The Conjunction

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1. Fill in the blanks with the missing conjunctions: but, so, as, and, where, since, not only
but, as if, as:
1. You are not energetic you used to be. 2. The flowers were picked
arranged by Helen. 3. My grandfather was taken to the hospital he died. 4. He
hasnt written him any letter he left. 5. I am not sure I will be able to come,
Ill do my best to be there. 6. Everything is settled, whatever you say will make
no difference. 7. does she play well, she is a good composer, too. 8. I
remember very well we first met. 9. Be a good boy tell me what happened.
10. We cant pay a visit to him we dont know where he lives. 11. You are
telling the story everything happened to you. 12. He is intelligent not as
quick as his brother.
2. Insert the appropriate conjunctions:
1. It was late, everybody felt very well. 2. she was speaking on the phone, I
was reading. 3. Here is the key to my room, you may borrow any of my books
I am absent. 4. I did not read the book to the end it was not interesting. 5.
You cant eat your cake have it (proverb). 6. She had enough money she
bought the book. 7. He looks he were ill. 8. I arrived I heard of it. 9. I am
not going now it is raining. 10. The day was dark rainy. 11. Let us go to the
seaside the mountains. 12. I left early I might catch the train.
3. Insert the correlative conjunctions: either or, neither nor, not only but also, both
1. He spoke in favour against it. 2. I couldnt find an answer to my question
in the lecture in the book. 3. Helen John are students. 4. You can have
red white wine, whichever you prefer. 5. He is clever hard working.
6. When we reached home she was hungry thirsty. 7. The lesson is long
dificult. 8. On my summer holidays I will go to the seaside to the
mountains. 9. was he late at school he dad left his copybook at home, too.
10. Can you write speak English?
4. Join the two sentences using the suitable conjuctions:
1. Hes ready. Im ready. 2. He smiled. He refused. 3. Shall we meet again at six?
Shall we meet at seven? 4. They can speak French. They can understand French.
5. Did she give him a ring? Did she write him a note? 6. Its on the floor. Its near
the window. 7. I know Jim. I dont know Paul. 8. It is cold outside. It is sunny. 9.
Maybe seven people came. Maybe eight came. 10. He is poor. He is happy.
5. Supply if or whether in the following sentences:
1. I wonder they will come in time. 2. I would accept his offer I were you.
3. We shall go out the rain stops. 4. The teacher asked the pupils they
understood his explanation. 5. He wanted to know she was going to invite him
to her birthday party. 6. He would have told you your brother had ring you up.
7. We have to ask them they agree to our decision. 8. The match will be
postponed the weather is unfavourable. 9. She wonders he will pass the
examination. 10. He will pass the examination he works hard.
6. Fill in the blanks with the right conjuction:
1. Early to bed early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy wise. 2. Actions
speak louder words. 3. Prevention is better cure. 4. Think today speak
tomorrow. 5. Hear twice you speak once. 6. Better late never. 7. Strike the
iron it is hot. 8. you make your bed, you must lie on it. 9. An empty
vessel gives a greater sound a full barrel.
7. Translate into English, paying attention to the use of conjuctions:
1. Att fratele meu ct "i prietenul lui au plecat n excursie. 2. Shelley n-a fost
numai poet, ci "i revolu!ionar. 3. Nu-!i po!i cump#ra cartea dac# nu ai bani la tine.
4. Dac# nu te-ai fi gr#bit, n-ai fi prins trenul. 5. Nu ai voie s# te duci la cinema,
dac# nu !i-ai f#cut temele. 6. M# intereseaz# att muzica ct "i pictura. 7. Nu-mi
place s# c#l#toresc nici cu trenul, nici cu ma"ina. 8. Dac# nu pleci acum, vei
ntrzia din nou. 9. Nimeni nu cuno"tea adev#rul, a"a cum l "tiam eu. 10. Trebuie
s# stai n pat pn# te ns#n#to"e"ti. 11. Niciodat# nu plec diminea!a pn# nu iau
micul dejun. 12. Fie John, fie Jane trebuia s# rezolve aceast# problem#. 13.
ntruct suntem obosi!i, ne vom opri aici. 14. El a r#spuns ca "i cum nu "tia regula
8. Fill in the blanks with suitable conjuctions:
A man was knocked down by a taxi cab in the street. He was taken to hospital.
His wife was standing by his bed said to the doctor:
I think he is very ill.
I am afraid he is dead, said the doctor.
Hearing this, the man moved his head said:
I am not dead, I am still alive.
Be quiet said the wife, the doctor knows better you.

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