Quiz1 6

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1. 2. 3.

The advent of project management has been most profound in: information technology. Which of the following is not considered to be a characteristic of a project?: only for internal use Among the following activities, which is the best example of a project?: writing a new textbook on project management 4. Which of the following constraints is not typically found in managing projects?: people 5. Which of the following choices is not one of the stages of a project life cycle?: conceptualizing 6. In which of the following categories are you more likely to find status reports, many changes, and the creation of forecasts?: executing 7. Which of the following choices is not one of the driving forces behind the increasing demand for project management?: more emphasis on the product and less on the customer 8. Which of the following statements is true?: both a and b are true 9. Which of these is not part of the "science" of project management?: problem solving 10. Corporate downsizing has increased the trend toward: outsourcing significant segments of project work 11. The importance of project management has increased due to: a, b, and c are all true 12. Which of the following is not typically the responsibility of a project manger?: all of these are typical responsibilities Chapter2 1. A critical factor to ensure the success of integrating the strategic plan with projects lies in a process that: is open and published for all participants to review 2. Which of the following is a main reason why project managers need to understand their organization's mission and strategy?: both B and C are correct 3. The textbook indicated that ________is the major dimension of strategic management.: both a and b are correct 4. Which of the following is the correct order for the strategic management process?: mission, goals, strategies, projects 5. Which of the following is not one of the traditional components found in mission statements?: profitability 6. Which of the following is not one of the characteristics of effective objectives?: Flexible 7. The assessment of the external and internal environments is called _______ analysis.: SWOT analysis 8. Which of the following is not one of the requirements for successful implementation of strategies through projects?: all of these are requirements 9. Which of the following terms is often used to denote a project that a powerful, high-ranking official is advocating?: sacred cow 10. Which of the following financial models are typically included in project selection?: a, b, and c are all correct 11. Projects are usually classified into all but one of the following categories. Which one is not one of the typical classifications?: political necessity 12. Which of the following is not true of multi-weighted scoring models?: All of the above are true Chapter3 1. 2. 3. Organizational culture is best explained as organizational: personality The structure that manages projects within the existing organizational structure is __________organization.: functional Which of the following is a disadvantage of functional project management organization?: a, b, and c are all correct


MegaComputers, Inc. has assigned a project manager for each of the five new-product teams. The managers as well as the project team members work on the projects on a full-time basis. The structure being used is ________ organization.: weak matrix 5. Elizabeth is considering how to structure a project team that will not directly disrupt ongoing operations. The project needs to be done quickly and a high level of motivation will be needed in order to do that. For this situation, the ______ organization would be the best choice.: strong matrix 6. Projectitis is most likely to occur in the _______ organization structure.: project 7. In which of the following is the balance of authority strongly in favor of the functional managers?: weak matrix 8. Matrix management violates the management principle of: unity of command 9. Which of the following is considered to be the simplest, fastest, most expensive way to manage projects?: project 10. From the list below, which is not a primary characteristic of organization culture?:history 11. Who is responsible for writing team member performance appraisals in a strong matrix project management structure?: the project manager 12. The Organizational Culture Diagnosis Worksheet classifies cultural characteristics into all of the following except: ethics Chapter4 Jose is looking at a document that outlines the specific tasks and subtasks required to complete the writing of a technical support manual. The method that was probably used to develop the document is most likely: work breakdown structure 2. Linda has just been assigned a project to develop a new advertising campaign for an established product. Her first step should be to: define the project scope 3. Research shows the most frequently mentioned barrier to project success is: poorly defined scope or mission 4. In reviewing the project plan, Susan sees that the first prototype is due by October 12. This would be best classified as a: milestone 5. The ability of 911 emergency systems to identify the caller's phone number and location are considered to be a: technical requirement 6. If a project criterion indicates that the project must meet a specific date, that criterion is classified as: constrained 7. The lowest element in the hierarchical breakdown of the WBS is: a work package 8. All of the following are true about work packages except that they: have medium to long duration 9. The integration of project work packages within the organization's management structure is known as: organization breakdown structure 10. If a project is small or of narrow scope and does not require an elaborate system, which of the following is a good choice?: responsibility matrix 11. The tendency for the project deliverables to expand over timeusually by changing requirements, specifications, and prioritiesis called: scope creep 12. A good example of a Process Breakdown Structure is a new: software program 1. Chapter5 1. 2. 3. The process of forecasting or approximating the time and cost of completing project deliverables is called: estimating A good starting point for developing time and cost estimates is: past experience Ed is looking over the actual results of projects and comparing them to what was estimated. He notices that projects that took six months or longer to complete were noticeably more off the estimates. Which of the following factors is he recognizing?: planning horizon

4. 5. 6.

Which of the following is a good condition for bottom-up estimating?: fixed price contract Top-down estimates are most likely to occur during the ______ phase.: concept Jose is forecasting project time and cost for constructing a new building by multiplying the total square footage by a given dollar amount. Which of the following methods is he using?:ratio 7. Sean is forecasting the time and cost of developing a customized software program by looking at the number of inputs, outputs, inquires, files, and interfaces. Which of the following methods is he using?:function point 8. Learning curves are more likely to apply in situations where most of the costs are:labor 9. The approach that begins with a top-down estimate for the project and then refines estimates as the project is implemented is known as ______method.:phase estimating 10. Typical kinds of costs found in a project include: A, B, and C are all included 11. Reasons why estimating time and cost are important include all of the following except: all of the above are valid reasons 12. Which of the follow top-down methods is used when projects closely follow past projects in features and costs and result in costs being assigned by percentages to major segments of the project?: apportion Chapter6 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Information to develop a project network is collected from the: work breakdown structure Arrows on an AON project network represent: both B and C are correct When translated into a project network, a work package will become: one or more activities An activity that has more than one dependency arrow flowing to it is termed a(n): merge activity The critical path in a project network is the: longest path through the network An item on a project network is Design Software Completed. This is best described as a(n):event Activities which can take place at the same time are termed: parallel activity Which of the following is not one of the basic rules to follow when developing project networks?: Conditional statements are allowed but looping statements are not allowed. 9. The backward pass in project network calculations determines the: both A and C are correct 10. The amount of time an activity can be delayed and yet not delay the project is termed: Total slack 11. Which of the following will correctly calculate the total slack in an activity?: both A and B are correct 12. If the project must be expedited to meet an earlier date, the first action the project manager would take is to check which activities: are on the critical path

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