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How to Make a Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich

Is your stomach growling? A simple remedy would be to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. It is a common choice for lunch on planet Earth. Exit this room through the door and walk right (If you do not know left from right, hold up your hands, palms facing away from you. The hand that makes an "L" shape out of your index finger and thumb is your left side) out of the hallway. Then, walk left and toward a similar door with a metal knob. Do not exit through this door. Face left and you are now in the kitchen. This is where you will prepare your peanut butter and jelly sandwich.

You will need these materials:

1 jar of jelly (of your choice) 1 jar of peanut butter 1 plate 1 butter knife 2 slices of bread

All materials can be found on the kitchen counter or in the drawers and cupboards. Descriptions and photos will be provided as each material becomes necessary.

1. To your left is a large metal rectangle. See Figure A. This is the refrigerator. Use the handle on the bottom portion to open the door. 2. Inside, look at the shelves on the door. The second one down is where the jelly is located. It is in a glass cylinder-shaped jar with a Smuckers label and metal top. See Figure B. You may choose from three varieties: Grape Jelly, Apple Butter, or Blackberry Jam. Any will do. 3. Remove your jelly of choice from the refrigerator and shut the door. 4. Place the jelly on the counter right from the refrigerator. 5. Turn around and walk to the cabinet closest to the corner where the kitchen walls meet and open its door. 6. Inside, on the bottom shelf, find the plastic jar of peanut butter. See Figure C. It is a tan color with a red lid, and has a Jif label.
Figure B: Jelly

Figure A: Refrigerator

7. Remove the peanut butter from the cabinet and shut the door.

8. Place the peanut butter on the counter next to the jelly. 9. Open the cabinet underneath your peanut butter and jelly. 10. Retrieve one of the different-colors discs on the bottom shelf. See Figure D. This is your plate.
Figure C: Peanut Butter

9. Now look underneath the cabinet where you found the peanut butter. On the counter below, there is a plastic bag containing slices of white or tan bread. See Figure E. The label on the bread reads Country Buttermilk. 10. Move the bread to the counter where your jelly and peanut butter sits. 11. Facing that counter, open the cabinet below it. On the bottom shelf, there is a stack of colorful circles. These are plates. Remove one and place it on your counter.

Figure D: Plate

12. Look at the end of the bread bag. There is a twist tie you need to undo to retrieve your slices of bread. 13. Take either end of the twist ties and turn them in a counter-clockwise motion (Turn the top one from right to left). 14. Twist until the ties opens up. 15. You should now be able to reach into the bread bag. Gently take two slices of bread from the bag.

Figure E: Bread

16. Place the bread slices on your plate. 17. Facing the counter, look to your right. Open the drawer there. 18. Inside, find a long piece of metal with a flat end. See Figure F. This is a butter knife. Be careful about moving things about in the drawer; some are sharp and may cut you. 19. Place the knife down on your counter. 20. Pick up the jar of jelly with one hand and place the other on its lid. Grip the lid tightly and twist it open. 21. Place the open jar and lid back on the counter.

Figure F: Knife

22. Pick up the butter knife and dip the flat end into the jelly. Swirl it around the surface, then pull it out. Some jelly should cling to the knife.

23. Hold the flat end of the knife, coated with jelly, parallel to the largest surface (Not the edges!) of your first slice of bread. Press the knife to the bread and gently glide it over it. See Figure G.
Figure G: Photo demonstrating how to spread jelly onto a slice of bread.

24. Repeat steps 22 and 23 on the first slice of bread until you have the desired amount of jelly. Not too much though! The jelly could fall out or soak the bread if there is too much for the bread to support. 25. Replace the lid on the jelly jar, twisting in the opposite direction to close. 26. Return the jar of jelly to the fridge. 27. Pick up the jar of peanut butter with one hand and place the other on its lid. Grip the lid tightly and twist it open. 28. Place the open jar and lid back on the counter. 29. Pick up the butter knife and dip the flat end into the peanut butter. Swirl it around the surface, then pull it out. Some peanut butter should cling to the knife. 30. Hold the flat end of the knife, coated with peanut butter, parallel to the largest surface of your second slice of bread. Press the knife to the bread and gently glide it over it. See Figure H. 31. Repeat steps 29 and 30 on the first slice of bread until you have the desired amount of peanut butter. Again, be cautious of the amount. 32. Replace the lid on the peanut butter jar, twisting in the opposite direction to close. 33. Return the jar of peanut butter to the cabinet. 34. Place the knife in the metal depression to the right of your counter. 35. Take the two slices of bread and, with the jelly and peanut butter facing each other, press them together. Plain bread should face outwards. 36. Take a bite! Repeat step until sandwich is eaten.

Figure H: Photo demonstrating how to spread peanut butter onto a slice of bread.

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