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The Design Process

By: Jessica Cross

The Design Process for engineering is Define the problem: Students should write the challenge in their own words, defining the situation. This is a way to start off and ponder the issue, perhaps by thinking, !ow can " design a ####### that will #######$%. Brainstorm: Brainstor&ing is 'ery i&portant( This step is when the student let)s the ideas flow while writing or drawing the& as they co&e. *'en if their designs see& inco&plete or far+fetched they should record the& then polish and fi, the ideas. Generate Ideas: During this step the students pick one or two ideas and thoroughly de'elop the&. The students should create so&e neatly drawn sketches, and iso&etric or orthographic drawings. Identify Criteria and Constraints: The students should figure the re-uire&ents for the design. This step identifies the needs of the proble&. Explore Possibilities: Tea& &e&bers should talk and discuss the good and bad sides to each idea, while being supporti'e and encouraging ideas the students find e,ceptional. Select an Approach: The students should e'aluate and choose on design that best sol'es the proble&. They should also describe why the chose this design and refer to the constraints and criteria. Develop and Design Approach: .fter choosing the &ost appropriate and ad'antageous design they refine and polish it, ad/usting it to the constraints and wishes of other tea&&ates. a!e a odel or Prototype: The students &ake a full+scale &odel based on drawing and sketches using tools and &aterials fro& the teacher. "est and Eval#ate the Design #sing Specifications: .fter looking at the criteria and constraints the students proceed to test the design and note proble&s and0or strengths. $efine the Design: .fter recording weaknesses and strong points the students start repairing the& and then trying again, hopefully, for a better result. They should refine and ad/ust to the constraints. Create or a!e Sol#tion: This step is needed i&&ensely for a better, &ore effecti'e design. .fter analy1ing the issue fro& different points of 'iews the students should create a solution to the predica&ent. The 2.ST step( Comm#nicate Processes and $es#lts: Tea& &e&bers should co&pare infor&ation and notes to gain a &ore superior 'iewpoint on the design. .fter co&&unicating and co&paring processes and results you should be done with the design process( 3ork hard and don)t gi'e up( 4ou can do it((

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