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RC II- RC II 9 RC II-1 Science and Sensory: Playing with Bubbles Age Group: In ants

!b"ecti#e: $sing bubbles to help children to learn how to grab% &aterials: Bubbles :' Playing with bubbles ocus on engaging the senses( curiosity( sti)ulation and early co))unication between baby and parents% Its an acti#ity your baby will lo#e and so will you%

RC II-* +anguage and +iteracy: Baby Sign +anguage Age Group: In ants

!b"ecti#e: ,o learn di erent ways to co))unicate% &aterials: Sign +anguage BooInfants from about six months of age can begin to learn the basic signs, which cover such objects and concepts as thirsty, milk, water, hungry, sleepy, pacifier, more, hot, cold, play, bath, and teddy bear.

RC II-. Creati#ity Age Group: In ants

!b"ecti#e: ,o creati#ely grow the brain% &aterials:Anything !ne o the greatest wonders o creati#ity is how ageless it is% /ro) a #ery early age( babies respond to color( sound and )o#e)ent% Bloc-s( toys and cushions with bright colors( te0tures or interesting sounds are designed to help sti)ulate an in ant1s natural curiosity%

RC II-2 /ine &otor:Building Age Group: ,oddlers

!b"ecti#e: /or the child to grow there s-ills &aterials: Any -ind o Bloc-s Blocks are not only fun but they also help the child develop motor skills, hand eye coordination,spatial skills,social skills and even language skills.

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