Jornal 1

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Journal 1 First week MST: Aisha

This semester we include we include us in government schools. I choose Adhen primary school for girls. This school join to Unesco organization .Also it have many of awards from different schools, government and computations. This semester is different than other course before because our trains will be as a ICT teacher. Another hard, our MST is Aisha Almzrooie she is very good teacher\ note all students love hear. For example, in her class all students look happy and smile all the time, now one was not happy or sad also all students were active MST was not shooting and bad, she was very good-she give students time to think ad to work I note students mere not see the clock in class time which mean students not poor. Also I note MST gives many example frame life ad not difficult to undusted This week was very Short we start involve class from monody because Sunday was midday. We learn many think in one day. I siat with my MST and we but the plan for three week and which lesson I will teach .On other hand she told me my responsible on the class and school as a teacher . I start teach in the second class teach was great one. Also I teach grad three and six as well. I start teach lesson Tuesday. The lesson was not very good because its first time to me to teach ICT lesson in Arabic also. MST said my voice should be high, and I should say think for students because thus were good and to feel them they do something in class today. On other hand , she note the classroom management was good .she not I stop misbehavior on the class and keep students raise hand before answer. I use strategies to avoid misbehavior which is eye contact with who do misbehavior (Evertson, C.M. &
Emmer, E.T. (2009).

In next lesson which was in Thursday try to do my best and try to do the comment teacher give it to me. I have good feeling for this school .They have many good thing. They have small center for special needs kids .Also have different line in the cafeteria which for each grad of

students they have line. For example there is line for grad one and other for grad one . This two special for them because is short. Next that, in this school you will feel each teach love other one . there is no problem between teacher or students which is great .

Evertson, C.M. & Emmer, E.T. (2009). Managing problem behavior (8th Ed.).Upper Saddle River: Pearson.

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