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Whats Wrong Here?

BLMs Wild Horse & Burro Program

FY2012 $77.4 million total

A closer look at the Bureau of Land Managements fiscal trainwreck and humane disaster.

Budget Priorities:


BLM wants to manage

Roundups & Holding costs

<1% <1%

Census Data Range monitoring

Wild horses & burros are currently warehoused in holding facilities throughout the country at a cost of over per day to the American taxpayer.

of wild herds at non-genetically viable numbers


Rangeland Priorities:
Wild horse & burro population according to BLM estimates BLMs target population across 10 Western states The 1971 Wild Horse & Burro Act designated herd areas




of these herds remain today, a 47% loss



Habitat Loss:
Originally designated for wild horses & burros in 1971
Currently designated for wild horses & burros Only 11% of BLM lands

Welfare Ranching in herd areas:

53.8 million acres
A 41% loss in habitat
of the forage is allocated to wild horses & burros


31.6 million acres

Ranchers pay

is allocated to livestock

$1.35 per cow/calf pair

or 5 sheep per month

Making it right:

Redirect funding to on-the-range management and an independent, state of the art census.

Repatriate some of the lost acreage for wild horses; put horses from holding back out on these rangelands. Increase the use of the one-year reversible, field dartable infertility drug, PZP. Enter into an agreement with U.S. Fish & Wildlife to protect wild horse and burro predators. Prohibit the permanent sterilization of
wild horses on the range. Continue to prohibit the euthanization of healthy animals and the sale of wild horses to slaughter.

Ground the helicopters.

Cut spending on the roundup, removal, & added warehousing of Americas mustangs & burros.

Dedicated to the preservation of wild horses and burros on our public lands.
107 S. 7th Street, Colorado Springs, CO 80905 (719) 633-3842

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