Sociology 30chapter 12educationquestions

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Sociology 30Chapter 12EducationQuestions

1. What does it mean to say that schools generally follow a bureaucratic model? What are the advantages of using such a structure? What are the disadvantages? 2. What is the humanistic movement in education? What is an open classroom? What is cooperative learning? What is the integrative curriculum? Do you think your education has been more bureaucratic or humanistic? !plain. ". What is the school choice movement? What are some e!amples of different school choices? Which kind of school do you think would be the most effective? !plain your answer. #. Describe the manifest and latent functions of the school system. What is an e!ample of a positive latent function? $onversely% what is an e!ample of a negative latent function? !plain. &. Do you believe that standardi'ed tests should be a priority for an education system? Why or why not? (. !plain the argument that claims that tying rewards to )*+ scores does not necessarily create a meritocracy. ,. Do you agree with the assertion that teachers tend to evaluate students on the basis of their social class and racial and ethnic characteristics% rather than on their actual ability? !plain your answer. -. Do you support the idea of math or science classes populated with only boys or only girls? Why or why not? Would your perspective change if you were a parent? !plain. .. /n your e!perience% what aspect of the hidden curriculum has had the most impact during your schooling. !plain why. 10. Do you believe that teachers are se!ist? Why or why not? 11. 1ooking back upon your educational e!perience% what single improvement to the education system would you make% and why?

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