the st866 itse56# b8t a5so 6rom makin4 yo8rse56 8niO8e. 4ot a stri9 o6 9a9er# 98t a ha56 t7ist in it# and made it into a 5oo9. %r5ene 7as de5i4hted. *he ne=t day# in c5ass# she 5ay in 7ait 6or her teacher. S8re eno84h# he ho5ds 89 a 9iece o6 9a9er and says# *here are t7o sides to e:ery O8estion# >8st 5ike there are t7o sides to e:ery 9iece o6 9a9er.' %r5ene ho5ds 89 her o7n stri9 o6 9a9er 3 7ith a ha56 t7ist in it 3 and says# Sir# there are e:en t7o sides to that O8estionI there's 9a9er 7ith on5y one side&' *he teacher and the c5ass 4ot a55 e=cited# and %r5ene 4ot s8ch a kick o8t o6 sho7in4 them the $Wbi8s stri9 that think she 9aid more attention to me a6ter that on acco8nt o6 it. B8t a6ter Jerome# had a ne7 com9etitor 3 my 4ood 6riend' )aro5d "ast. %r5ene 7as a57ays makin4 89 her mind one 7ay or the other. (hen it came time 6or 4rad8ation# she 7ent 7ith )aro5d to the senior 9rom# b8t sat 7ith my 9arents 6or the 4rad8ation ceremony. 7as the best in science# the best in mathematics# the best in 9hysics# and the best in chemistry# so 7as 4oin4 89 to the sta4e and recei:in4 honors many times at the ceremony. )aro5d 7as the best in En45ish and the best in history# and had 7ritten the schoo5 95ay# so that 7as :ery im9ressi:e. 7as terrib5e in En45ish. co85dn't stand the s8b>ect. t seemed to me ridic85o8s to 7orry abo8t 7hether yo8 s9e55ed somethin4 7ron4 or not# beca8se En45ish s9e55in4 is >8st a h8man con:ention

3 it has nothin4 to do 7ith anythin4 real# anythin4 6rom nat8re. %ny 7ord can be s9e55ed >8st as 7e55 a di66erent 7ay. 7as im9atient 7ith a55 this En45ish st866. *here 7as a series o6 e=ams ca55ed the Re4ents# 7hich the state o6 !e7 York 4a:e to e:ery hi4h schoo5 st8dent. % 6e7 months be6ore# 7hen 7e a55 7ere takin4 the Re4ents e=amination in En45ish# )aro5d and the other 5iterary 6riend o6 mine# +a:id Le66 3 the editor o6 the schoo5 ne7s9a9er 3 asked me 7hich books had chosen to 7rite abo8t. +a:id had chosen somethin4 7ith 9ro6o8nd socia5 im95ications by Sinc5air Le7is# and )aro5d had 9icked some 95ay7ri4ht. said chose Treasure -slan% beca8se 7e had that book in 6irstNyear En45ish# and to5d them 7hat 7rote. *hey 5a84hed. Boy# are you 4onna 658nk# sayin4 s8ch sim95e st866 abo8t s8ch a sim95e book&' /@E0 *here 7as a5so a 5ist o6 O8estions 6or an essay. *he one chose 7as *he m9ortance o6 Science in %:iation.' tho84ht# (hat a d8mb O8estion& *he im9ortance o6 science in a:iation is ob:io8s&' 7as abo8t to 7rite a sim95e theme abo8t this d8mb O8estion 7hen remembered that my 5iterary 6riends 7ere a57ays thro7in4 the b855' 3 b8i5din4 89 their sentences to so8nd com95e= and so9histicated. decided to try it# >8st 6or the he55 o6 it. tho84ht# 6 the Re4ents are so si55y as to ha:e a s8b>ect 5ike the im9ortance o6 science in a:iation# 'm 4onna %o that.' So 7rote st866 5ike# %erona8tica5 science is im9ortant in the ana5ysis o6 the eddies# :ortices# and 7hir59oo5s 6ormed in the atmos9here behind the aircra6t...' 3 kne7 that eddies# :ortices# and 7hir59oo5s are the same thin4# b8t mentionin4 them three di66erent 7ays soun%s better& *hat 7as the on5y thin4 7o85d not ha:e ordinari5y done on the test. *he teacher 7ho corrected my e=amination m8st ha:e been im9ressed by eddies# :ortices# and 7hir59oo5s# beca8se 4ot a A@ on the e=am 3 7hi5e my 5iterary 6riends# 7ho chose to9ics the En45ish teachers co85d more easi5y take iss8e 7ith# both 4ot EE. *hat year a ne7 r85e came o8tI i6 yo8 4ot AG or better on a Re4ents e=amination# yo8 a8tomatica55y 4ot honors in that s8b>ect at 4rad8ation& So 7hi5e the 95ay7ri4ht and the editor o6 the schoo5 ne7s9a9er had to stay in their seats# this i55iterate 6oo5 9hysics st8dent 7as ca55ed to 4o 89 to the sta4e once a4ain and recei:e honors in En45ish& %6ter the 4rad8ation ceremony# %r5ene 7as in the ha55 7ith my 9arents and )aro5d's 9arents 7hen the head o6 the math de9artment came o:er. )e 7as a :ery stron4 man 3 he 7as a5so the schoo5 disci95inarian 3 a ta55# dominatin4 6e55o7. $rs. "ast says to him# )e55o# +r. %84sberry. 'm )aro5d "ast's mother. %nd this is $rs. Feynman...' )e com95ete5y i4nores $rs. "ast and immediate5y t8rns to my mother. $rs. Feynman# 7ant to im9ress 89on yo8 that a yo8n4 man 5ike yo8r son comes a5on4 on5y :ery rare5y. *he state sho85d s899ort a man o6 s8ch ta5ent. Yo8 m8st be sure that he 4oes to co55e4e# the best co55e4e yo8 can a66ord&' )e 7as concerned that my 9arents mi4ht not be 95annin4 to send me to co55e4e# 6or in those days 5ots o6 kids had to 4et a >ob immediate5y a6ter 4rad8ation to he59 s899ort the 6ami5y. *hat in 6act ha99ened to my 6riend Robert. )e had a 5ab# too# and ta84ht me a55 abo8t 5enses and o9tics. LOne day he had an /@A0 accident in his 5ab. )e 7as o9enin4 carbo5ic acid and the bott5e >erked# s9i55in4 some acid on his 6ace. )e 7ent to the doctor and had banda4es 98t on 6or a 6e7 7eeks. *he 68nny thin4 7as# 7hen they took the banda4es o66 his skin 7as smooth 8nderneath# nicer than it had been be6ore 3 there 7ere many 6e7er b5emishes. ':e since 6o8nd o8t that there 7as# 6or a 7hi5e# some kind o6 a bea8ty treatment 8sin4 carbo5ic acid in a more di58te 6orm.M Robert's mother 7as 9oor# and he had to 4o to 7ork ri4ht a7ay to s899ort her# so he co85dn't contin8e his interest in the sciences. %ny7ay# my mother reass8red +r. %84sberryI (e're sa:in4 money as best 7e can# and 7e're tryin4 to send him to ,o58mbia or $ *.' %nd %r5ene 7as 5istenin4 to a55 this# so a6ter that 7as a 5itt5e bit ahead.

%r5ene 7as a 7onder685 4ir5. She 7as the editor o6 the ne7s9a9er at !assa8 ,o8nty La7rence )i4h Schoo5P she 95ayed the 9iano bea8ti6855y# and 7as :ery artistic. She made some decorations 6or o8r ho8se# 5ike the 9arrot on the inside o6 o8r c5oset. %s time 7ent on# and o8r 6ami5y 4ot to kno7 her better# she 7o85d 4o to the 7oods to 9aint 7ith my 6ather# 7ho had taken 89 9aintin4 in 5ater 5i6e# as many 9eo95e do. %r5ene and be4an to mo5d each other's 9ersona5ity. She 5i:ed in a 6ami5y that 7as :ery 9o5ite# and 7as :ery sensiti:e to other 9eo95e's 6ee5in4s. She ta84ht me to be more sensiti:e to those kinds o6 thin4s# too. On the other hand# her 6ami5y 6e5t that 7hite 5ies' 7ere okay. tho84ht one sho85d ha:e the attit8de o6 (hat do you care 7hat other 9eo95e think&' said# (e sho85d 5isten to other 9eo95e's o9inions and take them into acco8nt. *hen# i6 they don't make sense and 7e think they're 7ron4# then that's that&' %r5ene ca84ht on to the idea ri4ht a7ay. t 7as easy to ta5k her into thinkin4 that in o8r re5ationshi9# 7e m8st be :ery honest 7ith each other and say e:erythin4 strai4ht# 7ith abso58te 6rankness. t 7orked :ery 7e55# and 7e became :ery m8ch in 5o:e 3 a 5o:e 5ike no other 5o:e that kno7 o6. %6ter that s8mmer 7ent a7ay to co55e4e at $ *. L co85dn't 4o to ,o58mbia beca8se o6 the Je7ish O8ota.QM be4an 4ettin4 5etters 6rom my 6riends that said thin4s 5ike# Yo8 sho85d see /HG0 ho7 %r5ene is 4oin4 o8t 7ith )aro5d#' or She's doin4 this and she's doin4 that# 7hi5e yo8're a55 a5one 89 there in Boston.' (e55# 7as takin4 o8t 4ir5s in Boston# b8t they didn't mean a thin4 to me# and kne7 the same 7as tr8e 7ith %r5ene. (hen s8mmer came# stayed in Boston 6or a s8mmer >ob# and 7orked on meas8rin4 6riction. *he ,hrys5er ,om9any had de:e5o9ed a ne7 method o6 9o5ishin4 to 4et a s89er 6inish# and 7e 7ere s899osed to meas8re ho7 m8ch better it 7as. L t t8rned o8t that the s89er 6inish' 7as not si4ni6icant5y better.M %ny7ay# %r5ene 6o8nd a 7ay to be near me. She 6o8nd a s8mmer >ob in Scit8ate# abo8t t7enty mi5es a7ay# takin4 care o6 chi5dren. B8t my 6ather 7as concerned that 7o85d become too in:o5:ed 7ith %r5ene and 4et o66 the track o6 my st8dies# so he ta5ked her o8t o6 it 3 or ta5ked me o8t o6 it L can't rememberM. *hose days 7ere :ery# :ery di66erent 6rom no7. n those days# yo8 had to 4o a55 the 7ay 89 in yo8r career be6ore marryin4. 7as ab5e to see %r5ene on5y a 6e7 times that s8mmer# b8t 7e 9romised each other 7e 7o85d marry a6ter 6inished schoo5. had kno7n her 6or si= years by that time. 'm a 5itt5e ton48eNtied tryin4 to describe to yo8 ho7 m8ch o8r 5o:e 6or each other de:e5o9ed# b8t 7e 7ere s8re 7e 7ere ri4ht 6or each other. %6ter 4rad8ated 6rom $ * 7ent to Princeton# and 7o85d 4o home on :acations to see %r5ene. One time 7hen 7ent to see her# %r5ene had de:e5o9ed a b8m9 on one side o6 her neck. She 7as a :ery bea8ti685 4ir5# so it 7orried her a 5itt5e bit# b8t it didn't h8rt# so she 6i48red it 7asn't too serio8s. She 7ent to her 8nc5e# 7ho 7as a doctor. )e to5d her to r8b it 7ith ome4a oi5. *hen# sometime 5ater# the b8m9 be4an to chan4e. t 4ot bi44er 3 or maybe it 7as sma55er 3 and she 4ot a 6e:er. *he 6e:er 4ot 7orse# so the 6ami5y doctor decided %r5ene sho85d 4o to the hos9ita5. She 7as to5d she had ty9hoid 6e:er. Ri4ht a7ay# as sti55 do today# 5ooked 89 the disease in medica5 books and read a55 abo8t it. (hen 7ent to see %r5ene in the hos9ita5# she 7as in O8arantine 3 7e had to 98t on s9ecia5 4o7ns 7hen 7e entered her room# and so on. *he doctor 7as there# so asked him ho7 the (yde55 test came o8t 3 it 7as an abso58te test 6or ty9hoid 6e:er that in:o5:ed checkin4 6or bacteria in the 6eces. )e said# t 7as ne4ati:e.'

(hat- )o7 can that be&' said. (hy a55 these 4o7ns# /H@0 7hen yo8 can't e:en 6ind the bacteria in an e=9eriment- $aybe she doesn't ha:e ty9hoid 6e:er&' *he res85t o6 that 7as that the doctor ta5ked to %r5ene's 9arents# 7ho to5d me not to inter6ere. %6ter a55# he's the doctor. Yo8're on5y her 6iancX.' ':e 6o8nd o8t since that s8ch 9eo95e don't kno7 7hat they're doin4# and 4et ins85ted 7hen yo8 make some s844estion or criticism. rea5iRe that now# b8t 7ish had been m8ch stron4er then and to5d her 9arents that the doctor 7as an idiot 3 7hich he 7as 3 and didn't kno7 7hat he 7as doin4. B8t as it 7as# her 9arents 7ere in char4e o6 it. %ny7ay# a6ter a 5itt5e 7hi5e# %r5ene 4ot better# a99arent5yI the s7e55in4 7ent do7n and the 6e:er 7ent a7ay. B8t a6ter some 7eeks the s7e55in4 started a4ain# and this time she 7ent to another doctor. *his 48y 6ee5s 8nder her arm9its and in her 4roin# and so on# and notices there's s7e55in4 in those 95aces# too. )e says the 9rob5em is in her 5ym9hatic 45ands# b8t he doesn't yet kno7 7hat the s9eci6ic disease is. )e 7i55 cons85t 7ith other doctors. %s soon as hear abo8t it 4o do7n to the 5ibrary at Princeton and 5ook 89 5ym9hatic diseases# and 6ind S7e55in4 o6 the Lym9hatic "5ands. L@M *8berc85osis o6 the 5ym9hatic 45ands. *his is :ery easy to dia4nose...' 3 so 6i48re this isn't 7hat %r5ene has# beca8se the doctors are ha:in4 tro8b5e tryin4 to 6i48re it o8t. start readin4 abo8t some other diseasesI 5ym9hodenema# 5ym9hodenorna# )od4kin's disease# a55 kinds o6 other thin4sP they're a55 cancers o6 one craRy 6orm or another. *he on5y di66erence bet7een 5ym9hodenema and 5ym9hodenoma 7as# as 6ar as co85d make o8t by readin4 it :ery care6855y# that i6 the 9atient dies# it's 5ym9hodenomaP i6 the 9atient s8r:i:es 3 at 5east 6or a 7hi5e 3 then it's 5ym9hodenema. %t any rate# read thro84h a55 the 5ym9hatic diseases# and decided that the most 5ike5y 9ossibi5ity 7as that %r5ene had an inc8rab5e disease. *hen ha56 smi5ed to myse56# thinkin4# bet e:erybody 7ho reads thro84h a medica5 book thinks they ha:e a 6ata5 disease.' %nd yet# a6ter readin4 e:erythin4 :ery care6855y# co85dn't 6ind any other 9ossibi5ity. t 7as serio8s. *hen 7ent to the 7eek5y tea at Pa5mer )a55# and 6o8nd myse56 ta5kin4 to the mathematicians >8st as a57ays did# e:en tho84h had >8st 6o8nd o8t that %r5ene 9robab5y had a 6ata5 disease. t 7as :ery stran4e 3 5ike ha:in4 t7o minds. /HH0 (hen 7ent to :isit her# to5d %r5ene the >oke abo8t the 9eo95e 7ho don't kno7 any medicine readin4 the medica5 book and a57ays ass8min4 they ha:e a 6ata5 disease. B8t a5so to5d her tho84ht 7e 7ere in 4reat di66ic85ty# and that the best co85d 6i48re o8t 7as that she had an inc8rab5e disease. (e disc8ssed the :ario8s diseases# and to5d her 7hat each one 7as 5ike. One o6 the diseases to5d %r5ene abo8t 7as )od4kin's disease. (hen she ne=t sa7 her doctor# she asked him abo8t itI ,o85d it be )od4kin's disease-' )e said# (e55# yes# that's a 9ossibi5ity.' (hen she 7ent to the co8nty hos9ita5# the doctor 7rote the 6o55o7in4 dia4nosisI )od4kin's disease 3 -' So rea5iRed that the doctor didn't kno7 any more than did abo8t this 9rob5em. *he co8nty hos9ita5 4a:e %r5ene a55 sorts o6 tests and 2Nray treatments 6or this )od4kin's disease 3 -' and there 7ere s9ecia5 meetin4s to disc8ss this 9ec85iar case. remember 7aitin4 6or her o8tside# in the ha55. (hen the meetin4 7as o:er# the n8rse 7hee5ed her o8t in a 7hee5chair. %55 o6 a s8dden a 5itt5e 48y comes r8nnin4 o8t o6 the meetin4 room and catches 89 7ith 8s. *e55 me#' he says# o8t o6 breath# do yo8 s9it 89 b5ood- )a:e yo8 e:er co84hed 89 b5ood-' *he n8rse says# "o a7ay& "o a7ay& (hat kind o6 thin4 is that to ask o6 a 9atient&' 3 and br8shes him a7ay. *hen she t8rned to 8s and said# *hat man is a doctor 6rom the nei4hborhood 7ho comes to the meetin4s and is a57ays makin4 tro8b5e. *hat's not the kind o6 thin4 to ask o6 a 9atient&'

didn't catch on. *he doctor 7as checkin4 a certain 9ossibi5ity# and i6 had been smart# 7o85d ha:e asked him 7hat it 7as. Fina55y# a6ter a 5ot o6 disc8ssion# a doctor at the hos9ita5 te55s me they 6i48re the most 5ike5y 9ossibi5ity is )od4kin's disease. )e says# *here 7i55 be some 9eriods o6 im9ro:ement# and some 9eriods in the hos9ita5. t 7i55 be on and o66# 4ettin4 4rad8a55y 7orse. *here's no 7ay to re:erse it entire5y. t's 6ata5 a6ter a 6e7 years.' 'm sorry to hear that#' say. '55 te55 her 7hat yo8 said.' !o# no&' says the doctor. (e don't 7ant to 89set the 9atient. (e're 4oin4 to te55 her it's 45and85ar 6e:er.' !o# no&' re95y. (e':e a5ready disc8ssed the 9ossibi5ity o6 )od4kin's disease. kno7 she can ad>8st to it.' )er 9arents don't 7ant her to kno7. Yo8 had better ta5k to them 6irst.' %t home# e:erybody 7orked on meI my 9arents# my t7o /HB0 a8nts# o8r 6ami5y doctorP they 7ere a55 on me# sayin4 'm a :ery 6oo5ish yo8n4 man 7ho doesn't rea5iRe 7hat 9ain he's 4oin4 to brin4 to this 7onder685 4ir5 by te55in4 her she has a 6ata5 disease. )o7 can yo8 do s8ch a terrib5e thin4-' they asked# in horror. Beca8se 7e ha:e made a 9act that 7e m8st s9eak honest5y 7ith each other and 5ook at e:erythin4 direct5y. *here's no 8se 6oo5in4 aro8nd. She's 4onna ask me 7hat she's 4ot# and cannot 5ie to her&' Oh# that's chi5dish&' they said 3 b5ah# b5ah# b5ah. E:erybody ke9t 7orkin4 on me# and said 7as 7ron4. tho84ht 7as de6inite5y ri4ht# beca8se had a5ready ta5ked to %r5ene abo8t the disease and kne7 she co85d 6ace it 3 that te55in4 her the tr8th 7as the ri4ht 7ay to hand5e it. B8t 6ina55y# my 5itt5e sister comes 89 to me 3 she 7as e5e:en or t7e5:e then 3 7ith tears r8nnin4 do7n her 6ace. She beats me on the chest# te55in4 me that %r5ene is s8ch a 7onder685 4ir5# and that 'm s8ch a 6oo5ish# st8bborn brother. co85dn't take it any more. *hat broke me do7n. So 7rote %r5ene a 4oodbye 5o:e 5etter# 6i48rin4 that i6 she e:er 6o8nd o8t the tr8th a6ter had to5d her it 7as 45and85ar 6e:er# 7e 7o85d be thro84h. carried the 5etter 7ith me a55 the time. *he 4ods ne:er make it easyP they a57ays make it harder. 4o to the hos9ita5 to see %r5ene 3 ha:in4 made this decision 3 and there she is# sittin4 89 in bed# s8rro8nded by her 9arents# some7hat distra84ht. (hen she sees me# her 6ace 5i4hts 89 and she says# !o7 kno7 ho7 :a58ab5e it is that 7e te55 each other the tr8th&' !oddin4 at her 9arents# she contin8es# *hey're te55in4 me ha:e 45and85ar 6e:er# and 'm not s8re 7hether be5ie:e them or not. *e55 me# Richard# do ha:e )od4kin's disease or 45and85ar 6e:er-' Yo8 ha:e 45and85ar 6e:er#' said# and died inside. t 7as terrib5e 3 >8st terrib5e& )er reaction 7as com95ete5y sim95eI Oh& Fine& *hen be5ie:e them.' Beca8se 7e had b8i5t 89 so m8ch tr8st in each other# she 7as com95ete5y re5ie:ed. E:erythin4 7as so5:ed# and a55 7as :ery nice. She 4ot a 5itt5e bit better# and 7ent home 6or a 7hi5e. %bo8t a 7eek 5ater# 4et a te5e9hone ca55. Richard#' she says# 7ant to ta5k to yo8. ,ome on o:er.' Okay.' made s8re sti55 had the 5etter 7ith me. co85d te55 somethin4 7as the matter. /HD0 4o 89stairs to her room# and she says# Sit do7n&' sit do7n on the end o6 her bed. %55 ri4ht# no7 te55 me#' she says# do ha:e 45and85ar 6e:er or )od4kin's disease-' Yo8 ha:e )od4kin's disease.' %nd reached 6or the 5etter. "od&' she says. *hey m8st ha:e 98t yo8 thro84h he55&'

had >8st to5d her she has a 6ata5 disease# and 7as admittin4 that had 5ied to her as 7e55# and 7hat does she think o6- She's 7orried abo8t !e& 7as terrib5y ashamed o6 myse56. 4a:e %r5ene the 5etter. Yo8 sho85d ha:e st8ck by it. (e kno7 7hat 7e're doin4P 7e are ri4ht&' 'm sorry. 6ee5 a7685.' 8nderstand# Richard. J8st don't do it a4ain.' Yo8 see# she 7as in bed 89stairs# and did somethin4 she 8sed to do 7hen she 7as 5itt5eI she ti9toed o8t o6 bed and cra75ed do7n the stairs a 5itt5e bit to 5isten to 7hat 9eo95e 7ere doin4 do7nstairs. She heard her mother cryin4 a 5ot# and 7ent back to bed thinkin4# 6 ha:e 45and85ar 6e:er# 7hy is $other cryin4 so m8ch- B8t Richard said had 45and85ar 6e:er# so it m8st be ri4ht&' Later she tho84ht# ,o85d Richar% ha:e 5ied to me-' and be4an to 7onder ho7 that mi4ht be 9ossib5e. She conc58ded that# incredib5e as it so8nded# somebody mi4ht ha:e 98t me thro84h a 7rin4er o6 some sort. She 7as so 4ood at 6acin4 di66ic85t sit8ations that she 7ent on to the ne=t 9rob5em. Okay#' she says# ha:e )od4kin's disease. (hat are 7e 4oin4 to do no7-' had a scho5arshi9 at Princeton# and they 7o85dn't 5et me kee9 it i6 4ot married. (e kne7 7hat the disease 7as 5ikeI sometimes it 7o85d 4et better 6or some months# and %r5ene co85d be at home# and then she 7o85d ha:e to be in the hos9ita5 6or some months 3 back and 6orth 6or t7o years# 9erha9s. So 6i48re# a5tho84h 'm in the midd5e o6 tryin4 to 4et my Ph.+.# co85d 4et a >ob at the Be55 *e5e9hone Laboratories doin4 research 3 it 7as a :ery 4ood 95ace to 7ork 3 and 7e co85d 4et a 5itt5e a9artment in Y8eens that 7asn't too 6ar 6rom the hos9ita5 or Be55 Labs. (e co85d 4et married in a 6e7 months# in !e7 York. (e 7orked e:erythin4 o8t that a6ternoon. For some months no7 %r5ene's doctors had 7anted to take a bio9sy o6 the s7e55in4 on her neck# b8t her 9arents didn't 7ant it done 3 they didn't 7ant to bother the 9oor sick 4ir5.' B8t 7ith ne7 reso5:e# ke9t 7orkin4 on them# e=95ainin4 that it's /HF0 im9ortant to 4et as m8ch in6ormation as 9ossib5e. (ith %r5ene's he59# 6ina55y con:inced her 9arents. % 6e7 days 5ater# %r5ene te5e9hones me and says# *hey 4ot a re9ort 6rom the bio9sy.' Yeah- s it 4ood or bad-' don't kno7. ,ome o:er and 5et's ta5k abo8t it.' (hen 4ot to her ho8se# she sho7ed me the re9ort. t said# Bio9sy sho7s t8berc85osis o6 the 5ym9hatic 45and.' *hat rea55y 4ot me. mean# that 7as the 6irst 4oddamn thin4 on the 5ist& 9assed it by# beca8se the book said it 7as easy to dia4nose# and beca8se the doctors 7ere ha:in4 so m8ch tro8b5e tryin4 to 6i48re o8t 7hat it 7as. ass8med they had checked the ob:io8s case. %nd it was the ob:io8s caseI the man 7ho had come r8nnin4 o8t o6 the meetin4 room askin4 +o yo8 s9it 89 b5ood-' had the ri4ht idea. )e kne7 7hat it 9robab5y 7as& 6e5t 5ike a >erk# beca8se had 9assed o:er the ob:io8s 9ossibi5ity by 8sin4 circ8mstantia5 e:idence 3 7hich isn't any 4ood 3 and by ass8min4 the doctors 7ere more inte55i4ent than they 7ere. Other7ise# 7o85d ha:e s844ested it ri4ht o66# and 9erha9s the doctors 7o85d ha:e dia4nosed %r5ene's disease 7ay back then as t8berc85osis o6 the 5ym9hatic 45and 3 -' 7as a do9e. ':e 5earned# since then. %ny7ay# %r5ene says# So mi4ht 5i:e as 5on4 as se:en years. may e:en 4et better.' So 7hat do yo8 mean# yo8 don't kno7 i6 it's 4ood or bad-' (e55# no7 7e 7on't be ab5e to 4et married 8nti5 5ater.'

Kno7in4 that she on5y had t7o more years to 5i:e# 7e had so5:ed thin4s so 9er6ect5y# 6rom her 9oint o6 :ie7# that she 7as dist8rbed to disco:er she'd 5i:e 5on4er& B8t it didn't take me 5on4 to con:ince her it 7as a better circ8mstance. So 7e kne7 7e co85d 6ace thin4s to4ether# 6rom then on. %6ter 4oin4 thro84h that# 7e had no di66ic85ty 6acin4 any other 9rob5em. (hen the 7ar came# 7as recr8ited to 7ork on the $anhattan Pro>ect at Princeton# 7here 7as 6inishin4 89 my de4ree. % 6e7 months 5ater# as soon as 4ot my de4ree# anno8nced to my 6ami5y that 7anted to 4et married. $y 6ather 7as horri6ied# beca8se 6rom the ear5iest times# as he sa7 me de:e5o9# he tho84ht 7o85d be ha99y as a scientist. )e tho84ht it 7as sti55 too ear5y to marry 3 it 7o85d inter6ere 7ith my career. )e a5so had this craRy ideaI i6 a 48y 7as in some /HC0 di66ic85ty# he 8sed to a57ays say# ,hercheR 5a 6emme' 3 5ook 6or the 7oman behind it. )e 6e5t that 7omen 7ere the 4reat dan4er to a man# that a man a57ays has to 7atch o8t and be to84h abo8t 7omen. %nd 7hen he sees me marryin4 a 4ir5 7ith t8berc85osis# he thinks o6 the 9ossibi5ity that 'm 4oin4 to 4et sick# too. $y 7ho5e 6ami5y 7as 7orried abo8t that 3 a8nts# 8nc5es# e:eryone. *hey bro84ht the 6ami5y doctor o:er to o8r ho8se. )e tried to e=95ain to me that t8berc85osis is a dan4ero8s disease# and that 'm bo8nd to 4et it. said# J8st te55 me ho7 it's transmitted# and 7e'55 6i48re it o8t.' (e 7ere a5ready :ery# :ery care685I 7e kne7 7e m8st not kiss# beca8se there's a 5ot o6 bacteria in the mo8th. *hen they :ery care6855y e=95ained to me that 7hen had 9romised to marry %r5ene# didn't kno7 the sit8ation. E:erybody 7o85d 8nderstand that didn't kno7 the sit8ation then# and that it didn't re9resent a rea5 9romise. ne:er had that 6ee5in4# that craRy idea that they had# that 7as 4ettin4 married beca8se had 9romised it. hadn't e:en thought o6 that. t 7asn't a O8estion o6 ha:in4 9romised anythin4P 7e had sta55ed aro8nd# not 4ettin4 a 9iece o6 9a9er and not bein4 6orma55y married# b8t 7e 7ere in 5o:e# and 7ere a5ready married# emotiona55y. said# (o85d it be sensib5e 6or a h8sband 7ho 5earns that his 7i6e has t8berc85osis to 5ea:e her-' On5y my a8nt 7ho ran the hote5 tho84ht maybe it 7o85d be a55 ri4ht 6or 8s to 4et married. E:erybody e5se 7as sti55 a4ainst it. B8t this time# since my 6ami5y had 4i:en me this kind o6 ad:ice be6ore and it had been so 7ron4# 7as in a m8ch stron4er 9osition. t 7as :ery easy to resist and to >8st 9roceed. So there 7as no 9rob5em# rea55y. %5tho84h it 7as simi5ar circ8mstance# they 7eren't 4oin4 to con:ince me o6 anythin4 any more. %r5ene and kne7 7e 7ere ri4ht in 7hat 7e 7ere doin4. %r5ene and 7orked e:erythin4 o8t. *here 7as a hos9ita5 in !e7 Jersey >8st so8th o6 Fort +i= 7here she co85d stay 7hi5e 7as at Princeton. t 7as a charity hos9ita5 3 +eborah 7as the name o6 it 3 s899orted by the (omen's "arment (orkers Union o6 !e7 York. %r5ene 7asn't a 4arment 7orker# b8t it didn't make any di66erence. %nd 7as >8st a yo8n4 6e55a 7orkin4 on this 9ro>ect 6or the 4o:ernment# and the 9ay 7as :ery 5o7. B8t this 7ay co85d take care o6 her# at 5ast. (e decided to 4et married on the 7ay to +eborah )os9ita5. /HK0 7ent to Princeton to 9ick 89 a car 3 Bi55 (ood7ard# one o6 the 4rad8ate st8dents there# 5ent me his station 7a4on. 6i=ed it 89 5ike a 5itt5e amb85ance# 7ith a mattress and sheets in the back# so %r5ene co85d 5ie do7n in case she 4ot tired. %5tho84h this 7as one o6 the 9eriods 7hen the disease 7as a99arent5y not so bad and she 7as at home# %r5ene had been in the co8nty hos9ita5 a 5ot# and she 7as a 5itt5e 7eak. dro:e 89 to ,edarh8rst and 9icked 89 my bride. %r5ene's 6ami5y 7a:ed 4oodbye# and o66 7e 7ent. (e crossed Y8eens and Brook5yn# then 7ent to Staten s5and on the 6erry 3 that 7as o8r romantic boat ride 3 and dro:e to the city ha55 6or the boro84h o6 Richmond to 4et married. (e 7ent 89 the stairs# s5o75y# into the o66ice. *he 48y there 7as :ery nice. )e did e:erythin4 ri4ht

a7ay. )e said# Yo8 don't ha:e any 7itnesses#' so he ca55ed the bookkee9er and an acco8ntant 6rom another room# and 7e 7ere married accordin4 to the 5a7s o6 the state o6 !e7 York. *hen 7e 7ere :ery ha99y# and 7e smi5ed at each other# ho5din4 hands. *he bookkee9er says to me# Yo8're married no7. Yo8 sho85d kiss the bride&' So the bash685 character kissed his bride 5i4ht5y on the cheek. 4a:e e:eryone a ti9 and 7e thanked them :ery m8ch. (e 4ot back in the car# and dro:e to +eborah )os9ita5. E:ery 7eekend 'd 4o do7n 6rom Princeton to :isit %r5ene. One time the b8s 7as 5ate# and co85dn't 4et into the hos9ita5. *here 7eren't any hote5s nearby# b8t had my o5d shee9skin coat on Lso 7as 7arm eno84hM# and 5ooked 6or an em9ty 5ot to s5ee9 in. 7as a 5itt5e 7orried 7hat it mi4ht 5ook 5ike in the mornin4 7hen 9eo95e 5ooked o8t o6 their 7indo7s# so 6o8nd a 95ace that 7as 6ar eno84h a7ay 6rom ho8ses. *he ne=t mornin4 7oke 89 and disco:ered 'd been s5ee9in4 in a 4arba4e d8m9 3 a 5and6i55& 6e5t 6oo5ish# and 5a84hed. %r5ene's doctor 7as :ery nice# b8t he 7o85d 4et 89set 7hen bro84ht in a 7ar bond 6or Z@E e:ery month. )e co85d see 7e didn't ha:e m8ch money# and ke9t insistin4 7e sho85dn't contrib8te to the hos9ita5# b8t did it any7ay. One time# at Princeton# recei:ed a bo= o6 9enci5s in the mai5. *hey 7ere dark 4reen# and in 4o5d 5etters 7ere the 7ords R ,)%R+ +%RL !"# LOJE YOU& PU*SY.' t 7as %r5ene L ca55ed her P8tsyM. (e55# that 7as nice# and 5o:e her# too# b8t 3 yo8 kno7 ho7 /HE0 yo8 absentminded5y dro9 9enci5s aro8ndI yo8're sho7in4 Pro6essor (i4ner a 6orm85a# or somethin4# and 5ea:e the 9enci5 on his desk. n those days 7e didn't ha:e e=tra st866# so didn't 7ant to 7aste the 9enci5s. 4ot a raRor b5ade 6rom the bathroom and c8t o66 the 7ritin4 on one o6 them to see i6 co85d 8se them. *he ne=t mornin4# 4et a 5etter in the mai5. t starts o8t# ()%*'S *)E +E% OF *RY !" *O ,U* *)E !%$E OFF *)E PE!, LS-' t contin8esI %ren't yo8 9ro8d o6 the 6act that 5o:e yo8-' *henI ()%* +O YOU ,%RE ()%* O*)ER PEOPLE *) !K-' *hen came 9oetryI 6 yo8're ashamed o6 me# dah dah# then Pecans to yo8& Pecans to yo8&' *he ne=t :erse 7as the same kind o6 st866# 7ith the 5ast 5ine# %5monds to yo8& %5monds to yo8&' Each one 7as !8ts to yo8&' in a di66erent 6orm. So had to 8se the 9enci5s 7ith the names on them. (hat e5se co85d dot 7asn't 5on4 be6ore had to 4o to Los %5amos. Robert O99enheimer# 7ho 7as in char4e o6 the 9ro>ect# arran4ed 6or %r5ene to stay in the nearest hos9ita5# in %5b8O8erO8e# abo8t a h8ndred mi5es a7ay. had time o66 e:ery 7eekend to see her# so 7o85d hitchhike do7n on a Sat8rday# see %r5ene in the a6ternoon# and stay o:erni4ht in a hote5 there in %5b8O8erO8e. *hen on S8nday mornin4 7o85d see %r5ene a4ain# and hitchhike back to Los %5amos in the a6ternoon. +8rin4 the 7eek 7o85d o6ten 4et 5etters 6rom her. Some o6 them# 5ike the one 7ritten on a >i4sa7N 98RR5e b5ank and then taken a9art and sent in a sack# res85ted in 5itt5e notes 6rom the army censor# s8ch as P5ease te55 yo8r 7i6e 7e don't ha:e time to 95ay 4ames aro8nd here.' didn't te55 her anythin4. like% her to 95ay 4ames 3 e:en tho84h she o6ten 98t me in :ario8s 8ncom6ortab5e b8t am8sin4 conditions 6rom 7hich co85d not esca9e.

One time# near the be4innin4 o6 $ay# ne7s9a9ers mysterio8s5y a99eared in a5most e:erybody's mai5bo= at Los %5amos. *he 7ho5e damn 95ace 7as 6855 o6 them 3 h8ndreds o6 ne7s9a9ers. Yo8 kno7 the kind 3 yo8 o9en it 89 and there's this head5ine screamin4 in thick 5etters across the 6ront 9a4eI E!* RE !%* O! ,ELEBR%*ES B R*)+%Y OF R.P. FEY!$%!& /HA0 %r5ene 7as 95ayin4 her 4ame 7ith the 7or5d. She had a 5ot o6 time to think. She 7o85d read ma4aRines# and send a7ay 6or this and that. She 7as a57ays cookin4 89 somethin4. LShe m8st ha:e 4ot he59 7ith the names 6rom !ick $etro9o5is or one o6 the other 48ys at Los %5amos 7ho 7o85d o6ten :isit her.M %r5ene 7as in her room# b8t she 7as in the 7or5d# 7ritin4 me craRy 5etters and sendin4 a7ay 6or a55 kinds o6 st866. One time she sent me a bi4 cata5o4 o6 kitchen eO8i9ment 3 the kind yo8 need 6or enormo8s instit8tions 5ike 9risons# 7hich ha:e a 5ot o6 9eo95e in them. t sho7ed e:erythin4 6rom b5o7ers and hoods 6or sto:es to h84e 9ots and 9ans. So 'm thinkin4# (hat the he55 is this-' t reminded me o6 the time 7as 89 at $ * and %r5ene sent me a cata5o4 describin4 h84e boats# 6rom 7arshi9s to ocean 5iners 3 4reat bi4 boats. 7rote to herI (hat's the idea-' She 7rites backI >8st tho84ht that maybe# 7hen 7e 4et married# 7e co85d b8y a boat.' 7rite# %re yo8 craRy- t's a55 o8t o6 9ro9ortion&' *hen another cata5o4 comesI it's 6or bi4 yachts 3 6ortyN6oot schooners and st866 5ike that 3 6or :ery rich 9eo95e. She 7rites# Since yo8 said no to the other boats# maybe 7e co85d 4et one o6 these.' 7rite# LookI yo8're 7ay o8t o6 sca5e&' Soon another cata5o4 comesI it's 6or :ario8s kinds o6 motor boats 3 ,hriscra6t this and that. 7rite# *oo e=9ensi:e&' Fina55y# 4et a noteI *his is yo8r 5ast chance# Richard. Yo8're a57ays sayin4 no.' t t8rns o8t a 6riend o6 hers has a ro7boat she 7ants to se55 6or Z@F 3 a 8sed ro7boat 3 and maybe 7e co85d b8y it so 7e co85d ro7 aro8nd in the 7ater ne=t s8mmer. So# yes. mean# ho7 can yo8 say no a6ter a55 that(e55# 'm sti55 tryin4 to 6i48re o8t 7hat this bi4 cata5o4 6or instit8tiona5 kitchen eO8i9ment is 5eadin4 to# 7hen another cata5o4 comesI it's 6or hote5s and resta8rants 3 s8995ies 6or sma55 and medi8mN siRed hote5s and resta8rants. *hen a 6e7 days 5ater# a cata5o4 6or the kitchen in yo8r ne7 home comes. (hen 4o do7n to %5b8O8erO8e the ne=t Sat8rday# 6ind o8t 7hat it's a55 abo8t. *here's a 5itt5e charcoa5 broi5er in her room 3 she's bo84ht it thro84h the mai5 6rom Sears. t's abo8t ei4hteen inches across# 7ith 5itt5e 5e4s. /BG0 tho84ht 7e co85d ha:e steaks#' %r5ene says. )o7 the he55 can 7e 8se it in the room# here# 7ith a55 the smoke and e:erythin4-' Oh# no#' she says. %55 yo8 ha:e to do is take it o8t on the 5a7n. *hen yo8 can cook 8s steaks e:ery S8nday.' *he hos9ita5 7as ri4ht on Ro8te CC# the main road across the United States& can't do that#' said. mean# 7ith a55 the cars and tr8cks 4oin4 by# a55 the 9eo95e on the side7a5k 7a5kin4 back and 6orth# can't >8st 4o o8t there and start cookinT steaks on the 5a7n&' (hat do you care 7hat other 9eo95e think-' L%r5ene torture% me 7ith that&M Okay#' she says# o9enin4 a dra7er# 7e'55 com9romiseI yo8 don't ha:e to 7ear the che6's hat and the 45o:es.' She ho5ds 89 a hat 3 it's a rea5 che6's hat 3 and 45o:es. *hen she says# *ry on the a9ron#' as she 8n6o5ds it. t has somethin4 si55y 7ritten across it# 5ike B%RNBNY K !"#' or somethin4.

Okay# okay&' say# horri6ied. '55 cook the steaks on the 5a7n&' So e:ery Sat8rday or S8nday# 'd 4o o8t there on Ro8te CC and cook steaks. *hen there 7ere the ,hristmas cards. One day# on5y a 6e7 7eeks a6ter had arri:ed at Los %5amos# %r5ene says# tho84ht it 7o85d be nice to send ,hristmas cards to e:erybody. (o85d yo8 5ike to see the ones 9icked o8t-' *hey 7ere nice cards# a55 ri4ht# b8t inside they said $erry ,hristmas# 6rom Rich [ P8tsy. can't send these to Fermi and Bethe#' 9rotested. hard5y e:en kno7 them&' (hat do you care 7hat other 9eo95e think-' 3 nat8ra55y. So 7e sent them. !e=t year comes aro8nd# and by this time kno7 Fermi. kno7 Bethe. ':e been o:er at their ho8ses. ':e taken care o6 their kids. (e're a55 :ery 6riend5y. Some7here a5on4 the 5ine# %r5ene says to me# in a :ery 6orma5 tone# Yo8 ha:en't asked me abo8t o8r ,hristmas cards this year# Richard...' FE%R 4oes thro84h me. Uh# 7e55# 5et's see the cards.' *he cards say $erry ,hristmas and a )a99y !e7 Year# 6rom Richard and %r5ene Feynman. (e55# that's 6ine#' say. *hey're :ery nice. *hey'55 4o 6ine 6or e:erybody.' Oh# no#' she says. *hey 7on't do 6or Fermi and Bethe /B@0 and a55 those other 6amo8s 9eo95e.' S8re eno84h# she's 4ot another bo= o6 cards. She 9855s one o8t. t says the 8s8a5 st866# and thenI From +r. [ $rs. R. P. Feynman. So had to send them those. (hat's this 6orma5 st866# +ick-' they 5a84hed. *hey 7ere ha99y that she 7as ha:in4 s8ch a 4ood time o8t o6 it# and that had no contro5 o:er it. %r5ene didn't s9end a55 o6 her time in:entin4 4ames. She had sent a7ay 6or a book ca55ed Soun% an% Sy!bol in Chinese t 7as a 5o:e5y book 3 sti55 ha:e it 3 7ith abo8t 6i6ty symbo5s done in bea8ti685 ca55i4ra9hy# 7ith e=95anations 5ike *ro8b5eI three 7omen in a ho8se.' She had the ri4ht 9a9er# br8shes# and ink# and 7as 9racticin4 ca55i4ra9hy. She had a5so bo84ht a ,hinese dictionary# to 4et a 5ot o6 other symbo5s. One time 7hen came to :isit her# %r5ene 7as 9racticin4 these thin4s. She says to herse56# !o. *hat one's 7ron4.' So # the 4reat scientist#' say# (hat do yo8 mean# S7ron4T- t's on5y a h8man con:ention. *here's no 5a7 o6 nat8re 7hich says ho7 they're s899osed to 5ookP yo8 can dra7 them any 7ay yo8 7ant.' mean# artistica55y it's 7ron4. t's a O8estion o6 ba5ance# o6 ho7 it 6ee5s.' B8t one 7ay is >8st as 4ood as another#' 9rotest. )ere#' she says# and she hands me the br8sh. $ake one yo8rse56.' So made one# and said# (ait a min8te. Let me make another one 3 it's too b5obby.' L co85dn't say it 7as 7ron4# a6ter a55.M )o7 do yo8 kno7 ho7 b5obby it's s899osed to be-' she says. 5earned 7hat she meant. *here's a 9artic85ar 7ay yo8 ha:e to make the stroke 6or it to 5ook 4ood. %n aesthetic thin4 has a certain set# a certain character# 7hich can't de6ine. Beca8se it co85dn't be de6ined made me think there 7as nothin4 to it. B8t 5earned 6rom that e=9erience that there is somethin4 to it 3 and it's a 6ascination ':e had 6or art e:er since.

J8st at this moment# my sister sends me a 9ostcard 6rom Ober5in# 7here she's 4oin4 to co55e4e. t's 7ritten in 9enci5# 7ith sma55 symbo5s 3 it's in ,hinese. Joan is nine years yo8n4er than am# and st8died 9hysics# /BH0 too. )a:in4 me as her o5der brother 7as to84h on her. She 7as a57ays 5ookin4 6or somethin4 co85dn't do# and 7as secret5y takin4 ,hinese. (e55# didn't kno7 any ,hinese# b8t one thin4 'm 4ood at is s9endin4 an in6inite amo8nt o6 time so5:in4 a 98RR5e. *he ne=t 7eekend took the card 7ith me to %5b8O8erO8e. %r5ene sho7ed me ho7 to 5ook 89 the symbo5s. Yo8 ha:e to start in the back o6 the dictionary 7ith the ri4ht cate4ory and co8nt the n8mber o6 strokes. *hen yo8 4o into the main 9art o6 the dictionary. t t8rns o8t each symbo5 has se:era5 9ossib5e meanin4s# and yo8 ha:e to 98t se:era5 symbo5s to4ether be6ore yo8 can 8nderstand it. (ith 4reat 9atience 7orked e:erythin4 o8t. Joan 7as sayin4 thin4s 5ike# had a 4ood time today.' *here 7as on5y one sentence co85dn't 6i48re o8t. t said# Yesterday 7e ce5ebrated mo8ntainN6ormin4 day' 3 ob:io8s5y an error. L t t8rned o8t they did ha:e some craRy thin4 ca55ed $o8ntainN6ormin4 +ay' at Ober5in# and had trans5ated it ri4ht&M So it 7as tri:ia5 thin4s 5ike yo8'd e=9ect to ha:e on a 9ostcard# b8t kne7 6rom the sit8ation that Joan 7as tryin4 to 65oor me by sendin4 me ,hinese. 5ooked back and 6orth thro84h the art book and 9icked o8t 6o8r symbo5s 7hich 7o85d 4o 7e55 to4ether. *hen 9racticed each one# o:er and o:er. had a bi4 9ad o6 9a9er# and 7o85d make 6i6ty o6 each one# 8nti5 4ot it >8st ri4ht. (hen had accidenta55y made one 4ood e=am95e o6 each symbo5# sa:ed them. %r5ene a99ro:ed# and 7e 458ed the 6o8r o6 them end to end# one on to9 o6 the other. *hen 7e 98t a 5itt5e 9iece o6 7ood on each end# so yo8 co85d han4 it 89 on the 7a55. took a 9ict8re o6 my master9iece 7ith !ick $etro9o5is's camera# ro55ed 89 the scro55# 98t it in a t8be# and sent it to Joan. So she 4ets it. She 8nro55s it# and she can't read it. t 5ooks to her as i6 sim95y made 6o8r characters# one ri4ht a6ter the other# on the scro55. She takes it to her teacher. *he 6irst thin4 he says is# *his is 7ritten rather 7e55& +id yo8 do this-' Uh# no. (hat does it say-' E5der brother a5so s9eaks.' 'm a rea5 bastard 3 7o85d ne:er 5et my 5itt5e sister score one on me. (hen %r5ene's condition became m8ch 7eaker# her 6ather came o8t 6rom !e7 York to :isit her. t 7as di66ic85t and /BB0 e=9ensi:e to tra:e5 that 6ar d8rin4 the 7ar# b8t he kne7 the end 7as near. One day he te5e9honed me at Los %5amos. Yo8'd better come do7n here ri4ht a7ay#' he said. had arran4ed ahead o6 time 7ith a 6riend o6 mine at Los %5amos# K5a8s F8chs# to borro7 his car in case o6 an emer4ency# so co85d 4et to %5b8O8erO8e O8ick5y. 9icked 89 a co895e o6 hitchhikers to he59 me in case somethin4 ha99ened on the 7ay. S8re eno84h# as 7e 7ere dri:in4 into Santa Fe# 7e 4ot a 65at tire. *he hitchhikers he59ed me chan4e the tire. *hen on the other side o6 Santa Fe# the s9are tire 7ent 65at# b8t there 7as a 4as station nearby. remember 7aitin4 9atient5y 6or the 4as station man to take care o6 some other car# 7hen the t7o hitchhikers# kno7in4 the sit8ation# 7ent o:er and e=95ained to the man 7hat it 7as. )e 6i=ed the 65at ri4ht a7ay. (e decided not to 4et the s9are tire 6i=ed# beca8se re9airin4 it 7o85d ha:e taken e:en more time. (e started o8t a4ain to7ards %5b8O8erO8e# and 6e5t 6oo5ish that hadn't tho84ht to say anythin4 to the 4as station man 7hen time 7as so 9recio8s. %bo8t thirty mi5es 6rom %5b8O8erO8e# 7e 4ot

another 65at& (e had to abandon the car# and 7e hitchhiked the rest o6 the 7ay. ca55ed 89 a to7in4 com9any and to5d them the sit8ation. met %r5ene's 6ather at the hos9ita5. )e had been there 6or a 6e7 days. can't take it any more#' he said. ha:e to 4o home.' )e 7as so 8nha99y# he >8st 5e6t. (hen 6ina55y sa7 %r5ene# she 7as :ery 7eak# and a bit 6o44ed o8t. She didn't seem to kno7 7hat 7as ha99enin4. She stared strai4ht ahead most o6 the time# 5ookin4 aro8nd a 5itt5e bit 6rom time to time# and 7as tryin4 to breathe. E:ery once in a 7hi5e her breathin4 7o85d sto9 3 and she 7o85d sort o6 s7a55o7 3 and then it 7o85d start a4ain. t ke9t 4oin4 5ike this 6or a 6e7 ho8rs. took a 5itt5e 7a5k o8tside 6or a 7hi5e. 7as s8r9rised that 7asn't 6ee5in4 7hat tho84ht 9eo95e 7ere s899osed to 6ee5 8nder the circ8mstances. $aybe 7as 6oo5in4 myse56. 7asn't de5i4hted# b8t didn't 6ee5 terrib5y 89set# 9erha9s beca8se 7e had kno7n 6or a 5on4 time that it 7as 4oin4 to ha99en. t's hard to e=95ain. 6 a $artian L7ho# 7e'55 ima4ine# ne:er dies e=ce9t by accidentM came to Earth and sa7 this 9ec85iar race o6 creat8res 3 these h8mans 7ho 5i:e abo8t se:enty or ei4hty years# kno7in4 that death is 4oin4 to come 3 it 7o85d 5ook to him 5ike a terrib5e 9rob5em o6 9sycho5o4y to 5i:e 8nder those /BD0 circ8mstances# kno7in4 that 5i6e is on5y tem9orary. (e55# 7e h8mans someho7 6i48re o8t ho7 to 5i:e des9ite this 9rob5emI 7e 5a84h# 7e >oke# 7e 5i:e. *he on5y di66erence 6or me and %r5ene 7as# instead o6 6i6ty years# it 7as 6i:e years. t 7as on5y a O8antitati:e di66erence 3 the 9sycho5o4ica5 9rob5em 7as >8st the same. *he on5y 7ay it 7o85d ha:e become any di66erent is i6 7e had said to o8rse5:es# B8t those other 9eo95e ha:e it better# beca8se they mi4ht 5i:e 6i6ty years.' B8t that's craRy. (hy make yo8rse56 miserab5e sayin4 thin4s 5ike# (hy do 7e ha:e s8ch bad 58ck- (hat has "od done to 8s- (hat ha:e 7e done to deser:e this-' 3 a55 o6 7hich# i6 yo8 8nderstand rea5ity and take it com95ete5y into yo8r heart# are irre5e:ant and 8nso5:ab5e. *hey are >8st thin4s that nobody can kno7. Yo8r sit8ation is >8st an accident o6 5i6e. (e had a he55 o6 a 4ood time to4ether. came back into her room. ke9t ima4inin4 a55 the thin4s that 7ere 4oin4 on 9hysio5o4ica55yI the 58n4s aren't 4ettin4 eno84h air into the b5ood# 7hich makes the brain 6o44ed o8t and the heart 7eaker# 7hich makes the breathin4 e:en more di66ic85t. ke9t e=9ectin4 some sort o6 a:a5anchin4 e66ect# 7ith e:erythin4 ca:in4 in to4ether in a dramatic co55a9se. B8t it didn't a99ear that 7ay at a55I she >8st s5o75y 4ot more 6o44y# and her breathin4 4rad8a55y became 5ess and 5ess# 8nti5 there 7as no more breath 3 b8t >8st be6ore that# there 7as a :ery sma55 one. *he n8rse on her ro8nds came in and con6irmed that %r5ene 7as dead# and 7ent o8t 3 7anted to be a5one 6or a moment. sat there 6or a 7hi5e# and then 7ent o:er to kiss her one 5ast time. 7as :ery s8r9rised to disco:er that her hair sme55ed e=act5y the same. O6 co8rse# a6ter sto99ed and tho84ht abo8t it# there 7as no reason 7hy hair sho85d sme55 di66erent in s8ch a short time. B8t to me it 7as a kind o6 a shock# beca8se in my mind# somethin4 enormo8s had >8st ha99ened 3 and yet nothin4 had ha99ened. *he ne=t day# 7ent to the mort8ary. *he 48y hands me some rin4s he's taken 6rom her body. (o85d yo8 5ike to see yo8r 7i6e one 5ast time-' he asks. (hat kind o6 a 3 no# don't 7ant to see her# no&' said. >8st sa7 her&' Yes# b8t she's been a55 6i=ed 89#' he says. *his mort8ary st866 7as com95ete5y 6orei4n to me. Fi=in4 89 /BF0 a body 7hen there's nothin4 there- didn't 7ant to 5ook at %r5ene a4ainP that 7o85d ha:e made me more 89set. ca55ed the to7in4 com9any and 4ot the car# and 9acked %r5ene's st866 in the back. 9icked 89 a hitchhiker# and started o8t o6 %5b8O8erO8e. t 7asn't more than 6i:e mi5es be6ore... B%!"& %nother 65at tire. started to c8rse.

*he hitchhiker 5ooked at me 5ike 7as menta55y 8nba5anced. t's >8st a tire# isn't it-' he says. Yeah# it's >8st a tire 3 and another tire# and a4ain another tire# and another tire&' (e 98t the s9are tire on# and 7ent :ery s5o75y# a55 the 7ay back to Los %5amos# 7itho8t 4ettin4 the other tire re9aired. didn't kno7 ho7 7as 4oin4 to 6ace a55 my 6riends at Los %5amos. didn't 7ant 9eo95e 7ith 5on4 6aces ta5kin4 to me abo8t the death o6 %r5ene. Somebody asked me 7hat ha99ened. She's dead. %nd ho7's the 9ro4ram 4oin4-' said. *hey ca84ht on ri4ht a7ay that didn't 7ant to moon o:er it. On5y one 48y e=9ressed his sym9athy# and it t8rned o8t he had been o8t o6 to7n 7hen came back to Los %5amos. One ni4ht had a dream# and %r5ene came into it. Ri4ht a7ay# said to her# !o# no# yo8 can't be in this dream. Yo8're not a5i:e&' *hen 5ater# had another dream 7ith %r5ene in it. started in a4ain# sayin4# Yo8 can't be in this dream&' !o# no#' she says. 6oo5ed yo8. 7as tired o6 yo8# so cooked 89 this r8se so co85d 4o my o7n 7ay. B8t no7 5ike yo8 a4ain# so ':e come back.' $y mind 7as rea55y 7orkin4 a4ainst itse56. t had to be e=95ained# e:en in a 4oddamn %rea!# 7hy it 7as 9ossib5e that she 7as sti55 there& m8st ha:e done somethin4 to myse56# 9sycho5o4ica55y. didn't cry 8nti5 abo8t a month 5ater# 7hen 7as 7a5kin4 9ast a de9artment store in Oak Rid4e and noticed a 9retty dress in the 7indo7. tho84ht# %r5ene 7o85d 5ike that#' and then it hit me. . . /BC 0 1 1

t.& a& Si%ple a& One/ T0o/ Three###

*hen 7as a kid 4ro7in4 89 in Far Rocka7ay# had a 6riend named Bernie (a5ker. (e both had 5abs' at home# and 7e 7o85d do :ario8s e=9eriments.' One time# 7e 7ere disc8ssin4 somethin4 3 7e m8st ha:e been e5e:en or t7e5:e at the time 3 and said# B8t thinkin4 is nothin4 b8t ta5kin4 to yo8rse56 inside.' Oh yeah-' Bernie said. +o yo8 kno7 the craRy sha9e o6 the cranksha6t in a car-' Yeah# 7hat o6 it-' "ood. !o7# te55 meI ho7 did yo8 describe it 7hen yo8 7ere ta5kin4 to yo8rse56-' So 5earned 6rom Bernie that tho84hts can be :is8a5 as 7e55 as :erba5. Later on# in co55e4e# became interested in dreams. 7ondered ho7 thin4s co85d 5ook so rea5# >8st as i6 5i4ht 7ere hittin4 the retina o6 the eye# 7hi5e the eyes are c5osedI are the ner:e ce55s on the retina act8a55y bein4 stim85ated in some other 7ay 3 by the brain itse56# 9erha9s 3 or does the brain ha:e a >8d4ment de9artment' that 4ets s5o99ed 89 d8rin4 dreamin4- ne:er 4ot satis6actory ans7ers to s8ch O8estions 6rom 9sycho5o4y# e:en tho84h became :ery interested in ho7 the brain 7orks. nstead# there 7as a55 this b8siness abo8t inter9retin4 dreams# and so on. (hen 7as in 4rad8ate schoo5 at Princeton a kind o6 d8mb 9sycho5o4y 9a9er came o8t that stirred 89 a 5ot o6 disc8ssion. *he a8thor had decided that the thin4 contro55in4 the time sense' in the brain is a chemica5 reaction in:o5:in4 iron. tho84ht to myse56# !o7# ho7 the he55 co85d he 6i48re

that-' (e55# the 7ay he did it 7as# his 7i6e had a chronic 6e:er 7hich 7ent 89 and do7n a 5ot. Someho7 he 4ot the idea to test her sense o6 time. )e had her co8nt seconds to herse56 L7itho8t 5ookin4 at a c5ockM# and checked ho7 5on4 it took her to co8nt 89 /BK0 to CG. )e had her co8ntin4 3 the 9oor 7oman 3 a55 d8rin4 the dayI 7hen her 6e:er 7ent 89# he 6o8nd she co8nted O8ickerP 7hen her 6e:er 7ent do7n# she co8nted s5o7er. *here6ore# he tho84ht# the thin4 that 4o:erned the time sense' in the brain m8st be r8nnin4 6aster 7hen she's 4ot 6e:er than 7hen she hasn't 4ot 6e:er. Bein4 a :ery scienti6ic' 48y# the 9sycho5o4ist kne7 that the rate o6 a chemica5 reaction :aries 7ith the s8rro8ndin4 tem9erat8re by a certain 6orm85a that de9ends on the ener4y o6 the reaction. )e meas8red the di66erences in s9eed o6 his 7i6e's co8ntin4# and determined ho7 m8ch the tem9erat8re chan4ed the s9eed. *hen he tried to 6ind a chemica5 reaction 7hose rates :aried 7ith tem9erat8re in the same amo8nts as his 7i6e's co8ntin4 did. )e 6o8nd that iron reactions 6it the 9attern best. So he ded8ced that his 7i6e's sense o6 time 7as 4o:erned by a chemica5 reaction in her body in:o5:in4 iron. (e55# it a55 seemed 5ike a 5ot o6 ba5oney to me 3 there 7ere so many thin4s that co85d 4o 7ron4 in his 5on4 chain o6 reasonin4. B8t it was an interestin4 O8estionI 7hat %oes determine the time sense'- (hen yo8're tryin4 to co8nt at an e:en rate# 7hat does that rate de9end on- %nd 7hat co85d do to yo8rse56 to chan4e itdecided to in:esti4ate. started by co8ntin4 seconds 3 7itho8t 5ookin4 at a c5ock# o6 co8rse 3 89 to CG in a s5o7# steady rhythmI @# H# B# D# F.... (hen 4ot to CG# on5y DE seconds had 4one by# b8t that didn't bother meI the 9rob5em 7as not to co8nt 6or e=act5y one min8te# b8t to co8nt at a standard rate. *he ne=t time co8nted to CG# DA seconds had 9assed. *he ne=t time# DE. *hen DK# DE# DA# DE# DE.... So 6o8nd co85d co8nt at a 9retty standard rate. !o7# i6 >8st sat there# 7itho8t co8ntin4# and 7aited 8nti5 tho84ht a min8te had 4one by# it 7as :ery irre485ar 3 com95ete :ariations. So 6o8nd it's :ery 9oor to estimate a min8te by sheer 48essin4. B8t by co8ntin4# co85d 4et :ery acc8rate. !o7 that kne7 co85d co8nt at a standard rate# the ne=t O8estion 7as 3 7hat a66ects the rate$aybe it has somethin4 to do 7ith the heart rate. So be4an to r8n 89 and do7n the stairs# 89 and do7n# to 4et my heart beatin4 6ast. *hen 'd r8n into my room# thro7 myse56 do7n on the bed# and co8nt 89 to CG. a5so tried r8nnin4 89 and do7n the stairs and co8ntin4 to myse56 while 7as r8nnin4 89 and do7n. /BE0 *he other 48ys sa7 me r8nnin4 89 and do7n the stairs# and 5a84hed. (hat are yo8 doin4-' co85dn't ans7er them 3 7hich made me rea5iRe co85dn't ta5k 7hi5e 7as co8ntin4 to myse56 3 and ke9t ri4ht on r8nnin4 89 and do7n the stairs# 5ookin4 5ike an idiot. L*he 48ys at the 4rad8ate co55e4e 7ere 8sed to me 5ookin4 5ike an idiot. On another occasion# 6or e=am95e# a 48y came into my room 3 had 6or4otten to 5ock the door d8rin4 the e=9eriment' 3 and 6o8nd me in a chair 7earin4 my hea:y shee9skin coat# 5eanin4 o8t o6 the 7ideNo9en 7indo7 in the dead o6 7inter# ho5din4 a 9ot in one hand and stirrin4 7ith the other. +on't bother me& +on't bother me&' said. 7as stirrin4 Je55NO and 7atchin4 it c5ose5yI had 4otten c8rio8s as to 7hether Je55NO 7o85d coa485ate in the co5d i6 yo8 ke9t it mo:in4 a55 the time.M %ny7ay# a6ter tryin4 e:ery combination o6 r8nnin4 89 and do7n the stairs and 5yin4 on the bed# s8r9rise& *he heart rate had no e66ect. %nd since 4ot :ery hot r8nnin4 89 and do7n the stairs# 6i48red tem9erat8re had nothin4 to do 7ith it either La5tho84h m8st ha:e kno7n that yo8r tem9erat8re doesn't rea55y 4o 89 7hen yo8 e=erciseM. n 6act# co85dn't 6ind anythin4 that a66ected my rate o6 co8ntin4. R8nnin4 89 and do7n stairs 4ot 9retty borin4# so started co8ntin4 7hi5e did thin4s had to do

any7ay. For instance# 7hen 98t o8t the 5a8ndry# had to 6i55 o8t a 6orm sayin4 ho7 many shirts had# ho7 many 9ants# and so on. 6o8nd co85d 7rite do7n B' in 6ront o6 9ants' or D' in 6ront o6 shirts#' b8t co85dn't co8nt my socks. *here 7ere too many o6 themI 'm a5ready 8sin4 my co8ntin4 machine' 3 BC# BK# BE 3 and here are a55 these socks in 6ront o6 me 3 BA# DG# D@.... )o7 do co8nt the socks6o8nd co85d arran4e them in 4eometrica5 9atterns 3 5ike a sO8are# 6or e=am95eI a 9air o6 socks in this comer# a 9air in that oneP a 9air o:er here# and a 9air o:er there 3 ei4ht socks. contin8ed this 4ame o6 co8ntin4 by 9atterns# and 6o8nd co85d co8nt the 5ines in a ne7s9a9er artic5e by 4ro89in4 the 5ines into 9atterns o6 B# B# B# and @ to 4et @GP then B o6 those 9atterns# B o6 those 9atterns# B o6 those 9atterns# and @ o6 those 9atterns made @GG. 7ent ri4ht do7n the ne7s9a9er 5ike that. %6ter had 6inished co8ntin4 89 to CG# kne7 7here 7as in the 9atterns and co85d say# 'm 89 to CG# and there are @@B 5ines.' 6o8nd that co85d e:en rea% the artic5es 7hi5e co8nted to CG# and it /BA0 didn't a66ect the rate& n 6act# co85d do anythin4 7hi5e co8ntin4 to myse56 3 e=ce9t ta5k o8t 5o8d# o6 co8rse. (hat abo8t ty9in4 3 co9yin4 7ords o8t o6 a book- 6o8nd that co85d do that# too# b8t here my time 7as a66ected. 7as e=citedI 6ina55y# ':e 6o8nd somethin4 that a99ears to a66ect my co8ntin4 rate& in:esti4ated it more. 7o85d 4o a5on4# ty9in4 the sim95e 7ords rather 6ast# co8ntin4 to myse56 @A# HG# H@# ty9in4 a5on4# co8ntin4 HK# HE# HA# ty9in4 a5on4# 8nti5 3 (hat the he55 is that 7ord- 3 Oh# yeah 3 and then contin8e co8ntin4 BG# B@# BH# and so on. (hen 'd 4et to CG# 'd be 5ate. %6ter some intros9ection and 68rther obser:ation# rea5iRed 7hat m8st ha:e ha99enedI 7o85d interr89t my co8ntin4 7hen 4ot to a di66ic85t 7ord that needed more brains#' so to s9eak. $y co8ntin4 rate 7asn't s5o7in4 do7nP rather# the co8ntin4 itse56 7as bein4 he5d 89 tem9orari5y 6rom time to time. ,o8ntin4 to CG had become so a8tomatic that didn't e:en notice the interr89tions at 6irst. *he ne=t mornin4# o:er break6ast# re9orted the res85ts o6 a55 these e=9eriments to the other 48ys at the tab5e. to5d them a55 the thin4s co85d do 7hi5e co8ntin4 to myse56# and said the on5y thin4 abso58te5y co85d not do 7hi5e co8ntin4 to myse56 7as ta5k. One o6 the 48ys# a 6e55a named John *8key# said# don't be5ie:e yo8 can read# and don't see 7hy yo8 can't ta5k. '55 bet yo8 can ta5k 7hi5e co8ntin4 to myse56# and '55 bet yo8 yo8 can't read.' So 4a:e a demonstrationI they 4a:e me a book and read it 6or a 7hi5e# co8ntin4 to myse56. (hen reached CG said# !o7&' 3 DE seconds# my re485ar time. *hen to5d them 7hat had read. *8key 7as amaRed. %6ter 7e checked him a 6e7 times to see 7hat his re485ar time 7as# he started ta5kin4I $ary had a 5itt5e 5ambP can say anythin4 7ant to# it doesn't make any di66erenceP don't kno7 7hat's botherin4 yo8' 3 b5ah# b5ah# b5ah# and 6ina55y# Okay&' )e hit his time ri4ht on the nose& co85dn't be5ie:e it& (e ta5ked abo8t it a 7hi5e# and 7e disco:ered somethin4. t t8rned o8t that *8key 7as co8ntin4 in a di66erent 7ayI he 7as :is8a5iRin4 a ta9e 7ith n8mbers on it 4oin4 by. )e 7o85d say# $ary had a 5itt5e 5amb#' and he 7o85d watch it& (e55# no7 it /DG0 7as c5earI he's 5ookin4' at his ta9e 4oin4 by# so he can't read# and 'm ta5kin4' to myse56 7hen 'm co8ntin4# so can't s9eak& %6ter that disco:ery# tried to 6i48re o8t a 7ay o6 readin4 o8t 5o8d 7hi5e co8ntin4 3 somethin4 neither o6 8s co85d do. 6i48red 'd ha:e to 8se a 9art o6 my brain that 7o85dn't inter6ere 7ith the seein4 or s9eakin4 de9artments# so decided to 8se my 6in4ers# since that in:o5:ed the sense o6 to8ch. soon s8cceeded in co8ntin4 7ith my 6in4ers and readin4 o8t 5o8d. B8t 7anted the 7ho5e 9rocess to be menta5# and not re5y on any 9hysica5 acti:ity. So tried to ima4ine the 6ee5in4 o6 my 6in4ers mo:in4 7hi5e 7as readin4 o8t 5o8d.

ne:er s8cceeded. 6i48red that 7as beca8se hadn't 9racticed eno84h# b8t it mi4ht be im9ossib5eI ':e ne:er met anybody 7ho can do it. By that e=9erience *8key and disco:ered that 7hat 4oes on in di66erent 9eo95e's heads 7hen they think they're doin4 the same thin4 3 somethin4 as sim95e as counting 3 is di66erent 6or di66erent 9eo95e. %nd 7e disco:ered that yo8 can e=terna55y and ob>ecti:e5y test ho7 the brain 7orksI yo8 don't ha:e to ask a 9erson ho7 he co8nts and re5y on his o7n obser:ations o6 himse56P instead# yo8 obser:e 7hat he can and can't do 7hi5e he co8nts. *he test is abso58te. *here's no 7ay to beat itP no 7ay to 6ake it. t's nat8ra5 to e=95ain an idea in terms o6 7hat yo8 a5ready ha:e in yo8r head. ,once9ts are 9i5ed on to9 o6 each otherI this idea is ta84ht in terms o6 that idea# and that idea is ta84ht in terms o6 another idea# 7hich comes 6rom co8ntin4# 7hich can be so di66erent 6or di66erent 9eo95e& o6ten think abo8t that# es9ecia55y 7hen 'm teachin4 some esoteric techniO8e s8ch as inte4ratin4 Besse5 68nctions. (hen see eO8ations# see the 5etters in co5ors 3 don't kno7 7hy. %s 'm ta5kin4# see :a48e 9ict8res o6 Besse5 68nctions 6rom Jahnke and Emde's book# 7ith 5i4htNtan D's# s5i4ht5y :io5etNb58ish n's# and dark bro7n &'s 65yin4 aro8nd. %nd 7onder 7hat the he55 it m8st 5ook 5ike to the st8dents. . . /D@ 0 1 1

1ettin( Ahea"
1ne ti!e# back in the 6i6ties# 7hen 7as ret8rnin4 6rom BraRi5 by boat# 7e sto99ed o66 in *rinidad 6or a day# so decided to see the main city# Port o6 S9ain. n those days# 7hen :isited a city 7as most interested in seein4 the 9oorest sections 3 to see ho7 5i6e 7orks at the bottom end. s9ent some time o66 in the hi55s# in the !e4ro section o6 to7n# 7anderin4 aro8nd on 6oot. On the 7ay back a ta=i sto99ed and the dri:er said# )ey# mon& Yo8 7ant to see the city- t on5y cost 6i:e bi7i.' said# Okay#' and 4ot in the ta=i. *he dri:er started ri4ht o66 to 4o 89 and see some 9a5ace# sayin4# '55 sho7 yo8 a55 the 6ancy 95aces.' said# !o# thank yo8P that's simi5ar in e:ery city. 7ant to see the bottom 9art o6 the city# 7here the 9oor 9eo95e 5i:e. ':e a5ready seen the hi55s 89 there.' Oh&' he said# im9ressed. '55 be 45ad to sho7 yo8 aro8nd. %nd ha:e a O8estion 6or yo8 7hen 7e're thro84h# so 7ant yo8 to 5ook at e:erythin4 care6855y.' So he took me to an East ndian nei4hborhood 3 it m8st ha:e been some ho8sin4 9ro>ect 3 and he sto99ed in 6ront o6 a ho8se made o6 concrete b5ocks. *here 7as 9ractica55y nothin4 inside. % man 7as sittin4 on the 6ront ste9s. Yo8 see that man-' he said. )e has a son st8dyin4 medicine in $ary5and.' *hen he 9icked 89 someone 6rom the nei4hborhood so co85d better see 7hat they 7ere 5ike. t 7as a 7oman 7hose teeth had a 5ot o6 decay. F8rther a5on4 7e sto99ed and he introd8ced me to t7o 7omen he admired. *hey 4ot eno84h money to4ether to b8y a se7in4 machine# and no7 they do se7in4 and tai5orin4 7ork 6or 9eo95e in the nei4hborhood#' he said# 9ro8d5y. (hen he introd8ced me to them# he said# *his man is a 9ro6essor# and 7hat's interestin4 is# he 7ants to see o8r nei4hborhoods.'

(e sa7 many thin4s# and 6ina55y the ta=i dri:er said to me# !o7# Pro6essor# here is my O8estionI yo8 see the ndian 9eo95e are >8st as 9oor# and sometimes e:en 9oorer than the !e4ro /DH0 9eo95e# b8t they're 4ettin4 some7here# someho7 3 this man has sent his son to co55e4eP those 7omen are b8i5din4 89 a se7in4 b8siness. B8t my 9eo95e aren't 4ettin4 any7here. (hy is that-' to5d him# o6 co8rse# that didn't kno7 3 7hich is my ans7er to a5most e:ery O8estion 3 b8t he 7o85dn't acce9t that# comin4 6rom a 9ro6essor. tried to 48ess at somethin4 7hich tho84ht 7as 9ossib5e. said# *here's a 5on4 tradition behind 5i6e in ndia that comes 6rom a re5i4ion and 9hi5oso9hy that is tho8sands o6 years o5d. %nd a5tho84h these 9eo95e are not in ndia# they sti55 9ass on those traditions abo8t 7hat's im9ortant in 5i6e 3 tryin4 to b8i5d 6or the 68t8re and s899ortin4 their chi5dren in the e66ort 3 7hich ha:e come do7n to them 6or cent8ries.' contin8ed# think that yo8r 9eo95e ha:e 8n6ort8nate5y not had a chance to de:e5o9 s8ch a 5on4 tradition# or i6 they did# they 5ost it thro84h conO8est and s5a:ery.' don't kno7 i6 it's tr8e# b8t it 7as my best 48ess. *he ta=i dri:er 6e5t that it 7as a 4ood obser:ation# and said he 7as 95annin4 to b8i5d 6or the 68t8re# tooI he had some money on the horses# and i6 he 7on# he 7o85d b8y his o7n ta=icab# and really do 7e55. 6e5t :ery sorry. to5d him that bettin4 on the horses 7as a bad idea# b8t he insisted it 7as the on5y 7ay he co85d do it. )e had s8ch 4ood intentions# b8t his method 7as 4oin4 to be 58ck. 7asn't 4oin4 to 4o on 9hi5oso9hiRin4# so he took me to a 95ace 7here there 7as a stee5 band 95ayin4 some 4reat ca5y9so m8sic# and had an en>oyab5e a6ternoon. . . /DB 0 1 1

Hotel Cit$
1ne ti!e# 7hen 7as in "ene:a# S7itRer5and# 6or a Physica5 Society meetin4# 7as 7a5kin4 aro8nd and ha99ened to 4o 9ast the United !ations b8i5din4s. tho84ht to myse56# "ee& think '55 4o in and 5ook aro8nd.' 7asn't 9artic85ar5y dressed 6or it 3 7as 7earin4 dirty 9ants and an o5d coat 3 b8t it t8rned o8t there 7ere to8rs yo8 co85d 4o on 7here some 48y 7o85d sho7 yo8 aro8nd. *he to8r 7as O8ite interestin4# b8t the most strikin4 9art 7as the 4reat bi4 a8ditori8m. Yo8 kno7 ho7 e:erythin4 is o:erdone 6or these bi4 internationa5 characters# so 7hat 7o85d ordinari5y be a sta4e or a dais 7as in se:era5 5ayersI yo8 ha:e to c5imb 89 7ho5e seO8ences o6 ste9s to this 4reat# bi4# monstro8s 7ooden thin4 that yo8 stand behind# 7ith a bi4 screen in back o6 yo8. n 6ront o6 yo8 are the seats. *he car9ets are e5e4ant# and the bi4 doors 7ith brass hand5es at the back are bea8ti685. On each side o6 the 4reat a8ditori8m# 89 abo:e# are 7indo7ed booths 6or the trans5ators o6 di66erent 5an48a4es to 7ork in. t's a 6antastic 95ace# and ke9t thinkin4 to myse56# "ee& )o7 it m8st be to 4i:e a ta5k in a 95ace 5ike this&' Ri4ht a6ter that# 7e 7ere 7a5kin4 a5on4 the corridor >8st o8tside the a8ditori8m 7hen the 48ide 9ointed thro84h the 7indo7 and said# Yo8 see those b8i5din4s o:er there that are 8nder constr8ction- *hey'55 be 8sed 6or the 6irst time at the %toms 6or Peace ,on6erence# in abo8t si= 7eeks.' s8dden5y remembered that $8rray "e55N$ann and 7ere s899osed to 4i:e ta5ks at that con6erence on the 9resent sit8ation o6 hi4hNener4y 9hysics. $y ta5k 7as set 6or the 95enary session# so asked the 48ide# Sir# 7here 7o85d the ta5ks 6or the plenary session o6 that con6erence be-' Back in that room that 7e >8st came thro84h.'

Oh&' said in de5i4ht. *hen 'm 4onna 4i:e a s9eech in that room&' *he 48ide 5ooked do7n at my dirty 9ants and my s5o99y shirt. rea5iRed ho7 d8mb that remark m8st ha:e so8nded to him# b8t it 7as 4en8ine s8r9rise and de5i4ht on my 9art. /DD0 (e 7ent a5on4 a 5itt5e bit 6arther# and the 48ide said# *his is a 5o8n4e 6or the :ario8s de5e4ates# 7here they o6ten ho5d in6orma5 disc8ssions.' *here 7ere some sma55# sO8are 7indo7s in the doors to the 5o8n4e that yo8 co85d 5ook thro84h# so 9eo95e 5ooked in. *here 7ere a 6e7 men sittin4 there ta5kin4. 5ooked thro84h the 7indo7s and sa7 4or *amm# a 9hysicist 6rom R8ssia that kno7. Oh&' said. kno7 that 48y&' and started thro84h the door. *he 48ide screamed# !o# no& +on't 4o in there&' By this time he 7as sure he had a maniac on his hands# b8t he co85dn't chase me beca8se he 7asn't a55o7ed to 4o thro84h the door himse56& *amm's 6ace 5it 89 7hen he reco4niRed me# and 7e ta5ked a 5itt5e bit. *he 48ide 7as re5ie:ed and contin8ed the to8r 7itho8t me# and had to r8n to catch 89. %t the Physica5 Society meetin4 my 4ood 6riend Bob Bacher said to me# ListenI it's 4oin4 to be hard to 4et a room 7hen that %toms 6or Peace ,on6erence is 4oin4 on. (hy don't yo8 ha:e the State +e9artment arran4e a room 6or yo8# i6 yo8 ha:en't a5ready made a reser:ation-' !a7&' said. 'm not 4onna ha:e the State +e9artment do a damn thin4 6or me& '55 do it myse56.' (hen ret8rned to my hote5 to5d them that 7o85d be 5ea:in4 in a 7eek# b8t 'd be comin4 back at the end o6 s8mmerI ,o85d make a reser:ation no7 6or that time-' ,ertain5y& (hen 7i55 yo8 be ret8rnin4-' *he second 7eek in Se9tember...' Oh# 7e're terrib5y sorry# Pro6essor FeynmanP 7e are a5ready com95ete5y booked 6or that time.' So 7andered o66# 6rom one hote5 to another# and 6o8nd they 7ere a55 booked so5id# si= 7eeks ahead o6 time& *hen remembered a trick 8sed once 7hen 7as 7ith a 9hysicist 6riend o6 mine# a O8iet and di4ni6ied En45ish 6e55o7. (e 7ere 4oin4 across the United States by car# and 7hen 7e 4ot >8st beyond *85sa# Ok5ahoma# there 7ere s899osed to be bi4 65oods 89 ahead. (e came into this 5itt5e to7n and 7e sa7 cars 9arked e:ery7here# 7ith 9eo95e and 6ami5ies in them# tryin4 to s5ee9. )e says# (e had better sto9 here. t's c5ear 7e can 4o no 68rther.' %7# come on&' say. )o7 do yo8 kno7- Let's see i6 7e /DF0 can %o itI maybe by the time 7e 4et there# the 7ater 7i55 be do7n.' (e sho85dn't 7aste time#' he re95ies. Perha9s 7e can 6ind a room in a hote5 i6 7e 5ook 6or it no7.' %7# don't 7orry abo8t it&' say. Let's 4o&' (e dri:e o8t o6 to7n abo8t ten or t7e5:e mi5es and come to an arroyo. Yes# e:en 6or me# there's too m8ch 7ater. *here's no O8estionI 7e aren't 4oin4 to try to 4et thro84h that (e t8rn aro8ndI my 6riend's m8tterin4 abo8t ho7 7e'55 ha:e no chance o6 6indin4 a room in a hote5 no7# and te55 him not to 7orry. Back in to7n# it's abso58te5y blocke% 7ith 9eo95e s5ee9in4 in their cars# ob:io8s5y beca8se there are no more rooms. %55 the hote5s m8st be 9acked. see a sma55 si4n o:er a doorI it says )O*EL.' t 7as the kind o6 hote5 7as 6ami5iar 7ith in %5b8O8erO8e# 7hen 7o85d 7ander aro8nd to7n

5ookin4 at thin4s# 7aitin4 to see my 7i6e at the hos9ita5I yo8 ha:e to 4o 89 a 65i4ht o6 stairs and the o66ice is on the 6irst 5andin4. (e 4o 89 the stairs to the o66ice and say to the mana4er# (e'd 5ike a room.' ,ertain5y# sir. (e ha:e one 7ith t7o beds on the third 65oor.' $y 6riend is amaRedI *he to7n is 9acked 7ith 9eo95e s5ee9in4 in cars# and here's a hote5 that has room& (e 4o 89 to o8r room# and 4rad8a55y it becomes c5ear to himI there's no door on the room# on5y a han4in4 c5oth in the door7ay. *he room 7as 6air5y c5ean# it had a sinkP it 7asn't so bad. (e 4et ready 6or bed. )e says# ':e 4ot to 9ee.' *he bathroom is do7n the ha55.' (e hear 4ir5s 4i445in4 and 7a5kin4 back and 6orth in the ha55 o8tside# and he's ner:o8s. )e doesn't 7ant to 4o o8t there. *hat's a55 ri4htP >8st 9ee in the sink#' say. B8t that's 8nsanitary.' !a7# it's okayP yo8 >8st t8rn the 7ater on.' can't 9ee in the sink#' he says. (e're both tired# so 7e 5ie do7n. t's so hot that 7e don't 8se any co:ers# and my 6riend can't 4et to s5ee9 beca8se o6 the noises in the 95ace. kind o6 6a55 as5ee9 a 5itt5e bit. % 5itt5e 5ater hear a creakin4 o6 the 65oor nearby# and o9en one eye s5i4ht5y. *here he is# in the dark# O8iet5y ste99in4 o:er to the sink. /DC0 QQQ %ny7ay# kne7 a 5itt5e hote5 in "ene:a ca55ed the )ote5 ,ity# 7hich 7as one o6 those 95aces 7ith >8st a door7ay on the street and a 65i4ht o6 stairs 5eadin4 89 to the o66ice. *here 7ere 8s8a55y some rooms a:ai5ab5e# and nobody made reser:ations. 7ent 89 the stairs to the o66ice and to5d the desk c5erk that 'd be back in "ene:a in si= 7eeks# and 'd 5ike to stay in their hote5I ,o85d make a reser:ation-' ,ertain5y# sir. O6 co8rse&' *he c5erk 7rote my name on a 9iece o6 9a9er 3 they hadn't any book to 7rite reser:ations in 3 and remember the c5erk tryin4 to 6ind a hook to 98t the 9a9er on# to remember. So had my reser:ation#' and e:erythin4 7as 6ine. came back to "ene:a si= 7eeks 5ater# 7ent to the )ote5 ,ity# and they %i% ha:e the room ready 6or meP it 7as on the to9 65oor. %5tho84h the 95ace 7as chea9# it 7as c5ean. L t's S7itRer5andP it 7as clean&M *here 7ere a 6e7 ho5es in the beds9read# b8t it 7as a c5ean beds9read. n the mornin4 they ser:ed a E8ro9ean break6ast in my roomP they 7ere rather de5i4hted to ha:e this 48est 7ho had made a reser:ation si= 7eeks in ad:ance. *hen 7ent o:er to the U.!. 6or the 6irst day o6 the %toms 6or Peace ,on6erence. *here 7as O8ite a 5ine at the rece9tion desk# 7here e:eryone 7as checkin4 inI a 7oman 7as takin4 do7n e:erybody's address and 9hone n8mber so they co85d be reached in case there 7ere any messa4es. (here are yo8 stayin4# Pro6essor Feynman-' she asks.

%t the )ote5 ,ity.' Oh# yo8 m8st mean the )ote5 ,itX.' !o# it's ca55ed S,ityTI ,N N*NY.' L(hy not- (e 7o85d ca55 it ,itX' here in %merica# so they ca55ed it ,ity' in "ene:a# beca8se it so8nded 6orei4n.M B8t it isn't on o8r 5ist o6 hote5s. %re yo8 sure it's S,ityT-' Look in the te5e9hone book 6or the n8mber. Yo8'55 6ind it.' Oh&' she said# a6ter checkin4 the 9hone book. $y 5ist is incom95ete& Some 9eo95e are sti55 5ookin4 6or a room# so 9erha9s can recommend the )ote5 ,ity to them.' She m8st ha:e 4ot the 7ord abo8t the )ote5 ,ity 6rom someone# beca8se nobody e5se 6rom the con6erence ended 89 stayin4 there. Once in a 7hi5e the 9eo95e at the )ote5 ,ity 7o85d recei:e te5e9hone ca55s 6or me 6rom the U.!.# and 7o85d run up the t7o 65i4hts o6 stairs 6rom the o66ice to te55 me# 7ith some a7e and e=citement# to come do7n and ans7er the 9hone. /DK0 *here's an am8sin4 scene remember 6rom the )ote5 ,ity. One ni4ht 7as 5ookin4 thro84h my 7indo7 o8t into the co8rtyard. Somethin4# in a b8i5din4 across the co8rtyard# ca84ht the corner o6 my eyeI it 5ooked 5ike an 89sideNdo7n bo75 on the 7indo7si55. tho84ht it had mo:ed# so 7atched it 6or a 7hi5e# b8t it didn't mo:e any. *hen# a6ter a bit# it mo:ed a 5itt5e to one side. co85dn't 6i48re o8t 7hat this thin4 7as. %6ter a 7hi5e 6i48red it o8tI it 7as a man 7ith a 9air o6 binoc85ars that he had a4ainst the 7indo7si55 6or s899ort# 5ookin4 across the co8rtyard to the 65oor be5o7 me& *here's another scene at the )ote5 ,ity 7hich '55 a57ays remember# that 'd 5o:e to be ab5e to 9aintI 7as ret8rnin4 one ni4ht 6rom the con6erence and o9ened the door at the bottom o6 the stair7ay. *here 7as the 9ro9rietor# standin4 there# tryin4 to 5ook noncha5ant 7ith a ci4ar in one hand 7hi5e he 98shed somethin4 89 the stairs 7ith the other. Farther 89# the 7oman 7ho bro84ht me break6ast 7as 9855in4 on this same hea:y ob>ect 7ith both hands. %nd at the to9 o6 the stairs# at the 5andin4# there she 7as# 7ith her 6ake 68rs on# b8st stickin4 o8t# hand on her hi9# i!periously waiting )er c8stomer 7as a bit dr8nk# and 7as not :ery ca9ab5e o6 7a5kin4 89 the ste9s. don't kno7 7hether the 9ro9rietor kne7 that - kne7 7hat this 7as a55 abo8tP >8st 7a5ked 9ast e:erythin4. )e 7as ashamed o6 his hote5# b8t# o6 co8rse# to me# it 7as de5i4ht685. . . /DE 0 1 1

Who the Hell & Her%an?

1ne %ay 4ot a 5on4Ndistance te5e9hone ca55 6rom an o5d 6riend in Los %5amos. She says in a :ery serio8s :oice# Richard# ha:e some sad ne7s 6or yo8. )erman died.' 'm a57ays 6ee5in4 8ncom6ortab5e that don't remember names and then 6ee5 bad that don't 9ay eno84h attention to 9eo95e. So said# Oh-' 3 tryin4 to be O8iet and serio8s so co85d 4et more in6ormation# b8t thinkin4 to myse56# (ho the he55 is )erman-' She says# )erman and his mother 7ere both ki55ed in an a8tomobi5e accident near Los %n4e5es. Since that is 7here his mother is 6rom# the 68nera5 7i55 be he5d in Los %n4e5es at the Rose )i55s $ort8ary on $ay Brd at three o'c5ock.' *hen she says# )erman 7o85d ha:e 5iked it :ery# :ery m8ch to kno7 that yo8 7o85d be one o6 his 9a55bearers.' sti55 can't remember him. say# O6 co8rse 'd be ha99y to do that.' L%t 5east this 7ay '55 6ind o8t 7ho )erman is.M

*hen 4et an ideaI call 89 the mort8ary. Yo8're ha:in4 a 68nera5 on $ay Brd at three o'c5ock...' (hich 68nera5 do yo8 meanI the "o5dschmidt 68nera5# or the Parne55 68nera5-' (e55# 8h# don't kno7.' t sti55 doesn't c5ick 6or meP don't think it's either one o6 them. Fina55y# say# t mi4ht be a do8b5e 68nera5. )is mother a5so died.' Oh# yes. *hen it's the "o5dschmidt 68nera5.' )erman "o5dschmidt-' *hat's ri4htP )erman "o5dschmidt and $rs. "o5dschmidt.' Okay. t's )erman "o5dschmidt. B8t sti55 can't remember a )erman "o5dschmidt. ha:en't any idea 7hat it is ':e 6or4ottenP 6rom the 7ay she ta5ked# my 6riend 7as s8re that )erman and kne7 each other 7e55. *he 5ast chance ha:e is to 4o to the 68nera5 and 5ook into the casket. 4o to the 68nera5# and the 7oman 7ho had arran4ed e:erythin4 comes o:er# dressed in b5ack# and says in a sorro7685 :oice# 'm so 45ad yo8're here. )erman 7o85d be so ha99y i6 /DA0 he kne7' 3 a55 this serio8s st866. E:erybody's 4ot 5on4 6aces abo8t )erman# b8t sti55 don't kno7 7ho )erman is 3 tho84h 'm s8re that i6 kne7# 'd 6ee5 :ery sorry that he 7as dead& *he 68nera5 9roceeded# and 7hen it came time 6or e:erybody to 6i5e 9ast the caskets# 7ent 89. 5ooked into the 6irst casket# and there 7as )erman's mother. 5ooked into the second casket# and there 7as )erman 3 and s7ear to yo8# 'd ne:er seen him be6ore in my 5i6e& t came time to carry the casket o8t# and took my 95ace amon4 the 9a55bearers. :ery care6855y 5aid )erman to rest in his 4ra:e# beca8se kne7 he 7o85d ha:e a99reciated it. B8t ha:en't any idea# to this day# 7ho )erman 7as. $any years 5ater 6ina55y 4ot 89 eno84h co8ra4e to brin4 it 89 to my 6riend. Yo8 kno7 that 68nera5 7ent to# abo8t ten years 4o# 6or )o7ard...' Yo8 mean )erman.' Oh yeah 3 )erman. Yo8 kno7# didn't kno7 7ho )erman 7as. didn't e:en reco4niRe him in the casket.' B8t Richard# yo8 kne7 each other in Los %5amos >8st a6ter the 7ar. Yo8 7ere both 4ood 6riends o6 mine# and 7e had many con:ersations to4ether.' sti55 can't remember him.' % 6e7 days 5ater she ca55ed and to5d me 7hat mi4ht ha:e ha99enedI maybe she had met )erman >8st a6ter had 5e6t Los %5amos 3 and there6ore 4ot the timin4 mi=ed 89 someho7 3 b8t beca8se she 7as s8ch 4ood 6riends 7ith each o6 8s# she tho84ht 7e m8st ha:e kno7n each other. So she 7as the one 7ho had made the mistake# not me L7hich is 8s8a55y the caseM. Or 7as she >8st bein4 9o5ite. . /FG 0 1 1

Fe$n%an Se2i&t Pi(3

$ 'ew years a6ter 4a:e some 5ect8res 6or the 6reshmen at ,a5tech L7hich 7ere 98b5ished as the Feyn!an #ectures on .hysicsE# recei:ed a 5on4 5etter 6rom a 6eminist 4ro89. 7as acc8sed o6 bein4 antiN7oman beca8se o6 t7o storiesI the 6irst 7as a disc8ssion o6 the s8bt5eties o6 :e5ocity# and

in:o5:ed a 7oman dri:er bein4 sto99ed by a co9. *here's a disc8ssion abo8t ho7 6ast she 7as 4oin4# and had her raise :a5id ob>ections to the co9's de6initions o6 :e5ocity. *he 5etter said 7as makin4 the 7oman 5ook st89id. *he other story they ob>ected to 7as to5d by the 4reat astronomer %rth8r Eddin4ton# 7ho had >8st 6i48red o8t that the stars 4et their 9o7er 6rom b8rnin4 hydro4en in a n8c5ear reaction 9rod8cin4 he5i8m. )e reco8nted ho7# on the ni4ht a6ter his disco:ery# he 7as sittin4 on a bench 7ith his 4ir56riend. She said# Look ho7 9retty the stars shine&' *o 7hich he re95ied# Yes# and ri4ht no7# 'm the on5y man in the 7or5d 7ho kno7s how they shine.' )e 7as describin4 a kind o6 7onder685 5one5iness yo8 ha:e 7hen yo8 make a disco:ery. *he 5etter c5aimed that 7as sayin4 a 7oman is inca9ab5e o6 8nderstandin4 n8c5ear reactions. 6i48red there 7as no 9oint in tryin4 to ans7er their acc8sations in detai5# so 7rote a short 5etter back to themI +on't b84 me# man&' !eed5ess to say# that didn't 7ork too 7e55. %nother 5etter cameI Yo8r res9onse to o8r 5etter o6 Se9tember HAth is 8nsatis6actory...' 3 b5ah# b5ah# b5ah. *his 5etter 7arned that i6 didn't 4et the 98b5isher to re:ise the thin4s they ob>ected to# there 7o85d be tro8b5e. i4nored the 5etter and 6or4ot abo8t it. % year or so 5ater# the %merican %ssociation o6 Physics *eachers a7arded me a 9riRe 6or 7ritin4 those books# and asked me to s9eak at their meetin4 in San Francisco. $y sister# Joan# 5i:ed in Pa5o %5to 3 an ho8r's dri:e a7ay 3 so stayed 7ith her the ni4ht be6ore and 7e 7ent to the meetin4 to4ether. %s 7e a99roached the 5ect8re ha55# 7e 6o8nd 9eo95e standin4 /F@0 there 4i:in4 98t handbi55s to e:erybody 4oin4 in. (e each took one# and 45anced at it. %t the to9 it said# % PRO*ES*.' *hen it sho7ed e=cer9ts 6rom the 5etters they sent me# and my res9onse Lin 6855M. t conc58ded in 5ar4e 5ettersI FEY!$%! SE2 S* P "&' Joan sto99ed s8dden5y and r8shed backI *hese are interestin4#' she said to the 9rotester. 'd 5ike some more o6 them&' (hen she ca84ht 89 7ith me# she said# "ee 7hiR# RichardP 7hat did yo8 do-' to5d her 7hat had ha99ened as 7e 7a5ked into the ha55. %t the 6ront o6 the ha55# near the sta4e# 7ere t7o 9rominent 7omen 6rom the %merican %ssociation o6 Physics *eachers. One 7as in char4e o6 7omen's a66airs 6or the or4aniRation# and the other 7as Fay %>Renber4# a 9ro6essor o6 9hysics kne7# 6rom Pennsy5:ania. *hey sa7 me comin4 do7n to7ards the sta4e accom9anied by this 7oman 7ith a 6ist685 o6 handbi55s# ta5kin4 to me. Fay 7a5ked 89 to her and said# +o yo8 rea5iRe that Pro6essor Feynrnan has a sister that he enco8ra4ed to 4o into 9hysics# and that she has a Ph.+. in Physics-' O6 co8rse do#' said Joan. 'm that sister&' Fay and her associate e=95ained to me that the 9rotesters 7ere a 4ro89 3 5ed by a man# ironica55y 3 7ho 7ere a57ays disr89tin4 meetin4s in Berke5ey. (e'55 sit on either side o6 yo8 to sho7 o8r so5idarity# and >8st be6ore yo8 s9eak# '55 4et 89 and say somethin4 to O8iet the 9rotesters#' Fay said. Beca8se there 7as another ta5k be6ore mine# had time to think o6 somethin4 to say. thanked Fay# b8t dec5ined her o66er. %s soon as 4ot 89 to s9eak# ha56 a doRen 9rotesters marched do7n to the 6ront o6 the 5ect8re ha55 and 9araded ri4ht be5o7 the sta4e# ho5din4 their 9icket si4ns hi4h# chantin4# Feynman se=ist 9i4& Feynman se=ist 9i4&' be4an my ta5k by te55in4 the 9rotesters# 'm sorry that my short ans7er to yo8r 5etter bro84ht yo8 here 8nnecessari5y. *here are more serio8s 95aces to direct one's attention to7ards im9ro:in4 the

stat8s o6 7omen in 9hysics than these re5ati:e5y tri:ia5 mistakes 3 i6 that's 7hat yo8 7ant to ca55 them 3 in a te=tbook. B8t 9erha9s# a6ter a55# it's 4ood that yo8 came. For 7omen do indeed s866er 6rom 9re>8dice and discrimination in 9hysics# and yo8r 9resence here today ser:es to remind 8s o6 these di66ic85ties and the need to remedy them.' *he 9rotesters 5ooked at one another. *heir 9icket si4ns be4an to come s5o75y do7n# 5ike sai5s in a dyin4 7ind. /FH0 contin8edI E:en tho84h the %merican %ssociation o6 Physics *eachers has 4i:en me an a7ard 6or teachin4# m8st con6ess don't kno7 ho7 to teach. *here6ore# ha:e nothin4 to say abo8t teachin4. nstead# 7o85d 5ike to ta5k abo8t somethin4 that 7i55 be es9ecia55y interestin4 to the 7omen in the a8dienceI 7o85d 5ike to ta5k abo8t the str8ct8re o6 the 9roton.' *he 9rotesters 98t their 9icket si4ns do7n and 7a5ked o66. $y hosts to5d me 5ater that the man and his 4ro89 o6 9rotesters had ne:er been de6eated so easi5y. LRecent5y disco:ered a transcri9t o6 my s9eech# and 7hat said at the be4innin4 doesn't seem any7here near as dramatic as the 7ay remember it. (hat remember sayin4 is m8ch more 7onder685 than 7hat act8a55y said&M %6ter my ta5k# some o6 the 9rotesters came 89 to 9ress me abo8t the 7omanNdri:er story. (hy did it ha:e to be a 7oman dri:er-' they said. Yo8 are im95yin4 that a55 7omen are bad dri:ers.' B8t the 7oman makes the co9 5ook bad#' said. (hy aren't yo8 concerned abo8t the co9-' *hat's 7hat yo8 e=9ect 6rom co9s&' one o6 the 9rotesters said. *hey're a55 9i4s&' B8t yo8 shoul% be concerned#' said. 6or4ot to say in the story that the co9 7as a 7oman&' . . /FB 0 1 1

4u&t Shook Hi& Han"/ Can You )elie5e t?

For so!e years no7 the Uni:ersity o6 Kyoto has been in:itin4 me to :isit Ja9an. B8t e:ery time acce9ted their in:itation# 7o85d ha99en to 4et sick and not be ab5e to 4o. n the s8mmer o6 @AEC there 7as 4oin4 to be a con6erence in Kyoto# and the 8ni:ersity a4ain in:ited me to come. %5tho84h 5o:e Ja9an and 7anted :ery m8ch to :isit# 6e5t 8ncom6ortab5e at the in:itation beca8se had no 9a9er to 4i:e. *he 8ni:ersity said it 7o85d be a55 ri4ht 6or me to 4i:e a s8mmary 9a9er# b8t said don't 5ike to do that. B8t then they said they 7o85d be honored i6 7o85d be the chairman o6 one session o6 the con6erence 3 that's a55 7o85d ha:e to do. So 6ina55y said okay. 7as 58cky this time and didn't 4et sick.Q So "7eneth and 7ent to Kyoto# and 7as chairman o6 one session. *he chairman is s899osed to make s8re that the s9eakers on5y ta5k 6or a certain 5en4th o6 time# in order to 5ea:e eno84h time 6or the ne=t s9eaker. *he chairman occ89ies a 9osition o6 s8ch hi4h honor that there are t7o cochairmen to assist him. $y cochairmen said they 7o85d take care o6 introd8cin4 the s9eakers# as 7e55 as te55in4 them 7hen it's time to sto9. *hin4s 7ent smooth5y 6or most o6 the session 8nti5 one s9eaker 3 a Ja9anese man 3 didn't sto9 ta5kin4 7hen his time 7as 89. 5ook at the c5ock and 6i48re it's time he sho85d sto9. 5ook o:er at the cochairmen and 4est8re a 5itt5e bit.

*hey come 89 to me and say# +on't do anythin4P 7e'55 take care o6 it. )e's ta5kin4 abo8t Y8ka7a.Q t's a55 ri4ht.' So 7as the honorary chairman o6 one session# and 6e5t didn't e:en do my >ob ri4ht. %nd 6or that# the 8ni:ersity 9aid my /FD0 7ay to Ja9an# they took care o6 arran4in4 my tri9# and they 7ere a55 :ery 4racio8s. One a6ternoon 7e 7ere ta5kin4 to the host 7ho 7as arran4in4 o8r tri9. )e sho7s 8s a rai5road ma9# and "7eneth sees a c8r:ed 5ine 7ith 5ots o6 sto9s in the midd5e o6 the se Penins85a 3 it's not near the 7aterP it's not near any7here. She 98ts her 6in4er on the end o6 the 5ine and says# (e 7ant to 4o here.' )e 5ooks at it# and says# Oh& You 7ant to 4o to... seokits8-' She says# Yes.' B8t there's nothing in seokits8#' he says# 5ookin4 at me as i6 my 7i6e is craRy# and ho9in4 '55 brin4 her back to her senses. So say# Yes# that's ri4htP 7e 7ant to 4o to seokits8.' "7eneth hadn't ta5ked to me abo8t it# b8t kne7 7hat she 7as thinkin4I 7e en>oy tra:e5in4 in 95aces in the midd5e o6 no7here# 95aces 7e':e ne:er heard o6# 95aces 7hich ha:e nothin4. O8r host becomes a 5itt5e bit 89setI he's ne:er made a hote5 reser:ation 6or seokits8P he doesn't e:en kno7 i6 there's an inn there. )e 4ets on the te5e9hone and ca55s 89 seokits8 6or 8s. n seokits8# it t8rns o8t# there are no accommodations. B8t there's another to7n 3 abo8t se:en ki5ometers beyond the end o6 the 5ine 3 that has a Ja9aneseNsty5e inn. (e say# Fine& *hat's >8st 7hat 7e 7ant 3 a Ja9aneseNsty5e inn&' *hey 4i:e him the n8mber and he ca55s. *he man at the inn is :ery re58ctantI O8rs is a :ery sma55 inn. t's a 6ami5yNr8n 95ace.' *hat's 7hat they 7ant#' o8r host reass8res him. +id he say yes-' ask. %6ter more disc8ssion# o8r host says# )e a4rees.' B8t the ne=t mornin4# o8r host 4ets a te5e9hone ca55 6rom this same innI 5ast ni4ht they had a 6ami5y con6erence. *hey decided they can't hand5e the sit8ation. *hey can't take care o6 6orei4ners. say# (hat's the tro8b5e-' O8r host te5e9hones the inn and asks 7hat the 9rob5em is. )e t8rns to 8s and says# t's the toi5et 3 they don't ha:e a (esternNsty5e toi5et.' say# *e55 them that the 5ast time my 7i6e and 7ent on a tri9# 7e carried a sma55 sho:e5 and toi5et 9a9er# and d84 ho5es 6or o8rse5:es in the dirt. %sk him# SSha55 7e brin4 o8r sho:e5-T' O8r host e=95ains this o:er the te5e9hone# and they say# t's /FF0 okay. Yo8 can come 6or one ni4ht. Yo8 don't need to brin4 yo8r sho:e5.' *he innkee9er 9icked 8s 89 at the rai5road station in seokits8 and took 8s to his inn. *here 7as a bea8ti685 4arden o8tside o8r room. (e noticed a bri55iant# emera5dN4reen tree 6ro4 c5imbin4 a meta5 6rame 7ith horiRonta5 bars L8sed 6or han4in4 o8t the 7et c5othesM# and a tiny ye55o7 snake in a shr8b in 6ront o6 o8r engawa L:erandaM. Yes# there 7as nothin4' in seokits8 3 b8t e:erythin4 7as bea8ti685 and interestin4 to 8s.

t t8rned o8t there 7as a shrine abo8t a mi5e a7ay 3 that's 7hy this 5itt5e inn 7as there 3 so 7e 7a5ked to it. On o8r 7ay back# it be4an to rain. % 48y 9assed 8s in his car# then t8rned aro8nd and came back. (here are yo8 4oin4-' he asked in Ja9anese. *o the inn#' said. So he took 8s there. (hen 7e 4ot back to o8r room# 7e disco:ered that "7eneth had 5ost a ro55 o6 6i5m 3 9erha9s in the man's car. So 4ot the dictionary o8t and 5ooked 89 6i5m' and 5ost#' and tried to e=95ain it to the innkee9er. don't kno7 ho7 he did it# b8t he 6o8nd the man 7ho had 4i:en 8s the ride# and in his car 7e 6o8nd the 6i5m. *he bath 7as interestin4P 7e had to 4o thro84h another room to 4et to it. *he batht8b 7as 7ooden# and aro8nd it 7ere a55 kinds o6 5itt5e toys 3 5itt5e boats and so on. *here 7as a5so a to7e5 7ith $ickey $o8se on it. *he innkee9er and his 7i6e had a 5itt5e da84hter 7ho 7as t7o# and a sma55 baby. *hey dressed their da84hter in a kimono and bro84ht her 89 to o8r room. )er mother made ori4ami thin4s 6or herP made some dra7in4s 6or her# and 7e 95ayed 7ith her. % 5ady across the street 4a:e 8s a bea8ti685 si5k ba55 that she had made. E:erythin4 7as 6riend5yP e:erythin4 7as :ery 4ood. *he ne=t mornin4 7e 7ere s899osed to 5ea:e. (e had a reser:ation at one o6 the more 6amo8s resorts# at a s9a some7here. 5ooked in the dictionary a4ainP then came do7n and sho7ed the innkee9er the recei9t 6or o8r reser:ation at the bi4 resort hote5 3 it 7as ca55ed the "rand Jie7# or somethin4 5ike that. said# (e don't 7ant stay bi4 hote5 tomorro7 ni4htP 7e 7ant stay here tomorro7 ni4ht. (e ha99y here. P5ease yo8 ca55 themP chan4e this.' )e says# ,ertain5y& ,ertain5y&' co85d te55 he 7as 95eased /FC0 by the idea that these 6orei4ners 7ere cance5in4 their reser:ation in this bi4# 6ancy hote5 in order to stay in his 5itt5e inn another ni4ht. %6ter 7e ret8rned to Kyoto# 7e 7ent to the Uni:ersity o6 KanaRa7a. Some 9ro6essors arran4ed to dri:e 8s a5on4 the coast o6 nearby !oto Penins85a. (e 9assed thro84h se:era5 de5i4ht685 6ishin4 :i55a4es# and 7ent to :isit a 9a4oda in the midd5e o6 the co8ntryside. *hen 7e :isited a shrine 7ith an enc5a:e behind it# 7here one co85d 4o on5y by s9ecia5 in:itation. *he Shinto 9riest there 7as :ery 4racio8s and in:ited 8s into his 9ri:ate rooms 6or tea# and he did some ca55i4ra9hy 6or 8s. %6ter o8r hosts had taken 8s a 5itt5e 6arther a5on4 the coast# they had to ret8rn to KanaRa7a. "7eneth and decided to stay in *o4i 6or t7o or three days. (e stayed in a Ja9aneseNsty5e hote5# and the 5ady innkee9er there 7as :ery# :ery nice to 8s. She arran4ed 6or her brother to take 8s by car do7n the coast to se:era5 :i55a4es# and then 7e came back by b8s. *he ne=t mornin4 the innkee9er to5d 8s there 7as somethin4 im9ortant ha99enin4 in to7n. % ne7 shrine# re95acin4 an o5d one# 7as bein4 dedicated. (hen 7e arri:ed at the 4ro8nds 7e 7ere in:ited to sit on a bench# and 7ere ser:ed tea. *here 7ere many 9eo95e mi55in4 aro8nd# and e:ent8a55y a 9rocession came o8t 6rom behind the shrine. (e 7ere de5i4hted to see the 5eadin4 6i48re 7as the head 9riest 6rom the shrine 7e had :isited a 6e7 days be6ore. )e 7as dressed in a bi4# ceremonia5 o8t6it# and 7as ob:io8s5y in char4e o6 e:erythin4. %6ter a 5itt5e 7hi5e the ceremony be4an. (e didn't 7ant to intr8de into a re5i4io8s 95ace# so 7e stayed back 6rom the shrine itse56. B8t there 7ere kids r8nnin4 89 and do7n the ste9s# 95ayin4 and makin4 noise# so 7e 6i48red it 7asn't so 6orma5. (e came a 5itt5e c5oser and stood on the ste9s so 7e co85d see inside. *he ceremony 7as 7onder685. *here 7as a ceremonia5 c89 7ith branches and 5ea:es on itP there 7as a 4ro89 o6 4ir5s in s9ecia5 8ni6ormsP there 7ere dancers# and so on. t 7as O8ite e5aborate.

(e're 7atchin4 a55 these 9er6ormances 7hen a55 o6 a s8dden 7e 6ee5 a ta9 on the sho85der. t's the head 9riest& )e 4est8res to 8s to 6o55o7 him. /FK0 (e 4o aro8nd the shrine and enter 6rom the side. *he head 9riest introd8ces 8s to the mayor and other di4nitaries# and in:ites 8s to sit do7n. % noh actor does a dance# and a55 kinds o6 other 7onder685 thin4s 4o on. *hen there are s9eeches. First# the mayor 4i:es a s9eech. *hen the head 9riest 4ets 89 to s9eak. )e says# Unano# 8tsini k8ntana kanao. Untanao 8ni kanao. Uniyo Roimas8 doi Rinti FainNmanNsanNto 8nakano kane 4oRaimas...' 3 and he 9oints to FainNmanNsan' and te55s me to say somethin4& $y Ja9anese is :ery 9oor# so say somethin4 in En45ishI 5o:e Ja9an.' say. am 9artic85ar5y im9ressed by yo8r tremendo8s rate o6 techno5o4ica5 chan4e# 7hi5e at the same time yo8r traditions sti55 mean so m8ch# as yo8 are sho7in4 7ith this shrine dedication.' tried to e=9ress the mi=t8re sa7 in Ja9anI chan4e# b8t 7itho8t 5osin4 res9ect 6or traditions. *he head 9riest says somethin4 in Ja9anese 7hich do not be5ie:e is 7hat said La5tho84h co85dn't rea55y te55M# beca8se he had ne:er 8nderstood anythin4 had said to him 9re:io8s5y& B8t he acte% as i6 he 8nderstood e&actly 7hat said# and he trans5ated' it 7ith com95ete con6idence 6or e:eryone. )e 7as m8ch 5ike am# in this res9ect. %ny7ay# the 9eo95e 9o5ite5y 5istened to 7hate:er it 7as that said# and then another 9riest 4a:e a s9eech. )e 7as a yo8n4 man# a st8dent o6 the head 9riest# dressed in a 7onder685 o8t6it 7ith bi4# 7ide 9ant 5e4s and a bi4# 7ide hat. )e 5ooked so 4or4eo8s# so 7onder685. *hen 7e 7ent to 58nch 7ith a55 the di4nitaries# and 6e5t :ery honored to be inc58ded. %6ter the shrine dedication ceremony 7as o:er# "7eneth and thanked the head 9riest and 5e6t the dinin4 ha55 to 7a5k aro8nd the :i55a4e 6or a 7hi5e. %6ter a bit 7e 6o8nd some 9eo95e 9855in4 a bi4 7a4on# 7ith a shrine in it# thro84h the streets. *hey're a55 dressed 89 in o8t6its 7ith symbo5s on the back# sin4in4# Eyo& Eyo&' (e 6o55o7 the 9rocession# en>oyin4 the 6esti:ities# 7hen a 9o5iceman 7ith a 7a5kieNta5kie comes 89 to 8s. )e takes o66 his 7hite 45o:e and 98ts o8t his hand. shake hands 7ith him. %s 7e 5ea:e the 9o5iceman and be4in to 6o55o7 the 9rocession a4ain# 7e hear a 5o8d# hi4hN9itched :oice behind 8s# s9eakin4 :ery ra9id5y. (e t8rn aro8nd and see the 9o5iceman c58tchin4 his 7a5kieN ta5kie# s9eakin4 into it 7ith 4reat /FE0 e=citementI O 4ano 6ana miyo 4an8 FainNmanNsan iyo kano mini tono m8roto ka5a...' 3 and co85d >8st ima4ine him te55in4 the 9erson at the other endI +o yo8 remember that $r. FainNman 7ho s9oke at the shrine dedication- >8st shook his hand# can yo8 be5ie:e it-' *he 9riest m8st ha:e trans5ated' somethin4 :ery im9ressi:e& . . /FA 0 1 1

'etter&/ Photo&/ an" Dra0in(&

October @@# @AC@ )ote5 %mi 4o# Br8sse5s )e55o# my s7eetheart# $8rray and ke9t each other a7ake ar48in4 8nti5 7e co85d stand it no 5on4er. (e 7oke 89 o:er "reen5and# 7hich 7as e:en better than 5ast time beca8se 7e 7ent ri4ht o:er 9art o6 it. n London 7e met other 9hysicists and came to Br8sse5s to4ether. One o6 them 7as 7orried 3 in his 48idebook the )ote5 %mi4o 7as not e:en mentioned. %nother had a ne7er 48ide 3 6i:e stars# and r8mored to be the best hote5 in E8ro9e& t is :ery nice indeed. %55 the 68rnit8re is dark red 9o5ished 7ood# in 9er6ect conditionP the bathroom is 4rand# etc. t is rea55y too bad yo8 didn't come to this con6erence instead o6 the other one. %t the meetin4 ne=t day thin4s started s5o75y. 7as to ta5k in the a6ternoon. *hat is 7hat did# b8t didn't rea55y ha:e eno84h time. (e had to sto9 at D 9m beca8se o6 a rece9tion sched85ed 6or that ni4ht. think /CG0 my ta5k 7as OK tho84h 3 7hat 5e6t o8t 7as in the 7ritten :ersion any7ay. So that e:enin4 7e 7ent to the 9a5ace to meet the kin4 and O8een. *a=is 7aited 6or 8s at the hote5 3 5on4 b5ack ones 3 and o66 7e 7ent at F 9m# arri:in4 thro84h the 9a5ace 4ates 7ith a 48ard on each side# and dri:in4 8nder an arch 7here men in red coats and 7hite stockin4s 7ith a b5ack band and 4o5d tasse5 8nder each knee o9ened the doors. $ore 48ards at the entrance# in the ha557ay# a5on4 the stairs# and 89 into a sort o6 ba55room. *hese 48ards# in dark 4rey R8ssianNty9e hats 7ith chin stra9s# dark coats# 7hite 9ants# and shiny b5ack 5eather boots# stand :ery strai4ht 3 each ho5din4 a s7ord strai4ht 89. n the ba55room' 7e had to 7ait 9erha9s HG min8tes. t has in5aid 9arO8et 65oors# and L in each sO8are L6or Leo9o5d 3 the 9resent kin4 is Ba8doin# or somethin4M. *he 4i5ded 7a55s are @Eth cent8ry and on the cei5in4 are 9ict8res o6 naked 7omen ridin4 chariots amon4 the c5o8ds. Lots o6 mirrors and 4i5ded chairs 7ith red c8shions aro8nd the o8tside ed4e o6 the room 3 >8st 5ike so many o6 those 9a5aces 7e ha:e seen# b8t this time it's no m8se8mI it's a5i:e# 7ith e:erythin4 c5ear and shinin4# and in 9er6ect condition. Se:era5 9a5ace o66icia5s 7ere mi55in4 aro8nd amon4 8s. One

had a 5ist and to5d me 7here to stand b8t didn't do it ri4ht and 7as o8t o6 95ace 5ater. *he doors at the end o6 the ha55 o9en. "8ards are there 7ith the kin4 and O8eenP 7e a55 enter s5o75y and are introd8ced one by one to the kin4 and O8een. *he kin4 has a yo8n4 semiNdo9ey 6ace and a stron4 handshakeP the O8een is :ery 9retty. L think her name is Fabrio5a 3 a S9anish co8ntess she 7as.M (e e=it into another room on the 5e6t 7here there are 5ots o6 chairs arran4ed 5ike in a theatre# 7ith t7o in 6ront# a5so 6acin4 6or7ard# 6or K [ Y. % tab5e at the 6ront 7ith si= seats is 6or i558strio8s scientists 3 !ie5s Bohr# J. Perrin La FrenchmanM# J. R. O99enheimer etc. 3 see dra7in4. t t8rns o8t the kin4 7ants to kno7 7hat 7e are doin4# so the o5d boys 4i:e a set o6 si= d855 5ect8res 3 a55 :ery so5emn 3 no >okes. had 4reat di66ic85ty sittin4 in my seat beca8se had a :ery sti66 and 8ncom6ortab5e back 6rom s5ee9in4 on the 95ane. *hat done# the K [ Y 9ass thro84h the room 7here /C@0 7e met them and into a room on ri4ht Lmarked RM. L%55 these rooms are :ery bi4# 4i5ded# Jictorian# 6ancy# etc.M n R are many kinds o6 8ni6ormsI 48ards at door in red coats# 7aiters in 7hite coats Lto ser:e drinks and hors d'oe8:resM# mi5itary khaki and meda5s# and b5ack coats 3 8ndertaker's ty9e L9a5ace o66icia5sM. On the 7ay o8t o6 L into R# am 5ast beca8se 7a5k s5o75y 6rom sti66 back. 6ind myse56 ta5kin4 to a 9a5ace o66icia5 3 nice man. )e teaches math 9art time at Lo8:ain Uni:ersity# b8t his main >ob is secretary to the O8een. )e had a5so t8tored the K 7hen K 7as yo8n4 and has been in 9a5ace 7ork HB years. !o7# at 5east# ha:e somebody to ta5k to. Some others are ta5kin4 to K or to YP e:erybody is standin4 89. %6ter a 7hi5e the 9ro6essor 7ho is head o6 the con6erence LPro6. Bra44M 4rabs me and says K 7ants to ta5k to me. Bra44 says# K# this is Feynman.' 9855 boner \@ by 7antin4 to shake hands a4ain 3 a99arent5y 7ron4I no hand reaches 89. %6ter an embarrassed 9a8se K sa:es day by shakin4 my hand. K makes 9o5ite remarks on ho7 smart 7e m8st a55 be and ho7 hard it m8st be to think. ans7er# makin4 >okes Lha:in4 been instr8cted to do so by Bra44# b8t 7hat does he kno7-M 3 a99arent5y error \H. %ny7ay# strain is re5ie:ed 7hen Bra44 brin4s o:er some other 9ro6essor 3 )eisenber4# think. K 6or4ets F and F s5inks o66 to res8me con:ersation 7ith sec'y o6 Y. %6ter considerab5e time 3 se:era5 oran4e >8ices and many :ery 4ood hors d'oe8:res 5ater 3 a mi5itary 8ni6orm 7ith meda5s comes o:er to me and says# S9eak to the O8een&' !othin4 sho85d 5ike to do better L9retty 4ir5# b8t don't 7orry# she's marriedM. F arri:es at sceneI Y is sittin4 at tab5e s8rro8nded by three other occ89ied chairs 3 no room 6or F. *here are se:era5 5o7 co84hs# s5i4ht con68sion# etc.# and 5o& 3 one o6 the chairs has been re58ctant5y :acated. Other t7o chairs contain one 5ady and one Priest in F855 Re4a5ia L7ho is a5so a 9hysicistM named Le$aitre. (e ha:e O8ite a con:ersation L 5isten# b8t hear no co84hs# and am not e:ac8ated 6rom seatM 6or 9erha9s @F min8tes. Sam95eI YI t m8st be :ery hard 7ork thinkin4 abo8t those di66ic85t 9rob5ems...' /CH0 FI !o# 7e a55 do it 6or the 68n o6 it.' YI t m8st be hard to 5earn to chan4e a55 yo8r ideas' 3 La thin4 she 4ot 6rom the si= 5ect8resM. FI !o# a55 o6 those 48ys 7ho 4a:e yo8 those 5ect8res are o5d 6o4eys 3 a55 that chan4e 7as in @AHC# 7hen 7as on5y ei4ht. So 7hen 5earned 9hysics on5y had to 5earn the ne7 ideas. *he bi4 9rob5em no7 is# do 7e ha:e to chan4e them a4ain-' YI Yo8 m8st 6ee5 4ood# 7orkin4 6or 9eace 5ike that.'

FI !o# that ne:er enters my head# 7hether it is 6or 9eace or other7ise. (e don't kno7.' YI *hin4s certain5y chan4e 6ast 3 many thin4s ha:e chan4ed in the 5ast h8ndred years.' FI !ot in this 9a5ace.' L tho84ht it# b8t contro55ed myse56.M Yes#' and then 5a8nched into 5ect8re on 7hat 7as kno7n in @EC@ and 7hat 7e 6o8nd o8t since 3 addin4 at end# 5a84hin45y# ,an't he59 4i:in4 a 5ect8re# 48ess 3 Fm a 9ro6essor# yo8 see. )a# ha.' Y# in des9eration# t8rns to 5ady on her other side and be4ins con:ersation 7ith same. %6ter a 6e7 moments K comes o:er and 7his9ers somethin4 to Y# 7ho stands 89 3 they O8iet5y 4o o8t. F ret8rns to sec'y o6 Y 7ho 9ersona55y escorts him o8t o6 9a5ace 9ast 48ards# etc. 'm so terrib5y sorry yo8 missed it. don't kno7 7hen 7e'55 6ind another kin4 6or yo8 to meet.Q 7as 9a4ed in the hote5 this mornin4 >8st be6ore 5ea:in4 7ith the others. ret8rned to the others and anno8nced# "ent5emen# that ca55 7as 6rom the O8een's secretary. m8st 5ea:e yo8 no7.' %55 are a7estr8ck# 6or it did not 4o 8nnoticed that F ta5ked 5on4er and harder to Y than seemed 9ro9er. didn't te55 them# ho7e:er# that it 7as abo8t a meetin4 7e arran4ed 3 he 7as in:itin4 me to his home to meet his 7i6e and t7o Lo6 6o8rM o6 his da84hters# and to see his ho8se. had in:ited him to :isit 8s in Pasadena 7hen he came to %merica and this 7as his res9onse. )is 7i6e and da84hters are :ery nice and his ho8se /CB0 is 9ositi:e5y bea8ti685. Yo8 7o85d ha:e en>oyed that e:en more than :isitin4 the 9a5ace. )e 95anned and b8i5t his ho8se in a Be54ian sty5e# some7hat a6ter an o5d 6armho8se sty5e# b8t done >8st ri4ht. )e has many o5d cabinets and tab5es inside# ri4ht beside ne7er st866# :ery 7e55 combined. t is m8ch easier to 6ind antiO8es in Be54i8m than in Los %n4e5es as there are so many o5d 6arms# etc. *he ho8se is s5i4ht5y bi44er than o8rs and the 4ro8nds are m8ch bi44er b8t not yet 5andsca9ed# e=ce9t 6or a :e4etab5e 4arden. )e has a bench that he made 6or himse56 in the 4arden# hidden 8nder trees# to 4o and sit on and 5ook at the s8rro8ndin4 co8ntryside. )e has a do4 3 6rom (ashin4ton 3 that somebody 4a:e to the kin4 and the K 4a:e to him. *he do4 has a 9ersona5ity some7hat 5ike Ki7iQ beca8se think he is eO8a55y 5o:ed. to5d the secretary had a O8een in a 5itt5e cast5e in Pasadena that 7o85d 5ike him to see# and he said he ho9ed he 7o85d be ab5e to come to %merica and see 8s. )e 7o85d come i6 the Y e:er :isits %merica a4ain. am enc5osin4 a 9ict8re o6 his ho8se# and his card# so don't 5ose it. kno7 yo8 m8st 6ee5 terrib5e bein4 5e6t o8t this time 3 b8t '55 make it 89 someday someho7. B8t don't 6or4et 5o:e yo8 :ery m8ch and am 9ro8d o6 my 6ami5y that is and my 6ami5y that is to be.Q *he secretary and his 7i6e send their best 7ishes to yo8 and o8r 68t8re. 7ish yo8 7ere here# or# ne=t best thin4# that 7ere there. Kiss S!ORKQ and te55 $om a55 abo8t my ad:ent8res and 7i55 be home sooner than yo8 think. Yo8r h8sband 5o:es yo8. Yo8r h8sband. /CD 0

"rand )ote5 (arsa7 +earest "7eneth# *o be4in 7ith# 5o:e yo8. %5so miss yo8 and the babyQ and Ki7i# and rea55y 7ish 7e're home. am no7 in the resta8rant o6 the "rand )ote5. 7as 7arned by 6riends that the ser:ice is s5o7# so 7ent back 6or 9ens and 9a9er to 7ork on my ta5k 6or tomorro7 3 b8t 7hat co85d be better than to 7rite to my dar5in4 instead(hat is Po5and 5ike- $y stron4est im9ression 3 and the one 7hich 4i:es me s8ch a s8r9rise 3 is that it is a5most e=act5y as 9ict8red it Le=ce9t 6or one detai5M 3 not on5y in ho7 it 5ooks# b8t a5so in the 9eo95e# ho7 they 6ee5# 7hat they say and think abo8t the 4o:ernment# etc. %99arent5y 7e are 7e55 in6ormed in the US and ma4aRines s8ch as *ime and %t5as are not so bad. *he detai5 is that had 6or4otten ho7 com95ete5y destroyed (arsa7 7as d8rin4 the 7ar and there6ore that# 7ith 6e7 e=ce9tions L7hich are easi5y identi6ied by the b855et ho5es a55 o:er themM# a55 the b8i5din4s are b8i5t since the 7ar. n 6act it is a rather considerab5e accom95ishment 3 there are :ery many ne7 b8i5din4sI (arsa7 is a bi4 city# a55 reb8i5t. *he 4eni8s o6 b8i5ders here is to be ab5e to b8i5d o5d b8i5din4s. *here are b8i5din4s 7ith 6acin4s 6a55in4 o66 L7a55s co:ered 7ith concrete 7ith 9atches o6 7orn brick sho7in4 thr8M# r8sted 7indo7 bars 7ith streaks o6 r8st r8nnin4 do7n the b8i5din4# etc. F8rther# the architect8re is o5d 3 decorations sort o6 @AHK b8t hea:ier 3 nothin4 interestin4 to 5ook at Le=ce9t one b8i5din4M. *he hote5 room is :ery sma55# 7ith chea9 68rnit8re# a :ery hi4h cei5in4 L@F 6eetM# o5d 7ater s9ots on the 7a55s# 95aster sho7in4 thro84h 7here bed r8bs 7a55# etc. t reminds me o6 an o5d "rand )ote5' in !e7 York 3 6aded cotton beds9read co:erin4 b8m9y bed# etc. B8t the bathroom 6i=t8res L6a8cets etc.M are bri4ht and shiny# 7hich con68sed meI they seem re5ati:e5y ne7 in this o5d hote5. 6ina55y 6o8nd o8tI the hote5 is on5y three years o5d 3 had 6or4otten abo8t their abi5ity /CF0 to b8i5d o5d thin4s. L!o attention at a55 yet 6rom 7aiter# so break do7n and ask a 9assin4 one 6or ser:ice. % con68sed 5ook 3 he ca55s another o:er. !et res85tI am to5d there is no ser:ice at my tab5e and am asked to mo:e to another. make an4ry noises. *he res9onseI am 98t at another tab5e# 4i:en a men8# and ha:e @F seconds to make 89 my mind. order SRnyce5 Po (iedensk8 3 (iener SchnitRe5.M On the O8estion o6 7hether the room is b844edI 5ook 6or co:ers o6 o5d sockets L5ike the one in the cei5in4 o6 the sho7erM. *here are 6i:e o6 them# a55 near the cei5in4 3 @F 6eet. need a 5adder and decide not to in:esti4ate them. B8t there is a simi5ar 5ar4e sO8are 95ate in the 5o7er corner o6 my room near the te5e9hone. 9855 it back a 5itt5e Lone scre7 is 5ooseM. ha:e rare5y seen so many 7ires 3 5ike the back o6 a radio. (hat is it- (ho kno7s& didn't see any micro9honesP the ends o6 the 7ires 7ere ta9ed# 5ike connections or o8t5ets no 5on4er in 8se. $aybe the micro9hone is in the ta9e. (e55# ha:en't a scre7dri:er so don't take the 95ate o66 to in:esti4ate 68rther. n short# i6 my room isn't b844ed they are 7astin4 a 5ot o6 7ires. *he Po5ish 9eo95e are nice# 9oor# ha:e at 5east medi8m sty5e in Lso89 arri:es&M c5othes# etc. *here are nice 95aces to dance# 7ith 4ood bands# etc.# etc. So (arsa7 is not :ery hea:y and d855# as one hears $osco7 is. On the other hand# yo8 meet at e:ery t8rn that kind o6 d855 st89id back7ardness characteristic o6 4o:ernment 3 yo8 kno7# 5ike the 6act that chan4e 6or ZHG isn't a:ai5ab5e 7hen yo8 7ent to 4et yo8r card rene7ed at the US mmi4ration O66ice do7nto7n. E=am95eI 5ost my 9enci5# and 7anted to b8y a ne7 one at the kiosk here. % 9en costs Z@.@G.' !o# 7ant a 9enci5 3 7ooden# 7ith 4ra9hite.' !o# on5y Z@.@G 9ens.' OK# ho7 many ]5otys is that-'

Yo8 can't b8y it in ]5otys# on5y 6or Z@.@G.' L(hy- (ho kno7s&M ha:e to 4o 89stairs 6or %merican money. 4i:e Z@.HF. ,5erk at kiosk cannot 4i:e chan4e 3 m8st 4o to cashier o6 hote5. *he bi55 6or my 9en is 7ritten in O8adr895icateI the c5erk kee9s one# the cashier one# and 4et t7o co9ies. (hat sha55 do 7ith themOn the /CC0 back it says sho85d kee9 them to a:oid 9ayin4 US c8stoms d8ties. t is a Pa9ermate 9en made in the US%. L*he so89 dish is remo:ed.M *he rea5 O8estion o6 4o:ernment :ers8s 9ri:ate enter9rise is ar48ed on too 9hi5oso9hica5 and abstract a basis. *heoretica55y# 95annin4 may be 4ood. B8t nobody has e:er 6i48red o8t the ca8se o6 4o:ernment st89idity 3 and 8nti5 they do Land 6ind the c8reM# a55 idea5 95ans 7i55 6a55 into O8icksand. didn't 48ess ri4ht the nat8re o6 the 9a5ace in 7hich the meetin4s are he5d. ima4ined an o5d# 6orbiddin4# 5ar4e room 6rom @Cth cent8ry or so. %4ain# 6or4ot that Po5and 7as so thoro84h5y destroyed. *he 9a5ace is brand ne7I 7e meet in a ro8nd room 7ith 7hite 7a55s# 7ith 4i5ded decorations on the ba5conyP the cei5in4 is 9ainted 7ith a b58e sky and c5o8ds. L*he main co8rse comes. eat itP it is :ery 4ood. order dessertI 9astries 7ith 9inea995e# @HF 4. ncidenta55y# the men8 is :ery 9reciseI the @HF 4' is the 7ei4ht 3 @HF 4rams. *here are thin4s 5ike 6i5et o6 herrin4# @DD 4#' etc. ha:en't seen anybody checkin4 6or cheatin4 7ith a sca5eP didn't check i6 the schnitRe5 7as the c5aimed @GG 4rams.M am not 4ettin4 anythin4 o8t o6 the meetin4. am 5earnin4 nothin4. Beca8se there are no e=9eriments this 6ie5d is not an acti:e one# so 6e7 o6 the best men are doin4 7ork in it. *he res85t is that there are hosts o6 do9es here L@HCM and it is not 4ood 6or my b5ood 9ress8reI s8ch inane thin4s are said and serio8s5y disc8ssed that 4et into ar48ments o8tside the 6orma5 sessions Lsay# at 58nchM 7hene:er anyone asks me a O8estion or starts to te55 me abo8t his 7ork.' *he 7ork' is a57aysI L@M com95ete5y 8nN8nderstandab5e# LHM :a48e and inde6inite# LBM somethin4 correct that is ob:io8s and se56Ne:ident# b8t 7orked o8t by a 5on4 and di66ic85t ana5ysis# and 9resented as an im9ortant disco:ery# or LDM a c5aim based on the st89idity o6 the a8thor that some ob:io8s and correct 6act# acce9ted and checked 6or years# is# in 6act# 6a5se Lthese are the 7orstI no ar48ment 7i55 con:ince the idiotM# LFM an attem9t to do somethin4 9robab5y im9ossib5e# b8t certain5y o6 no 8ti5ity# 7hich# it is 6ina55y re:ea5ed at the end# 6ai5s Ldessert arri:es and is eatenM# or LCM >8st 95ain 7ron4. *here is a 4reat dea5 o6 acti:ity in the 6ie5d' these days# b8t this acti:ity' is main5y in sho7in4 that the /CK0 9re:io8s acti:ity' o6 somebody e5se res85ted in an error or in nothin4 8se685 or in somethin4 9romisin4. t is 5ike a 5ot o6 7orms tryin4 to 4et o8t o6 a bott5e by cra75in4 a55 o:er each other. t is not that the s8b>ect is hardP it is that the 4ood men are occ89ied e5se7here. Remind me not to come to any more 4ra:ity con6erences& 7ent one e:enin4 to the home o6 one o6 the Po5ish 9ro6essors Lyo8n4# 7ith a yo8n4 7i6eM. Peo95e are a55o7ed se:en sO8are yards 9er 9erson in a9artments# b8t he and his 7i6e are 58ckyI they ha:e t7entyNoneQ 3 6or 5i:in4 room# kitchen# bathroom. )e 7as a 5itt5e ner:o8s 7ith his 48ests Lmyse56# Pro6essor and $rs. (hee5er# and anotherM and seemed a9o5o4etic that his a9artment 7as so sma55. L ask 6or the check. %55 this time the 7aiter has had t7o or three acti:e tab5es# inc58din4 mine.M B8t his 7i6e 7as :ery re5a=ed and kissed her Siamese cat Booboosh' >8st 5ike yo8 do 7ith Ki7i. She did a 7onder685 >ob o6 entertainin4 3 the tab5e 6or eatin4 had to be taken 6rom the kitchen# a trick reO8irin4 the bathroom door to be 6irst remo:ed 6rom its hin4es. L*here are on5y 6o8r acti:e tab5es in the 7ho5e resta8rant no7# and 6o8r 7aiters.M )er 6ood 7as :ery 4ood and 7e a55 en>oyed it. Oh# mentioned that one b8i5din4 in (arsa7 is interestin4 to 5ook at. t is the 5ar4est b8i5din4 in Po5andI the Pa5ace o6 ,85t8re and Science' 4i:en as a 4i6t by the So:iet Union# t 7as desi4ned by So:iet architects. +ar5in4# it is 8nbe5ie:ab5e& cannot e:en be4in to describe it. t is the craRiest monstrosity on 5and& L*he check comes 3 bro84ht by a di66erent 7aiter. a7ait the chan4e.M *his m8st be the end o6 my 5etter. ho9e don't 7ait too 5on4 6or the chan4e. ski99ed co66ee beca8se tho84ht it 7o85d take too 5on4. E:en so# see 7hat a 5on4 5etter can 7rite 7hi5e eatin4

S8nday dinner at the "rand )ote5. say a4ain 5o:e yo8# and 7ish yo8 7ere here 3 or better 7ere there. )ome is 4ood. L*he chan4e has come 3 it is s5i4ht5y 7ron4 Lby G.FF ]5oty V @FGM b8t 5et it 4o.M "ood bye 6or no7. Richard. /CE 0 Sat8rday# J8ne HAL-M B 9m Roya5 O5ym9ic )ote5. Poo5side. +ear "7eneth# and $iche55eQ Land ,ar5-M# *his is my third day in %thens. 'm 7ritin4 by the side o6 the hote5 9oo5 7ith the 9a9er in my 5a9 beca8se the tab5es are too hi4h and the chairs too 5o7. *he tri9 7as a55 on time b8t 8ncom6ortab5e any7ay beca8se the 95ane 6rom !e7 York to %thens 7as abso58te5y 6855 3 e:ery seat. 7as met by Pro6. E5ia9o85os# a st8dent# and his ne9he7# 7ho is >8st ,ar5's a4e. 7as s8r9rised to 6ind the 7eather here is >8st 5ike in Pasadena# b8t abo8t F de4rees coo5erI the :e4etation is :ery simi5ar# the hi55s 5ook bare and desertN5ike 3 same 95ants# same cact8ses# same 5o7 h8midity and same coo5 ni4hts. B8t there the simi5arity ends. %thens is a s9ra75in4# 845y# noisy# e=ha8stN6i55ed mess o6 streets 6i55ed 7ith ner:o8s tra66ic >8m9in4 5ike rabbits 7hen the 5i4hts 4o 4reen and sto99in4 7ith sO8ea5in4 brakes 7hen they 4o red 3 and b5o7in4 horns 7hen they 4o ye55o7. Jery simi5ar to $e=ico ,ity# e=ce9t the 9eo95e don't 5ook as 9oor 3 there are on5y occasiona5 be44ars in the streets. Yo8# "7eneth# 7o85d 5o:e it beca8se there are so many sho9s La55 sma55M# and ,ar5 7o85d 5o:e 7a5kin4 aro8nd in the arcades 7ith their rabbitN7arren t7ists and s8r9rises# es9ecia55y in the o5d 9art o6 to7n. Yesterday mornin4 7ent to the archeo5o4ica5 m8se8m. $iche55e 7o85d 5ike a55 the 4reat "reek stat8es o6 horses 3 es9ecia55y one o6 a sma55 boy on a 5ar4e 4a55o9in4 horse# a55 in bronRe# that is a sensation. sa7 so m8ch st866 my 6eet be4an to h8rt. 4ot a55 mi=ed 89 3 thin4s are not 5abe5ed 7e55. %5so# it 7as s5i4ht5y borin4 beca8se 7e ha:e seen so m8ch o6 that st866 be6ore. E=ce9t 6or one thin4I amon4 a55 those art ob>ects there 7as one thin4 so entire5y di66erent and stran4e that it is near5y im9ossib5e. t 7as reco:ered 6rom the sea in @AGG and is some kind o6 machine 7ith 4ear trains# :ery m8ch 5ike the inside o6 a modern 7indN89 a5arm c5ock. *he teeth are :ery re485ar and /CA0 many 7hee5s are 6itted c5ose5y to4ether. *here are 4rad8ated circ5es and "reek inscri9tions. 7onder i6 it is some kind o6 6ake. *here 7as an artic5e on it in the Scienti6ic %merican in @AFA. Yesterday a6ternoon 7ent to the %cro9o5is# 7hich is ri4ht in the midd5e o6 the city 3 a hi4h rock 95atea8 on 7hich 7as b8i5t the Parthenon and other shrines and tem95es. *he Parthenon 5ooks 9retty 4ood# b8t the *em95e at Se4esta# 7hich "7eneth and sa7 in Sici5y# is >8st as im9ressi:e beca8se yo8 are a55o7ed to 7a5k aro8nd in it 3 yo8 can't 4o 89 to or 7a5k aro8nd amon4 the Parthenon co58mns. Pro6. +5ia9o85osT sister came 7ith 8s and 7ith a notebook she had 3 she is a 9ro6essiona5 archeo5o4ist 3 48ided o8r to8r 7ith a55 kinds o6 detai5s# dates# O8otations 6rom P58tarch# etc. t a99ears the "reeks take their 9ast :ery serio8s5y. *hey st8dy ancient "reek archeo5o4y in their e5ementary schoo5s 6or C years# ha:in4 to take @G ho8rs o6 that s8b>ect e:ery 7eek. t is a kind o6 ancestor 7orshi9# 6or they em9hasiRe a57ays ho7 7onder685 the ancient "reeks 7ere 3 and 7onder685 indeed they 7ere. (hen yo8 enco8ra4e them by sayin4# Yes# and 5ook ho7 modern man

has ad:anced beyond the ancient "reeks' 3 thinkin4 o6 e=9erimenta5 science# the de:e5o9ment o6 mathematics# the art o6 the Renaissance# the 4reat de9th and 8nderstandin4 o6 the re5ati:e sha55o7ness o6 "reek 9hi5oso9hy# etc.# etc. 3 they re95y# (hat do yo8 mean- (hat 7as 7ron4 7ith the ancient "reeks-' *hey contin8a55y 98t their a4e do7n and the o5d a4e 89# 8nti5 to 9oint o8t the 7onders o6 the 9resent seems to them to be an 8n>8sti6ied 5ack o6 a99reciation 6or the 9ast. *hey 7ere :ery 89set 7hen said that the de:e5o9ment o6 4reatest im9ortance to mathematics in E8ro9e 7as the disco:ery by *arta45ia that yo8 can so5:e a c8bic eO8ationI a5tho84h it is o6 :ery 5itt5e 8se in itse56# the disco:ery m8st ha:e been 9sycho5o4ica55y 7onder685 beca8se it sho7ed that a modern man co85d do somethin4 no ancient "reek co85d do. t there6ore he59ed in the Renaissance# 7hich 7as the 6reein4 o6 man 6rom the intimidation o6 the ancients. (hat the "reeks are 5earnin4 in schoo5 is to be intimidated into thinkin4 they ha:e 6a55en so 6ar be5o7 their s89er ancestors. asked the archeo5o4ist 5ady abo8t the machine in /KG0 the m8se8m 3 7hether other simi5ar machines# or sim95er machines 5eadin4 89 to it or do7n 6rom it# 7ere e:er 6o8nd 3 b8t she hadn't heard o6 it. So met her and her son o6 ,ar5's a4e L7ho 5ooks at me as i6 7ere a heroic ancient "reek# 6or he is st8dyin4 9hysicsM at the m8se8m to sho7 it to her. She reO8ired some e=95anation 6rom me 7hy tho84ht s8ch a machine 7as interestin4 and s8r9risin4 beca8se# +idn't Eratosthenes meas8re the distance to the s8n# and didn't that reO8ire e5aborate scienti6ic instr8ments-' Oh# ho7 i4norant are c5assica55y ed8cated 9eo95e. !o 7onder they don't a99reciate their o7n time. *hey are not o6 it and do not 8nderstand it. B8t a6ter a bit she be5ie:ed maybe it was strikin4# and she took me to the back rooms o6 the m8se8m 3 s8re5y there 7ere other e=am95es# and she 7o85d 4et a com95ete bib5io4ra9hy. (e55# there 7ere no other e=am95es# and the com95ete bib5io4ra9hy 7as a 5ist o6 three artic5es Linc58din4 the one in the Scienti6ic %mericanM a55 by one man# an %merican 6rom Ya5e& 48ess the "reeks think a55 %mericans m8st be d855# bein4 on5y interested in machinery 7hen there are a55 those bea8ti685 stat8es and 9ortraya5s o6 5o:e5y myths and stories o6 4ods and 4oddesses to 5ook at. L n 6act# a 5ady 6rom the m8se8m sta66 remarked# 7hen to5d that the 9ro6essor 6rom %merica 7anted to kno7 more abo8t item @FGEK# O6 a55 the bea8ti685 thin4s in this m8se8m# 7hy does he 9ick o8t that 9artic85ar item- (hat is so s9ecia5 abo8t it-'M E:eryone here com95ains o6 the heat# and concerned abo8t 7hether yo8 can stand it# 7hen in 6act it is >8st 5ike Pasadena b8t abo8t F de4rees coo5er on the a:era4e. So a55 stores and o66ices c5ose 6rom 9erha9s @IBG 9m to FIBG 9m Lbeca8se o6 the heat'M. t t8rns o8t to be rea55y a 4ood idea Le:eryone takes a na9M beca8se then they 4o 5ate into the ni4ht 3 s899er is bet7een AIBG and @G 9m# 7hen it is coo5. Ri4ht no7# 9eo95e here are serio8s5y com95ainin4 abo8t a ne7 5a7I to sa:e ener4y# a55 resta8rants and ta:erns m8st c5ose at H am. *his# they say# 7i55 s9oi5 5i6e in %thens. t is the 7itchin4 ho8r bet7een @IBG and FIBG 9m no7# and am 8sin4 it to 7rite to yo8. miss yo8# and 7o85d rea55y be ha99ier at home. 48ess rea55y ha:e 5ost my b84 6or tra:e55in4. ha:e a day and a ha56 yet here and they ha:e 4i:en me a55 kinds o6 5iterat8re /K@0 abo8t a bea8ti685 beach Lo6 9ebb5esM here# o6 an im9ortant ancient site La5tho84h in rather com95ete r8insM there# etc. B8t 7i55 4o to none o6 them# 6or each# it t8rns o8t# is a 5on4# t7oN to 6o8rNho8r ride each 7ay on a to8r b8s. !o. '55 >8st stay here and 9re9are my ta5ks 6or ,rete. L*hey ha:e me 4i:in4 an e=tra three 5ect8res to some t7enty "reek 8ni:ersity st8dents 7ho are a55 comin4 to ,rete >8st to hear me. '55 do somethin4 5ike my !e7 ]ea5and 5ect8res#Q b8t ha:en't 4ot any notes& '55 ha:e to 7ork them o8t a4ain.M miss yo8 a55# es9ecia55y 7hen 4o to bed at ni4ht 3 no do4s to scratch and say 4ood ni4ht to& Lo:e# Richard. P.S. F YOU ,%!'* RE%+ *)E %BOJE )%!+(R * !"# )%JE !O FE%R NN * S U! $POR*%!* R%$BLJ!"S. %$ (ELL [ ! %*)E!S.

$acFaddin )a55 ,orne55 Uni:ersity thaca# !Y !o:ember @A# @ADKQ $y +ear Fami5yI J8st a brie6 5etter be6ore 7e 4o o66 to Rochester. (e ha:e e:ery (ednesday a seminar at 7hich somebody ta5ks abo8t some item o6 research# and 6rom time to time this is made a >oint seminar 7ith Rochester Uni:ersity. *oday is the 6irst time this term that 7e are 4oin4 o:er there 6or it. t is a ma4ni6icent day# and it sho85d be a 5o:e5y tri9P Rochester is north7est o6 here# on the shores o6 Lake Ontario# and 7e 4o thro84h some 7i5d co8ntry. am bein4 taken in Feynman's car# 7hich 7i55 be 4reat 68n i6 7e s8r:i:e. Feynman is a man 6or 7hom am /KH0 de:e5o9in4 a considerab5e admirationP he is the 6irst e=am95e ha:e met o6 that rare s9ecies# the nati:e %merican scientist. )e has de:e5o9ed a 9ri:ate :ersion o6 the O8ant8m theory# 7hich is 4enera55y a4reed to be a 4ood 9iece o6 7ork and may be more he59685 than the orthodo= :ersion 6or some 9rob5emsP in 4enera5 he is a57ays siRR5in4 7ith ne7 ideas# most o6 7hich are more s9ectac85ar than he59685# and hard5y any o6 7hich 4et :ery 6ar be6ore some ne7er ins9iration ec5i9ses it. )is most :a58ab5e contrib8tion to 9hysics is as a s8sNtainer o6 mora5eP 7hen he b8rsts into the room 7ith his 5atest brainN7a:e and 9roceeds to e=9o8nd on it 7ith the most 5a:ish so8nd e66ects and 7a:in4 abo8t o6 the arms# 5i6e at 5east is not d855. (eissko96# the chie6 theoretician at Rochester# is a5so an interestin4 and ab5e man# b8t o6 the norma5 E8ro9ean ty9eP he comes 6rom $8nich# 7here he 7as a 6riend o6 Bethe 6rom st8dent days. *he e:ent o6 the 5ast 7eek has been a :isit 6rom Peier5s# 7ho... stayed t7o ni4hts 7ith the Bethes be6ore 65yin4 home... . On $onday ni4ht the Bethes 4a:e a 9arty in his honor# to 7hich most o6 the yo8n4 theoreticians 7ere in:ited. (hen 7e arri:ed 7e 7ere introd8ced to )enry Bethe# 7ho is no7 6i:e years o5d# b8t he 7as not at a55 im9ressed. n 6act# the on5y thin4 he 7o85d say 7as 7ant +ick& Yo8 to5d me +ick 7as comin4&' Fina55y he had to be sent o66 to bed# since +ick La5ias FeynmanM did not materia5iRe. %bo8t ha56 an ho8r 5ater# Feynman b8rst into the room# >8st had time to say# So sorry 'm 5ate 3 had a bri55iant idea >8st as 7as comin4 o:er#' and then dashed 89stairs to conso5e )enry. ,on:ersation then ceased 7hi5e the com9any 5istened to the >oy685 so8nds abo:e# sometimes takin4 the 6orm o6 a d8et and sometimes o6 a oneNman 9erc8ssion band... . $8ch Lo:e# Freeman /KB 0 Urbana# 55inois %9ri5 A# @AE@ +ear Sara#Q >8st s9ent a mar:e5o8s three days 7ith +ick Feynman and 7ished yo8 had been there to share him 7ith 8s. Si=ty years and a bi4 cancer o9eration ha:e not b58nted him. )e is sti55 the same Feynman that 7e kne7 in the o5d days at ,orne55. (e 7ere to4ether at a sma55 meetin4 o6 9hysicists or4aniRed by John (hee5er at the Uni:ersity o6

*e=as. For some reason (hee5er decided to ho5d the meetin4 at a 4rotesO8e 95ace ca55ed (or5d o6 *ennis# a co8ntry c58b 7here *e=as oi5Nmi55ionaires 4o to re5a=. So there 7e 7ere. (e a55 4r8mb5ed at the hi4h 9rices and the e=tra:a4ant 845iness o6 o8r rooms. B8t there 7as no7here e5se to 4o 3 or so 7e tho84ht. B8t +ick tho84ht other7iseI he >8st said# *o he55 7ith it. am not 4oin4 to s5ee9 in this 95ace#' 9icked 89 his s8itcase# and 7a5ked o66 a5one into the 7oods. n the mornin4 he rea99eared# 5ookin4 none the 7orse 6or his ni4ht 8nder the stars. )e said he did not s5ee9 m8ch# b8t it 7as 7orth it. (e had many con:ersations abo8t science and history# >8st 5ike in the o5d days. B8t no7 he had somethin4 ne7 to ta5k abo8t# his chi5dren. )e said# a57ays tho84ht 7o85d be a s9ecia55y 4ood 6ather beca8se 7o85dn't try to 98sh my kids into any 9artic85ar direction. 7o85dn't try to t8rn them into scientists or inte55ect8a5s i6 they didn't 7ant it. 7o85d be >8st as ha99y 7ith them i6 they decided to be tr8ck dri:ers or 48itar 95ayers. n 6act# 7o85d e:en 5ike it better i6 they 7ent o8t in the 7or5d and did somethin4 rea5 instead o6 bein4 9ro6essors 5ike me. B8t they a57ays 6ind a 7ay to hit back at yo8. $y boy ,ar5# 6or instance. *here he is in his second year at $ *# and a55 he 7ants to do 7ith his 5i6e is to become a 4oddamn 9hi5oso9her&'Q %s 7e sat in the air9ort 7aitin4 6or o8r 95anes# +ick 9855ed o8t a 9ad o6 9a9er and a 9enci5 and started to dra7 the 6aces o6 9eo95e sittin4 in the 5o8n4e. )e dre7 /KD0 them amaRin45y 7e55. said 7as sorry ha:e no ta5ent 6or dra7in4. )e said# a57ays tho84ht ha:e no ta5ent either. B8t yo8 don't need any ta5ent to do st866 5ike this.'... Yo8rs# Freeman

Febr8ary @K# @AEE London# En45andQ +ear $rs. Feynman# (e ha:e not met# be5ie:e# 6reO8ent5y eno84h 6or either o6 8s to ha:e taken root in the other's conscio8s memory. So 95ease 6or4i:e any im9ertinence# b8t co85d not 5et Richard's death 9ass 8nnoticed# or to take the o99ort8nity to add my o7n sense o6 5oss to yo8rs. +ick 7as the best and 6a:orite o6 se:era5 8nc5es' 7ho encirc5ed my chi5dhood. +8rin4 his time at ,orne55 he 7as a 6reO8ent and a57ays 7e5come :isitor at o8r ho8se# one 7ho co85d be co8nted on to take time o8t 6rom con:ersations 7ith my 9arents and other ad85ts to 5a:ish attention on the chi5dren. )e 7as at once a 4reat 95ayer o6 4ames 7ith 8s and a teacher e:en then 7ho o9ened o8r eyes to the 7or5d aro8nd 8s. $y 6a:orite memory o6 a55 is o6 sittin4 as an ei4htNorNnineNyearNo5d bet7een +ick and my mother# 7aitin4 6or the distin48ished nat8ra5ist Konrad LorenR to 4i:e a 5ect8re. 7as itchy and im9atient# as a55 yo8n4 are 7hen asked to sit sti55# 7hen +ick t8rned to me and said# +id yo8 kno7 that there are t7ice as many n8mbers as n8mbers-' !o# there are not&' 7as de6ensi:e as a55 yo8n4 o6 my kno75ed4e. Yes there areP '55 sho7 yo8. !ame a n8mber.' One mi55ion.' % bi4 n8mber to start. *7o mi55ion.' *7entyNse:en.' Fi6tyN6o8r.' named abo8t ten more n8mbers and each time +ick named the n8mber t7ice as bi4. Li4ht

da7ned. /KF0 seeP so there are three times as many n8mbers as n8mbers.' Pro:e it#' said Unc5e +ick. )e named a n8mber. named one three times as bi4. )e tried another. did it a4ain. %4ain. )e named a n8mber too com95icated 6or me to m85ti95y in my head. *hree times that#' said. So# is there a bi44est n8mber-' he asked. !o#' re95ied. Beca8se 6or e:ery n8mber# there is one t7ice as bi4# one three times as bi4. *here is e:en one a mi55ion times as bi4.' Ri4ht# and that conce9t o6 increase 7itho8t 5imit# o6 no bi44est n8mber# is ca55ed Sin6inity.T %t that 9oint LorenR arri:ed# so 7e sto99ed to 5isten to him. did not see +ick o6ten a6ter he 5e6t ,orne55. B8t he 5e6t me 7ith bri4ht memories# in6inity# and ne7 7ays o6 5earnin4 abo8t the 7or5d. 5o:ed him dear5y. Sincere5y Yo8rs# )enry Bethe . . /KK 0 1 1

Part H


n5e&ti(atin( The Spa!e Shuttle Challen(er Di&a&ter Preli%inarie&
-n this story 'm 4oin4 to ta5k a 5ot abo8t !%S%#Q b8t 7hen say !%S% did this' and !%S% did that#' don't mean a55 o6 !%S%P >8st mean that 9art o6 !%S% associated 7ith the sh8tt5e. *o remind yo8 abo8t the sh8tt5e# the 5ar4e centra5 9art is the tank# 7hich ho5ds the 68e5I 5iO8id o=y4en is at the to9# and 5iO8id hydro4en is in the main 9art. *he en4ines 7hich b8rn that 68e5 are at the back end o6 the orbiter# 7hich 4oes into s9ace. *he cre7 sits in the 6ront o6 the orbiterP behind them is the car4o bay. +8rin4 the 5a8nch# t7o so5idN68e5 rockets boost the sh8tt5e 6or a 6e7 min8tes be6ore they se9arate and 6a55 back into the sea. *he tank se9arates 6rom the orbiter a 6e7 min8tes 5ater 3 m8ch hi4her in the atmos9here 3 and breaks 89 as it 6a55s back to earth. *he so5id rocket boosters are made in sections. *here are t7o ty9es o6 >oints to ho5d the sections

to4etherI the 9ermanent 6actory >oints' are sea5ed at the $orton *hioko5 6actory in UtahP the tem9orary 6ie5d >oints' are sea5ed be6ore each 65i4ht 3 in the 6ie5d' 3 at the Kennedy S9ace ,enter in F5orida. /KE 0

F-/AR5 2 The space shuttle ,ha55en4er. The 'uel tank, 'lanke% by two soli%='uel rocket boosters, is attache% to the orbiter, whose !ain engines burn liFui% hy%rogen an% liFui% o&ygen GH +$S$ E

F-/AR5 9 #ocations an% close=up views o' booster=rocket 'iel% Doints . . /KA 0 1 1

Co%%ittin( Sui!i"e
$s you 9robab5y kno7# the s9ace sh8tt5e Challenger had an accident on *8esday# Jan8ary HE# @AEC. sa7 the e=95osion on *J# b8t a9art 6rom the tra4edy o6 5osin4 se:en 9eo95e# didn't think m8ch abo8t it. n the ne7s9a9er 8sed to read abo8t sh8tt5es 4oin4 89 and do7n a55 the time b8t it bothered me a 5itt5e bit that ne:er sa7 in any scienti6ic >o8rna5 any res85ts o6 anythin4 that had e:er come o8t o6 the e=9eriments on the sh8tt5e that 7ere s899osed to be so im9ortant. So 7asn't 9ayin4 :ery m8ch attention to it. (e55# a 6e7 days a6ter the accident# 4et a te5e9hone ca55 6rom the head o6 !%S%# (i55iam "raham# askin4 me to be on the committee in:esti4atin4 7hat 7ent 7ron4 7ith the sh8tt5e& +r. "raham said he had been a st8dent o6 mine at ,a5tech# and 5ater had 7orked at the )84hes %ircra6t ,om9any# 7here 4a:e 5ect8res e:ery (ednesday a6ternoon. sti55 7asn't e=act5y s8re 7ho he 7as. (hen heard the in:esti4ation 7o85d be in (ashin4ton# my immediate reaction 7as not to do itI ha:e a 9rinci95e o6 not 4oin4 any7here near (ashin4ton or ha:in4 anythin4 to do 7ith 4o:ernment# so my immediate reaction 7as 3 ho7 am 4onna 4et o8t o6 thisca55ed :ario8s 6riends 5ike %5 )ibbs and +ick +a:ies# b8t they e=95ained to me that in:esti4atin4 the Challenger accident 7as :ery im9ortant 6or the nation# and that sho85d do it.

$y 5ast chance 7as to con:ince my 7i6e. Look#' said. %nybody co85d do it. *hey can 4et somebody e5se.' !o#' said "7eneth. 6 yo8 don't do it# there 7i55 be t7e5:e 9eo95e# a55 in a 4ro89# 4oin4 aro8nd 6rom 95ace to 95ace to4ether. B8t i6 yo8 >oin the commission# there 7i55 be e5e:en 9eo95e 3 a55 in a 4ro89# 4oin4 aro8nd 6rom 95ace to 95ace to4ether 3 7hi5e the t7e56th one r8ns aro8nd a55 o:er the 95ace# checkin4 a55 kinds o6 8n8s8a5 thin4s. *here 9robab5y 7on't be anythin4# b8t i6 there is# yo8'55 6ind it.' She said# *here isn't anyone e5se 7ho can do that 5ike yo8 can.' Bein4 :ery immodest# be5ie:ed her. /EG0 (e55# it's one thin4 to 6i48re o8t 7hat 7ent 7ron4 7ith the sh8tt5e. B8t the ne=t thin4 7o85d be to 6ind o8t 7hat 7as the matter 7ith the or4aniRation o6 !%S%. *hen there are O8estions 5ike# Sho85d 7e contin8e 7ith the sh8tt5e system# or is it better to 8se e=9endab5e rockets-' %nd then come e:en bi44er O8estionsI (here do 7e 4o 6rom here-' (hat sho85d be o8r 68t8re 4oa5s in s9ace-' co85d see that a commission 7hich started o8t tryin4 to 6ind o8t 7hat ha99ened to the sh8tt5e co85d end 89 as a commission tryin4 to decide on nationa5 9o5icy# and 4o on 6ore:er& *hat made me O8ite ner:o8s. decided to 4et o8t at the end o6 si= months# no matter 7hat. B8t a5so reso5:ed that 7hi5e 7as in:esti4atin4 the accident# sho85dn't do anythin4 e5se. *here 7ere some 9hysics 9rob5ems 7as 95ayin4 7ith. *here 7as a com98ter c5ass at ,a5tech 7as teachin4 7ith another 9ro6essor. L)e o66ered to take o:er the co8rse.M *here 7as the *hinkin4 $achines ,om9any in Boston 7as 4oin4 to cons85t 6or. L*hey said they 7o85d 7ait.M $y 9hysics 7o85d ha:e to 7ait# too. By this time it 7as S8nday. said to "7eneth# 'm 4onna commit s8icide 6or si= months#' and 9icked 89 the te5e9hone. . . /E@ 0 1 1

The Col" Fa!t&

*hen ca55ed "raham and acce9ted# he didn't kno7 e=act5y 7hat the commission 7as 4oin4 to do# 7ho it 7as 4oin4 to be 8nder# or e:en i6 7o85d be acce9ted onto it. L*here 7as sti55 ho9e&M B8t the ne=t day# $onday# 4ot a te5e9hone ca55 at D P.$.I $r. Feynman# yo8 ha:e been acce9ted onto the commission' 3 7hich by that time 7as a 9residentia5 commission' headed by (i55iam P. Ro4ers. remembered $r. Ro4ers. 6e5t sorry 6or him 7hen he 7as secretary o6 state# beca8se it seemed to me that President !i=on 7as 8sin4 the nationa5 sec8rity ad:iser LKissin4erM more and more# to the 9oint 7here the secretary o6 state 7as not rea55y 68nctionin4. %t any rate# the 6irst meetin4 7o85d be on (ednesday. 6i48red there's nothin4 to do on *8esday 3 co85d 65y to (ashin4ton *8esday ni4ht 3 so ca55ed 89 %5 )ibbs and asked him to 4et some 9eo95e at JPLQ 7ho kno7 somethin4 abo8t the sh8tt5e 9ro>ect to brie6 me. On *8esday mornin4 r8sh o:er to JPL# 6855 o6 steam# ready to ro55. %5 sits me do7n# and di66erent en4ineers come in# one a6ter the other# and e=95ain the :ario8s 9arts o6 the sh8tt5e. don't kno7 how they kne7# b8t they kne7 a55 abo8t the sh8tt5e. 4ot a :ery thoro84h# hi4hNs9eed# intense brie6in4. *he 48ys at JPL had the same enth8siasm that did. t 7as rea55y O8ite e=citin4. (hen 5ook at my notes no7# see ho7 O8ick5y they 4a:e me hints abo8t 7here to 5ook 6or the sh8tt5e's 9rob5ems. *he 6irst 5ine o6 my notes says nhibit b8rnin4. Liner.' L*o inhibit 9ro9e55ant

6rom b8rnin4 thro84h the meta5 7a55 o6 each booster /EH0 rocket# there's a 5iner# 7hich 7as not 7orkin4 ri4ht.M *he second 5ine o6 my notes says ONrin4s sho7 scorchin4 in c5e:is check.' t 7as noticed that hot 4as occasiona55y b8rned 9ast the ONrin4s in boosterNrocket 6ie5d >oints.

F-/AR5 > The beginning o' Feyn!an's notes 'ro! his in'or!al J.# brie'ing

On the same 5ine it says ]n ,rOD makes b8bb5es.' L*he Rinc chromate 98tty# 9acked as an ins85ator behind the ONrin4s# makes b8bb5es 7hich can become en5ar4ed :ery 6ast 7hen hot 4as 5eaks thro84h# erodin4 the ONrin4s.M *he en4ineers to5d me ho7 m8ch the 9ress8res chan4e inside the so5id rocket boosters d8rin4 65i4ht# 7hat the 9ro9e55ant is made o6# ho7 the 9ro9e55ant is cast and then baked at di66erent tem9erat8res# the 9ercenta4es o6 asbestos# 9o5ymers# and 7hat not in the 5iner# and a55 kinds o6 other st866. 5earned abo8t the thr8sts and 6orces in the en4ines# 7hich are the most 9o7er685 en4ines 6or their 7ei4ht e:er b8i5t. *he en4ines had many di66ic85ties# es9ecia55y cracked t8rbine b5ades. *he en4ineers to5d me that some o6 the 9eo95e 7ho 7orked on the en4ines a57ays had their 6in4ers crossed on each 65i4ht# and the moment they sa7 the sh8tt5e e=95ode# they 7ere s8re it 7as the en4ines. 6 the en4ineers didn't kno7 somethin4# they'd say somethin4 /EB 0

F-/AR5 @ 8etaile% %iagra! o' a 'iel% Doint

F-/AR5 ; .hotograph o' bubbles in Iinc chro!ate putty, which can lea% to erosion o' the 1= rings /ED 0 5ike# Oh# Li6er kno7s abo8t thatP 5et's 4et hi! in.' %5 7o85d ca55 89 Li6er# 7ho 7o85d come ri4ht

a7ay. co85dn't ha:e had a better brie6in4. t's ca55ed a brie6in4# b8t it 7asn't brie6I it 7as very intense# :ery 6ast# and :ery com95ete. t's the on5y 7ay kno7 to 4et technica5 in6ormation O8ick5yI yo8 don't >8st sit there 7hi5e they 4o thro84h 7hat they think 7o85d be interestin4P instead# yo8 ask a 5ot o6 O8estions# yo8 4et O8ick ans7ers# and soon yo8 be4in to 8nderstand the circ8mstances and 5earn >8st 7hat to ask to 4et the ne=t 9iece o6 in6ormation yo8 need. 4ot one he55 o6 a 4ood ed8cation that day# and s8cked 89 the in6ormation 5ike a s9on4e. *hat ni4ht took the redNeyeQ to (ashin4ton# and 4ot there ear5y (ednesday mornin4. L ne:er took the redNeye a4ain 3 5earned&M checked into the )o5iday nn in do7nto7n (ashin4ton# and 4ot a cab to take me to the 6irst meetin4 o6 the commission. (here to-' the dri:er says. %55 ha:e is a 5itt5e 9iece o6 9a9er. @D@F Eth Street.' (e start o66. 'm ne7 in (ashin4ton. *he ,a9ito5 is o:er here# the (ashin4ton $on8ment is o:er thereP e:erythin4 seems :ery c5ose. B8t the ta=i 4oes on and on# 6arther and 6arther into 7orse and 7orse territory. B8i5din4s 4et sma55er# and they be4in to 5ook r8n do7n a 5itt5e bit. Fina55y# 7e 4et onto Eth Street# and as 7e 4o a5on4# the b8i5din4s be4in to disa99ear a5to4ether. Fina55y 7e 6ind the address 3 by inter9o5ationI it's an em9ty 5ot bet7een t7o b8i5din4s& By this time rea5iRe somethin4 is com95ete5y cockeyed. don't kno7 7hat to do# beca8se ':e on5y 4ot this s5i9 o6 9a9er# and don't kno7 7here to 4o. say to the ta=i dri:er# *he meetin4 'm 4oin4 to has somethin4 to do 7ith !%S%. ,an yo8 take me to !%S%-' S8re#' he says. Yo8 kno7 7here it is# don't yo8- t's ri4ht 7here 9icked yo8 89&' t 7as tr8e. !%S% co85d ha:e 7a5ked to 6rom the )o5iday nnI it 7as ri4ht across the street& 4o in# 9ast the 48ard at the 4ate# and start 7anderin4 aro8nd. 6ind my 7ay to "raham's o66ice# and ask i6 there's a meetin4 abo8t the sh8tt5e. /EF0 Yes# kno7 7here it is#' somebody says. '55 take yo8 do7n there.' *hey take me to a room and# s8re eno84h# there's a bi4 meetin4 4oin4 onI there are bri4ht 5i4hts and te5e:ision cameras do7n in 6rontP the room is com95ete5y 6855# b8rstin4 7ith 9eo95e# and a55 can do is bare5y sO8ash my 7ay into the back. 'm thinkin4# *here's on5y one door to this 95ace. )o7 the he55 am 4onna 4et do7n to the 6ront 6rom here-' *hen o:erhear somethin4 a 5itt5e bit 3 it's so 6ar do7n there that can't make o8t e=act5y 7hat it is 3 b8t it's e:ident5y a di66erent s8b>ect& So 4o back to "raham's o66ice and 6ind his secretary. She ca55s aro8nd and 6inds o8t 7here the commission is meetin4. don't kno7# either#' she says to the 9erson on the other end. )e sim95y 7andered in here&' *he meetin4 7as in $r. Ro4ersT 5a7 o66ices# at @D@F 0 Street. $y s5i9 o6 9a9er said @D@F 4th Street. L*he address had been 4i:en o:er the te5e9hone.M 6ina55y 4ot to $r. Ro4ersT o66ice 3 7as the on5y one 5ate 3 and $r. Ro4ers introd8ced me to the other commissioners. *he on5y one had e:er heard o6 besides $r. Ro4ers 7as !ei5 %rmstron4# the moon man# 7ho 7as ser:in4 as :iceNchairman. LSa55y Ride 7as on the commission# b8t didn't rea5iRe 7ho she 7as 8nti5 5ater.QM *here 7as a :ery handsomeN5ookin4 48y in a 8ni6orm# a "enera5

K8tyna L9rono8nced KooN*EENnaM. )e 5ooked 6ormidab5e in his o8t6it# 7hi5e the other 9eo95e had on ordinary s8its. *his 6irst meetin4 7as rea55y >8st an in6orma5 4etNto4ether. *hat bothered me# beca8se 7as sti55 7o8nd 89 5ike a s9rin4 6rom my JPL brie6in4 the day be6ore. $r. Ro4ers did anno8nce a 6e7 thin4s. )e read 6rom the e=ec8ti:e order that de6ined o8r 7orkI *he ,ommission sha55I @. Re:ie7 the circ8mstances s8rro8ndin4 the accident and estab5ish the 9robab5e ca8se or ca8ses o6 the accidentP and H. +e:e5o9 recommendations 6or correcti:e or other action based 89on the ,ommission's 6indin4s and determinations. /EC0

QQQ $r. Ro4ers a5so said 7e 7o85d com95ete o8r in:esti4ation 7ithin @HG days. *hat 7as a re5ie6I the sco9e o6 o8r commission 7o85d be 5imited to in:esti4atin4 the accident# and o8r 7ork mi4ht be 6inished be6ore 7as done committin4 s8icide& $r. Ro4ers asked each o6 8s ho7 m8ch o6 o8r time 7e co85d s9end on the commission. Some o6 the commissioners 7ere retired# and a5most e:erybody said they had rearran4ed their sched85es. said# 'm ready to 7ork @GG 9ercent# startin4 ri4ht no7&' $r. Ro4ers asked# (ho 7i55 be in char4e o6 7ritin4 the re9ort-' % $r. )otR# 7ho had been the editor o6 $viation *eek ma4aRine# :o58nteered to do that. *hen $r. Ro4ers bro84ht 89 another matter. ':e been in (ashin4ton a 5on4 time#' he said# and there's one thin4 yo8 a55 m8st kno7I no matter 7hat 7e do# there 7i55 a57ays be 5eaks to the 9ress. *he best 7e can do is >8st try to minimiRe them. *he 9ro9er 7ay to dea5 7ith 5eaks is to ha:e 98b5ic meetin4s. (e 7i55 ha:e c5osed meetin4s# o6 co8rse# b8t i6 7e 6ind anythin4 im9ortant# 7e 7i55 ha:e an o9en meetin4 ri4ht a7ay# so the 98b5ic 7i55 a57ays kno7 7hat is 4oin4 on.' $r. Ro4ers contin8ed# *o start thin4s o66 ri4ht 7ith the 9ress# o8r 6irst o66icia5 meetin4 7i55 be a 98b5ic meetin4. (e'55 meet tomorro7 at @G %.$.' %s 7e 7ere 5ea:in4 the 4etNto4ether# heard "enera5 K8tyna say# (here's the nearest $etro station-' tho84ht# *his 48y# 'm 4onna 4et a5on4 7ith him 6ineI he's dressed so 6ancy# b8t inside# he's strai4ht. )e's not the kind o6 4enera5 7ho's 5ookin4 6or his dri:er and his s9ecia5 carP he 4oes back to the Penta4on by the $etro.' Ri4ht a7ay 5iked him# and o:er the co8rse o6 the commission 6o8nd my >8d4ment in this case 7as e=ce55ent. *he ne=t mornin4# a 5imo8sine ca55ed 6or me 3 someone had arran4ed 6or 8s to arri:e at o8r 6irst o66icia5 meetin4 in 5imo8sines. sat in the 6ront seat# ne=t to the dri:er. On the 7ay to the meetin4# the dri:er says to me# 8nderstand a 5ot o6 im9ortant 9eo95e are on this commission...' Yeah# s'9ose...' /EK0

S*S F@NL ,%R"O ELE$E!*S ^ *R%,K !" %!+ +%*% REL%Y S%*ELL *ENB_ !ER* %L UPPER S*%"E ^ SP%R*%!N)%LLEY_$ SS O! PE,UL %R SUPPOR* S*RU,*URE ^ ,RE( ,O$P%R*$E!* N * SP N *E%,)ER ! SP%,E PRO"R%$ N ,)%$P N ,O$E* )%LLEY %,* JE $O! *OR !" PRO"R%$ N F+E N FLU + +Y!%$ ,S E2PER $E!* N S*U+E!* E2PER $E!*S N R$E N R%+ %* O! $O! *OR !" E2PER $E!* N PPE N P)%SE P%R* * O! !" E2PER $E!* F-/AR5 B $n e&a!ple o' 6bullets 7 (e55# co55ect a8to4ra9hs#' he says. ,o85d yo8 do me a 6a:or-' S8re#' say. 'm reachin4 6or my 9en 7hen he says# (hen 7e 4et there# co85d yo8 9oint o8t to me 7hich one !ei5 %rmstron4 is# so can 4et his a8to4ra9h-' Be6ore the meetin4 started# 7e 7ere s7orn in. Peo95e 7ere mi55in4 aro8ndP a secretary handed 8s each a bad4e 7ith o8r 9ict8re on it so 7e co85d 4o any7here in !%S%. *here 7ere a5so some 6orms to si4n# sayin4 yo8 a4ree to this and that so yo8 can 4et yo8r e=9enses 9aid# and so on. %6ter 7e 7ere s7orn in# met Bi55 "raham. did reco4niRe him# and remembered him as a nice 48y. *his 6irst 98b5ic meetin4 7as 4oin4 to be a 4enera5 brie6in4 and 9resentation by the bi4 cheeses o6 !%S% 3 $r. $oore# $r. %5drich# $r. Lo:in4ood# and others. (e 7ere seated in bi4 5eather chairs on a dais# and there 7ere bri4ht 5i4hts and *J cameras 9ointin4 at 8s e:ery time 7e scratched o8r noses. ha99ened to sit ne=t to "enera5 K8tyna. J8st be6ore the meetin4 started# he 5eans o:er and says# ,oN9i5ot to 9i5otI comb yo8r hair.' /EE0 say# Pi5ot to coN9i5otI can borro7 yo8r comb-' *he 6irst thin4 7e had to 5earn 7as the craRy acronyms that !%S% 8ses a55 o:er the 95aceI SR$s' are the so5id rocket motors# 7hich make 89 most o6 the SRBs#' the so5id rocket boosters. *he SS$Es' are the s9ace sh8tt5e main en4inesP they b8rn L)' L5iO8id hydro4enM and LO2' L5iO8id o=y4enM# 7hich are stored in the E*#' the e=terna5 tank. E:erythin4's 4ot 5etters. %nd not >8st the bi4 thin4sI 9ractica55y e:ery :a5:e has an acronym# so they said# (e'55 4i:e yo8 a dictionary 6or the acronyms 3 it's rea55y :ery sim95e.' Sim95e# s8re# b8t the dictionary is a 4reat# bi4# 6at book that yo8':e 4otta kee9 5ookin4 thro84h 6or thin4s 5ike )PF*P' Lhi4hN9ress8re 68e5 t8rbo98m9M and )PO*P' Lhi4hN9ress8re o=y4en t8rbo98m9M. *hen 7e 5earned abo8t b855ets' 3 5itt5e b5ack circ5es in 6ront o6 9hrases that 7ere s899osed to s8mmariRe thin4s. *here 7as one a6ter another o6 these 5itt5e 4oddamn b855ets in o8r brie6in4 books

and on the s5ides. t t8rned o8t that a9art 6rom $r. Ro4ers and $r. %cheson# 7ho 7ere 5a7yers# and $r. )otR# 7ho 7as an editor# 7e a55 had de4rees in scienceI "enera5 K8tyna had a de4ree 6rom $ *P $r. %rmstron4# $r. ,o:ert# $r. R8mme5# and $r. S8tter 7ere a55 aerona8tica5 en4ineers# 7hi5e $s. Ride# $r. (a5ker# $r. (hee5on# and 7ere a55 9hysicists. $ost o6 8s seemed to ha:e done some 9re5iminary 7ork on o8r o7n. (e ke9t askin4 O8estions that 7ere m8ch more technica5 than some o6 the bi4 cheeses 7ere 9re9ared 6or. (hen one o6 them co85dn't ans7er a O8estion# $r. Ro4ers 7o85d reass8re him that 7e 8nderstood he 7asn't e=9ectin4 s8ch detai5ed O8estions# and that 7e 7ere satis6ied# 6or the time bein4 at 5east# by the 9er9et8a5 ans7er# (e'55 4et that in6ormation to yo8 5ater.' *he main thin4 5earned at that meetin4 7as ho7 ine66icient a 98b5ic inO8iry isI most o6 the time# other 9eo95e are askin4 O8estions yo8 a5ready kno7 the ans7er to 3 or are not interested in 3 and yo8 4et so 6o44ed o8t that yo8're hard5y 5istenin4 7hen im9ortant 9oints are bein4 9assed o:er. (hat a contrast to JPL# 7here had been 6i55ed 7ith a55 sorts o6 in6ormation :ery 6ast. On (ednesday 7e ha:e a 4etNto4ether' in $r. Ro4ersT o66ice 3 that takes t7o ho8rs 3 and then 7e':e 4ot the rest o6 the day to do 7hat- !othin4. %nd that ni4ht- !othin4. *he ne=t day# 7e ha:e the 98b5ic meetin4 3 /EA0 (e'55 4et back to yo8 on that' 3 7hich eO8a5s nothin4& %5tho84h it looke% 5ike 7e 7ere doin4 somethin4 e:ery day in (ashin4ton# 7e 7ere# in rea5ity# sittin4 aro8nd doin4 nothin4 most o6 the time. *hat ni4ht 4a:e myse56 somethin4 to doI 7rote o8t the kinds o6 O8estions tho84ht 7e sho85d ask d8rin4 o8r in:esti4ation# and 7hat to9ics 7e sho85d st8dy. $y 95an 7as to 6ind o8t 7hat the rest o6 the commission 7anted to do# so 7e co85d di:ide 89 the 7ork and 4et 4oin4. *he ne=t day# Friday# 7e had o8r 6irst rea5 meetin4. By this time 7e had an o66ice 3 7e met in the O5d E=ec8ti:e O66ice B8i5din4 3 and there 7as e:en a 48y there to transcribe e:ery 7ord 7e said. $r. Ro4ers 7as de5ayed 6or some reason# so 7hi5e 7e 7aited 6or him# "enera5 K8tyna o66ered to te55 8s 7hat an accident in:esti4ation is 5ike. (e tho84ht that 7as a 4ood idea# so he 4ot 89 and e=95ained to 8s ho7 the air 6orce had 9roceeded 7ith its in:esti4ation o6 an 8nmanned *itan rocket 7hich had 6ai5ed. 7as 95eased to see that the system he described 3 7hat the O8estions 7ere# and the 7ay they 7ent abo8t 6indin4 the ans7ers 3 7as :ery m8ch 5ike 7hat had 5aid o8t the ni4ht be6ore# e=ce9t that it 7as m8ch more methodica5 than had en:isioned. "enera5 K8tyna 7arned 8s that sometimes it 5ooks 5ike the ca8se is ob:io8s# b8t 7hen yo8 in:esti4ate more care6855y yo8 ha:e to chan4e yo8r mind. *hey had :ery 6e7 c58es# and chan4ed their minds three times in the case o6 the *itan. 'm a55 e=cited. 7ant to do this kind o6 in:esti4ation# and 6i48re 7e can 4et started ri4ht a7ay 3 a55 7e ha:e to do is decide 7ho 7i55 do 7hat. B8t $r. Ro4ers# 7ho came in 9art7ay thro84h "enera5 K8tyna's 9resentation# says# Yes# yo8r in:esti4ation 7as a 4reat s8ccess# "enera5# b8t 7e 7on't be ab5e to 8se yo8r methods here beca8se 7e can't 4et as m8ch in6ormation as yo8 had.' Perha9s $r. Ro4ers# 7ho is not a technica5 man# did not rea5iRe ho7 9atent5y 6a5se that 7as. *he *itan# bein4 an 8nmanned rocket# didn't ha:e any7here near the n8mber o6 check 4ad4ets the sh8tt5e did. (e had te5e:ision 9ict8res sho7in4 a 65ame comin4 o8t the side o6 a booster rocket a 6e7 seconds be6ore the e=95osionP a55 7e co85d see in "enera5 K8tyna's 9ict8res o6 the *itan 7as a 5o8sy dot in the sky 3 N>8st a 5itt5e# tiny 65ash 3 and he 7as ab5e to 6i48re st866 o8t 6rom that. /AG0 $r. Ro4ers says# ha:e arran4ed 6or 8s to 4o to F5orida ne=t *h8rsday. (e'55 4et a brie6in4 there 6rom !%S% o66icia5s# and they'55 take 8s on a to8r o6 the Kennedy S9ace ,enter.'

4et this 9ict8re o6 the cRarina comin4 to a Potemkin :i55a4eI e:erythin4 is a55 arran4edP they sho7 8s ho7 the rocket 5ooks and ho7 they 98t it to4ether. t's not the 7ay to 6ind o8t ho7 thin4s really are. *hen $r. %rmstron4 says# (e can't e=9ect to do a technica5 in:esti4ation 5ike "enera5 K8tyna did.' *his bothered me a 5ot# beca8se the on5y thin4s 9ict8red myse56 doin4 7ere technica5& didn't kno7 e=act5y 7hat he meantI 9erha9s he 7as sayin4 that a55 the technica5 5ab 7ork 7o85d be done by !%S%. be4an s844estin4 thin4s co85d do. (hi5e 'm in the midd5e o6 my 5ist# a secretary comes in 7ith a 5etter 6or $r. Ro4ers to si4n. n the interim# 7hen ':e >8st been sh8t 89 and 'm 7aitin4 to come back# :ario8s other commission members o66er to 7ork 7ith me. *hen $r. Ro4ers 5ooks 89 a4ain to contin8e the meetin4# b8t he ca55s on somebody e5se 3 as i6 he's absentminded and 6or4ot 'd been interr89ted. So ha:e to 4et the 65oor a4ain# b8t 7hen start my st866 a4ain# another accident' ha99ens. n 6act# $r. Ro4ers bro84ht the meetin4 to a c5ose 7hi5e 7as in midstream& )e re9eated his 7orry that 7e'55 ne:er rea55y 6i48re o8t 7hat ha99ened to the sh8tt5e. *his 7as e=treme5y disco8ra4in4. t's hard to 8nderstand no7# beca8se !%S% has been takin4 at 5east t7o years to 98t the sh8tt5e back on track. B8t at the time# tho84ht it 7o85d be a matter o6 days. 7ent o:er to $r. Ro4ers and said# (e're 4oin4 to F5orida ne=t *h8rsday. *hat means 7e':e 4ot nothin4 to do 6or 'ive %ays: 7hat'55 do 6or 6i:e days-' (e55# 7hat 7o85d yo8 ha:e done i6 yo8 hadn't been on the commission-' 7as 4oin4 to 4o to Boston to cons85t# b8t cance5ed it in order to 7ork @GG 9ercent.' (e55# 7hy don't yo8 4o to Boston 6or the 6i:e days-' co85dn't take that. tho84ht# 'm dead a5ready& *he 4oddamn thin4 isn't 7orkin4 ri4ht.' 7ent back to my hote5# de:astated. *hen tho84ht o6 Bi55 "raham# and ca55ed him 89. Listen# Bi55#' said. Yo8 4ot me into thisP no7 yo8':e 4otta sa:e meI 'm com95ete5y de9ressedP can't stand it.' /A@0 )e says# (hat's the matter-' 7ant to %o somethin4& 7ant to 4o aro8nd and ta5k to some en4ineers&' )e says# S8re& (hy not- '55 arran4e a tri9 6or yo8. Yo8 can 4o 7here:er yo8 7antI yo8 co85d 4o to Johnson# yo8 co85d 4o to $arsha55# or yo8 co85d 4o to Kennedy...' tho84ht 7o85dn't 4o to Kennedy# beca8se it 7o85d 5ook 5ike 'm r8shin4 to 6ind o8t e:erythin4 ahead o6 the others. Sa55y Ride 7orked at Johnson# and had o66ered to 7ork 7ith me# so said# '55 4o to Johnson.' Fine#' he says. '55 te55 +a:id %cheson. )e's a 9ersona5 6riend o6 Ro4ers# and he's a 6riend o6 mine. 'm s8re e:erythin4 7i55 be okay.' )a56 an ho8r 5ater# %cheson ca55s meI think it's a 4reat idea#' he says# and to5d $r. Ro4ers so# b8t he says no. >8st don't kno7 7hy can't con:ince him.' $ean7hi5e# "raham tho84ht o6 a com9romiseI 7o85d stay in (ashin4ton# and he 7o85d 4et 9eo95e to come to his o66ice at !%S%# ri4ht across the street 6rom my hote5. 7o85d 4et the kind o6 brie6in4 7anted# b8t 7o85dn't be r8nnin4 aro8nd. *hen $r. Ro4ers ca55s meI he's a4ainst "raham's com9romise. (e're a55 4oin4 to F5orida ne=t *h8rsday#' he says. say# 6 the idea is that 7e sit and 5isten to brie6in4s# it 7on't 7ork 7ith me. can 7ork m8ch more

e66icient5y i6 ta5k to en4ineers direct5y.' (e ha:e to 9roceed in an order5y manner.' (e':e had se:era5 meetin4s by no7# b8t 7e sti55 ha:en't been assi4ned anythin4 to do&' Ro4ers says# (e55# do yo8 7ant me to bother a55 the other commissioners and ca55 a s9ecia5 meetin4 6or $onday# so 7e can make s8ch assi4nments-' (e55# yes&' 6i48red o8r >ob 7as to 7ork# and 7e shoul% be bothered 3 yo8 kno7 7hat meanSo he chan4es the s8b>ect# nat8ra55y. )e says# 8nderstand yo8 don't 5ike the hote5 yo8're in. Let me 98t yo8 in a 4ood hote5.' !o# thank yo8P e:erythin4 is 6ine 7ith my hote5.' Pretty soon he tries a4ain# so say# $r. Ro4ers# my 9ersona5 com6ort is not 7hat 'm concerned 7ith. 'm tryin4 to 4et to 7ork. 7ant to %o somethin4&' Fina55y# Ro4ers says it's okay to 4o across the street to ta5k to 9eo95e at !%S%. /AH0 7as ob:io8s5y O8ite a 9ain in the ass 6or $r. Ro4ers. Later# "raham tried to e=95ain it to me. S899ose yo8# as a technica5 9erson# 7ere 4i:en the >ob as chairman o6 a committee to 5ook into some 5e4a5 O8estion. Yo8r commission is most5y 5a7yers# and one o6 them kee9s sayin4# S can 7ork more e66ecti:e5y i6 ta5k direct5y to other 5a7yers.T ass8me yo8'd 7ant to 4et yo8r bearin4s 6irst# be6ore 5ettin4 anybody r8sh o66 in:esti4atin4 on his o7n.' $8ch 5ater# a99reciated that there 7ere 5ots o6 9rob5ems 7hich $r. Ro4ers had to address. For e=am95e# any 9iece o6 in6ormation any o6 8s recei:ed had to be entered into the record and made a:ai5ab5e to the other commissioners# so a centra5 5ibrary had to be set 89. *hin4s 5ike that took time. On Sat8rday mornin4 7ent to !%S%. "raham bro84ht in 48ys to te55 me a55 abo8t the sh8tt5e. %5tho84h they 7ere 9retty hi4h 89 in !%S%# the 48ys 7ere technica5. *he 6irst 48y to5d me a55 abo8t the so5id rocket boosters 3 the 9ro9e55ant# the motor# the 7ho5e thin4 e=ce9t the sea5s. )e said# *he sea5s e=9ert 7i55 be here this a6ternoon.' *he ne=t 48y to5d me a55 abo8t the en4ine. *he basic o9eration 7as more or 5ess strai4ht6or7ard# b8t then there 7ere a55 kinds o6 contro5s# 7ith backin4 and ha85in4 6rom 9i9es# heatin4 6rom this and that# 7ith hi4hN9ress8re hydro4en 98shin4 a 5itt5e 9ro9e55er 7hich t8rns somethin4 e5se# 7hich 98m9s o=y4en thro84h a :ent :a5:e 3 that kind o6 st866. t 7as interestin4# and did my best to 8nderstand it# b8t a6ter a 7hi5e to5d the 6e55a# *hat's as m8ch as 'm 4oin4 to take# no7# on the en4ine.' B8t there are many 9rob5ems 7ith the en4ines that yo8 sho85d hear abo8t#' he says. 7as hot on the trai5 o6 the booster rocket# so said# '55 ha:e to 98t o66 the main en4ines ti55 5ater# 7hen ha:e more time.' *hen a 48y came in to te55 me abo8t the orbiter. 6e5t terrib5e# beca8se he had come in on a Sat8rday to see me# and it didn't 5ook 5ike the orbiter had anythin4 to do 7ith the accident. 7as ha:in4 eno84h tro8b5e 8nderstandin4 the rest o6 the sh8tt5e 3 there's on5y a certain amo8nt o6 in6ormation 9er c8bic inch a brain can ho5d 3 so 5et him te55 me some o6 the st866# b8t soon had to te55 him that it 7as 4ettin4 too detai5ed# so 7e >8st had a 95easant con:ersation. /AB0 QQQ

F-/AR5 ? Joint rotation is cause% by pressure 'ro! insi%e the rocket pushing the walls out 'arther than the Doints $ gap opens, an% hot gas 'lows past one or both o' the 1=rings

n the a6ternoon# the sea5s e=9ert came in 3 his name 7as $r. (eeks 3 and 4a:e me 7hat amo8nted to a contin8ation o6 my JPL brie6in4# 7ith sti55 more detai5s. *here's 98tty and other thin4s# b8t the 85timate sea5 is s899osed to be t7o r8bber rin4s# ca55ed ON rin4s# 7hich are a99ro=imate5y a O8arter o6 an inch thick and 5ie on a circ5e @H 6eet in diameter 3 that's somethin4 5ike BK 6eet 5on4. (hen the sea5s 7ere ori4ina55y desi4ned by the $orton *hioko5 ,om9any# it 7as e=9ected that 9ress8re 6rom the b8rnin4 9ro9e55ant 7o85d sO8ash the ONrin4s. B8t beca8se the >oint is stron4er than the 7a55 Lit's three times thickerM# the 7a55 bo7s o8t7ard# ca8sin4 the >oint to bend a 5itt5e 3 eno84h to 5i6t the r8bber ONrin4s o66 the sea5 area. $r. (eeks to5d me this /AD0 9henomenon is ca55ed >oint rotation#' and it 7as disco:ered :ery ear5y# be6ore they e:er 65e7 the sh8tt5e. *he 9ieces o6 r8bber in the >oints are ca55ed ONrin4s# b8t they're not 8sed 5ike norma5 ONrin4s are. n ordinary circ8mstances# s8ch as sea5in4 oi5 in the motor o6 an a8tomobi5e# there are s5idin4 9arts and rotatin4 sha6ts# b8t the 4a9s are a57ays the same. %n ONrin4 >8st sits there# in a 6i=ed 9osition. B8t in the case o6 the sh8tt5e# the 4a9 e&pan%s as the 9ress8re b8i5ds 89 in the rocket. %nd to maintain the sea5# the r8bber has to e&pan% 'ast eno84h to c5ose the 4a9 3 and d8rin4 a 5a8nch# the 4a9 o9ens in a 6raction o6 a second.

*h8s the resi5ience o6 the r8bber became a :ery essentia5 9art o6 the desi4n. (hen the *hioko5 en4ineers 7ere disco:erin4 these 9rob5ems# they 7ent to the Parker Sea5 ,om9any# 7hich man86act8res the r8bber# to ask 6or ad:ice. *he Parker Sea5 ,om9any to5d *hioko5 that ONrin4s are not meant to be 8sed that 7ay# so they co85d 4i:e no ad:ice. %5tho84h it 7as kno7n 6rom near5y the be4innin4 that the >oint 7as not 7orkin4 as it 7as desi4ned to# *hioko5 ke9t str8445in4 7ith the de:ice. *hey made a n8mber o6 makeshi6t im9ro:ements. One 7as to 98t shims in to kee9 the >oint ti4ht# b8t the >oint sti55 5eaked. $r. (eeks sho7ed me 9ict8res o6 5eaks on 9re:io8s 65i4hts 3 7hat the en4ineers ca55ed b5o7by#' a b5ackenin4 behind an ONrin4 7here hot 4as 5eaked thro84h# and 7hat they ca55ed erosion#' 7here an ONrin4 had b8rned a 5itt5e bit. *here 7as a chart sho7in4 a55 the 65i4hts# and ho7 serio8s the b5o7by and erosion 7ere on each one. (e 7ent thro84h the 7ho5e history 89 to the 65i4ht# F@NL. said# (here does it say they 7ere e:er disc8ssin4 the 9rob5em 3 ho7 it's 4oin4 a5on4# or 7hether there's some 9ro4ress-' *he on5y 95ace 7as in the 65i4ht readiness re:ie7s' 3 bet7een 65i4hts there 7as no disc8ssion o6 the sea5s 9rob5em& (e 5ooked at the s8mmary o6 the re9ort. E:erythin4 7as behind 5itt5e b855ets# as 8s8a5. *he to9 5ine saysI ^ *he 5ack o6 a 4ood secondary sea5 in the 6ie5d >oint is most critica5 and 7ays to red8ce >oint rotation sho85d be incor9orated as soon as 9ossib5e to red8ce critica5ity. %nd then# near the bottom# it saysI /AF0 ^ %na5ysis o6 e=istin4 data indicates that it is sa6e to contin8e 65yin4 e=istin4 desi4n as 5on4 as a55 >oints are 5eak checkedQ 7ith a HGG 9si4 stabi5iRation... 7as str8ck by the contradictionI 6 it's Smost critica5#T ho7 co85d it be Ssa6e to contin8e 65yin4T(hat's the logic o6 this-' $r. (eeks says# Yes# see 7hat yo8 mean& (e55# 5et's seeI it says here# S%na5ysis o6 e=istin4 data...T' (e 7ent back thro84h the re9ort and 6o8nd the ana5ysis. t 7as some kind o6 com98ter mode5 7ith :ario8s ass8m9tions that 7ere not necessari5y ri4ht. Yo8 kno7 the dan4er o6 com98ters# it's ca55ed " "OI 4arba4e in# 4arba4e o8t& *he ana5ysis conc58ded that a 5itt5e 8n9redictab5e 5eaka4e here and there co85d be to5erated# e:en tho84h it 7asn't 9art o6 the ori4ina5 desi4n. 6 all the sea5s had 5eaked# it 7o85d ha:e been ob:io8s e:en to !%S% that the 9rob5em 7as serio8s. B8t on5y a 6e7 o6 the sea5s 5eaked on on5y some o6 the 65i4hts. So !%S% had de:e5o9ed a 9ec85iar kind o6 attit8deI i6 one o6 the sea5s 5eaks a 5itt5e and the 65i4ht is s8ccess685# the 9rob5em isn't so serio8s. *ry 95ayin4 R8ssian ro85ette that 7ayI yo8 9855 the tri44er and the 48n doesn't 4o o66# so it m8st be sa6e to 9855 the tri44er a4ain... $r. (eeks said there 7as a r8mor that the history o6 the sea5s 9rob5em 7as bein4 5eaked to the ne7s9a9ers. *hat bothered him a 5itt5e bit# beca8se it made !%S% 5ook 5ike it 7as tryin4 to kee9 thin4s secret. to5d him 7as entire5y satis6ied 7ith the 9eo95e "raham had bro84ht in to ta5k to me# and that since had a5ready heard abo8t the sea5s 9rob5em at JPL# it 7asn't any bi4 dea5. *he ne=t day# S8nday# Bi55 "raham took me 7ith his 6ami5y to the !ationa5 %ir and S9ace $8se8m. (e had an ear5y break6ast to4ether# and then 7e 7ent across the street to the m8se8m. 7as e=9ectin4 to see bi4 cro7ds there# b8t had 6or4otten that "raham 7as s8ch a bi4 shot. (e had the 7ho5e 95ace to o8rse5:es 6or a 7hi5e.

(e did see Sa55y Ride there. She 7as in a dis95ay case# in an /AC0

/AK 0

/AE 0

astrona8t's s8it# ho5din4 a he5met and e:erythin4. *he 7a= mode5 5ooked e=act5y 5ike her. %t the m8se8m there 7as a s9ecia5 theater 7ith a mo:ie abo8t !%S% and its achie:ements. *he mo:ie 7as 7onder685. had not 6855y a99reciated the enormo8s n8mber o6 9eo95e 7ho 7ere 7orkin4 on the sh8tt5e# and a55 the e66ort that had 4one into makin4 it. %nd yo8 kno7 ho7 a mo:ie isI they can make it dramatic. t 7as so dramatic that a5most be4an to cry. co85d see that the accident 7as a terrib5e b5o7. *o think that so many 9eo95e 7ere 7orkin4 so hard to make it 4o 3 and then it b8sts 3 made me e:en more determined to he59 strai4hten o8t the 9rob5ems o6 the sh8tt5e as O8ick5y as 9ossib5e# to 4et a55 those 9eo95e back on track. %6ter seein4 this mo:ie 7as

:ery chan4ed# 6rom my semi antiN!%S% attit8de to a :ery stron4 9roN!%S% attit8de. *hat a6ternoon# 4ot a te5e9hone ca55 6rom "enera5 K8tyna. Pro6essor Feynman-' he says. ha:e some 8r4ent ne7s 6or yo8. Uh# >8st a min8te.' hear some mi5itaryNty9e band m8sic in the back4ro8nd. *he m8sic sto9s# and "enera5 K8tyna says# E=c8se me# Pro6essorP 'm at an %ir Force Band concert# and they >8st 95ayed the nationa5 anthem.' co85d 9ict8re him in his 8ni6orm# standin4 at attention 7hi5e the band is 95ayin4 the Star S9an45ed Banner#' sa58tin4 7ith one hand and ho5din4 the te5e9hone 7ith the other. (hat's the ne7s# "enera5-' (e55# the 6irst thin4 is# Ro4ers to5d me to te55 yo8 not to 4o o:er to !%S%.' didn't 9ay any attention to that# beca8se had a5ready 4one o:er to !%S% the day be6ore. )e contin8ed# *he other thin4 is# 7e're 4oin4 to ha:e a s9ecia5 meetin4 tomorro7 a6ternoon to hear 6rom a 48y 7hose story came o8t in the +ew York Ti!es today.' 5a84hed insideI so 7e're 4oin4 to ha:e a s9ecia5 meetin4 on $onday# any7ay& *hen he says# 7as 7orkin4 on my carb8retor this mornin4# and 7as thinkin4I the sh8tt5e took o66 7hen the tem9erat8re 7as HE or HA de4rees. *he co5dest tem9erat8re 9re:io8s to that 7as FB de4rees. Yo8're a 9ro6essorP what, sir, is the e''ect o' col% on the 1=ringsC' Oh&' said. t makes them sti66. Yes# o6 co8rse&' /AA0 *hat's a55 he had to te55 me. t 7as a c58e 6or 7hich 4ot a 5ot o6 credit 5ater# b8t it 7as his obser:ation. % 9ro6essor o6 theoretica5 9hysics a57ays has to be to5d 7hat to 5ook 6or. )e >8st 8ses his kno75ed4e to e=95ain the obser:ations o6 the e=9erimenters& On $onday mornin4 "enera5 K8tyna and 7ent o:er to "raham's o66ice and asked him i6 he had any in6ormation on the e66ects o6 tem9erat8re on the ONrin4s. )e didn't ha:e it on hand# b8t said he 7o85d 4et it to 8s as soon as 9ossib5e. "raham did# ho7e:er# ha:e some interestin4 9hoto4ra9hs to sho7 8s. *hey sho7ed a 65ame 4ro7in4 6rom the ri4htNhand so5id rocket booster a 6e7 seconds be6ore the e=95osion. t 7as hard to te55 e=act5y 7here the 65ame 7as comin4 o8t# b8t there 7as a mode5 o6 the sh8tt5e ri4ht there in the o66ice. 98t the mode5 on the 65oor and 7a5ked aro8nd it 8nti5 it 5ooked e=act5y 5ike the 9ict8re 3 in siRe# and in orientation. noticed that on each booster rocket there's a 5itt5e ho5e 3 ca55ed the 5eak test 9ort 3 7here yo8 can 98t 9ress8re in to test the sea5s. t's between the t7o ONrin4s# so i6 it's not c5osed ri4ht and i6 the 6irst ONrin4 6ai5s# the 4as 7o85d 4o o8t thro84h the ho5e# and it 7o85d be a catastro9he. t 7as >8st abo8t 7here the 65ame 7as. O6 co8rse# it 7as sti55 a O8estion 7hether the 65ame 7as comin4 o8t o6 the 5eak test 9ort or a 5ar4er 65ame 7as comin4 o8t 6arther aro8nd# and 7e 7ere seein4 on5y the ti9 o6 it. *hat a6ternoon 7e had o8r emer4ency c5osed meetin4 to hear 6rom the 48y 7hose story 7as in the +ew York Ti!es )is name 7as $r. ,ook. )e 7as in the b8d4et de9artment o6 !%S% 7hen he 7as asked to 5ook into a 9ossib5e sea5s 9rob5em and to estimate the costs needed to recti6y it. By ta5kin4 to the en4ineers# he 6o8nd o8t that the sea5s had been a bi4 9rob5em 6or a 5on4 time. So he re9orted that it 7o85d cost soNandNso m8ch to 6i= it 3 a 5ot o6 money. From the 9oint o6 :ie7 o6 the 9ress and some o6 the commissioners# $r. ,ook's story so8nded 5ike a bi4 e=9ose# as i6 !%S%

7as hidin4 the sea5s 9rob5em 6rom 8s. had to sit thro84h this bi4# 8nnecessary e=citement# 7onderin4 i6 e:ery time there 7as an artic5e in the ne7s9a9er# 7o85d 7e ha:e to ha:e a s9ecia5 meetin4- (e 7o85d ne:er 4et any7here that 7ay& B8t 5ater# d8rin4 that same meetin4# some :ery interestin4 thin4s ha99ened. First# 7e sa7 some 9ict8res 7hich sho7ed /@GG 0

/@G@ 0

F-/AR5 29 .rogression o' a 'la!e, possibly 'ro! the leak test port area GH +$S$ E

9866s o6 smoke comin4 o8t o6 a 6ie5d >oint >8st a6ter i4nition# be6ore the sh8tt5e e:en 4ot o66 the 9ad. *he smoke 7as comin4 o8t o6 the same 95ace 3 9ossib5y the 5eak test 9ort 3 7here the 65ame a99eared 5ater. *here 7asn't m8ch O8estion# no7. t 7as a55 6ittin4 to4ether. *hen somethin4 ha99ened that 7as com95ete5y 8ne=9ected. %n en4ineer 6rom the *hioko5 ,om9any# a $r. $c+ona5d# 7anted to te55 8s somethin4. )e had come to o8r meetin4 on his o7n# 8nin:ited. $r. $c+ona5d re9orted that the *hioko5 en4ineers had come to the conc58sion that 5o7 tem9erat8res had somethin4 to do 7ith the sea5s 9rob5em# and they 7ere :ery# :ery 7orried abo8t it. On the ni4ht be6ore the 5a8nch# d8rin4 the 65i4ht readiness re:ie7# they to5d !%S% the sh8tt5e sho85dn't 65y i6 the /@GH 0

F-/AR5 2> $n incorrectly seale% leak test port coul% provi%e an escape route 'or a 'la!e which burns past the pri!ary 1=ring

tem9erat8re 7as be5o7 FB de4rees 3 the 9re:io8s 5o7est tem9erat8re 3 and on that mornin4 it 7as HA. $r. $c+ona5d said !%S% 7as a99a55ed' by that statement. *he man in char4e o6 the meetin4# a

$r. $855oy# ar48ed that the e:idence 7as incom95ete' 3 some 65i4hts 7ith erosion and b5o7by had occ8rred at higher than FB de4rees 3 so *hioko5 sho85d reconsider its o99osition to 65yin4. *hioko5 re:ersed itse56# b8t $c+ona5d re68sed to 4o a5on4# sayin4# 6 somethin4 4oes 7ron4 7ith this 65i4ht# 7o85dn't 7ant to stand 89 in 6ront o6 a board o6 inO8iry and say that /@GB 0

F-/AR5 2@ .u''s o' black 6s!oke7 G'ine, unburne% particlesE were seen escaping 'ro! the sa!e place where the 'la!e was observe% GH +$S$ E /@GD 0 7ent ahead and to5d them to 4o ahead and 65y this thin4 o8tside 7hat it 7as O8a5i6ied to.' *hat 7as so astonishin4 that $r. Ro4ers had to ask# +id 8nderstand yo8 correct5y# that yo8 said...#' and he re9eated the story. %nd $c+ona5d says# Yes# sir.' *he 7ho5e commission 7as shocked# beca8se this 7as the 6irst time any o6 8s had heard this storyI not on5y 7as there a 6ai58re in the sea5s# b8t there may ha:e been a 6ai58re in mana4ement# too. $r. Ro4ers decided that 7e sho85d 5ook care6855y into $r. $c+ona5d's story# and 4et more detai5s be6ore 7e made it 98b5ic. B8t to kee9 the 98b5ic in6ormed# 7e 7o85d ha:e an o9en meetin4 the 6o55o7in4 day# *8esday# in 7hich $r. ,ook 7o85d testi6y. tho84ht# *his is 4oin4 to be 5ike an actI 7e're 4oin4 to say the same thin4s tomorro7 as 7e did

today# and 7e 7on't 5earn anythin4 ne7.' %s 7e 7ere 5ea:in4# Bi55 "raham came o:er 7ith a stack o6 9a9ers 6or me. "eeR& *hat's 6ast&' said. on5y asked yo8 6or the in6ormation this mornin4&' "raham 7as a57ays :ery coo9erati:e. *he 9a9er on to9 says# Pro6essor Feynman o6 the Presidentia5 ,ommission 7ants to kno7 abo8t the e66ects o:er time o6 tem9erat8re on the resi5iency o6 the ONrin4s...' 3 it's a memorand8m addressed to a s8bordinate. Under that memo is another memoI Pro6essor Feynman o6 the Presidentia5 ,ommission 7ants to kno7...' 3 6rom that s8bordinate to his s8bordinate# and so on do7n the 5ine. *here's a 9a9er 7ith some n8mbers on it 6rom the 9oor bastard at the bottom# and then there's a series o6 s8bmission 9a9ers 7hich e=95ain that the ans7er is bein4 sent 89 to the ne=t 5e:e5. So here's this stack o6 9a9ers# >8st 5ike a sand7ich# and in the midd5e is the ans7er 3 to the 7ron4 O8estion& *he ans7er 7asI Yo8 sO8eeRe the r8bber 6or t7o ho8rs at a certain tem9erat8re and 9ress8re# and then see ho7 5on4 it takes to cree9 back' 3 o:er hours 7anted to kno7 ho7 6ast the r8bber res9onds in !illisecon%s d8rin4 a 5a8nch. So the in6ormation 7as o6 no 8se. 7ent back to my hote5. 'm 6ee5in4 5o8sy and 'm eatin4 dinnerP 5ook at the tab5e# and there's a 45ass o6 ice 7ater. say to myse56# +amn it# can 6ind o8t abo8t that r8bber without /@GF0 ha:in4 !%S% send notes back and 6orthI >8st ha:e to try it& %55 ha:e to do is 4et a sam95e o6 the r8bber.' think# co85d do this tomorro7 7hi5e 7e're a55 sittinT aro8nd# 5istenin4 to this ,ook cra9 7e heard today. (e a57ays 4et ice 7ater in those meetin4sP that's somethin4 can do to sa:e time.' *hen think# !o# that 7o85d be 4a8che.' B8t then think o6 L8is %5:areR# the 9hysicist. )e's a 48y admire 6or his 48tsiness and sense o6 h8mor# and think# 6 %5:areR 7as on this commission# he 7o85d do it# and that's 4ood eno84h 6or me.' *here are stories o6 9hysicists 3 4reat heroes 3 7ho ha:e 4otten in6ormation one# t7o# three 3 >8st 5ike that 3 7here e:erybody e5se is tryin4 to do it in a com95icated 7ay. For e=am95e# a6ter 85tra:io5et rays and 2Nrays had been disco:ered# there 7as a ne7 ty9e# ca55ed !Nrays# disco:ered by %ndre B5onde5# in France. t 7as hard to detect the !NraysI other scientists had di66ic85ty re9eatin4 B5onde5's e=9eriments# so someone asked the 4reat %merican 9hysicist R. (. (ood to 4o to B5onde5's 5aboratory. B5onde5 4a:e a 98b5ic 5ect8re and demonstration. !Nrays 7ere bent by a58min8m# so he had a55 kinds o6 5enses 5ined 89# 6o55o7ed by a bi4 disk 7ith an a58min8m 9rism in the midd5e. %s the a58min8m 9rism s5o75y t8rned# the !Nrays came 89 this 7ay and bent that 7ay# and B5onde5's assistant re9orted their intensity 3 di66erent n8mbers 6or di66erent an45es. !Nrays 7ere a66ected by 5i4ht# so B5onde5 t8rned o8t the 5i4hts to make his readin4s more sensiti:e. )is assistant contin8ed to re9ort their intensity. (hen the 5i4hts came back on# there's R. (. (ood in the 6ront ro7# ho5din4 the 9rism hi4h in the air# ba5anced on the ti9s o6 his 6in4ers# 6or a55 to see& So that 7as the end o6 the !Nray. think# E=act5y& ':e 4ot to 4et a sam95e o6 the r8bber.' ca55 Bi55 "raham. t's im9ossib5e to 4etI it's ke9t some7here do7n at Kennedy. B8t then "raham remembers that the mode5 o6 the 6ie5d >oint 7e're 4oin4 to 8se in o8r meetin4 tomorro7 has t7o sam95es o6 the r8bber in it. )e says# (e co85d meet in my o66ice be6ore the meetin4 and see i6 7e can 4et the r8bber o8t.'

*he ne=t mornin4 4et 89 ear5y and 4o o8t in 6ront o6 my hote5. t's ei4ht in the mornin4 and it's sno7in4. 6ind a ta=i and say to the dri:er# 'd 5ike to 4o to a hard7are store.' /@GC0 % hard7are store# sir-' Yeah. 4otta 4et some too5s.' Sir# there's no hard7are stores aro8nd hereP the ,a9ito5 is o:er there# the (hite )o8se is o:er there 3 7ait a min8teI think remember 9assin4 one the other day.' )e 6o8nd the hard7are store# and it t8rned o8t it didn't o9en ti55 EIBG 3 it 7as abo8t EI@F 3 so 7aited o8tside# in my s8itcoat and tie# a cost8me had ass8med since came to (ashin4ton in order to mo:e amon4 the nati:es 7itho8t bein4 too cons9ic8o8s. *he s8itcoats that the nati:es 7ear inside their b8i5din4s L7hich are 7e55 heatedM are s866icient 6or 7a5kin4 6rom one b8i5din4 to another 3 or 6rom a b8i5din4 to a ta=i i6 the b8i5din4s are too 6ar a9art. L%55 the ta=is are heated.M B8t the nati:es seem to ha:e a stran4e 6ear o6 the co5dI they 98t o:ercoats on to9 o6 their s8itcoats i6 they 7ish to ste9 o8tside. hadn't bo84ht an o:ercoat yet# so 7as sti55 rather cons9ic8o8s standin4 o8tside the hard7are store in the sno7. %t EIBG 7ent in and bo84ht a co895e o6 scre7dri:ers# some 95iers# and the sma55est ,Nc5am9 co85d 6ind. *hen 7ent to !%S%. On the 7ay to "raham's o66ice# tho84ht maybe the c5am9 7as too bi4. didn't ha:e m8ch time# so ran do7n to the medica5 de9artment o6 !%S%. L kne7 7here it 7as# beca8se had been 4oin4 there 6or b5ood tests ordered by my cardio5o4ist# 7ho 7as tryin4 to treat me by te5e9hone.M asked 6or a medica5 c5am9 5ike they 98t on t8bes. *hey didn't ha:e any. B8t the 48y says# (e55# 5et's see i6 yo8r ,Nc5am9 6its inside a 45ass&' t 6itted :ery easi5y. 7ent 89 to "raham's o66ice. *he r8bber came o8t o6 the mode5 easi5y 7ith >8st a 9air o6 95iers. So there 7as 7ith the r8bber sam95e in my hand. %5tho84h kne7 it 7o85d be more dramatic and honest to do the e=9eriment 6or the 6irst time in the 98b5ic meetin4# did somethin4 that 'm a 5itt5e bit ashamed o6. cheated. co85dn't resist. tried it. So# 6o55o7in4 the e=am95e o6 ha:in4 a c5osed meetin4 be6ore an o9en meetin4# disco:ered it 7orked be6ore did it in the o9en meetin4. *hen 98t the r8bber back into the mode5 so "raham co85d take it to the meetin4. 4o to the meetin4# a55 ready# 7ith 95iers in one 9ocket and a ,Nc5am9 in the other. sit do7n ne=t to "enera5 K8tyna. %t the 9re:io8s meetin4# there 7as ice 7ater 6or e:erybody. *his time# there's no ice 7ater. 4et 89 and 4o o:er to somebody

/@GK 0

F-/AR5 2; The 'iel%=Doint !o%el 'ro! which Feyn!an got the 1=ring sa!ple

7ho 5ooks 5ike he's in char4e# and say# 'd 5ike a 45ass o6 ice 7ater# 95ease.' )e says# ,ertain5y& ,ertain5y&' Fi:e min8tes 5ater# the 48ards c5ose the doors# the meetin4 starts# and ha:en't 4ot my ice 7ater. 4est8re o:er to the 48y >8st ta5ked to. )e comes o:er and says# +on't 7orry# it's comin4&' *he meetin4 is 4oin4 a5on4# and no7 $r. $855oy be4ins to te55 8s abo8t the sea5s. L%99arent5y# !%S% 7ants to te55 8s abo8t the sea5s be6ore $r. ,ook does.M *he mode5 starts to 4o aro8nd# and each commissioner 5ooks at it a 5itt5e bit. $ean7hi5e# no ice 7ater& $r. $855oy e=95ains ho7 the sea5s are s899osed to 7ork 3 in the 8s8a5 !%S% 7ayI he 8ses 68nny 7ords and acronyms# and it's hard 6or anybody e5se to 8nderstand. n order to set thin4s 89 7hi5e 'm 7aitin4 6or the ice 7ater# start o8tI +8rin4 a 5a8nch# there are :ibrations 7hich ca8se the rocket >oints to mo:e a 5itt5e bit 3 is that correct-' *hat is correct# sir.' %nd inside the >oints# these soNca55ed ONrin4s are s899osed to e=9and to make a sea5 3 is that ri4ht-' Yes# sir. n static conditions they sho85d be in direct contact /@GE0 7ith the tan4 and c5e:isQ and sO8eeRed t7entyNtho8sandths o6 an inch.' (hy don't 7e take the ONrin4s o8t-' Beca8se then yo8 7o85d ha:e hot 4as e=9andin4 thro84h the >oint...' !o7# in order 6or the sea5 to 7ork correct5y# the ONrin4s m8st be made o6 r8bber 3 not somethin4 5ike 5ead# 7hich# 7hen yo8 sO8ash it# it stays.' Yes# sir.' !o7# i6 the ONrin4 7asn't resi5ient 6or a second or t7o# 7o85d that be eno84h to be a :ery dan4ero8s sit8ation-' Yes# sir.' *hat 5ed 8s ri4ht 89 to the O8estion o6 co5d tem9erat8re and the resi5ience o6 the r8bber. 7anted to 9ro:e that $r. $855oy m8st ha:e kno7n that tem9erat8re had an e66ect# a5tho84h 3 accordin4 to

$r. $c+ona5d 3 he c5aimed that the e:idence 7as incom95ete.' B8t sti55# no ice 7ater& So had to sto9# and somebody e5se started askin4 O8estions. *he mode5 comes aro8nd to "enera5 K8tyna# and then to me. *he c5am9 and 95iers come o8t o6 my 9ocket# take the mode5 a9art# ':e 4ot the ONrin4 9ieces in my hand# b8t sti55 ha:en't 4ot any ice 7ater& t8rn aro8nd a4ain and si4na5 the 48y ':e been botherin4 abo8t it# and he si4na5s back# +on't 7orry# yo8'55 4et it&' Pretty soon see a yo8n4 7oman# 7ay do7n in 6ront# brin4in4 in a tray 7ith 45asses on it. She 4i:es a 45ass o6 ice 7ater to $r. Ro4ers# she 4i:es a 45ass o6 ice 7ater to $r. %rmstron4# she 7orks her 7ay back and 6orth a5on4 the ro7s o6 the dais# 4i:in4 ice 7ater to e:erybody& *he 9oor 7oman had 4otten e:erythin4 to4ether 3 >84# 45asses# ice# tray# the 7ho5e thin4 3 so that e:erybody co85d ha:e ice 7ater. So 6ina55y# 7hen 4et my ice 7ater# don't drink it& sO8eeRe the r8bber in the ,Nc5am9# and 98t them in the 45ass o6 ice 7ater. %6ter a 6e7 min8tes# 'm ready to sho7 the res85ts o6 my 5itt5e e=9eriment. reach 6or the 5itt5e b8tton that acti:ates my micro9hone. "enera5 K8tyna# 7ho's ca84ht on to 7hat 'm doin4# O8ick5y 5eans o:er to me and says# ,oN9i5ot to 9i5otI not no7.' Pretty soon# 'm reachin4 6or my micro9hone a4ain. /@GA0

F-/AR5 2;$ The 1=ring ice=water %e!onstration /@@G 0 !ot no7&' )e 9oints in o8r brie6in4 book 3 7ith a55 the charts and s5ides $r. $855oy is 4oin4 thro84h 3 and says# (hen he comes to this s5ide# here# that's the ri4ht time to do it.' Fina55y $r. $855oy comes to the 95ace# 9ress the b8tton 6or my micro9hone# and say# took this r8bber 6rom the mode5 and 98t it in a c5am9 in ice 7ater 6or a 7hi5e.'

take the c5am9 o8t# ho5d it 89 in the air# and 5oosen it as ta5kI disco:ered that 7hen yo8 8ndo the c5am9# the r8bber doesn't s9rin4 back. n other 7ords# 6or more than a 6e7 seconds# there is no resi5ience in this 9artic85ar materia5 7hen it is at a tem9erat8re o6 BH de4rees. be5ie:e that has some si4ni6icance 6or o8r 9rob5em.' Be6ore $r. $855oy co85d say anythin4# $r. Ro4ers says# *hat is a matter 7e 7i55 consider# o6 co8rse# at 5en4th in the session that 7e 7i55 ho5d on the 7eather# and think it is an im9ortant 9oint 7hich 'm s8re $r. $855oy ackno75ed4es and 7i55 comment on in a 68rther session.' +8rin4 the 58nch break# re9orters came 89 to me and asked O8estions 5ike# (ere yo8 ta5kin4 abo8t the ONrin4# or the 98tty-' and (o85d yo8 e=95ain to 8s 7hat an ONrin4 is# e=act5y-' So 7as rather de9ressed that 7asn't ab5e to make my 9oint. B8t that ni4ht# a55 the ne7s sho7s ca84ht on to the si4ni6icance o6 the e=9eriment# and the ne=t day# the ne7s9a9er artic5es e=95ained e:erythin4 9er6ect5y. . . /@@@ 0 1 1

Che!k Si23
My co8sin Frances ed8cated me abo8t the 9ress. She had been the %P (hite )o8se corres9ondent d8rin4 the !i=on and Ford administrations# and 7as no7 7orkin4 6or ,!!. Frances 7o85d te55 me stories o6 48ys r8nnin4 o8t back doors beca8se they're a6raid o6 the 9ress. From her 4ot the idea that the 9ress isn't doin4 anythin4 e:i5P the re9orters are sim95y tryin4 to he59 9eo95e kno7 7hat's 4oin4 on# and it doesn't do any harm to be co8rteo8s to them. 6o8nd o8t that they're rea55y O8ite 6riend5y# i6 yo8 4i:e them a chance. So 7asn't a6raid o6 the 9ress# and 7o85d a57ays ans7er their O8estions. Re9orters 7o85d e=95ain to me that co85d say# !ot 6or attrib8tion.' B8t didn't 7ant any hoc8sN 9oc8s. didn't 7ant it to so8nd 5ike 'm 5eakin4 somethin4. So 7hene:er ta5ked to the 9ress# 7as strai4ht. %s a res85t o6 this# my name 7as in the ne7s9a9er e:ery day# a55 o:er the 95ace& t seemed 5ike 7as a57ays the one ans7erin4 the re9ortersT O8estions. O6ten the rest o6 the commissioners 7o85d be an=io8s to 4o o66 to 58nch# and 'd sti55 be there# ans7erin4 O8estions. B8t 6i48red# (hat's the 9oint o6 ha:in4 a 98b5ic meetin4 i6 yo8 r8n a7ay 7hen they ask yo8 7hat a 7ord meant-' (hen 7e'd 6ina55y 4et to o8r 58nch# $r. Ro4ers 7o85d remind 8s to be care685 not to ta5k to the 9ress. 7o85d say somethin4 5ike# (e55# 7as >8st te55in4 them abo8t the ONrin4s.' )e 7o85d say# *hat's okay. Yo8':e been doin4 a55 ri4ht# +r. FeynmanP ha:e no 9rob5em 7ith that.' So ne:er did 6i48re o8t# e=act5y# 7hat he meant by not ta5kin4 to the 9ress.' Bein4 on the commission 7as rather tense 7ork# so en>oyed ha:in4 dinner once in a 7hi5e 7ith Frances and ,h8ck# my sister's son# 7ho 7as 7orkin4 6or the *ashington .ost Beca8se $r. Ro4ers ke9t ta5kin4 abo8t 5eaks# 7e made s8re 7e ne:er said /@@H0 a wor% abo8t anythin4 7as doin4. 6 ,!! needed to 6ind o8t somethin4 6rom me# they'd ha:e to send a di66erent re9orter. *he same 7ent 6or the .ost - to5d $r. Ro4ers abo8t my re5ati:es 7orkin4 6or the 9ressI (e':e a4reed not to ta5k abo8t my 7ork. +o yo8 think there's any 9rob5em-' )e smi5ed and said# t's 9er6ect5y a55 ri4ht. ha:e a co8sin in the 9ress# too. *here's no 9rob5em at a55.'

On (ednesday the commission had nothin4 to do# so "enera5 K8tyna in:ited me o:er to the Penta4on to ed8cate me on the re5ationshi9 bet7een the air 6orce and !%S%. t 7as the 6irst time had e:er been in the Penta4on. *here 7ere a55 these 48ys in 8ni6orm 7ho 7o85d take orders 3 not 5ike in ci:i5ian 5i6e. )e says to one o6 them# 'd 5ike to 8se the brie6in4 room...' Yes# sir&' ... and 7e'55 need to see s5ides n8mber s8chNandNs8ch and soNandNso.' Yes# sir& Yes# sir&' (e':e 4ot a55 these 48ys 7orkin4 6or 8s 7hi5e "enera5 K8tyna 4i:es me a bi4 9resentation in this s9ecia5 brie6in4 room. *he s5ides are sho7n 6rom the back on a trans9arent 7a55. t 7as rea55y 6ancy. "enera5 K8tyna 7o85d say thin4s 5ike# Senator SoNandNso is in !%S%'s 9ocket#' and 7o85d say# ha56N>okin4# +on't 4i:e me these side remarks# "enera5P yo8're 6i55in4 my head& B8t don't 7orry# '55 6or4et it a55.' 7anted to be nai:eI 'd 6ind o8t 7hat ha99ened to the sh8tt5e 6irstP 'd 7orry abo8t the bi4 9o5itica5 9ress8res 5ater. Some7here in his 9resentation# "enera5 K8tyna obser:ed that e:erybody on the commission has some 7eakness beca8se o6 their connectionsI he# ha:in4 7orked :ery c5ose5y 7ith !%S% 9ersonne5 in his 6ormer 9osition as %ir Force S9ace Sh8tt5e Pro4ram mana4er# 6inds it di66ic85t# i6 not im9ossib5e# to dri:e home some o6 the to84her O8estions on !%S% mana4ement. Sa55y Ride sti55 has a >ob 7ith !%S%# so she can't >8st say e:erythin4 she 7ants. $r. ,o:ert had 7orked on the en4ines# and had been a cons85tant to !%S%# and so on. said# 'm associated 7ith ,a5tech# b8t don't consider that a 7eakness&' /@@B0 (e55#' he says# that's ri4ht. Yo8're in:incib5e 3 as 6ar as 7e can see. B8t in the air 6orce 7e ha:e a r85eI check si=.' )e e=95ained# % 48y is 65yin4 a5on4# 5ookin4 in a55 directions# and 6ee5in4 :ery sa6e. %nother 48y 65ies 89 behind him Lat Ssi= o'c5ockT 3 St7e5:e o'c5ockT is direct5y in 6rontM# and shoots. $ost air95anes are shot do7n that 7ay. *hinkin4 that yo8're sa6e is :ery dan4ero8s& Some7here# there's a 7eakness yo8':e 4ot to 6ind. Yo8 m8st a57ays check si= o'c5ock.' %n 8nder5in4 comes in. *here's some m8mb5in4 abo8t somebody e5se needin4 the brie6in4 room no7. "enera5 K8tyna says# *e55 them '55 be 6inished in ten min8tes.' Yes# sir&' Fina55y# 7e 4o o8t. *here# in the ha55# are *E! "E!ER%LS 7aitin4 to 8se the room 3 and had been sittin4 in there# 4ettin4 this 9ersona5 brie6in4. 6e5t 4reat. For the rest o6 the day# 7rote a 5etter home. be4an to 7orry abo8t check si=' 7hen described $r. Ro4ersT reaction to my :isitin4 Frances and ,h8ck. 7rote# ... 7as 95eased by Ro4ersT reaction# b8t no7 as 7rite this ha:e second tho84hts. t 7as too easy 3 a6ter he e=95icit5y ta5ked abo8t the im9ortance o6 no 5eaks etc. at ear5ier meetin4s. %m bein4 set 89- LSEE# +%RL !"# (%S) !"*O! P%R%!O % S SE** !" !.M ... think it is 9ossib5e that there are thin4s in this somebody mi4ht be tryin4 to kee9 me 6rom 6indin4 o8t and mi4ht try to discredit me i6 4et too c5ose... . So# re58ctant5y# 7i55 ha:e to not :isit Frances and ,h8ck any more. (e55# '55 ask Fran 6irst i6 that is too 9aranoid. Ro4ers seemed so a4reeab5e and reass8rin4. t 7as so easy# yet am 9robab5y a thorn in his side... . *omorro7 at CI@F am 7e 4o by s9ecia5 air95ane Lt7o 95anesM to Kennedy S9ace ,enter to be brie6ed.' !o do8bt 7e sha55 7ander abo8t# bein4 sho7n e:erythin4 3 4ee 7hiR

3 b8t no time to 4et into technica5 detai5s 7ith anybody. (e55# it 7on't 7ork. 6 am not satis6ied by Friday# 7i55 stay o:er Sat [ S8n# or i6 they don't 7ork then# $onday [ *8esday. am determined to do the >ob o6 6indin4 o8t 7hat ha99ened 3 5et the chi9s 6a55& $y 48ess is that 7i55 be a55o7ed to do this# o:er7he5med 7ith data and detai5s...# so they ha:e /@@D0 time to so6ten 89 dan4ero8s 7itnesses etc. B8t it 7on't 7ork beca8se L@M do technica5 in6ormation e=chan4e and 8nderstandin4 m8ch 6aster than they ima4ine# and LHM a5ready sme55 certain rats that 7i55 not 6or4et# beca8se >8st 5o:e the sme55 o6 rats# 6or it is the s9oor o6 e=citin4 ad:ent8re. 6ee5 5ike a b855 in a china sho9. *he best thin4 is to 98t the b855 o8t to 7ork on the 95o7. % better meta9hor 7i55 be an o= in a china sho9# beca8se the china is the b855# o6 co8rse.Q So# m8ch as 7o85d rather be home and doin4 somethin4 e5se# am ha:in4 a 7onder685 time. Lo:e# Richard *he 9ress 7as re9ortin4 r8mors that !%S% 7as 8nder 4reat 9o5itica5 9ress8re to 5a8nch the sh8tt5e# and there 7ere :ario8s theories as to 7here the 9ress8re 7as comin4 6rom. t 7as a 4reat bi4 7or5d o6 mystery to me# 7ith tremendo8s 6orces. 7o85d in:esti4ate it# a55 ri4ht# and i6 9rotected myse56# nothin4 7o85d ha99en. B8t hadda 7atch o8t. . . /@@F 0 1 1

Fina55y# ear5y on *h8rsday mornin4# 7e 4et to F5orida. *he ori4ina5 idea 7as that 7e 7o85d 4o aro8nd the Kennedy S9ace ,enter at ,a9e ,ana:era5 and see e:erythin4 on a 48ided to8r. B8t beca8se in6ormation 7as comin4 o8t in the ne7s9a9ers so 6ast# 7e had a 98b5ic meetin4 6irst. First# 7e sa7 some detai5ed 9ict8res o6 the smoke comin4 o8t o6 the sh8tt5e 7hi5e it 7as sti55 on the 5a8nch 9ad. *here are cameras a55 o:er the 95ace 7atchin4 the 5a8nch 3 somethin4 5ike a h8ndred o6 them. (here the smoke came o8t# there 7ere t7o cameras 5ookin4 strai4ht at it 3 b8t both 6ai5ed# c8rio8s5y. !e:erthe5ess# 6rom other cameras 7e co85d see 6o8r or 6i:e 9866s o6 b5ack smoke comin4 o8t 6rom a 6ie5d >oint. *his smoke 7as not b8rnin4 materia5P it 7as sim95y carbon and m8cky st866 that 7as 98shed o8t beca8se o6 9ress8re inside the rocket. *he 9866s sto99ed a6ter a 6e7 secondsI the sea5 4ot 95844ed 89 someho7# tem9orari5y# on5y to break o9en a4ain a min8te 5ater. *here 7as some disc8ssion abo8t ho7 m8ch matter came o8t in the smoke. *he 9866s o6 smoke 7ere abo8t si= 6eet 5on4# and a 6e7 6eet thick. *he amo8nt o6 matter de9ends on ho7 6ine the 9artic5es are# and there co85d a57ays be a bi4 9iece o6 45o9 inside the smoke c5o8d# so it's hard to >8d4e. %nd beca8se the 9ict8res 7ere taken 6rom the side# it 7as 9ossib5e there 7as more smoke 6arther aro8nd the rocket. *o estab5ish a minim8m# ass8med a 9artic5e siRe that 7o85d 9rod8ce as m8ch smoke as 9ossib5e o8t o6 a 4i:en amo8nt o6 materia5. t came o8t s8r9risin45y sma55 3 a99ro=imate5y one c8bic inchI i6 yo8 ha:e a c8bic inch o6 st866# yo8 can 4et that m8ch smoke. (e asked 6or 9ict8res 6rom other 5a8nches. (e 6o8nd o8t

/@@C 0

F-/AR5 2B 8etaile% picture, taken 'ro! the launch pa%, o' the 6s!oke 7 GH +$S$ E /@@K 0 5ater that there had ne:er been any 9866s o6 smoke on any 9re:io8s 65i4hts. (e a5so heard abo8t the 5o7 tem9erat8res be6ore the 5a8nch 6rom a man named ,har5ie Ste:enson# 7ho 7as in char4e o6 the ice cre7. )e said the tem9erat8re had 4one do7n to HH de4rees d8rin4 the ni4ht# b8t his cre7 4ot readin4s as 5o7 as E de4rees at some 95aces on the 5a8nch 9ad# and they co85dn't 8nderstand 7hy. +8rin4 the 58nch break# a re9orter 6rom a 5oca5 *J station asked me 7hat tho84ht abo8t the 5o7 tem9erat8re readin4s. said it seemed to me that the 5iO8id hydro4en and o=y4en had chi55ed the HHN de4ree air e:en 68rther as it 65o7ed do7n the bi4 68e5 tank onto the rocket booster. For some reason# the re9orter tho84ht had >8st to5d him some im9ortant# secret in6ormation# so he didn't 8se my name in his re9ort that e:enin4. nstead# he said# *his e=95anation comes 6rom a !obe5 PriRe 7inner# so it m8st be ri4ht.' n the a6ternoon# the te5emeterin4 9eo95e 4a:e 8s a55 kinds o6 in6ormation on the 5ast moments o6 the sh8tt5e. )8ndreds o6 thin4s had been meas8red# a55 o6 7hich indicated that e:erythin4 7as 7orkin4 as 7e55 as it co85d 8nder the circ8mstancesI the 9ress8re in the hydro4en tank s8dden5y 6e55 a 6e7 seconds a6ter the 65ame had been obser:edP the 4yros 7hich steer the sh8tt5e 7ere 7orkin4 9er6ect5y 8nti5 one had to 7ork harder than the other beca8se there 7ere side 6orces 6rom the 65ame shootin4 o8t o6 the side o6 the booster rocketP the main en4ines e:en sh8t themse5:es do7n 7hen the hydro4en tank e=95oded# beca8se there 7as a 9ress8re dro9 in the 68e5 5ines. *hat meetin4 5asted 8nti5 KIBG in the e:enin4# so 7e 9ost9oned the to8r 8nti5 Friday and 7ent strai4ht to a dinner set 89 by $r. Ro4ers.

%t the dinner ha99ened to be seated ne=t to %5 Kee5# 7ho had >oined the commission on $onday as its e=ec8ti:e o66icer to he59 $r. Ro4ers or4aniRe and r8n o8r 7ork. )e came to 8s 6rom the (hite )o8se 3 6rom somethin4 ca55ed the O$BQ 3 and had a 4ood re98tation 6or doin4 a 6ine >ob at this and that. $r. Ro4ers ke9t sayin4 ho7 58cky 7e 7ere to 4et somebody 7ith s8ch hi4h O8a5i6ications. One thin4 that im9ressed me# tho84h# 7as that +r. Kee5 had /@@E0 a Ph.+. in aeros9ace# and had done some 9ostNdoc 7ork at Berke5ey. (hen he introd8ced himse56 on $onday# he >oked that the 5ast honest 7ork' he had done 6or a 5i:in4 7as some aerodynamics 7ork 6or the sh8tt5e 9ro4ram ten or t7e5:e years a4o. So 6e5t :ery com6ortab5e 7ith him. (e55# ha:en't been ta5kin4 to +r. Kee5 6or more than 6i:e min8tes# 7hen he te55s me he's ne:er been so ins85ted in his 5i6e# that he didn't take this >ob to be so ins85ted# and that he doesn't 7ant to ta5k to me anymore& !o7# ha:e a 7ay o6 not rememberin4 thin4s 7hen do somethin4 d8mb or annoyin4 to 9eo95e# so 6or4et 7hat said that 98t him o8t. (hate:er it 7as# tho84ht 7as >okin4# so 7as :ery s8r9rised by his reaction. had 8ndo8bted5y said some boorish# brash# damnN6oo5 thin4# 7hich there6ore can't remember& *hen there 7as a rather tense 9eriod o6 6i:e or ten min8tes# 7ith me a9o5o4iRin4 and tryin4 to 4et a con:ersation 4oin4 a4ain. (e 6ina55y 4ot to ta5kin4 a4ain# some7hat. (e 7ere not bi4 6riends# b8t at 5east there 7as 9eace. On Friday mornin4# 7e had another 98b5ic meetin4# this time to hear 9eo95e 6rom *hioko5 and !%S% ta5k abo8t the ni4ht be6ore the 5a8nch. E:erythin4 came o8t so s5o75yI the 7itness doesn't rea55y 7ant to te55 yo8 e:erythin4# so yo8 ha:e to 4et the ans7ers o8t by askin4 e=act5y the ri4ht O8estions. Other 48ys on the commission 7ere com95ete5y a7ake 3 $r. S8tter# 6or instance. E=act5y 7hat 7ere yo8r O8a5ity criteria 6or acce9tance 8nder s8chNandNs8ch and soNandNso-' 3 he'd ask s9eci6ic O8estions 5ike that# and it 7o85d t8rn o8t they didn't ha:e any s8ch criteria. $r. ,o:ert and $r. (a5ker 7ere the same 7ay. E:erybody 7as askin4 4ood O8estions# b8t 7as 6o44ed o8t most o6 the time# 6ee5in4 a 5itt5e bit behind. *hen this b8siness o6 *hioko5 chan4in4 its 9osition came 89. $r. Ro4ers and +r. Ride 7ere askin4 t7o *hioko5 mana4ers# $r. $ason and $r. L8nd# ho7 many 9eo95e 7ere a4ainst the 5a8nch# e:en at the 5ast moment. (e didn't 9o55 e:eryone#' says $r. $ason. (as there a s8bstantia5 n8mber a4ainst the 5a8nch# or >8st one or t7o-' *here 7ere# 7o85d say# 9robab5y 6i:e or si= in en4ineerin4 7ho at that 9oint 7o85d ha:e said it is not as conser:ati:e to 4o 7ith that tem9erat8re# and 7e don't kno7. *he iss8e 7as 7e didn't kno7 6or s8re that it 7o85d 7ork.' /@@A0 So it 7as e:en5y di:ided-' *hat's a :ery estimated n8mber.' t str8ck me that the *hioko5 mana4ers 7ere 7a665in4. B8t on5y kne7 ho7 to ask sim95eminded O8estions. So said# ,o85d yo8 te55 me# sirs# the names o6 yo8r 6o8r best sea5s e=9erts# in order o6 abi5ity-' Ro4er Bois>o5y and %rnie *hom9son are one and t7o. *hen there's Jack Ka99 and# 8h... Jerry B8rns.' t8rned to $r. Bois>o5y# 7ho 7as ri4ht there# at the meetin4. $r. Bois>o5y# 7ere yo8 in a4reement that it 7as okay to 65y-'

)e says# !o# 7as not.' ask $r. *hom9son# 7ho 7as a5so there. !o# 7as not.' say# $r. Ka99-' $r. L8nd says# )e is not here. ta5ked to him a6ter the meetin4# and he said# S 7o85d ha:e made that decision# 4i:en the in6ormation 7e had.T' %nd the 6o8rth man-' Jerry B8rns. don't kno7 7hat his 9osition 7as.' So#' said# o6 the 6o8r# 7e ha:e one Sdon't kno7#T one S:ery 5ike5y yes#T and the t7o 7ho 7ere mentioned ri4ht a7ay as bein4 the best sea5 e=9erts# both sai% no ' So this e:en5y s95it' st866 7as a 5ot o6 cra9. *he 48ys 7ho kne7 the !ost abo8t the sea5s 3 7hat 7ere they sayin4Late in the a6ternoon# 7e 7ere sho7n aro8nd the Kennedy S9ace ,enter. t 7as interestin4P it 7asn't as bad as had 9redicted. *he other commissioners asked a 5ot o6 im9ortant O8estions. (e didn't ha:e time to see the boosterNrocket assemb5y# b8t near the end 7e 7ere 4oin4 to see the 7recka4e that had been reco:ered so 6ar. 7as 9retty tired o6 this 4ro89 st866# so e=c8sed myse56 6rom the rest o6 the to8r. ran do7n to ,har5ie Ste:enson's 95ace to see more 9ict8res o6 the 5a8nch. a5so 6o8nd o8t more abo8t the 8n8s8a55y 5o7 tem9erat8re readin4s. *he 48ys 7ere :ery coo9erati:e# and 7anted me to 7ork 7ith them. had been 7aitin4 6or ten %ays to r8n aro8nd in one o6 these 95aces# and here 7as# at last" %t dinner that ni4ht# said to $r. Ro4ers# 7as thinkin4 o6 stayin4 here o:er the 7eekend.' (e55# +r. Feynman#' he said# 'd 9re6er yo8 come back /@HG0 to (ashin4ton 7ith 8s toni4ht. B8t o6 co8rse# yo8're 6ree to do 7hate:er yo8 7ant.' (e55# then#' said# '55 stay.' On Sat8rday ta5ked to the 48y 7ho had act8a55y taken the tem9erat8re readin4s the mornin4 o6 the 5a8nch 3 a nice 6e55a named B.K.+a:is. !e=t to each tem9erat8re he had 7ritten the e=act time he had meas8red it# and then took a 9ict8re o6 it. Yo8 co85d see 5ar4e 4a9s bet7een the times as he c5imbed 89 and do7n the bi4 5a8nch to7er. )e meas8red the tem9erat8re o6 the air# the rocket# the 4ro8nd# the ice# and e:en a 98dd5e o6 s58sh 7ith anti6reeRe in it. )e did a :ery com95ete >ob. !%S% had a theoretica5 ca5c85ation o6 ho7 the tem9erat8res sho85d :ary aro8nd the 5a8nch 9adI they sho85d ha:e been more 8ni6orm# and hi4her. Somebody tho84ht that heat radiatin4 to the c5ear sky had somethin4 to do 7ith it. B8t then someone e5se noticed that BK's readin4 6or the s58sh 7as m8ch 5o7er than the 9hoto4ra9h indicatedI at E de4rees# the s58sh 3 e:en 7ith anti6reeRe in it 3 sho85d ha:e been 6roRen so5id. *hen 7e 5ooked at the de:ice the ice cre7 8sed 6or meas8rin4 the tem9erat8res. 4ot the instr8ction man8a5 o8t# and 6o8nd that yo8're s899osed to 98t the instr8ment o8t in the en:ironment 6or at 5east HG min8tes be6ore 8sin4 it. $r.+a:is said he had taken it o8t o6 the bo= 3 at KG de4rees 3 and be4an makin4 meas8rements ri4ht a7ay. *here6ore 7e had to 6ind o8t 7hether the errors 7ere re9rod8cib5e. n other 7ords# co85d the circ8mstances be d895icatedOn $onday ca55ed 89 the com9any that made the de:ice# and ta5ked to one o6 their technica5 48ysI )i# my name is +ick Feynman#' said. 'm on the commission in:esti4atin4 the Challenger accident# and ha:e some O8estions abo8t yo8r in6rared scannin4 48n ...'

$ay ca55 yo8 ri4ht back-' he says. S8re.' %6ter a 5itt5e 7hi5e he ca55s me backI 'm sorry# b8t it's 9ro9rietary in6ormation. can't disc8ss it 7ith yo8.' By this time rea5iRed 7hat the rea5 di66ic85ty 7asI the com9any 7as scare% green that 7e 7ere 4oin4 to b5ame the accident on their instr8ment. said# Sir# yo8r scannin4 48n has nothin4 to do 7ith the accident. t 7as 8sed by the 9eo95e here in a 7ay that's contrary to the 9roced8res in yo8r instr8ction man8a5# and 'm tryin4 to 6i48re o8t i6 7e can re9rod8ce the /@H@0 errors and determine 7hat the tem9erat8res rea55y 7ere that mornin4. *o do this# need to kno7 more abo8t yo8r instr8ment.' *he 48y 6ina55y came aro8nd# and became O8ite coo9erati:e. (ith his he59# ad:ised the iceNcre7 48ys on an e=9eriment. *hey coo5ed a room do7n to abo8t DG de4rees# and 98t a bi4 b5ock o6 ice in it 3 7ith ice# yo8 can be s8re the s8r6ace tem9erat8re is BH de4rees. *hen they bro84ht in the scannin4 48n 6rom a room 7hich 7as KG de4rees inside# and made meas8rements o6 the ice b5ock e:ery BG seconds. *hey 7ere ab5e to meas8re ho7 6ar o66 the instr8ment 7as as a 68nction o6 time. $r.+a:is had 7ritten his meas8rements so care6855y that it 7as :ery easy to 6i= a55 the n8mbers. %nd then# remarkab5y# the reca5c85ated tem9erat8res 7ere c5ose to 7hat 7as e=9ected accordin4 to the theoretica5 mode5. t 5ooked :ery sensib5e. *he ne=t time ta5ked to a re9orter# strai4htened e:erythin4 o8t abo8t the tem9erat8res# and in6ormed him that the ear5ier theory e=9o8nded by the !obe5 PriRe 7inner 7as 7ron4. 7rote a re9ort 6or the other commissioners on the tem9erat8re 9rob5em# and sent it to +r.Kee5. *hen in:esti4ated somethin4 7e 7ere 5ookin4 into as a 9ossib5e contrib8tin4 ca8se o6 the accidentI 7hen the booster rockets hit the ocean# they became o8t o6 ro8nd a 5itt5e bit 6rom the im9act. %t Kennedy they're taken a9art# and the sections 3 6o8r 6or each rocket 3 are sent by rai5 to *hioko5 in Utah# 7here they are 9acked 7ith ne7 9ro9e55ant. *hen they're 98t back on a train to F5orida. +8rin4 trans9ort# the sections L7hich are ha85ed on their sideM 4et sO8ashed a 5itt5e bit 3 the so6tish 9ro9e55ant is :ery hea:y. *he tota5 amo8nt o6 sO8ashin4 is on5y a 6raction o6 an inch# b8t 7hen yo8 98t the rocket sections back to4ether# a sma55 4a9 is eno84h to 5et hot 4ases thro84hI the ONrin4s are on5y a O8arter o6 an inch thick# and com9ressed on5y t7oNh8nNdredths o6 an inch& tho84ht 'd do some ca5c85ations. !%S% 4a:e me a55 the n8mbers on ho7 6ar o8t o6 ro8nd the sections can 4et# so tried to 6i48re o8t ho7 m8ch the res85tin4 sO8eeRe 7as# and 7here it 7as 5ocated 3 maybe the minim8m sO8eeRe 7as 7here the 5eak occ8rred. *he n8mbers 7ere meas8rements taken a5on4 three diameters# e:ery CG de4rees. B8t three matchin4 diameters 7on't 48arantee that thin4s 7i55 6itP si= diameters# or any other n8mber o6 diameters# 7on't do# either. For e=am95e# yo8 can make a 6i48re somethin4 5ike a trian45e

/@HH 0

F-/AR5 2? This 'igure has all its %ia!eters the sa!e length J yet it is obviously not roun%"

7ith ro8nded corners# in 7hich three diameters# CG de4rees a9art# ha:e the same 5en4th. remembered seein4 s8ch a trick at a m8se8m 7hen 7as a kid. *here 7as a 4ear rack that mo:ed back and 6orth 9er6ect5y smooth5y# 7hi5e 8nderneath it 7ere some noncirNc85ar# 68nnyN5ookin4# craRyNsha9ed 4ears t8rnin4 on sha6ts that 7obb5ed. t 5ooked im9ossib5e# b8t the reason it 7orked 7as that the 4ears 7ere sha9es 7hose diameters 7ere a57ays the same. So the n8mbers !%S% 4a:e me 7ere 8se5ess. +8rin4 that 7eekend# >8st as had 9redicted in my 5etter home# ke9t 4ettin4 notes 6rom the commission headO8arters in (ashin4tonI ,heck the tem9erat8re readin4s# check the 9ict8res# check this# check that...' 3 there 7as O8ite a 5ist. B8t as the instr8ctions came in# had done most o6 them a5ready. One note had to do 7ith a mysterio8s 9iece o6 9a9er. Someone at Kennedy had re9orted5y 7ritten Let's 4o 6or it' 7hi5e assemb5in4 one o6 the so5id booster rockets. S8ch 5an48a4e a99eared to sho7 a certain reck5essness. $y missionI 6ind that 9iece o6 9a9er. (e55# by this time 8nderstood ho7 m8ch 9a9er there 7as in !%S%. 7as s8re it 7as a trick to make me 4et 5ost# so did nothin4 abo8t it. nstead# 98rs8ed somethin4 s8rre9titio8s5y. /@HB0 t 7as r8mored that the reason !%S% tried to make the sh8tt5e 65y on Jan8ary HEth# in s9ite o6 the co5d# 7as that the 9resident 7as 4oin4 to 4i:e his State o6 the Union address that ni4ht. %ccordin4 to the theory# the (hite )o8se had it a55 cooked 89 so that d8rin4 the State o6 the Union address# the teacher# $rs. $c%85i66e# 7o85d ta5k to the 9resident and ,on4ress 6rom s9ace. t 7as 4onna be 4reatI the 9resident 7o85d say# )e55o& )o7 are yo8 doin4-' %nd she 7o85d say# Fine' 3 somethin4 :ery dramatic. Since it so8nded 5o4ica5# be4an by s899osin4 it 7as :ery 5ike5y 9ossib5e. B8t 7as there any e:idence- *his kind o6 thin4 didn't kno7 ho7 to in:esti4ate. co85d on5y think o6 thisI it's :ery hard to 4et thro84h to the 9residentP a5so can't >8st ca55 89 an astrona8t and ta5k to her 3 i6 she's in

s9ace. *here6ore# s7itchin4 the si4na5s do7n 6rom the sh8tt5e o:er to the 9resident 7hi5e he's ta5kin4 to ,on4ress m8st be a com95icated b8siness. *o 6ind o8t 7hether anybody had set 89 to do that# 7ent do7n to the 5o7est 5e:e5s and asked 48ys at the bottom some technica5 O8estions. *hey sho7ed me the antennas# they to5d me abo8t the 6reO8encies# they sho7ed me the bi4 radio system and the com98ter systemP they sho7ed me a55 the 7ays they did thin4s. said# 6 yo8 had to send a transmission some7here e5se 3 to $arsha55# say 3 ho7 7o85d yo8 do it-' *hey said# Oh# 7e're >8st a re5ay station. E:erythin4 is a8tomatica55y sent o:er to )o8ston# and they s7itch e:erythin4 o8t 6rom there. (e don't do any s7itchin4 here.' So didn't 6ind any e:idence 3 at 5east at Kennedy. B8t the 48ys there 7ere so nice to me# and e:erythin4 7as so 95easant# that 6ee5 bad. don't 5ike to cheat 9eo95e. t 7as a 5itt5e sneaky# 7hat 7as doin4. !e:erthe5ess# tho84ht 'd better do the same thin4 7hen 4ot to )o8ston. On $onday# $r. )otR came do7n to F5orida to 7ork 7ith me. L)e to5d me 5ater that he had been sent do7n 7ith s9eci6ic instr8ctions to see 7hat 7as doin4# and to kee9 me 6rom 4oin4 7i5d.'M $r. )otR bro84ht a 5ist o6 thin4s to 5ook intoI *here are a 5ot o6 thin4s on this 5ist#' he said# so 'd be ha99y to s95it the 7ork 7ith yo8.' Some thin4s he said he co85d do more easi5y# and the rest o6 the thin4s had a5ready done 3 e=ce9t 6or that 9iece o6 9a9er 7hich said Let's 4o 6or it.' $r. )otR hinted aro8nd that it mi4ht ha:e come 6rom the diary o6 /@HD0 someone in the boosterNrocket assemb5y. *hat 7asn't eno84h o6 a c58e 6or meP >8st 7asn't 4onna do it. nstead# 7ent to see a $r. Lamberth# 7ho had said he 7anted to ta5k to me. $r. Lamberth 7as 7ay 89 in the 7orks# a bi4 cheese in char4e o6 assemb5in4 the so5idNrocket boosters. )e 7anted to te55 me abo8t some 9rob5ems he had. *he 7orkers 8sed to ha:e m8ch better disci95ine#' he e=95ained# b8t no7adays they're not 5ike they 8sed to be.' )e 4a:e me a co895e o6 e=am95es. *he 6irst incident had to do 7ith takin4 the booster rockets a9art a6ter they had been reco:ered 6rom the sea. *he rocket sections are he5d to4ether by @EG 9ins 3 each abo8t an inch and a ha56 in diameter and t7o inches 5on4 3 a55 the 7ay aro8nd. *here 7as some kind o6 9roced8re 6or takin4 sections a9art# in 7hich the 7orkers 7ere s899osed to 9855 the rocket 89 a certain distance. *hey had 4otten to 9ayin4 attention on5y to the amo8nt 'orce they 7ere a995yin4 3 abo8t @@#GGG 9o8nds. *hat 7as a better method# 6rom a 9hysica5 stand9oint# beca8se the idea is to take the 5oad o66 the 9ins. One time the 6orce 4a84e 7asn't 7orkin4 ri4ht. *he 7orkers ke9t 98ttin4 more 6orce on# 7onderin4 7hy they 7eren't reachin4 @@#GGG 9o8nds# 7hen a55 o6 a s8dden one o6 the 9ins broke. $r. Lamberth re9rimanded the 7orkers 6or not 6o55o7in4 9roced8res. t reminded me o6 7hen tried to make thin4s 7ork better at my a8nt's hote5I yo8r method is better than the re485ar 7ay# b8t then yo8 ha:e a 5itt5e accident...Q *he second story $r. Lamberth to5d me had to do 7ith 98ttin4 the rocket sections to4ether. *he re485ar 9roced8re 7as to stack one section on to9 o6 the other and match the 899er section to the 5o7er one. 6 a section needed to be resha9ed a 5itt5e bit# the 9roced8re 7as to 6irst 9ick 89 the section 7ith a crane and 5et it han4 side7ays a 6e7 days. t's rather sim95eminded. 6 they co85dn't make a section ro8nd eno84h by the han4in4 method# there 7as another 9roced8reI 8se the ro8ndin4 machine' 3 a rod 7ith a hydra85ic 9ress on one end and a n8t on the other 3 and increase the 9ress8re.

$r. Lamberth to5d me the 9ress8re sho85dn't e=ceed @HGG 9o8nds 9er sO8are inch L9siM. One time# a section 7asn't ro8nd eno84h at @HGG 9si# so the 7orkers took a 7rench and be4an t8rnin4 the n8t on the other end. (hen they 6ina55y 4ot the /@HF0 section ro8nd eno84h# the 9ress8re 7as 89 to @BFG. *his is another e=am95e o6 the 5ack o6 disci95ine amon4 the 7orkers#' $r. Lamberth said. had 7anted to ta5k 7ith the assemb5y 7orkers any7ay L 5o:e that kind o6 thin4M# so arran4ed to see them the ne=t day at HIBG in the a6ternoon. %t HIBG 7a5k into this room# and there's a 5on4 tab5e 7ith thirty or 6orty 9eo95e 3 they're a55 sittin4 there 7ith morose 6aces# :ery serio8s# ready to ta5k to *he ,ommissioner. 7as terri6ied. hadn't rea5iRed my terrib5e 9o7er. co85d see they 7ere 7orried. *hey m8st ha:e been to5d 7as in:esti4atin4 the errors they had made& So ri4ht a7ay said# had nothinT to do# so tho84ht 'd come o:er and ta5k to the 48ys 7ho 98t the rockets to4ether. didn't 7ant e:erybody to sto9 7orkin4 >8st Sca8se 7anna 6ind o8t somethin4 6or my o7n c8riosityP on5y 7anted to ta5k 7ith the 7orkers...' $ost o6 the 9eo95e 4ot 89 and 5e6t. Si= or se:en 48ys stayed 3 the cre7 7ho act8a55y 98t the rocket sections to4ether# their 6oreman# and some boss 7ho 7as hi4her 89 in the system. (e55# these 48ys 7ere sti55 a 5itt5e bit scared. *hey didn't rea55y 7ant to o9en 89. *he 6irst thin4 think to say is# ha:e a O8estionI 7hen yo8 meas8re the three diameters and a55 the diameters match# do the sections rea55y 6it to4ether- t seems to me that yo8 co85d ha:e some b8m9s on one side and some 65at areas direct5y across# so the three diameters 7o85d match# b8t the sections 7o85dn't 6it.' Yes# yes&' they say. (e 4et b8m9s 5ike that. (e ca55 them ni995es.' *he on5y 7oman there said# t's 4ot nothin4 to do 7ith me&' 3 and e:erybody 5a84hed. (e 4et ni995es a55 the time#' they contin8ed. (e':e been tryinT to te55 the s89er:isor abo8t it# b8t 7e ne:er 4et any7here&' (e 7ere ta5kin4 detai5s# and that 7orks 7onders. 7o85d ask O8estions based on 7hat co85d ha99en theoretica55y# b8t to them it 5ooked 5ike 7as a re485ar 48y 7ho kne7 abo8t their technica5 9rob5ems. *hey 5oosened 89 :ery ra9id5y# and to5d me a55 kinds o6 ideas they had to im9ro:e thin4s. For e=am95e# 7hen they 8se the ro8ndin4 machine# they ha:e to 98t a rod thro84h ho5es e=act5y o99osite each other. *here are @EG ho5es# so they ha:e to make s8re the other end o6 the rod /@HC0 4oes thro84h the ho5e AG ho5es a7ay. !o7# it t8rns o8t yo8 ha:e to c5imb 89 into an a7k7ard 95ace to co8nt the ho5es. t's :ery s5o7 and :ery di66ic85t. *hey tho84ht it 7o85d be :ery he59685 i6 there 7ere 6o8r 9aint marks# AG de4rees a9art# 98t on at the 6actory. *hat 7ay# they 7o85d ne:er ha:e to co8nt more than HH ho5es to the nearest mark. For e=am95e# i6 they 98t the rod thro84h a ho5e 7hich is A ho5es c5ock7ise 6rom a 9aint mark# then the other end o6 the rod 7o85d 4o thro84h the ho5e 7hich is A ho5es c5ock7ise 6rom the o99osite mark. *he 6oreman# $r. Fichte5# said he 7rote a memo 7ith this s844estion to his s89eriors t7o years a4o# b8t nothin4 had ha99ened yet. (hen he asked 7hy# he 7as to5d the s844estion 7as too e=9ensi:e. *oo e=9ensi:e to 9aint 'our little lines-' said in disbe5ie6. *hey a55 5a84hed. t's not the 9aintP it's the 9a9er7ork#' $r. Fichte5 said. *hey 7o85d ha:e to re:ise a55 the man8a5s.' *he assemb5y 7orkers had other obser:ations and s844estions. *hey 7ere concerned that i6 t7o rocket sections scra9e as they're bein4 98t to4ether# meta5 6i5in4s co85d 4et into the r8bber sea5s and dama4e them. *hey e:en had some s844estions 6or redesi4nin4 the sea5. *hose s844estions 7eren't :ery 4ood# b8t the 9oint is# the 7orkers 7ere thinking" 4ot the im9ression that they 7ere not

8ndisci95inedP they 7ere :ery interested in 7hat they 7ere doin4# b8t they 7eren't bein4 4i:en m8ch enco8ra4ement. !obody 7as 9ayin4 m8ch attention to them. t 7as remarkab5e that their mora5e 7as as hi4h as it 7as 8nder the circ8mstances. *hen the 7orkers be4an to ta5k to the boss 7ho had stayed. (e're disa99ointed by somethin4#' one o6 them said. (hen the commission 7as 4oin4 to see the boosterNrocket assemb5y# the demonstration 7as 4oin4 to be done by the mana4ers. (hy 7o85dn't yo8 5et us do it-' (e 7ere a6raid yo8'd be 6ri4htened by the commissioners and yo8 7o85dn't 7ant to do it.' !o# no#' said the 7orkmen. (e think 7e do a 4ood >ob# and 7e 7anted to sho7 7hat 7e do.' %6ter that meetin4# the boss took me to the ca6eteria. %s 7e 7ere eatin4 3 the 7orkmen 7eren't 7ith 8s anymore 3 he said# 7as s8r9rised they 7ere so concerned abo8t that.' /@HK0 QQQ Later# ta5ked to $r. Fichte5 abo8t this incident o6 increasin4 the 9ress8re 9ast @HGG. )e sho7ed me the notes he made as he 7ent a5on4I they 7eren't the 6orma5 9a9ers that are stam9edP they 7ere 9art o6 an in6orma5 b8t care6855y 7ritten diary. said# hear the 9ress8re 4ot 89 to @BFG.' Yes#' he said# 7e had ti4htened the n8t at the other end.' (as that the re485ar 9roced8re-' Oh# yes#' he said# it's in the book.' )e o9ens 89 the man8a5 and sho7s me the 9roced8re. t says# B8i5d 89 the 9ress8re on the hydra85ic >ack. 6 this is ins866icient to obtain desired ro8ndness# then :ery care6855y ti4hten n8t on other end to 4et to the desired ro8ndness' 3 it said so in b5ack and 7hite& t didn't say that ti4htenin4 the n8t 7o85d increase the 9ress8re 9ast @HGG 9siP the 9eo95e 7ho 7rote the man8a5 9robab5y 7eren't O8ite a7are o6 that. $r. Fichte5 had 7ritten in his diary# (e :ery care6855y ti4htened the n8t' 3 e=act5y the same 5an48a4e as the instr8ctions. said# $r. Lamberth to5d me he admonished yo8 abo8t 4oin4 abo:e @HGG.' )e ne:er admonished me abo8t that 3 7hy sho85d he-' (e 6i48red o8t 7hat 9robab5y ha99ened. $r. Lamberth's admonishment 7ent do7n thro84h the 5e:e5s 8nti5 somebody in midd5e mana4ement rea5iRed that $r. Fichte5 had 4one by the book# and that the error 7as in the man8a5. B8t instead o6 te55in4 $r. Lamberth abo8t the error# they sim95y thre7 a7ay the admonishment# and >8st ke9t O8iet. O:er 58nch# $r. Fichte5 to5d me abo8t the ins9ection 9roced8res. *here's a sheet 6or each 9roced8re# 5ike this one 6or the ro8ndin4 9roced8re#' he said. On it there are bo=es 6or stam9s 3 one 6rom the s89er:isor# one 6rom O8a5ity contro5# one 6rom the man86act8rer# and 6or the bi44er >obs# one 6rom !%S%.' )e contin8ed# (e make the meas8rements# 4o thro84h one co8rse o6 ro8ndin4# and then make the meas8rements a4ain. 6 they don't match 7e55 eno84h# 7e re9eat the ste9s. Fina55y# 7hen the diameter di66erences are sma55 eno84h# 7e 4o 6or it.' 7oke 89. (hat do yo8 mean# S4o 6or itT-' said. t so8nds sort o6 ca:a5ier...' !o# no#' he says. *hat's >8st the 5in4o 7e 8se 7hen 7e mean that a55 the conditions are satis6ied# and 7e're ready to mo:e to the ne=t 9hase o6 the o9eration.' /@HE0 +o yo8 e:er 7rite that do7n 3 that S4o 6or itT-'

Yes# sometimes.' Let's see i6 7e can 6ind a 95ace 7here yo8 7rote it.' $r. Fichte5 5ooked thro84h his diary# and 6o8nd an e=am95e. *he e=9ression 7as com95ete5y nat8ra5 to him 3 it 7asn't reck5ess or ca:a5ierP it 7as >8st his 7ay o6 s9eakin4. On $onday and *8esday# 7hi5e 7as r8nnin4 aro8nd do7n at Kennedy# $r. Ro4ers 7as in (ashin4ton a99earin4 be6ore a Senate committee. ,on4ress 7as considerin4 7hether it sho85d ha:e its o7n in:esti4ation. Senator )o55in4s# 6rom So8th ,aro5ina# 7as 4i:in4 $r. Ro4ers a hard timeI Secretary Ro4ers#' he says# 'm an=io8s that yo8 ha:e an adeO8ate sta66 thayah. )o7 many investigators does yoT commission ha:e-' $r. Ro4ers says# (e don't ha:e in:esti4ators in the 9o5ice sense. (e're readin4 doc8ments# 8nderstandin4 7hat they mean# or4aniRin4 hearin4s# ta5kin4 to 7itnesses 3 that sort o6 thin4. (e'55 ha:e an adeO8ate sta66# ass8re yo8.' (e55# that's the 9oint#' Senator )o55in4s says. From my e=9erience in in:esti4atin4 cases# 'd 7ant 6o8r or 6i:e in:esti4ators stee9ed in science and s9ace techno5o4y 4oin4 aro8nd do7n there at ,ana:era5 ta5kin4 to e:erybody# eatin4 58nch 7ith them. Yo8'd be amaRed# i6 yo8 eat in the resta8rants aro8nd there 6or t7o or three 7eeks# 7hat yo8'55 6ind o8t. Yo8 can't >8st sit and read 7hat's 4i:en to yo8.' (e're not >8st 4oin4 to sit and read#' $r. Ro4ers says de6ensi:e5y. (e':e 4otten a 5ot o6 9eo95e in a room and asked them O8estions a55 at the same time# rather than ha:e a 48mshoe 7a5kin4 aro8nd# ta5kin4 to 9eo95e one at a time.' 8nderstand#' says Senator Ro55in4s. Yet 'm concerned abo8t yoT 9rod8ct i6 yo8 don't ha:e some 48mshoes. *hat's the tro8b5e 7ith 9residentia5 commissionsP ':e been on SemI they 4o on 7hat's 'e% to Sem# and they don't 5ook behind it. *hen 7e end 89 7ith in:esti4ati:e re9orters# 9eo95e 7ritin4 books# and e:erythin4 e5se. Peo95e are still in:esti4atin4 the (arren ,ommission Re9ort aro8nd this to7n.'Q $r. Ro4ers ca5m5y says# a99reciate yo8r comments# Senator. Yo8'55 be interested to kno7 that one o6 o8r commission /@HA0 members 3 he's a !obe5 5a8reate 3 is do7n there in F5orida today# in:esti4atin4 in the 7ay yo8'd 5ike him to in:esti4ate.' L$r. Ro4ers didn't kno7 it# b8t 7as act8a55y eatin4 58nch 7ith some en4ineers 7hen he said that&M Senator Ro55in4s says# 'm not O8estionin4 the com9etence o6 the !obe5 5a8reateP ':e been readin4 7ith 4reat interest 7hat he said. *here's no O8estion abo8t the com9etence o6 the commission itse56. t's >8st that 7hen yo8 in:esti4ate a case# yo8 need in:esti4ators. Yo8 ha:e a5ready bro84ht to the 98b5ic's attention a 5ot o6 :ery interestin4 6acts# so think yo8 ha:en't been ne45i4ent in any 6ashion.' So sa:ed $r. Ro4ers a 5itt5e bit. )e sa7 that he had an ans7er 6or $r. Ro55in4s by the goo% luck that stayed in F5orida any7ay# a4ainst his 7ishes& . . /@BG 0 1 1

Fanta&ti! Fi(ure&

1n *8esday a6ternoon 65e7 back to (ashin4ton# and 7ent to the ne=t meetin4 o6 the commission# on (ednesday. t 7as another 98b5ic meetin4. % mana4er o6 the *hioko5 ,om9any named $r. L8nd 7as testi6yin4. On the ni4ht be6ore the 5a8nch# $r. $855oy had to5d him to 98t on his mana4ement hat' instead o6 his enN4ineerin4 hat#' so he chan4ed his o99osition to 5a8nch and o:err85ed his o7n en4ineers. 7as askin4 him some harsh O8estions 7hen s8dden5y had this 6ee5in4 o6 the nO8isition. $r. Ro4ers had 9ointed o8t to 8s that 7e o84ht to be care685 7ith these 9eo95e# 7hose careers de9end on 8s. )e said# (e ha:e a55 the ad:anta4esI 7e're sittin4 89 hereP they're sittin4 do7n there. *hey ha:e to ans7er o8r O8estionsP 7e don't ha:e to ans7er their O8estions.' S8dden5y# a55 this came back to me and 6e5t terrib5e# and co85dn't do it the ne=t day. 7ent back to ,a5i6ornia 6or a 6e7 days# to reco:er. (hi5e 7as in Pasadena# 7ent o:er to JPL and met 7ith Jerry So5omon and $eemon4 Lee. *hey 7ere st8dyin4 the 65ame 7hich a99eared a 6e7 seconds be6ore the main 68e5 tank e=95oded# and 7ere ab5e to brin4 o8t a55 kinds o6 detai5s. LJPL has 4ood enhancers o6 *J 9ict8res 6rom a55 their e=9erience 7ith 95anetary missions.M Later# took the enhancements o:er to ,har5ie Ste:enson and his cre7 at Kennedy to e=9edite thin4s. Some7here a5on4 the 5ine# somebody 6rom the sta66 bro84ht me somethin4 to si4nI it said that my e=9enses 7ere soNandNso m8ch# b8t they 7eren't 3 they 7ere more. said# *his is not the amo8nt act8a55y s9ent.' *he 48y said# kno7 that# sirP yo8're on5y a55o7ed a ma=im8m o6 ZKF a day 6or the hote5 and 6ood.' /@B@0 *hen 7hy did yo8 48ys set me 89 in a hote5 7hich costs ZEG or ZAG a ni4ht# and then yo8 4i:e me on5y ZKF a day-' Yes# a4reeP it's too bad# b8t that's the 7ay it 4oes&' tho84ht o6 $r. Ro4ersT o66er to 98t me in a 4ood hote5.' (hat did he mean by that 3 that it 7o85d cost me !oreC 6 yo8're asked to contrib8te months o6 time and e66ort to the 4o:ernment Land yo8 5ose money yo8 7o85d ha:e made cons85tin4 6or a com9anyM# the 4o:ernment o84ht to a99reciate it a 5itt5e more than to be chea9 abo8t 9ayin4 yo8 back. 'm not tryin4 to make money o66 the 4o:ernment# b8t 'm not 7antin4 to lose money# either& said# 'm not 4oin4 to si4n this.' $r. Ro4ers came o:er and 9romised he 7o85d strai4hten it o8t# so si4ned the 9a9er. rea55y think $r. Ro4ers tried to 6i= it# b8t he 7as 8nab5e to. tho84ht o6 6i4htin4 this one to the end# b8t then rea5iRed it's im9ossib5eI i6 had been 9aid 6or my act8a5 e=9enses# then o6 co8rse a55 the other commissioners 7o85d ha:e to be 9aid# too. *hat 7o85d be a55 ri4ht# b8t it 7o85d a5so mean that this commission 7as the on5y commission to be 9aid its act8a5 e=9enses 3 and 9retty soon# 7ord 7o85d 4et o8t. *hey ha:e a sayin4 in !e7 YorkI Yo8 can't 6i4ht ,ity )a55#' meanin4 t's im9ossib5e.' B8t this time# it 7as a he55 o6 a 5ot bi44er than ,ity )a55I the ZKF a day r85e is a 5a7 o6 the United States& t mi4ht ha:e been 68n to 6i4ht it to the end# b8t 48ess 7as tired 3 'm not as yo8n4 as 8sed to be 3 so >8st 4a:e 89. Somebody to5d me they heard commissioners make Z@GGG a day# b8t the tr8th is# o8r 4o:ernment doesn't e:en 9ay their costs. %t the be4innin4 o6 $arch# abo8t a month a6ter the commission started# 7e 6ina55y s95it 89 into 7orkin4 4ro89sI the PreNLa8nch %cti:ities 4ro89 7as headed by $r. %chesonP $r. S8t5er 7as in

char4e o6 the +esi4n# +e:e5o9ment# and Prod8ction 9ane5P "enera5 K8tyna 7as 5eader o6 the %ccident %na5ysis 4ro89P and +r. Ride 7as in char4e o6 the $ission P5annin4 and O9erations 4ro89. s9ent most o6 my time in K8tyna's 4ro89. 7as in Ride's 4ro89# too# b8t ended 89 not doin4 :ery m8ch 6or her. "enera5 K8tyna's 4ro89 7ent to $arsha55 S9ace F5i4ht ,enter in )8nts:i55e# %5abama# to do its 7ork. *he 6irst thin4 that /@BH0 ha99ened there 7as# a man named U55ian came in to te55 8s somethin4. %s ran4e sa6ety o66icer at Kennedy# $r. U55ian had to decide 7hether to 98t destr8ct char4es on the sh8tt5e. L 6 a rocket 4oes o8t o6 contro5# the destr8ct char4es enab5e it to be b5o7n 89 into sma55 bits. *hat's m8ch 5ess 9eri5o8s than a rocket 65yin4 aro8nd 5oose# ready to e=95ode 7hen it hits the 4ro8nd.M E:ery 8nmanned rocket has these char4es. $r. U55ian to5d 8s that F o8t o6 @HK rockets that he 5ooked at had 6ai5ed 3 a rate o6 abo8t D 9ercent. )e took that D 9ercent and di:ided it by D# beca8se he ass8med a manned 65i4ht 7o85d be sa6er than an 8nmanned one. )e came o8t 7ith abo8t a @ 9ercent chance o6 6ai58re# and that 7as eno84h to 7arrant the destr8ct char4es. B8t !%S% to5d $r. U55ian that the 9robabi5ity o6 6ai58re 7as more 5ike @ in @GF. tried to make sense o8t o6 that n8mber. +id yo8 say @ in @GF-' *hat's ri4htP @ in @GG#GGG.' *hat means yo8 co85d 65y the sh8tt5e every %ay 6or an a:era4e o6 ><< years bet7een accidents 3 e:ery day# one 65i4ht# 6or BGG years 3 7hich is ob:io8s5y craRy&' Yes# kno7#' said $r. U55ian. mo:ed my n8mber 89 to @ in @GGG to ans7er a55 o6 !%S%'s c5aims 3 that they 7ere m8ch more care685 7ith manned 65i4hts# that the ty9ica5 rocket isn't a :a5id com9arison# et cetera 3 and 98t the destr8ct char4es on any7ay.' B8t then a ne7 9rob5em came 89I the J89iter 9robe# /alileo# 7as 4oin4 to 8se a 9o7er s8995y that r8ns on heat 4enerated by radioacti:ity. 6 the sh8tt5e carryin4 /alileo 6ai5ed# radioacti:ity co85d be s9read o:er a 5ar4e area. So the ar48ment contin8edI !%S% ke9t sayin4 @ in @GG#GGG and $r. U55ian ke9t sayin4 @ in @GGG# at best. $r. U55ian a5so to5d 8s abo8t the 9rob5ems he had in tryin4 to ta5k to the man in char4e# $r. Kin4sb8ryI he co85d 4et a99ointments 7ith 8nder5in4s# b8t he ne:er co85d 4et thro84h to Kin4sb8ry and 6ind o8t ho7 !%S% 4ot its 6i48re o6 @ in @GG#GGG. *he detai5s o6 the story can't remember e=act5y# b8t tho84ht $r. U55ian 7as doin4 e:erythin4 sensib5y. O8r 9ane5 s89er:ised the tests that !%S% 7as doin4 to disco:er the 9ro9erties o6 the sea5s 3 ho7 m8ch 9ress8re the 98tty co85d take# and so on 3 in order to 6ind o8t e=act5y 7hat had ha99ened. "enera5 K8tyna didn't 7ant to >8m9 to conc58sions# /@BB0 so 7e 7ent o:er and o:er thin4s# checkin4 a55 the e:idence and seein4 ho7 7e55 e:erythin4 6itted to4ether. *here 7as an a7685 5ot o6 detai5ed disc8ssion abo8t e=act5y 7hat ha99ened in the 5ast 6e7 seconds o6 the 65i4ht# b8t didn't 9ay m8ch attention to any o6 it. t 7as as tho84h a train had crashed beca8se the track had a 4a9 in it# and 7e 7ere ana5yRin4 7hich cars broke a9art 6irst# 7hich cars broke a9art second# and 7hy some car t8rned o:er on its side. 6i48red once the train 4oes o66 the track# it doesn't make any di66erence 3 it's done. became bored. So made 89 a 4ame 6or myse56I ma4ine that somethin4 e5se had 6ai5ed 3 the main en4ines# 6or instance 3 and 7e 7ere makin4 the same kind o6 intensi:e in:esti4ation as 7e are no7I 7o85d 7e disco:er the same s5i99in4 sa6ety criteria and 5ack o6 comm8nication-' tho84ht 7o85d do my standard thin4 3 6ind o8t 6rom the en4ineers ho7 the en4ine 7orks# 7hat

a55 the dan4ers are# 7hat 9rob5ems they':e had# and e:erythin4 e5se 3 and then# 7hen 'm a55 5oaded 89 so kno7 7hat 'm ta5kin4 abo8t# 'd con6ront 7hoe:er 7as c5aimin4 the 9robabi5ity o6 6ai58re 7as @ in @GG#GGG. asked to ta5k to a co895e o6 en4ineers abo8t the en4ines. *he 48y says# Okay# '55 6i= it 89. s nine tomorro7 mornin4 okay-' *his time there 7ere three en4ineers# their boss# $r. Lo:in4ood# and a 6e7 assistants 3 abo8t ei4ht or nine 9eo95e. E:erybody had bi4# thick notebooks# 6855 o6 9a9ers# a55 nice5y or4aniRed. On the 6ront they saidI REPOR* O! $%*ER %L " JE! *O ,O$$ SS O!ER R ,)%R+ P. FEY!$%! O! $%R,) (%N(%#Q @AEC. said# "eeR& Yo8 48ys m8st ha:e 7orked hard a55 ni4ht&' !o# it's not so m8ch 7orkP 7e >8st 98t in the re485ar 9a9ers that 7e 8se a55 the time.' said# >8st 7anted to ta5k to a 6e7 en4ineers. *here are so many 9rob5ems to 7ork on# can't e=9ect yo8 a55 to stay here and ta5k to me.' B8t this time# e:erybody stayed. $r. Lo:in4ood 4ot 89 and be4an to e=95ain e:erythin4 to me in the 8s8a5 !%S% 7ay# 7ith charts and 4ra9hs 7hich matched the in6ormation in my bi4 book 3 a55 7ith b855ets# o6 co8rse. /@BD0 7on't bother yo8 7ith a55 the detai5s# b8t 7anted to 8nderstand e:erythin4 abo8t the en4ine. So ke9t askin4 my 8s8a5 d8mbNso8ndin4 O8estions. %6ter a 7hi5e# $r. Lo:in4ood says# +r. Feynman# 7e':e been 4oin4 6or t7o ho8rs# no7. *here are @HB 9a4es# and 7e':e on5y co:ered HG so 6ar.' $y 6irst reaction 7as to say# (e55# it isn't rea55y 4oin4 to take s8ch a 5on4 time. 'm a57ays a 5itt5e s5o7 at the be4innin4P it takes me a 7hi5e to catch on. (e'55 be ab5e to 4o m8ch 6aster near the end.' B8t then had a second tho84ht. said# n order to s9eed thin4s 89# '55 te55 yo8 7hat 'm doin4# so yo8'55 kno7 7here 'm aimin4. 7ant to kno7 7hether there's the same 5ack o6 comm8nication bet7een the en4ineers and the mana4ement 7ho are 7orkin4 on the en4ine as 7e 6o8nd in the case o6 the booster rockets.' $r. Lo:in4ood says# don't think so. %s a matter o6 6act# a5tho84h 'm no7 a mana4er# 7as trained as an en4ineer.' %55 ri4ht#' said. )ere's a 9iece o6 9a9er each. P5ease 7rite on yo8r 9a9er the ans7er to this O8estionI 7hat do yo8 think is the 9robabi5ity that a 65i4ht 7o85d be 8ncom95eted d8e to a 6ai58re in this en4ine-' *hey 7rite do7n their ans7ers and hand in their 9a9ers. One 48y 7rote AA`DD_@GGa 98re' Lco9yin4 the :ory soa9 s5o4anM# meanin4 abo8t @ in HGG. %nother 48y 7rote somethin4 :ery technica5 and hi4h5y O8antitati:e in the standard statistica5 7ay# care6855y de6inin4 e:erythin4# that had to trans5ate 3 7hich a5so meant abo8t @ in HGG. *he third 48y 7rote# sim95y# @ in BGG.' $r. Lo:in4ood's 9a9er# ho7e:er# said# ,annot O8anti6y. Re5iabi5ity is >8d4ed 6romI ^ 9ast e=9erience ^ O8a5ity contro5 in man86act8rin4 ^ en4ineerin4 >8d4ment (e55#' said# ':e 4ot 6o8r ans7ers# and one o6 them 7ease5ed.' t8rned to $r. Lo:in4oodI

think yo8 7eaNse5ed.' don't think 7ease5ed.' Yo8 didn't te55 me what yo8r con6idence 7as# sirP yo8 to5d me how yo8 determined it. (hat 7ant to kno7 isI a6ter yo8 determined it# 7hat was it-' )e says# @GG 9ercent' 3 the en4ineers'>a7s dro9# my >a7 /@BF0 dro9sP 5ook at him# e:erybody 5ooks at him 3 8h# 8h# min8s e9si5on&' So say# (e55# yesP that's 6ine. !o7# the on5y 9rob5em is# ()%* S EPS LO!-' )e says# @G`F.' t 7as the same n8mber that $r. U55ian had to5d 8s abo8tI @ in @GG#GGG. sho7ed $r. Lo:in4ood the other ans7ers and said# Yo8'55 be interested to kno7 that there is a di66erence bet7een en4ineers and mana4ement here 3 a 6actor o6 more than BGG.' )e says# Sir# '55 be 45ad to send yo8 the doc8ment that contains this estimate# so yo8 can 8nderstand it.'Q said# *hank yo8 :ery m8ch. !o7# 5et's 4et back to the en4ine.' So 7e contin8ed and# >8st 5ike 48essed# 7e 7ent 6aster near the end. had to 8nderstand ho7 the en4ine 7orked 3 the 9recise sha9e o6 the t8rbine b5ades# e=act5y ho7 they t8rned# and so on 3 so co85d 8nderstand its 9rob5ems. %6ter 58nch# the en4ineers to5d me a55 the 9rob5ems o6 the en4inesI b5ades crackin4 in the o=y4en 98m9# b5ades crackin4 in the hydro4en 98m9# casin4s 4ettin4 b5isters and cracks# and so on. *hey 5ooked 6or these thin4s 7ith 9erisco9es and s9ecia5 instr8ments 7hen the sh8tt5e came do7n a6ter each 65i4ht. *here 7as a 9rob5em ca55ed s8bsynchrono8s 7hir5#' in 7hich the sha6t 4ets bent into a s5i4ht5y 9arabo5ic sha9e at hi4h s9eed. *he 7ear on the bearin4s 7as so terrib5e 3 a55 the noise and the :ibration 3 that it seemed ho9e5ess. B8t they had 6o8nd a 7ay to 4et rid o6 it. *here 7ere abo8t a doRen :ery serio8s 9rob5emsP abo8t ha56 o6 them 7ere 6i=ed. $ost air95anes are desi4ned 6rom the bottom 89#' 7ith /@BC0 9arts that ha:e a5ready been e=tensi:e5y tested. *he sh8tt5e# ho7e:er# 7as desi4ned 6rom the to9 do7n' 3 to sa:e time. B8t 7hene:er a 9rob5em 7as disco:ered# a 5ot o6 redesi4nin4 7as reO8ired in order to 6i= it. $r. Lo:in4ood isn't sayin4 m8ch no7# b8t di66erent en4ineers# de9endin4 on 7hich 9rob5em it is# are te55in4 me a55 this st866# >8st 5ike co85d ha:e 6o8nd o8t i6 7ent do7n to the en4ineers at *hioko5. 4ained a 4reat dea5 o6 res9ect 6or them. *hey 7ere a55 :ery strai4ht# and e:erythin4 7as 4reat. (e 7ent a55 the 7ay do7n to the end o6 the book. (e made it. *hen said# (hat abo8t this hi4hN6reO8ency :ibration 7here some en4ines 4et it and others don't-'Q *here's a O8ick motion# and a 5itt5e stack o6 9a9ers a99ears. t's a55 98t to4ether nice5yP it 6its nice5y into my book. t's a55 abo8t the DGGGNcyc5e :ibration& $aybe 'm a 5itt5e d855# b8t tried my best not to acc8se anybody o6 anythin4. >8st 5et them sho7 me 7hat they sho7ed me# and acted 5ike didn't see their trick. 'm not the kind o6 in:esti4ator yo8 see on *J# 7ho >8m9s 89 and acc8ses the corr89t or4aniRation o6 7ithho5din4 in6ormation. B8t 7as 6855y a7are that they hadn't to5d me abo8t the 9rob5em 8nti5 asked abo8t it. 8s8a55y acted O8ite nai:e 3 7hich 7as# 6or the most 9art. %t any rate# the en4ineers a55 5ea9ed 6or7ard. *hey 4ot a55 e=cited and be4an to describe the 9rob5em to me. 'm s8re they 7ere de5i4hted# beca8se technica5 9eo95e 5o:e to disc8ss technica5 9rob5ems 7ith technica5 9eo95e 7ho mi4ht ha:e an o9inion or a s844estion that co85d be 8se685.

%nd o6 co8rse# they 7ere :ery an=io8s to c8re it. *hey ke9t re6errin4 to the 9rob5em by some com95icated name 3 a 9ress8reNind8ced :orticity osci55atory 7aN7a#' or somethin4. said# Oh# yo8 mean a 7hist5e&' Yes#' they saidP it e=hibits the characteristics o6 a 7hist5e.' *hey tho84ht the 7hist5e co85d be comin4 6rom a 95ace 7here the 4as r8shed thro84h a 9i9e at hi4h s9eed and s95it into /@BK0 three sma55er 9i9es 3 7here there 7ere t7o 9artitions. *hey e=95ained ho7 6ar they had 4otten in 6i48rin4 o8t the 9rob5em. (hen 5e6t the meetin4# had the de6inite im9ression that had 6o8nd the same 4ame as 7ith the sea5sI mana4ement red8cin4 criteria and acce9tin4 more and more errors that 7eren't desi4ned into the de:ice# 7hi5e the en4ineers are screamin4 6rom be5o7# )ELP&' and *his is a RE+ %LER*&' *he ne=t e:enin4# on my 7ay home in the air95ane# 7as ha:in4 dinner. %6ter 6inished b8tterin4 my ro55# took the 5itt5e 9iece o6 thin cardboard that the b8tter 9at comes on# and bent it aro8nd in a U sha9e so there 7ere t7o ed4es 6acin4 me. he5d it 89 and started b5o7in4 on it# and 9retty soon 4ot it to make a noise 5ike a 7hist5e. Back in ,a5i6ornia# 4ot some more in6ormation on the sh8tt5e en4ine and its 9robabi5ity o6 6ai58re. 7ent to RockNetdyne and ta5ked to en4ineers 7ho 7ere b8i5din4 the en4ines. a5so ta5ked to cons85tants 6or the en4ine. n 6act one o6 them# $r. ,o:ert# 7as on the commission. a5so 6o8nd o8t that a ,a5tech 9ro6essor had been a cons85tant 6or Rocketdyne. )e 7as :ery 6riend5y and in6ormati:e# and to5d me abo8t a55 the 9rob5ems the en4ine had# and 7hat he tho84ht the 9robabi5ity o6 6ai58re 7as. 7ent to JPL and met a 6e55o7 7ho had >8st 7ritten a re9ort 6or !%S% on the methods 8sed by the F%%Q and the mi5itary to certi6y their 4as t8rbine and rocket en4ines. (e s9ent the 7ho5e day 4oin4 back and 6orth o:er ho7 to determine the 9robabi5ity o6 6ai58re in a machine. 5earned a 5ot o6 ne7 names 3 5ike (eib855#' a 9artic85ar mathematica5 distrib8tion that makes a certain sha9e on a 4ra9h. )e said that the ori4ina5 sa6ety r85es 6or the sh8tt5e 7ere :ery simi5ar to those o6 the F%%# b8t that !%S% had modi6ied them as they be4an to 4et 9rob5ems. t t8rned o8t that !%S%'s $arsha55 S9ace ,enter in )8nts:i55e desi4ned the en4ine# Rocketdyne b8i5t them# Lockheed 7rote the instr8ctions# and !%S%'s Kennedy S9ace ,enter insta55ed them& t may be a 4eni8s system o6 or4aniRation# b8t it 7as a com95ete 68RdaRR5e# as 6ar as 7as concerned. t 4ot me terrib5y con68sed. didn't kno7 7hether 7as ta5kin4 to the $arsha55 man# the Rocketdyne man# the Lockheed man# or the Kennedy man& So in the midd5e o6 a55 this# 4ot 5ost. n 6act# a55 d8rin4 this time 3 in $arch and %9ri5 3 7as r8nnin4 back and 6orth so m8ch /@BE0 bet7een ,a5i6ornia# %5abama# )o8ston# F5orida# and (ashin4ton# +.,.# that o6ten didn't kno7 7hat day it 7as# or 7here 7as. %6ter a55 this in:esti4atin4 on my o7n# tho84ht 'd 7rite 89 a 5itt5e re9ort on the en4ine 6or the other commissioners. B8t 7hen 5ooked at my notes on the testin4 sched85es# there 7as some con68sionI there 7o85d be ta5k abo8t en4ine \@H' and ho7 5on4 the en4ine' 65e7. B8t no en4ine e:er 7as 5ike thatI it 7o85d be re9aired a55 the time. %6ter each 65i4ht# technicians 7o85d ins9ect the en4ines and see ho7 many cracked b5ades there 7ere on the rotor# ho7 many s95its there 7ere in the casin4# and so on. *hen they'd re9air the en4ine' by 98ttin4 on a ne7 casin4# a ne7 rotor# or ne7 bearin4s 3 they 7o85d re95ace 5ots o6 9arts. So 7o85d read that a 9artic85ar en4ine had rotor \HGGA# 7hich had r8n 6or HK min8tes in 65i4ht s8chNandNs8ch# and casin4 \DGA@# 7hich had r8n 6or FB min8tes in 65i4hts s8chNandNs8ch and soNandNso. t 7as a55 mi=ed 89.

(hen 6inished my re9ort# 7anted to check it. So the ne=t time 7as at $arsha55# said 7anted to ta5k to the en4ineers abo8t a 6e7 :ery technica5 9rob5ems# >8st to check the detai5s 3 didn't need any mana4ement there. *his time# to my s8r9rise# nobody came b8t the three en4ineers had ta5ked to be6ore# and 7e strai4htened e:erythin4 o8t. (hen 7as abo8t to 5ea:e# one o6 them said# Yo8 kno7 that O8estion yo8 asked 8s 5ast time 3 7ith the 9a9ers- (e 6e5t that 7as a 5oaded O8estion. t 7asn't 6air.' said# Yes# yo8're O8ite ri4ht. t was a 5oaded O8estion. had an idea o6 7hat 7o85d ha99en.' *he 48y says# 7o85d 5ike to re:ise my ans7er. 7ant to say that cannot O8anti6y it.' L*his 48y 7as the one 7ho had the most detai5ed ans7er be6ore.M said# *hat's 6ine. B8t do yo8 a4ree that the chance o6 6ai58re is @ in @GG#GGG-' (e55# 8h# no# don't. >8st don't 7ant to ans7er.' *hen one o6 the other 48ys says# said it 7as @ in BGG# and sti55 say it's @ in BGG# b8t don't 7ant to te55 yo8 ho7 4ot my n8mber.' said# t's okay. Yo8 don't ha:e to.' . . /@BA 0 1 1

An n-la%e" Appen"i2
$ll d8rin4 this time# had the im9ression that some7here a5on4 the 5ine the 7ho5e commission 7o85d come to4ether a4ain so 7e co85d ta5k to each other abo8t 7hat 7e had 6o8nd o8t. n order to aid s8ch a disc8ssion# tho84ht 'd 7rite 5itt5e re9orts a5on4 the 7ayI 7rote abo8t my 7ork 7ith the ice cre7 Lana5yRin4 the 9ict8res and the 6a85ty tem9erat8re readin4sMP 7rote abo8t my con:ersations 7ith $r. Lamberth and the assemb5y 7orkersP and e:en 7rote abo8t the 9iece o6 9a9er that said Let's 4o 6or it.' %55 these 5itt5e re9orts sent to %5 Kee5# the e=ec8ti:e o66icer# to 4i:e to the other commissioners. !o7# this 9artic85ar ad:ent8re 3 in:esti4atin4 the 5ack o6 comm8nication bet7een the mana4ers and the en4ineers 7ho 7ere 7orkin4 on the en4ine 3 a5so 7rote abo8t# on my 5itt5e B$ P, at home. 7as kind o6 tired# so didn't ha:e the contro5 7anted 3 it 7asn't 7ritten 7ith the same care as my other re9orts. B8t since 7as 7ritin4 it on5y as a re9ort to the other commissioners# didn't chan4e the 5an48a4e be6ore sent it on to +r. Kee5. sim95y attached a note that said think the other commissioners 7o85d be interested in this# b8t yo8 can do 7ith it 7hat yo8 7ant 3 it's a 5itt5e stron4 at the end.' )e thanked me# and said he sent my re9ort to e:erybody. *hen 7ent to the Johnson S9ace ,enter# in )o8ston# to 5ook into the a:ionics. Sa55y Ride's 4ro89 7as there# in:esti4atin4 sa6ety matters in connection 7ith the astrona8tsT e=9eriences. Sa55y introd8ced me to the so6t7are en4ineers# and they 4a:e me a to8r o6 the trainin4 6aci5ities 6or the astrona8ts. t's rea55y O8ite 7onder685. *here are di66erent kinds o6 sim85ators 7ith :aryin4 de4rees o6 so9histication that the astrona8ts 9ractice on. One o6 them is >8st 5ike the rea5 thin4I yo8 c5imb 89# yo8 4et inP at the 7indo7s# com98ters are 9rod8cin4 9ict8res. (hen the 9i5ot mo:es the contro5s# the :ie7 o8t o6 the 7indo7s chan4es. /@DG0

*his 9artic85ar sim85ator had the do8b5e 98r9ose o6 teachin4 the astrona8ts and checkin4 the com98ters. n the back o6 the cre7 area# there 7ere trays 6855 o6 cab5es r8nnin4 do7n thro84h the car4o bay to some7here in the back# 7here instr8ments sim85ated si4na5s 6rom the en4ines 3 9ress8res# 68e5 65o7 rates# and so on. L*he cab5es 7ere accessib5e beca8se the technicians 7ere checkin4 6or cross ta5k' 3 inter6erences in the si4na5s 4oin4 back and 6orth.M *he sh8tt5e itse56 is o9erated essentia55y by com98ter. Once it's 5it 89 and starts to 4o# nobody inside does anythin4# beca8se there's tremendo8s acce5eration. (hen the sh8tt5e reaches a certain a5tit8de# the com98ters ad>8st the en4ine thr8st do7n 6or a 5itt5e 7hi5e# and as the air thins o8t# the com98ters ad>8st the thr8st 89 a4ain. %bo8t a min8te 5ater# the t7o so5id rocket boosters 6a55 a7ay# and a 6e7 min8tes a6ter that# the main 68e5 tank 6a55s a7ayP each o9eration is contro55ed by the com98ters. *he sh8tt5e 4ets into orbit a8tomatica55y 3 the astrona8ts >8st sit in their seats. *he sh8tt5e's com98ters don't ha:e eno84h memory to ho5d a55 the 9ro4rams 6or the 7ho5e 65i4ht. %6ter the sh8tt5e 4ets into orbit# the astrona8ts take o8t some ta9es and 5oad in the 9ro4ram 6or the ne=t 9hase o6 the 65i4ht 3 there are as many as si= in a55. !ear the end o6 the 65i4ht# the astrona8ts 5oad in the 9ro4ram 6or comin4 do7n. *he sh8tt5e has 6o8r com98ters on board# a55 r8nnin4 the same 9ro4rams. %55 6o8r are norma55y in a4reement. 6 one com98ter is o8t o6 a4reement# the 65i4ht can sti55 contin8e. 6 on5y t7o com98ters a4ree# the 65i4ht has to be c8rtai5ed and the sh8tt5e bro84ht back immediate5y. For e:en more sa6ety# there's a 6i6th com98ter 3 5ocated a7ay 6rom the other 6o8r com98ters# 7ith its 7ires 4oin4 on di66erent 9aths 3 7hich has on5y the 9ro4ram 6or 4oin4 89 and the 9ro4ram 6or comin4 do7n. LBoth 9ro4rams can bare5y 6it into its memory.M 6 somethin4 ha99ens to the other com98ters# this 6i6th com98ter can brin4 the sh8tt5e back do7n. t's ne:er had to be 8sed. *he most dramatic thin4 is the 5andin4. Once the astrona8ts kno7 7here they're s899osed to 5and# they 98sh one o6 three b8ttons 3 marked Ed7ards# (hite Sands# and Kennedy 3 7hich te55s the com98ter 7here the sh8tt5e's 4oin4 to 5and. *hen some sma55 rockets s5o7 the sh8tt5e do7n a 5itt5e# and 4et it into the /@D@0 atmos9here at >8st the ri4ht an45e. *hat's the dan4ero8s 9art# 7here a55 the ti5es heat 89. +8rin4 this time# the astrona8ts can't see anythin4# and e:erythin4's chan4in4 so 6ast that the descent has to be done a8tomatica55y. %t aro8nd BF#GGG 6eet the sh8tt5e s5o7s do7n to 5ess than the s9eed o6 so8nd# and the steerin4 can be done man8a55y# i6 necessary. B8t at DGGG 6eet somethin4 ha99ens that is not done by the com98terI the 9i5ot 98shes a b8tton to 5o7er the 5andin4 7hee5s. 6o8nd that :ery odd 3 a kind o6 si55iness ha:in4 to do 7ith the 9sycho5o4y o6 the 9i5otsI they're heroes in the eyes o6 the 98b5icP e:erybody has the idea that they're steerin4 the sh8tt5e aro8nd# 7hereas the tr8th is they don't ha:e to do anythin4 8nti5 they 98sh that b8tton to 5o7er the 5andin4 4ear. *hey can't stand the idea that they rea55y ha:e nothin4 to do. tho84ht it 7o85d be sa6er i6 the com98ter 7o85d 5o7er the 5andin4 7hee5s# in case the astrona8ts 7ere 8nconscio8s 6or some reason. *he so6t7are en4ineers a4reed# and added that 98ttin4 do7n the 5andin4 7hee5s at the 7ron4 time is :ery dan4ero8s. *he en4ineers to5d me that 4ro8nd contro5 can send 89 the si4na5 to 5o7er the 5andin4 7hee5s# b8t this back89 4a:e them some 9a8seI 7hat ha99ens i6 the 9i5ot is ha56Nconscio8s# and thinks the 7hee5s sho85d 4o do7n at a certain time# and the contro55er on the 4ro8nd kno7s it's the 7ron4 time- t's m8ch better to ha:e the 7ho5e thin4 done by com98ter. *he 9i5ots a5so 8sed to contro5 the brakes. B8t there 7as 5ots o6 tro8b5eI i6 yo8 braked too m8ch at the be4innin4# yo8'd ha:e no more brakeN9ad materia5 5e6t 7hen yo8 reached the end o6 the r8n7ay 3 and yo8're sti55 mo:in4& So the so6t7are en4ineers 7ere asked to desi4n a com98ter 9ro4ram to contro5 the brakin4. %t 6irst the astrona8ts ob>ected to the chan4e# b8t no7 they're :ery de5i4hted beca8se the a8tomatic brakin4 7orks so 7e55.

%5tho84h there's a 5ot o6 4ood so6t7are bein4 7ritten at Johnson# the com98ters on the sh8tt5e are so obso5ete that the man86act8rers don't make them anymore. *he memories in them are the o5d kind# made 7ith 5itt5e 6errite cores that ha:e 7ires 4oin4 thro84h them. n the meantime 7e':e de:e5o9ed m8ch better hard7areI the memory chi9s o6 today are m8ch# m8ch sma55erP they ha:e m8ch 4reater ca9acityP and they're m8ch more /@DH0 re5iab5e. *hey ha:e interna5 errorNcorrectin4 codes that a8tomatica55y kee9 the memory 4ood. (ith today's com98ters 7e can desi4n se9arate 9ro4ram mod85es so that chan4in4 the 9ay5oad doesn't reO8ire so m8ch 9ro4ram re7ritin4. Beca8se o6 the h84e in:estment in the 65i4ht sim85ators and a55 the other hard7are# to start a55 o:er a4ain and re95ace the mi55ions o6 5ines o6 code that they':e a5ready b8i5t 89 7o85d be :ery cost5y. 5earned ho7 the so6t7are en4ineers de:e5o9ed the a:ionics 6or the sh8tt5e. One 4ro89 7o85d desi4n the so6t7are 9ro4rams# in 9ieces. %6ter that# the 9arts 7o85d be 98t to4ether into h84e 9ro4rams# and tested by an inde9endent 4ro89. %6ter both 4ro89s tho84ht a55 the b84s had been 7orked o8t# they 7o85d ha:e a sim85ation o6 an entire 65i4ht# in 7hich e:ery 9art o6 the sh8tt5e system is tested. n s8ch cases# they had a 9rinci95eI this sim85ation is not >8st an e=ercise to check i6 the 9ro4rams are a55 ri4htP it is a real 'light 3 i6 anythin4 6ai5s no7# it's e=treme5y serio8s# as i6 the astrona8ts 7ere rea55y on board and in tro8b5e. Yo8r re98tation is on the 5ine. n the many years they had been doin4 this# they had had on5y si= 6ai58res at the 5e:e5 o6 65i4ht sim85ation# and not one in an act8a5 65i4ht. So the com98ter 9eo95e 5ooked 5ike they kne7 7hat they 7ere doin4I they kne7 the com98ter b8siness 7as :ita5 to the sh8tt5e b8t 9otentia55y dan4ero8s# and they 7ere bein4 e=treme5y care685. *hey 7ere 7ritin4 9ro4rams that o9erate a :ery com95e= machine in an en:ironment 7here conditions are chan4in4 drastica55y 3 9ro4rams 7hich meas8re those chan4es# are 65e=ib5e in their res9onses# and maintain hi4h sa6ety and acc8racy. 7o85d say that in some 7ays they 7ere once in the 6ore6ront o6 ho7 to ens8re O8a5ity in robotic or interacti:e com98ter systems# b8t beca8se o6 the obso5ete hard7are# it's no 5on4er tr8e today. didn't in:esti4ate the a:ionics as e=tensi:e5y as did the en4ines# so mi4ht ha:e been 4ettin4 a 5itt5e bit o6 a sa5es ta5k# b8t don't think so. *he en4ineers and the mana4ers comm8nicated 7e55 7ith each other# and they 7ere a55 :ery care685 not to chan4e their criteria 6or sa6ety. to5d the so6t7are en4ineers tho84ht their system and their attit8de 7ere :ery 4ood. One 48y m8ttered somethin4 abo8t hi4herN89s in !%S% 7antin4 to c8t back on testin4 to sa:e moneyI *hey kee9 /@DB0 sayin4 7e a57ays 9ass the tests# so 7hat's the 8se o6 ha:in4 so many-' Be6ore 5e6t )o8ston# contin8ed my s8rre9titio8s in:esti4ation o6 the r8mor that the (hite )o8se had 98t 9ress8re on !%S% to 5a8nch the sh8tt5e. )o8ston is the center o6 comm8nication# so 7ent o:er to the te5emetry 9eo95e and asked abo8t their s7itchin4 system. 7ent thro84h the same st866 as did in F5orida 3 and they 7ere >8st as nice to me 3 b8t this time 6o8nd o8t that i6 they 7anted to tie in the sh8tt5e to the ,on4ress# the (hite )o8se# or to any7here# they need a threeN min8te 7arnin4 3 not three months# not three days# not three ho8rs 3 three min8tes. *here6ore they can do it 7hene:er they 7ant# and nothin4 has to be 7ritten do7n in ad:ance. So that 7as a b5ind a55ey. ta5ked to a +ew York Ti!es re9orter abo8t this r8mor one time. asked him# )o7 do yo8 6ind o8t i6 thin4s 5ike this are tr8e-' )e says# One o6 the thin4s tho84ht to do 7as to 4o do7n and ta5k to the 9eo95e 7ho r8n the s7itchin4 system. tried that# b8t 7asn't ab5e to come 89 7ith anythin4.' +8rin4 the 6irst ha56 o6 %9ri5# "enera5 K8tyna's 4ro89 recei:ed the 6ina5 res85ts o6 the tests !%S%

7as makin4 at $arsha55. !%S% inc58ded its o7n inter9retations o6 the res85ts# b8t 7e tho84ht 7e sho85d 7rite e:erythin4 o:er a4ain in o8r o7n 7ay. L*he on5y e=ce9tions 7ere 7hen a test didn't sho7 anythin4.M "enera5 K8tyna set 89 a 7ho5e system at $arsha55 6or 7ritin4 o8r 4ro89's re9ort. t 5asted abo8t t7o days. Be6ore 7e co85d 4et any7here# 7e 4ot a messa4e 6rom $r. Ro4ersI ,ome back to (ashin4ton. Yo8 sho85dn't do the 7ritin4 do7n there.' So 7e 7ent back to (ashin4ton# and "enera5 K8tyna 4a:e me an o66ice in the Penta4on. t 7as 6ine# b8t there 7as no secretary# so co85dn't 7ork 6ast. Bi55 "raham had a57ays been :ery coo9erati:e# so ca55ed him 89. )e arran4ed 6or me to 8se a 48y's o66ice 3 the 48y 7as o8t o6 to7n 3 and his secretary. She 7as :ery# :ery he59685I she co85d 7rite 89 somethin4 as 6ast as co85d say it# and then she'd re:am9 it# correctin4 my mistakes. (e 7orked :ery hard 6or abo8t t7o or three days# and 4ot 5ar4e 9ieces o6 the re9ort 7ritten that 7ay. t 7orked :ery 7e55. !ei5 %rmstron4# 7ho 7as in o8r 4ro89# is e=treme5y 4ood at /@DD0 7ritin4. )e 7o85d 5ook at my 7ork and immediate5y 6ind e:ery 7eak s9ot# >8st 5ike that 3 he 7as ri4ht e:ery time 3 and 7as :ery im9ressed. Each 4ro89 7as 7ritin4 a cha9ter or t7o o6 the main re9ort. O8r 4ro89 7rote some o6 the st866 in ,ha9ter BI *he %ccident#' b8t o8r main 7ork 7as ,ha9ter DI *he ,a8se o6 the %ccident.' One res85t o6 this system# ho7e:er# 7as that 7e ne:er had a meetin4 to disc8ss 7hat each o6 o8r 4ro89s 6o8nd o8t 3 to comment on each other's 6indin4s 6rom o8r di66erent 9ers9ecti:es. nstead# 7e did 7hat they ca55 7ordsmithin4' 3 or 7hat $r. )otR 5ater ca55ed tombstone en4ra:in4' 3 correctin4 98nct8ation# re6inin4 9hrases# and so on. (e ne:er had a real disc8ssion o6 ideas# e=ce9t incidenta55y in the co8rse o6 this 7ordsmithin4. For e=am95e# a O8estion 7o85d come 89I Sho85d this sentence abo8t the en4ines be 7orded this 7ay or that 7ay-' 7o85d try to 4et a 5itt5e disc8ssion started. From my o7n e=9eriences# 4ot the im9ression that the en4ines aren't as 4ood as yo8're sayin4 here...' So they'd say# *hen 7e'55 8se the more conser:ati:e 7ordin4 here#' and they'd 4o on to the ne=t sentence. Perha9s that's a :ery e66icient 7ay to 4et a re9ort o8t O8ick5y# b8t 7e s9ent meetin4 a6ter meetin4 doin4 this 7ordsmithin4. E:ery once in a 7hi5e 7e'd interr89t that to disc8ss the ty9o4ra9hy and the co5or o6 the co:er. %nd a6ter each disc8ssion# 7e 7ere asked to :ote. tho84ht it 7o85d be most e66icient to :ote 6or the same co5or 7e had decided on in the meetin4 be6ore# b8t it t8rned o8t 7as a57ays in the minority& (e 6ina55y chose red. L t came o8t b58e.M One time 7as ta5kin4 to Sa55y Ride abo8t somethin4 mentioned in my re9ort on the en4ines# and she didn't seem to kno7 abo8t it. said# +idn't yo8 see my re9ort-' She says# !o# didn't 4et a co9y.' So 4o o:er to Kee5's o66ice and say# Sa55y te55s me she didn't 4et a co9y o6 my re9ort.' )e 5ooks s8r9rised# and t8rns to his secretary. P5ease make a co9y o6 +r. Feynman's re9ort 6or +r. Ride.' *hen disco:er $r. %cheson hasn't seen it. $ake a co9y and 4i:e it to $r. %cheson.'

6ina55y ca84ht on# so said# +r. Kee5# don't think anybody has seen my re9ort.' /@DF0 So he says to his secretary# P5ease make a co9y 6or a55 the commissioners and 4i:e it to them.' *hen said to him# a99reciate ho7 m8ch 7ork yo8're doin4# and that it's di66ic85t to kee9 e:erythin4 in mind. B8t tho84ht yo8 to5d me that yo8 sho7ed my re9ort to e:erybody.' )e says# Yes# 7e55# meant a55 o6 the sta66.' 5ater disco:ered# by ta5kin4 to 9eo95e on the sta66# that they hadn't seen it either. (hen the other commissioners 6ina55y 4ot to see my re9ort# most o6 them tho84ht it 7as :ery 4ood# and it o84ht to be in the commission re9ort some7here. Enco8ra4ed by that# ke9t brin4in4 89 my re9ort. 'd 5ike to ha:e a meetin4 to disc8ss 7hat to do 7ith it#' ke9t sayin4. (e'55 ha:e a meetin4 abo8t it ne=t 7eek' 7as the standard ans7er. L(e 7ere too b8sy 7ordsmithin4 and :otin4 on the co5or o6 the co:er.M "rad8a55y rea5iRed that the 7ay my re9ort 7as 7ritten# it 7o85d reO8ire a 5ot o6 7ordsmithin4 3 and 7e 7ere r8nnin4 o8t o6 time. *hen somebody s844ested that my re9ort co85d 4o in as an a99endi=. *hat 7ay# it 7o85dn't ha:e to be 7ordsmithed to 6it in 7ith anythin4 e5se. B8t some o6 the commissioners 6e5t stron45y that my re9ort sho85d 4o in the main re9ort someho7I *he a99endices 7on't come o8t 8nti5 months 5ater# so nobody 7i55 read yo8r re9ort i6 it's an a99endi=#' they said. tho84ht 'd com9romise# ho7e:er# and 5et it 4o in as an a99endi=. B8t no7 there 7as a ne7 9rob5emI my re9ort# 7hich had 7ritten on my 7ord 9rocessor at home# 7o85d ha:e to be con:erted 6rom the B$ 6ormat to the bi4 doc8ment system the commission 7as 8sin4. *hey had a 7ay o6 doin4 that 7ith an o9tica5 scannin4 de:ice. had to 4o to a 5itt5e bit o6 tro8b5e to 6ind the ri4ht 48y to do it. *hen# it didn't 4et done ri4ht a7ay. (hen asked 7hat ha99ened# the 48y said he co85dn't 6ind the co9y had 4i:en him. So had to 4i:e him another co9y. % 6e7 days 5ater# 6inished 7ritin4 my re9ort abo8t the a:ionics# and 7anted to combine it 7ith my re9ort on the en4ines. So took the a:ionics re9ort to the 48y and said# 'd 5ike to 98t this in 7ith my other re9ort.' *hen needed to see a co9y o6 my ne7 re9ort 6or some /@DC0 reason# b8t the 48y 4a:e me an o5d co9y# be6ore the a:ionics 7as added. (here's the ne7 one 7ith the a:ionics-' said. can't 6ind it' 3 and so on. don't remember a55 the detai5s# b8t it seemed my re9ort 7as a57ays missin4 or ha56Ncooked. t co85d easi5y ha:e been mistakes# b8t there 7ere too many o6 them. t 7as O8ite a str8445e# n8rsin4 my re9ort a5on4. *hen# in the 5ast co895e o6 days# 7hen the main re9ort is ready to be sent to the 9rinter# +r. Kee5 7ants my re9ort to be 7ordsmithed too# e:en tho84h it's 4oin4 in as an a99endi=. So took it to the re485ar editor there# a ca9ab5e man named )ansen# and he 6i=ed it 89 7itho8t chan4in4 the sense o6 it. *hen it 7as 98t back into the machine as Jersion \HB' 3 there 7ere re:isions and re:isions. LBy the 7ayI everything had HB :ersions. t has been noted that com98ters# 7hich are s899osed to increase the s9eed at 7hich 7e do thin4s# ha:e not increased the s9eed at 7hich 7e 7rite re9ortsI 7e 8sed to make on5y three :ersions 3 beca8se they're so hard to ty9e 3 and no7 7e make HB :ersions&M *he ne=t day noticed Kee5 7orkin4 on my re9ortI he had 98t a55 kinds o6 bi4 circ5es aro8nd 7ho5e sections# 7ith 2's thro84h themP there 7ere a55 kinds o6 tho84hts 5e6t o8t. )e e=95ained# *his 9art

doesn't ha:e to 4o in beca8se it says more or 5ess 7hat 7e said in the main re9ort.' tried to e=95ain that it's m8ch easier to 4et the 5o4ic i6 a55 the ideas are to4ether# instead o6 e:erythin4 bein4 distrib8ted in 5itt5e 9ieces a55 o:er the main re9ort. %6ter a55#' said# it's on5y 4onna be an a99endi=. t 7on't make any di66erence i6 there's a 5itt5e re9etition.' +r. Kee5 98t back somethin4 here and there 7hen asked him to# b8t there 7as sti55 so m8ch missin4 that my re9ort 7asn't anythin4 5ike it 7as be6ore. . . /@DK 0 1 1

The Tenth Re!o%%en"ation

So!eti!e in $ay# at one o6 o8r 5ast meetin4s# 7e 4ot aro8nd to makin4 a 5ist o6 9ossib5e recommendations. Somebody 7o85d say# $aybe one o6 the thin4s 7e sho85d disc8ss is the estab5ishment o6 a sa6ety board.' Okay# 7e'55 98t that do7n.' 'm thinkin4# %t 5ast& (e're 4oin4 to ha:e a disc8ssion&' B8t it t8rns o8t that this tentati:e 5ist o6 to9ics beco!es the recommendations 3 that there be a sa6ety board# that there be a this# that there be a that. *he on5y disc8ssion 7as abo8t 7hich recommendation 7e sho85d 7rite 6irst# 7hich one sho85d come second# and so 6orth. *here 7ere many thin4s 7anted to disc8ss 68rther. For e=am95e# in re4ard to a sa6ety board# one co85d askI (o85dn't s8ch a committee >8st add another 5ayer to an a5ready o:er4ro7n b8rea8cracy-' *here had been sa6ety boards be6ore. n @ACK# a6ter the %9o55o accident# the in:esti4atin4 committee at the time in:ented a s9ecia5 9ane5 6or sa6ety. t 7orked 6or a 7hi5e# b8t it didn't 5ast. (e didn't disc8ss 7hy the ear5ier sa6ety boards 7ere no 5on4er e66ecti:eP instead# 7e >8st made 89 more sa6ety boardsI 7e ca55ed them the nde9endent So5id Rocket $otor +esi4n O:ersi4ht ,ommittee#' the Sh8tt5e *rans9ortation System Sa6ety %d:isory Pane5#' and the O66ice o6 Sa6ety# Re5iabi5ity# and Y8a5ity %ss8rance.' (e decided 7ho 7o85d o:ersee each sa6ety board# b8t 7e didn't disc8ss 7hether the sa6ety boards created by o8r commission had any better chance o6 7orkin4# 7hether 7e co85d 6i= the e=istin4 boards so they woul% 7ork# or 7hether 7e sho85d ha:e them at a55. 'm not as s8re abo8t a 5ot o6 thin4s as e:erybody e5se. *hin4s need to be tho84ht o8t a 5itt5e bit# and 7e 7eren't doin4 eno84h thinking to4ether. Y8ick decisions on im9ortant matters /@DE0 are not :ery 4ood 3 and at the s9eed 7e 7ere 4oin4# 7e 7ere bo8nd to make some im9ractica5 recommendations. (e ended 89 rearran4in4 the 5ist o6 9ossib5e recommendations and 7ordsmithin4 them a 5itt5e# and then 7e :oted yes or no. t 7as an odd 7ay o6 doin4 thin4s# and 7asn't 8sed to it. n 6act# 4ot the 6ee5in4 7e 7ere bein4 rai5roadedI thin4s 7ere bein4 decided# someho7# a 5itt5e o8t o6 o8r contro5. %t any rate# in o8r 5ast meetin4# 7e a4reed to nine recommendations. $any o6 the commissioners 7ent home a6ter that meetin4# b8t 7as 4oin4 to !e7 York a 6e7 days 5ater# so stayed in (ashin4ton. *he ne=t day# ha99ened to be standin4 aro8nd in $r. Ro4ers's o66ice 7ith !ei5 %rmstron4 and another commissioner 7hen Ro4ers says# tho84ht 7e sho85d ha:e a tenth recommendation. E:erythin4 in o8r re9ort is so ne4ati:eP think 7e need somethin4 9ositi:e at the end to ba5ance it.'

)e sho7s me a 9iece o6 9a9er. t says# *he ,ommission stron45y recommends that !%S% contin8e to recei:e the s899ort o6 the %dministration and the nation. *he a4ency constit8tes a nationa5 reso8rce and 95ays a critica5 ro5e in s9ace e=95oration and de:e5o9ment. t a5so 9ro:ides a symbo5 o6 nationa5 9ride and techno5o4ica5 5eadershi9. *he ,ommission a995a8ds !%S%'s s9ectac85ar achie:ements o6 the 9ast and antici9ates im9ressi:e achie:ements to come. *he 6indin4s and recommendations 9resented in this re9ort are intended to contrib8te to the 68t8re !%S% s8ccesses that the nation both e=9ects and reO8ires as the H@st cent8ry a99roaches. n o8r 6o8r months o6 7ork as a commission# 7e had ne:er disc8ssed a 9o5icy O8estion 5ike that# so 6e5t there 7as no reason to 98t it in. %nd a5tho84h 'm not sayin4 disa4reed 7ith it# it 7asn't ob:io8s that it 7as tr8e# either. said# think this tenth recommendation is ina99ro9riate.' think heard %rmstron4 say# (e55# i6 somebody's not in 6a:or o6 it# think 7e sho85dn't 98t it in.' B8t Ro4ers ke9t 7orkin4 on me. (e ar48ed back and 6orth a 5itt5e bit# b8t then had to catch my 65i4ht to !e7 York. (hi5e 7as in the air95ane# tho84ht abo8t this tenth recommendation some more. 7anted to 5ay o8t my ar48ments care6855y on 9a9er# so 7hen 4ot to my hote5 in !e7 York# /@DA0 7rote Ro4ers a 5etter. %t the end 7rote# *his recommendation reminds me o6 the !%S% 65i4ht re:ie7sI S*here are critica5 9rob5ems# b8t ne:er mind 3 kee9 on 65yin4&T S t 7as Sat8rday# and 7anted $r. Ro4ers to read my 5etter be6ore $onday. So ca55ed 89 his secretary 3 e:erybody 7as 7orkin4 se:en days a 7eek to 4et the re9ort o8t in time 3 and said# 'd 5ike to dictate a 5etter to yo8P is that a55 ri4ht-' She says# S8re& *o sa:e yo8 some money# 5et me ca55 yo8 ri4ht back.' She ca55s me back# dictate the 5etter# and she hands it direct5y to Ro4ers. (hen came back on $onday# $r. Ro4ers said# +r. Feynman# ':e read yo8r 5etter# and a4ree 7ith e:erythin4 it says. B8t yo8':e been o8tN:oted.' O8tN:oted- )o7 7as o8tN:oted# 7hen there 7as no meetin4-' Kee5 7as there# too. )e says# (e ca55ed e:erybody# and they a55 a4ree 7ith the recommendation. *hey a55 :oted 6or it.' don't think that's 6air&' 9rotested. 6 co85d ha:e 9resented my ar48ments to the other commissioners# don't think 'd ha:e been o8tN:oted.' didn't kno7 7hat to do# so said# 'd 5ike to make a co9y o6 it.' (hen came back# Kee5 says# (e >8st remembered that 7e didn't ta5k to )otR abo8t it# beca8se he 7as in a meetin4. (e 6or4ot to 4et his :ote.' didn't kno7 7hat to make o6 that# b8t 6o8nd o8t 5ater that $r. )otR 7as in the b8i5din4# not 6ar 6rom the co9y machine. Later# ta5ked to +a:id %cheson abo8t the tenth recommendation. )e e=95ained# t doesn't rea55y mean anythin4P it's on5y motherhood and a995e 9ie.' said# (e55# i6 it doesn't mean anythin4# it's not necessary# then.' 6 this 7ere a commission 6or the !ationa5 %cademy o6 Sciences# yo8r ob>ections 7o85d be 9ro9er. B8t don't 6or4et#' he says# this is a 9residentia5 commission. (e sho85d say somethin4 6or the President.' don't 8nderstand the di66erence#' said. *hy can't - be care'ul an% scienti'ic when -'! writing a

report to the .resi%entC' Bein4 nai:e doesn't a57ays 7orkI my ar48ment had no e66ect. %cheson ke9t te55in4 me 7as makin4 a bi4 thin4 o8t o6 nothin4# and ke9t sayin4 it 7eakened o8r re9ort and it sho85dn't 4o in. /@FG0 So that's 7here it ended 89I *he ,ommission stron45y recommends that !%S% contin8e to recei:e the s899ort o6 the %dministration and the nation...' 3 a55 this motherhood and a995e 9ie' st866 to ba5ance' the re9ort. (hi5e 7as 65yin4 home# tho84ht to myse56# t's 68nny that the on5y 9art o6 the re9ort that 7as genuinely ba5anced 7as my o7n re9ortI said ne4ati:e thin4s abo8t the en4ine# and 9ositi:e thin4s abo8t the a:ionics. %nd had to str8445e 7ith them to 4et it in# e:en as a 5o8sy a99endi=&' tho84ht abo8t the tenth recommendation. %55 the other recommendations 7ere based on e:idence 7e had 6o8nd# b8t this one had no e:idence 7hatsoe:er. co85d see the 7hite7ash dri99in4 do7n. t 7as obviously a mistake& t 7o85d make o8r re9ort 5ook bad. 7as :ery dist8rbed. (hen 4ot home# ta5ked to Joan# my sister. to5d her abo8t the tenth recommendation# and ho7 had been o8tN:oted.' +id yo8 ca55 any o6 the other commissioners and ta5k to them yo8rse56-' she said. (e55# ta5ked to %cheson# b8t he 7as 6or it.' %ny others-' Uh# no.' So ca55ed 89 three other commissioners 3 '55 ca55 them %# B# and ,. ca55 %# 7ho says# *hat tenth recommendation-' ca55 B# 7ho says# *enth recommendation- (hat are yo8 ta5kin4 abo8t-' ca55 ,# 7ho says# +on't yo8 remember# yo8 do9e- 7as in the o66ice 7hen Ro4ers 6irst to5d 8s# and don't see anythin4 7ron4 7ith it.' t a99eared that the on5y 9eo95e 7ho kne7 abo8t the tenth recommendation 7ere the 9eo95e 7ho 7ere in the o66ice 7hen Ro4ers to5d 8s. didn't bother to make any more te5e9hone ca55s. %6ter a55# it's eno84h 3 didn't 6ee5 that had to o9en a55 the sa6es to check that the combination is the same&Q *hen to5d Joan abo8t my re9ort 3 ho7 it 7as so emasc85ated# e:en tho84h it 7as 4oin4 in as an a99endi=. She says# (e55# i6 they do that to yo8r re9ort# 7hat ha:e yo8 accom95ished# bein4 on the commission- (hat's the res85t o6 a55 yo8r 7ork-' %ha&' /@F@0 sent a te5e4ram to $r. Ro4ersI PLE%SE *%KE $Y S "!%*URE OFF *)E REPOR* U!LESS *(O *) !"S O,,URI @M *)ERE S !O *E!*) RE,O$$E!+%* O!# %!+ HM $Y REPOR* %PPE%RS ( *)OU* $O+ F ,%* O! FRO$ JERS O! \HB. L kne7 by this time had to de6ine e:erythin4 care6855y.M n order to 4et the n8mber o6 the :ersion 7anted# ca55ed $r. )otR# 7ho 7as in char4e o6 the doc8mentation system and 98b5ishin4 the re9ort. )e sent me Jersion \HB# so had somethin4 de6inite to 98b5ish on my o7n# i6 7orse came to 7orst. *he res85t o6 this te5e4ram 7as that Ro4ers and Kee5 tried to ne4otiate 7ith me. *hey asked "enera5 K8tyna to be the intermediary# beca8se they kne7 he 7as a 6riend o6 mine. (hat a goo% 6riend o6 mine he 7as# they didn't kno7.

K8tyna says# )e55o# Pro6essor# >8st 7anted to te55 yo8 that think yo8're doin4 :ery 7e55. B8t ':e been 4i:en the >ob o6 tryin4 to ta5k yo8 o8t o6 it# so 'm 4oin4 to 4i:e yo8 the ar48ments.' Fear not&' said. 'm not 4onna chan4e my mind. J8st 4i:e me the ar48ments# and 6ear not.' *he 6irst ar48ment 7as that i6 don't acce9t the tenth recommendation# they 7on't acce9t my re9ort# e:en as an a99endi=. didn't 7orry abo8t that one# beca8se co85d a57ays 98t o8t my re9ort myse56. %55 the ar48ments 7ere 5ike thatI none o6 them 7as :ery 4ood# and none o6 them had any e66ect. had tho84ht thro84h care6855y 7hat 7as doin4# so >8st st8ck to my 48ns. *hen K8tyna s844ested a com9romiseI they 7ere 7i55in4 to 4o a5on4 7ith my re9ort as 7rote it# e=ce9t 6or one sentence near the end. 5ooked at the sentence and rea5iRed that had a5ready made my 9oint in the 9re:io8s 9ara4ra9h. Re9eatin4 the 9oint amo8nted to 9o5emicsP remo:in4 the 9hrase made my re9ort m8ch better. acce9ted the com9romise. *hen o66ered a com9romise on the tenth recommendationI 6 they 7ant to say somethin4 nice abo8t !%S% at the end# >8st don't ca55 it a recommendation# so 9eo95e 7i55 kno7 that it's not in the same c5ass as the other recommendationsI ca55 it a Sconc58din4 tho84htT i6 yo8 7ant. %nd to a:oid con68sion# don't /@FH0 8se the 7ords Sstron45y recommends.T J8st say S8r4esT 3 S*he ,ommission 8r4es that !%S% contin8e to recei:e the s899ort o6 the %dministration and the nation.T %55 the other st866 can stay the same.' % 5itt5e bit 5ater# Kee5 ca55s me 89I ,an 7e say Sstrongly 8r4esT-' !o. J8st S8r4esT.' Okay#' he said. %nd that 7as the 6ina5 decision. . . /@FB 0 1 1

*eet the Pre&&

- put my name on the main re9ort# my o7n re9ort 4ot in as an a99endi=# and e:erythin4 7as a55 ri4ht. n ear5y J8ne 7e 7ent back to (ashin4ton and 4a:e o8r re9ort to the President in a ceremony he5d in the Rose "arden. *hat 7as on a *h8rsday. *he re9ort 7as not to be re5eased to the 98b5ic 8nti5 the 6o55o7in4 $onday# so the President co85d st8dy it. $ean7hi5e# the ne7s9a9er re9orters 7ere 7orkin4 5ike demonsI they kne7 o8r re9ort 7as 6inished and they 7ere tryin4 to scoo9 each other to 6ind o8t 7hat 7as in it. kne7 they 7o85d be ca55in4 me 89 day and ni4ht# and 7as a6raid 7o85d say somethin4 abo8t a technica5 matter that 7o85d 4i:e them a hint. Re9orters are :ery c5e:er and 9ersistent. *hey'55 say# (e heard s8chNandNs8ch 3 is it tr8e-' %nd 9retty soon# 7hat yo8're thinkin4 yo8 didn't te55 them sho7s 89 in the ne7s9a9er& 7as determined not to say a 7ord abo8t the re9ort 8nti5 it 7as made 98b5ic# on $onday. % 6riend o6 mine con:inced me to 4o on the $ac!ei5_Lehrer !e7sho8r#' so said yes 6or $onday e:enin4's sho7. a5so had my secretary set 89 a 9ress con6erence 6or *8esday at ,a5tech. said# *e55 the re9orters 7ho 7ant to ta5k to me that ha:en't any comment on anythin4I any O8estions they ha:e# '55 be 45ad to ans7er on *8esday at my 9ress con6erence.'

O:er the 7eekend# 7hi5e 7as sti55 in (ashin4ton# it 5eaked someho7 that had threatened to take my name o66 the re9ort. Some 9a9er in $iami started it# and soon the story 7as r8nnin4 a55 o:er abo8t this ar48ment bet7een me and Ro4ers. (hen the re9orters 7ho 7ere 8sed to co:erin4 (ashin4ton heard $r. Feynman has nothin4 to sayP he'55 ans7er a55 yo8r O8estions at his 9ress con6erence on *8esday#' it so8nded s8s9icio8s 3 as tho84h the ar48ment 7as sti55 on# and 7as 4oin4 to ha:e this /@FD 0

F-/AR5 24 The Co!!ission Report was presente% to the presi%ent in the Rose /ar%en at the *hite 0ouse Kisible, 'ro! le't to right, are /eneral Kutyna, *illia! Rogers, 5ugene Covert, .resi%ent Reagan, +eil $r!strong, an% Richar% Feyn!an GH .5T5 S1AL$, T05 *0-T5 01AS5 E

F-/AR5 23 $t the reception GH .5T5 S1AL$, T05 *0-T5 01AS5 E /@FF 0 9ress con6erence on *8esday to e=95ain 7hy took my name o66 the re9ort. B8t didn't kno7 anythin4 abo8t it. iso5ated myse56 6rom the 9ress so m8ch that 7asn't e:en readin4 the ne7s9a9ers. On S8nday ni4ht# the commission had a 4oodbye dinner arran4ed by $r. Ro4ers at some c58b. %6ter 7e 6inished eatin4# said to "enera5 K8tyna# can't stay aro8nd anymore. ha:e to 5ea:e a 5itt5e ear5y.' )e says# (hat can be so im9ortant-' didn't 7ant to say. )e comes o8tside 7ith me# to see 7hat this im9ortant' somethin4 is. t's a bri4ht red s9orts car 7ith t7o bea8ti685 b5onds inside# 7aitin4 to 7hisk me a7ay. 4et in the car. (e're abo8t to s9eed o66# 5ea:in4 "enera5 K8tyna standin4 there scratchin4 his head# 7hen one o6 the b5onds says# Oh& "enera5 K8tyna& 'm $s. SoNandNso. inter:ie7ed yo8 on the 9hone a 6e7 7eeks a4o.' So he ca84ht on. *hey 7ere re9orters 6rom the $acN!ei5_Lehrer !e7sho8r.' *hey 7ere :ery nice# and 7e ta5ked abo8t this and that 6or the sho7 $onday ni4ht. Some7here a5on4 the 5ine to5d them 7as 4oin4 to ha:e my o7n 9ress con6erence on *8esday# and 7as 4oin4 to 4i:e o8t my re9ort 3 e:en tho84h it 7as 4oin4 to a99ear as an a99endi= three months 5ater. *hey said my re9ort so8nded interestin4# and they'd 5ike to see it. By this time 7e're a55 :ery 6riend5y# so 4a:e them a co9y. *hey dro99ed me o66 at my co8sin's ho8se# 7here 7as stayin4. to5d Frances abo8t the sho7# and ho7 4a:e the re9orters a co9y o6 my re9ort. Frances 98ts her hands to her head# horri6ied. said# Yes# that 7as a d8mb mistake# 7asn't it& 'd better ca55 Sem 89 and te55 Sem not to 8se it.' co85d te55 by the 7ay Frances shook her head that it 7asn't 4onna be so easy& ca55 one o6 them 89I 'm sorry# b8t made a mistakeI sho85dn't ha:e 4i:en my re9ort to yo8# so 'd 9re6er yo8 didn't 8se it.' (e're in the ne7s b8siness# +r. Feynman. *he 4oa5 o6 the ne7s b8siness is to 4et ne7s# and yo8r re9ort is ne7s7orthy. t /@FC0 7o85d be com95ete5y a4ainst o8r instincts and 9ractice not to 8se it.' kno7# b8t 'm nai:e abo8t these thin4s. sim95y made a mistake. t's not 6air to the other re9orters 7ho 7i55 be at the 9ress con6erence on *8esday. %6ter a55# 7o85d yo8 5ike it i6 yo8 came to a 9ress con6erence and the 48y had mistaken5y 4i:en his re9ort to somebody e5se- think yo8 can 8nderstand that.' '55 ta5k to my co55ea48e and ca55 yo8 back.' *7o ho8rs 5ater# they ca55 back 3 they're both on the 5ine 3 and they try to e=95ain to me 7hy they sho85d 8se itI n the ne7s b8siness# it's c8stomary that 7hene:er 7e 4et a doc8ment 6rom somebody the 7ay 7e did 6rom yo8# it means 7e can 8se it.' a99reciate that there are con:entions in the ne7s b8siness# b8t don't kno7 anythin4 abo8t these thin4s# so as a co8rtesy to me# 95ease don't 8se it.'

t 7ent back and 6orth a 5itt5e more 5ike that. *hen another (e'55 ca55 yo8 back#' and another 5on4 de5ay. co85d te55 6rom the 5on4 de5ays that they 7ere ha:in4 a 5ot o6 tro8b5e 7ith this 9rob5em. 7as in a :ery 4ood 6ett5e# 6or some reason. had a5ready 5ost# and kne7 7hat needed# so co85d 6oc8s easi5y. had no di66ic85ty admittin4 com95ete idiocy 3 7hich is 8s8a55y the case 7hen dea5 7ith the 7or5d 3 and didn't think there 7as any 5a7 o6 nat8re 7hich said had to 4i:e in. >8st ke9t 4oin4# and didn't 7a:er at a55. t 7ent 5ate into the ni4htI one o'c5ock# t7o o'c5ock# 7e're sti55 7orkin4 on it. +r. Feynman# it's :ery 8n9ro6essiona5 to 4i:e someone a story and then retract it. *his is not the 7ay 9eo95e beha:e in (ashin4ton.' t's ob:io8s don't kno7 anythin4 abo8t (ashin4ton. B8t this is the 7ay - beha:e 3 5ike a 6oo5. 'm sorry# b8t it 7as sim95y an error# so as a co8rtesy# 95ease don't 8se it.' *hen# some7here a5on4 the 5ine# one o6 them says# 6 7e 4o ahead and 8se yo8r re9ort# does that mean yo8 7on't 4o on the sho7-' You said itP - didn't.' (e'55 ca55 yo8 back.' %nother de5ay. %ct8a55y# hadn't decided 7hether 'd re68se to 4o on the sho7# beca8se ke9t thinkin4 it 7as 9ossib5e co85d 8ndo my mistake. (hen tho84ht abo8t it# didn't think co85d 5e4itimate5y /@FK0 95ay that card. B8t 7hen one o6 them made the mistake o6 9ro9osin4 the 9ossibi5ity# said# You said itP - didn't' 3 :ery co5d 3 as i6 to say# 'm not threatenin4 yo8# b8t yo8 can 6i48re it o8t 6or yo8rse56# honey&' *hey ca55ed me back# and said they 7o85dn't 8se my re9ort. (hen 7ent on the sho7# ne:er 4ot the im9ression that any o6 the O8estions 7ere based on my re9ort. $r. Lehrer did ask me 7hether there had been any 9rob5ems bet7een me and $r. Ro4ers# b8t 7ease5edI said there had been no 9rob5ems. %6ter the sho7 7as o:er# the t7o re9orters to5d me they tho84ht the sho7 7ent 6ine 7itho8t my re9ort. (e 5e6t 4ood 6riends. 65e7 back to ,a5i6ornia that ni4ht# and had my 9ress con6erence on *8esday at ,a5tech. % 5ar4e n8mber o6 re9orters came. % 6e7 asked O8estions abo8t my re9ort# b8t most o6 them 7ere interested in the r8mor that had threatened to take my name o66 the commission re9ort. 6o8nd myse56 te55in4 them o:er and o:er that had no 9rob5em 7ith $r. Ro4ers. . . /@FE 0 1 1

+ow that ':e had more time to think abo8t it# sti55 5ike $r. Ro4ers# and sti55 6ee5 that e:erythin4's okay. t's my >8d4ment that he's a 6ine man. O:er the co8rse o6 the commission 4ot to a99reciate his ta5ents and his abi5ities# and ha:e 4reat res9ect 6or him. $r. Ro4ers has a :ery 4ood# smooth 7ay abo8t him# so reser:e in my head the 9ossibi5ity 3 not as a s8s9icion# b8t as an 8nkno7n 3 that 5ike him beca8se he kne7 ho7 to make me 5ike him. 9re6er to ass8me he's a 4en8ine5y 6ine 6e55o7# and that he is the 7ay he a99ears. B8t 7as in (ashin4ton 5on4 eno84h to kno7 that can't te55.

'm not e=act5y s8re 7hat $r. Ro4ers thinks o6 me. )e 4i:es me the im9ression that# in s9ite o6 my bein4 s8ch a 9ain in the ass to him in the be4innin4# he 5ikes me :ery m8ch. may be 7ron4# b8t i6 he 6ee5s the 7ay 6ee5 to7ard him# it's 4ood. $r. Ro4ers# bein4 a 5a7yer# had a di66ic85t >ob to r8n a commission in:esti4atin4 7hat 7as essentia55y a technica5 O8estion. (ith +r. Kee5's he59# think the technica5 9art o6 it 7as hand5ed 7e55. B8t it str8ck me that there 7ere se:era5 6ishinesses associated 7ith the bi4 cheeses at !%S%. E:ery time 7e ta5ked to hi4her 5e:e5 mana4ers# they ke9t sayin4 they didn't kno7 anythin4 abo8t the 9rob5ems be5o7 them. (e're 4ettin4 this kind o6 thin4 a4ain in the ranN,ontra hearin4s# b8t at that time# this kind o6 sit8ation 7as ne7 to meI either the 48ys at the to9 didn't kno7# in 7hich case they sho85d ha:e kno7n# or they did kno7# in 7hich case they're 5yin4 to 8s. (hen 7e 5earned that $r. $855oy had 98t 9ress8re on *hioko5 to 5a8nch# 7e heard time a6ter time that the ne=t 5e:e5 89 at !%S% kne7 nothin4 abo8t it. Yo8'd think $r. $855oy 7o85d ha:e noti6ied a hi4herN89 d8rin4 this bi4 disc8ssion# sayin4 somethin4 5ike# *here's a O8estion as to 7hether 7e sho85d 65y /@FA0 tomorro7 mornin4# and there's been some ob>ection by the *hioko5 en4ineers# b8t 7e':e decided to 65y any7ay 3 7hat do yo8 think-' B8t instead# $855oy said somethin4 5ike# %55 the O8estions ha:e been reso5:ed.' *here seemed to be some reason 7hy 48ys at the 5o7er 5e:e5 didn't brin4 9rob5ems 89 to the ne=t 5e:e5. in:ented a theory 7hich ha:e disc8ssed 7ith a considerab5e n8mber o6 9eo95e# and many 9eo95e ha:e e=95ained to me 7hy it's 7ron4. B8t don't remember their e=95anations# so cannot resist te55in4 yo8 7hat think 5ed to this 5ack o6 comm8nication in !%S%. (hen !%S% 7as tryin4 to 4o to the moon# there 7as a 4reat dea5 o6 enth8siasmI it 7as a 4oa5 e:eryone 7as an=io8s to achie:e. *hey didn't kno7 i6 they co85d do it# b8t they 7ere a55 7orkin4 to4ether. ha:e this idea beca8se 7orked at Los %5amos# and e=9erienced the tension and the 9ress8re o6 e:erybody 7orkin4 to4ether to make the atomic bomb. (hen somebody's ha:in4 a 9rob5em 3 say# 7ith the detonator 3 e:erybody kno7s that it's a bi4 9rob5em# they're thinkin4 o6 7ays to beat it# they're makin4 s844estions# and 7hen they hear abo8t the so58tion they're e=cited# beca8se that means their 7ork is no7 8se685I i6 the detonator didn't 7ork# the bomb 7o85dn't 7ork. 6i48red the same thin4 had 4one on at !%S% in the ear5y daysI i6 the s9ace s8it didn't 7ork# they co85dn't 4o to the moon. So e:erybody's interested in e:erybody e5se's 9rob5ems. B8t then# 7hen the moon 9ro>ect 7as o:er# !%S% had a55 these 9eo95e to4etherI there's a bi4 or4aniRation in )o8ston and a bi4 or4aniRation in )8nts:i55e# not to mention at Kennedy# in F5orida. Yo8 don't 7ant to 6ire 9eo95e and send them o8t in the street 7hen yo8're done 7ith a bi4 9ro>ect# so the 9rob5em is# 7hat to doYo8 ha:e to con:ince ,on4ress that there e=ists a 9ro>ect that on5y !%S% can do. n order to do so# it is necessary 3 at 5east it 7as apparently necessary in this case 3 to e=a44erateI to e=a44erate ho7 economica5 the sh8tt5e 7o85d be# to e=a44erate ho7 o6ten it co85d 65y# to e=a44erate ho7 sa6e it 7o85d be# to e=a44erate the bi4 scienti6ic 6acts that 7o85d be disco:ered. *he sh8tt5e can make soN andNso many 65i4hts and it'55 cost s8chNandNs8chP 7e 7ent to the moon# so 7e can %o it&' $ean7hi5e# 7o85d 48ess# the en4ineers at the bottom are sayin4# !o# no& (e can't make that many 65i4hts. 6 7e had to /@CG0 make that many 65i4hts# it 7o85d mean s8chNandNs8ch&' %nd# !o# 7e can't do it 6or that amo8nt o6 money# beca8se that 7o85d mean 7e'd ha:e to do th8sNandN so&' (e55# the 48ys 7ho are tryin4 to 4et ,on4ress to okay their 9ro>ects don't 7ant to hear s8ch ta5k. t's better i6 they don't hear# so they can be more honest' 3 they don't 7ant to be in the 9osition o6 5yin4 to ,on4ress& So 9retty soon the attit8des be4in to chan4eI in6ormation 6rom the bottom 7hich

is disa4reeab5e 3 (e're ha:in4 a 9rob5em 7ith the sea5sP 7e sho85d 6i= it be6ore 7e 65y a4ain' 3 is s899ressed by bi4 cheeses and midd5e mana4ers 7ho say# 6 yo8 te55 me abo8t the sea5s 9rob5ems# 7e'55 ha:e to 4ro8nd the sh8tt5e and 6i= it.' Or# !o# no# kee9 on 65yin4# beca8se other7ise# it'55 5ook bad#' or +on't te55 meP don't 7ant to hear abo8t it.' $aybe they don't say e=95icit5y +on't te55 me#' b8t they disco8ra4e comm8nication# 7hich amo8nts to the same thin4. t's not a O8estion o6 7hat has been 7ritten do7n# or 7ho sho85d te55 7hat to 7homP it's a O8estion o6 7hether# 7hen yo8 %o te55 somebody abo8t some 9rob5em# they're %elighte% to hear abo8t it and they say *e55 me more' and )a:e yo8 tried s8chNandNs8ch-' or they say (e55# see 7hat yo8 can do abo8t it' 3 7hich is a com95ete5y di66erent atmos9here. 6 yo8 try once or t7ice to comm8nicate and 4et 98shed back# 9retty soon yo8 decide# *o he55 7ith it.' So that's my theoryI beca8se o6 the e=a44eration at the to9 bein4 inconsistent 7ith the rea5ity at the bottom# comm8nication 4ot s5o7ed 89 and 85timate5y >ammed. *hat's ho7 it's 9ossib5e that the hi4herN89s didn't kno7. *he other 9ossibi5ity is that the hi4herN89s did kno7# and they >8st sai% they didn't kno7. 5ooked 89 a 6ormer director o6 !%S% 3 don't remember his name no7 3 7ho is the head o6 some com9any in ,a5i6ornia. tho84ht 'd 4o and ta5k to him 7hen 7as on one o6 my breaks at home# and say# *hey a55 say they ha:en't heard. +oes that make any sense- )o7 does someone 4o abo8t in:esti4atin4 them-' )e ne:er ret8rned my ca55s. Perha9s he didn't 7ant to ta5k to the commissioner in:esti4atin4 hi4herN 89sP maybe he had had eno84h o6 !%S%# and didn't 7ant to 4et in:o5:ed. %nd beca8se 7as b8sy 7ith so many other thin4s# didn't 98sh it. /@C@0 *here 7ere a55 kinds o6 O8estions 7e didn't in:esti4ate. One 7as this mystery o6 $r. Be44s# the 6ormer director o6 !%S% 7ho 7as remo:ed 6rom his >ob 9endin4 an in:esti4ation that had nothin4 to do 7ith the sh8tt5eP he 7as re95aced by "raham short5y be6ore the accident. !e:erthe5ess# it t8rned o8t that# e:ery day# Be44s came to his o5d o66ice. Peo95e came in to see him# a5tho84h he ne:er ta5ked to "raham. (hat 7as he doin4- (as there some acti:ity sti55 bein4 directed by Be44sFrom time to time 7o85d try to 4et $r. Ro4ers interested in in:esti4atin4 s8ch 6ishinesses. said# (e ha:e 5a7yers on the commission# 7e ha:e com9any mana4ers# 7e ha:e :ery 6ine 9eo95e 7ith a 5ar4e ran4e o6 e=9eriences. (e ha:e 9eo95e 7ho kno7 ho7 to 4et an ans7er o8t o6 a 48y 7hen he doesn't 7ant to say somethin4. don't kno7 ho7 to do that. 6 a 48y te55s me the 9robabi5ity o6 6ai58re is @ in @GF# kno7 he's 6855 o6 cra9 3 b8t don't kno7 7hat's nat8ra5 in a b8rea8cratic system. (e o84hta 4et some o6 the bi4 shots to4ether and ask them O8estionsI >8st 5ike 7e asked the secondN5e:e5 mana4ers 5ike $r. $855oy# 7e sho85d ask the 6irst 5e:e5.' )e 7o85d say# Yes# 7e55# think so.' $r. Ro4ers to5d me 5ater that he 7rote a 5etter to each o6 the bi4 shots# b8t they re95ied that they didn't ha:e anythin4 they 7anted to say to 8s. *here 7as a5so the O8estion o6 9ress8re 6rom the (hite )o8se. t 7as the President's idea to 98t a teacher in s9ace# as a symbo5 o6 the nation's commitment to ed8cation. )e had 9ro9osed the idea a year be6ore# in his State o6 the Union address. !o7# one year 5ater# the State o6 the Union s9eech 7as comin4 89 a4ain. t 7o85d be 9er6ect to ha:e the teacher in s9ace# ta5kin4 to the President and the ,on4ress. %55 the circ8mstantia5 e:idence 7as :ery stron4. ta5ked to a n8mber o6 9eo95e abo8t it# and heard :ario8s o9inions# b8t 6ina55y conc58ded that there 7as no 9ress8re 6rom the (hite )o8se. First o6 a55# the man 7ho 9ress8red *hioko5 to chan4e its 9osition# $r. $855oy# 7as a secondN5e:e5

mana4er. %head o6 time# nobody co85d 9redict 7hat mi4ht 4et in the 7ay o6 a 5a8nch. 6 yo8 ima4ine $855oy 7as to5d $ake s8re the sh8tt5e 65ies tomorro7# beca8se the President 7ants it#' yo8'd ha:e to /@CH0 ima4ine that everybo%y else at his 5e:e5 had to be to5d 3 and there are a 5ot o6 9eo95e at his 5e:e5. *o te55 that many 9eo95e 7o85d make it s8re to 5eak o8t. So that 7ay o6 98ttin4 on 9ress8re 7as :ery 8n5ike5y. By the time the commission 7as o:er# 8nderstood m8ch better the character o6 o9erations in (ashin4ton and in !%S%. 5earned# by seein4 ho7 they 7orked# that the 9eo95e in a bi4 system 5ike !%S% know 7hat has to be done 3 without bein4 to5d. *here 7as alrea%y a bi4 9ress8re to kee9 the sh8tt5e 65yin4. !%S% had a 65i4ht sched85e they 7ere tryin4 to meet# >8st to sho7 the ca9abi5ities o6 !%S% 3 ne:er mind 7hether the 9resident 7as 4oin4 to 4i:e a s9eech that ni4ht or not. So don't be5ie:e there 7as any direct acti:ity or any s9ecia5 e66ort 6rom the (hite )o8se. *here 7as no need to do it# so don't be5ie:e it 7as done. co85d 4i:e yo8 an ana5o4 o6 that. Yo8 kno7 those si4ns that a99ear in the back 7indo7s o6 a8tomobi5es 3 those 5itt5e ye55o7 diamonds that say B%BY O! BO%R+# and thin4s 5ike that- Yo8 don't ha:e to tell me there's a baby on boardP 'm 4onna dri:e care6855y anyway" (hat am s899osed to do 7hen see there's a baby on boardI act di66erent5y- %s i6 'm s8dden5y 4onna dri:e more care6855y and not hit the car beca8se there's a baby on board# 7hen a55 'm tryin4 to do is not hit it any7ay& So !%S% 7as tryin4 to 4et the sh8tt5e 89 any7ayI yo8 don't ha:e to say there's a baby on board# or there's a teacher on board# or it's im9ortant to 4et this one 89 6or the President. !o7 that ':e ta5ked to some 9eo95e abo8t my e=9eriences on the commission# think 8nderstand a 6e7 thin4s that didn't 8nderstand so 7e55 ear5ier. One o6 them has to do 7ith 7hat said to +r. Kee5 that 89set him so m8ch. Recent5y 7as ta5kin4 to a man 7ho s9ent a 5ot o6 time in (ashin4ton# and asked him a 9artic85ar O8estion 7hich# i6 he didn't take it ri4ht# co85d be considered a 4ra:e ins85t. 7o85d 5ike to e=95ain the O8estion# beca8se it seems to me to be a rea5 9ossibi5ity o6 7hat said to +r. Kee5. *he on5y 7ay to ha:e rea5 s8ccess in science# the 6ie5d 'm 6ami5iar 7ith# is to describe the e:idence :ery care6855y 7itho8t re4ard to the 7ay yo8 6ee5 it sho85d be. 6 yo8 ha:e a theory# yo8 m8st try to e=95ain 7hat's 4ood and 7hat's bad abo8t it eO8a55y. n science# yo8 5earn a kind o6 standard inte4rity and honesty. /@CB0 n other 6ie5ds# s8ch as b8siness# it's di66erent. For e=am95e# a5most e:ery ad:ertisement yo8 see is ob:io8s5y desi4ned# in some 7ay or another# to 6oo5 the c8stomerI the 9rint that they don't 7ant yo8 to read is sma55P the statements are 7ritten in an obsc8re 7ay. t is ob:io8s to anybody that the 9rod8ct is not bein4 9resented in a scienti6ic and ba5anced 7ay. *here6ore# in the se55in4 b8siness# there's a 5ack o6 inte4rity. $y 6ather had the s9irit and inte4rity o6 a scientist# b8t he 7as a sa5esman. remember askin4 him the O8estion )o7 can a man o6 inte4rity be a sa5esman-' )e said to me# Frank5y# many sa5esmen in the b8siness are not strai4ht6or7ard 3 they think it's a better 7ay to se55. B8t ':e tried bein4 strai4ht6or7ard# and 6ind it has its ad:anta4es. n 6act# 7o85dn't do it any other 7ay. 6 the c8stomer thinks at a55# he'55 rea5iRe he has had some bad e=9erience 7ith another sa5esman# b8t hasn't had that kind o6 e=9erience 7ith yo8. So in the end# se:era5 c8stomers 7i55 stay 7ith yo8 6or a 5on4 time and a99reciate it.' $y 6ather 7as not a bi4# s8ccess685# 6amo8s sa5esmanP he 7as the sa5es mana4er 6or a medi8mNsiRed 8ni6orm com9any. )e 7as s8ccess685# b8t not enormo8s5y so. (hen see a con4ressman 4i:in4 his o9inion on somethin4# a57ays 7onder i6 it re9resents his real o9inion or i6 it re9resents an o9inion that he's desi4ned in order to be e5ected. t seems to be a

centra5 9rob5em 6or 9o5iticians. So o6ten 7onderI 7hat is the re5ation o6 inte4rity to 7orkin4 in the 4o:ernment!o7# +r. Kee5 started o8t by te55in4 me that he had a de4ree in 9hysics. a57ays ass8me that e:erybody in 9hysics has inte4rity 3 9erha9s 'm nai:e abo8t that 3 so m8st ha:e asked him a O8estion o6ten think abo8tI )o7 can a man o6 inte4rity 4et a5on4 in (ashin4ton-' t's :ery easy to read that O8estion another 7ayI Since yo8're 4ettin4 a5on4 in (ashin4ton# yo8 can't be a man o6 inte4rity&' %nother thin4 8nderstand better no7 has to do 7ith 7here the idea came 6rom that co5d a66ects the ONrin4s. t 7as "enera5 K8tyna 7ho ca55ed me 89 and said# 7as 7orkin4 on my carb8retor# and 7as thinkin4I 7hat is the e66ect o6 co5d on the ONrin4s-' (e55# it t8rns o8t that one o6 !%S%'s o7n astrona8ts to5d him there 7as in6ormation# some7here in the 7orks o6 !%S%# /@CD0 that the ONrin4s had no resi5ience 7hate:er at 5o7 tem9erat8res 3 and !%S% 7asn't sayin4 anythin4 abo8t it. B8t "enera5 K8tyna had the career o6 that astrona8t to 7orry abo8t# so the real O8estion the "enera5 7as thinkin4 abo8t 7hi5e he 7as 7orkin4 on his carb8retor 7as# )o7 can 4et this in6ormation o8t 7itho8t >eo9ardiRin4 my astrona8t 6riend-' )is so58tion 7as to 4et the 9ro6essor e=cited abo8t it# and his 95an 7orked 9er6ect5y. . . /@CF 0 1 1

Appen"i2 F6 Per&onal O7&er5ation& on the Relia7ilit$ o- the Shuttle

t a99ears that there are enormo8s di66erences o6 o9inion as to the 9robabi5ity o6 a 6ai58re 7ith 5oss o6 :ehic5e and o6 h8man 5i6e.Q *he estimates ran4e 6rom ro84h5y @ in @GG to @ in @GG#GGG. *he hi4her 6i48res come 6rom 7orkin4 en4ineers# and the :ery 5o7 6i48res come 6rom mana4ement. (hat are the ca8ses and conseO8ences o6 this 5ack o6 a4reement- Since @ 9art in @GG#GGG 7o85d im95y that one co85d 5a8nch a sh8tt5e each day 6or BGG years e=9ectin4 to 5ose on5y one# 7e co85d 9ro9er5y ask# (hat is the ca8se o6 mana4ement's 6antastic 6aith in the machinery-' (e ha:e a5so 6o8nd that certi6ication criteria 8sed in 65i4ht readiness re:ie7s o6ten de:e5o9 a 4rad8a55y decreasin4 strictness. *he ar48ment that the same risk 7as 65o7n be6ore 7itho8t 6ai58re is o6ten acce9ted as an ar48ment 6or the sa6ety o6 acce9tin4 it a4ain. Beca8se o6 this# ob:io8s 7eaknesses are acce9ted a4ain and a4ain 3 sometimes 7itho8t a s866icient5y serio8s attem9t to remedy them# sometimes 7itho8t a 65i4ht de5ay beca8se o6 their contin8ed 9resence. *here are se:era5 so8rces o6 in6ormationI there are 98b5ished criteria 6or certi6ication# inc58din4 a history o6 modi6ications in the 6orm o6 7ai:ers and de:iationsP in addition# the records o6 the 65i4ht readiness re:ie7s 6or each 65i4ht doc8ment the ar48ments 8sed to acce9t the risks o6 the 65i4ht. n6ormation 7as /@CC0 obtained 6rom direct testimony and re9orts o6 the ran4e sa6ety o66icer# Lo8is J. U55ian# 7ith res9ect to the history o6 s8ccess o6 so5id 68e5 rockets. *here 7as a 68rther st8dy

by him Las chairman o6 the La8nch %bort Sa6ety Pane5# L%SPM in an attem9t to determine the risks in:o5:ed in 9ossib5e accidents 5eadin4 to radioacti:e contamination 6rom attem9tin4 to 65y a 958toni8m 9o7er s8995y Lca55ed a radioacti:e therma5 4enerator# or R*"M on 68t8re 95anetary missions. *he !%S% st8dy o6 the same O8estion is a5so a:ai5ab5e. For the history o6 the s9ace sh8tt5e main en4ines# inter:ie7s 7ith mana4ement and en4ineers at $arsha55# and in6orma5 inter:ie7s 7ith en4ineers at Rocketdyne# 7ere made. %n inde9endent L,a5techM mechanica5 en4ineer 7ho cons85ted 6or !%S% abo8t en4ines 7as a5so inter:ie7ed in6orma55y. % :isit to Johnson 7as made to 4ather in6ormation on the re5iabi5ity o6 the a:ionics Lcom98ters# sensors# and e66ectorsM. Fina55y# there is the re9ort % Re:ie7 o6 ,erti6ication Practices Potentia55y %995icab5e to $anNrated Re8sab5e Rocket En4ines#' 9re9ared at the Jet Pro985sion Laboratory by !. $oore et a5. in Febr8ary @AEC 6or !%S% )eadO8arters# O66ice o6 S9ace F5i4ht. t dea5s 7ith the methods 8sed by the F%% and the mi5itary to certi6y their 4as t8rbine and rocket en4ines. *hese a8thors 7ere a5so inter:ie7ed in6orma55y.

Soli% Rocket (oosters GSR(E

%n estimate o6 the re5iabi5ity o6 so5idN68e5 rocket boosters LSRBsM 7as made by the ran4e sa6ety o66icer by st8dyin4 the e=9erience o6 a55 9re:io8s rocket 65i4hts. O8t o6 a tota5 o6 near5y HAGG 65i4hts# @H@ 6ai5ed L@ in HFM. *his inc58des# ho7e:er# 7hat may be ca55ed ear5y errors' 3 rockets 65o7n 6or the 6irst 6e7 times in 7hich desi4n errors are disco:ered and 6i=ed. % more reasonab5e 6i48re 6or the mat8re rockets mi4ht be @ in FG. (ith s9ecia5 care in se5ectin4 9arts and in ins9ection# a 6i48re be5o7 @ in @GG mi4ht be achie:ed# b8t @ in @GGG is 9robab5y not attainab5e 7ith today's techno5o4y. LSince there are t7o rockets on the sh8tt5e# these rocket 6ai58re rates m8st be do8b5ed to 4et sh8tt5e 6ai58re rates d8e to SRB 6ai58re.M !%S% o66icia5s ar48e that the 6i48re is m8ch 5o7er. *hey 9oint o8t that since the sh8tt5e is a manned :ehic5e# the 9robabi5ity o6 mission s8ccess is necessari5y :ery c5ose to @.G.' t /@CK0 is not :ery c5ear 7hat this 9hrase means. +oes it mean it is c5ose to @ or that it ought to be c5ose to @*hey 4o on to e=95ain# )istorica55y# this e=treme5y hi4h de4ree o6 mission s8ccess has 4i:en rise to a di66erence in 9hi5oso9hy bet7een manned s9ace 65i4ht 9ro4rams and 8nmanned 9ro4ramsP i.e.# n8merica5 9robabi5ity 8sa4e :ers8s en4ineerin4 >8d4ment.' L*hese O8otations are 6rom S9ace Sh8tt5e +ata 6or P5anetary $ission R*" Sa6ety %na5ysis#' 9a4es BN@ and BNH# Febr8ary @F# @AEF# !%S%# JS,.M t is tr8e that i6 the 9robabi5ity o6 6ai58re 7as as 5o7 as @ in @GG#GGG it 7o85d take an inordinate n8mber o6 tests to determine itI yo8 7o85d 4et nothin4 b8t a strin4 o6 9er6ect 65i4hts 7ith no 9recise 6i48re 3 other than that the 9robabi5ity is 5ike5y 5ess than the n8mber o6 s8ch 65i4hts in the strin4 so 6ar. B8t i6 the rea5 9robabi5ity is not so sma55# 65i4hts 7o85d sho7 tro8b5es# near 6ai58res# and 9ossib5y act8a5 6ai58res 7ith a reasonab5e n8mber o6 tria5s# and standard statistica5 methods co85d 4i:e a reasonab5e estimate. n 6act# 9re:io8s !%S% e=9erience had sho7n# on occasion# >8st s8ch di66ic85ties# near accidents# and e:en accidents# a55 4i:in4 7arnin4 that the 9robabi5ity o6 65i4ht 6ai58re 7as not so :ery sma55. %nother inconsistency in the ar48ment not to determine re5iabi5ity thro84h historica5 e=9erience Las the ran4e sa6ety o66icer didM is !%S%'s a99ea5 to historyI )istorica55y# this hi4h de4ree o6 mission s8ccess...' Fina55y# i6 7e are to re95ace standard n8merica5 9robabi5ity 8sa4e 7ith en4ineerin4 >8d4ment# 7hy do 7e 6ind s8ch an enormo8s dis9arity bet7een the mana4ement estimate and the >8d4ment o6 the en4ineers- t 7o85d a99ear that# 6or 7hate:er 98r9ose 3 be it 6or interna5 or e=terna5 cons8m9tion 3 the mana4ement o6 !%S% e=a44erates the re5iabi5ity o6 its 9rod8ct to the 9oint o6 6antasy. *he history o6 the certi6ication and 65i4ht readiness re:ie7s 7i55 not be re9eated here Lsee other 9arts o6 the commission re9ortM# b8t the 9henomenon o6 acce9tin4 sea5s that had sho7n erosion and b5o7by in 9re:io8s 65i4hts is :ery c5ear. *he Challenger 65i4ht is an e=ce55ent e=am95eI there are

se:era5 re6erences to 9re:io8s 65i4htsP the acce9tance and s8ccess o6 these 65i4hts are taken as e:idence o6 sa6ety. B8t erosion and b5o7by are not 7hat the desi4n e=9ected. *hey are 7arnin4s that somethin4 is 7ron4. *he eO8i9ment is not o9eratin4 as e=9ected# and there6ore there is a dan4er that it can o9erate 7ith e:en 7ider de:iations in this 8ne=9ected and not thoro84h5y 8nderstood 7ay. *he 6act that this /@CE0 dan4er did not 5ead to a catastro9he be6ore is no 48arantee that it 7i55 not the ne=t time# 8n5ess it is com95ete5y 8nderstood. (hen 95ayin4 R8ssian ro85ette# the 6act that the 6irst shot 4ot o66 sa6e5y is o6 5itt5e com6ort 6or the ne=t. *he ori4in and conseO8ences o6 the erosion and b5o7by 7ere not 8nderstood. Erosion and b5o7by did not occ8r eO8a55y on a55 65i4hts or in a55 >ointsI sometimes there 7as more# sometimes 5ess. (hy not sometime# 7hen 7hate:er conditions determined it 7ere ri4ht# 7o85dn't there be sti55 more# 5eadin4 to catastro9hen s9ite o6 these :ariations 6rom case to case# o66icia5s beha:ed as i6 they 8nderstood them# 4i:in4 a99arent5y 5o4ica5 ar48ments to each other 3 o6ten citin4 the s8ccess' o6 9re:io8s 65i4hts. For e=am95e# in determinin4 i6 65i4ht F@NL 7as sa6e to 65y in the 6ace o6 rin4 erosion in 65i4ht F@N,# it 7as noted that the erosion de9th 7as on5y oneNthird o6 the radi8s. t had been noted in an e=9eriment c8ttin4 the rin4 that c8ttin4 it as dee9 as one radi8s 7as necessary be6ore the rin4 6ai5ed. nstead o6 bein4 :ery concerned that :ariations o6 9oor5y 8nderstood conditions mi4ht reasonab5y create a dee9er erosion this time# it 7as asserted there 7as a sa6ety 6actor o6 three.' *his is a stran4e 8se o6 the en4ineer's term sa6ety 6actor.' 6 a brid4e is b8i5t to 7ithstand a certain 5oad 7itho8t the beams 9ermanent5y de6ormin4# crackin4# or breakin4# it may be desi4ned 6or the materia5s 8sed to act8a55y stand 89 8nder three times the 5oad. *his sa6ety 6actor' is to a55o7 6or 8ncertain e=cesses o6 5oad# or 8nkno7n e=tra 5oads# or 7eaknesses in the materia5 that mi4ht ha:e 8ne=9ected 65a7s# et cetera. B8t i6 the e=9ected 5oad comes on to the ne7 brid4e and a crack a99ears in a beam# this is a 6ai58re o6 the desi4n. *here 7as no sa6ety 6actor at a55# e:en tho84h the brid4e did not act8a55y co55a9se beca8se the crack on5y 7ent oneNthird o6 the 7ay thro84h the beam. *he ONrin4s o6 the so5id rocket boosters 7ere not desi4ned to erode. Erosion 7as a c58e that somethin4 7as 7ron4. Erosion 7as not somethin4 6rom 7hich sa6ety co85d be in6erred. *here 7as no 7ay# 7itho8t 6855 8nderstandin4# that one co85d ha:e con6idence that conditions the ne=t time mi4ht not 9rod8ce erosion three times more se:ere than the time be6ore. !e:erthe5ess# o66icia5s 6oo5ed themse5:es into thinkin4 they had s8ch 8nderstandin4 and con6idence# in s9ite o6 the 9ec85iar :ariations 6rom case to case. % mathematica5 mode5 7as made to ca5c85ate erosion. *his 7as a mode5 based not on 9hysica5 8nderstandin4 b8t on em9irica5 c8r:e 6ittin4. S9eci6ica55y# it 7as s899osed that /@CA0 a stream o6 hot 4as im9in4ed on the ONrin4 materia5# and the heat 7as determined at the 9oint o6 sta4nation Lso 6ar# 7ith reasonab5e 9hysica5# thermodynamica5 5a7sM. B8t to determine ho7 m8ch r8bber eroded# it 7as ass8med that the erosion :aried as the .FE 9o7er o6 heat# the .FE bein4 determined by a nearest 6it. %t any rate# ad>8stin4 some other n8mbers# it 7as determined that the mode5 a4reed 7ith the erosion Lto a de9th o6 oneNthird the radi8s o6 the rin4M. *here is nothin4 so 7ron4 7ith this ana5ysis as be5ie:in4 the ans7er& Uncertainties a99ear e:ery7here in the mode5. )o7 stron4 the 4as stream mi4ht be 7as 8n9redictab5eP it de9ended on ho5es 6ormed in the 98tty. B5o7by sho7ed that the rin4 mi4ht 6ai5# e:en tho84h it 7as on5y 9artia55y eroded. *he em9irica5 6orm85a 7as kno7n to be 8ncertain# 6or the c8r:e did not 4o direct5y thro84h the :ery data 9oints by 7hich it 7as determined. *here 7as a c5o8d o6 9oints# some t7ice abo:e and some t7ice be5o7 the 6itted c8r:e# so erosions t7ice those 9redicted 7ere reasonab5e 6rom that ca8se a5one. Simi5ar 8ncertainties s8rro8nded the other constants in the 6orm85a# et cetera# et cetera. (hen 8sin4 a mathematica5 mode5# care685 attention m8st be 4i:en to the 8ncertainties in the mode5.

Space Shuttle Main 5ngines GSSM5E

+8rin4 the 65i4ht o6 the F@NL the three s9ace sh8tt5e main en4ines a55 7orked 9er6ect5y# e:en be4innin4 to sh8t do7n in the 5ast moments as the 68e5 s8995y be4an to 6ai5. *he O8estion arises#

ho7e:er# as to 7hether 3 had the en4ines 6ai5ed# and 7e 7ere to in:esti4ate them in as m8ch detai5 as 7e did the so5id rocket booster 3 7e 7o85d 6ind a simi5ar 5ack o6 attention to 6a85ts and deterioratin4 sa6ety criteria. n other 7ords# 7ere the or4aniRation 7eaknesses that contrib8ted to the accident con6ined to the so5id rocket booster sector# or 7ere they a more 4enera5 characteristic o6 !%S%- *o that end the s9ace sh8tt5e main en4ines and the a:ionics 7ere both in:esti4ated. !o simi5ar st8dy o6 the orbiter or the e=terna5 tank 7as made. *he en4ine is a m8ch more com95icated str8ct8re than the so5id rocket booster# and a 4reat dea5 more detai5ed en4ineerin4 4oes into it. "enera55y# the en4ineerin4 seems to be o6 hi4h O8a5ity# and a99arent5y considerab5e attention is 9aid to de6iciencies and 6a85ts 6o8nd in en4ine o9eration. *he 8s8a5 7ay that s8ch en4ines are desi4ned L6or mi5itary /@KG0 or ci:i5ian aircra6tM may be ca55ed the com9onent system# or bottomN89 desi4n. First it is necessary to thoro84h5y 8nderstand the 9ro9erties and 5imitations o6 the materia5s to be 8sed Lt8rbine b5ades# 6or e=am95eM# and tests are be48n in e=9erimenta5 ri4s to determine those. (ith this kno75ed4e# 5ar4er com9onent 9arts Ls8ch as bearin4sM are desi4ned and tested indi:id8a55y. %s de6iciencies and desi4n errors are noted they are corrected and :eri6ied 7ith 68rther testin4. Since one tests on5y 9arts at a time# these tests and modi6ications are not o:er5y e=9ensi:e. Fina55y one 7orks 89 to the 6ina5 desi4n o6 the entire en4ine# to the necessary s9eci6ications. *here is a 4ood chance# by this time# that the en4ine 7i55 4enera55y s8cceed# or that any 6ai58res are easi5y iso5ated and ana5yRed beca8se the 6ai58re modes# 5imitations o6 materia5s# et cetera# are so 7e55 8nderstood. *here is a :ery 4ood chance that the modi6ications to 4et aro8nd 6ina5 di66ic85ties in the en4ine are not :ery hard to make# 6or most o6 the serio8s 9rob5ems ha:e a5ready been disco:ered and dea5t 7ith in the ear5ier# 5ess e=9ensi:e sta4es o6 the 9rocess. *he s9ace sh8tt5e main en4ine 7as hand5ed in a di66erent manner 3 to9 do7n# 7e mi4ht say. *he en4ine 7as desi4ned and 98t to4ether a55 at once 7ith re5ati:e5y 5itt5e detai5ed 9re5iminary st8dy o6 the materia5s and com9onents. B8t no7# 7hen tro8b5es are 6o8nd in bearin4s# t8rbine b5ades# coo5ant 9i9es# et cetera# it is more e=9ensi:e and di66ic85t to disco:er the ca8ses and make chan4es. For e=am95e# cracks ha:e been 6o8nd in the t8rbine b5ades o6 the hi4hN9ress8re o=y4en t8rbo98m9. %re they ca8sed by 65a7s in the materia5# the e66ect o6 the o=y4en atmos9here on the 9ro9erties o6 the materia5# the therma5 stresses o6 start89 or sh8tdo7n# the :ibration and stresses o6 steady r8nnin4# or main5y at some resonance at certain s9eeds# or somethin4 e5se- )o7 5on4 can 7e r8n 6rom crack initiation to crack 6ai58re# and ho7 does this de9end on 9o7er 5e:e5- Usin4 the com95eted en4ine as a test bed to reso5:e s8ch O8estions is e=treme5y e=9ensi:e. One does not 7ish to 5ose entire en4ines in order to 6ind o8t 7here and ho7 6ai58re occ8rs. Yet# an acc8rate kno75ed4e o6 this in6ormation is essentia5 to acO8irin4 a con6idence in the en4ine re5iabi5ity in 8se. (itho8t detai5ed 8nderstandin4# con6idence cannot be attained. % 68rther disad:anta4e o6 the to9Ndo7n method is that i6 an 8nderstandin4 o6 a 6a85t is obtained# a sim95e 6i= 3 s8ch as a ne7 sha9e 6or the t8rbine ho8sin4 3 may be im9ossib5e to im95ement 7itho8t a redesi4n o6 the entire en4ine. /@K@0 *he s9ace sh8tt5e main en4ine is a :ery remarkab5e machine. t has a 4reater ratio o6 thr8st to 7ei4ht than any 9re:io8s en4ine. t is b8i5t at the ed4e o6 3 sometimes o8tside o6 3 9re:io8s en4ineerin4 e=9erience. *here6ore# as e=9ected# many di66erent kinds o6 65a7s and di66ic85ties ha:e t8rned 89. Beca8se# 8n6ort8nate5y# it 7as b8i5t in a to9Ndo7n manner# the 65a7s are di66ic85t to 6ind and to 6i=. *he desi4n aim o6 an en4ine 5i6etime o6 FF mission eO8i:a5ents LHK#GGG seconds o6 o9eration# either in missions o6 FGG seconds each or on a test standM has not been obtained. *he en4ine no7 reO8ires :ery 6reO8ent maintenance and re95acement o6 im9ortant 9arts s8ch as t8rbo98m9s# bearin4s# sheet meta5 ho8sin4s# et cetera. *he hi4hN9ress8re 68e5 t8rbo98m9 had to be re95aced e:ery three or 6o8r mission eO8i:a5ents La5tho84h this may ha:e been 6i=ed# no7M and the hi4hN9ress8re o=y4en t8rbo98m9 e:ery 6i:e or si=. *his 7as# at most# @G 9ercent o6 the ori4ina5 desi4n s9eci6ications. B8t o8r main concern here is the determination o6 re5iabi5ity. n a tota5 o6 HFG#GGG seconds o6 o9eration# the main en4ines ha:e 6ai5ed serio8s5y 9erha9s @C times.

En4ineers 9ay c5ose attention to these 6ai5in4s and try to remedy them as O8ick5y as 9ossib5e by test st8dies on s9ecia5 ri4s e=9erimenta55y desi4ned 6or the 65a7 in O8estion# by care685 ins9ection o6 the en4ine 6or s844esti:e c58es L5ike cracksM# and by considerab5e st8dy and ana5ysis. n this 7ay# in s9ite o6 the di66ic85ties o6 to9Ndo7n desi4n# thro84h hard 7ork many o6 the 9rob5ems ha:e a99arent5y been so5:ed. % 5ist o6 some o6 the 9rob5ems Land their stat8sM 6o55o7sI *8rbine b5ade cracks in hi4hN9ress8re 68e5 t8rbo98m9s L)PF*PM. L$ay ha:e been so5:ed.M *8rbine b5ade cracks in hi4hN9ress8re o=y4en 68e5 t8rbo98m9s L)PO*PM. L!ot so5:ed.M %84mented s9ark i4niter L%S M 5ine r89t8re. LProbab5y so5:ed.M P8r4e check :a5:e 6ai58re. LProbab5y so5:ed.M %S chamber erosion. LProbab5y so5:ed.M )PF*P t8rbine sheet meta5 crackin4. LProbab5y so5:ed.M )PF*P coo5ant 5iner 6ai58re. LProbab5y so5:ed.M $ain comb8stion chamber o8t5et e5bo7 6ai58re. LProbab5y so5:ed.M /@KH0 $ain comb8stion chamber in5et e5bo7 7e5d o66set. LProbab5y so5:ed.M )PO*P s8bsynchrono8s 7hir5. LProbab5y so5:ed.M F5i4ht acce5eration sa6ety c8to66 system L9artia5 6ai58re in a red8ndant systemM. LProbab5y so5:ed.M Bearin4 s9a55in4. LPartia55y so5:ed.M % :ibration at DGGG hertR makin4 some en4ines ino9erab5e. L!ot so5:ed.M $any o6 these a99arent5y so5:ed 9rob5ems 7ere the ear5y di66ic85ties o6 a ne7 desi4nI @B o6 them occ8rred in the 6irst @HF#GGG seconds and on5y B in the second @HF#GGG seconds. !at8ra55y# one can ne:er be s8re that a55 the b84s are o8tP 6or some# the 6i= may not ha:e addressed the tr8e ca8se. *h8s it is not 8nreasonab5e to 48ess there may be at 5east one s8r9rise in the ne=t HFG#GGG seconds# a 9robabi5ity o6 @_FGG 9er en4ine 9er mission. On a mission there are three en4ines# b8t it is 9ossib5e that some accidents 7o85d be se56Ncontained and a66ect on5y one en4ine. L*he sh8tt5e can abort its mission 7ith on5y t7o en4ines.M *here6ore# 5et 8s say that the 8nkno7n s8r9rises do not# in and o6 themse5:es# 9ermit 8s to 48ess that the 9robabi5ity o6 mission 6ai58re d8e to the s9ace sh8tt5e main en4ines is 5ess than 5_FGG. *o this 7e m8st add the chance o6 6ai58re 6rom kno7n# b8t as yet 8nso5:ed# 9rob5ems. *hese 7e disc8ss be5o7. LEn4ineers at Rocketdyne# the man86act8rer# estimate the tota5 9robabi5ity as @_@G#GGG. En4ineers at $arsha55 estimate it as 5_BGG# 7hi5e !%S% mana4ement# to 7hom these en4ineers re9ort# c5aims it is @_@GG#GGG. %n inde9endent en4ineer cons85tin4 6or !%S% tho84ht @ or H 9er @GG a reasonab5e estimate.M *he history o6 the certi6ication 9rinci95es 6or these en4ines is con68sin4 and di66ic85t to e=95ain. nitia55y the r85e seems to ha:e been that t7o sam95e en4ines m8st each ha:e had t7ice the time o9eratin4 7itho8t 6ai58re# as the o9eratin4 time o6 the en4ine to be certi6ied Lr85e o6 H&M. %t 5east that is the F%% 9ractice# and !%S% seems to ha:e ado9ted it ori4ina55y# e=9ectin4 the certi6ied time to be @G missions Lhence HG missions 6or each sam95eM. Ob:io8s5y# the best en4ines to 8se 6or com9arison 7o85d be those o6 4reatest tota5 o9eratin4 time L65i4ht 958s testM# the soNca55ed 65eet 5eaders. B8t 7hat i6 a third sam95e en4ine and se:era5 others 6ai5 in a short time- S8re5y 7e 7i55 not be sa6e /@KB0 beca8se t7o 7ere 8n8s8a5 in 5astin4 5on4er. *he short time mi4ht be more re9resentati:e o6 the rea5 9ossibi5ities# and in the s9irit o6 the sa6ety 6actor o6 H# 7e sho85d on5y o9erate at ha56 the time o6 the shortN5i:ed sam95es.

*he s5o7 shi6t to7ard a decreasin4 sa6ety 6actor can be seen in many e=am95es. (e take that o6 the )PF*P t8rbine b5ades. First o6 a55 the idea o6 testin4 an entire en4ine 7as abandoned. Each en4ine has had many im9ortant 9arts Ls8ch as the t8rbo98m9s themse5:esM re95aced at 6reO8ent inter:a5s# so the r85e o6 9& m8st be shi6ted 6rom en4ines to com9onents. *h8s 7e acce9t an )PF*P 6or a 4i:en certi6ication time i6 t7o sam95es ha:e each r8n s8ccess6855y 6or t7ice that time Land# o6 co8rse# as a 9ractica5 matter# no 5on4er insistin4 that this time be as 5on4 as @G missionsM. B8t 7hat is s8ccess6855y'- *he F%% ca55s a t8rbine b5ade crack a 6ai58re# in order to rea55y 9ro:ide a sa6ety 6actor 4reater than H in 9ractice. *here is some time that an en4ine can r8n bet7een the time a crack ori4ina55y starts and the time it has 4ro7n 5ar4e eno84h to 6ract8re. L*he F%% is contem95atin4 ne7 r85es that take this e=tra sa6ety time into acco8nt# b8t 7i55 acce9t them on5y i6 it is :ery care6855y ana5yRed thro84h kno7n mode5s 7ithin a kno7n ran4e o6 e=9erience and 7ith materia5s thoro84h5y tested. !one o6 these conditions a995ies to the s9ace sh8tt5e main en4ines.M ,racks 7ere 6o8nd in many secondNsta4e )PF*P t8rbine b5ades. n one case three 7ere 6o8nd a6ter @AGG seconds# 7hi5e in another they 7ere not 6o8nd a6ter DHGG seconds# a5tho84h 8s8a55y these 5on4er r8ns sho7ed cracks. *o 6o55o7 this story 68rther 7e m8st rea5iRe that the stress de9ends a 4reat dea5 on the 9o7er 5e:e5. *he Challenger 65i4ht# as 7e55 as 9re:io8s 65i4hts# 7as at a 5e:e5 ca55ed @GD 9ercent o6 rated 9o7er d8rin4 most o6 the time the en4ines 7ere o9eratin4. J8d4in4 6rom some materia5 data# it is s899osed that at @GD 9ercent o6 rated 9o7er# the time to crack is abo8t t7ice that at @GA 9ercent# or 6855 9o7er 5e:e5 LFPLM. F8t8re 65i4hts 7ere to be at @GA 9ercent beca8se o6 hea:ier 9ay5oads# and many tests 7ere made at this 5e:e5. *here6ore# di:idin4 time at @GD 9ercent by H# 7e obtain 8nits ca55ed eO8i:a5ent 6855 9o7er 5e:e5 LEFPLM. LOb:io8s5y# some 8ncertainty is introd8ced by that# b8t it has not been st8died.M *he ear5iest cracks mentioned abo:e occ8rred at @BKF seconds EFPL. !o7 the certi6ication r85e becomes 5imit a55 secondNsta4e /@KD0 b5ades to a ma=im8m o6 @BKF seconds EFPL.' 6 one ob>ects that the sa6ety 6actor o6 H is 5ost# it is 9ointed o8t that the one t8rbine ran 6or BEGG seconds EFPL 7itho8t cracks# and ha56 o6 this is @AGG so 7e are bein4 more conser:ati:e. (e ha:e 6oo5ed o8rse5:es in three 7ays. First# 7e ha:e on5y one sam95e# and it is not the 65eet 5eaderI the other t7o sam95es o6 BEGG or more seconds EFPL had @K cracked b5ades bet7een them. L*here are FA b5ades in the en4ine.M !e=t# 7e ha:e abandoned the 9& r85e and s8bstit8ted eO8a5 time L@BKFM. %nd 6ina55y# the @BKF is 7here a crack 7as disco:ered. (e can say that no crack had been 6o8nd be5o7 @BKF# b8t the 5ast time 7e 5ooked and sa7 no cracks 7as @@GG seconds EFPL. (e do not kno7 7hen the crack 6ormed bet7een these times. For e=am95e# cracks may ha:e been 6ormed at @@FG seconds EFPL. L%99ro=imate5y t7oNthirds o6 the b5ade sets tested in e=cess o6 @BKF seconds EFPL had cracks. Some recent e=9eriments ha:e# indeed# sho7n cracks as ear5y as @@FG seconds.M t 7as im9ortant to kee9 the n8mber hi4h# 6or the sh8tt5e had to 65y its en4ines :ery c5ose to their 5imit by the time the 65i4ht 7as o:er. Fina55y# it is c5aimed that the criteria ha:e not been abandoned# and that the system is sa6e# by 4i:in4 89 the F%% con:ention that there sho85d be no cracks# and by considerin4 on5y a com95ete5y 6ract8red b5ade a 6ai58re. (ith this de6inition no en4ine has yet 6ai5ed. *he idea is that since there is s866icient time 6or a crack to 4ro7 to 6ract8re# 7e can ens8re that a55 is sa6e by ins9ectin4 a55 b5ades 6or cracks. 6 cracks are 6o8nd# re95ace the b5ades# and i6 none are 6o8nd# 7e ha:e eno84h time 6or a sa6e mission. *h8s# it is c5aimed# the crack 9rob5em is no 5on4er a 65i4ht sa6ety 9rob5em# b8t mere5y a maintenance 9rob5em. *his may in 6act be tr8e. B8t ho7 7e55 do 7e kno7 that cracks a57ays 4ro7 s5o75y eno84h so that no 6ract8re can occ8r in a mission- *hree en4ines ha:e r8n 6or 5on4 time 9eriods 7ith a 6e7 cracked b5ades Labo8t BGGG seconds EFPLM# 7ith no b5ade act8a55y breakin4 o66. % 6i= 6or this crackin4 may ha:e been 6o8nd. By chan4in4 the b5ade sha9e# shotN9eenin4 the s8r6ace# and co:erin4 it 7ith ins85ation to e=c58de therma5 shock# the ne7 b5ades ha:e not cracked so 6ar. % simi5ar story a99ears in the history o6 certi6ication o6 the )PO*P# b8t 7e sha55 not 4i:e the detai5s

here. n s8mmary# it is e:ident that the 65i4ht readiness re:ie7s and /@KF0 certi6ication r85es sho7 a deterioration in re4ard to some o6 the 9rob5ems o6 the s9ace sh8tt5e main en4ines that is c5ose5y ana5o4o8s to the deterioration seen in the r85es 6or the so5id rocket boosters.

By a:ionics' is meant the com98ter system on the orbiter as 7e55 as its in98t sensors and o8t98t act8ators. %t 6irst 7e 7i55 restrict o8rse5:es to the com98ters 9ro9er# and not be concerned 7ith the re5iabi5ity o6 the in98t in6ormation 6rom the sensors o6 tem9erat8re# 9ress8re# et ceteraP nor 7ith 7hether the com98ter o8t98t is 6aith6855y 6o55o7ed by the act8ators o6 rocket 6irin4s# mechanica5 contro5s# dis95ays to astrona8ts# et cetera. *he com98tin4 system is :ery e5aborate# ha:in4 o:er HFG#GGG 5ines o6 code. %mon4 many other thin4s it is res9onsib5e 6or the a8tomatic contro5 o6 the sh8tt5e's entire ascent into orbit# and 6or the descent 8nti5 the sh8tt5e is 7e55 into the atmos9here Lbe5o7 $ach @M# once one b8tton is 98shed decidin4 the 5andin4 site desired. t 7o85d be 9ossib5e to make the entire 5andin4 a8tomatic. L*he 5andin4 4ear 5o7erin4 si4na5 is e=9ress5y 5e6t o8t o6 com98ter contro5# and m8st be 9ro:ided by the 9i5ot# ostensib5y 6or sa6ety reasons.M +8rin4 orbita5 65i4ht the com98tin4 system is 8sed in the contro5 o6 9ay5oads# in the dis95ay o6 in6ormation to the astrona8ts# and in the e=chan4e o6 in6ormation 7ith the 4ro8nd. t is e:ident that the sa6ety o6 65i4ht reO8ires 48aranteed acc8racy o6 this e5aborate system o6 com98ter hard7are and so6t7are. n brie6# hard7are re5iabi5ity is ens8red by ha:in4 6o8r essentia55y inde9endent identica5 com98ter systems. (here 9ossib5e# each sensor a5so has m85ti95e co9ies 3 8s8a55y 6o8r 3 and each co9y 6eeds a55 6o8r o6 the com98ter 5ines. 6 the in98ts 6rom the sensors disa4ree# either a certain a:era4e or a ma>ority se5ection is 8sed as the e66ecti:e in98t# de9endin4 on the circ8mstances. Since each com98ter sees a55 co9ies o6 the sensors# the in98ts are the same# and beca8se the a54orithms 8sed by each o6 the 6o8r com98ters are the same# the res85ts in each com98ter sho85d be identica5 at each ste9. From time to time they are com9ared# b8t beca8se they mi4ht o9erate at s5i4ht5y di66erent s9eeds# a system o6 sto99in4 and 7aitin4 at s9eci6ied times is /@KC0 instit8ted be6ore each com9arison is made. 6 one o6 the com98ters disa4rees or is too 5ate in ha:in4 its ans7er ready# the three 7hich do a4ree are ass8med to be correct and the errant com98ter is taken com95ete5y o8t o6 the system. 6# no7# another com98ter 6ai5s# as >8d4ed by the a4reement o6 the other t7o# it is taken o8t o6 the system# and the rest o6 the 65i4ht is cance5edI descent to the 5andin4 site is instit8ted# contro55ed by the t7o remainin4 com98ters. t is seen that this is a red8ndant system since the 6ai58re o6 on5y one com98ter does not a66ect the mission. Fina55y# as an e=tra 6eat8re o6 sa6ety# there is a 6i6th inde9endent com98ter# 7hose memory is 5oaded 7ith on5y the 9ro4rams 6or ascent and descent# and 7hich is ca9ab5e o6 contro55in4 the descent i6 there is a 6ai58re o6 more than t7o o6 the com98ters o6 the main 5ine o6 6o8r. *here is not eno84h room in the memory o6 the main5ine com98ters 6or a55 the 9ro4rams o6 ascent# descent# and 9ay5oad 9ro4rams in 65i4ht# so the memory is 5oaded by the astrona8ts abo8t 6o8r times 6rom ta9es. Beca8se o6 the enormo8s e66ort reO8ired to re95ace the so6t7are 6or s8ch an e5aborate system and to check o8t a ne7 system# no chan4e in the hard7are has been made since the sh8tt5e trans9ortation system be4an abo8t 6i6teen years a4o. *he act8a5 hard7are is obso5ete 3 6or e=am95e# the memories are o6 the o5d 6erriteNcore ty9e. t is becomin4 more di66ic85t to 6ind man86act8rers to s8995y s8ch o5dN6ashioned com98ters that are re5iab5e and o6 hi4h eno84h O8a5ity. $odern com98ters are m8ch more re5iab5e# and they r8n m8ch 6aster. *his sim95i6ies circ8its and a55o7s more to be done. *oday's com98ters 7o85d not reO8ire so m8ch 5oadin4 6rom ta9es# 6or their

memories are m8ch 5ar4er. *he so6t7are is checked :ery care6855y in a bottomN89 6ashion. First# each ne7 5ine o6 code is checkedP then sections o6 code Lmod85esM 7ith s9ecia5 68nctions are :eri6ied. *he sco9e is increased ste9 by ste9 8nti5 the ne7 chan4es are incor9orated into a com95ete system and checked. *his com95ete o8t98t is considered the 6ina5 9rod8ct# ne75y re5eased. B8t 7orkin4 com95ete5y inde9endent5y is a :eri6ication 4ro89 that takes an ad:ersary attit8de to the so6t7are de:e5o9ment 4ro89 and tests the so6t7are as i6 it 7ere a c8stomer o6 the de5i:ered 9rod8ct. *here is additiona5 :eri6ication in 8sin4 the ne7 9ro4rams in sim85ators# et cetera. %n error d8rin4 this sta4e o6 :eri6ication /@KK0 testin4 is considered :ery serio8s# and its ori4in is st8died :ery care6855y to a:oid s8ch mistakes in the 68t8re. S8ch ine=9erienced errors ha:e been 6o8nd on5y abo8t si= times in a55 the 9ro4rammin4 and 9ro4ram chan4in4 L6or ne7 or a5tered 9ay5oadsM that has been done. *he 9rinci95e 6o55o7ed isI a55 this :eri6ication is not an as9ect o6 9ro4ram sa6etyP it is a test o6 that sa6ety in a noncatastro9hic :eri6ication. F5i4ht sa6ety is to be >8d4ed so5e5y on ho7 7e55 the 9ro4rams do in the :eri6ied tests. % 6ai58re here 4enerates considerab5e concern. *o s8mmariRe# then# the com98ter so6t7are checkin4 system is o6 hi4hest O8a5ity. *here a99ears to be no 9rocess o6 4rad8a55y 6oo5in4 onese56 7hi5e de4radin4 standards# the 9rocess so characteristic o6 the so5id rocket booster and s9ace sh8tt5e main en4ine sa6ety systems. *o be s8re# there ha:e been recent s844estions by mana4ement to c8rtai5 s8ch e5aborate and e=9ensi:e tests as bein4 8nnecessary at this 5ate date in sh8tt5e history. S8ch s844estions m8st be resisted# 6or they do not a99reciate the m8t8a5 s8bt5e in658ences and so8rces o6 error 4enerated by e:en sma55 9ro4ram chan4es in one 9art o6 a 9ro4ram on another. *here are 9er9et8a5 reO8ests 6or 9ro4ram chan4es as ne7 9ayN5oads and ne7 demands and modi6ications are s844ested by the 8sers. ,han4es are e=9ensi:e beca8se they reO8ire e=tensi:e testin4. *he 9ro9er 7ay to sa:e money is to c8rtai5 the n8mber o6 reO8ested chan4es# not the O8a5ity o6 testin4 6or each. One mi4ht add that the e5aborate system co85d be :ery m8ch im9ro:ed by modern hard7are and 9ro4rammin4 techniO8es. %ny o8tside com9etition 7o85d ha:e a55 the ad:anta4es o6 startin4 o:er. (hether modern hard7are is a 4ood idea 6or !%S% sho85d be care6855y considered no7. Fina55y# ret8rnin4 to the sensors and act8ators o6 the a:ionics system# 7e 6ind that the attit8de to7ard system 6ai58re and re5iabi5ity is not near5y as 4ood as 6or the com98ter system. For e=am95e# a di66ic85ty 7as 6o8nd 7ith certain tem9erat8re sensors sometimes 6ai5in4. Yet ei4hteen months 5ater the same sensors 7ere sti55 bein4 8sed# sti55 sometimes 6ai5in4# 8nti5 a 5a8nch had to be scr8bbed beca8se t7o o6 them 6ai5ed at the same time. E:en on a s8cceedin4 65i4ht this 8nre5iab5e sensor 7as 8sed a4ain. %nd reaction contro5 systems# the rocket >ets 8sed 6or reorientin4 and contro5 in 65i4ht# sti55 are some7hat 8nre5iab5e. *here is considerab5e red8ndancy# b8t a5so a 5on4 history o6 6ai58res# none o6 7hich has yet been e=tensi:e eno84h to serio8s5y /@KE0 a66ect a 65i4ht. *he action o6 the >ets is checked by sensorsI i6 a >et 6ai5s to 6ire# the com98ters choose another >et to 6ire. B8t they are not desi4ned to 6ai5# and the 9rob5em sho85d be so5:ed.

6 a reasonab5e 5a8nch sched85e is to be maintained# en4ineerin4 o6ten cannot be done 6ast eno84h to kee9 89 7ith the e=9ectations o6 the ori4ina55y conser:ati:e certi6ication criteria desi4ned to 48arantee a :ery sa6e :ehic5e. n s8ch sit8ations# sa6ety criteria are a5tered s8bt5y 3 and 7ith o6ten a99arent5y 5o4ica5 ar48ments 3 so that 65i4hts can sti55 be certi6ied in time. *he sh8tt5e there6ore 65ies in a re5ati:e5y 8nsa6e condition# 7ith a chance o6 6ai58re on the order o6 a 9ercent. L t is di66ic85t to be more acc8rate.M O66icia5 mana4ement# on the other hand# c5aims to be5ie:e the 9robabi5ity o6 6ai58re is a tho8sand times 5ess. One reason 6or this may be an attem9t to ass8re the 4o:ernment o6 !%S%'s 9er6ection

and s8ccess in order to ens8re the s8995y o6 68nds. *he other may be that they sincere5y be5ie:e it to be tr8e# demonstratin4 an a5most incredib5e 5ack o6 comm8nication bet7een the mana4ers and their 7orkin4 en4ineers. n any e:ent# this has had :ery 8n6ort8nate conseO8ences# the most serio8s o6 7hich is to enco8ra4e ordinary citiRens to 65y in s8ch a dan4ero8s machine 3 as i6 it had attained the sa6ety o6 an ordinary air5iner. *he astrona8ts# 5ike test 9i5ots# sho85d kno7 their risks# and 7e honor them 6or their co8ra4e. (ho can do8bt that $c%85i66eQ 7as eO8a55y a 9erson o6 4reat co8ra4e# 7ho 7as c5oser to an a7areness o6 the tr8e risks than !%S% mana4ement 7o85d ha:e 8s be5ie:eLet 8s make recommendations to ens8re that !%S% o66icia5s dea5 in a 7or5d o6 rea5ity# 8nderstandin4 techno5o4ica5 7eaknesses and im9er6ections 7e55 eno84h to be acti:e5y tryin4 to e5iminate them. *hey m8st 5i:e in a 7or5d o6 rea5ity in com9arin4 the costs and 8ti5ity o6 the sh8tt5e to other methods o6 enterin4 s9ace. %nd they m8st be rea5istic in makin4 contracts and in estimatin4 the costs and di66ic85ties o6 each 9ro>ect. On5y rea5istic 65i4ht sched85es sho85d be 9ro9osed 3 sched85es that ha:e a reasonab5e /@KA0 chance o6 bein4 met. 6 in this 7ay the 4o:ernment 7o85d not s899ort !%S%# then so be it. !%S% o7es it to the citiRens 6rom 7hom it asks s899ort to be 6rank# honest# and in6ormati:e# so that these citiRens can make the 7isest decisions 6or the 8se o6 their 5imited reso8rces. For a s8ccess685 techno5o4y# rea5ity m8st take 9recedence o:er 98b5ic re5ations# 6or !at8re cannot be 6oo5ed. . . /@E@ 0 1 1


*hen 7as yo8n4er# tho84ht science 7o85d make 4ood thin4s 6or e:erybody. t 7as ob:io8s5y 8se685P it 7as 4ood. +8rin4 the 7ar 7orked on the atomic bomb. *his res85t o6 science 7as ob:io8s5y a :ery serio8s matterI it re9resented the destr8ction o6 9eo95e. %6ter the 7ar 7as :ery 7orried abo8t the bomb. didn't kno7 7hat the 68t8re 7as 4oin4 to 5ook 5ike# and certain5y 7asn't any7here near s8re that 7e 7o85d 5ast 8nti5 no7# *here6ore one O8estion 7as 3 is there some e:i5 in:o5:ed in scienceP8t another 7ay 3 7hat is the :a58e o6 the science had dedicated myse56 to 3 the thin4 5o:ed 3 7hen sa7 7hat terrib5e thin4s it co85d do- t 7as a O8estion had to ans7er. *he Ja58e o6 Science' is a kind o6 re9ort# i6 yo8 7i55# on many o6 the tho84hts that came to me 7hen tried to ans7er that O8estion. R ,)%R+ FEY!$%! . . /@EH 0 1 1

The Value o- S!ien!eQ

Fro! time to time 9eo95e s844est to me that scientists o84ht to 4i:e more consideration to socia5 9rob5ems 3 es9ecia55y that they sho85d be more res9onsib5e in considerin4 the im9act o6 science on society. t seems to be 4enera55y be5ie:ed that i6 the scientists 7o85d on5y 5ook at these :ery di66ic85t socia5 9rob5ems and not s9end so m8ch time 6oo5in4 7ith 5ess :ita5 scienti6ic ones# 4reat s8ccess 7o85d come o6 it. t seems to me that 7e %o think abo8t these 9rob5ems 6rom time to time# b8t 7e don't 98t a 6855Ntime e66ort into them 3 the reasons bein4 that 7e kno7 7e don't ha:e any ma4ic 6orm85a 6or so5:in4 socia5 9rob5ems# that socia5 9rob5ems are :ery m8ch harder than scienti6ic ones# and that 7e 8s8a55y don't 4et any7here 7hen 7e do think abo8t them. be5ie:e that a scientist 5ookin4 at nonscienti6ic 9rob5ems is >8st as d8mb as the ne=t 48y 3 and 7hen he ta5ks abo8t a nonscienti6ic matter# he so8nds as nai:e as anyone 8ntrained in the matter. Since the O8estion o6 the :a58e o6 science is not a scienti6ic s8b>ect# this ta5k is dedicated to 9ro:in4 my 9oint 3 by e=am95e. *he 6irst 7ay in 7hich science is o6 :a58e is 6ami5iar to e:eryone. t is that scienti6ic kno75ed4e enab5es 8s to do a55 kinds o6 thin4s and to make a55 kinds o6 thin4s. O6 co8rse i6 7e make goo% thin4s# it is not on5y to the credit o6 scienceP it is a5so to the credit o6 the mora5 choice 7hich 5ed 8s to 4ood 7ork. Scienti6ic kno75ed4e is an enab5in4 9o7er to do either 4ood or bad 3 b8t it does not carry instr8ctions on ho7 to 8se it. S8ch 9o7er has e:ident :a58e 3 e:en tho84h the 9o7er may be ne4ated by 7hat one does 7ith it. 5earned a 7ay o6 e=9ressin4 this common h8man 9rob5em /@EB0 on a tri9 to )ono5858. n a B8ddhist tem95e there# the man in char4e e=95ained a 5itt5e bit abo8t the B8ddhist re5i4ion 6or to8rists# and then ended his ta5k by te55in4 them he had somethin4 to say to them that they 7o85d never 6or4et 3 and ha:e ne:er 6or4otten it. t 7as a 9ro:erb o6 the B8ddhist re5i4ionI *o e:ery man is 4i:en the key to the 4ates o6 hea:enP the same key o9ens the 4ates o6 he55. (hat then# is the :a58e o6 the key to hea:en- t is tr8e that i6 7e 5ack c5ear instr8ctions that enab5e 8s to determine 7hich is the 4ate to hea:en and 7hich the 4ate to he55# the key may be a dan4ero8s ob>ect to 8se. B8t the key ob:io8s5y has :a58eI ho7 can 7e enter hea:en 7itho8t itnstr8ctions 7o85d be o6 no :a58e 7itho8t the key. So it is e:ident that# in s9ite o6 the 6act that it co85d 9rod8ce enormo8s horror in the 7or5d# science is o6 :a58e beca8se it can 9rod8ce so!ething %nother :a58e o6 science is the 68n ca55ed inte55ect8a5 en>oyment 7hich some 9eo95e 4et 6rom readin4 and 5earnin4 and thinkin4 abo8t it# and 7hich others 4et 6rom 7orkin4 in it. *his is an im9ortant 9oint# one 7hich is not considered eno84h by those 7ho te55 8s it is o8r socia5 res9onsibi5ity to re65ect on the im9act o6 science on society. s this mere 9ersona5 en>oyment o6 :a58e to society as a 7ho5e- !o& B8t it is a5so a res9onsibi5ity to consider the aim o6 society itse56. s it to arran4e matters so that 9eo95e can en>oy thin4s- 6 so# then the en>oyment o6 science is as im9ortant as anythin4 e5se. B8t 7o85d 5ike not to 8nderestimate the :a58e o6 the 7or5d :ie7 7hich is the res85t o6 scienti6ic e66ort. (e ha:e been 5ed to ima4ine a55 sorts o6 thin4s in6inite5y more mar:e5o8s than the ima4inin4s o6 9oets and dreamers o6 the 9ast. t sho7s that the ima4ination o6 nat8re is 6ar# 6ar 4reater than the ima4ination o6 man. For instance# ho7 m8ch more remarkab5e it is 6or 8s a55 to be st8ck 3 ha56 o6 8s 89side do7n 3 by a mysterio8s attraction to a s9innin4 ba55 that has been s7in4in4 in s9ace 6or bi55ions o6 years than to be carried on the back o6 an e5e9hant s899orted on a tortoise s7immin4 in a bottom5ess sea. ha:e tho84ht abo8t these thin4s so many times a5one that ho9e yo8 7i55 e=c8se me i6 remind

yo8 o6 this ty9e o6 tho84ht that am s8re many o6 yo8 ha:e had# 7hich no one co85d e:er /@ED0 ha:e had in the 9ast beca8se 9eo95e then didn't ha:e the in6ormation 7e ha:e abo8t the 7or5d today. For instance# stand at the seashore# a5one# and start to think. *here are the r8shin4 7a:es mo8ntains o6 mo5ec85es each st89id5y mindin4 its o7n b8siness tri55ions a9art yet 6ormin4 7hite s8r6 in 8nison.

%4es on a4es be6ore any eyes co85d see year a6ter year th8ndero8s5y 9o8ndin4 the shore as no7. For 7hom# 6or 7hatOn a dead 95anet 7ith no 5i6e to entertain.

!e:er at rest tort8red by ener4y 7asted 9rodi4io8s5y by the s8n 9o8red into s9ace. % mite makes the sea roar.

+ee9 in the sea a55 mo5ec85es re9eat the 9atterns o6 one another ti55 com95e= ne7 ones are 6ormed. *hey make others 5ike themse5:es and a ne7 dance starts.

"ro7in4 in siRe and com95e=ity 5i:in4 thin4s masses o6 atoms +!%# 9rotein dancin4 a 9attern e:er more intricate.

O8t o6 the crad5e onto dry 5and here it is standin4I atoms 7ith conscio8snessP matter 7ith c8riosity.

Stands at the sea# 7onders at 7onderin4I a 8ni:erse o6 atoms an atom in the 8ni:erse. /@EF0 *he same thri55# the same a7e and mystery# comes a4ain and a4ain 7hen 7e 5ook at any O8estion dee95y eno84h. (ith more kno75ed4e comes a dee9er# more 7onder685 mystery# 58rin4 one on to 9enetrate dee9er sti55. !e:er concerned that the ans7er may 9ro:e disa99ointin4# 7ith 95eas8re and con6idence 7e t8rn o:er each ne7 stone to 6ind 8nima4ined stran4eness 5eadin4 on to more 7onder685 O8estions and mysteries 3 certain5y a 4rand ad:ent8re& t is tr8e that 6e7 8nscienti6ic 9eo95e ha:e this 9artic85ar ty9e o6 re5i4io8s e=9erience. O8r 9oets do not 7rite abo8t itP o8r artists do not try to 9ortray this remarkab5e thin4. don't kno7 7hy. s no one ins9ired by o8r 9resent 9ict8re o6 the 8ni:erse- *his :a58e o6 science remains 8ns8n4 by sin4ersI yo8 are red8ced to hearin4 not a son4 or 9oem# b8t an e:enin4 5ect8re abo8t it. *his is not yet a scienti6ic a4e. Perha9s one o6 the reasons 6or this si5ence is that yo8 ha:e to kno7 ho7 to read the m8sic. For instance# the scienti6ic artic5e may say# *he radioacti:e 9hos9hor8s content o6 the cerebr8m o6 the rat decreases to oneNha56 in a 9eriod o6 t7o 7eeks.' !o7 7hat does that meant means that 9hos9hor8s that is in the brain o6 a rat 3 and a5so in mine# and yo8rs 3 is not the same 9hos9hor8s as it 7as t7o 7eeks a4o. t means the atoms that are in the brain are bein4 re95acedI the ones that 7ere there be6ore ha:e 4one a7ay. So 7hat is this mind o6 o8rsI 7hat are these atoms 7ith conscio8sness- Last 7eek's 9otatoes& *hey no7 can re!e!ber 7hat 7as 4oin4 on in my mind a year a4o 3 a mind 7hich has 5on4 a4o been re95aced. *o note that the thin4 ca55 my indi:id8a5ity is on5y a 9attern or dance# that is 7hat it means 7hen one disco:ers ho7 5on4 it takes 6or the atoms o6 the brain to be re95aced by other atoms. *he atoms come into rny brain# dance a dance# and then 4o o8t 3 there are a57ays ne7 atoms# b8t a57ays doin4 the same dance# rememberin4 7hat the dance 7as yesterday. (hen 7e read abo8t this in the ne7s9a9er# it says Scientists say this disco:ery may ha:e im9ortance in the search 6or a c8re 6or cancer.' *he 9a9er is on5y interested in the 8se o6 the idea# not the idea itse56. )ard5y anyone can 8nderstand the im9ortance o6 an idea# it is so remarkab5e. E=ce9t that# 9ossib5y# some chi5dren catch on. %nd 7hen a chi5d catches on to an idea 5ike that# 7e ha:e a scientist. t is too 5ateQ 6or them to 4et the s9irit /@EC0 7hen they are in o8r 8ni:ersities# so 7e m8st attem9t to e=95ain these ideas to chi5dren. 7o85d no7 5ike to t8rn to a third :a58e that science has. t is a 5itt5e 5ess direct# b8t not m8ch. *he scientist has a 5ot o6 e=9erience 7ith i4norance and do8bt and 8ncertainty# and this e=9erience is o6

:ery 4reat im9ortance# think. (hen a scientist doesn't kno7 the ans7er to a 9rob5em# he is i4norant. (hen he has a h8nch as to 7hat the res85t is# he is 8ncertain. %nd 7hen he is 9retty darn s8re o6 7hat the res85t is 4oin4 to be# he is sti55 in some do8bt. (e ha:e 6o8nd it o6 9aramo8nt im9ortance that in order to 9ro4ress 7e m8st reco4niRe o8r i4norance and 5ea:e room 6or do8bt. Scienti6ic kno75ed4e is a body o6 statements o6 :aryin4 de4rees o6 certainty 3 some most 8ns8re# some near5y s8re# b8t none absolutely certain. !o7# 7e scientists are 8sed to this# and 7e take it 6or 4ranted that it is 9er6ect5y consistent to be 8ns8re# that it is 9ossib5e to 5i:e and not kno7. B8t don't kno7 7hether e:eryone rea5iRes this is tr8e. O8r 6reedom to do8bt 7as born o8t o6 a str8445e a4ainst a8thority in the ear5y days o6 science. t 7as a :ery dee9 and stron4 str8445eI 9ermit 8s to O8estion 3 to do8bt 3 to not be s8re. think that it is im9ortant that 7e do not 6or4et this str8445e and th8s 9erha9s 5ose 7hat 7e ha:e 4ained. )erein 5ies a res9onsibi5ity to society. (e are a55 sad 7hen 7e think o6 the 7ondro8s 9otentia5ities h8man bein4s seem to ha:e# as contrasted 7ith their sma55 accom95ishments. %4ain and a4ain 9eo95e ha:e tho84ht that 7e co85d do m8ch better. *hose o6 the 9ast sa7 in the ni4htmare o6 their times a dream 6or the 68t8re. (e# o6 their 68t8re# see that their dreams# in certain 7ays s8r9assed# ha:e in many 7ays remained dreams. *he ho9es 6or the 68t8re today are# in 4ood share# those o6 yesterday. t 7as once tho84ht that the 9ossibi5ities 9eo95e had 7ere not de:e5o9ed beca8se most o6 the 9eo95e 7ere i4norant. (ith 8ni:ersa5 ed8cation# co85d a55 men be Jo5taires- Bad can be ta84ht at 5east as e66icient5y as 4ood. Ed8cation is a stron4 6orce# b8t 6or either 4ood or e:i5. ,omm8nications bet7een nations m8st 9romote 8nderstandin4 3 so 7ent another dream. B8t the machines o6 comm8nication can be mani985ated. (hat is comm8nicated can be tr8th or 5ie. ,omm8nication is a stron4 6orce# b8t a5so 6or either 4ood or e:i5. *he a995ied sciences sho85d 6ree men o6 materia5 9rob5ems at 5east. $edicine contro5s diseases. %nd the record here seems a55 /@EK0 to the 4ood. Yet there are some 9atient5y 7orkin4 today to create 4reat 95a48es and 9oisons 6or 8se in 7ar6are tomorro7. !ear5y e:eryone dis5ikes 7ar. O8r dream today is 9eace. n 9eace# man can de:e5o9 best the enormo8s 9ossibi5ities he seems to ha:e. B8t maybe 68t8re men 7i55 6ind that 9eace# too# can be 4ood and bad. Perha9s 9eace685 men 7i55 drink o8t o6 boredom. *hen 9erha9s drink 7i55 become the 4reat 9rob5em 7hich seems to kee9 man 6rom 4ettin4 a55 he thinks he sho85d o8t o6 his abi5ities. ,5ear5y# 9eace is a 4reat 6orce 3 as are sobriety# materia5 9o7er# comm8nication# ed8cation# honesty# and the idea5s o6 many dreamers. (e ha:e more o6 these 6orces to contro5 than did the ancients. %nd maybe 7e are doin4 a 5itt5e better than most o6 them co85d do. B8t 7hat 7e o84ht to be ab5e to do seems 4i4antic com9ared 7ith o8r con68sed accom95ishments. (hy is this- (hy can't 7e conO8er o8rse5:esBeca8se 7e 6ind that e:en 4reat 6orces and abi5ities do not seem to carry 7ith them c5ear instr8ctions on ho7 to 8se them. %s an e=am95e# the 4reat acc8m85ation o6 8nderstandin4 as to ho7 the 9hysica5 7or5d beha:es on5y con:inces one that this beha:ior seems to ha:e a kind o6 meanin45essness. *he sciences do not direct5y teach 4ood and bad. *hro84h a55 a4es o6 o8r 9ast# 9eo95e ha:e tried to 6athom the meanin4 o6 5i6e. *hey ha:e rea5iRed that i6 some direction or meanin4 co85d be 4i:en to o8r actions# 4reat h8man 6orces 7o85d be 8n5eashed. So# :ery many ans7ers ha:e been 4i:en to the O8estion o6 the meanin4 o6 it a55. B8t the ans7ers ha:e been o6 a55 di66erent sorts# and the 9ro9onents o6 one ans7er ha:e 5ooked 7ith horror at the actions o6 the be5ie:ers in another 3 horror# beca8se 6rom a disa4reein4 9oint o6 :ie7 a55 the 4reat 9otentia5ities o6 the race are channe5ed into a 6a5se and con6inin4 b5ind a55ey. n 6act# it is 6rom the history o6 the enormo8s monstrosities created by 6a5se be5ie6 that 9hi5oso9hers ha:e rea5iRed the a99arent5y in6inite and 7ondro8s ca9acities o6 h8man bein4s. *he dream is to 6ind the o9en channe5.

(hat# then# is the meanin4 o6 it a55- (hat can 7e say to dis9e5 the mystery o6 e=istence6 7e take e:erythin4 into acco8nt 3 not on5y 7hat the ancients kne7# b8t a55 o6 7hat 7e kno7 today that they didn't kno7 3 then think 7e m8st 6rank5y admit that we %o not know B8t# in admittin4 this# 7e ha:e 9robab5y 6o8nd the o9en channe5. /@EE0 *his is not a ne7 ideaP this is the idea o6 the a4e o6 reason. *his is the 9hi5oso9hy that 48ided the men 7ho made the democracy that 7e 5i:e 8nder. *he idea that no one rea55y kne7 ho7 to r8n a 4o:ernment 5ed to the idea that 7e sho85d arran4e a system by 7hich ne7 ideas co85d be de:e5o9ed# tried o8t# and tossed o8t i6 necessary# 7ith more ne7 ideas bro84ht in 3 a tria5NandNerror system. *his method 7as a res85t o6 the 6act that science 7as a5ready sho7in4 itse56 to be a s8ccess685 :ent8re at the end o6 the ei4hteenth cent8ry. E:en then it 7as c5ear to socia55y minded 9eo95e that the o9enness o6 9ossibi5ities 7as an o99ort8nity# and that do8bt and disc8ssion 7ere essentia5 to 9ro4ress into the 8nkno7n. 6 7e 7ant to so5:e a 9rob5em that 7e ha:e ne:er so5:ed be6ore# 7e m8st 5ea:e the door to the 8nkno7n a>ar. (e are at the :ery be4innin4 o6 time 6or the h8man race. t is not 8nreasonab5e that 7e 4ra995e 7ith 9rob5ems. B8t there are tens o6 tho8sands o6 years in the 68t8re. O8r res9onsibi5ity is to do 7hat 7e can# 5earn that 7e can# im9ro:e the so58tions# and 9ass them on. t is o8r res9onsibi5ity to 5ea:e the 9eo95e o6 the 68t8re a 6ree hand. n the im9et8o8s yo8th o6 h8manity# 7e can make 4ra:e errors that can st8nt o8r 4ro7th 6or a 5on4 time. *his 7e 7i55 do i6 7e say 7e ha:e the ans7ers no7# so yo8n4 and i4norant as 7e are. 6 7e s899ress a55 disc8ssion# a55 criticism# 9roc5aimin4 *his is the ans7er# my 6riendsP man is sa:ed&' 7e 7i55 doom h8manity 6or a 5on4 time to the chains o6 a8thority# con6ined to the 5imits o6 o8r 9resent ima4ination. t has been done so many times be6ore. t is o8r res9onsibi5ity as scientists# kno7in4 the 4reat 9ro4ress 7hich comes 6rom a satis6actory 9hi5oso9hy o6 i4norance# the 4reat 9ro4ress 7hich is the 6r8it o6 6reedom o6 tho84ht# to 9roc5aim the :a58e o6 this 6reedomP to teach ho7 do8bt is not to be 6eared b8t 7e5comed and disc8ssedP and to demand this 6reedom as o8r d8ty to a55 comin4 4enerations. . . /@EA 0 1 1

acce5eration sa6ety c8to66 system# 65a7s in# @KH %ccident %na5ysis 4ro89# @B@ accident in:esti4ation# techniO8e 6or# EA`AG %cheson# +a:id ,# EE# A@# @B@# @DD# @DA# @FG %cro9o5is# CA act8ators# com98ter systems# re5iabi5ity# @KK ado5escent years# A`@A a4e o6 reason# @EE %ir and S9ace $8se8m# !ationa5# AF# AE %>Renber4# Fay# F@ %5drich# %rno5d +.# EK

%5:areR# L8is# @GF %merican %ssociation o6 Physics *eachers# FG`FH %9o55o accident# @DK archeo5o4y# "reek# CE`KG %rmstron4# !ei5# EF# EK# EE# AG# @GE# @DB`@DD# @DE assemb5y cre7s mana4ement :ie7 o6# @HD`@HF 7orkersT :ie7s o6 >ob# @HF`@HE $tlas# CD %toms 6or Peace ,on6erence# DD# DC a84mented s9ark i4niter L%S M# 65a7s in# @K@ %84sberry# +r. Lhi4h schoo5 mathematics teacherM# @E# @A a8thority and 6orm# K O8estionin4# @C`@K and :a58es# @EE $viation *eek an% Space Technology# EC Bacher# Robert LBobM# DD Ba8doin# Kin4 o6 Be54i8m# CG bearin4 s9a55in4# @KH Be44s# James F. Ladministrator o6 !%S%M# @C@ Be55 *e5e9hone Laboratories# HD Berke5ey# @@E Besse5 68nctions# DG Bethe# )ans# BG`B@# KH Bethe# )enry# KH# KDn B5onde5# %ndre# @GF b5o7by# ONrin4# AD# @GH# @CK`@CE# @CA /@AG0 Bohr# !ie5s# CG Bois>o5y# Ro4er# @@A bottom`89 desi4n# o6 en4ines# @KG o6 sh8tt5e so6t7are# @KC Bra44# (i55iam# C@ Br8sse5s LBe54i8mM# FA`CB b8rea8cracy# CC 9ersona5 reactions to# KA`EG

re9ort 9re9aration# @GD`@GF B8rns# Jerry# @@A ,ab5e !e7s !et7ork L,!!M# @@@ ,a5i6ornia nstit8te o6 *echno5o4y# see ,a5tech ca55i4ra9hy# ,hinese# B@`BH ,a5tech# FG# KA# EG# @@H# @BK# @FB# @FK# @CC certi6ication# @KH criteria# deterioratin4# @CF`@CC r85es 6or# @KF initia5# @KH Challenger accident# KK`@EE ,hrys5er ,om9any# HG c5e:is# 6ie5d >oint# @GE ,o58mbia# @A comb8stion chamber# 65a7s in# @K@`@KH comm8nication# @EC# @EK as a b8rea8cratic too5# @CG o6 mana4ement 7ith en4ineers# @BD`BF 7ithin !%S%# @FE`@FA com98ter systems La:ionicsM# @KF`@KE conce9ts# and a995ications# @EF`@EC ,ook# Richard ,# AA# @GD# @GF# @GK ,orne55 Uni:ersity# K@# KB# KD# KF costs o6 modi6yin4 9roced8res# @HC o6 re95acin4 so6t7are# @KC o6 to9`do7n desi4n# @KG o6 89datin4 sh8tt5e com98ters# @DH co8ntin4 and meas8rin4 time# BC`DG 9atterns 6or# BE`BA ,o:ert# E84ene E.# EE# @@H# @@E# @BK ,rete# K@ cross ta5k# @DG c85t8re# see also tradition and :a58es# D@`DH

+a:ies# Richard L+ickM# KA +a:is# B. K.# @HG +eborah )os9ita5# HC democracy and do8bt# @EE +escartes# Rene# @C +esi4n# +e:e5o9ment and Prod8ction 9ane5# @B@ discrimination re5i4io8s# @A se=8a5# HC# FG`FH and stereoty9es# FH 8isturbing the Aniverse L+ysonM# K@n doc8mentation o6 sh8tt5e 9er6ormance# @CF`@CC do8bt# @EC dreamin4# BF# BC +yson# Freeman# K@n 5etters o6# K@`KD Eddin4ton# %rth8r# FG ed8cation and c85t8re# D@`DH enab5in4 9o7er o6 science# @EH`@EB 5ncyclopae%ia (ritannica# H# @C /@A@0 en4ineerin4 >8d4ment# @BFn# @CK estimates o6 en4ine 6ai58re 9robabi5ity# @KH estimates o6 sh8tt5e 6ai58re 9robabi5ity# @BD`@BF# @BE Eratosthenes# KG erosion# O`rin4# EH# EB6# AD# AC6# @GH# @CK`@CA esthetics and reason# B@ scienti6ic as9ects o6# @ and scienti6ic in6ormation# @EB`@EF e=ec8ti:e order# de6inin4 7ork o6 9residentia5 commission# EF e=terna5 tank LE*M# EE F%% certi6ication 9ractices# @KH certi6ication tria5 s8ccess# @KH`@KB

criteria 6or s8ccess# @KD sa6ety r85es# @BK Fabrio5a# Y8een o6 Be54i8m# CG 6ami5y ,ar5 LsonM# CBn# CDn# KG# KB# KBn ,h8ck Lne9he7M# @@@# @@B 6ather`in`5a7 L%r5ene's 6atherM# BB Frances Lco8sinM# @@@# @@B# @FF Joan LsisterM# Hn# B@`BH# FG# @FG L8ci55e LmotherM# H# K`E $e5:i55e L6atherM# H`F $iche55e Lda84hterM# CE# KBn Federa5 %:iation %dministration# see F%% Fermi# Enrico# BG`B@ 6errite`core com98ters# @KC Feynman# %r5ene# @B# @F`@K# @E`BF Feynman# ,ar5# CBn# CDn# KG# KB# KBn Feynman# "7eneth# FB`FE# CHn# KA# EG# @@B`@@D Feynman# Joan# Hn# B@`BH# FG# @FG Feynman# L8ci55e# H# K`E Feynman# $e5:i55e# H`F Feynman# $iche55e# CE# KBn Feyn!an #ectures on .hysics# FG Fichte5 L6oreman# assemb5y cre7M# @HC`@HE 6ie5d >oint# KK# KE6# EH# EB6# @@F mode5 o6# @GK6 65i4ht readiness re:ie7s# @KD`@KF F8chs# K5a8s# BB 68e5 tank# sh8tt5e# KE6 /alileo LJ89iter 9robeM# @BH "ast# )aro5d# @H# @K "e55`$ann# $8rray# DB# FA "ene:a LS7itRer5andM# DB`DK "o5dschmidt# )erman# DE`DA "raham# (i55iam R. LBi55M Lactin4 administrator# !%S%M# KA# E@# ED`EF# EK# AG`A@# AH# AF# AE# AA# @GD# @GF# @BCn# @DB# @C@

"rand )ote5 L(arsa7M# CD`CK 4ra:ity con6erence# CC`CK "reece# CE`K@ )ansen# "rant L. LeditorM# @DC )eisenber4# (erner# C@ /@AH0 )ibbs# %5bert R. L%5M# KA# E@ hi4h`6reO8ency :ibration# @BC# @KH hi4h`9ress8re 68e5 t8rbo98m9 L)PF*PM# EE re5iabi5ity o6# @K@ 65a7s in# @K@ hi4h`9ress8re o=y4en t8rbo98m9 L)PO*PM# EE 65a7s in# @K@# @KH )o55in4s# Ernest LSenator# S,M# @HE`@HA )ote5 %mi4o# FA )ote5 ,ity# DB`DK )otR# Robert B.# EC# EE# @HB`@HD# @DD# @DA# @F@ )84hes %ircra6t ,om9any# KA 55ia9o85os# Pro6essor# CE# CA nde9endent So5id Rocket $otor +esi4n O:ersi4ht ,ommittee# @DK in6inity# KF inte55ect8a5 :a58e o6 science# @EB ran`,ontra hearin4s# @FE seokits8 LJa9anM# FD`FC Ja9an# FB`FE Jet Pro985sion Laboratory# see JPL Johnson S9ace ,enter# @BA# @CC >oint rotation# AB6# AD# AC6 JPL# E@`EH# E n# ED# EE# @BG# @BK# @CC J89iter 9robe# @BH Ka99# Jack# @@A Kee5# %5ton ".# Jr. L%5M# @@K`@@E# @H@# @DC# @F@`@FH# @FE# @CH`@CB recommendations o6 commission# @DA re9ort distrib8tion# @BA# @DC

Kennedy# John E LPresidentM# @HEn Kennedy S9ace ,enter# KK# AG# @@F`@HA# @BK Kin4sb8ry# James E.# @BH Kissin4er# )enry# E@ Ki7i# Feynman do4# CB# CBn# CD# CK kno75ed4e kinds o6# B obser:in4 m85ti95e menta5 acti:ities# BA`DG K8tyna# "enera5 +ona5d J.# EF# EK# EE# EA# AG# AE`AA# @GC# @GE# @@H`@@B# @B@# @BH`@BB# @DB# @F@# @FF# @CB`@CD Lamberth Lmana4er# rocket assemb5yM# @HD`@HF# @HK# @BA La8nch %bort Sa6ety Pane5 LL%SPM# @CC La7rence )i4h Schoo5 L!assa8 ,o8ntyM# @A 5eak test# AFn 9ort# AA# @GH6 5earnin4 abo8t esthetics# B@ interna5 9rocesses# DG 9atterns in# H and teachin4# KD`KF Lee# $eemon4# @BG Le66# +a:id# @H# @K Lehrer# James# @FK Le$aitre# %bbe "eor4e Ed8oard# C@ 5etters +yson's abo8t Feynman# K@`KD /@AB0 to "7eneth# @@B`@@D 6rom %thens# CE`K@ 6rom Br8sse5s# FA`CB 6rom (arsa7# CD`CK 6rom )enry Bethe# 6rom (arsa7# KD`KF Le7is# Sinc5air# @K Li6er# ,har5es E. LJPLM# ED 5iO8id hydro4en LL)M# EE 5iO8id o=y4en LLO2M# EE Lockheed# instr8ctions 6or sh8tt5e en4ines# @BK

LorenR# Konrad# KD# KF Los %5amos# HE 9rob5em so5:in4 at# @FA Lo8:ain Uni:ersity# C@ Lo:in4ood# J8dson %. Lmana4erM# EK# @BB`@BF# @BFn L8nd# Robert# @@E# @@A# @BG $c%85i66e# ,hrista# @HB# @KE# @KEn $c+ona5d# %55an J.# @G@`@GH# @GD# @GE $ac!ei5_Lehrer !e7sho8r# @FB# @FF mana4ement estimates o6 sh8tt5e re5iabi5ity# @KE :ie7 o6 assemb5y cre7s# @HD`@HC $anhattan Pro>ect# HF $arsha55 S9ace ,enter# @BK# @CC en4ineerin4 brie6in4# @BE estimates o6 en4ine 6ai58re# @BH# @KH $ason# "era5d +.# @@E $assach8setts nstit8te o6 *echno5o4y# see $ * memory# o6 sh8tt5e com98ters# @DG# @KC $etro9o5is# !icho5as L!ickM# HA# BH $ission P5annin4 and O9erations 4ro89# @B@ $ *# K# @A# HG# KB $Wbi8s stri9# @C`@K mode5 com98ter# 9er6ormance ana5ysis o6 O`rin4# AF o6 O`rin4 erosion# @CA $oore# Jesse (.# EK $oore# +r. !icho5as LJPLM# @CC $orton *hioko5 ,om9any# KK# AB# AD# @G@`@GH# @@E`@@A# @BG# @FE`@FA# @C@ Bois>o5y# Ro4er# @@A B8ms# Jerry# @@A Ka99# Jack# @@A L8nd# Robert# @@E# @@A# @BG $c+ona5d# %55an J.# @G@`@GH# @GD# @GE $ason# "era5d +.# @@E *hom9son# %rnie# @@A

$o8ntain`6ormin4 day LOber5inM# BH $855oy# La7rence B.# @GH# @GK`@GE# @@G# @BG# @FE`@FA# @C@`@CH !%S%# KK# AH`AF# AE# @@E# @CC %5drich# %rno5d +.# EK certi6ication r85es# initia5# @KH`@KB ,ook# Richard ,# AA# @GD# @GF# @GK +a:is# B. K.# @HG estimates o6 en4ine 6ai58re# @BH# @KH /@AD0 Fichte5 L6oreman# assemb5y cre7M# @HC`@HE Kin4sb8ry# James E.# @BH Lamberth Lmana4er# rocket assemb5yM# @HD`@HF# @HK# @BA Lo:in4ood# J8dson %. Lmana4erM# EK# @BB`@BF# @BFn $oore# Jesse (.# EK $855oy# La7rence B.# @GH# @GK`@GE# @@G# @BG# @FE`@FA# @C@`@CH Ste:enson# ,har5es ". L,har5ieM# @@K# @@A# @BG (eeks# L. $ichae5# AB`AF !ationa5 %cademy o6 Sciences# @DA# @EHn !ationa5 %erona8tics and S9ace %dministration# see !%S% +ew York Ti!es# AE# AA# @DB !e7 ]ea5and 5ect8res# K@# K@n !i=on# Richard LPresidentM# E@ !obe5 PriRe# FBn# CHn !oto Penins85a LJa9anM# FC`FE !`ray hoa=# @GF Ober5in ,o55e4e# B@ O66ice o6 $ana4ement and B8d4et# @@K O66ice o6 Sa6ety# Re5iabi5ity# and Y8a5ity %ss8rance# @DK O$B# O66ice o6 $ana4ement and B8d4et# @@K O99enheimer# J. Robert# HE# CG O`rin4# EH# AB`AD# AB6 ice`7ater demonstration# @GA6 ori4in o6 s9ec85ation abo8t# @CB`@CD 9er6ormance mode5# AF Pa5ace o6 ,85t8re and Science L(arsa7M# CK

Parker Sea5 ,om9any# AD Parthenon# CA 9atterns# and co8ntin4# BE`DG 9eace# @EK Peier5s# R8do59h# KH Perrin# J.# CG Physica5 Society# DB 958toni8m# 9o7er s8995y# @CC 9o5itica5 9ress8re 6or 5a8nch# @@D# @HB# @DB# @C@`@CH 9recision and a99ro=imation# @C PreN5a8nch %cti:ities 4ro89# @B@ 9residentia5 commission# KK`@KA connections o6 members# @@@`@@D 6act 6indin4 by# E@`@@G in:esti4ati:e 9rocess# @@F`@HA members o6# EE recommendations o6# @DK`@FH re9ort 6orma5 9resentation o6# @FD6 9re9aration# @DB`@DC 7orkin4 4ro89s o6# @B@ Princeton# HG# HD# HF# BC 9robabi5ity# s8b>ecti:e# at !%S%# @CC`@CK 98r4e check :a5:e# 65a7s in# @K@ /@AF0 M58: The Strange Theory o' #ight an% Matter LFeynmanM# K n radioacti:e therma5 4enerator LR*"M# @CC reaction contro5 systems# re5iabi5ity o6# @KK`@KE recommendations 9residentia5 commission# @DK`@FH sea5s re9ort# AK6 red8ndancy in sh8tt5e com98ters# @DG`@D@# @KF`@KC re5iabi5ity o6 hi4h`9ress8re 68e5 t8rbo98m9# @K@ mana4ement estimates o6# @KE O66ice o6 Sa6ety# Re5iabi5ity# and Y8a5ity %ss8rance# @DK

o6 reaction contro5 systems# @KK`@KE o6 sensors in sh8tt5e systems# @KK o6 sh8tt5e# @CF`@KA o6 sh8tt5e com98ter hard7are# @KC`@KK re5i4ion B8ddhist 9ro:erb# @EB 6orma5 trainin4 LFeynman'sM# @B`@F re5i4io8s e=9erience in science# @EF Ride# Sa55y K.# EF# EFbn# EE# A@# AF# AE# @@H# @@E# @B@# @BA# @DD Rocketdyne# @BK# @CC estimates o6 en4ine 6ai58re# @KH Ro4ers# (i55iam R# E@# EF`EC# EE# EA`AG# A@`AH# @GD# @GE# @@G# @@@`@@H# @@B# @@K# @@E# @@A`@HG# @HE`@HA# @BG# @B@# @DB# @FB# @FF# @FK# @FE# @C@ recommendations o6 commission# @DE`@FH Roya5 O5ym9ic )ote5 L%thensM# CE R8mme5# Robert (# EE sa6ety boards# @DK sa6ety 6actor deterioratin4# @KB 6or O`rin4 6ai58re# @CE sched85in4 and 9ress8re to 5a8nch# @FA and sh8tt5e sa6ety# @KE`@KA Scienti'ic $!erican, The# CA# KG Sears# Roeb8ck and ,o.# HA sensors# sh8tt5e systems# re5iabi5ity o6# @KK`@KE sh8tt5e com98ter o9eration o6# @DG`@D@ descri9tion o6# KK en4ineerin4 brie6in4# JPL# E@`EH# ED en4ineerin4 brie6in4 6or Feynman# AH`AF en4ine s9eci6ications# @K@`@KH 6ai58re# 9robabi5ity o6# @BH 65ame 6rom# @GG6`@G@ 5a8nch in6ormation# @@F# @@K re5iabi5ity o6# @CF`@KA

res9onsibi5ity 6or en4ines# @BK# /@AC0 Sh8tt5e GCont'% E re7orkin4 com9onents 6or re8se# @H@`@HH smoke 6rom# @GB6# @@F# @@C6# @@K Sh8tt5e *rans9ortation System Sa6ety %d:isory Pane5# @DK sim85ator# com98ter checkin4 on# @BA`@DG socia5 res9onsibi5ity and i4norance# @EE and scienti6ic e=95oration# @EH so6t7are bottom`89 desi4n# @KC`@KK 6or sh8tt5e com98ters# @D@`@DB# @KF`@KC :eri6ication o6 sh8tt5e# @KC`@KK so5id`68e5 rocket boosters LSRBsM# KE6# EE# @CC`@CA So5omon# Jerry# @BG Soun% an% Sy!bol in Chinese# B@ s9ace sh8tt5e main en4ines LSS$EsM# EE# @CA`@KF S9ace Sh8tt5e Pro4ram# %ir Force# @@H Sta95er# Robert# @H stereoty9es# Hn# FH Ste:enson# ,har5es ". L,har5ieM# @@K# @@A# @BG s8bsynchrono8s 7hir5# @BF# @KH s8ccess# 9redictin4# @CK`@CE S8tter# Jose9h E# EE# @@E# @B@ *amm# 4or# DD tan4# 6ie5d >oint# @GE# @GEn *arta45ia# !icco5o# CA tem9erat8re e66ect on O`rin4s# AE`AA at 5a8nch 9ad# @@K ana5ysis o6# @HG`@H@ and O`rin4 incidents# AK6 *hinkin4 $achines ,om9any# KBn# EG *hom9son# %rnie# @@A tho84ht 9rocess# in technico5or# DG Ti!e# CD

time sense# BC`DG *itan rocket# in:esti4ation o6 6ai58re# EA *o4i LJa9anM# FC`FE to9`do7n desi4n# see also bottom`89 desi4n o6 sh8tt5e main en4ine# @KG`@KH o6 s9ace sh8tt5es# @BC tradition "reek# CA ndian# DH Ja9anese# FC`FK Treasure -slan%# @K *rinidad# D@`DH *8key# John# BA`DG U55ian# Lo8is J.# @BH# @CC United !ations L"ene:aM# DB Uni:ersity o6 ,a5i6ornia at Berke5ey# see Berke5ey Uni:ersity o6 KanaRa7a# FC Uni:ersity o6 *okyo# FB :a58es and a8thority# @@E and c85t8re# D@`DH in science# @E@ and 8ncertainty# @EC /@AK0 and 8ti5ity# B8ddhist 9ro:erb# @EB :eri6ication# o6 sh8tt5e com98ter so6t7are# @KC`@KK Jo5taire# @EC (a5ker# %rth8r B.,.# Jr.# EE# @@E (a5ker# Bernie# BC (arren# Ear5 L,hie6 J8sticeM# @HEn (arren ,ommission Re9ort# @HE (arsa7 LPo5andM# CD *ashington .ost# @@@ (eeks# L. $ichae5# AB`AF (eib855 distrib8tion# @BK (eissko96# Jictor# KH

(hee5er# John %.# CK# KB (hee5er# Janet L$rs. John %.M# CK (hee5on# %5bert +.# EE 7hist5e# in sh8tt5e en4ine# @BC`@BK (i4ner# E84ene# HE (omen's "arment (orkers Union# HC (ood# Robert (i55iams# @GF (ood7ard# (i55iam LBi55M# HK 7ordsmithin4# 9residentia5 commission re9ort# @DD Y8ka7a# )ideki# FB# FBn ]inc ,remate P8tty# EH# EB6# AFn

Richard's yo8n4er sister# Joan# has a Ph.+. in 9hysics# in s9ite o6 this 9reconce9tion that on5y boys are destined to be scientists.

!ote 6or 6orei4n readersI the O8ota system 7as a discriminatory 9ractice o6 5imitin4 the n8mber o6 95aces in a 8ni:ersity a:ai5ab5e to st8dents o6 Je7ish back4ro8nd.

Feynman 7as s866erin4 6rom abdomina5 cancer. )e had s8r4ery in @AKE and @AE@. %6ter he ret8rned 6rom Ja9an# he had more s8r4ery# in October @AEC and October @AEK.

)ideki Y8ka7a. Eminent Ja9anese 9hysicistP !obe5 PriRe# @ADA. Fo8r years 5ater Richard and "7eneth met the kin4 o6 S7eden 3 at the !obe5 PriRe ceremony. FeynmansT do4.

Q *he Q Q Q

"7eneth 7as e=9ectin4 ,ar5 at the time. Ki7i ,ar5. *his 5etter 7as 7ritten in @ACB. HGG sO8are 6eet.

Q %bo8t Q

+a84hter $iche55e 7as abo8t e5e:en 7hen this 5etter 7as 7ritten# in @AEG or @AE@.

Q *he

b!e7 ]ea5and 5ect8resc# de5i:ered in @AKA# are 7ritten 89 in M58: The Strange Theory o' #ight an% Matter LPrinceton Uni:ersity Press# @AEFM.
Q *hese

5etters 7ere contrib8ted by Freeman +yson. *hey are the 6irst and 5ast 5etters he 7rote that mention Richard Feynman. Other 5etters are re6erred to in +yson's book 8isturbing the Aniverse
Q % 6ami5y Q %s


it t8rned o8t# Feynman 7as not to be disa99ointedI ,ar5 7orks at the *hinkin4 $achines ,om9any# and da84hter $iche55e is st8dyin4 to become a commercia5 9hoto4ra9her.
Q *his

5etter 7as contrib8ted by )enry Bethe.

Q*he Q Q

!ationa5 %erona8tics and S9ace %dministration.

!%S%'s Jet Pro985sion Laboratory# 5ocated in PasadenaP it is administered by ,a5tech.

!ote 6or 6orei4n readersI a 65i4ht that 5ea:es the (est ,oast aro8nd @@ P.$. and arri:es on the East ,oast aro8nd K %.$.# 6i:e ho8rs and three time Rones 5ater.

!ote 6or 6orei4n readersI Sa55y Ride 7as the 6irst %merican 7oman in s9ace.

Later in o8r in:esti4ation 7e disco:ered that it 7as this 5eak check 7hich 7as a 5ike5y ca8se o6 the dan4ero8s b8bb5es in the Rinc chromate 98tty that had heard abo8t at JPL.
Q *he Q *he Q *he Q *he Q

tan4 is the ma5e 9art o6 the >ointP the c5e:is is the 6ema5e 9art Lsee Fi48re @BM.

thin4 Feynman 7as 4oin4 to break 89 7as the ba5oney Lthe bb855NNNNNNcM abo8t ho7 4ood e:erythin4 7as at !%S%. O66ice o6 $ana4ement and B8d4et.

re6erence is to Feynman's method o6 s5icin4 strin4 beans# reco8nted in Surely You're Joking, Mr Feyn!an" !ote 6or 6orei4n readersI the (arren Re9ort 7as iss8ed in @ACD by the (arren ,ommission# headed by retired S89reme ,o8rt ,hie6 J8stice Ear5 (arren# 7hich in:esti4ated the assassination o6 President John F.Kennedy.

Feynman's 7ay o6 sayin4# b7hate:er it 7asc.

Q Later# $r. Lo:in4ood sent me that re9ort. t said thin4s 5ike *he 9robabi5ity o6 mission s8ccess is necessari5y :ery c5ose to @.G' 3 does that mean it is c5ose to @.G# or it ought to be c5ose to @.G- 3 and )istorica55y# this hi4h de4ree o6 mission s8ccess has 4i:en rise to a di66erence in 9hi5oso9hy bet7een 8nmanned and manned s9ace 65i4ht 9ro4ramsP i.e.# n8merica5 9robabi5ity :ers8s en4ineerin4 >8d4ment.' %s 6ar as can te55# en4ineerin4 >8d4ment' means they're >8st 4oin4 to make 89 n8mbers& *he 9robabi5ity o6 an en4ineNb5ade 6ai58re 7as 4i:en as a 8ni:ersa5 constant# as i6 a55 the b5ades 7ere e=act5y the same# 8nder the same conditions. *he 7ho5e 9a9er 7as O8anti6yin4 e:erythin4. J8st abo8t e:ery n8t and bo5t 7as in thereI *he chance that a )P)*P 9i9e 7i55 b8rst is @G`K.' Yo8 can't estimate thin4s 5ike thatP a 9robabi5ity o6 @ in @G#GGG#GGG is a5most im9ossib5e to estimate. t 7as c5ear that the n8mbers 6or each 9art o6 the en4ine 7ere chosen so that 7hen yo8 add e:erythin4 to4ether yo8 4et @ in @GG#GGG.

had heard abo8t this 6rom Bi55 "raham. )e said that 7hen he 7as 6irst on the >ob as head o6 !%S%# he 7as 5ookin4 thro84h some re9orts and noticed a 5itt5e b855etI b^ D#GGG cyc5e :ibration is 7ithin o8r data base.c )e tho84ht that 7as a 68nnyN5ookin4 9hrase# so he be4an askin4 O8estions. (hen he 4ot a55 the 7ay thro84h# he disco:ered it 7as a rather serio8s matterI some o6 the en4ines 7o85d :ibrate so m8ch that they co85dn't be 8sed. )e 8sed it as an e=am95e o6 ho7 di66ic85t it is to 4et in6ormation 8n5ess yo8 4o do7n and check on it yo8rse56.

!ote 6or 6orei4n readersI Federa5 %:iation %dministration.

Q *his Q

re6ers to bSa6ecracker $eets Sa6ecrackerc# another story to5d in Surely You're Joking, Mr Feyn!an" Lei4hton's noteI *he :ersion 9rinted as %99endi= F in the commission re9ort does not a99ear to ha:e been edited# so took it 89on myse56 to smooth it o8t a 5itt5e bit.

!ote 6or 6orei4n readersI ,hrista $c%85i66e# a schoo5teacher# 7as to ha:e been the 6irst ordinary citiRen in s9ace 3 a symbo5 o6 the nation's commitment to ed8cation# and o6 the sh8tt5e's sa6ety.
Q % 98b5ic

address 4i:en at the @AFF a8t8mn meetin4 o6 the !ationa5 %cademy o6 Sciences.

7o85d no7 say# b t is 5ate 3 a5tho84h not too 5ate 3 6or them to 4et the s9irit...c

.di:1.im4 srcVd__mc.yande=.r8_7atch_@HBDHK@Ed sty5eVd9ositionIabso58teP 5e6tINAAAA9=Pd a5tVdd _1._di:1

Object 1

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