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THE GREAT GATSBY WRITTEN BY: Brice Bovolick Mark Cantu David Cardenas Ale !


Al#ssa Rui$ C"ris Trevino

E%T& B'CHAN(N)S H('SE*S'NSET A ros# colored +orc" o+en to,ard t"e sunset ,"ere -our candles -lickered on t"e ta.le in t"e di/inis"ed ,ind& DAISY Why CANDLES? In two weeks it'll be the longest day in the year. Do you always wat h !or the longest day o! the year and then "iss it? I always wat h !or the longest day o! the year and then "iss it. #$%DAN&yawned' We ought to (lan so"ething. DAISY All right) what'll we (lan? What do (eo(le (lan? DAISY looks at her little !inger and noti es a bruise. DAISY Look* I hurt it. You did it) +o". I know you didn't "ean to but you DID do it. +hat's what I get !or "arrying a brute o! a "an. A great big hulking (hysi al s(e i"en o! a,, -ere DAISY is ut o!! by +$.. +$. I hate that word hulking. DAISY -ulking. DAISY and #$%DAN begin talking a"ongst the"sel/es !or a while while +$. and NIC0 atte"(t to on/erse. NIC0 e/entually !eels ner/ous and begins a on/ersation. NIC0 You "ake "e !eel un i/ili1ed) Daisy) an't you talk about ro(s or so"ething?

+$. &/iolently'

Ci/ili1ation's going to (ie es. I'/e gotten to be a terrible (essi"ist about things. -a/e you read '+he %ise o! the Coloured E"(ires' by this "an 2oddard? NIC0 &sur(rised' Why) no. +$. Well) it's a !ine book) and e/erybody ought to read it. +he idea is i! we don't look out the white ra e will be,will be utterly sub"erged. It's all s ienti!i stu!!3 it's been (ro/ed. DAISY +o"'s getting /ery (ro!ound) he reads dee( books with long words in the". What was that word we,, +$.& utting o!! DAISY' Well) these books are all s ienti!i ) this !ellow has worked out the whole thing. It's u( to us who are the do"inant ra e to wat h out or these other ra es will ha/e ontrol o! things. DAISY &whis(ered' We'/e got to beat the" down. #ordan You ought to li/e in Cali!ornia,, #$%DAN is ut o!! by +$. noisily shi!ting his +$. +his idea is that we're Nordi s. I a") and you are and you are and,, +$. hesitates slightly and stares at DAISY who nods in return and winks at NIC0. +$. hair.

,,and we'/e (rodu ed all the things that go to "ake i/ili1ation,, oh) s ien e and art and all that Do you see? DAISY &to NIC0' I'll tell you a !a"ily se ret) it's about the butler's nose. Do you want to hear about the butler's nose? NIC0 +hat's why I a"e o/er tonight. DAISY Well) he wasn't always a butler3 he used to be the sil/er (olisher !or so"e (eo(le in New York that had a sil/er ser/i e !or two hundred (eo(le. -e had to (olish it !ro" "orning till night until !inally it began to a!!e t his nose,, #$%DAN +hings went !ro" bad to worse. DAISY Yes. +hings went !ro" bad to worse until !inally he had to gi/e u( his (osition. +he sun !inally sets o"(letely. +he butler enters) whis(ers into +$.'s ear at whi h (oint they both lea/e into the house. DAISY I lo/e to see you at "y table) Ni k. You re"ind "e o! a,, o! a rose) an absolute rose. Doesn't -e? An Absolute rose. DAISY then e4 uses hersel! !ro" the table) throws her na(kin on the table) and enters the house. NIC0 So #orda,, #$%DAN & utting o!! NIC0' S--***

5ause !or a "o"ent as the #ordan atte"(ts to hear the on/ersation inside. NIC0 +his .r. 2atsby you s(oke o! is "y neighbor,, #$%DAN & utting o!! NIC0' Don't talk. I want to hear what ha((ens. NIC0 Is so"ething ha((ening? #$%DAN You "ean to say you don't know? I thought e/erybody knew. NIC0 I don't. #$%DAN Why,, +o"'s got so"e wo"an in New York. Ni k 2ot so"e wo"an? #$%DAN She "ight ha/e the de en y not to tele(hone hi" at dinner, ti"e. Don't you think? DAISY and +$. e4it the house and retake their seats at the table.

DAISY It ouldn't be hel(ed* I looked outdoors !or a "inute and it's /ery ro"anti outdoors. +here's a bird on the lawn that I think "ust be a nightingale o"e o/er on the Cunard

or White Star Line. -e's singing away,, &(ause' 6,It's ro"anti ) isn't it) +o"? +$. 7ery ro"anti ) i! it's light enough a!ter dinner I want to take you down to the stables. +he tele(hone rings. DAISY shakes her head as +$. enters the house. +he rest o! dinner is s(ent in awkward silen e as no one is able to look at one another.

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