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Certificate IV in Information Technology (Websites ICA40305 / Multimedia ICA40805)

Assessment Activity:
Database design & programming

This is an assessment activity (5%)

Please begin this activity while I am away.

• There are 2 tasks to perform.

• Your completed activity files may be submitted via Blackboard and are due by Friday
August 9 midnight.

Please include the following in your submission:

• Visual Studio project files

• Access database

These files should be zipped into a single zip file

Task 1: Create an Access database

You are required to build a database to store information about Employees.

An employee may belong to one of the following five departments:

• Accounting
• Marketing
• Research & Development
• Manufacturing
• Information Services

The database must store the following values about an employee:

• First name
• Last name
• Employee number
• Department
• Years of service
• Home address
• Phone number
Certificate IV in Information Technology (Websites ICA40305 / Multimedia ICA40805)

The following sample data needs to be included in the database:

First name Last name Employee Department Years of Home Phone

number service address number
Bob Downs D008 Manufacturing 9 12 Lovelong 5555-1111
st, Loveville
Jane Bruce B0010 Accounting 3 99 Aspley 5555-2323
Lucy Loo L006 Information 1 2/33 Blue 5555-5656
Services Lagoon pde,
Marsha Bradley B0012 Marketing 4 23 Seacrest 5555-9898
Darren Green G0022 Research & 6 1 Toady 5555-7676
Marketing lane,
Ashley White W0032 Manufacturing 9 88 Long st, 5555-5434
Daniel Brock B0021 Manufacturing 8 55 Mako 5555-3422

Task 2: Create a Windows application which allows the user to query

the database.
You are required to build a Windows application that will allow the user to query the database
created in task 1.

The database should be placed in the following location:


The following queries should be available for the user to select:

• Display all employee information

• Display only employee name and address
• Display only employees with more than 5 years experience
• Display all employee information where the employees last name begins with ‘B’
• Display all employee information where the employees last name ends with ‘W’

The results of these queries should be displayed to the user.

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