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Bagian I The IF Table Table I, Static/be verb Sentences

Kolom A Past/Masa Lalu Kolom B Present/Masa Kini Kolom C Modals Present/Masa Kini (M)
M= Will =a"an (semua Subject) Shall =a"an (Subject I & We) Can =bisa/mam!u/da!at May =bole#/mung"in Must =#arus/!asti Baris % (!)S! M be!C (") S! M not be !C (#) ($W)!M!S!be!C# Baris ' (!) S!M ha%e been!C (") S!M not ha%e been!C (#) ($W)!M!S!ha%e been!C#

Kolom Modals !ast/Masa Lalu (M!)

Mp= Would =a"an Should =a"an/se#arusn$a/mesti Could =bisa/mung"in/mam!u/da!at Mi ht =bole#/mung"in Must =#arus/!asti Baris % (!) S!Mp be!C (") S! Mp not be !C (#) ($W)!M!S!be!C# Baris ' (!) S!Mp ha%e been!C (") S!Mp not ha%e been!C (#) ($W)!Mp!S!ha%e been!C#

Kata Kanan

Be= was/were
Baris % (!) S!be!C (") S!be"not!C (#) ($W)!be!S!C# Baris ' (!) S!had been!C (") S!had"not been!C (#) ($W)!had!S!been!C# Baris % (!) S!be!C (") S!be"not!C (#) ($W)!tobe!S!C# Baris ' Kiri (!) S!ha%e been!C (") S!ha%e"not been!C (#) ($W)!ha%e!S!been!C#

Be= is/am/are

Tan!a "ata&"ata "anan

Baris ' Kanan (!) S&!has been!C (") S&!has"not been!C (#) ($W)!has!S&!been!C#

Suda#, !erna#, belum selama, se(a"

Table II,

$namic Sentences
Kolom B Present/Masa Kini Kolom C Modals Present/Masa Kini (M)
M= Will =a"an (semua Subject) Shall =a"an (Subject I & We) Can =bisa/mam!u/da!at May =bole#/mung"in Must =#arus/!asti Baris % (!)S! M!')!C (") S! M not!')!C (#) ($W)!M!S!')!C# Baris ' (!)S!M be!')"in !C (") S!M"not be!')"in !C (#) ($W)!M!S!be!')"in !C# Baris ) (!) S!M ha%e!'*!C (") S!M not ha%e!'*!C (#) ($W)!M!S!ha%e!'*!C# Baris * (!) S!M ha%e been!')"in !C (") S!M not ha%e been!')"in !C (#) ($W)!M!S!ha%e been!')"in !C#

Kolom A Past/Masa Lalu

Kolom Modals !ast/Masa Lalu (M!)

Mp= Would =a"an Should =a"an/se#arusn$a/mesti Could =bisa/mung"in/mam!u/da!at Mi ht =bole#/mung"in Must =#arus/!asti Baris % (!) S!Mp!')!C (") S! Mp not!')!C (#) ($W)!Mp!S!')!C# Baris ' (!) S!Mp be!')"in !C (") S!Mp"not be!')"in !C (#) ($W)!Mp!S!be!')"in !C# Baris ) (!) S!Mp ha%e!'*!C (") S!Mp not ha%e!'*!C (#) ($W)!Mp!S!ha%e!'*!C# Baris * (!) S!Mp ha%e been!')"in !C (") S!Mp not ha%e been!')"in !C (#) ($W)!Mp!S!ha%e been!')"in !C#

Kata Kanan

Be= was/were

Be= is/am/are

Baris % Baris % Kiri Baris % Kanan (!) S!'(!C (!) S!')!C (!) S&!')s!C (") S!did not!')!C (") S!do not!')!C (") S&!does not!')!C (#) ($W)!did!S!')!C# (#) ($W)!do!S!')!C# (#) ($W)!does!S&!')!C# Baris ' Baris ' (!) S!be!')"in !C (!)S!be!')"in !C (") S!be"not!')"in !C (")S!be"not!')"in !C (#) ($W)!be!S!')"in !C# (#) ($W)!be!S!')"in !C# Baris ) Baris ) Kiri Baris ) Kanan (!) S!had!'*!C (!)S !ha%e!'*!C (!) S&!has!'*!C (") S!had"not !'*!C (")S !ha%e"not!'*!C (") S&!has"not!'*!C (#) ($W)!had!S!'*!C# (#) ($W)!ha%e!S!'*!C# (#) ($W)!has!S&!'*!C# Baris * Baris * Kiri Baris * Kanan (!) S!had been!')"in !C (!)S !ha%e been!')"in !C (!) S&!has been!')"in !C (") S!had"not been!')"in !C (")S !ha%e"not been!')"in !C (") S&!has"not been!')"in !C (#) ($W)!had!S!been!')"in !C# (#) ($W)!ha%e! S !been!')"in !C# (#) ($W)!has!S&!been!')"in !C# Simbol&simbol, S = Subject Kalimat a"ti5 dan Pasi5 S = Subject +lasi,i+asi )- yaitu I- We- .ou- dan /hey Predi"at Kalimat A"ti5 Predi"at Kalimat Pasi5 S= Subject +lasi,i+asi (- yaitu 0e- She- dan It /anpa awalan Berawalan di" . = 'erb adalah 1ata 1erja seba ai predi+at +alimat (')/')"in /'(/'*) Berawalan me" Berawalan ter" tobe = be/is/am/are/was/were Berawalan ber" C = In,initi%e/ 2oun (1ata Benda object) / 3djecti%e / 3d%erb (optional) )4 1alimat pasi, hanya ada dalam +alimat %erbal (/abel II saja)4 /0 = $uestion Word adalah +ata tanya (optional) (4 Baris ) berubah menjadi- Baris (4 'erb"nya berubah menjadi 'erb *4 Bentu+ dasarnya adalah What- When- Where- Why- Who- Which- dan 0ow4 *4 Baris * berubah menjadi- Baris 64 'erb"nya berubah menjadi 'erb *4 Kalimat tan$a tan!a /0 dalam Bahasa Indonesia- a+an 64 Baris ( dan 6- ditambah 7bein 8 sebelum 'erb"nya4 Verb-ing"nya berubah menjadi 'erb *4 berawalan +ata APAKA1/B2KA3KA1 (untu+ ne ati%e 5uestions)dan a+an dijawab 4es/3o

Perna# atau Tan!a "ata&"ata "anan


Suda#, tela#, !erna#, belum

(Suda#/sedang )+ selama, se(a"

Developed by Defriansyah for IF Based English Course

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