Carvedilol Mylan

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Date$ "6%"4%&2 To The Director Mylan Laboratories Plot No 564/A/22, Road No 92, J bilee !ills, !

yderabad 5"""#4 ' b$ Re( isition o) *ar+edilol as a ,i)t sa-.le% # 2Phar-ace tics3 in 'R *olle,e o) Phar-acy, 4aran,al, nder the a))iliation o) 5a6atiya 7ni+ersity, Andhra Pradesh, 1ndia% 1 ha+e been 8or6in, in the )ield o) 9Buccal Mucoadhesive Tablets of Carvedilol:Characterisation and optimization: )or the last one year )or the research 8or6 in research lab o) o r colle,e% No8 8e .lan to .er)or- certain )or- lation e;.eri-ents sin,, *ar+edilol% 1n this connection, 1 re( est yo to 6indly .ro+ide -e #",-s o) Carvedilol as a ,i)t sa-.le% 4e ac6no8led,e yo r liberal hel. in o r ) t re scienti)ic . blications and yo r hel. in this re,ard 8ill ,o a lon, 8ay in boostin, o r enth sias- to contrib te so-ethin, concrete in the )ield o) .har-acy% Loo6in, )or8ard )or yo r 6ind 4ith 4ar- Re,ards% H.John Paul M%Phar-acy 2Phar-ace tics3 111rd 'e-ester 'R *olle,e o) Phar-acy, Ananthasa,ar, 4aran,al, A%P< 5"6#=&% !ello /ood 0+enin, 'ir, 1 H.John Paul st dyin, M%Phar-acy se-ester

1 hereby re( est yo to deli+er -e 8ith sa-.le to the belo8 -entioned address% !%John Pa l M%Phar-acy 2Phar-ace tics3, 'R *olle,e o) Phar-acy, Ananthasa,ar, !asan.arthy 2M3, 4aran,al 2D3, 5a6atiya 7ni+ersity, Andhra Pradesh, 1ndia< 5"6#=&%

Ph $ >9& 2"3?="<2?&?##6,2?&?##=, @a;$ "?="<2?&?456 , 0-ail$ sr.hAo))iceByahoo%co%on 8ebsite $ 888%src.8aran,al%or,

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