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Trevino 1

Christopher Trevino Mrs. Tyree English III December 3, 2013 The Crucible Outline I. Introduction A. The tragic hero in the novel The Crucible is John Proctor B. John is a respected community member C. He is killed for a crime he did not commit Body Paragraph I A. John is a respected man B. People look up to John Proctor C. John loves his wife & children D. John wants to forget his sinful past E. Elizabeth will not let it go F. John wishes he could take it back G. John does not want to feel guilty anymore H. John is respected even after his sins Body Paragraph II A. John hears of the accusations of witchcraft in Salem B. He as a respected man does not want to be involved in it C. He only wants to protect his wife and kids D. John is angry Mary Warren is inside the court E. John defends his wife when she is accused F. In his efforts he could still not prevent his wife being taken G. John will go to court to support his wife H. John tells the truth of his sin Body Paragraph III A. Johns downfall has begun B. John could not get Elizabeth to tell the truth thus banishing her as a liar C. Abigail has won again D. John wishes to take it all back E. John is convicted by Mary Warren to save herself F. John is condemned to die G. John is able to save himself but instead lets himself hang H. John died on the rope for ripping his confession Conclusion





Trevino 2

A. John Proctor died hoping for salvation B. He confessed his sins and was willing to sacrifice himself C. His legacy will most likely not live on for people will continue to confess to something they did not do to save themselves

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