The Crucible Essay First Draft

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Escalante 1 Zacharias Escalante Mrs. Tyree English III, Per.

6 5 December 2013 Proctors Tragic Journey The Crucible, written by Arthur Miller, is a play set in the late 1600s, in Salem, Massachusetts, during the Salem witch trials. John Proctor is a married man in his mid thirties who makes a living as a farmer. His confession to the act of lechery becomes his tragic fall and leads to his eventual downfall. Throughout the play, Proctor feels guilty for his wrongdoings, and not until the end does he confess and forgive himself for what hes done. John Proctor is portrayed as the tragic hero by displaying wholesome traits, but is cursed with a flaw, that will lead to his redemption. John Proctor displays good characteristics, such as acts of braveness and honesty. Proctor finally accepts his fate, after denying his accusation of witchcraft, stating, I can. And theres your first marvel, that I can I do see some shred of goodness in John Proctor. Not enough to weave a banner with, but white enough to keep it from such dogs (Act IV, ll. 745-749). At this point in the story, he is finally able to relieve his guilt that hes been carrying for so long. Proctor can finally forgive himself, and find inner peace. When John confesses to his act of lechery in the courtroom, he is finally honest to his wife and himself, saying, Excellency, forgive me, forgive me. She thinks to dance with me on my wifes grave! And well she might, for I thought of her softly. God help me, I lusted and there is a promise in such sweat (Act III, ll. 860-866). Johns wife, Elizabeth, forgives him only after he publicly confesses his sin. He did not want to carry this burden any longer, and proved that he is, in fact, an honest man. John Proctors righteous characteristics are revealed only after he is cursed with his tragic flaw.

Escalante 2 Throughout the play, John is faced with the guilt of committing the sin of lechery, and cannot forgive himself for it. Johns greatest tragic flaw was not being able to resist his lustful temptations with Abigail Williams, which was proven when she said, I know how you clutched my back behind your house and sweated like a stallion whenever I come near! (Act I, ll. 423425). This conversation between John and Abigail reveals the future downfall of Johns character. Johns unfaithful act becomes a long-lasting stain on his sheet of morality. John has an undertone of guilt, and when questioned by his wife, he responds with, I have gone tiptoe in this house all seven month since she is gone I cannot speak but I am doubted, every moment judged for lies, as though I come into a court when I come into this house (Act II, ll. 157-164). Proctor feels the pressure of guilt by simply entering his own house. Even though he hasnt completely confessed to his actions yet, Proctor believes that his wife is already questioning his loyalty. From his tragic flaws, Johns life becomes a downward spiral, which ends in tragedy. Though John Proctors tragic flaw and eventual death, he redeems himself and leaves behind a legacy for his family to live in peace. While speaking to his wife, John says, I would have your forgiveness, Elizabeth (Act IV, ln. 490).John is asking for his wifes forgiveness before he signs his forced confession of witchcraft. By asking for this, John wants to end all ties with his past and reconcile with his wife. After being convinced to sign the document that states his confession, Proctor realizes he made a mistake, and refuses to turn it in. He changes his mind, saying, Because it is my name! Because I cannot have another in my life! I have given you my soul; leave me my name! (Act IV, ll. 725-730). By refusing to give up his signature, he has chosen death instead. He would rather hang for being truthful, and keep his goodness, than live his life in a lie. In the end, John Proctor confesses to all his wrongdoings, apologizes to his wife, and decides to die a righteous man.

Escalante 3 John Proctor was an honest and brave man who sought his personal forgiveness, and redeemed himself by making amends for all his wrongdoings. Johns characteristics defined him as a tragic hero by living a good life, and tainting it with his own flaws, ending it in tragedy. The tragic hero bravely accepts death in order to retain his dignity.

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