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Visually-Photographed Lesson Self-Reflection Form

EDUC 4 ! Secondary
9fter re1ie5ing your lesson8 fill in and su'mit this form into the uni1ersity super1isor . "eacher# $s% &a'' "opic# /orld 0istory# Latin Re1olutions L(# )))*+!,+ Date of "aping# ,,-, -,. 2rade Le1el3s4# +th 2rade

,% List the standards addressed in this lesson# Standard +-.# "he student 5ill demonstrate an understanding of independence mo1ements that occurred throughout the 5orld from ,++) through ,!))% o 6ndicator +-.%.# E7plain ho5 the 0aitian8 $e7ican8 and South 9merican re1olutions 5ere influenced 'y Enlightenment ideas as 5ell as 'y the spread of nationalism and re1olutionary mo1ements in the United States and Europe% % Chec: all instructional modes employed in this lesson# ;;<;; lecture ;;;;; teacher demonstration ;;;;; small group ;;;;; class discussion ;;;;; manipulati1es ;;<;; acti1ity

;;;;; student demonstration ;;;;; reading ;;<;; other# 2raphic =ragni>er

.% Descri'e the students? acti1e and passi1e in1ol1ements in the lesson% Students as:ed a great deal of @uestions Students too: as many notes as they thought they needed to fill their graphic organi>er o 9s:ed many @uestions related to ho5 to fill out the graphic organi>er 9ppeared to sho5 interest in the lesson-lecture% 4% Did 6 present the information in a clear and logical manner so that all of the students should 'e a'le to understandA 3Circle your rating%4 Bes (4) . , Co D% /hen as:ing @uestions8 appro7imately ho5 many seconds did you 5ait for a student to respond 'efore ma:ing a commentA 3Circle one%4 (4 sec. or more) .-4 sec% -. sec% ,- sec (3) less than , sec% , Cot Effecti1e ;;;;; Computer ;;;;; $anipulati1es ;;;;; =ther 3specify4

E% Rate your effecti1eness in using instructional materials% Very Effecti1e 4

;;;;; /hite'oard =1erhead ProFector ;;;;; Video ;;;;; Calculator3s4 ;;;;; LCD ProFector ;;<;; Smart&oard ;;<;; Po5erPoint

EDUC 4 ! $cGen>ie

+% Chec: all the techni@ues 5hich you employed to assess student comprehension during the lesson% ;;<;; as:ed open-ended @uestions ;;<;; as:ed o'Fecti1e 'ut closed-ended @uestions ;;;;; used 5ritten @ui> ;;<;; as:ed students to summari>e the lesson ;;<;; ga1e students the opportunities to recall pre1ious information and related it to the lesson ;;;;; listened in on discussions or small group sessions ;;<;; used a 5or:sheet ;;;; other 3specify4#

*% 2i1e a 'rief description of ho5 you summari>ed the lesson at the end of the session and ho5 you related it to assignments and upcoming lessons8 etc% Using the graphic organi>er8 6 as:ed students to e7plain the e1ents that occurred% "hese allo5ed the students to use their fresh notes to paint a picture of the e1ents and8 possi'ly8 help retain the information% 6 also reminded the students that the notes 5ould help them complete an assignment that they 5ould need to complete% !% 6ndicate the le1els of &loom?s ta7onomy addressed in this lesson% Knowledge: Students 5ere gi1en 'asic :no5ledge a'out the Latin Re1olutions 5hich included the leaders and 5here these e1ents too: place Comprehension: Students had to use their :no5ledge to summari>e the e1ents that occurred and not Fust read8 5ord-for-5ord8 5hat they 5rote do5n% Application: Students had to use the information they 5ere Fust gi1en to ans5er se1eral @uestions related to the Latin Re1olutions% ,)% Descri'e ho5 you accommodated for students classified 5ith special instructional needs% 6 presented the information in 1arious 5ays% 6 repeated or read off of the Po5erPoint 2a1e definitions for 5ords the students 5ere una'le to understand 9mple time 5as gi1en to 5rite do5n the notes from the Po5erPoint and 5ent 'ac: to pre1ious slides as needed% ,,% /hat 5ere the strengths of this lessonA 6 'elie1e 6 5as a'le to con1ey the information in multiple 5ays 5hich could help 1arious students to grasp the information% 9llo5ing the students to fill out a graphic organi>er ga1e the students a 5ay to summari>e the information and useful study tool% , % /hat do you need to change a'out this lessonA 6 could impro1e in a fe5 areas% 6 could 5al: around the room a 'it more to 'e more acti1e 5ith the students% 6 could call upon certain students to ans5er @uestions instead of letting the same students ans5er repeatedly%

EDUC 4 ! $cGen>ie

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