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Education Internship Training Manual


Education Internship Training Manual

Care. No matter what.

INTRODUCTION Welcome/ Checklist..2 Internship Program Overview..3 Mission Statement..3 Purpose and Values..3 What is an Intern?....4 Expectations.....4 EDUCATION INTERNSHIP Primary Responsibilities..6 Experience..6 Hours/Length of Commitment..7 What We Do..7 Education Programs..7 POLICIES and PROCEDURES Interviewing and Screening..11 Direction and Feedback..11 Attendance, Timesheets and Punctuality..11 Dress Code and Parking..11 MANAGEMENT STATEMENTS Harassment..13 Complaint Procedure..13 Substance Abuse..14 ETHICAL STATEMENTS Confidentiality..15 Conflict of Interest.15 Contact with the Media..15 Electronic Equipment, Mail and Internet..16 Miscellaneous Policies..17 ADDITIONAL RESOURCES Contact Information..18 Awesome Web Resources..19 Education Internship Training Manual 1

Welcome to the Education Department of PPSWO

We are pleased to have you intern with our dedicated team of professionals. We look forward to working together to strengthen our community by preventing unintended pregnancy and empowering individuals with the knowledge, opportunity and freedom to make private decisions about reduction and sexual health.

Throughout the first few days at PPSWO, you will be receiving very important information that requires your attention before you start interning with us. There will also be a few people you will meet with to begin on-site training. The following is a list that must be completed before you begin your internship: ________ Volunteer/Intern Information Form ________ PPSWO Confidentiality Policy ________ Background Check ________ Managing Suspicious Encounters (Center Affiliate Learning) ________ HIPPA 101 (Center Affiliate Learning) ________ Security Training ________ IT Training ________ Contact List (given on the first day)

Print _____________________________________________ Signature _________________________________________ Date _________________________

Education Internship Training Manual

INTRODUCTION Internship Program Overview

Thank you for wanting to intern with Planned Parenthood Southwest Ohio Region! We have many exciting projects in the works, and we cant do them without your help. The work you will do at Planned Parenthood is crucial to helping us achieve our strategic goals and mission while maintaining a high level of healthcare and educational services for the people and communities we serve. We serve 23 counties in the Southwest Ohio region. The mission of Planned Parenthood Southwest Ohio Region is enhanced by the active participation of interns and volunteers.

Mission Statement
The mission of Planned Parenthood Southwest Ohio Region: Providing access to high quality health care and education that empower people to make informed private decisions about their reproductive lives and sexual health.

Purpose and Values

The purpose of Planned Parenthood Southwest Ohio Region is to develop a more humane society in which individuals understand, take responsibility for and honor their sexuality. The values of Planned Parenthood Southwest Ohio Region are: Promotion of and equal access to quality service and reliable information Responsible choices by individuals and organizations Respect for individual dignity and human sexuality Planned Parenthood is set apart from other agencies by our determination to turn a powerful vision into a reality. We pride ourselves on having people who are caring and who are motivated by a desire to help others. In our work, we strive to provide our patients with high quality medical care, educational and training programs and to treat them with empathy and respect. Our success, as an organization, depends 100% on our volunteers and staff. We are committed to creating an environment in which will enable Planned Parenthood volunteers, interns and Education Internship Training Manual 3

staff to fulfill our mission.

What is an Intern?
intern (n.) 1. a student or trainee who works, sometimes without pay, at a trade or occupation in order to gain work experience. An intern is anyone who chooses to preform services for Planned Parenthood Southwest Ohio Region without financial compensation. As an intern, you must be officially accepted into the volunteer program. Upon acceptance, interns must complete a mandatory intern orientation session. Interns are not employees of PPSWO.

Intern Expectations
It is important to be comfortable and considerate when talking about sexuality education. Verbal discussions are expected. Be willing to assist where needed; education, advocacy and public affairs departments. Prepare mini education lessons to be critiqued by the education staff to help familiarize yourself with the education resources and information. Keep your judgments to yourself- Your language and your discussion should indicate acceptance of all lifestyles from abstinence to multiple partners and all variations. Excellent customer service is expected at every level of PPSWO operations, both for external and internal customers.

Be prompt and courteous. Be professional; treat this experience as if this is your job. Dont be afraid to participate in team meetings. We encourage your input and suggestions- use this experience to learn and build confidence. Value all questions, do not judge others by what they say or the questions they askthere are no dumb questions. Try to keep personal distractions to a minimum.

Education Internship Training Manual

What can you expect from a Planned Parenthood Educator? 1. Presentations that contain factual, up-to-date, age appropriate and medically accurate information. 2. Presentations created to fit the needs of each community. 3. Comprehensive sexuality education programs that include information on abstinence, communication skills, contraception, decision-making, relationships, safer sex, etc. 4. Trained educators who empower people to make informed and healthy life choices 5. The recognition that the following issues are controversial:

Masturbation Homosexuality Abortion Teen Sexual Activity

6. Planned Parenthood health educators report suspicious and/or disclosures of child abuse and sexual abuse to the appropriate authorities as required by law.

Education Internship Training Manual

EDUCATION INTERNSHIP Primary Responsibilities

Conducting preliminary research on health related topics Assembling materials and supplies for educational trainings and community health fairs Inventorying Resource Center materials Represent Planned Parenthood in the community with educational presentations on our educational programs and services Assist Educational staff as needed

We hope that our interns will have and want to gain strong knowledge and commitment to Planned Parenthoods mission, values and services. We require good judgment, reliability and excellent communication skills. Completion of all required trainings is to be done before educational presentations. Also we ask that you have the ability to interact with people of diverse backgrounds. As for your experience at Planned Parenthood, we are determined to make sure you have a great experience at our organization. Upon completion of your internship you should be able to: Describe the purpose, function, goals and philosophy of Planned Parenthood (PPSWO) Describe the relationship of PPSWO to other health related agencies or groups within the community Analyze the role of health education and health educators at PPSWO Demonstrate basic knowledge in six content areas (anatomy & physiology, human growth and development, relationships, birth control, sexually transmitted infections and sexual diversity) Be able to prepare a male and female condom demonstration Identify teaching strategies and activities that promote learning on topics of human sexuality Address challenging questions about sexuality Self-analyze professional skill levels including both strengths and weaknesses as a

Education Internship Training Manual

functioning health educator

Hours/Length of Commitment
It is up to the intern to keep track of the hours you will need and have worked. The amount of time that you plan on interning with us will need to be discussed before the internship begins. You will need to have a regular schedule that is approved by the education staff.

What We Do
Sexuality education is a lifelong process that enhances our ability to make healthy and responsible choices in our lives. Education that includes the physical, emotional and social aspects of sexual development is key to creating a society in which individuals understand, take responsibility for and honor their sexuality. We believe that education begins at home and occurs throughout life. All individuals deserve to receive medically accurate information that is honest and comprehensive. We are committed to providing information that is age-appropriate and respectful of the learner and their values. We support the needs of individuals, parents/caregivers, and professionals through our array of services and programs.

Education Programs
Education programs are tailored to meet the needs of each individual group and are age appropriate agendas and specific learning objectives can be developed and provided in advance. Age-appropriate handouts are also provided for participants to assist them in their learning. Frequently requested program topics include: Abstinence Aging & Sexuality Birth Control methods Breast Cancer Bullying & Cyber bullying Date Rape Prevention Healthy Relationship skills HIV/AIDS Education Internship Training Manual Partner Communication & Negotiation Parent & Youth Communication Puberty Reproductive Health & Rights Sexually Transmitted Infections The Annual Exam- What women want to know 7

PREP (Personal Responsibility Education Program) is a project funded by the Ohio Department of Health and the Office of Adolescent Health under Health and Human Services. With this project we provide training and support to the staff who work with youth in Ohios juvenile justice and foster care systems to help them educate and support the youth they serve to be better prepared to transition to adulthood. Our highly trained health educators teach the staff in these agencies how to use the modified Reducing the Risk curriculum effectively with the youth, ages 14-19, in their care. The topics include: healthy relationships, pregnancy and sexually transmitted infection prevention, financial literacy, and workforce development.

READY (Rape Education & Awareness Development for Youth) is a 5-session sexual assault prevention education program designed for middle and high school-aged youth. The READY program empowers youth to recognize healthy, age-appropriate behaviors and avoid unhealthy and dangerous relationships that could result in sexual assault. The READY program will promote knowledge and teach skills that lead to the promotion of healthy lifestyles. Sessions include information on:

Sexual assault law Healthy vs. unhealthy relationships Dating violence Internet safety Media awareness

Get REAL! (Responsible Education about Life) is a program designed to equip youth with the knowledge and skills they need to delay the onset of sexual involvement and to reduce the risks associated with early sexual activity such as sexually transmitted infections and teenage pregnancy. We work with youth to ensure they have the skills and information necessary to become happy,

Education Internship Training Manual

healthy, and sexually responsible adults.

Gender Identity & Sexual Orientation

In a society where despite the growing education, awareness, and acceptance being found for the LGBT community, there are still many misconceptions about what gender and sexual orientation are; and, lots of young people still have questions about their own gender identity and expression as well as sexual orientation.

I'm Priceless
This abstinence focused 4 session program helps youth to understand their values and the values of those around them. Through lecture, interactive activities and discussion, presented in an unbiased and medically accurate manner, they are able to gain more understanding of their own beliefs and what they stand for in regards to sex and sexuality.

Let's Talk!: A program for Parents

Teens rank parents as the #1 influence on their sexual decisions - whether or not they ask! Let's Talk! helps parents turn their values and beliefs about sex into conversations their families need. Parents will receive tips, tools, resources and the knowledge they need to help facilitate a conversation about sexual health with their children.

Sex through the Ages

This isn't the sex talk you had in your High School health class! Sex through the Ages encourages participants to identify the issues that confront them, re-think their old routines, and consider how to create new and positive ways of being sexual as they age. The information one receives through adolescence isn't adequate for our lives as older adults.

STI & Pregnancy Prevention

Our STI program will teach young people the basics - how to protect themselves and the importance of getting tested and making healthy decisions that last a lifetime. This nonjudgmental and medically accurate curriculum allows students to think of pregnancy from a tangible perspective of their wallets and the cost of working to prevent it until they are ready.

Education Internship Training Manual

Looking for Love

This workshop, for professionals examines the serious issue of teens dating adults.

Our One-on-One program allows parents and/or their teen to meet with one of our health educators individually.

Education Internship Training Manual



Interviewing and Screening

Prior to be being assigned, all interns will be interviewed to assess their suitability for and interest in interning with PPSWO. The interview will determine the qualification of the intern and their commitment to fulfill the requirements of the internship position. Interns will be expected to undergo screenings at various levels including:

Interview Reference Check Criminal Background Check

Direction and Feedback

Each intern will have a staff person providing direct supervision for the internship position. This person will be responsible for day-to-day management and guidance of the intern, and will be available to the intern for consultation and assistance. Interns are encouraged to speak with the Internship Coordinator should they encounter any problems or wish to offer any suggestions.

Attendance, Timesheets and Punctuality

As an intern, it is very important to be on time each day you are scheduled to work. Your position with PPSWO exists because it is necessary to assure the smooth and efficient handling of our daily business activities. If you will be late or absent, please notify your direct supervisor or the Internship Coordinator prior to your scheduled start time. There is a bi-weekly education calendar that will be available to keep up with the many schedules throughout the education department. Also, a contact list will be given out on your first day for your convenience. Interns are required to keep up with and record the time they are contributing to PPSWO. Interns are to work with their direct supervisor to insure that hours are accurately accounted for.

Dress Code and Parking

Interns and volunteers are expected to wear appropriate business casual attire and present a neat and clean appearance. All interns are required to wear identification badges at all times Education Internship Training Manual 11

while in the building. The badges should not be worn outside of the building. As for parking, there are six (6) spaces assigned to certain staff members for security purposes. The first row is open to volunteers, interns and staff on a first come, first serve basis. Once those spots are filled, we ask that you find off-street parking. Some common streets for parking are Auburn Ave., Wellington Pl. and McGregor Ave. Our Security Coordinator will meet with you on the 1st day of your internship to discuss this further in detail and provide a map.

Education Internship Training Manual



Harassment is using abusive or objectionable language or gestures, or using slurring or otherwise derogatory racial, ethical, religious, disability, age related or sexually oriented remarks against a fellow intern, volunteer or staff member, supervisor, patient, vendor or any visitor to our property. Harassment is illegal and will not be tolerated at PPSWO. Violators will receive appropriate discipline up to and including termination of your internship status. Sexual harassment is unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature when:

Submission to such conduct is made explicitly or implicitly a condition or term of the individuals employment or internship. Submission to or rejection of such conduct by an individual is used as the basis for employment decisions affecting such individual. Such conduct has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with an individuals work performance or creating an intimidating, hostile or offensive work environment.

Sexual harassment consists not only of sexual advances, suggestions and physical actions, but also of conduct based on a persons sex that creates an intimidating, hostile or offensive work environment. This may include the use of profanity and sharing offensive or off-color comments or jokes. Sexual harassment applies to both men and women and the offender can be either of the opposite or same sex.

Complaint Procedure
Any staff member, volunteer or intern who believes he or she has been a victim of harassment should report the incident(s) to their direct supervisor. Confidentiality shall be preserved in the investigation to the extent possible. Complaining of harassment is protected conduct and PPSWO will not condone any retaliation

Education Internship Training Manual


against those who bring complaints of harassment. We trust that all staff members will continue to act in a responsible and professional manner to establish and maintain a pleasant working environment free of discrimination and harassment.

Substance Abuse
PPSWO strives to maintain a workplace free of drug and alcohol abuse. The purpose of this policy is to help insure a safe, healthy and productive work environment for you and others on our property, to protect our property and to insure efficient operations. We ask for your full cooperation and support in implementing this policy. PPSWO will not condone nor tolerate behaviors on the part of employees, volunteers or interns that relate to substance abuse such as: Use of illegal drugs Misuse of alcohol Sale, purchase, transfer, use or possession of illegal drugs Working under the influence of any drug (legal or illegal) that affects job performance and/or safety.

Education Internship Training Manual



All PPSWO files, including donor files, personnel and patient information, whether in print or electronic media, are confidential. This includes all medical records and other information about a patient, including her/his status as a patient of PPSWO. In addition, any information concerning PPSWOs operations, its finances, security procedures, volunteer and staff members, strategic plans, etc. are also considered highly confidential. As an intern, you will be asked to sign our Policy Statement on Confidentiality and our policy statement on HIPPA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) and to abide by the conditions set forth in these statements. Violation of the policies will result in personnel action up to and including termination of internship status. As a PPSWO intern, you must use discretion in discussing PPSWOs affairs with or in the presence of unknown or unauthorized persons. We count on you to hold all PPSWO information in the strictest of confidence.

Conflict of Interest
As a PPSWO intern, you should avoid any outside activity which may interfere with the proper performance of your responsibilities or which may be contrary to PPSWOs interest. In addition, staff members, interns and volunteers may not conduct private business or any private business related activity on agency time. Neither an intern of the affiliate can use her/his position with the affiliate to further the manufacture, distribution, promotion, or sale of any materials, products or services in which she or he has either direct or indirect financial interest.

Contact with the Media

Contacts with the press or other media are handled only by the President and Chief Executive Officer or by persons designated specifically to do so by the President and Chief Executive Officer. If the press or other communication media contacts you, you should immediately refer the inquiry to your Direct Supervisor for appropriate action. Education Internship Training Manual 15

No staff member or volunteer may represent PPSWO without prior approval from the President and Chief Executive Officer or from the person(s) designated by the President and Chief Executive Officer to handle media contacts.

Electronic Equipment, Mail and Internet

Electronic equipment includes all agency computers, networks, software, files, printers, fax machines. Voicemail and telephone systems are for agency business use. All materials and information created, transmitted, or stored on these devices are property of PPSWO and may be accessed by authorized personnel including management. PPSWO makes available email and internet services in order to help volunteers and staff members are more efficient and knowledgeable in their jobs. To protect the organization, volunteers, staff, and our systems, everyone must comply with the following:

The use of email and internet is intended solely for conducting PPSWO business and communications. All passwords are given to staff by the IT Director and/or the Applications Analysis and may be changed only by one of the two or the Help Desk. All messages created, sent, or retrieved over the internet are the property of PPSWO and may be regard as public information. PPSWO reserves the right to access the contents of any messages sent over its facilities if we believe we have a business need to do so.

To protect against any viruses and comply with legal regulations, no unauthorized programs or software may be downloaded onto the computers. Anyone who suspects that her/his workstation has been infected by a virus must immediately notify the Information Systems Coordinator. Volunteers and staff members should log off when finished and shut down computers before leaving center or workstation for the day.

If you are an intern who has access to PPSWOs e-mail, internet, or intranet, you will be asked to sign a Policy Statement on e-mail, internet, and intranet use and to abide by the conditions Education Internship Training Manual 16

set forth in the statement. Violation of policy may result in termination of volunteer or internship status.

Miscellaneous Policies
Gifts of Vendors If you are offered any item or service of more than token value by or behalf of a vendor or subcontractor doing business with PPSWO, you must refuse the gift and report the incident to your direct supervisor. This prohibition includes such item as cash, social entertainment and personal discounts. Professional Demeanor As a PPSWO intern, we expect you to conduct yourself in a professional and appropriate manner at all times, keeping with the goals and services of PPSWO. Purchasing of Supplies and/or Services All purchasing of supplies and/or services used by PPSWO is handled by our finance department. If you need any supplies or equipment in order to perform your internship responsibilities, please see your direct supervisor for the appropriate way to obtain these items. Soliciting on PPSWO Property Our policy strictly forbids soliciting, buying or selling of any kind during working hours without prior approval from the President and Chief Executive Officer. Solicitation by one staff member or volunteer to another is prohibited during the time either staff member is required to be performing job duties. Literature can be made available in staff lounges or lunch rooms.

Education Internship Training Manual



Contact Information
Leslie Mitchell Vice President, Education email: office: 513-824-7814 Lauren Jones Health Education Intern Coordinator email: office: 513-721-7635 cell: 219-671-7735 Erin Smiley MPH, CHES Health Educator office: 513-824-7814 cell: 859-743-3492 Julian Collins MPH, CHES Health Educator email: office: 513-824-7818 cell: 513-349-5704 Shannon Martin-Morano AASECT Certified Sexuality Educator email: cell: 513-313-3235 Lauren Blauvelt Region Field Manager email: office: 513-824-7822 cell: 740-516-0770 Education Internship Training Manual 18

Awesome Web Resources

Planned Parenthood Southwest Ohio Region Planned Parenthood Federation of America Planned Parenthood Action Fund Advocates for Youth FC2 Female Condom Feministing Guttmacher Research Institute Kaiser Family Foundation MTVs Its Your (sex) Life National Partnership for Women and Families SEICUS sex education resources The National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy

Education Internship Training Manual


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