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16 BEAN SOUP 1 package 16 Bean Soup 3 bay leaves 1 tablespoon crushed oregano 2 cans no-fat chicken stock Additional water to cover 3 stalks celery chopped 3 carrots diced 1 large onion chopped 3 cloves garlic sliced 1 pound turkey Italian sausage sliced 2 cans stewed or diced! to"atoes #o"bine first $ ingredients li%uid should cover "i&ture by 1'-2'! in #rock (ot #ook on high for 2 hours Add re"aining ingredients and shift cooker to low and cook for additional 3 hours )or "ore *ing+ add cayenne or crushed red pepper when adding second set of ingredients, Serve as co"plete "eal or over rice, )ree*es well,

ALL DAY CROCKPOT DELIGHT 2-3 lbs, boneless chuck+ cut into 1 inch cubes 1-2 c, flour 1-. c, butter 1 onion+ sliced 1 tsp, salt 1-/ tsp, pepper 1 clove garlic+ "inced 2 c, beer 1-. c, flour #oat beef cubes with the 1-2 cup flour, Brown in "elted butter, 0rain off e&cess fat, In crock pot+ co"bine browned "eat with onion+ salt+ pepper+ garlic and beer, #over and cook on low $-1 hours all day! until "eat is tender, 2urn control to high, 0issolve re"aining 1-. cup flour in s"all a"ount of water, Stir into "eat "i&ture+ cook on high 33-.3 "inutes, Serve with rice and salad,

ALL DAY MACARONI AND CHEESE / ounces elbow "acaroni+ cooked and drained . cups 16 ounces! shredded sharp #hedder #heese 1 can 12 ounces! evaporated "ilk 1 1-2 cups "ilk 2 eggs 1 teaspoon salt 1-2 teaspoon black pepper (lace the cooked "acaroni in crockpot that has been sprayed with nonstick cooking spray, Add the re"aining ingredents+ all e&cept 1 cup of the cheese+ "i& well, Sprinkle with the re"aining 1 cup of cheese and then cover and cook on low setting for $ to 6 hours or until the "i&ture is fir" and golden around the edges, 0o not re"ove the cover or stir until it has finished cooking,

APPLE BROWN BETTY 4 3 lbs, cooking apples 4 13 slices of bread+ cubed about . cups! 4 1-2 tsp, cinna"on 4 1-. tsp, nut"eg 4 1-/ tsp, salt 4 3-. c, brown sugar 4 1-2 c, butter or "argarine+ "elted 5ash apples+ peel+ core+ cut into eighths6 place in botto" on crock, #o"bine bread cubes+ cinna"on+ nut"eg+ salt+ sugar+ butter6 toss together, (lace on top of apples in crock, #over, (lace crock into outer shell, #ook on low setting 2 to . hours, 7akes 6 to / servings,

APPLE BUTTER 2his can be "ade in a slow cooker-#rock (ot or oven at 32$ degrees for 3-. hours, . %ts, unsweetened applesauce 1 #, granulated sugar 1-1-3 #, brown sugar $-1-3 2, cider vinegar $-1-3 2, le"on 8uice 2 teaspoon, cinna"on 2 teaspoon, allspice 1 teaspoon, ground cloves #o"bine all ingredients in a slow cooker-#rock (ot or roasting pan, #over and cook 3 hours+ stirring occasionally, 9e"ove lid and continue cooking until e&cess li%uid cooks away turn to low as necessary! Slow #ooker $-/ hours+ oven 3-$ hours Seal "i&ture in hot 8ars and process in a hot water bath for 13 "inutes, 7akes appro&i"ately /-13 pints

APPLE-COCONUT CRISP . large :ranny S"ith apples+ peeled ; coarsely sliced about . cups! 1-2 cup sweetened flaked coconut 1 tablespoon flour 1-3 cup brown sugar 1-2 cup butterscotch or cara"el ice crea" topping fat-free is fine! 1-2 teaspoon cinna"on 1-3 cup flour 1-2 cup %uick rolled oats 2 tablespoons butter or "argarine In a casserole 1 1-2-%uart baking dish that fits in the slow cooker-#rock (ot+ co"bine apples with coconut+ 1 tablespoon flour+ 1-3 cup brown sugar+ and cinna"on, 0ri**le with the ice crea" topping, #o"bine re"aining ingredients in a s"all bowl with a fork or pastry cutter and sprinkle over apple "i&ture, #over and cook on high for 2 1-2 to 3 hours+ until apples are tender, Serve war" with vanilla ice crea" or whipped topping,

APPLE CRANBERRY COMPOTE 6 cooking apples+ peeled+ slice 1 cup fresh cranberries 1 cup sugar 1-2 teaspoons grated orange peel 1-2 cups water 1-. cups port wine sour crea" + low fat! Arrange apple slices and cranberries in slow cooker-#rock (ot, Sprinkle sugar over fruit, Add orange peel+ water and wine, Stir to "i& ingredients, #over+ cook on low .-6 hours+ until apples are tender, Serve war" fruits with the 8uices+ topped with a dab of sour crea", Serves 6,

APPLE CRANBERRY CRISP 4 3 apples Any kind - I personally like :ala! 4 1 cup cranberries 4 3-. cup brown sugar 4 1-3 cup rolled oats %uick cooking! 4 1-. tsp, salt 4 1 tsp, cinna"on 4 1-3 cup butter+ softened (eel+ core and slice apples, (lace apple slices and cranberries in cp, 7i& re"aining ingredients in separate bowl and sprinkle over top of apple and cranberries, (lace . or $ paper towels over the top of the crockpot+ place an ob8ect I use a wooden spoon! across the top of the crockpot and set lid on top, 2his allows the stea" to escape, 2urn crockpot on high and cook for about 2 hours, Serves .,

APPLE DATE PUDDING 4 .-$ apples+ peeled+ cored and diced 4 3-. cup sugar+ or less+ to taste 4 1-2 cup chopped dates 4 1-2 cup toasted+ chopped pecans 4 2 tbs, flour 4 1 tsp, baking powder 4 1-/ tsp, salt 4 1-. tsp, nut"eg 4 2 tbs, "elted butter 4 1 egg+ beaten In the slow cooker+ place apples+ sugar+ dates and pecans6 stir, In a separate bowl+ "i& together flour+ baking powder+ salt and nut"eg and stir into apple "i&ture, 0ri**le "elted butter over batter and stir, Stir in egg, Set cooker on low and cook for 3 to . hours, Serve war", <=2>? If crispier nuts are desired+ add toasted pecans at the end of cooking period,

APPLE GLAZED PORK ROAST . lb, pork loin roast 6 apples 1-. cup apple 8uice 3 2, brown sugar 1 t, ginger+ ground 9ub roast with salt and pepper, Brown pork roast under broiler to re"ove e&cess fat6 drain well, #ore and %uarter apples, (lace apple %uarters in botto" of crockpot, (lace roast on top of apples, #o"bine apple 8uice+ brown sugar+ and ginger, Spoon over top surface of roast+ "oistening well, #over and cook on @ow for 13-12 hours+ until done,

APPLE-NUT CHEESECAKE Crust: 1 cup scant! graha" cracker cru"bs 1-2 teaspoon cinna"on 2 tablespoons sugar 3 tablespoons butter+ "elted 1-. cup finely chopped pecans or walnuts F !! "#: 16 ounces crea" cheese 1-. cup brown sugar 1-2 cup granulated white sugar 2 large eggs 3 tablespoons heavy whipping crea" 1 tablespoon cornstarch 1 teaspoon vanilla T$%% "#: 1 large apple+ thinly sliced about 1 1-2 cups! 1 teaspoon cinna"on 1-. cup sugar 1 tablespoon finely chopped pecans or walnuts #o"bine crust ingredients6 pat into a 1-inch springfor" pan, Beat sugars into crea" cheese until s"ooth and crea"y, Beat in eggs+ whipping crea"+ cornstarch+ and vanilla, Beat for about 3 "inutes on "ediu" speed of a hand-held electric "i&er, (our "i&ture into the prepared crust, #o"bine apple slices with sugar+ cinna"on and nuts6 place topping evenly over the top of cheesecake, (lace the cheesecake on a rack or 'ring' of alu"inu" foil to keep it off the botto" of the pot! in the #rock (ot, #over and cook on high for 2 1-2 to 3 hours, @et stand in the covered pot after turning it off! for about 1 to 2 hours+ until cool enough to handle, #ool thoroughly before re"oving pan sides, #hill before serving6 store leftovers in the refrigerator,

APPLE PIE COFFEE CAKE A%%!& M 'tur&: 1 can 23 o*! apple pie filling+ apple slices broken up so"ewhat 1-2 teaspoon cinna"on 3 tablespoons brown sugar C()& B(tt&r: 2 s"all yellow cake "i&es Aiffy - B-ounce each! 2 eggs+ beaten 1-2 cup sour crea" light! 3 tablespoons softened butter or "argarine 1-2 cup evaporated "ilk 1-2 teaspoon cinna"on 1 teaspoon butter or "argarine for greasing slow cooker-#rock (ot #o"bine ingredients for apple "i&ture in a s"all bowl, #o"bine batter ingredients6 "i& well, :enerouslly butter the sides and botto" of a 3 1-2 %uart slow cooker-#rock (ot, Spread about half the apple "i&ture in the botto" of the pot, Spoon 1-2 the batter over the apple "i&ture, Spoon the re"aining apple "i&ture over the batter+ then cover with re"aining batter, #over and cook on high for 2 to 2 1-2 hours, 2urn heat off+ leave cover a8ar slightly+ and cool for about 1$ "inutes, Invert on a plate+ retrieving any apples left in the botto" of the pot and placing on top of the cake, 7akes a cake about 1 inches in dia"eter and 3 1-2-inches high,

APPLE PUDDING CAKE 4 2 cups sugar 4 1 cup vegetable oil 4 2 eggs 4 2 teaspoons vanilla 4 2 cups flour 4 1 teaspoon baking soda 4 1 teaspoon nut"eg 4 2 cups unpeeled apple+ finely chopped 4 1 cup chopped nuts walnuts or pecans! Beat sugar+ oil+ eggs+ and vanilla, Add apple with dry ingredients and "i& well, Spray a two pound tin can with cooking spray or grease and flour it well, (our batter into can+ filling no "ore than 2-3 full, (lace can in #rock (ot, 0o not add water, #over but leave cover a8ar so stea" can escape, #ook on high 3 1-2 to . hours, 0onCt peek before the last hour of baking, #ake is done when top is set, @et stand in can a few "inutes before tipping pudding out on a plate, Serve half-rounds plain+ with whipped topping+ or a pudding sauce,

APPLESAUCE SAUERKRAUT . cups sauerkraut+ rinsed and drained 2 cups sweetened applesauce 1-2 tsp caraway seeds 1 tbs butter or "argarine #o"bine all ingredients, (lace in a greased 2 %uart casserole, Bake at 31$D ), for 33 to .$ "inutes, Serves 6,

APRICOT NUT BREAD 4 3-. cup dried apricots 4 1 cup flour 4 2 tsp baking powder 4 1-. tsp baking soda 4 1-2 tsp salt 4 1-2 cup sugar 4 3-. cup "ilk 4 1 egg+ slightly beaten 4 1 2bsp grated orange peel 4 1 2bsp vegetable oil 4 1-2 cup whole wheat flour 4 1 cup coarsely chopped walnuts (lace the apricots on a chopping block, Sprinkle 1 2 flour over the", 0ip a knife into the flour and chop the apricots finely, )lour the knife often to keep the cut up fruit fro" sticking together, Sift the re"aining flour+ baking powder+ baking soda+ salt and sugar into a large bowl, #o"bine the "ilk+ egg+ orange peel+ and oil, Stir the flour "i&ture and the whole wheat flour, )old in the cut up apricots+ any flour left on the cutting block and the walnuts, (our into a well greased+ floured baking unit, #over and place on a rack in the slow cooker+ but prop the lid open a fraction with a toothpick or a twist of foil to let e&cess stea" escape, #ook on Eigh for . to 6 hours, #ool on a rack for 13 "inutes, Serve war" or cold, 7akes . to 6 servings, <ow before you all ask what a baking unit is I wondered as I sat and typed this in!+ I looked it up in the front of the bread section, She says that so"e "anufacturers are "aking units for slow cookers+ but if you donCt have one+ a 2 pound coffee can works, (yre& "uffin cups also work, Also 1+ 1 1-2 and 2 %uart "olds work, 0= <=2 @I)2 2E> @I0 5EI@> BAFI<: 2EIS B9>A0,

ARTICHOKE * CHEESE DIP 4 1 lb, shredded 7o**arella 4 1 c, grated (ar"esan 4 1 c, / o*, 8ar! "ayonnaise 4 1 c, / 1-2 o*,! artichoke hearts+ drained and chopped 4 7inced onions 7i& ingredients together, Bake in casserole at 3$3 degrees for 23-33 "inutes or in lightly buttered 3 1-2 %uart slow cooker-#rock (ot on high! for about 1 hour, Serve with broken up )rench bread or wheat crackers,

ASPARAGUS CASSEROLE 2 cans sliced asparagus+ 13 o* each! 1 can crea" of celery soup+ 13 o*! 2 hard cooked eggs+ thinly sliced 1 cup grated cheddar cheese 1-2 cup coarsely crushed saltines or 9it* crackers 1 teaspoon butter (lace drained asparagus in lightly buttered slow cooker-#rock (ot or slow cooker-#rock (ot baking insert, #o"bine soup and cheese, 2op asparagus with sliced eggs+ soup "i&ture+ then the cracker cru"bs, 0ot with butter, #over and cook on low for . to 6 hours,

BACON CHEESE DIP 4 16 slices bacon+ diced+ fried and drained 4 2 /-ounce packages crea" cheese+ softened and cubed 4 . cups shredded cheddar cheese 4 1 cup half-and-half 4 2 teaspoons 5orcestershire sauce 4 1 teaspoon dried "inced onion 4 1-2 teaspoon dry "ustard 4 1-2 teaspoon salt 4 dash hot sauce (ut all ingredients in the #rock (ot and cook on low+ stirring occasionally until cheese "elts+ about 1 hour, 2aste and ad8ust seasonings+ add bacon+ and keep on low to serve, Serve with cubed or sliced )rench bread,

BAKED APPLES +CROCKPOT, 4 6 lg, cooking apples 4 3-. c, orange 8uice 4 2 tsp, grated orange rind 4 1 tsp, le"on rind grated 4 3-. c, rose wine 4 1-. tsp, cinna"on 4 1-2 c, brown sugar 4 5hipped crea" 9e"ove core fro" apples and place in slow cooker-#rock (ot, 7i& together all other ingredients e&cept whipped crea", (our over apples, #over pot and cook on low for about 3 1-2 hours or until apples are tender, #ool and serve with whipped crea",

BAKED CUSTARD 2 cups 7ilk+ scalded 3 >ggs+ slightly beaten 1-3 cup Sugar 1 teaspoon Ganilla 1-/ teaspoon Salt <ut"eg or coconut Scald "ilk+ let cool slightly, #o"bine eggs+ sugar+ vanilla+ and salt, Slowly stir in slightly cooled "ilk, (our into buttered 1-%t baking dish, Sprinkle with nut"eg or coconut, #over with foil, Set baking dish on a trivet or "eat rack in #rock (ot, (our hot water around baking dish+ 1-inch deep, #over pot and cook on high for 2 to 2 1-2 hours or until knife inserted in custard co"es out clean, Serve war" or chilled, 7akes $ to 6 servings,

BAKED HAM IN FOIL (our 1-2 cup water in #rock-(ot, 5rap precooked 3 to . pound ha" in foil+ place in #rock-(ot, #over and cook on Eigh 1 hour+ then @ow 6 to 1 hours or until ha" is hot, If desired+ sprinkle ha" with li%uid s"oke before wrapping in foil, If cooking larger ha"+ cook 1 hour on high then low / to 13 hours,

BAKED POTATOES 4 13 to 12 potatoes 4 Alu"inu" foil (rick potatoes with fork and wrap each in foil, )ill slow cooker-#rock (ot with potatoes, #over and cook on low / to 13 hours, Eigh 2 1-. to .,! 0o not add water,

BANANA BREAD 1 3-. c flour 2 tsp baking powder 1-. tsp baking soda 1-2 tsp salt 1-3 c shortening 2-3 c sugar 2 eggs+ well beaten 1 1-2 c banana+ well "ashed+ overripe 1-2 c walnuts+ coarsely chopped Sift together flour+ baking powder+ baking soda and salt, 5ith electric beater on low+ fluff shortening in a s"all bowl+ until soft and crea"y, Add sugar gradually, Beat in eggs in a slow strea", 5ith a fork+ beat in 1-3 of the flour "i&ture+ H the bananas another 1-3 of the flour "i&ture+ the rest of the bananas then the last of the flour "i&ture, )old in walnuts, 2urn into a greased and floured baking unit or a 2 1-2 %uart "old and cover, (lace on a rack in crockpot, #over crockpot+ but prop the lid open with a toothpick or a twist of foil to let the e&cess stea" escape, #ook on EI:E for . to 6 hours, #ool on a rack for 13 "inutes, Serve 5ar",

BANANA NUT BREAD 1-3 c shortening 1-2 c sugar 2 eggs 1-3-. c all purpose flour 1 tsp baking powder 1-2 tsp baking soda 1-2 tsp salt 1 c "ashed ripe bananas 1-2 c chopped walnuts #rea" together shortening and sugar6 add eggs and beat well, Sift dry ingreds6 add to crea"ed "i&ture alternately with banana+ blending well after each addition, Stir in nuts, (our into well-greased .-6 cup "old I used a cera"ic souffle dish!, #over with foil and tie a string tightly around it to keep foil down, (our 2 cups hot water in slowcooking pot, (lace "old on rack or trivet I "odified a "etal veggie stea"er! in pot, #over with crockpot lid and cook on high 2 to 3 hours or until bread is done, Be sure not to check bread during the first 2 hours of cooking,

BARBE-UE BEEF STEW 4 2 lbs, stew "eat 4 3 tbsp, oil 4 1 c, onion+ sliced 4 1-2 c, green pepper+ chopped 4 1 lg, clove garlic 4 1-2 tsp, salt 4 1-/ tsp, pepper 4 2 c, beef stock 4 1 can / o*,! to"atoes 4 1 can . o*,! "ushroo"s 4 1-3 c, barbecue sauce 4 3 tbsp, cornstarch 4 1-. c, cold water Saute onion+ pepper and garlic in oil, Add salt+ pepper+ beef stock+ to"atoes+ "ushroo"s and barbecue sauce, #ook in slow cooker-#rock (ot on low heat /-13 hours, 7i& cornstarch+ cold water and thicken before serving, Serve over hot cooked rice,

BARBECUE BRISKET )irst+ "ake a batch of ho"e"ade Bar-Be-Iue Sauce? 1 2BS li%uid s"oke 1 2BS crushed garlic or less+ we like lots! 1 large onion chopped I use a s"all vidalia! 2 2BS cider venegar 1 2BS loose brown sugar not packed! 3 2BS fresh s%uee*ed le"on 8uice 1-1. o*, bottle of ketchup 1-2 tsp chili powder . 2BS worchestershire 1 2BS dry "ustard powder like #ole"anCs! 1 cup water or red wine 1 tsp salt 1-/ tsp black pepper 1 2BS honey 7i& together and heat on range, 2hen prep the brisket by re"oving all silver skin if the butchere didnCt already do this+ place it in the #(+ pour the ho"e"ade sauce over it and let it go on low, 2he length of ti"e cooking will depend on how large a brisket you got, 5hen done+ re"ove lid fro" #( and using two forks shred the brisket, 2errific served on rolls or buns, ItCs also good served like tacos with all the tri""ings in soft or regular taco shells,

BARBECUE CHICKEN I 1 #hicken+ cut up and skin re"oved 1 cup ketchup 3-. cup brown sugar 3 tablespoons 5orcestershire sauce (lace chicken in crockpot, #o"bine re"aining ingredients and pour over chicken, #ook . hours on high or /-13 hours on low, 0eliciousJ

BARBECUE CHICKEN II .-6 pieces chicken I use boneless breasts! 1 bottle BBI sauce 1-2 cup white vinegar 1-2 cup brown sugar 1 tsp, "es%uite seasoning 1-2 tsp, garlic powder 1-2-1 tsp, red pepper flakes 7i& BBI sauce with all ingredients listed under it, (lace chicken in crockpot, (our sauce over all, #ook slowly in crockpot about .-6 hours, Serve with baked beans+ potato salad and coleslaw, <=2>? Since this didnCt specify whether it should be on high or low+ the first ti"e I cooked on high for $ hours, 2he chicken was dry as dirt ? 2he 2nd ti"e+ I cooked it on low for . 1-2 hours and it was perfect,

BARBECUE CHICKEN III 1 frying chicken cut up or %uartered 1 can condensed to"ato soup 3-. cup chopped onion 1-. cup vinegar 3 2ablespoons brown sugar 1 2ablespoon 5orcestershire sauce 1-2 teaspoon salt 1-. teaspoon sweet basil 1-. teaspoon thy"e (lace chicken in slow cooker, #o"bine all other ingredients and pour over chicken, #over tightly and cook at 'low' for 6-/ hours, 7akes . servings,

BARBECUE PORK ROAST 1 pork roast or beef! Auice of 1 le"on 1 s"all onion+ cut up 1 teaspoon sugar 1 bottle barbecue sauce #ook roast covered in water start with hot water! in crockpot overnight on low 1312 hours, (our off water and pull "eat into shredded pieces, Saute onion in a little butter, #o"bine barbecue sauce+ onions+ sugar and 8uice of le"on with "eat in crockpot and cook on high for 1 1-2 to 2 1-2 hours+ or on low for 3 to 6 hours,

BARBECUE PORK SANDWICHES 1 pork roast 1 bottle bar-b-cue sauce About 1-2 to 1 cup water Aust throw in crockpot on high for about 6 hrs, or low for about 13 hrs, 5hen itCs done+ 8ust re"ove "eat fro" bone and serve on ha"burger buns or rolls with "ore bar-b-%ue sauce or ketchup+ etc,

BARBECUE SAUCE 1 cup chopped celery 1 "ediu" onion chopped 1 2bsp, butter Saute until golden brown, 2 2bsp, vinegar 1 2bsp, brown sugar 3 2bsp, 5orcestershire sauce 1 2bsp, le"on 8uice 1 tsp, salt optional! 1 tsp, "ustard 1 cup ketchup 1 cup water 2 lbs, ground beef #o"bine all ingredients in a large saucepan, #ook slowly for 2 -21-2 hours, Is better reheated!

BARBECUE STEAK 1 1-2 lb boneless chuck steak+ 1 1-2' thick 1 clove garlic+ peeled and "inced 1-. cup wine vinegar 1 2bsp brown sugar 1 tsp paprika 2 2bsp 5orcestershire sauce 1-2 cup catsup ketchup! 1 tsp salt 1 tsp dry or prepared "ustard 1-. tsp black pepper #ut the beef on a diagonal+ across the grain into slices 1' wide, (lace these in the crockpot, In a s"all bowl+ co"bine the re"aining ingredients, (our over the "eat+ and "i&, #over and cook on @ow for 3 to $ hours,

BARBECUED BEAN SOUP 4 1 lb :reat <orthern beans+ soaked 4 2 tsp Salt 4 1 "ed =nion+ chopped 4 1-/ tsp :round pepper 4 2 lb Beef short ribs 4 6 cup 5ater 4 3-. cup Barbecue sauce (lace all ingredients in Slow #ooker e&cept barbecue sauce #over and cook on @ow 13 to 16 hours, Before serving+ re"ove short ribs and cut "eat fro" bones, 9eturn "eat to Slow #ooker, Stir in barbecue sauce before serving

BARBECUED COCKTAIL MEATBALLS 4 2 lbs, lean ground beef 4 1 1-3 # ketchup+ divided 4 3 2 seasoned dry bread cru"bs 4 1 egg+ slightly beaten 4 2 2 dried onion flakes 4 3-. t garlic salt 4 1-2 t black pepper 4 1 # packed brown sugar 4 1 can 6 o*! to"ato paste 4 1-. # reduced-sodiu" soy sauce 4 1-. # cider vinegar 4 1 1-2 t hot pepper sauce (reheat oven to 3$3 degrees, #o"bine ground beef+ 1-3 cup ketchup+ bread cru"bs+ egg onion flakes+ garlic sale+ and black pepper in "ediu" bowl, 7i& lightly but thoroughly6 shape into 1-inch "eatballs, (lace "eatballs in two 1$ & 13' 8elly-roll pans or shallow roasting pans, Bake 1/ "inutes or until browned, 2ransfer "eatballs to slow cooker, K=L #A< SFI( 2EIS 5E=@> (A9A:9A(E I) K=L BLK 2E> )9=M>< 7>A2BA@@S )9=7 SA7CS 5E=@>SA@> #@LB N 2E>KC9> 5=<0>9)L@J ?! 7i& re"aining 1 cup ketchup+ sugar+ to"ato paste+ soy sauce+ vinegar+ and hot pepper sauce in "ediu" bowl, (our over "eatballs, #over and cook on @=5 . hours, Serve with cocktail picks, 7akes about . do*en "eatballs,

BARBECUED MEATBALLS I 4 1 to 2 lbs, ground beef 4 2 tsp, 5orcestershire sauce 4 2-3 c, evaporated "ilk 4 1 envelope dry onion soup "i& Sauce? 4 2 c, ketchup 4 1 c, brown sugar+ packed 4 1 tbsp, 5orcestershire sauce 7i& beef+ 2 teaspoons 5orcestershire sauce+ evaporated "ilk and soup "i&, Shape into balls the si*e of walnuts, Broil . inches fro" broiler for 12 "inutes or until done, 2urn if necessary to keep fro" burning, 7i& sauce ingredients and boil 13 "inutes, (our over "eatballs in slow cooker-#rock (ot turned on low, 2 pounds of ground beef "akes about $3 "eatballs,

BARBECUED MEATBALLS II 4 2 pounds ground beef 4 1 cup bread cru"bs 4 1 teaspoon garlic powder 4 2 packages onion soup "i& 4 2 teaspoons 5orcestershire sauce 4 2 eggs Sauce? 4 2 onions+ chopped 4 2 cans to"ato paste 12 ounces total! 4 2 cloves garlic+ "inced 4 1-. cup 5orcestershire sauce 4 1-. cup red wine vinegar 4 1-2 cup brown sugar 4 1-2 cup sweet pickle relish 4 1-2 cup beef broth 4 2 teaspoons salt 4 2 teaspoons dry "ustard #o"bine first 6 ingredients and "i& well, Shape into "eatballs and brown in a skillet with 1 tablespoon of oil, 0rain on paper towels, Add all sauce ingredients to #rock (ot and stir well, Add "eatballs and cook+ covered+ on low for $ to 6 hours high for 2 to 3!, Serve fro" the #rock (ot, 7akes about 63 "eatballs,

BARBECUED PORK STRIPS 4 1-2 cup soy sauce 4 1-. cup dry sherry 4 1-2 cup brown sugar 4 2 cloves garlic+ crushed 4 1-/ teaspoon pepper 4 1-2 cup barbecue sauce 4 1 /-ounce can pineapple chunks do not drain! 4 3 pounds lean pork+ cut into strips+ browned+ and drained #o"bine all ingredients e&cept pork strips in #rock (ot and stir well, Add pork and stir to coat, #ook on low+ covered+ for / to 13 hours, Serve with sauce, 7akes about 1$ servings,

BARLEY WITH MUSHROOMS * GREEN ONIONS 1 cup barley 1 can 1. 1-2 o*! roasted garlic chicken broth about 2 cups! 3 green onions+ thinly sliced about 1-2 cup! . to 6 ounces fresh or canned "ushroo"s+ sliced salt or seasoned salt and pepper to taste 2 teaspoons butter or "argarine #o"bine all ingredients in slow cooker-#rock (ot, #over and cook on low for . to . 1-2 hours,

BA.ARIAN RED CABBAGE 4 1 large head of red cabbage+ washed and coarsely sliced 4 2 "ediu" onions coarsely chopped 4 6 tart apples+ cored ; %uartered 4 2 tsp, salt 4 2 cups hot water 4 3 2BS( sugar 4 2-3 cup cider vinegar 4 6 2BS( bacon grease or butter (lace all ingredients in the #rock-(ot in order listed, #over and cook on low / to 13 hours Eigh? 3 hours!, Stir well before serving,

BAYOU GUMBO 4 3 tablespoons (illsbury Best All (urpose )lour 4 3 tablespoons oil 4 1-2 pound s"oked sausage+ cut into 1-2 inch slices 4 2 cups fro*en cut okra 4 1 large onion+ chopped 4 1 large green bell pepper+ chopped 4 3 garlic cloves+ "inced 4 1-. teaspoon ground red pepper cayenne! 4 1-. teaspoon pepper 4 1 1.,$ ounce! can diced to"atoes+ undrained 4 1 12-ounce! package fro*en shelled deveined cooked "ediu" shri"p+ rinsed 4 1 1-2 cups uncooked regular long-grain white rice 4 3 cups water In s"all saucepan+ co"bine flour and oil6 "i& well, #ook+ stirring constantly+ over "ediu"-high heat for $ "inutes, 9educe heat to "ediu"6 cook+ stirring constantly+ about 13 "inutes or until "i&ture turns reddish brown, (lace flour-oil "i&ture in 3 1-2 to . %uart Slow #ooker, Stir in all re"aining ingredients e&cept shri"p+ rice and water, #over6 cook on low setting for 1-B hours, 5hen ready to serve+ cook rice in water as directed on package, 7eanwhile+ add shri"p to gu"bo "i&ture in slow cooker-#rock (ot6 "i& well, #over6 cook on low setting for additional 23 "inutes, Serve gu"bo over rice, 7akes 6 servings,

BEER MEATBALLS 4 1 can of beer 4 1 6 o* can spicy G-/ 8uice 4 1 tsp, le"on 8uice 4 1 tsp, hot sauce 4 1-2 c, Italian bread cru"bs 4 1 c, onions 4 Salt and pepper to taste 4 1 lg, bottle ketchup 4 1 tsp, horseradish 4 1 tsp, 5orcestershire sauce 4 2 to 3 lbs, ground beef 4 2 to 3 eggs #o"bine ground beef+ 1-2 cup onions+ Italian bread cru"bs+ eggs, 7ake the "i&ture into s"all "eatballs, 2hen fry or bake the "eat, In saucepan co"bine re"aining ingredients, Si""er for 1$ "inutes, (ut "eatballs and sauce into slow cooker-#rock (ot, 2he sauce should cover the "eat, Allow to si""er in slow cooker-#rock (ot for at least 3 hours+ however+ the longer you let the" si""er+ the better they areJ 6 to 13 hours on low te"perature is great, Stir the" occasionally, Kou "ay wish to add "ore ketchup+ or G-/ 8uice - spice the" up if you like the" hot,

BEST DIP E.ER 4 1 1 pound! package Gelveeta 4 1 can #hili - no beans 4 1 pound "ediu" or spicy sausage+ browned and cru"bled Kou can heat this on the stove until the cheese "elts and it all "i&es together =9 I usually put it in the #rock (ot on low until blended and then keep it there to serve,

BLACK BEAN CHILI 1 O dry black beans 2 2, oil 6 garlic cloves+ "inced or pressed 2 onions+ chopped 1-. t, crushed red pepper flakes "ore if you like hot food! 1 2, chili powder 1 2, ground cu"in 1 t, dried oregano 1 bay leaf 1 2/ o*, can chopped to"atoes in 8uice 1 2, soy sauce 2 c, water 6 o*, can to"ato paste 1 2, red wine vinegar 2 cans contrasting beans pinto+ garban*o+ great northern+ etc,!-drained and rinsed garnishes? grated cheese+ sour crea"+ chopped parsley+ onion+ etc, 9inse and sort the beans and place in the slow cooker-#rock (ot with a generous a"ount of water, #ook on low overnight no presoaking necessary!, In the "orning drain the cooking water, Eeat the oil in a skillet and saute the onions+ garlic and red pepper flakes, #ook 1 "inute+ then add chili powder and cu"in and cook 2 "inutes+ stirring, Add this "i&ture to the slow cooker-#rock (ot along with all re"aining ingredients e&cept canned beans and garnishes, Stir well and cook on low all day, Stir in canned beans an hour or so before serving, Serve with garnishes,

BLACK BEAN SOUP 4 2 onion+ chopped 4 2 cloves garlic+ "inced 4 3 tablespoons butter 4 1 pound black beans+ soaked overnight+ 4 drained 4 1 ha" bone+ cracked 4 1 stalk celery+ chopped 4 1 bay leaf 4 1-2 cup sherry+ or dry white wine 4 salt and pepper+ to taste Saute onions and garlic in butter until transparent, co"bine with beans+ ha"e bone+ celery+ bay leaf+ and 2 %uarts water in the #rock (ot, #ook on high+ covered for 2 hours+ then on low for / to 13 hours, 9e"ove ha" bone and bay leaf, (uree soup and return to pot, Add sherry+ salt and pepper and heat through, Serve in soup bowls garnished with chopped hard-boiled eggs+ parsley+ and le"on slices,

BOILED PEANUTS 1 1-2 %uarts green uncooked peanuts 1-2 cup salt 2 1-2 %uarts water 5ash (eanuts until water runs clear, (ut clean peanuts in crockery pot+ add salt and water6 stir, #ook+ covered+ on high for $ to 1 hours, Add additional water during cooking+ if necessary+ to keep peanuts covered,

BREAKFAST COBBLER 4 . "ediu"-si*ed apples -- peeled and sliced 4 1-. cup honey 4 1 tsp cinna"on 4 2 tablespoons butter -- "elted 4 2 cups granola cereal (lace apples in slow cooker and "i& in re"aining ingredients, #over and cook on low 1-B hours overnight! or on high 2-3 hours, Serve with "ilk, Kield? . servings

Br$//$! * C0&&s& S$u% 2 c, cooked noodles 1 13 o*,! pkg, fro*en chopped broccoli+thawed 3 tbsp, chopped onions 2 tbsp, butter 1 tbsp, flour 2 cups shredded A"erican cheese Salt to taste $ 1-2 c, "ilk #o"bine all ingredients in slow cooker, Stir well, #ook on low for . hours, / servings,

BROCCOLI CHEESE DIP 4 2 13 o*,! bo&es of fro*en chopped broccoli 4 2 cans crea" of "ushroo" soup 4 1-. c, sour crea" 4 1-2 lb, 7e&ican Gelveeta cheese 4 1-2 lb, reg, Gelveeta cheese 4 1 tbsp, garlic salt #ook and drain broccoli, 7elt cheese in slow cooker-#rock (ot, 7i& soups+ sour crea"+ broccoli and garlic salt, 7i& into "elted cheese, Serve as dip with tortilla chips,

BROCCOLI DIP 4 1 pkg, 13o*! fro*en chopped broccoli 4 2 ribs celery+ chopped 4 1 "ed, white onion+ chopped 4 3-. stick "argarine 4 2 rolls garlic cheese 4 1 can crea" of "ushroo" soup 4 1 "ed, can "ushroo" pieces 4 1 can sliced water chestnuts 4 2 tsp, 5orcestershire sauce #ook broccoli until tender, Saute celery and onion in oleo until tender, (lace broccoli and sauteed vegetables in slow cooker-#rock (ot6 add "ushroo"s+ cheese+ crea" of "ushroo" soup, Stir well and heat on low until cheese is "elted, Add water chestnuts and 5orcestershire sauce, Serve war" in the slow cooker-#rock (ot+ with chips or crackers,

BROCCOLI SOUFFLE 2 pkgs, fro*en chopped broccoli 2 lbs,! 1 can crea" of celery soup undiluted! 1 c, real "ayonnaise 3 tbsp, grated onion 2 eggs+ beaten 1 c, grated cheddar cheese 9it* crackers 1 stick "elted "argarine #ook broccoli6 drain and cool, 7i& soup+ "ayonnaise+ onion+ egg+ and cheese and add to cooled broccoli, (ut in a lightly greased 3 1-2-%uart crockery cooker, 7i& 1 stack 9it* or buttery crackers crushed! with "argarine or butter, (ut on top, #ook on high for 2 to 3 hours,

BRUNSWICK STEW 1 #hicken+ 3 lbs+ cut up 2 %uarts 5ater 1 =nion+ chopped 2 cups Ea"6 cooked+ cubed 3 (otatoes+ diced (age 26 of 2.$ #rockpot 9ecipes 2-16-2333 e-book?--(ages-crockpotPrecipes,ht" 2 cans 2o"atoes6 16 o*+ ea+ cut up 13 ounces @i"a beans+ fro*en and thawed 13 ounces #orn6 whole kernel+ fro*en+ partially thawed 2 teaspoons Salt 1 teaspoon Sugar 1-. teaspoon (epper 1-2 teaspoon Seasoned salt In a slow cooker-#rock (ot co"bine chicken with water+ onion+ ha"+ a"d potatoes, #ook covered on @=5 for . to $ hours or until chicken is done, @ift chicken out of pot6 re"ove "eat fro" bones, 9eturn chicken "eat to pot, Add to"atoes+ beans+ corn+ salt+ seasoned salt+ sugar and pepper, #over and #ook on EI:E 1 hour, 7akes / servings,

CA1UN BREW PORK N BEANS $ cans (ork-n-Beans 2nd to s"allest si*e! 2 /o* cans to"atoe sauce 2 onions chopped! 6 hot links sliced! 1-. bottle barbe%ue sauce average si*e! 2he following are 'to taste' 5orcestershire sauce Eot sauce I like #rystal hot sauce! #a8un Seasonings I like 2ony #hacereCs seasonings! @i%uid s"oke 7ustard Brown Sugar 7i& all ingredients in a crockpot and crank it up to high, @et it cook all day+ stirring occasionally, #an also be "ade on the stove top+ but let it si""er for several hours stirring occasionally,

CA1UN PECANS 1 pound pecan halves . 2bs butter+ "elted 1 2bs chili powder 1 tsp salt 1 tsp dried basil 1 tsp dried oregano 1 tsp dried thy"e 1-2 tsp onion powder 1-. tsp garlic powder 1-. tsp cayenne pepper #o"bine all ingredients in #rock (ot, #over and cook on high for 1$ "inutes, 2urn on low+ uncovered+ stirring occasionally for 2 hours, 2ransfer nuts to a baking sheet and cool co"pletely,

CAMP STEW 4 1 can bar-b-%ue beef 4 1 can bar-b-%ue chicken 4 1 can bar-b-%ue pork 4 1 can stewed to"atoes 4 1 can corn 4 3 c, cubed potatoes 4 1 onion+ chopped #ube potatoes+ chopped onion, #ook until partly tender, (lace in slow cooker-#rock (ot, =pen all cans and add to slow cooker-#rock (ot+ stir, #ook for at least an hour, Serve with corn sticks or bread sticks,

CANDIED BANANAS 4 6 green-tipped bananas+ peeled 4 1-2 cup flaked coconut 4 1-2 tsp cinna"on 4 1-. tsp salt 4 1-2 cup dark corn syrup 4 1-. cup butter or "argarine+ "elted 4 2 tsp grated le"on peel 4 1-. cup le"on 8uice 1,, (ut bananas and coconut into large enough #( to fit in single layer, Sprinkle with cinna"on and salt, 2,, 7i& corn syrup+ butter +le"on peel+ and le"on 8uice6 pour over bananas, 3,, #over and cook on @ow 1 to 2 hours,

CANNELLINI ALLA CATANIA 1 lb 0ried canellini beans white kidney beans! use white northern if unable to find canellini 6 c 5ater 2 Eot Italian sausages+ sliced 1 lg =nion+ chopped 1 lg :arlic clove+ "inced 2 lg 2o"atoes+ ripe+ peeled and coarsley chopped 1 Bay leaf+ cru"bled 1-2 ts 2hy"e+ cru"bled 1-2 ts Basil+ cru"bled 3 Strips of orange rind 1in! 1 ts Salt 1-. ts (epper 1 ts Instant beef broth -(ick over beans and rinse, #over beans with water in a large kettle6 bring to boiling6 cover6 cook 2 "inutes6 re"ove fro" heat6 let stand 1 hour, (our into an electric slow cooker, -Brown sausages in a s"all skillet6 push to one side6 saute onion and garlic in sa"e pan until soft6 stir in to"ato+ bay leaf+ thy"e+ basil+ orange strips+ salt and pepper and instant beef broth6 bring to boiling6 stir into beans6 cover, -#ook on low for 13 hours or on high for $ hours or until beans are tender, KI>@0? 6 servings

CARAMEL NUT ROLLS 2 / o*, pkgs, refrigerator biscuits 1-. c, "elted butter or "argarine 1-2 c, brown sugar 1-. c, chopped nuts #inna"on 7i& brown sugar and nuts together, 0ip each refrigerator biscuit in "elted butter+ then brown sugar and nuts, (lace in 9ival Bread and #ake pan or a 3 pound coffee can, Sprinkle each layer of biscuits with cinna"on, If using coffee can+ cover with several layers of paper towels, #ook on high for 3-. hours, <o peekingJ Kou can check bread after two hours, Kou can use yeast rolls--fro*en+ unbaked--which "ay be thawed and substituted for the refrigerator biscuits, )ill your can and pan with 16 o*, of dipped rolls and let rise for 33 "inutes before baking, Bake as directed for 3-. hours,

CARAMEL RUM FONDUE 1 ounces #ara"els 1-. cup 7iniature "arsh"allows 1-3 cup 5hipping crea" 2 teaspoons 9u" or 1-. tsp ru" e&tract #o"bine cara"els and crea" in #rock (ot, #over and heat until "elted+ 33 to 63 "inutes, Stir in "arsh"allows and ru", #over and continue cooking 33 "inutes, Serve with apple wedges or pound cake,

CARMEL APPLES 4 2 packages 1.o*! bags cara"els 4 1-. cup 5ater 4 / 7ediu" apples In slow cooker-#rock (ot+ co"bine cara"els and water, #over and cook on high for 1 to 1 1-2 hours+ stirring fre%uently, 5ash and dry apples, Insert stick into ste" end of each apple, 2urn control on low, 0ip apple into hot cara"el and turn to coat entire surface, Eolding apple above pot+ scrape off e&cess accu"ulation of cara"el fro" botto" apple, (lace on greased wa& paper to cool,

CARROT PUDDING 4 . large carrots+ cooked and grated 4 1 s"all onion+ grated 4 1-2 teaspoon salt 4 1-. teaspoon nut"eg 4 1 tablespoon sugar 4 1 cup "ilk 4 3 eggs+ beaten 7i& together carrots+ onion+ salt+ nut"eg+ sugar+ "ilk+ and eggs, (our into slow cooker and cook on high for 3-. hours,

CASSEROLE IN THE COOKER 1 package 16 o*! fro*en broccoli cuts+ thawed and drained 3 cp cubed fully cooked ha" 1 can condensed crea" of "ushroo" soup+ undiluted 1 8ar / o*! process cheese sauce 1 cp "ilk 1 cp uncooked instant rice 1 celery rib+ chopped 1 s"all onion+ chopped In a slow cooker+ co"bine broccoli and ha", #o"bine the soup+ cheese sauce+ "ilk+ rice+ celery and onion6 stir into the broccoli "i&ture, #over and cook on low .-$ hours or until rice is tender, . servings,

CHEDDAR POTATO SLICES 1 can 13 3-. ounces! #a"pbellCsQ #ondensed #rea" of 7ushroo" Soup 1-2 teaspoon paprika 1-2 teaspoon pepper . "ediu" baking potatoes about 1 1-. pounds!+ sliced 1-.-inch thick 1 cup shredded cheddar cheese . ounces! 1, 7i& soup+ paprika and pepper, In greased 2-%uart shallow baking dish arrange potatoes in overlapping rows, Sprinkle with cheese, Spoon soup "i&ture over cheese, 2, #over and bake at .33D), for .$ "inutes, Lncover and bake 13 "inutes "ore or until potatoes are tender, Serves 6, )or the slow cooker-#rock (ot? )ollow directions above+ placing ingredients in a lightly greased slow cooker-#rock (ot, #over and cook on high for 3 to . hours+ until potatoes are tender, Feep war" on low! for serving,

CHEESE AND POTATO CASSEROLE 2 lb, pkg, fro*en hash brown potatoes partially thawed! 2 13 o*,! cans cheddar cheese soup 1 13 o*,! can evaporated "ilk 1 can )rench fried onion rings+ divided Salt and pepper to taste #o"bine potatoes+ soup+ "ilk+ and half the can of onion rings6 pour into greased slow cooker-#rock (ot and add salt and pepper, #over and cook on low for / to B hours or high for . hours, Sprinkle the rest of the onion rings of top before serving,

CHEESE * ARTICHOKE DIP 4 / ounces process A"erican cheese Gelveeta! 4 1 can 13o*! B/R fat-free crea" of "ushroo" soup 4 2 teaspoons 5orcestershire sauce 4 1-. cup evaporated "ilk 4 1 teaspoon dry "ustard 4 1 1-2 cups shredded cheddar cheese 4 1-3 cup chopped roasted red pepper 4 1 can artichoke hearts+ drained and coarsely chopped #o"bine all ingredients in the slow cooker-#rock (ot, #over and cook on low for 2 to 3 hours+ until "elted, Stir well and serve with assorted crackers+ bread cubes+ or chips, Kou can also use this dip with cooked pasta for a delicious "acaroni and cheeseJ

CHEESY CAULIFLOWER AND BROCCOLI 1 13 o*! pkg fro*en cauliflower+ thawed 1 13 o*! pkg fro*en broccoli+ thawed 1 can #heddar cheese soup . slices bacon salt and pepper to taste 1-. cup shredded cheddar cheese+ if desired )ry bacon until crisp6 drain well on paper towels then cru"ble, (lace broccoli and cauliflower in crockery pot, 2op with soup+ sprinkle with bacon, Season with salt and pepper, #over and cook on low for . to $ hours, About 23 "inutes before done+ top with cheddar cheese if used, Serves 6 to /,

CHEESY CROCKPOT CHICKEN I 3 whole boneless chicken breasts 2 cans crea" chicken soup 1 can chedder cheese soup 9e"ove all fat and skin fro" chicken6 rinse and pat dry+ sprinkle with salt+ pepper and garlic powder, (ut in crockpot and add the three soups straight fro" the cans, #ook on low all day at least / hrs! do not lift the lid, Serve over rice or noodles, 5e did noodles and hubby said it tasted like "ac and cheese,

CHEESY CROCKPOT CHICKEN II 6 chicken breasts boneless ; skinless! salt ; pepper to taste garlic powder+ to taste 2 cans crea" of chicken soup 1 can cheddar cheese soup 9inse chicken and sprinkle with salt+ pepper and garlic powder, 7i& undiluted soup and pour over chicken in the crock pot, #ook on low 6 to / hours, Serve over rice or noodles, Serving Suggestion? Serve over rice,

CHEESY CROCKPOT CHICKEN AND .EGETABLES 1-3 c, diced canadian bacon or ha" 2-3 carrots+ sliced or chopped 2-3 celery ribs+ sliced or chopped 1 s"all onion+ sliced or chopped 2 cans "ushroo"s or 1-. lb fresh+ sliced 1 can green beans+ drained very well 1-. c, water @ayer in crock pot in order given, 2-3 lbs, chicken+ cut up, (ut on top of veggies+ largest pieces first, 2 tsp, chicken bouillon granules 1 2bs, chopped fresh parsley 3-. tsp, poultry seasoning -7i& together and sprinkle over chicken pieces, 1 can condensed cheddar cheese soup 1 2bs, flour 1-. c, par"esan cheese -7i& together and drop on top of chicken+ 0= <=2 S2I9, #over and cook on high 3-. hours+ or low 6-/ hours, -7ake noodles =9 rice =9 "ashed potatoes to serve over, 2his is a very versatile dish+ use "ore-less-different veggies I often clean out the fridge into the crockpot for this! and if the sauce is too thin you can thicken with a little cornstarch or par"esan cheese before serving,

CHERRY COBBLER 1 16 o* can cherry pie filling+ light 1 pkg cake "i& for 1 layer cake+ or sweet "uffin "i& 1 egg 3 tablespoons evaporated "ilk 1-2 teaspoon cinna"on 1-2 cup chopped nuts+ optional (ut pie filling in lightly buttered 3 1-2-%uart #rock (ot and cook on high for 33 "inutes, 7i& together the re"aining ingredients and spoon onto the hot pie filling, #over and cook for 2 to 3 hours on low, Kou "ay also use a lightly greased souffle dish in a larger #rock (ot, 6 servings,

CHERRY CRISP 1 can 21 o*! cherry pie filling 2-3 cup brown sugar 1-2 cup %uick-cooking oats 1-2 cup flour 1 teaspoon brown sugar 1-3 cup butter+ softened @ightly butter a 3 1-2-%uart slow cooker-#rock (ot, (lace cherry pie filling in the slow cooker-#rock (ot, #o"bine dry ingredients and "i& well6 cut in butter with a pastry cutter or fork, Sprinkle cru"bs over the cherry pie filling, #ook for $ hours on low,

CHICKEN A LA KING 4 1 1-2 to 2 pounds boneless chicken tenders 4 1 to 1 1-2 cup "atchstick-cut carrots 4 1 bunch green onions scallions! sliced in 1-2-inch pieces 4 1 8ar Fraft pi"iento or pi"iento ; olive process cheese spread $o*! 4 1 can B/R fat-free crea" of chicken soup 4 2 tablespoons dry sherry optional! 4 salt and pepper to taste (ut all ingredients in the slow cooker-#rock (ot 3 1-2-%uart or larger! in the order given6 stir to co"bine, #over and cook on low for 1 to B hours, Serve over rice+ toast+ or biscuits, Serves 6 to /,

CHICKEN CACCIATORE IN CROCKPOT (lace cut up chicken in slow cooker-#rock (ot+ cover with one large undrained can of cut-up to"atoes+ one cut-up onion+ one cut-up green pepper+ "inced garlic to taste!+ one 2bs, Italian herbs+ red pepper flakes to taste, I add "ushroo"s if I have the"J! #ook all on low 6-/ hours until falling apart, Serve over hubbyCs favorite pasta+ sprinkling "ore pepper flakes if you dareJ! and plenty of (ar"esan cheese over itJ

CHICKEN CASSEROLE 1 /o* pkg noodles 3 cups diced cooked chicken (age 36 of 2.$ #rockpot 9ecipes 2-16-2333 e-book?--(ages-crockpotPrecipes,ht" 1-2 cup diced celery 1-2 cup diced green pepper 1-2 cup diced onion 1 . o* can "ushroo"s 1 . o* 8ar pi"iento 1-2 cup par"esan cheese 1 1-2 cups crea" style cottage cheese 1 cup grated charp process cheese 1 can crea" of chicken soup 1-2 cup chicken broth 2 2bsp, "elted butter 1-2 tsp, basil #ook noodles according to pkg directions and drain and rinse thoroughly, In a large bowl+ co"bine re"aining ingredients with noodles until well "i&ed, (our "i&ture into greased crockpot, #=ver and cook on low for 6-/ hours or high 3-. hours, Serves 6

C0 /)&" C0 ! 2 whole chicken breasts+ skinned+ deboned+ cut in 1-2' chunks #elery heart 1 "ed, onion 2 cans stewed to"atoes+ sliced 16 o*, "ed, salsa or picante sauce 1 can chick peas or 1 pkg, pkg, white kidney beans! 6 o*, "ushroo"s =live oil Brown chicken in 1 tablespoon olive oil, #hop celery+ onion and "ushroo"s, #o"bine all ingredients in large slow cooker-#rock (ot+ stir and si""er on low heat for 6-/ hours, Serve with bread or taco chips, 4If you like it spicy+ use hot salsa or picante sauce,

CHICKEN MERLOT WITH MUSHROOMS 2 1-2 to 3 lbs, "eaty chicken pieces+ skinned 3 c, sliced fresh "ushroo"s 1 large onion+ chopped 2 cloves garlic+ "inced 3-. c, chicken broth 1 6-ounce can to"ato paste 1-. c, dry red wine such as 7erlot! or chicken broth I used broth! 2 tbsp, %uick-cooking tapioca 2 tbsp, snipped fresh basil or 1 1-2 tsp, dried basil+ crushed I used dried! 2 tsp, sugar 1-. tsp, salt 1-. tsp, pepper 2 c, hot cooked noodles 2 tbsp, finely shredded (ar"esan cheese I used the kind in a shaker! 9inse chicken6 set aside, In a 3 1-2-.-or $-%uart crockery cooker place "ushroo"s+ onion+ and garlic, (lace chicken pieces on top of the vegetables, In a bowl co"bine broth+ to"ato paste+ wine or chicken broth+ tapioca+ dried basil if using!+ sugar+ salt+ and pepper, (our over all, #over6 cook on low-heat setting for 1 to / hours or on high-heat setting for 3 H to . hours, If using+ stir in fresh basil, 2o serve+ spoon chicken+ "ushroo" "i&ture+ and sauce over hot cooked noodles Sprinkle with (ar"esan cheese, 7akes . to 6 servings, (rep ti"e? 2$ "in,

CHICKEN OR TURKEY PIE 3 cups diced cooked chicken or turkey 2 cans 1. 1-2 ounce each! chicken broth 1-2 teaspoon salt 1-2 teaspoon pepper 1 stalk celery+ thinly sliced 1 "ediu" onion+ chopped 1 bay leaf 3 cups potatoes+ peeled and cubed 1 package fro*en "i&ed veggies 16 o*! 1 cup "ilk 1 cup flour 1 teaspoon pepper 1-2 teaspoon salt 1 B-inch refrigerated pie crust In #rock (ot+ co"bine chicken+ broth+ 1-2 teaspoon salt+ 1-2 teaspoon pepper+ celery+ onion+ bay leaf+ potatoes+ and "i&ed vegetables, #over and cook on low / to 13 hours or on high . to 6 hours, 9e"ove bay leaf, (re heat oven to .33 degrees, In a s"all bowl+ "i& "ilk and flour, :radually stir flour and water "i&ture into #rock (ot, Stir in pepper+ poultry seasoning+ and salt- 9e"ove the liner fro" #rock (ot base and carefully place B-inch pie crust over the "i&ture, (lace the crockery liner inside preheated oven and bake uncovered! for about 1$ "inutes+ or until browned, If your liner is not re"ovable+ put the "i&ture in a casserole dish+ cover with the pie crust and bake as above, Serves /,

CHICKEN SOUP 2 =nions+ chopped 3 #arrots+ sliced 2 Stalks celery+ sliced 2 teaspoons Salt 1-. teaspoon (epper 1-2 teaspoon Basil 1-. teaspoon @eaf thy"e 3 tablespoons 0ry parsley flakes 1 package )ro*en peas 13 o*,! 1 2-1-2 to 3 lb, whole fryer . cups 5ater or chicken stock 1 cup <oodles (lace all ingredients in slow cooker-#rock (ot+ e&cept noodles+ in order listed, #over and cook on @=5 / to 13 hours+ or EI:E . to 6 hours, =ne hour before serving+ re"ove chicken and cool slightly, 9e"ove "eat fro" bones and return "eat to slow cooker-#rock (ot, Add noodles, 2urn to EI:E, #over and cook 1 hour,

CHICKEN WINGS IN BB- SAUCE 4 3 pounds chicken wings 16 wings! 4 salt and pepper to taste 4 1 1-2 cups any variety barbecue sauce 4 1-. cup honey 4 2 teaspoons prepared "ustard or spicy "ustard 4 2 teaspoons 5orcestershire sauce 4 2abasco to taste+ optional 9inse chicken and pat dry, #ut off and discard wing tips, #ut each wing at 8oint to "ake two sections, Sprinkle wing parts with salt and pepper, (lace wings on a broiler pan, Broil .-$ inches fro" the heat for 23 "inutes+ 13 "inutes for each side or until chicken is brown, 2ransfer chicken to slow cooker-#rock (ot, )or sauce+ co"bine barbecue sauce+ honey+ "ustard+ 5orcestershire sauce and if "ore heat is desired,,,2abasco to taste in a s"all "i&ing bowl, (our over chicken wings, #over and cook on low for .-$ hours or on Eigh 2 -2 1-2 hours, Serve directly fro" slow cooker-#rock (ot, 7akes about 32 appeti*ers,

CHICKEN WINGS IN TERIYAKI SAUCE 4 3 pounds chicken wings 16 wings! 4 1 large onion+ chopped 4 1 cup soy sauce 4 1 cup brown sugar 4 2 teaspoons ground ginger 4 2 cloves garlic+ "inced 4 1-. cup dry cooking sherry 9inse chicken and pat dry, #ut off and discard wing tips, #ut each wing at 8oint to "ake two sections, (lace wing parts on broiler pan, Broil .-$ inches fro" the heat for 23 "inutes+ 13 "inutes for each side or until chicken is brown, 2ransfer chicken to slow cooker-#rock (ot, 7i& together onion+ soy sauce+ brown sugar+ ginger+ garlic and cooking sherry in bowl, (our over chicken wings, #over and cook on @ow $-6 hours or on EI:E 2-3 hours, Stir chicken wings once to ensure wings are evenly coated with sauce, Serve fro" Slow #ooker, 7akes about 32 pieces

CHILI 2 lbs, ground beef 1 lg, onion 1 lg, green pepper 1 lg, 8alapeno pepper #hili powder to taste :arlic salt to taste Salt to taste (epper to taste Sugar to taste 2 cans crushed to"atoes 1 can to"ato puree 1 can kidney beans 2 cans chili hot beans Brown beef, Saute chopped onion and green pepper in grease, 7i& beef+ onion and green pepper, Add spices6 let stand 1 hour, Add to"atoes+ to"ato puree+ beans6 cook in #rock (ot all day, Best if refrigerated and war"ed the ne&t day,

CHILI BEEF DIP 4 1 11 o*,! can condensed chili beef soup 4 3 o*, pkg, crea" cheese+ softened 4 1-2 cup sour crea" 4 1 tbsp, water 4 1 teaspoon prepared "ustard 4 1 teaspoon 5orcestershire sauce 4 1-2 teaspoon chili sauce 4 1-. teaspoon hot pepper sauce+ optional In slow cooker-#rock (ot+ co"bine all ingredients6 "i& well, #over and cook on low for 1 1-2 to 2 hours+ stirring occasionally+ or until cheese is "elted and dip is hot, Serve war" with tortilla or corn chips, 7akes 2 cups,

CHILI CHEESE TACO DIP 4 1 lb, ha"burger 4 1 can chili no beans! 4 1 lb, "ild 7e&ican Gelveeta cheese+ cubed or shredded Brown ha"burger6 drain and place in slow cooker, Add chili and cheese6 cover and cook on low until cheese is "elted+ about 1 to 1 1-2 hours+ stirring occasionally to blend ingredients, Serve war" with taco or tortilla chips,

CHILI CHICKEN 3 whole chicken breasts 1 1-2 to 2 lbs+ cut in 1 inch pieces! 1 cup chopped onion 1 cup chopped bell pepper 2 garlic cloves 2 tbsp, vegetable oil 2 cans 7e&ican stewed to"atoes 16 ounce each! 1 can chili beans 2-3 cup picante sauce 1 teaspoon, chili powder 1 teaspoon, cu"in 1-2 teaspoon, salt Saute chicken+ onion+ pepper+ garlic in vegetable oil until vegetables are wilted, 2ransfer to slow cooker-#rock (ot and add re"aining ingredients, #ook+ covered+ on low+ for . to 6 hours, Serve over rice, Serves . to 6,

CHILI CON -UESO 4 2 tablespoons butter 4 1 "ediu" onion+ chopped 4 1 can 8alapeno peppers+ chopped 4 1 1$ 1-2 o*, to"atoes+ chopped+ undrained 4 1 8ar pi"iento+ chopped+ drained 4 3-. cup cheddar cheese+ grated 4 salt and pepper+ to taste Saute onion in butter in "ediu" saucepan, #o"bine ne&t 3 ingredients with onion, Eeat to boiling+ let si""er for 13 - 1$ "inutes to "eld the flavors, Add cheese+ "i&ing thoroughly until "elted, Serve i""ediately, <ote? you can add browned ground beef or sausage if youCd like6 and use Gelveeta instead of the cheddar cheese,

CHILI DIP 4 1 lg, 8ar 16o*! picante sauce+ "ild 4 2 cans refried beans 4 / ounces sour crea" 4 1-2 tsp, chili powder 4 1 lb, ground beef 4 1 onion+ chopped 4 Salt and pepper to taste 4 / o*, #heddar cheese+ shredded 4 Aalapenos or "ild chile+ chopped+ to taste #ook ground beef with onion6 drain, 7i& everything together in slow cooker-#rock (ot and cook slowly, Serve with favorite vegetables or chips,

CHOCOLATE-AMARETTO CHEESECAKE Crust: 3-. cup wafer-cookie or graha" cracker cru"bs 1-/ teaspoon al"ond e&tract 1 tablespoon sugar 3 tablespoons butter+ "elted F !! "#: 1 cup ricotta cheese light! 12 ounces crea" cheese+ light neufchatel! 1 cup sugar 2 eggs 3 tablespoons whipping crea" 1-. cup a"aretto 1-. cup plus 1 tablespoon cocoa 1-. cup all-purpose flour 1 teaspoon vanilla 1-3 cup se"i-sweet chocolate "ini-"orsels #o"bine crust ingredients and pat into a 1-inch springfor" pan, Beat the cheeses with the sugar until s"ooth6 add eggs and whipping crea" and beat for about 3 "inutes on "ediu" speed of an electric hand-held "i&er, Add a"aretto+ cocoa+ flour and vanilla6 beat for about 1 "ore "inute, Stir in se"i-sweet chocolate "orsels6 pour into prepared pan, (lace the cheesecake on a rack in the #rock (ot or use a 'ring' of alu"inu" foil to keep it off the botto" of the pot!, #over and cook on high for 2 1-2 to 3 hours, @et stand in the covered pot after turning it off! for about 1 to 2 hours+ until cool enough to handle, #ool thoroughly before re"oving pan sides, #hill before serving6 store leftovers in the refrigerator,

CHOCOLATE BROWNIE PUDDING CAKE 1-2 cup brown sugar 3-. cup water 2 2bsp cocoa 2 1-2 cups brownie "i& half of a 21,$o* pkg! 1 egg 1-. cup peanut butter 1 tablespoon soft "argarine 1-. cup water 1-. to 1-2 cup "ilk chocolate chips+ if desired #o"bine 3-. cup water+ brown sugar+ and cocoa in a saucepan, Bring to a boil, In the "eanti"e co"bine the re"aining ingredients in a s"all bowl, 5hisk together or "i& well with a spoon, Spread the batter evenly in the botto" of a lightly buttered slow cooker-#rock (ot, (our boiling "i&ture over the batter, #over and cook on high about 2 hours6 turn heat off and let stand for about 33 "inutes, I "ade this in a $%uart pot+ but IC" sure it would be fine in a 3 1-2- %uart ICll try that si*e ne&t!, Spoon into dessert dishes while war"6 serve with whipped crea" or ice crea", Serves 6 to /,

CHOCOLATE CHIP PEANUT BUTTER CAKE 1-2 cup butter 1-2 cup sugar 1-2 cup brown sugar 3 eggs+ beaten 1-2 cup peanut butter 3-. cup light sour crea" 1 teaspoon vanilla e&tract 2 1-2 cups all-purpose flour 1 teaspoon baking powder 1 teaspoon baking soda 1-2 teaspoon salt 1 cup chocolate chips #rea" butter and sugars, Beat eggs in well, 7i& in peanut butter+ sour crea"+ and vanilla, #o"bine flour+ baking powder+ soda and salt together and add to crea"ed "i&ture, Stir in "ost of the chocolate chips+ reserving a few for the top, Spoon "i&ture into a greased and floured 2 1-2 to 3-%uart souffle dish or "old which will fit in your #rock (ot!, (lace a s"all trivet or fashion a little 'ring' fro" alu"inu" foil! in the #rock (ot+ place the dish on the trivet+ then cover the dish with . layers of paper towels, #over loosely to allow stea" to escape and cook on high for about . hours, 2est with a toothpick for doneness, #ool in pot until dish is cool enough to handle+ then transfer to a wire rack to cool co"pletely,

CHOCOLATE PEANUT BUTTER CAKE 2 c, chocolate cake "i& 1-2 c, water 1-3 c, crea"y peanut butter 1-2 c, chopped nuts #o"bine all ingredients in bowl "i&ing well, Beat about 2 "inutes, (our batter into greased and floured 2 pound coffee can, (lace can in crockpot, #over top of can with / paper towels, #over crockpot and bake on high 2 to 3 hours,

CHOPS IN A CROCK 6 pork chops+ browned you can skip the browning! 1 onion+ chopped 3 2, catsup 13,$ o* can crea" of "ushroo" soup 2 t 5orcestershire sauce (lace into crockpot and si""er about .-$ hours, Serve with rice+ noodles or potatoes,

CHRISTMAS BREAD PUDDING B slices 5hole 5heat Bread / slices 5hite Bread 3 >gg Kolks+ beaten 1 1-2 cups @ight #rea" 2-3 cup 0ark 9aisins 1-3 cup 5hole #andied 9ed #herries+ halved 3-. cup #rea" Sherry 1 cup -5ater 2 >gg Kolks+ beaten 1-. cup (owdered Sugar+ sifted 2 tablespoons #rea" Sherry 1-3 cup Sugar dash Salt 1 1-2 teaspoons Ganilla 2-3 cup :olden raisins 1-. teaspoon Ganilla 1-2 cup 5hipping crea" 9e"ove crusts fro" bread, #over bread slices with paper towels and let stand overnight, Cust(r2: in a heavy "ediu" saucepan co"bine three egg yolks+ light crea"+ sugar and salt, #ook and stir over "ediu" heat, #ontinue cooking until "i&ture coats a "etal spoon, 9e"ove fro" heat6 cool at once by setting saucepan in a sink of ice water and stirring for 1-2 "inutes, Stir in 1 1-2 teaspoons vanilla, #over surface with clear plastic wrap, In s"all bowl co"bine raisins, (lace cherries in another bowl, Eeat 3-. cup sherry till war", (our 2-3 cup sherry over cherries, Set aside, #ut bread into 1-2-inch cubes about B cups!, In a bowl+ fold bread into custard+ until coated, :rease a 6 1-2 cup tower "old without tube!, 0rain raisins and cherries+ reserving sherry, Arrange 1-. of cherries in botto" of the "old+ sprinkle 1-3 cup raisins into the "old, Add 1-. of bread cube "i&ture, Sprinkle with 2 tablespoons reserved sherry, 9epeat layers three ti"es+ arranging cherries and raisins near edges of the "old, @ightly press last layer with back of spoon, (our re"aining reserved sherry over all, #over "old tightly with foil, Set "old in cooker - for a $-6%t cooker+ pour 1 1-2 cups water around "old for a 3 1-2 - . %t cooker use 1 cup water!, #over+ cook on low $ 1-2 hours or until pudding springs back when touched, 7eanwhile "ake the sherry sauce? in a "i&ing bowl co"bine 2 egg yolks+ powdered sugar+ 2 tablespoons sherry and 1-. teaspoons vanilla, In s"all bowl+ beat whipping crea" until s"all peaks for", :ently fold whip crea" into egg yolk "i&ture, #over and chill until serving ti"e,

9e"ove "old fro" cooker+ let stand 13 "inutes, #arefully un"old to serving platter, Serve war" with sherry sauce, Serves 12, Alternative? 9e"ove pudding fro" "old+ cover and chill, 2o serve+ return pudding to sa"e "old, #over with foil+ place in cooker, (our 1 1-2 cup water around "old, #over+ cook on high for 1 H to 2 hours+ or until war", @et stand 13 "inutes+ un"old and serve with sauce,

CHUNK-STYLE APPLESAUCE / to 13 large cooking apples+ peeled+ cored+ and sliced or cut in chunks 1-2 cup water 1 tsp cinna"on 1-2 to 1 cup sugar (ut ingredients in #rock-(ot, #over6 cook on @ow / to 13 hours, Eigh? 3 to . hours,! Serve war", Add crea" if desired,

CINNAMON-APPLE BREAD PUDDING 4 2 tablespoons butter 4 2 apples+ cored peeled+ and chopped 4 3-. cup brown sugar+ divided 4 1 1-2 teaspoons cinna"on+ divided 4 2 large eggs 4 12 o* can evaporated "ilk 4 3-. cup apple 8uice 4 2 1-2 cups )rench bread torn in 1-2 to 1- inch pieces 7elt butter in botto" of a 1 1-2 to 2- %uart casserole or souffle dish which will fit in the slow cooker-#rock (ot, Sprinkle with 2 tablespoons brown sugar and H teaspoon cinna"on, Add apples, 5hisk eggs+ "ilk+ and apple 8uice together6 "i& in re"ainder of brown sugar+ 1 teaspoon cinna"on+ and the bread pieces, (lace a trivet or alu"inu" foil ring in the slow cooker-#rock (ot, (our 3-. cup hot water into the the slow cooker-#rock (ot, (lace the casserole dish on the ring in the slow cooker-#rock (ot, #over and cook on high for 2 1-2 hours+ until knife inserted co"es out clean, Serve war" with vanilla ice crea" or sweetened whipped crea",

CITRUS FISH 4 1 1-2 lb, fish fillets 4 Salt and pepper to taste 4 1 "ed, onion+ chopped 4 $ tbsp, chopped parsley 4 . tsp, oil 4 2 tsp, grated le"on rind 4 2 tsp, grated orange rind 4 =range and le"on slices Butter slow cooker-#rock (ot and put salt and pepper on fish to taste, 2hen place fish in pot, (ut onion+ parsley and grated rinds and oil over fish, #over and cook on low for 1 1-2 hours, Serve garnished with orange and le"on slices,

CLASSIC SWISS FONDUE 4 1 clove garlic 4 2 1-2 cups dry white 9hine+ #hablis or 9iesling wine 4 1 2BS le"on 8uice 4 1 lb, Swiss cheese+ grated 4 1-2 lb, #heddar cheese+ grated 4 3 2BS flour 4 3 2BS kirsch 4 )reshly ground nut"eg 4 (epper 4 (aprika 4 1 loaf Italian or )rench bread+ cut into 1-inch cubes 9ub an ena"eled or stainless steel pan with garlic clove, Eeat wine to a slow si""er 8ust under boiling!, Add le"on 8uice, #o"bine cheeses and flour and gradually stir in, Lsing a figure-/ "otion+ stir constantly until cheese is "elted, (our into lightly greased #rock-(ot, Add kirsch6 stir well, Sprinkle with nut"eg+ pepper and paprika, #over and cook on Eigh setting for 33 "inutes+ then turn to @ow setting for 2 to $ hours, Feep on @ow setting while serving, Lsing fondue forks+ dip bread cubes into fondue, About 2 %uarts

COCKTAIL KIELBASA 4 2 rings of Fielbasa about 2 lbs! 4 1 1/ o*! 8ar apple 8elly 4 1 B o*! 8ar prepared "ustard Slice Fielbasa 1-. to 1-2 inch thick, 7i& 8elly and "ustard in slow cooker-#rock (ot, Add sliced Fielbasa and "i& until "eat is covered, Set slow cooker-#rock (ot on low to cook for 2 hours and keep on low while serving, Stir periodically,

CONGRESSIONAL BEAN SOUP IN A CROCKPOT 1 lb S"all white beans / c 5ater 2 c Ea"+ diced 1 c =nion+ diced 1 c #elery+ chopped 2 tb (arsley+ chopped 1 ts Salt 1-. ts (epper 1 Bay leaf Asse"ble ingredients in Slow #ooker, #over and cook on low /-13 hours or until beans are tender,

CORN CHOWDER 2 cans 16 o*! whole kernel corn+ drained 2 to 3 "ediu" potatoes+ chopped 1 onion+ chopped 1-2 teaspoon salt pepper to taste 2 cups chicken broth 2 cups "ilk 1-. cup butter or "argarine #o"bine first 6 ingredients in #rock (ot, #over and cook on low for 1 to B hours, (uree in a blender or food processor+ if desired+ then return to pot, Stir in "ilk and butter6 cook on high about 1 hour "ore, Serves 6 to /,

COUNTRY APPLES 4 .-$ cups apples 4 2 tbsp flour 4 1-3 cup sugar 4 1-3 cup raisins 4 1-. tsp cinna"on 4 2-3 cup oat"eal 4 3 tbsp butter 4 3-. cup brown sugar (eel+ slice and coat apples with flour and 1-3 cup sugar, Stir in the raisins+ cinna"on+ and oat"eal, (our 1 cup water into crockery, Add apple "i&, (our "elted butter over apples and then brown sugar, #ook on @ow .-6 hours, Serves 6, Kou can serve over vanilla ice crea"+ use as a crepe filling or over oat"eal for breakfast,

COUNTRY CAPTAIN CHICKEN BREASTS 2he distinctive co"bination of curry+ ginger+ and fruit gives this classic Southern dish its character, 2 "ediu"-si*e :ranny S"ith apples 1 s"all onion+ finely chopped 1 s"all green bell pepper+ seeded and finely chopped 3 cloves garlic+ "inced or pressed 2 tablespoons dried currants 1 tablespoon curry powder 1 teaspoon ground ginger 1-. teaspoon ground red pepper cayenne! 1 can about 1. 1-2 o*,! diced to"atoes 6 s"all skinless+ boneless chicken breast halves about 1 3-. lbs, total! 1-2 cup chicken broth 1 cup long-grain white rice 1 pound large raw shri"p+ shelled and deveined 1-3 cup slivered al"onds Salt #hopped parsley -Iuarter+ core+ and dice unpeeled apples, In a .-%uart or larger electric slow cooker+ co"bine apples+ onion+ bell pepper+ garlic+ currants+ curry powder+ ginger+ and red pepper6 stir in to"atoes, 9inse chicken and pat dry6 then arrange+ overlapping pieces slightly+ on top of to"ato "i&ture, (our in broth, #over and cook at low setting until chicken is very tender when pierced 6 to 1 hours!, -#arefully lift chicken to a war" plate+ cover lightly+ and keep war" in a 233 degree oven, Stir rice into cooking li%uid, Increase cooker heat setting to high6 cover and cook+ stirring once or twice+ until rice is al"ost tender to bite 33 to 3$ "inutes!, Stir in shri"p+ cover and cook until shri"p are opa%ue in center6 cut to test about 13 "ore "inutes!, -7eanwhile+ toast al"onds in a s"all nonstick frying pan over "ediu" heat until golden brown $ to / "inutes!+ stirring occasionally, Set aside, -2o serve+ season rice "i&ture to taste with salt, 7ound in a war" serving dish6 arrange chicken on top, Sprinkle with parsley and al"onds, 7akes 6 servings,

CRAB DIP 4 1 lb, Gelveeta cheese 4 1 lb, butter or "argarine 4 2 cans crab "eat Eeat together, Feep war" in fondu or slow cooker-#rock (ot, Serve with bread sticks,

CRANBERRY-APPLE TURKEY BREAST 4 2 teaspoons "elted butter or "argarine 4 1-2 cup chicken broth 4 1 large apple+ cored and chopped 4 1-2 cup chopped onion 4 1 stalk celery+ chopped 4 1 cup whole berry cranberry sauce 4 3-. teaspoon poultry seasoning 4 2 cups seasoned cru"b-style stuffing 4 2 to 3 pounds turkey breast cutlets, #o"bine butter+ chicken broth+ apple+ onion+ celery+ cranberry sauce+ poultry seasoning and stuffing, (lace 3 tablespoons stuffing "i& on each turkey cutlet, 9oll up and tie, (lace in stoneware, #over6 cook on @=5 / hours EI:E . hours!,

CRANBERRY COCKTAIL MEATBALLS 4 2 pounds :round beef 4 1 cup #ornflake cru"bs 4 2 >ggs 4 1-2 cup #hopped+ fresh parsley 4 1-3 cup Fetchup 4 3 tablespoons 7inced onions 4 2 tablespoons Soy sauce 4 1-. teaspoon :arlic powder 4 1-. teaspoon (epper Sauce 4 16 ounces #an+ 8ellied or whole cranberry sauce 4 12 ounces #hili sauce 4 1 tablespoon Brown sugar 4 1 tablespoon @e"on 8uice In a large bowl+ co"bine ground beef+ cornflake cru"bs+ parsley+ eggs+ ketchup+ onion+ soy sauce+ garlic powder and pepper, 7i& well and for" into s"all balls+ fro" 1-2' to 3-.' in dia"eter, (lace in a casserole or baking pan, Eeat oven to 333 degrees ), 7eanwhile in a saucepan+co"bine cranberry sauce+ chili sauce+ brown sugar and le"on 8uice, #ook stirring over "ediu" heat until s"ooth, (our hot sauce over "eatballs in casserole, Bake for 33 to .$ "inutes+ depending on the si*e of the "eatballs, 2ransfer to #rock (ot and keep on low for serving,

CREAM CHEESE CROCKPOT CHICKEN 1 frying chicken+ cut up I used about . pounds of breast and rib chicken pieces! 2 tbsp "elted butter salt and pepper to taste 1 package of dry Italian seasoning "i& 1 can crea" of chicken soup 1 / o* brick of crea" cheese+ cut up in cubes 1-2 # chicken broth 1 large onion crushed garlic to taste Brush chicken with butter and sprinkle with the dry Italian seasoning "i& I did two layers in "y crockpot to "ake sure that the Italian seasoning got on all the chicken and not 8ust those peices on top,! #over and cook on low for 6-1 hours, About .$ "inutes before done+ brown the onion in the butter and then add the crea" cheese+ soup+ and chicken broth to the saucepan, Add the crushed garlic and stir all ingredients until s"ooth, Add salt and pepper to taste, (our sauce "i&ture over chicken in crockpot and cook an additional 33-.$ "inutes, 9e"ove chicken to platter and stir sauce before putting in gravy

CREAMY CHICKEN AND RICE 4 chicken tenders 3 per person! 4 crea" of "ushroo" soup 1 can for 2-3 people+ 2 for .-6! 4 7rs, :rass =nion Soup 7i& 1 per each can of soup! 4 12bsp olive oil 4 long grain brown rice 1 cup per can of soup! 4 12bsp whole thy"e+ crushed 4 S;( to taste 4 desired a"ount of broccoli florettes optional! 4 diced red pepper optional! 5hen using brown rice+ you need 2 1-. cups li%uid for each 1 cup rice, So I e"pty "y can of soup into a "easuring cup+ and add water or white wine! to e%ual 2 H not a typo+ you need the e&tra for the onion soup "i&!, Eeat olive oil in a saute pan+ and add rice until it begins to crackle+ but not brown, 2his will "ake the rice dense+ and help it keep itCs shape while cooking, 5hisk together the soups and additional E2o+ herbs and seasonings, #o"bine all ingredients e&cept veggies! in crockpot+ and cook on high .-6 hours+ or /-13 hours on low, 0uring last 33-.$ "inutes+ add desired veggies, :reat with crusty bread+ and a fresh salad,

CREAMY CORN 2 cups corn 2 tablespoons sugar 2 eggs 1-. cup flour 2 tablespoons butter 1 cup "ilk 1-2 teaspoon salt 7i& corn+ sugar+ eggs+ flour+ butter+ "ilk and salt6 place in slow cooker, #ook on high for one hour,

CREAMY ORANGE CHEESECAKE Crust: 3-. cup cookie or graha" cracker cru"bs 2 tablespoons sugar 3 tablespoons "elted butter F !! "#: 16 ounces crea" cheese light! 2-3 cup sugar 2 eggs 1 egg yolk 1-. cup fro*en orange 8uice concentrate+ thawed 1 teaspoon orange or le"on *est+ or dried grated rind 1 tablespoon flour 1-2 teaspoon vanilla #o"bine cru"bs with sugar6 "i& in "elted butter until well "oistened, (at into a 1- inch springfor" pan, In a "ediu" bowl+ crea" together the crea" cheese and sugar, Add eggs and yolk and beat for about 3 "inutes on "ediu" with a handheld electric "i&er, Beat in orange 8uice+ *est+ flour+ and vanilla, Beat for another 2 "inutes, (our batter into prepared crust6 place on a rack or alu"inu" foil ring in the crockery cooker so it doesnCt rest on the botto" of the pot!, #over and cook on high for 2 1-2 to 3 hours, 2urn off and leave for 1 to 2 hours+ until cool enough to re"ove, #ool co"pletely and re"ove the sides of the pan, #hill before serving+ and store leftovers in the refrigerator,

CREAMY SCALLOPED POTATOES +CROCKPOT, 4 3 cups 2hinly sliced carrots 4 3 tablespoons Butter or "argarine 4 2 cups 5ater 4 3 tablespoons =range "ar"alade 4 1-. teaspoon Salt 4 2 tablespoons #hopped pecans #o"bine carrots+ water+ and salt in #rock (ot, #over and cook on high 2 to 3 hours or until the carrots are done, 0rain well6 stir in re"aining ingredients, #over and cook on high 23-33 "inutes, 7akes $ to 6 servings,

CREAMY SPINACH DIP 4 / ounces #rea" cheese+ cubed 4 $ ounces )ro*en chopped spinach 4 2 tablespoons (i"ento+ diced 4 1 teaspoon 5orcestershire sauce 4 1-. teaspoon :arlic salt 4 1-. cup 5hipping cera" 4 2 tablespoons (ar"esan cheese+ grated 4 2 teaspoons =nion+ finely chopped 4 1-2 teaspoon 2hy"e #o"bine crea" cheese and crea" in #rock (ot, #over and heat until cheese is "elted+ 33 to 63 "inutes, Add re"aining ingredients, #over and heat 33 "inutes, Serve with raw vegetables+ crackers+ or bread pieces,

CROCKED KIELBASA 1-2 pound @ean ground beef 1 pound Fielbasa sausage -- sliced 1 #an whole to"atoes -- 2/ ounces! undrained B ounces )ro*en )rench-cut :reen beans 1 #an pitted black olives -- 6 ounces! drained and left whole! 1-2 cup 9ed wine 3 :arlic cloves -- "inced 1 "ediu" =nion -- sliced 1 "ediu" :reen pepper -- chopped 1 teaspoon Basil -- crushed 1 teaspoon =regano -- crushed 1-2 teaspoon 2hy"e -- crushed 1-. teaspoon (epper 1 pound (asta of your choice . ounces (ar"esan -- freshly grated In a "ediu" skillet+ saute ground beef, 5hen browned+ transfer to crockpot, Add all other ingredients e&cept pasta and par"esan Si""er on low for 6-/ hours, #ook pasta according to directions, @adle #rocked Fielbasa over pasta in large bowls, (ass the (ar"esan cheese to garnish,

CROCKPOT ALMOST LASAGNA 1 bo& rotini or *iti!+ any fun+ flavorful pasta will do 2 - 2/-o* 8ars pasta sauce one with to"ato chunks works well! 1 egg 1-2 lb ground beef 1-2 lb sausage 2 tbsp olive oil 1 #, par"esan cheese 1-2 # italian breadcru"bs 1 bag "o**arella cheese 16-23 o*, ricotta cheese 2 eggs 1 #, par"esan cheese 1 1-2 tsp, parsley flakes dash salt ; pepper :rease crock-pot+ or spray with non-stick cooking spray, #ook rotini according to package directions+ drain, Brown and drain "eat, 2oss pasta with olive oil, Add pasta sauce to "i&ture+ toss well, Stir together par"esan cheese+ breadcru"bs+ egg+ 1-2 bag "o**arella cheese+ and browned "eat, #an sprinkle lightly with garlic powder, Beat together ricotta+ 2 eggs+ par"esan+ parsley+ salt ; pepper, (our half of pasta-sauce-"eat "i&ture into crock-pot, Spread entire ricotta "i&ture over first layer of pasta, #over ricotta layer with re"aining pasta "i&ture+ and cover with re"aining cheese, #over+ and cook on low .-6 hours,

CROCKPOT APPLE AND BROWN SUGAR CORNED BEEF 1 corned beef brisket 1 %uart apple 8uice 1 cup brown sugar 1 2bsp prepared "ustard / s"all red potatoes 2 "ediu" carrots+ pared and cut into chunks 1 onion+ peeled and cut into eights 1-2 head cabbage+ cut into chunks (lace all ingredients in large crock pot cut "eat in half if necessary!, Stir to "i&, #ook on high for . to $ hours on high or / to 13 hours on low, 9e"ove "eat and vegetables and so"e of the cooking li%uid, Slice "eat thinly across the grain, Serve with the vegetables and so"e of the li%uid, Lse left over corn beef the ne&t day,,,,,layer in crock pot with sauerkraut and swiss cheese, 5ar" and serve on rye bread with 1333 Island dressingJ

CROCKPOT APPLE BROWN BETTY 3 lbs, cooking apples 13 slices of bread+ cubed about . cups! 1-2 tsp, cinna"on 1-. tsp, nut"eg 1-/ tsp, salt 3-. c, brown sugar 1-2 c, butter or "argarine+ "elted 5ash apples+ peel+ core+ cut into eighths6 place in botto" on crock, #o"bine bread cubes+ cinna"on+ nut"eg+ salt+ sugar+ butter6 toss together, (lace on top of apples in crock, #over, (lace crock into outer shell, #ook on low setting 2 to . hours, 7akes 6 to / servings,

CROCKPOT APPLE BUTTER I apples -- cut up+ to fill 3 1-2 %t, crockpot 1 cup brown sugar 1 cup apple cider 8uice of 1 le"on 1 tablespoon cinna"on #ut ble"ishes off apples and cut into chunks to fill 3 1-2 %t, crockpot, Add sugar+ cider and le"on 8uice, #over and cook on @ow for / hours, Stir, Add cinna"on and cook another 13 hours, Stir occasionally until brown, 9un through )ood "ill or any strainer to strain out seeds and skins, I used the blender, 2o thicken+ if not thick enough+ return to slow cooker and cook on Eigh uncovered until desired consistency, KI>@0? 7akes 3-. pints,

CROCKPOT APPLE BUTTER II (eel and core apples+ cut in %uarters+ enough to fill a . %uart crockpot to about 1 1-2 inches fro" the top? A00? . tsp, #inna"on 1-2 tsp #loves 1-2 tsp Salt 3 #ups Sugar Start on high with about . 2B water+ til it gets hot+ then turn on low and cook all day, 5hen it is done and apples are fully cooked down put s"all a"ounts into food processor and *ap %uickly till s"ooth, <=2>? If you are canning this+ put into 8ars and seal while 'E=2',

CROCKPOT APPLE BUTTER III . lbs apples+ cored and sliced donCt peel! 1 1-3 cups packed brown sugar 1 cup apple cider grated *est and 8uice of one le"on 3 2BS grated ginger #o"bine apples+ brown sugar+ apple cider+ *est+ 8uice, #over and cook /-13 hours on low+ til apples are very soft, A good thing to do overnightJ! 2hen stir in ginger+ increase heat to high+ uncover and cook stirring now and then! til "i&ture is reduced to about 3 cups for / to 13 hours, 2his part sounds kind of incredible+ co"e to think of it,,,I canCt i"agine sticking around for 13 hours to stir occasionally,,,oh well+ ICve co"e this far+ "ight as well continueJ!, (ut the resulting "ash through a food "ill,

CROCKPOT APPLE BUTTER I. 2 %t, sweet cider .lbs apples+ peeled+ cored ; sliced 3 #, sugar 1-. tsp, cinna"on 1-. tsp, allspice 1-/ tsp, cloves 1 tsp, salt (lace apples ; cider in crock pot, #over ; cook on @=5 13 - 12 hrs, 0= <=2 S2I9JJJJJJJ (ut apples through a srine a fine "esh strainer works well too!, 7ash apples, Add e%ual parts sugar stirring well between each+ add spices ; salt S2I9 5>@@JJ 9eturn to crock-pot, #ook on EI:E 1 hr, (our into 1-2 pint 8ars+ seal and process 13 "in, If you donCt want to process keep it refrigeratedJ "akes $ half pints,

CROCKPOT APPLE CAKE DESSERT 6 apples peeled+ cored and sliced sugar cinna"on / o* of yellow cake "i& 1-. c "elted butter or "argarine (ut slices of apples in #(, (our half a package of dry cake "i& over apples, 0ri**le butter over cake "i&, Sprinkle cinna"on and sugar "i&ture over that and cook on low 1 1-2 to 2 hours, Feep checking and itCs done when the apples are soft,

CROCKPOT APPLE CARAMEL DESSERT 2 "ed apple 1-2 c apple 8uice 1 o* cara"el candy 1 tsp vanilla 1-/ tsp ground carda"o" 1-2 tsp ground cinna"on 1-3 c peanut butter+ crea"y 1 slices angel food cake 1 %t vanilla ice crea" (eel+ core and cut each aplle into 1/ wedges6 set aside, #o"bine apple 8uice+ unwrapped cara"el candies+ vanilla+ carda"o" and cinna"on, 0rop peanut butter+ 1 tsp at a ti"e+ over ingredients in crock pot and stir, Add apple wedges6 cover and cook on @=5 for $ hrs, Stir thoroughly+ then cook 1 hr "ore, Serve appro& 1-3 cup of war" "i&ture over a slice of angel food cake or ice crea",

CROCKPOT APPLE CIDER 1 gallon of apple cider (ut it in a crock pot, Add 3 cinna"on sticks+ about a tsp of whole cloves+ and about 3 or . whole allspice, Slice up an orange and put orange rings in there, (ut it on low and let it si""er all day, ItCs easier if you can put the spices in cheese cloth but I donCt always have that, Also+ taste it after about . or $ hours to "ake sure itCs not getting too strong, 9e"ove the spices and oranges when the flavor reaches the taste you prefer,

CROCKPOT APPLE COCONUT CRISPS . large :ranny S"ith apples+ peeled ; coarsely sliced about . cups! 1-2 cup sweetened flaked coconut 1 tablespoon flour 1-3 cup brown sugar 1-2 cup butterscotch or cara"el ice crea" topping fat-free is fine! 1-2 teaspoon cinna"on 1-3 cup flour 1-2 cup %uick rolled oats 2 tablespoons butter or "argarine In a casserole 1 1-2-%uart baking dish that fits in the crockpot+ co"bine apples with coconut+ 1 tablespoon flour+ 1-3 cup brown sugar+ and cinna"on, 0ri**le with the ice crea" topping, #o"bine re"aining ingredients in a s"all bowl with a fork or pastry cutter and sprinkle over apple "i&ture, #over and cook on high for 2 1-2 to 3 hours+ until apples are tender, Serve war" with vanilla ice crea" or whipped topping,

CROCKPOT APPLE DESSERT I 6 apples+ peeled and sliced 2-3 cup raw oat"eal 2-3 cup sugar 1-3 cup flour 1 tsp cinna"on 1-. tsp nut"eg 1-. tsp ginger 1-3 cup butter or "argarine+ "elted 7i& oat"eal+ sugar+ flour+ and spices in s"all bowl, Stir "elted butter into "i&ture until it is cru"bly, (ut about half of sliced apples in crockpot and spoon about half of oat"eal "i&ture on top, #over with the rest of the apples and top with the rest of the cru"bly "i&ture, #ook on high about 2 1-2 hours,

CROCKPOT APPLE DESSERT II 2 #ups "ilk 1-. cup brown sugar 1 tbsp "elted butter 1-. tsp salt 1-2 tsp cinna"on 1 cup rolled oats+ regular 1 cup chopped apples 1-2 cup raisons Spray or butter inside of crock pot, add ingredients to pot and stir cover and cook on low overnight,

CROCKPOT APPLE PIE / 2art Apples peeled and sliced 1 1-. t ground cinna"on 1-. t allspice 1-. t nut"eg 3-. cup "ilk 2 2 butter soften 3-. c sugar 2 eggs 1 t vanilla 1-2 c Bis%uick 1 c Bis%uick 1-3 c brown sugar 3 2 cold butter 2oss apples in large bowl with cinna"on+ allspice+ and nut"eg, (lace in lightly greased crockpot, #o"bine "ilk+ softened butter+ sugar+ eggs+ vanilla+ and the 1-2 c Bis%uick, Spoon over apples, #o"bine the 1 cup Bis%uick and brown sugar, #ut the cold butter into "i&ture until cru"bly, Sprinkle this "i&ture over top of apple "i&ture, #over and cook on low 6-1 hours or until apples are soft,

CROCKPOT APPLE SAUCE About 3 pounds apples+ peeled+ cored+ and sliced 1-3 cup sugar 1 cinna"on stick 2 2BS le"on 8uice nut"eg (ut apples in cooker+ sprinkle w-sugar and add cinna"on stick, Sprinkle le"on 8uice on, #over and cook on low for 6 1-2 to / hours til apples for" a thick sauce, Sprinkle with nut"eg to taste,

CROCKPOT ARROZ CON POLLO . #hicken breast halves+ skin and e&cess fat re"oved 1-. teaspoon salt 1-. teaspon pepper 1-. teaspoon paprika 1 tablespoon oil 1 "ediu" onion+ chopped 1 s"all red pepper+ chopped 1 clove of garlic+ "inced 1-2 teaspoon dried rose"ary leaves 1 1. 1-2 ounce can crushed to"atoes 1 13 o* package fro*en peas Season chicken with salt+ pepper+ and paprika, In a "ediu" skillet+ heat oil over "ediu"-high heat, Add chicken and brown, (ut chicken in the #rock-pot, In a s"all bowl+ co"bine re"aining ingredients e&cept the peas, (our over chicken, #over? cook on @ow 1-B hours Eigh 3-. hours! =ne hour before serving+ add peas, Serve over rice, 7akes . servings,

CROCKPOT ARTICHOKE3 CHICKEN AND OLI.ES 1 1-2 lbs skinless+ boneless chicken breast halves and-or thighs 2 c sliced fresh "ushroo"s 1 1.,$ o*! can diced to"atoes 1 / or B o*! pkg fro*en artichokes 1 c chicken broth 1 "ed onion+ chopped 1-2 c sliced pitted ripe olives or 1-. cup capers+ drained! 1-. c dry white wine or chicken broth 3 tbsp %uick cooking tapioca 2-3 tsp curry powder 3-. tsp dried thy"e+ crushed (age 66 of 2.$ #rockpot 9ecipes 2-16-2333 e-book?--(ages-crockpotPrecipes,ht" 1-. tsp salt 1-. tsp pepper . c hot cooked couscous 9inse chicken ; set aside, In a 3 1-2 %t crock pot co"bine "ushroo"s+ undrained to"atoes+ fro*en artichoke hearts+ chicken broth+ onion+ olives+ ; wine-broth, Stir in tapioca+ curry powder+ thy"e+ salt+ ; pepper, Add chicken, Spoon so"e of the to"ato "i&ture over chicken, #over ; cook on @=5 for 1 to / hours or on EI:E for 3 1-2 to . hours, Serve with hot cooked couscous, Serves 6, (er serving - 3.$ calories+ 6g total fat 1g saturated fat!+ 63"g cholesterol+ $31 "g sodiu"+ .3g carbohydrate with couscousS!+ Bg fiber+ 33g protein

CROCKPOT ARTICHOKES $ artichokes+ re"ove stalks and tough leaves 1 1-2 ts salt / peppercorns 2 stalks celery+ cut up 1-2 le"on+ sliced 2 c boiling water #o"bine all ingredients in crockpot, #ook on Eigh . - $ hours,

CROCKPOT AUTUMN CHICKEN 2 large or . s"all chicken breasts 2 parsnips - 2 carrots 1 acorn s%uash 1 1.,$ o*, can of chicken broth garlic salt pepper nut"eg honey (eel and chop carrots and parsnips and place the" in the botto" of the crockpot, Sprinkle with garlic I used a teaspoon of pre-chopped garlic, IC" not sure how "any cloves of fresh garlic that would be,! (lace chicken on top, (our in broth, #ut s%uash into chunks and slice off the skin, (lace on top of chicken, Sprinkle desired a"ounts of salt+ pepper and nut"eg on top of s%uash and dri**le enough honey on top to lightly cover the s%uash, #ook on low /-13 hours,

CROCKPOT AUTUMN PORK CHOPS Serving Si*e ? 6 6 pork chops 2 "ediu" acorn s%uash -- unpeeled 3-. teaspoon salt 2 tablespoons "elted butter 3-. cup brown sugar -- packed 3-. teaspoon brown bou%uet sauce 1 tablespoon orange 8uice 1-2 teaspoon orange peel -- grated -2ri" e&cess fat fro" chops, #ut each s%uash into . to $ crosswise slices6 re"ove seeds, -Arrange 3 chops on botto" of slow-cooking pot, -(lace all s%uash slices on top6 then another layer of re"aining 3 chops, -#o"bine salt+ butter+ sugar+ bou%uet sauce+ orange 8uice+ and orange peel, Spoon over chops, -#over and cook on low for . to 6 hours or until done, -Serve one or two slices of s%uash with each pork chop,

CROCKPOT AUTUMN PORK ROAST 3 to . lb, pork roast Salt ; pepper 1 c, cranberries+ finely chopped 1-. c, honey (age 6/ of 2.$ #rockpot 9ecipes 2-16-2333 e-book?--(ages-crockpotPrecipes,ht" 1 tsp, grated orange peel 1-/ tsp, ground cloves 1-/ tsp, ground nut"eg -Sprinkle roast with salt and pepper, (lace in slow cooking crockpot, -#o"bine re"aining ingredients, (our over roast, #over, #ook on low for / to 13 hours, or on Eigh for .-$ ,7akes 6 to / servings,

CROCKPOT AZTEC BLACK BEANS 1 lb, dried black beans or turtle beans! 16 o*, 8ar of salsa your favorite kind! -9inse black beans+ re"oving any stones or foreign ob8ects, #over with water+ soak all night, -0rain beans and place in cp with salsa, Add enough water to 8ust cover beans, #over and cook on low /-13 hours,

CROCKPOT BAKED APPLES 2 tbsp raisins 1-. cup sugar 6 to / apples+ washed and cored 1 tsp cinna"on 2 tbsp butter 7i& raisins and sugar+ fill center of apples, Sprinkle with cinna"on and dot with butter, (ut in crockpot6 add 1-2 cup water, #over6 cook on @ow 1 to B hours,

CROCKPOT BAKED BEANS I 1 pound dried s"all white beans -- rinsed . 1-2 cups water 1-3 cup "olasses 1-. cup brown sugar 1 onion -- chopped 1-. pound salt pork -- cut into 1' cubes 1 tablespoon di8on-style "ustard 1-2 teaspoon salt In slow-cooker+ co"bine all ingredients, #over and cook on @=5 13 to 1. hours+ stirring occasionally+ if possible,

CROCKPOT BAKED BEANS II 1 lb ground beef 3-. lb bacon fried and diced 1 onion lg chopped and browned 1 lge can pork and beans 1 16 o* kidney beans canned 1 16 o* buttered li"a beans canned 1 cup catsup 3 2bsp white vinegar 1-. cup li%uid s"oke 1 tsp salt dash pepper 0irections? (ut all ingre, in crock pot cook .-6 hrs on low, 2he longer you cook it the better it will taste,

CROCKPOT BAKED BEANS III 2 cans canellini beans 2 cans black beans 2 cans red kidney beans 1 can chick peas (age 13 of 2.$ #rockpot 9ecipes 2-16-2333 e-book?--(ages-crockpotPrecipes,ht" 2 diced onions 2 tablespoons "ustard fro" the fridge - the wet kind! 1 cup "olasses 1-2 cup brown sugar 3-. cup "aple syrup 9inse and drain beans and set aside, =n botto" of crockpot place diced onions+ then du"p on beans donCt "i& 8ust du"p Ce" all on!, 2hen dri**le on all other ingredients, 7ustard stays lu"py - itCs ok, If you wish to add bacon - pre cook 1 lb, cru"ble and put over top of entire "i&ture, 0=<C2 S2I9, It will look dry for awhile, #rock (ot on Eigh for 6-/ hours I do $-6! stirring once about 3-. of the way through, Serve, >n8oyJJ

CROCKPOT BAKED BEANS I. 2. to 32 o*, canned (ork and Beans+ undrained 3-. cup fir"ly packed brown sugar-I use light rather than dark 1 cup ketchup 1 large onion+ diced 1 tsp, prepared "ustard 2 to 3 slices bacon #o"bine all ingredients in #(, #over and cook on low about 6 hours, If you prefer+ can be baked in oven, Lse a greased 2%t casserole, (ut bacon on top and bake at 3$3D) 1 1-2 hours, 2he #( version is soupier,

CROCKPOT BARBECUED SHORT RIBS 2 c, water 3 or . lbs, boneless short ribs 1/ o*, bottle barbecue sauce 1 tbsp, 5orcestershire sauce 3 o*, Eein* $1 hickory s"oke sauce 1-. tsp, angostura 1-. tbsp, le"on pepper seasoning #o"bine water+ barbecue sauce+ 5orcestershire+ Eein* $1 sauce+ angostura+ le"on pepper and short ribs in crock pot on low heat for 12 hours, I usually cook this recipe overnight,

CROCKPOT BEANS 1 lb, ground beef 3-. lb, fried cru"bled bacon 1 c, chopped onions 1 c, ketchup 1-. c, brown sugar 1-2 tsp, pepper 1 tsp, hickory s"oke flavoring 1 lb, can each pork and beans+ li"a beans+ butter beans+ and kidney beans -#ook on low in crockpot for .-/ hours, 2he longer it cooks+ the s"okier it tastes,

CROCKPOT BEEF AND BEANS 1 1-2 lbs of stewing beef 1 tbsp, prepared "ustard 1 tbsp, taco seasoning 1-2 tsp, salt 1-. tsp, pepper 2 garlic cloves "inced 1 can 16 o* diced to"atoes+ undrained 1 "ed, onion chopped 1 can Fidney beans rinsed and drained (age 12 of 2.$ #rockpot 9ecipes 2-16-2333 e-book?--(ages-crockpotPrecipes,ht" 1 can chili beans I also added 1 can of black beans! -#o"bine "ustard+ taco seasonings+ salt + pepper and garlic in a large bowl, Add beef and toss to coatJ -(ut the beef in your crock pot and add the rest of the ingriedients, #over and cook for 6 -/ hours on @=5, -Serve over yu""y hot riceJ

CROCKPOT BEEF AND CHIPOTLE BURRITOS 1 1-2 lb, boneless beef round steak+ cut 3-.' thick 1 1. 1-2 o*, can diced to"atoes 1 s", onion+ chopped 1 to 2 canned chipotle peppers in adobo sauce+ chopped "y local stores didnCt carry this - of course- so I substituted a 8ar of salsa with chipolte+ I think it was =ld >l (aso or (ace! 1 tsp, dried oregano+ crushed 1-. tsp, ground cu"in 1 clove garlic+ "inced 6 B-13' to"ato-flavored or plain flour tortillas+ war"ed 3-. c, shredded sharp cheddar cheese 3 o*,! 1 recipe (ico de :allo Salsa weCre talking real life here - I substituted a s"all 8ar of regular salsa ?! Shredded 8ica"a or radishes optional+ G>9K optionalJ! 0airy sour crea" optional! 0irections? 2ri" fat fro" "eat, #ut "eat into 6 pieces, In a 3 1-2 or . %t, crockery cooker place "eat+ undrained to"atoes+ onion+ peppers+ oregano+ cu"in+ and garlic, #over6 cook on low-heat setting for / to 13 hours or on high-heat setting for . to $ hours, 9e"ove "eat fro" cooker, Lsing 2 forks+ shred "eat, Spoon one-si&th of the "eat onto each war" tortilla 8ust below the center, 2op with cheese+ (ico de :allo Salsa+ and if desired+ 8ica"a or radishes and sour crea", 9oll up tortilla, 7akes 6 servings 4 (rep ti"e? 23 "in, (ico de :allo Salsa? #o"bine 2 "ediu" finely chopped to"atoes6 2 tbsp, )inely chopped onion6 2 tbsp, snipped cilantro6 1 serrano pepper6 finely chopped6 and dash sugar, #over6 chill several hours,

CROCKPOT BEEF AND GRA.Y 2-3 pounds roast cut into bite si*ed pieces 1 packet @iptonCs =nion soup "i& 2 cans #rea" of "ushroo" soup (lace pieces of roast in crock pot, Sprinkle packet of onion soup on "eat, #over with crea" of "ushroo" soup, @et cook up to B hours, Stir about 1-2 way through cooking but IC" sure you could 8ust stir at the end!, Serve over "ashed potatoes or pasta,

CROCKPOT BEEF BOURGUIGNON I 1 #up 0ry red wine 2 2ablespoons =live oil 1 @arge =nion -- sliced 1-2 2easpoon 2hy"e 2 2ablespoons (arsley -- chopped 1 Bay leaf 1-. 2easpoon (epper 2 (ounds stewing beef+ cut into 1 1-2-inch cubes 3 Slices Bacon thick-cut is possible! -- diced 12 S"all 5hite onions 1-2 (ound Sliced "ushroo"s 2 #loves :arlic -- "inced 1 2easpoon Salt #o"bine first seven ingredients+ "i& well+ add beef, 7arinate at least 3 hours overnight if refrigerated! 0rain "eat+ reserving "arinade, In skillet+ saute bacon and re"ove, Brown "eat in bacon fat, #o"bine beef+ bacon+ vegetables and seasonings in slow cooker, (our over enough "arinade to cover, #ook on low /-13 hours,

CROCKPOT BEEF BOURGUIGNON II 1 lb, bacon+ cooked+ reserve grease 3 lbs, beef+ cubed 1 bottle red wine 1 lb, onion+ chopped 1 lb, celery 1 lb, carrots+ chopped 2 cloves garlic+ chopped #hopped shallots optional! 1 bay leaf Salt ; pepper )lour Slowly cook bacon in large baking pan6 re"ove, 0redge beef cubes in flour+ brown in bacon fat, 2ransfer "eat fro" skillet to heated platter, Saute vegetable and garlic in bacon fat6 re"ove, 0rain fat fro" pan, :ently co"bine beef+ vegetables+ bacon and half the wine, Add bay leaf and salt and pepper to taste, #ook on low / N 13 hours,

CROCKPOT BEEF BURGER STROGANOFF 1 1-2 lbs lean ground beef 3 slices bacon+ diced 1 s"all onion+ chopped 2 tbs flour 1-. tsp paprika 1 tsp salt 1 can 13 3-.o*! condensed crea" of "ushroo" soup 2 tbs dry red wine 1 cup dairy sour crea" 6 to / ha"burger buns+ toasted and buttered In large skillet+ brown beef and bacon until red color disappears, 0rain, In crockpot+ "i& together drained beef+ bacon+ onion+ flour+ paprika+ and salt, Stir in undiluted soup and wine, #over pot and cook on low . to $ hours, Stir in sour crea", Spoon "i&ture over toasted buns, Serves 6 to /, I served this over buttered noodles instead of the buns,

CROCKPOT BEEF BURGUNDY I 2 slices bacon -- chopped 2 pounds sirloin tip or round steak -- cut in 1 inch cubes 1-. cup flour 1 teaspoon salt 1-2 teaspoon seasoned salt 1-. teaspoon "ar8ora" 1-. teaspoon thy"e 1-. teaspoon pepper 1 clove garlic -- "inced 1 cube beef bouillon -- crushed 1 cup Burgundy wine 2 tablespoons cornstarch In large skillet cook bacon several "inutes, 9e"ove bacon and set aside, #oat beef with flour and brown on all sides in bacon "i&ture, #o"bine steak+ bacon drippings+ cooked bacon+ seasonings+ bouillon and Burgundy in crock pot, #over and cook on low for 6 to / hours or until "eat is tender, 2urn control to high, Add cornstarch dissolved in 2 tablespoons water!6 cook on high 1$ "inutes, Serves 6, <=2>S ? #an add 1-. pound fresh "ushroo"s during last 1$ "inutes+ if desired,

CROCKPOT BEEF BURGUNDY II 3 lbs beef+ cut in large cubes-can use stew beef or round steak 1 can 7inestrone Soup 1 can 2o"ato Bis%ue Soup 1 can #rea" of 7ushroo" soup 1 envelope dry onion soup "i& 1 soup can Burgundy wine )lour and brown "eat, (lace in crockpot, 7i& re"aining ingredients and pour over "eat, #ook on low 6-/ hours, Serve over noodles or rice, Kou could cook the rice at ho"e and reheat in the "icro at work,

CROCKPOT BEEF FA1ITAS 1 1-2 pounds beef flank steak 1 cup chopped onion 1 green sweet pepper+ cut into 1-2 inch pieces 1 8alapeno pepper+ chopped 1 2bsp, cilantro 2 garlic cloves+ "inced or 1-. tsp, garlic powder! 1 tsp, chili powder 1 tsp, ground cu"in 1 tsp, ground coriander 1-2 tsp, salt 1 can /o*! chopped to"atoes 12 /inch flour tortillas 2oppings? sour crea"+ guaca"ole+ shredded cheddar cheese and salsa #ut flank steak into 6 portions, In any si*e crockpot co"bine "eat+ onion+ green pepper+ 8alapeno pepper+ cilantro+ garlic+ chili powder+ cu"in+ coriander and salt, Add to"atoes, #over and cook on low /-13 hours or high .-$ hours, 9e"ove "eat fro" crockpot and shred, 9eturn "eat to crockpot and stir, 2o serve+ spread "eat "i&ture into flour tortillas and top with toppings, 9oll up,

CROCKPOT BEEF FOR SANDWICHES 1 roast 1 packet Italian dressing "i& or 9anch dressing "i& =9 2 packages onion soup "i& 1 cup water (lace all in crockpot+ cook on low / hours, I used Mesty Italian dressing "i& and I added 1 onion slivered up, I put it all in the crockpot the night before I was going to spend all day cooking, By "orning+ it was tender, I took it out shredded it and had 2 "eals in the free*er by /?33 that "orningJ 5== E== It sounded al"ost too easy to "e, But this was one of the best s"elling recipes ICve "ade in a long ti"eJ I keep hoagie buns in the free*er fro" the bread store day old+ got Ce" for 2 packages for T1JJJ! ICll take a pack of those out+ add the beef and a slice of cheese and G=I@AJ 0innerJ

CROCKPOT BEEF N BREW .EGETABLE SOUP 3 "ediu" onions+ sliced 1 lb carrots+ cut into 1-2' slices . parsnips+ cut into 1-2' slices 2 bay leaves . cloves garlic+ "inced 1 2BS snipped fresh thy"e or 1 tsp dried thy"e+ crushed 1-2 tsp pepper 2 2BS %uick cooking tapioca 1 1-2 lbs beef stew "eat+ cut into 1' cubes 1 1. 1-2 o* can beef broth 1 12 o* can beer In a $ or 6 %uart crockpot+ place onions+ carrots+ parsnips+ garlic+ bay leaves+ dried thy"e+ and pepper, Sprinkle with tapioca, (lace "eat on top of vegetables, Add beef broth and beer, #over6 cook on low-heat setting for 13 to 12 hours or on high-heat setting for $ to 6 hours, 2o serve+ re"ove bay leaves6 if using fresh thy"e+ stir in now,

CROCKPOT BEEF POT ROAST 1 1-2 lb- 2lb, pot roast "eat 1 dry package of :ood Seasons :arlic 0ressing 1 dry pkg of Italian or Mesty Italian! 0ressing 1 can of beer your choice-not dark! (lace one envelope of :ood seasons in botto" of crock pot, (lace "eat on top+ top with other package of dressing and pour beer over all, @et cook /-13 hours on low, If your a gravy "aker+ the sauce "ade into a gravy is KL77KJ I serve this with potatoes,

CROCKPOT BEEF STEW I 2 lbs, stew beef 1-. c, flour 1 tsp, paprika . lg, carrots 3 lg, potatoes 1 c, condensed beef broth 1 1-2 tsp, salt 1-2 tsp, pepper 1-3 c, soy sauce 1 lg, onion 1 can to"ato sauce / o*,! @ayer potatoes+ then carrots, 2op with "eat6 sprinkle "eat with soy sauce+ salt+ paprika+ pepper ; flour, Spread with chopped onions, #o"bine beef broth ; to"ato sauce ; pour overall, #over ; cook on low 1 - / hrs, or high . - $ hrs, <=2>S? Instead of sprinkling the "eat with soy sauce+ salt+ paprika+ pepper ; flour as the recipes says+ I "i& those all together in a s"all bowl, 2his prevents the flour fro" beco"ing clu"py, -Instead of chopped onions+ I use 3 or . s"all yellow onions whole IC" not an onion fan but still like the taste they give the stew,! -I add about 1-. cup barbecue sauce to the top+ before putting the cover on, I use whatever variety of sauce that I have on hand, I donCt usually buy the 'regular' flavor of any brand+ but instead have hickory+ brown sugar or garlic and onion flavors, 2he BBI sauce adds an e&tra 'kick' to the "eat and gravy, -)or the beef broth+ since I donCt usually keep that on hand+ I dissolve 1 beef bouillon cube into 1 cup boiling water,

CROCKPOT BEEF STEW II 1 lb, beef bourguignon or cheaper cut! 3 large sweet potatoes cut into 1' thick slices! 2 cans beef bouillon or broth or conso""Ue! 2 s"all cans to"ato paste 3-. handfulls of assorted veggies I used fro*en green ; yellow beans and carrots! 1 lb, fresh "ushroo"s %uartered! 1 large onion diced! 2 cloves garlic "inced! 1-. cup flour 7i& bite si*ed pieces of "eat in flour+ brown in so"e oil along with the diced garlic, 5hile "eat is browning+ co"bine beef bouillon ; to"ato paste in a crock pot+ "i& well, (re-cook the sweet potatoes until 8ust tender+ add to crock pot along with onions and any raw veggies that you "ay use, Add enough water to cover and cook on low for as long as you want+ I let it cook for about $ hours, I added the fro*en veggies and so"e %uartered "ushroo"s for about the last 1 hour or so, I thickened it with a bit of flour and water+ let it cook another 1$ "inutes uncovered and that was it,

CROCKPOT BEEF STEW III 1 package stew beef 1 can crea" of potato soup 1 can crea" of "ushroo" soup 1 - 1 1-2 cans of water #ook on high all day 1-/! hours I serve over white rice,

CROCKPOT BEEF STROGANOFF I 2 lbs top round steak+ sliced thin across the grain 1 lb fresh "ushroo"s+ sliced 1 "ediu" onion+ sliced 1-. tsp thy"e 3-. cup dry sherry 3-. cup beef broth Swansons! 3-. tsp dry "ustard 1-. tsp garlic salt (ut all this in the crockpot+ stir well and cook on low for / hours, 2urn heat to high and "i& 1-1-2 cup sour crea" 1-2 cup 5ondra flour+ cake flour works too+ heat on high for .3 "inutes, Serve over rice or noodles,

CROCKPOT BEEF STROGANOFF II 1 1-2 lb, lean ground beef 1 "ediu" onion+ chopped 1 clove garlic+ "inced 3 2bsp, to"ato paste 1-2 c, beef broth 3 2bsp, sherry 1 tsp, salt 0ash pepper 1 can "ushroo"s+ drained 1 c, sour crea" Brown ground beef with onion and garlic6 drain, Add to crock pot with re"aining ingredients e&cept for sour crea", #over and cook on low for $ to 1 hours, Stir in sour crea", Eeat through, Serve over egg noodles,

CROCKPOT BEEF STROGANOFF III 3 lb, beef round steak+ 1-2 inch thick 1-2 c, flour 2 tsp, salt 1-/ tsp, pepper 1-2 tsp, dry "ustard 2 "ed, onions+ thinly sliced and separated into rings 2 . o*, each! cans sliced "ushroo"s+ drained or 1-2 lb, "ushroo"s+ sliced 1 13 1-2 o*,! can condensed beef broth 1-. c, dry white wine optional! 1 1-2 c, sour crea" 1-. c, flour 2ri" all e&cess fat fro" steak and cut "eat into 3 inch strips about 1-2 inch wide, #o"bine 1-2 cup flour+ the salt+ pepper and dry "ustard6 toss with steak strips to coat thoroughly, (lace coated steak strips in crock pot6 stir in onion rings and "ushroo"s, Add beef broth and wine6 stir well, #over and cook on low setting for /- 13 hours, Before serving+ co"bine sour crea" with 1-. cup flour6 stir into crock pot, Serve stroganoff over rice or noodles,

CROCKPOT BEEF STROGANOFF I. 1 can crea" of "ushroo" soup 1 package onion soup "i& 1 package "ushroo" 1 onion cut in rings 1 package beef stew "eat salt pepper (ut in crock pot and cook all day, Add 16 o* sour crea" before serving, Serve over >gg <oodles,

CROCKPOT BEEF TACO BEAN SOUP 2 lbs, ru"p roast 1 pk taco seasoning 1 can 7e&ican style diced to"atoes 1$ o*,! 1 s"all can green chiles 1 can to"ato sauce / o*! 1 onion - chopped 2 beef bouillon cubes 2 cans red kidney beans+ 1$ o*, each!+ rinsed+ drained Shredded cheddar cheese #ut roast into bite si*ed chunks, 9oll in taco seasoning and add to crock pot, 2hen add the to"atoes+ chiles+ to"ato sauce+ onion+ and bouillon cubes, #over and cook on @=5 6 hours or until "eat is tender, Add the drained beans and cook until the beans are heated through6 around 33 "inutes, Serve topped with cheese+ and-or the toppings that you like,

CROCKPOT BEEF TIPS 1-2 c )lour 1 ts Salt 1-/ ts (epper . lb Beef or sirloin tips 1-2 c #hopped green onions 2 c Sliced "ushroo"s . o*, can+ drained! =9 1-2 lb 7ushroo"s+ sliced 1 cn #ondensed beef broth+ 13 1-2 o*,! 1 ts 5orcestershire sauce 2 ts 2o"ato paste or ketchup 1-. c 0ry red wine or water 3 tb )lour 1 Buttered noodles #o"bine 1-2 cup flour with the salt and pepper and toss with beef cubes to coat thoroughly, (lace in crock-pot, Add green onions and drained "ushroo"s, #o"bine with beef broth+ 5orcestershire sauce and to"ato paste or ketchup, (our over beef and vegetables6 stir well, #over and cook on @=5 setting for 1 to 12 hours, =ne hour before serving+ turn to EI:E setting, 7ake a s"ooth paste of red wine and 3 tablespoons flour6 stir into crock-pot+ "i&ing well,

CROCKPOT BEST PORK ROAST .-$ pound pork roast 6-/ cloves garlic pepper basil 1 c dry white wine onion #ut 6-/ holes into the roast 8ust big enough to fit a clove of garlic, (ut a garlic clove peeled! into each hole, 9ub outside with cracked pepper and basil, (our dry white wine in the botto" of the #rock (ot, (lace roast in the #( put slices or wedges of onion on top and around the roast, #over and cook on low all day or until done, If desired you can also place potatoes and carrots in the botto" of the #(+ but I usually serve either "ashed or baked potatoes and a stea"ed veggie on the side, 0onCt forget a nice fresh loaf of bread to go with it too ?!

CROCKPOT BLACK BEAN CHILI 3-. cup cooked black beans 1 lb, stew beef+ cubed 3 tablespoons oil 1-. cup chopped onion 1-. cup chopped green peppers 1-2 cup diced green chilies 3 tbsp, to"ato paste 3 to . beef bouillon cubes+ or beef base 1-. tsp, ground cu"in 1 tsp, "inced garlic 1-2 tsp, salt and pepper 1 cup shredded 7onterey Aack =9 cheddar cheese Brown stew beef in oil with onion and green pepper, #o"bine all ingredients e&cept cheese and cook 6 to / hours on low, Sprinkle cheese over individual servings,

CROCKPOT BLACK BEAN CHILI WITH PORK 1 lb, boneless pork+ cut into cubes 2 16 o*,! cans black beans+ drained 1 red or yellow bell pepper+ chopped 1 "ed, to"ato+ peeled+ seeded and chopped 1 s", red onion+ thinly sliced 1 clove garlic+ crushed 1-2 t, ground cu"in 2 t, chili powder 1-2 t, salt 1 can to"ato sauce 1-2 c, sour crea" 2 2, chopped cilantro In a crockpot+ stir together pork+ beans+ bell pepper+ to"ato+ onion+ garlic+ cu"in+ chili powder+ salt+ and to"ato sauce, #over and cook on low / to B hours, Spoon into bowls and top with sour crea" and cilantro,

CROCKPOT BLACK BEAN SOUP 2 cans+ 1$ o*, each+ black beans+ drained and rinsed 2 cans+.,$ o*+ each+ chopped green chiles 1 can+ 1.,$ o*+7e&ican Stewed to"atoes+ undrained 1 can+1.,$ o*+ diced to"atoes+ undrained 1 can+11 o*+ whole kernel corn+ drained I used a 16 o* can! . green onions+ sliced 2 to 3 2, chili powder 1 tsp, ground cu"in I o"itted this! 1-2 tsp, dried "inced garlic #o"bine all ingredients in a $ %t, slow cooker-I think it will fit in a 3 %t+ tho, #over and cook on high $ to 6 hours, 7akes / cups, Kou can cook it low all day, Serve it with shredded cheddar and fat free sour crea",

CROCKPOT BLACK EYED PEAS 1 16 o* bag of dried black-eyed peas 1 s"all ha" hock 1 1. 1-2 o* can of diced to"atoes with 8alapenos 1 1. 1-2 o* can of diced to"atoes with "ild green chiles 2 13 1-2 o* cans of chicken broth 1 stalk of celery+ chopped salt and pepper to taste it doesnCt need "uch+ if any! (re-soak black-eyed peas according to the instructions on the bag, #o"bine all ingredients and cook on low for /-13 hours, Serve on <ew Kears 0ay for good luckJ

CROCKPOT BLACK EYED PEAS AND OKRA 2 16 o* each! packages fro*en Black >yed peas 2 cups water 1 1$ o*! can 9anch Style Beans with Aalapenos undrained 1 cup chopped onion 1 cup chopped green pepper 1 cup chopped celery 1 12 to 16 o*!package fro*en sliced okra 1 can 9o 2el to"atoes and :reen chiles 0u"p all ingredients in #rock (ot, #ook on low / to 13 hours, 7ay take even longer, I start "ine on high for several hours+ then switch to low for the re"aining ti"e, GA9IA2I=<? Substitute . 1$o*! cans of canned Black >yed peas undrained! and o"it the water,

CROCKPOT BONELESS TWICE COOKED BB- RIBS 2hrow about 1 1-2 lbs of boneless ribs in the #( on low with enough water to cover+ about 3 2BS of BBI sauce+ fresh chopped garlic+ 1-3 #L( brown sugar and a couple dashes of ketchup, #ook on low about $ hours until done, 2hrow on the BBI to crisp the" up and baste with "ore BBI sauce,

CROCKPOT BOSTON BAKED BEANS 1 lb s"all dry white beans 1 "ediu" onion+ chopped . slices bacon+ chopped 1-. cup light "ild! "olasses 1-. cup packed dark brown sugar 2 teaspoons dry "ustard 1-. teaspoon ground black pepper 1-/ teaspoon ground cloves 1 1-2 teaspoons salt -9inse beans with cold running water and discard any stones or shriveled beans, In a large bowl+ place beans and enough water to cover by 2 inches, #over and let stand at roo" te"perature overnight, =r+ in a 6-%t sauce pot+ place beans and enough water to cover by 2 inches, Eeat to boiling over high heat6 cook 2 "inutes, 9e"ove fro" heat6 cover and let stand 1 hour,! 0rain and rinse beans, -In . 1-2 to $ 1-2 %uart #rockpot+ stir 3 1-2 cups water with beans and re"aining ingredients e&cept salt until blended, -#over #( with lid and cook beans on low setting about 1. hours or until beans are tender and sauce is syrupy, Stir salt into bean "i&ture before serving,

CROCKPOT BOURBON BREAST OF CHICKEN . chicken breasts halves 1-. c flour 1-2 tsp paprika Salt 2 tbsp butter 2 tbsp oil 2 tbsp onion+ chopped 2 tbsp parsley+ chopped 1-. tsp dried chervil 1-. c bourbon 1 . o*! can "ushroo"s+ undrained 1 13 o*! can to"atoes 1-. tsp sugar Salt ; (epper 0redge chicken in flour which has been "i&ed with paprika and a little salt, Eeat butter and oil in a skillet and saute chicken on both sides until lightly browned, Stir in onion+ parsley and chervil and cook a "o"ent, 9e"ove fro" heat, (lace chicken in crock cooker, #o"bine re"aining ingredients and pour over chicken, #over and cook on @=5 for 6 to 1 hours, Serve with noodles of rice, Serves .

CROCKPOT BRACIOLE 2 1-2 pounds 9ound steak 1-. to 1-2' thick 1-2 pound Bulk Italian sausage 1 tablespoon 0ried parsley flakes 1-2 teaspoon @eaf oregano 2 cloves :arlic -- "inced 1 large =nion -- finely chopped 1 teaspoon Salt 1 can Italian style to"atoes -- 16 3* 1 can to"ato paste -- 6 o*! 1 teaspoon Salt 1 teaspoon @eaf oregano 13 large 2o"atoes or 2 2/ o* cans to"atoes $ cloves :arlic -- chopped 1 tablespoon 5orcestershire sauce 2 teaspoons Salt 2 large =nions -- chopped 1 tablespoon )lour 1 tablespoon Gegetable oil 1 teaspoon =regano 1 teaspoon 2hy"e 1 tablespoon 5ine vinegar 1 tablespoon Sugar -2ri" all e&cess fat fro" round steak, #ut into / evenly shaped pieces, (ound steak pieces between wa&ed paper until very thin and easy to roll, In skillet+ lightly brown sausage, 0rain well and co"bine with parsley+ 1-2 teaspoon oregano+ garlic+ onion+ and salt6 "i& well, Spread each steak with 2 to 3 tablespoons of sausage "i&ture, 9oll up steaks and tie, Stack steak rolls in crock pot, #o"bine to"atoes+ to"ato paste+ salt+ and 1 teaspoon oreagno6 pour over rolls, #over and cook on low setting for / to 13 hours, Serve steak rolls with sauce, -SAL#>? (lace all ingredients e&cept flour+ oil+ and vinegar in crockpot6 stir well, #over and cook on low setting for / to 13 hours, 9e"ove cover and turn to high setting for the last hour to reduce e&cess "oisture, Before re"oving sauce fro" crock pot+ stir in flour+ oil+ and vinegar, Allow to cool, (our 3 cups of sauce at a ti"e into blender container6 blend until s"ooth,

CROCKPOT BRAISED CHICKEN CURRY WITH YAMS #anola oil 2 lbs chicken legs and thighs I use bonless-skinless thighs "ostly! 2 large white onions chopped 1 tbsp "inced garlic 1 tbsp "inced ginger 1-3 cup "adras curry powder "ild+ "ediu"-hot your choice! 1 banana 2 bay leaves . cups chicken stock 3 large ya"s+ peeled and chopped salt and black pepper to taste In a hot stock pot coated with oil+ season the chicken and brown on all sides, (ut chicken aside, I< the sa"e stockpot+ re"ove all chicken fat+ leaving only a coating of oil and saute onions+ garlic and ginger, #ara"eli*e well+ then add curry powder, 7i& %uickly for 2 "inutes "aking sure not to burn the curry powder, Add back the chicken+ banana+ bay leaves+ya"s and chicken stock, #heck for seasonings, Briing to a boil and then si""er slowly for 1 1-2 - 2 hours, Serve on bas"ati rice, I usually toss it all into the crockpot when i add back the chicken etc,,,, and leave it on low for about . hours,

CROCKPOT BREAKFAST CASSEROLE . "ediu"-si*ed apples+ peeled and sliced 1-. cup honey 1 tsp, cinna"on 2 2bs, butter+ "elted 2 cups granola cereal (lace apples in slow cooker and "i& in re"aining ingredients, #over and cook on @=5 for 1-B hours overnight!, Serve with "ilk,

CROCKPOT BROCCOLI SOUP . c, water . chicken bouillon cubes 1-. c, chopped onion 2 c, diced potatoes 1 bag fro*en+ chopped broccoli 2 cans crea" of chicken soup 1-2-1 lb, Gelveeta cheese+ cubed 7i& water+ bouillon cubes+ onions+ potatoes and broccoli in a crock pot, #ook on high until broccoli is thawed, Add crea" of chicken soup and cheese+ to taste+ to "i&ture, 2urn crock pot on low and cook for 2 hours,

CROCKPOT BROCCOLI SOUP WITH A LITTLE HELP Serving Si*e ? / . tablespoons "argarine 1-2 cup finely chopped celery 1 cup chopped onion 1 carrots -- thinly sliced 1 to 2! 1 cup water 1-. cup rice 1-/ teaspoon cayenne pepper 2 heads broccoli about a pound! 1 can crea" of broccoli soup 3 cups 2R low-fat "ilk paprika -- for garnish Saute onion+ carrot slices and celery in "argarine until tender, Stir in water+ rice+ pepper+ and crea" of broccoli soup, Stir until s"ooth, #over and cook over low to "ediu" heat for 1$ "inutes, #ut off broccoli ste"s and slice into very thin pieces - the si*e of a "atch stick, Separate tops into florets and stea" broccoli until tender, Save a few tops for garnish, Stir broccoli into soup and cook until everything is tender and hot, <ow you have a choice, Kou can place a whole batch of soup into your blender+ add the "ilk and blend until s"ooth, =r+ you can put 8ust half the soup in your blender - add the "ilk and still have so"e whole pieces of veggies to eat or you can 8ust add the "ilk and leave all the pieces of veggies alone and en8oy the soup like it is, Anyway+ you want to reheat the soup but do not boil, :arnish bowls of soup with paprika and broccoli florets, <=2>S ? you can leave the crea" of broccoli soup out+ if you wish+ but it does add a little "ore body and a few "ore interesting tastes to the dish,

CROCKPOT BROWN RICE AND CHICKEN 1 c, diced cooked chicken 2 onions+ chopped 2 stalks celery+ chopped 2 c, cooked brown rice 1-. c, dry white wine 2 c, chicken broth 1 c, sliced al"onds #o"bine all ingredients in slow cooker, #ook on low 6 to / hours or on auto"atic . to $ hours, Serve with sliced al"onds lightly toasted,

CROCKPOT BRUNCH CASSEROLE Serving Si*e ? 1 1 1-2 lb :round beef 1 ea =nion -- large6 finely chopped 2 tb =live oil or butter 2 ea :arlic -- cloves6 "inced 1 cn 7ushroo"s -- sliced6 drained6 . o* 2 ts Salt 1-2 ts <ut"eg 1-2 ts =regano -- leaf 1-2 pk Spinach -- chopped6 fro*en4 3 tb )lour 6 ea >ggs -- beaten 1-. c 7ilk -- scalded 1-2 c #heddar cheese -- sharp6 grated 4thawed6drained In skillet+ lightly brown ground beef and onion in olive oil6 drain well, I like to saute fresh "ushroo"s instead of using canned,! (lace in wellgreased crock-pot, Stir in re"aining ingredients e&cept eggs+ "ilk and cheese until well blended, Beat eggs and "ilk together, (our over other ingredients6 stir well, 0ust with additional nut"eg, #over and cook on @=5 setting for 1 to 13 hours or until fir", Aust before serving+ sprinkle with grated cheese, 6 to / servings About 2-1-2 %uarts! Ku""yJ I reco""end the 13 hours on low though+ any less and the eggs are runny,,,

CROCKPOT CABBAGE AND BEEF CASSEROLE 2 lb, ground beef 1 head cabbage+ shredded 1 s"all onion+ chopped 1 16o*! can to"atoes broth or to"ato 8uice to cover botto" of pot :arlic salt+ thy"e+ red pepper and a bit of oregano Brown ground beef and drain, Shred cabbage and chop onion, (ut in broth or other li%uid to cover botto" of pot, @ayer cabbage+ onion+ spices+ "eat+ and garlic salt, 9epeat layers ending with beef, 2op with to"atoes+ undrained and a dusting of oregano, #ook on high for 1 hour, Stir all together, #ook on low heat until ready to eat+ /-13 hours, 7akes 3-. servings,

CROCKPOT CABBAGE BURGER BAKE 6 cups shredded cabbage and carrots 3-. pound lean ground beef 1-2 teaspoon salt 1-. teaspoon ground black pepper 1 "ediu" onion -- finely chopped 1 cup long-grain rice 1 26 o*, can chunky low-fat spaghetti sauce 1-2 cup water 1-. teaspoon dried basil leaves -- crushed 1-. teaspoon seasoned salt (lace 1-2 of the cabbage and carrots in a slow cooker, #ru"ble ground beef over top, Sprinkle 1-. teaspoon of the salt and 1-/ teaspoon of the pepper, >venly distribute onion+ then rice over all, 2op with re"aining cabbage+ salt+ and pepper, #o"bine spaghetti sauce+ water+ basil+ and seasoned salt6 pour over cabbage, #over and cook on @=5 $ to 6 hours or until rice is tender,

CROCKPOT CABBAGE CHILI SOUP 3 cups coarsely chopped cabbage 1 cup chopped onions 3 cups Eealthy #hoice to"ato 8uice or any reduced-sodiu"! 1 13-1-2 o*! can Eealthy 9e%uest 2o"ato Soup 13 o* kidney beans+ rinsed and drained 2 tsp chili seasoning "i& In a slow cooker+ co"bine cabbage+ onion+ to"ato 8uice and to"ato soup, Add kidney beans and chili seasoning "i&, 7i& well to co"bine, #over and cook on @=5 for 6-/ hours, 7i& well before serving, :reat recipe for diabetics+ dieters,

CROCKPOT CAFE CHICKEN . lbs cut up chicken 1 onion chopped 2 or "ore! cloves of garlic+ chopped not pressed! 1 green pepper chopped 1 "ediu" ripe to"ato+ peeled ; chopped I o"itted+ didnCt have! 1 cup dry white wine (inch of #ayenne pepper #o"bine all ingredients in slow-cooker, #over+ set on low and cook for 6-/ hours, If you want you can cook for $ 1-2 and then place chicken on cookie sheets with sides 8elly roll pan!and cook for 33-.$ "inutes at 3$3D) to crisp up skin, Serve with crusty french bread, Serves .-$,

CROCKPOT CA1UN SAUSAGE * RICE /o* Fielbasa sausage+ cut in 1-.' slices 1 1. 1-2o*! can diced 2o"atoes with li%uid 1 "ediu" =nion+ diced 1 "ediu" :reen (epper+ diced 2 #elery stalks+ thinly sliced 1 2BS( #hicken bouillon granules 1 2BS( Steak sauce 3 Bay leaves or 1 tsp dried 2hy"e 1 2S( sugar 1-. to 1-2 2S( Eot (epper sauce 1 cup uncooked instant 9ice 1-2 cup chopped (arsley optional! #o"bine sausage+ to"atoes+ onion+ green pepper+ celery bouillon+ steak sauce+ bay leaves+ sugar and hot pepper sauce in crockpot, #over and cook on @=5 for / hours, 9e"ove bay leaves6 stir in rice and 1-2 cup of water, #ook an additional 2$ "inutes, Stir in parsley if desired, 7akes $ servings

CROCKPOT CANTONESE DINNER 1 1-2 lb pork steak 1-2' thick cut into strips 2 2bsp oil 1 onion large+ sliced 1 green pepper s"all cut into strips 1 . o* "ushroo"+ drained 1 / o* to"ato sauce can 3 2bsp brown sugar 1 1-2 2bsp vinegar 1 1-2 tsp salt 2 tsp worcestershire sauce 0irections? Brown pork in oil in skillet, 0rain on double paper towel, (lace pork strips and all re"aining ingr, into crock pot, #over and cook on low for 6 to / Er high . hr! Serve over hot fluffy rice,

CROCKPOT CANTONESE PORK DINNER 2 pounds pork steaks 2 tablespoons vegetable oil 1 onion+ thinly sliced 1 .,$ ounce! can "ushroo"s+ drained 1 / ounce! can to"ato sauce 3 tablespoons brown sugar 1 1-2 teaspoons distilled white vinegar 1 1-2 teaspoons salt 2 tablespoons 5orcestershire sauce In a heavy skillet+ heat oil over "ediu" high heat, Add pork strips and brown, 0rain off e&cess fat, (lace "eat+ onion+ "ushroo"s+ to"ato sauce+ brown sugar+ vinegar+ salt+ and 5orcestershire sauce in a slow cooker, #ook on Eigh for . hours+ or on @ow for 6 to / hours, Serve hot,

CROCKPOT CAPONATA 1 lb plu" to"atoes chopped 1 eggplant in 1-2' pieces 2 "ed *ucchini in 1-2' pieces 1 onion finely chopped 3 stalks celery sliced 1-2 c chopped parsley 2 2bsp red wine vinegar 1 2bsp brown sugar 1-. c raisins 1-. c to"ato paste 1 tsp salt 1-. tsp freshly ground black pepper 3 2bsp oil cured black olives optional! 2 2bsp capers optional! #o"bine to"atoes+ eggplant+ *ucchini+ celery+ onion+ parsley+ vinegar+ sugar+ raisins+ to"ato paste+ salt ; pepper in crock pot, #ook+ covered on low heat for $ 1-2 hours, 0o not re"ove cover during cooking, Stir in olives ; capers+ if using, Serve war" or cold,

CROCKPOT CARAMEL APPLE EUPHORIA DESSERT 2 "d #ooking apples 1-2 c Apple 8uice 1 o* #ara"el candy s%uares 1 ts Ganilla 1-/ ts :round carda"o" 1-2 ts :round cinna"on 1-3 c #rea"-style peanut butter 1 sl Angel-food cake6 or 1 %t Ganilla ice crea" (eel+ core+ and cut each apple into 1/ wedges6 set aside, #o"bine apple 8uice+ unwrapped cara"el candies+ vanilla+ carda"o" and cinna"on, 0rop peanut butter 1 teaspoon at a ti"e+ over ingredients in crockpot, Stir, Add apple wedges6 cover and cook on @=5 for $ hours, Stir thoroughly6 cover and cook on @=5 1 additional hour, Serve appro&i"ately 1-3 cup of war" "i&ture over a slice of angel food cake or ice crea", Serves 1,

CROCKPOT CARAMEL APPLES 2 packages 1.o*! bags cara"els 1-. cup 5ater / 7ediu" apples In crockpot+ co"bine cara"els and water, #over and cook on high for 1 to 1 H hours+ stirring fre%uently, 5ash and dry apples, Insert stick into ste" end of each apple, 2urn control on low, 0ip apple into hot cara"el and turn to coat entire surface, Eolding apple above pot+ scrape off e&cess accu"ulation of cara"el fro" botto" apple, (lace on greased wa& paper to cool,

CROCKPOT CARAMEL PIE Serving Si*e ? / 2 (ackages 1. o*! bags cara"els 1-. #up water / 7ediu" apples In crockpot+ co"bine cara"els and water, #over and cook on high for 1 to 1 H hours+ stirring fre%uently, 5ash and dry apples, Insert stick into ste" end of each apple, 2urn control on low, 0ip apple into hot cara"el and turn to coat entire surface, Eolding apple above pot+ scrape off e&cess accu"ulation of cara"el fro" botto" apple, (lace on greased wa& paper to cool,

CROCKPOT CARAMEL RUM FONDUE Serving Si*e ? 12 1 ounces cara"els 1-. cup "iniature "arsh"allows 1-3 cup whipping crea" 2 teaspoons ru" or 1-. t ru" e&tract #o"bine cara"els and crea" in crock pot, #over and heat until "elted+ 33 to 63 "inutes, Stir in "arsh"allows and ru", #over and continue cooking 33 "inutes, Serve with apple wedges or pound cake,

CROCKPOT CARNE GISADA 3 lbs beef stew "eat 2 cans diced 9=2>@ to"atoes with green chilis salt and peper to taste 3 cloves garlic "inced 1 cup chopped onion 3 2BS( flour 1-2 tsp cu"in 1-2 tsp oregeno 1 tsp chili powder 1-. cup water 1 diced bell pepper (lace stew "eat+ 1-. cup water+ salt and pepper in crockpot, turn heat to high and let si""er for 1 1-2 hours, 0rain 8uice fro" to"atoes into "easuring cup, Add to"oatoes garlic and onions to crock pot S2I9 let si""er on high for 33 "inutes, Add cu"in+ oregeno+ and chili powder to crock pot and stir, Blend 8uice and enough water to e%ual 1 1-2 cups li%uid and flour stir into "eat-veggie "i&ture, @et cook on @=5 for 3-. hours until sauce is nice and thick if you like runnier gravy three hours is good! Serve with war" flour tortillas,

CROCKPOT CARROT CHICKEN skinless+ boneless chicken breasts 1 "ediu" head cabbage+ %uartered 1 pound carrots+ cut into 1' pieces water to cover . cubes chicken bouillon 1 teaspoon poultry seasoning 1-. teaspoon :reek-style seasoning 2 tablespoons cornstarch 1-. cup water -9inse chicken and place in slow cooker, 9inse cabbage and place on top of chicken+ then add carrots, Add enough water to al"ost cover all, Add bouillon cubes and sprinkle liberally with poultry seasoning, Add :reek seasoning to taste as you would salt and pepper!, #ook on low for / hours =9 on high for . hours, -2o 7ake :ravy? 5hen youCre nearly ready to eat+ pour off so"e of the 8uice and place in a saucepan, Bring to a boil, 0issolve cornstarch in about 1-. cup water depending on how thick you like your gravy!, Add to saucepan and si""er all together until thick, If desired+ season with additional :reek seasoning, Serve gravy over chicken and potatoes+ if desired,

CROCKPOT CATALINA RIBS 1 1-2-2 lbs boneless pork ribs 1 onion chopped 2 cloves garlic+ "inced 1 / o*! bottle of #atalina (lace or throw ribs in crock pot, (ut in rest of ingredients and cook low for $-1 hours,

CROCKPOT CHEESE AND MEATBALL SOUP Serving Si*e ? 6 2 cups water 1 cup corn -- whole kernel 1 cup potato -- chopped 1 cup celery -- chopped 1-2 cup carrot -- sliced 1-2 cup onion -- chopped 2 cubes beef bouillon 1 8ar chee* whi* -- 16 o*! "eatballs 1 pound ground beef 1-. cup bread cru"bs 1 large egg 1-2 teaspoon salt 1-2 teaspoon tabasco sauce 7eatballs? 7i& ingredients together thoroughly, Shape into "ediu" si*e "eatballs, (lace uncooked "eatballs and all other ingredients+ e&cept #hee* 5hi*+ in electric slow cooker, Stir gently, #over and cook on setting O 2 low! for / to 13 hours, Before serving add #hee* 5hi*+ stirring gently until well blended, <=2>S ? Serve with a crusty bread,

CROCKPOT CHEESE DIP 4 2 lb, Gelveeta cheese 4 2 cans 9otel to"atoes and chilies 4 1 can crea" of "ushroo" soup 4 1 s", 8ar picante sauce 4 1 tsp, garlic powder 4 0ash of 5orcestershire 4 1 lb, pre"iu" ground beef 4 1 "ed, onion+ chopped 4 1 lb, sausage 7i& all of the li%uids and cheese together in a #rock (ot set on low until the cheese "elts, 5hile this is cooking+ brown "eats and chopped onion, 0rain grease off of "eats and add spices+ then add to #rock (ot and stir, #ook on low 2 to . hours+ keep on low to serve with chips and crackers,

CROCKPOT CHEESE FONDUE 4 13-o*, can cheddar cheese soup 4 1 lb block process cheese spread cut in / pieces 4 1 lb swiss cheese+ grated 4 12-o*, can beer or apple cider! 4 1-2 tsp hot pepper sauce 4 2 drops li%uid s"oke flavoring (lace all ingredients in slow cooker-#rock (ot, Stir to "i&, #over and cook on low for 2 hours, After 1 hour of cooking ti"e+ stir, Before serving+ whisk to blend, Serve with bread sticks or veggies for dipping,

CROCKPOT CHEESE SOUFFLE 1. slices fresh white bread+ crust re"oved 3 c, grated sharp cheese+ #heddar 1-. c, oleo 6 lg, eggs 3 c, "ilk+ scalded 2 tbsp, 5orcestershire sauce 1-2 tsp, salt (aprika 2ear bread in s"all pieces, (lace 1-2 in well greased crock pot, Add 1-2 cheese+ 1-2 butter, Add re"aining bread+ cheese and butter, Beat eggs+ "ilk+ 5orcestershire sauce and salt, (our over bread and cheese, Sprinkle with paprika, #over and cook on low .-6 hours, 0o not open until ready to serve,

CROCKPOT CHEESE SOUP 1-2 stick butter 3 green onions -- chopped 3 stalks celery with leaves -- chopped 2 carrots -- grated 2 cans chicken broth 2 cans cheese soup 1 can crea" of potato soup parsley flakes tabasco sauce -- to taste salt and pepper -- to taste / ounces sour crea"-or plain nonfat yogurt 3 tablespoons cooking sherry 7elt butter over low heat and saute onions+ celery and carrots, Add chicken broth6 cover and si""er for 33 "inutes, Add other soups+ parsley+ tabasco+ salt ; pepper, Stir in sour crea", Si""er 1$ "inutes, Add sherry and stir before serving,

CROCKPOT CHEESY BACON DIP 2 pkgs / o*! crea" cheese+ softened+ cut into cubes . cups shredded #olby-Aack #heese 1 cup half-and-half 2 2 "ustard 1 2 chopped onion 2 tsp 5orcestershire sauce 1-2 tsp salt 1-. tsp hot pepper sauce 1 lb bacon+ cooked and cru"bled (lace crea" cheese+ #olby-Aack cheese+ half-and-half+ "ustard+ onion+ 5orcestershire sauce+ salt and pepper sauce in crock pot, #over and cook+ stirring occasionally+ on low 1 hour or until cheese "elts, Stir in bacon6 ad8ust seasonings, Serve with crusty bread or crackers,

CROCKPOT CHEESY CHICKEN ALA TIFFANY 1 can "ushroo" soup 1 can crea" of broccoli soup 1 can broccoli cheese soup 2 pkgs #hicken Breasts boneless+ skinless! 1 can 7i&ed vegetables 1-2 2 2apioca for thickening 1 cup shredded cheddar cheese 0ice chicken put in crockpot sprinkle with salt and pepper+ (our all three cans of soup over chicken and stir, #over and cook on low about .-6 hours, About an hour before serving add "i&ed vegies+ cheese and thicken with tapioca, I served poured over white rice, I thought the flavors blended and co"ple"ented each other well,

CROCKPOT CHEESY CREAMED CORN 3 16 o*, pkgs fro*en corn 1 / o*, pkg crea" cheese 1 3 o*, pkg crea" cheese . 2B@S( butter 3 2B@S( water 3 2B@S( "ilk 2 2B@S( sugar 6 slices A"erican cheese #o"bine all ingrediants in cp+ "i& well, #over and cook . - $ hours on low+ or until heated through and cheese is "elted, Stir well before serving,

CROCKPOT CHICKEN I 1 frying chicken+ cut up Salt ; pepper 1 can crea" of "ushroo" soup 1-2 c, sauterne or sherry 2 tbsp, butter or "argarine+ "elted 2 tbsp, dry Italian salad dressing "i& 2 3 o*,! pkgs, crea" cheese+ cut in cubes 1 tbsp, onion+ chopped 5ash chicken and pat dry, Brush with butter, Sprinkle with salt and pepper, (lace in crock pot, Sprinkle with dry salad "i&, #over and cook on low for $ to 6 hours, About 3-. hour before serving+ "i& soup+ crea" cheese+ wine+ and onion in s"all saucepan, #ook until s"ooth, (our over chicken in pot, #over and cook for 33 "inutes on low, Serve with sauce, Serve with rice or noodles, Serves . to 6,

CROCKPOT CHICKEN II 1 large chicken+ cut-up 2 c, soy sauce 2 c, vinegar (ut in crockpot and cook on high .-$ hours,

CROCKPOT CHICKEN ALA KING 1 can crea" of chicken soup 3 tbsp, flour 1-. tsp, pepper 0ash of cayenne pepper 1 lb, boneless+ skinless chicken breasts+ cut into cubes I celery rib+ chopped 1-2 c, chopped green pepper 1-. c, chopped onion 1 package 13 o*,! fro*en peas+ thawed 2 tbsp, diced pi"entos+ drained Eot cooked rice #o"bine soup+ flour and peppers in crock pot+ stir until s"ooth, Stir in chicken+ celery+ onion and green pepper, #over and cook on low 1-/ hours or until "eat is cooked through, Stir in peas and pi"entos, #ook 33 "inutes longer, Serve over rice,

CROCKPOT CHICKEN AND DUMPLINGS . 2ablespoons butter 1 2ablespoon vegetable oil 1 onion -- chopped 3 pounds your favorite chicken parts -- cut up 2 cups chicken broth 2 stalks celery 1 tablespoon "inced parsley 2 carrots -- peeled+ sliced 1 tsp black pepper Salt to taste 1-2 tsp ground allspice 1 cup dry white wine optional but really adds a nice taste! 1 can refrigerated biscuits 1-2 cup heavy crea" 2 tablespoons flour In a large skillet+ brown onion in butter and oil 8ust until tender+ then brown chicken parts and place all in a 6-%uart crockpot, Add re"aining ingredients e&cept heavy crea"+ flour and biscuits, #ook on high 2-1-2 to 3 hours+ or on low $ to 1 hours, 5hen chicken is done+ re"ove pieces to plate and let cool+ then debone, 5hile chicken is cooling+ "i& flour and crea" together+ then stir into crockpot, =pen biscuits and cut each biscuit into . pieces, 0rop into crockpot and turn on high, 2hese will need to cook about 33 "inutes+ until they are fir", 9eturn chicken "eat to crockpot after deboning and serve, Kou can use your own ho"e"ade biscuit recipe for canned if you prefer,

CROCKPOT CHICKEN * NOODLES . carrots+ sliced .-$ pieces chicken 1 s"all onion+ chopped 2 cups water . chicken bouillon cubes 1 tsp garlic salt salt ; pepper+ to taste 1 lb egg noodles (lace carrots in #(+ followed by all ingredients e&cept noodles, #ook on @=5 for / hours, At the end of cooking ti"e+ cook egg noodles on stovetop, 5hile noodles cook+ re"ove chicken fro" #( ; cut into bitesi*e pieces, 9eturn chicken ; noodles to #(, If desired+ thicken broth with cornstarch ; water, Aust be sure to add so"e of the broth to your cornstarch "i&ture first, 2his will prevent any lu"ps fro" for"ing,

CROCKPOT CHICKEN AND PASTA 1 2 cooking oil 1 lb boneless skinless chicken breasts cut into bite si*ed pieces! 1 can of #rea" of #hicken soup 1-2 cup water 1 bag fro*en seasoned pasta and veggie co"bo I like the one with corkscrew pasta and cheddar cheese! Eeat the oil and then brown the chicken in it, Set the chicken aside and add soup+ water+ and the pasta-veggie co"bo, Eeat to a boil, 9eturn the chicken to the pan and reduce the heat to low, #over and cook for $ "in, or until the chicken is no longer pink, Stir occasionally, Serves about .,

CROCKPOT CHICKEN AND RICE I Boneless+ skinless chicken breast 2-3 lbs! #hicken )lavored 9ice I use @ipton! #rea" of #elery soup #rea" of #hicken soup 1 cup water salt (ut rice in crockpot+ and water, #o"bine soups and layer on top of rice, Salt chicken and layer chicken in pot, Set on high for .-$ hours or low or auto shift for 1-13 hours,

CROCKPOT CHICKEN AND RICE II 3-. c, rice 1 can crea" of celery soup 1 can crea" of "ushroo" soup 1 s", can whole "ushroo"s 1 s", 8ar pi"ento strips+ drained 1-2 green pepper+ chopped 1-2 onion+ chopped 1 can water chestnuts+ drained+ sliced / to 12 chicken breasts+ halved :rated (ar"esan cheese (lace rice in crock pot, #o"bine re"aining ingredients e&cept chicken and cheese in bowl, 7i& well, (our half of "i&ture over rice, (lace chicken on top, (our re"aining soup "i&ture over all, #ook on high for 3 hours or until chicken is tender, :arnish with cheese,

CROCKPOT CHICKEN AND SAUSAGE PAELLA 2 1-2 to 3 lbs, "eaty chicken pieces 1 tbsp, cooking oil / o*, cooked s"oked turkey sausage+ halved lengthwise and sliced 1 large onion+ sliced 3 cloves garlic+ "inced 2 tbsp, snipped fresh thy"e or 2 tsp, dried thy"e+ crushed 1-. tsp, black pepper 1-/ tsp, thread saffron or 1-. tsp, ground tur"eric 1 1.1-2 o*, can reduced-sodiu" chicken broth 1-2 c, water 2 c, chopped to"atoes 2 yellow or green sweet peppers+ cut into very thin bite-si*e strips 1 c, fro*en green peas 3 c, hot cooked rice -Skin chicken, 9inse chicken6 pat dry, In a large skillet brown chicken pieces+ half at a ti"e+ in hot oil, 0rain off fat, In a 3 1-2+ .+ or $ %uart crockery cooker place chicken pieces+ turkey sausage+ and onion, Sprinkle with garlic+ dried thy"e if using!+ black pepper+ and saffron or tur"eric, (our broth and water over all, -#over6 cook on low-heat setting for 1 to / hours or on high-heat setting for 3 H to . hours, Add the to"atoes+ sweet peppers+ peas+ and if using+ the fresh thy"e to the cooker, #over6 let stand for $ "inutes, Serve over the hot rice, 7akes 6 servings4 (rep ti"e? 33 "in,

CROCKPOT CHICKEN CACCIATORE I 1 large onion+ thinly sliced 1 1-2 lb, skinless+ boneless chicken breasts 2 6 o* each! cans to"ato paste / o*, fresh sliced "ushroo"s 1-2 tsp, salt 1-. tsp, pepper 2 cloves garlic+ "inced 1 tsp, oregano 1-2 tsp, basil 1 bay leaf 1-. c, dry white wine 1-. c, water (ut sliced onion in botto" of crock pot, Add chicken pieces, Stir together to"ato paste+ "ushroo"s+ salt+ pepper+ garlic+ herbs+ white wine and water, Spread over chicken, #over6 cook on @ow 1 to B hours Eigh? 3 to . hours!, Serve chicken pieces over hot spaghetti or ver"icelli, . servings,

CROCKPOT CHICKEN CACCIATORE II 1 chicken $ pounds!+ cut into pieces 1-. cup olive oil 1 cup flour 1 cup chopped onions 1 cup sliced "ushroo"s 1 cup 8ulienned carrot 1 cup 8ulienned green pepper 2 2ablespoons "inced garlic / cups chopped+ peeled to"atoes 1-2 cup to"ato paste 3-. cup red or 7arsala wine 1 teaspoon oregano 1 teaspoon basil 1 1-2 teaspoons salt 1 teaspoon pepper freshly grated 9o"ano cheese 5ash and drain the chicken pieces, Eeat the oil in a deep skillet, 9oll and coat each chicken piece in the flour and brown each piece on all sides to a golden brown, 2ransfer the chicken to paper towels to drain, Saute the onion+ "ushroo"s+ carrots+ green peppers+ and garlic in the sa"e skillet for 13 "inutes, Add the to"atoes and saute for another $ "inutes, Stir in the to"ato paste+ wine+ herbs+ salt and pepper+ and cook over "ediu" heat for another $ "inutes, Add all the chicken pieces and "i& well, 2urn down the heat very low+ and si""er+ covered+ for 1 hour, Ad8ust the salt and pepper to your taste, Serve with so"e freshly grated cheese and a nice war" loaf of Italian bread, I "ade this up 8ust like it says and then took it all and threw it in the crock, Its been there since 1p" and we will probably eat between $ and 6p", )or "e the longer a sauce si""ers the better it tastes, Kou can also serve it over linguini noodlesJ KL77777777

CROCKPOT CHICKEN CACCIATORE III 1 can to"atoes+ diced a s"all can probably+ I actually had to open a 6O can and 8ust put a few scoops in! 2 cans s"all ones! to"ato paste 1-2 c, dry white wine 1 can "ushroo"s usually I use fresh+ but these were on hand+ so I used Ce"J lol! 1 s"all onion+ sliced . cloves garlic+ sliced 1 2bl Italian Seasoning 1 tsp basil 1 tsp oregano I "i&ed all those together and poured it over the top of the chicken, 2hen I cooked it on @=5 all day started it around B I think+ cooked til 6!

CROCKPOT CHICKEN CASSEROLE . lg, chicken breasts 1 s", can crea" of chicken soup 1 s", can crea" of celery soup 1 s", can crea" of "ushroo" soup 1-2 c, diced celery 1 c, 7inute 9ice 7i& in crockpot the soups and rice, (lace chicken on top of "i&ture+ then sprinkle diced celery over chicken, #ook on low for . hours, 7akes . servings,

CROCKPOT CHICKEN CORDON BLEU .-6 chicken breasts pounded out thin! .-6 pieces of ha" .-6 slices of swiss cheese I use "o**erella+"y kids like this betterJ! 1 can crea" of "ushroo" soup can use any crea" soup! 1-. c, "ilk (ut ha" and cheese on chicken, 9oll up and secure with a toothpick, (lace chicken in c,p, so it looks like a triangle -PV @ayer the rest on top, 7i& soup and "ilk, (our over top of chicken, #over and cook on low for . hours or until chicken is no longer pink, Serve over noodles with the sauce it "akes,

CROCKPOT CHICKEN AND DUMPLINGS . 2ablespoons butter 1 2ablespoon vegetable oil 1 onion -- chopped 3 pounds your favorite chicken parts -- cut up 2 cups chicken broth 2 stalks celery 1 tablespoon "inced parsley 2 carrots -- peeled+ sliced 1 tsp black pepper Salt to taste 1-2 tsp ground allspice 1 cup dry white wine optional but really adds a nice taste! 1 can refrigerated biscuits 1-2 cup heavy crea" 2 tablespoons flour In a large skillet+ brown onion in butter and oil 8ust until tender+ then brown chicken parts and place all in a 6-%uart crockpot, Add re"aining ingredients e&cept heavy crea"+ flour and biscuits, #ook on high 2- 1-2 to 3 hours+ or on low $ to 1 hours, 5hen chicken is done+ re"ove pieces to plate and let cool+ then debone, 5hile chicken is cooling+ "i& flour and crea" together+ then stir into crockpot, =pen biscuits and cut each biscuit into . pieces, 0rop into crockpot and turn on high, 2hese will need to cook about 33 "inutes+ until they are fir", 9eturn chicken "eat to crockpot after deboning and serve, Kou can use your own ho"e"ade biscuit recipe for canned if you prefer,

CROCKPOT CHICKEN ENCHILADAS I boneless+ skinless chicken can still be fro*en! 1 large can enchilada sauce green or red! "ediu" or large flour tortillas shredded cheese >"pty enchilada sauce into the crockpot and place chicken filets into the sauce, #ook on low setting all day, Scoop out chicken and cut or shred onto a plate, Spread a tortilla on another plate and arrange so"e chicken into a 'stripe' down the "iddle, Sprinkle liberal shredded cheese+ and ladle so"e sauce over it, 9oll the tortilla up+ ladle "ore sauce over it+ and sprinkle "ore cheese, (lace in the "icrowave for about 23 seconds on Eigh to "elt the cheese, 7ore "icrowave ti"e "ay be needed for "ultiple enchiladas on one plate,

CROCKPOT CHICKEN ENCHILADAS II 1 @g, can >nchilada sauce . chicken breasts 2 cans crea" of chicken soup 1 s", can sliced black olives 2 do*en corn tortillas 1 chopped onion 1 pkg sharp cheddar cheese #ook chicken and shred, 7i& soup+ olives and onions, #ut tortillas in wedges, @ayer crockpot with sauce+ tortillas+ soup "i&+ chicken and cheese all the way to top+ ending with cheese on top, #ook on low te"p all day,

CROCKPOT CHICKEN FRICASSEE Reduced Fat 1 can reduced fat crea" of chicken soup 1-2 soup can water 1-2 cup chopped onions 1 teaspoon paprika 1 teaspoon le"on 8uice 1 teaspoon rose"ary 1 teaspoon thy"e 1 teaspoon salt 1-. teaspoon pepper . skinless boneless chicken breast non-stick cooking spray Spray crockpot with non-stick cooking spray, (lace chicken in crockpot, 7i& re"aining ingredients together and pour over chicken, #over and cook on low 6-/ hours, 1 hour before serving+ prepare chive du"plings? 3 tbl, shortening 1 1-2 cups flour 2 tsp, baking powder 3-. tsp, salt 3 tbl,fresh+ chopped chives+ or 2 tbl, dried chives 3-. cup ski" "ilk 7i& dry ingredients and shortening, Add chives and "ilk+ co"bine well, 0rop by teaspoonsful onto hot chicken and gravy, #over and cook on high for .$-63 "inutes, Serve with "ashed potatoes and vegetables+ or over hot+ cooked noodles,

CROCKPOT CHICKEN FRIED CHOPS +-u /) C$$) "#, 1-2 cups all purpose flour 2 tsp salt 1 1-2 tsp ground "ustard (age 11. of 2.$ #rockpot 9ecipes 2-16-2333 e-book?--(ages-crockpotPrecipes,ht" 1-2 tsp garlic powder 6 pork chops+ tri""ed 2 2bsp vegetable oil 1 can condensed crea" of chicken soup+ undiluted 1-3 cup water In a shallow bowl+ co"bine flour+ salt+ "ustard and garlic powder6 dredge pork chops, In a skillet+ brown the chops on both sides in oil, (lace in a slow cooker or crockpot, #o"bine soup and water6 pour over chops, #over and cook on low for 6-/ hours or until "eat is tender, If desired+ thicken pan 8uices and serve with the pork chops,

CROCKPOT CHICKEN IN A POT 3 lb whole chicken 2 carrots+ sliced 2 onions+ sliced 2 celery stalks with leaves+ 1 ts basil 2 ts salt 1-2 ts black pepper 1-2 c chlcken broth or wine (ut carrots+ onions+ and celery in botto" of #9=#F-(=2, Add whole chicken, 2op with salt+ pepper+ li%uid, Sprinklebasil over top, #over and cook until done-low / to 13 hours, Eigh 3 to . hours+ using 1 cup water!, 9e"ove chicken and vegetables with spatula, I would suggest thawing chicken before cooking in the crockpot for sure--I donCt think it would be safe to let it go fro" fro*en to cooked over such a long period of ti"e,

CROCKPOT CHICKEN IN SPICY SAUCE 1-2 cup to"ato 8uice 1-2 cup soy sauce 1-2 cup brown sugar 1-. cup chicken broth 3 cloves garlic "inced 1 whole chicken+ cut in skinless serving si*e pieces or favorite parts #o"bine all ingredients e&cept chicken in a bowl, 0ip each peice of chicken in the sauce, (lace in the slow cooker, (our re"aining sauce over the top, #ook on low for 6-/ hours or high 3-. hours, 7akes 6 servings,

CROCKPOT CHICKEN N NOODLES 2 1-2 to 3 1-2 pound broiler-fryer chicken cut up 1 cup chicken broth 2 cups water 1 package / ounces! egg noodles Salt and pepper to taste (lace chicken in crock-pot, Season with salt and pepper6 add all li%uid, #over and cook on @ow / to 13 hours Eigh . to $ hours! 9e"ove chicken fro" broth, 2urn crockpot to high and add noodles, Bone chicken and cut up "eat, Stir chicken into noodles, #over and cook 33 to .$ "inutes+ stirring occasionally,

CROCKPOT CHICKEN NOODLE SOUP NEW ORLEANS STYLE 1 lg 5hole fryer 1-2 c 0iced celery . ea #loves "inced garlic 3 ea Bay leaves . ea Its water 2 tb Butter 1 c Sliced "ushroo"s 1-. c #rea" sherry :reen onions for garnish 1 c 0iced onions 1-2 c 7inced parsley 1 c #hopped carrots 1 ts (oultry seasoning 12 o* Broad egg noodles 1 c Sliced onion rings 1 c 0iced carrots Salt and pepper to taste )irst+ take the chicken and wash it thoroughly - that "eans both inside and outJ 9e"ove the giblets+ scrub out the internal cavity under cold running water+ and scrape away anything that doesnCt look edible, But 0= <=2 re"ove the chicken skin or any of the fatJ Kou need the skin to "ake a rich stock,! <e&t+ take a crock pot and place the chicken and giblets into it, 2hen drop in the diced onions+ the H cup of chopped carrots and bay leaves+ poultry seasoning and 424 %uarts of water, 2hen+ with a spoon+ evenly distribute the seasoning "i&ture around the chicken+ turn the crock pot to high+ and cook for at least si& hours or better still+ =G>9<I:E2!, 9e"e"ber+ the longer you cook+ the richer the base stock and the "ore tender the chicken, I cooked it overnight! 5hile the chicken is slow-cooking+ itCs a good ti"e to prepare your noodles, :o ahead and boil the" according to package directions,,, but 0= <=2 #==F 2E>7 L<2I@ 0=<>J Feep in "ind that youCre going to drop the" into a soup+ so you want the" el dente fir"!+ otherwise theyCll turn to pure "ush by the ti"e you eat the", )urther"ore+ you want a s"all percent of the starch in the noodles to cook into the soup to thicken it slightly - if you cook the noodles all the way+ the soupCs consistency will be flat and thin, After the noodles are cooked+ butter the" slightly and set the" aside, 5hen the chicken is tender+ take a set of tongs or a strainer spoon+ re"ove it fro" the crock pot it "ay tend to fall apart+ but thatCs okay!+ and set it on a platter to cool, At this point+ strain out all the seasoning vegetables fro" the stock+ place the stock into a "etal bowl+ and place the bowl into the refrigerator or free*er until the chicken fat congeals which should take about 1 hour!, 7eanwhile+ pick the chicken off the bones

and+ with a sharp knife+ chop it into bite-si*ed pieces, 2hen+ in a heavy 12- inch skillet+ "elt the butter and saute the sliced onions+ "ushroo"s+ and carrots until theyCre tender, 2hen drop in the chopped chicken "eat, And over "ediu"-low heat+ cook it into the vegetables for about 13 "inutes, 5hile the chicken and vegetables are sauteing+ re"ove the chicken stock fro" the refrigerator+ ski" off all the fat+ and place the ski""ed stock into a soup pot+ along with the re"aining 2 %uarts of water, At this point+ you should season the soup stock to taste with salt and pepper, <ow drop in the sauteed chicken+ "ushroo"s+ onion rings and diced carrots - along with the sherry+ the 2abasco+ and as soon as it co"es to a boil+ reduce the heat to low and si""er the soup about 33 "inutes to allow all the flavors to thoroughly blend, 5hen youCre ready to eat+ ladle out heaping helpings of the piping hot soup into bowls+ garnish with a sprinkling of thinly sliced green onions+ and serve with crunch saltines, I used several generous shakes of 2abasco, It was spicy+ but not overwhel"ingly hot and fiery, And it was E>AG><@KJ

CROCKPOT CHICKEN NOODLE SOUP 3 carrots+ peeled and cut into chunks 3 stalks celery+ cut into chunks 1 large onion+ %uartered 3 boneless skinless chicken breast halves 2 cans chicken broth-I use the Swansons Eealthy 9e%uest+ fat free 2 to 3 soup cans of water a generous shake of dried dill and a generous shake of dried parsley / o*, noodles - I use the '<o Kolks' brand broad noodles (ut vegetables in #(, Add chicken, (our in broth and water, Add dill and parsley, #over and cook on low / hours, 9e"ove veggies and chicken fro" #(, Add noodles+ turn to high and heat while you shred the chicken and "ince the veggies, I run the veggies through the food processor, 9eturn chicken and veggies to #( and heat through, It takes the noodles about 23 "inute to cook, Serves about 6 hungry folks, I use a $ %t #( for this, I also use fro*en chicken breast right out of the free*er,

CROCKPOT CHICKEN NOODLE SOUP +LOWFAT, 3 carrots+ peeled and cut into chunks 3 stalks celery+ cut into chunks 1 large onion+ %uartered 3 boneless skinless chicken breast halves 2 cans chicken broth-I use the Swansons Eealthy 9e%uest+ fat free 2 to 3 soup cans of water a generous shake of dried dill and a generous shake of dried parsley / o*, noodles - I use the '<o Kolks' brand broad noodles (ut vegetables in #(, Add chicken, (our in broth and water, Add dill and parsley, #over and cook on low / hours, 9e"ove veggies and chicken fro" #(, Add noodles+ turn to high and heat while you shred the chicken and "ince the veggies, I run the veggies through the food processor, 9eturn chicken and veggies to #( and heat through, It takes the noodles about 23 "inutes to cook, Serves about 6 hungry folks, I use a $ %t #( for this, I also use fro*en chicken breast right out of the free*er,

CROCKPOT CHICKEN PARMIGIANA 3 #hicken breasts 1 >gg 1 t Salt 1-. ts (epper 1 c 0ry bread cru"bs 1 1-. c Butter 1 cn (i**a sauce -- 13 1-2 o* 6 slices 7o*arella cheese (ar"esan cheese If using whole chicken breasts+ cut in to halves, In bowl beat egg salt and pepper dip chicken into egg, 2hen coat with cru"bs, In large skillet saute chicken in butter, Arrange chicken in pot, (our pi**a sauce over chicken, #over and cook on low 6 to / hours, Add "o**arella cheese+ sprinkle par"esan cheese on top, #over and cook 1$ "inutes, 7akes 6 servings, I of course altered it a little, I used boneless+ skinless breasts and I used si&, Instead of plain bread cru"bs+ I used Italian, I cut the a"ount of butter in half, )or the "o**arella cheese+ I used Eealthy choice garlic loverCs blend, I used fresh grated par"esan and I used a 8ar of pi**a sauce 1. o*!,

CROCKPOT CHICKEN PARMIGIANA 3 #hicken breasts 1 S"all egg plant sliced 1 >gg 13 1-2 o* #an pi**a sauce 1 ts Salt 6 Slices "o**arella cheese 1-. ts (epper 1 c 0ry bread cru"bs 1-2 c Butter If using whole chicken breasts+ cut into halves, In a bowl beat egg+ salt+ and pepper, 0ip chicken into the egg+ then coat with cru"bs, In a large skillet or crockpot with a browning unit+ saute chicken in the butter, Arrange eggplant and the chicken in pot+ place eggplant on the botto" or it will not cook co"pletely,! (our pi**a sauce over the chicken, #over and cook on low 6 to / hours, Add "o**arella cheese6 sprinkle (ar"esan cheese on top, #over and cook 1$ "inutes,

CROCKPOT CHICKEN PIZZA . skinless+ boneless chicken breast- cut into bite si*e pieces 1 onion+ chopped 1 green bell pepper+ chopped 2 large cans to"ato sauce 2 large cans diced to"atoes 1 tablespoon dried parsley 1 tablespoon dried oregano 1 tablespoon dried basil 1 tsp, thy"e . cloves garlic+ pressed 1 bay leaf (lace all ingredients in slow cooker, Stir to "ake sure all chicken is coated well, #ook on @ow setting for / hours+ until chicken and vegetables are tender,

CROCKPOT CHICKEN4SAUSAGE CASSOULET 1 package )ro*en li"a beans 1 cup 2o"ato 8uice 1 #arrot -- 1-2 inch pcs 1 Stalk celery -- 1-2'pcs 1 =nion -- chopped 1 #love garlic -- "inced 1 Bay leaf 1 teaspoon #hicken bouillon granules 1-2 teaspoon 0ried basil -- crushed 1-2 teaspoon 0ried oregano -- crushed 3 Boneless chicken breasts 3 #hicken dru"sticks / ounces S"oked kielbasa (lace carrots+ li"as+ celery and onions on botto" of crockpot which has been sprayed with (a", #o"bine herbs+ 8uice and bouillon and add to vegetables, (lace chicken on top of vegetables, #ut sausage into pieces, (ut chicken and sausage on top of vegs #over crockpot and cook on @ow heat for 13 hours or on high for $ hours, 9e"ove bay leaf before serving,

CROCKPOT CHICKEN SOUP 2 carrots 2 celery stalks 2 onions 3 boneless+ skinless chicken breast 2 tsp salt 1-2 tsp pepper . cups chicken broth . to $ cups water 1 2 dried parsley 1 2 dried dill 6 o* noodles Slice carrots+ celery and onion, (lace in crock pot, Add chicken+ broth+water+ and spices, #over and cook on low / to 13 hours, =ne hour before serving+ re"ove chicken and vegetables fro" pot, Add 6o*, noodles to pot+ cover and turn to high, 5hile noodles are cooking+ shred the chicken and "ince the vegetables I run "ine through the food processor!, 9eturn chicken and veggies to the pot, #ook til noodles are done, Lse the fro*en chicken breasts and put the" in fro*en-8ust cook on high for the first hour, Lse the chicken broth that is reduced sodiu" and fat free, Lse your favorite noodle type, Kou can use the '<= Kolks' broad, 2his can be "ade in a 3%t pot+ but it is a tight fit,

CROCKPOT CHICKEN STEW Kield? 13 servings 2 lb #hicken breasts-skinless Boneless- cut in 1' cubes 2 c )at-free chicken broth 3 c (otatoes6 peel+ cube 1 c =nion6 chop 1 c #elery6 sliced 1 c #arrots6 sliced thin 1 ts (aprika 1-2 ts (epper 1-2 ts 9ubbed sage 1-2 ts 0ried thy"e 6 o* <o-salt-added to"ato paste 1-. c #old water 3 tb #ornstarch In a slow cooker+ co"bine the first 11 ingredients6 cover and cook on EI:E for . hours, 7i& water and cornstarch until s"ooth6 stir into stew, #ook+ covered+ 33 "inutes "ore or until the vegetables are tender,

CROCKPOT CHICKEN STEW ME5ICAN STYLE 2 lbs skinless boneless chicken breasts cut into 1 1-2' peices . "ed russet potatoes+ peeled and cut very s"all 1 1$ o*! can "ild salsa 1 . o*! can diced green chilies 1 1 1-. o*! pkg taco seasoning "i& 1 /o*! can to"ato sauce 7i& all ingredients together in crockpot+ cook 1-B hours on low, Serve with war" flour tortillas, Kou can also served corn with this, It is good "i&ed in it too,

CROCKPOT CHICKEN STROGANOFF 1 cup sour crea" 1 tablespoon :old 7edal all-purpose flour 1 envelope ,/1 to 1,2 o*! chicken gravy "i& 1 cup water 1 lb, boneless+ skinless chicken breast halves+ cut into 1' pieces 1 16 o*, bag fro*en stew vegetables+ thawed 1 .-o*, 8ar sliced "ushroo"s+ drained 1 cup fro*en peas+ thawed 1 1-2 cups Bis%uick =riginal or 9educed )at baking "i& . green onions+ chopped 1-2 cup "ilk 7i& sour crea"+ flour+ gravy "i& and water in 3 1-2 to .-%uart #rock pot until s"ooth, Stir in chicken+ stew vegetables and "ushroo"s, #over and cook on low heat setting . hours or until chicken is tender and sauce is thickened, stir in peas, 7i& baking "i& and onions, Stir in "ilk 8ust until "oistened, 0rop dough by rounded tablespoonfuls onto chicken-vegetable "i&ture, #over and cook on high heat setting .$ to $3 "inutes or until toothpick inserted in center of du"plings co"es out clean, Serve i""ediately,

CROCKPOT CHICKEN THIGHS 6 chicken thighs re"ove skin! 1 can Italian-style diced to"atoes 2/ o*! salt and pepper 2hrow these in the crockpot and cook on high for about 3 hours, Serve with egg noodles, #an it be "ore si"pleSJ I) you donCt love garlic+ use regular to"atoes+ but this had a wonderful garlic flavor+ we thought, >ven the kids liked it+ and they usually wonCt eat anything with sauce, 2he 'sauce' is G>9K li%uidy+ so if you want a "ore gravy-ish sauce+ add so"e tapioca at the beginning+ or partially drain the to"atoes before cooking,

CROCKPOT CHICKEN TORTILLAS 7eat fro" 1 whole chicken =9 canned chicken or parts 1 can crea" of chicken soup 1-2 c, green chili salsa 2 tbsp, %uick cooking tapioca 1 "ed, onion+ chopped 1 1-2 c, grated cheese 1 do*, corn tortillas Black olives 2ear chicken into bite si*e pieces+ "i& with soup+ chili+ salsa and tapioca, @ine botto" of crock pot with 3 corn tortillas+ torn into bite si*e pieces, Add 1-3 of the c hicken "i&ture, Sprinkle with 1-3 of the onion and 1-3 of the grated cheese, 9epeat layers of tortillas topped with chicken "i&ture+ onions and cheese, #over and cook on low 6 to / hours or high for 3 hours, :arnish with sliced black olives,

CROCKPOT CHICKEN WINGS 4 $ lb, chicken wings 4 2 c, brown sugar 4 1 c, )renchCs "ustard 4 . tbsp, soy sauce #ut each wing into 3 pieces - throw away the tip, Brown in skillet until golden brown and put in slow cooker+ turn on low heat, 7i& brown sugar+ "ustard and soy sauce in saucepan and heat until it beco"es li%uid, (our over the wings and cook 2- / hours,

CROCKPOT CHICKEN WITH CHEESE SAUCE Serves 2 -(lace two chicken breast halves in crockpot fro*en or thawed! -7i& together one can crea" of chicken soup ; half soup can of white wine6 pour over chicken -(lace two slices swiss cheese over top of chicken breasts processed cheese "elts and blends "ore easily! -#ook in crockpot for 2-3 hours on high! or 3-. hours on low! -Serve over stea"ed rice 2his recipe is also good with a little le"on 8uice in place of the wine,!

CROCKPOT CHILI I 2 onions+ chopped 2 cloves garlic I use the "inced kind that co"es in a 8ar! 1 lb, lean ha"burger 2 2bs, chili powder cu"in to taste I leave this out! 2 cans 16 o*, ea,! to"atoes 2 cans to"ato soup 2 cans kidney beans+ drained salt and pepper to taste optional? shredded cheese and-or sour crea" for topping 1, #ook onions and garlic in 2 2bs, oil till onions are yellow, Add ha"burger and cook till browned, Stir in chili powder and optional cu"in6 cook 2 "inutes "ore, 7eanwhile+ in crockpot+ co"bine re"aining ingredients, Stir in browned "eat "i&ture, #over and cook on @ow setting for /-13 hours, 2o serve? ladle chili into bowls, 2op with optional shredded cheese and-or sour crea"+ if desired, <ote? 2his can be "ade on top of the stove+ too, @et it cook for 1 hour+ but stir+ so it doesnCt stick to the botto" this is the nice part of using a #(,,,no need to worry about sticking!,

CROCKPOT CHILI II 1 lb ground beef+ cooked and rinsed 63-13 ounces rinsed light or dark kidney beans 16 ounces to"ato paste 16 ounces peeled chopped to"atoes reserve li%uid! 1-2 s"all onion+ chooped 1 s"all green pepper+ chopped 1 package chili seasonings cayenne pepper to taste+ if desired =kay+ now the hard part+ put it all in the crockpot and cook on low until you are ready+ ICd reco""end at least $ hours so the peppers and onions are cooked soft, Lse the reserved to"ato li%uid if it see"s too thick for your taste, 5e serve with tortillas+ cheese+ sour crea"+ and salsaJ 7""""""""""",

CROCKPOT CHILI III 1 16 o* can kidney beans -- drained 2 1. 1-2 o* can to"atoes 2 pounds ground chuck -- coarsely ground 2 "ediu" onions -- coarsely chopped 1 green pepper -- coarsely chopped 2 cloves garlic -- crushed 3 tablespoons chili powder 1 teaspoon pepper 1 teaspoon cu"in salt to taste (ut all ingredients in crock pot in order listed, Stir once, #over and cook on @ow 13-12 hours, Eigh $-6 hours!, <=2>S ? Serve with shredded cheddar cheese and tortilla chips,

CROCKPOT CHILI CON CARNE . pounds ground beef 3 tablespoons shortening 2 cups chopped onion 2 garlic cloves -- crushed . tablespoons chili powder 3 beef bouillon cubes -- crushed 1 1-2 teaspoons paprika 1 teaspoon oregano 1 teaspoon ground cu"in 1-2 teaspoon cayenne pepper 1-2 cup beef stock 1 can to"atoes -- 2/ o*s, 1 can to"ato paste -- / o*, . cans red kidney beans -- 1 lb cans Eeat shortening in skillet and brown beef+ discard fat, #o"bine all ingredients in re"ovable liner+ stirring well, (lace liner in base, #over and cook on low /-13 hours6 high .-$ hours or auto 6-1 hours,

CROCKPOT CHILI WITH 6 KINDS OF BEANS 1-2 pounds browned ground beef 2 cans chili hot beans 2 cans dark red kidney beans+ drained 2 cans pinto beans+ drained 2 cans kidney beans+ drained 2 cans rotel to"atoes 1 package chili seasoning (ut all ingredients in #rock (ot and cook on low all day about 13 hours!,

CROCKPOT CHINESE PEPPER STEAK .-6 servings 1-1 1-2 lbs boneless beef round steak 1 clove garlic "inced 1-2 tsp, salt 1-. tsp, pepper 1-. cup soy sauce 1 2bls, hoisin sauce 1 tsp, sugar 1 to"ato+ seeded+ peeled ; diced 2 red or green bell peppers+ cut into strips 3 2bls, cornstarch 3 2bls, water 1 cup fresh bean sprouts . green onions+ finely chopped #ooked 9ice 2ri" fat fro" steak6 slice into thin strips, #o"bine steak+ garlic+ salt+ pepper+ soy sauce+ hoisin sauce and sugar in slow cooker, #over and cook on @=5 about . hours, 2urn control to EI:E, Add to"ato and bell peppers, 0issolve cornstarch with water in a s"all bowl and stir into steak "i&ture, #over and cook on EI:E 1$-23 "inutes or until thickened, Stir in bean sprouts+ sprinkle with onions, Serve with rice,

CROCKPOT CHINESE PIE 1 to 1 1-2 pounds ground beef 3-. cup diced bell pepper green A<0 red if possible! 3-. cup diced onion 1 package dry! brown gravy . to 6 "ediu" red or round white potatoes+ diced about . cups! 2 tablespoons butter+ "elted (age 12/ of 2.$ #rockpot 9ecipes 2-16-2333 e-book?--(ages-crockpotPrecipes,ht" 1 1$ o*! can whole kernel corn+ drained or 2 cups fro*en! 1 1$ o*! can crea"ed corn salt and pepper to taste Brown ground beef with diced peppers and onion, 0rain well, (lace ground beef "i&ture in crockpot, 2oss diced potato with "elted butter to coat and add to crockpot6 add whole kernel corn and crea"ed corn, Salt and pepper to taste, #over and cook on low for 1 to B hours, 2aste and ad8ust seasonings, Serves . to 6,

CROCKPOT CHOCOLATE APPLE CAKE 6 tbsp butter 1-2 c sugar 1-2 c brown sugar 1 c unsweetened applesauce 1 tsp cinna"on 1 tsp pure vanilla e&tract 3 eggs . 1 o*! s% unsweetened chocolate+ "elted 1 1-2 c flour 2 tsp baking soda 1 tsp baking powder pinch of salt 1-3 c butter"ilk 3-. c se"isweet chocolate chips 1-2 c chopped pecans #onfectionerCs sugar In a large bowl+ beat together butter ; sugars w-a "i&er on EI:E speed 1-2 "inutes+ or until fluffy, Beat in applesauce+ cinna"on+ vanilla ; eggs until well "i&ed, Beat in "elted chocolate until blended, Add flour+ baking soda ; powder+ ; salt, 5ith "i&er on @=5 speed+ beat in dry ingredients+ adding butter"ilk as you beat, Beat 8ust until evenly "i&ed, By hand stir in chocolate chips ; pecans, Scrape the batter into a 5>@@ BL22>9>0 3 1-2 %uart crockpot ; s"ooth top, #over ; cook on the EI:E setting 2 1-. to 2 1-2 hrs+ or until a cake tester toothpick! inserted in the center co"es out clean, 0o not cook on the low heat setting for a longer ti"e! 9e"ove lid ; let cake stand in crockpot until 8ust barely war", 2o un"old? 9un a sharp knife around the inside edges of the crockpot ; w-a large spatula+ carefully lift out the cake in one piece, Sprinkle with confectionerCs sugar over top ; cut into wedges to serve,

CROCKPOT CHOCOLATE APPLE SAUCE CAKE 6 2bsp butter 1 cup sugar 1 cup unsweetened applesauce 1 tsp cinna"on 1 tsp vanilla 3 eggs . 1 o*! s%uares unsweetened chocolate+ "elted 1 1-2 cups flour 2 tsp baking soda 1 tsp baking powder pinch of salt 1-3 cup butter"ilk 3-. cup se"isweet chocolate chips 1-2 cup chopped walnuts powdered sugar -In a large bowl+ beat together the butter and sugar w-a "i&er on high speed 1-2 "inutes+ or until fluffy, Beat in the applesauce+ cinna"on+ vanilla and eggs until well "i&ed, Beat in the "elted choclate until blended, Add the flour+ baking soda ; powder+ and salt, 5ith the "i&er on low speed+ beat in the dry ingredients+ adding the butter"ilk as you beat, Beat 8ust until evenly "i&ed, By hand+ stir in chocolate chips and nuts, Scrape the batter into a 5>@@ BL22>9>0 3 1-2 %uart slow cooker crock pot! and s"ooth the top, -#over and cook on the high setting 2 1-. to 2 1-2 hours+ or until a cake tester inserted in the center co"es out clean, 0o not cook on the low heat setting for a longer ti"e! -9e"ove the lid and let the cake stand in the slow cooker until 8ust barely war", 2o un"old+ run a sharp knife around the inside edges of the crock and w-a large spatula+ carefully lift out the cake in one piece, Sprinkle with powdered sugar over the top and cut into wedges to serve,

CROCKPOT CHOCOLATE CLUSTERS 4 2 pounds white al"ond bark 4 . ounces bar :er"an chocolate 4 1 pkg, se"i-sweet chocolate chips 12 ounces! 4 2. ounces dry roasted peanuts (ut all ingredients in #rock (ot6 cover and cook on high for 1 hour, 0o not stir, 2urn #rock (ot to low and stir every 1$ "inutes for 1 hour, 0rop on wa&ed paper and let cool, Store in a tightly covered container,

CROCKPOT CHOCOLATE PEANUT BUTTER CAKE 2 c, chocolate cake "i& 1-2 c, water 1-3 c, crea"y peanut butter 1-2 c, chopped nuts #o"bine all ingredients in bowl "i&ing well, Beat about 2 "inutes, (our batter into greased and floured 2 pound coffee can, (lace can in crockpot, #over top of can with / paper towels, #over crockpot and bake on high 2 to 3 hours,

CROCKPOT CHOPS OR RIBS 6 or / chops or ribs to fill #( I "ade less! 1-. # chopped onion 1-2 # chopped celery 1 # catsup 1-2 # water 1-. # le"on 8uice 2 2bsp brown sugar 3 2bsp 5orcestershire sauce 2 2bsp vinegar 1 2bsp "ustard 1-2 tsp salt 1-. tsp pepper 7i& together ; pour over "eat in pot, #ook until tender, <ote? Actually+ I left out the onion ; celery didnCt have any! but put so"e cut up carrots in the botto" of the #(+ then the pork chops ; then the "arinade, It tasted very good, I think I cooked it for 1 hour on high ; then about . hours on low,,,,"y chops were fro*en when I put the" in,

CROCKPOT CHOW MEIN . o*, can "ushroo"s 1 1-2 lbs, cubed round steak . stocks celery 2 "ed, onions 1 c, hot water with 3 bouillon cubes 3 tbsp, soy sauce 2 tsp, 5orcestershire sauce 1 lb, can #hinese vegetables 2 tbsp, cornstarch and 2 tbsp, water #ook / to 13 hours in crockpot - 1 hour before serving add #hinese vegetables and cornstarch and water,

CROCKPOT CHUNKY .EGETABLE CLAM CHOWDER 2 6 1-2 o* cans "inced cla"s 2 c, peeled potatoes+ cut into 1-2' cubes 1 c, finely chopped onion 1 c, chopped celery 1 tsp, sugar 1-. tsp, salt 1-. tsp, pepper 2 13 3-. o* cans condensed crea" of potato soup 2 c, water 1 c, nonfat dry "ilk powder 1-3 c, flour 1 c, cold water . slices bacon+ crisp-cooked+ drained+ and cru"bled (aprika 0rain cla"s+ reserving li%uid, #over cla"s6 chill, In #( co"bine reserved cla" li%uid+ potatoes+ onion+ celery+ carrot+ sugar+ salt+ and papper, Stir in potato sour and 2 cups water, #over6 cook on low heat for / to 13 hours or on high heat for . to $ hours, If using low heat setting+ turn to high, In a "ediu" bowl co"bine nonfat dry "ilk powder and flour, :radually whisk in 1 c, cold water6 stir into soup, #over6 cook on high 13 to 1$ "inutes or till thickened, Stir in cla"s, #over6 cook $ "inutes "ore, @adle soup into bowls, Sprinkle each serving with cru"bled bacon and paprika, 7akes 6 to / servings,

CROCKPOT CLAM CHOWDER I . cans of #rea" of (otato soup . cans of <ew >ngland #la" #howder 2 cans "inced cla"s with 8uice 1 onion+ chopped and sauteed in 1 stick butter 1 %uart half and half Saute onions in butter+ then add all ingredients in crockpot for . hours,,, I usually put it on low and cook it all day,,, Also it "akes alot and so"eti"es over fills "y crockpot,, 0ont know if its "y crockpot being too s"all or 8ust too "uch stuff @=@ ,, I" sure if you wanted you could cut the ingredients in half ,,, ><A=KJJ

CROCKPOT CLAM CHOWDER II 4 . 6 1-2 o*,! cans cla"s 4 1-2 lb, salt pork or bacon+ diced 4 1 lg, onion+ chopped 4 6 to / lg, potatoes+ pared and cubed 4 3 c, water 4 3 1-2 tsp, salt 4 1-. tsp, pepper 4 . c, half and half crea" or "ilk 4 3 to . tbsp, cornstarch #ut cla"s into bite si*ed pieces if necessary, In skillet+ saute salt pork or bacon and onion until golden brown6 drain, (ut into #rock (ot with cla"s, Add all re"aining ingredients+ e&cept "ilk, #over6 cook on high 3 to . hours or until potatoes are tender, 0uring the last hour of cooking+ co"bine 1 cup of "ilk with the cornstarch, Add that and the re"aining "ilk and stir well6 heat through, Serve in large bowls with crusty )rench bread,

CROCKPOT COBBLER All you do is bake a batch of biscuits and let the" cool, #hunk the" up and put about half in the botto" of your crockpot, 7i&? 1-. cup brown sugar 1-2 t, cinna"on 1-2 cup butter Sprinkle so"e of that on top, Spread canned pie filling I thought cherry would be good! on top and repeat until youCre out of ingredients, Bake on high for 2 hours,

CROCKPOT COCONUT THAI SHRIMP AND RICE 2 13 o*,! cans chicken broth 1 cup water 1 tsp, coriander 1-2 tsp, cu"in 1 tsp salt 1-2 tsp cayenne pepper *est and 8uice of 2 li"es 1-3 cup of 8uice! 1 cloves "inced garlic 1 2B@S(, "inced fresh ginger 1 "ediu" onion chopped 1 red bell pepper chopped 1 carrott peeled and shredded 1-. cup flaked coconut 1-2 cup golden raisins 2 cups converted rice 1 lb, peeled and deveined 8u"bo cooking shri"p thawed if fro*en! 2 o*, fresh snow peas cut into strips toasted coconut for garnish optional! In a $ %t cp+ co"bine chicken broth+ water+ coriander+ cu"in+ salt+ cayenne pepper+ li"e *est+ li"e 8uice+ garlic and ginger, Stir in onion+ pepper+ carrot+ coconut+ raisins and rice, #over and cook on low 3 1-2 hours+ or until rice is tender, #heck after 3 hours and if li%uid is absorbed+ but rice is not tender+ add 1 "ore cup water, 5hen rice is tender+ stir in shri"p and snow peas, #ook 33 "inutes longer, Sprinkle with toasted coconut and serve,

CROCKPOT COLA BARBECUE PORK ROAST 1 pork roast 1 1-2 cup cola 1 bottle bb% sauce (age 13$ of 2.$ #rockpot 9ecipes 2-16-2333 e-book?--(ages-crockpotPrecipes,ht" #ut all visible fat fro" roast+put in crock and cook 12 hrs i put "ine in before bed and let cook all night! on low, 9e"ove "eat fro" crock and drain all 8uice fro" crock, Shred "eat and return to crock add 1 bottle bb% sauce and cook $-6 hrs "ore, 7AF>S A@=2JJJ )ree*es great,

CROCKPOT COLA HAM 1-2 cup brown sugar 1 tsp dry "ustard 1-. cup cola #oca #ola r!+ (epsi+ etc! 3 to . pound pre-cooked ha" #o"bine brown sugar and "ustard, 7oisten with cola to "ake a s"ooth paste, 9eserve re"aining cola, Score the ha" with shallow slashes in a dia"ond pattern, 9ub ha" with "i&ture, (lace ha" in crockpot and add re"aining cola, #over and cook on high for 1 hour+ then turn to low and cook for 6 to 1 hours, Serves B to 12,

CROCKPOT CO- AU .IN 12 s" 5hite onions+ peeled . lb 9oasting chicken+ cut up 1-2 ts Salt 1-. ts Black pepper 1-. c Brandy or cognac 2 ea #loves garlic+ peeled and crushed 1-. ts :round thy"e 1 ea Bay leaf 1 1-2 c 0ry+ strong red wine $ tb All purpose flour 1 c #hicken bouillon 3-. lb )resh "ushroo"s+ wiped and ste""ed 1 tb Butter or "argarine 1-. ts Salt 1 tb #hopped fresh parsley 2o cook? (lace the onions in the slow cooker, 9e"ove the fat fro" the vent of the chicken and dice it, In a large skillet over "ediu" heat+ heat the fat until it is rendered, 0iscard the shriveled bits and saute the chicken until well browned, Season with 1-2 tsp salt and the pepper, 5ar" the brandy in a ladle or a s"all saucepan6 light it with "atch and pour it over the chicken, 5hen the fla"e dies+lift the chicken into the slow cooker and add the garlic+ thy"e+ and bay leaf, (our the wine into the hot skillet and scrape up the pan 8uices, 0issolve the flour in the bouillon+ turn it into the skillet and bring to si""ering+ stirring briskly to prevent lu"ps, 2urn into the slow cooker, #over and cook on @ow 1-B hours, Before serving? About 13 "inutes before serving+ in a "ediu" skillet+ saute the "ushroo"s in the butter over "ediu" high heat, In about $ "inutes+ they will be tender and the "oisture will have evaporated fro" the skillet, Season with 1-. tsp salt and add to the chicken casserole, If the sauce see"s thin+ si""er it in the "ushroo" skillet long enough to thicken to the consistency of heavy crea", :arnish the #o% au Gin with parsley before serving,

CROCKPOT CO- AU .IN 2-1-2 lb chicken cut up I used boneless+ skinless chicken breasts! 1 clove garlic crushed 1 teaspoon salt 1-. teaspoon pepper 1-2 teaspoon dried thy"e 6 bacon slices+ diced 2-3 cups sliced green onions 1 cup chicken broth / s"all white onions+ peeled 1 cup burgundy wine 1-2 @B whole "ushroo"s chopped parsley / s"all new potatoes scrubbed In large skillet+ saute dieced bacon and green onions until bacon is crisp, 9e"ove and drain on paper towel, Add chicken pieces to skillet and brown well on all sides, 9e"ove the chicken when it has browned and set aside, (ut peeled onions+ "ushroo"s+ and garlic in #rockpot, Add browned chicken pieces+ bacon and green onions+ salt+ pepper+ thy"e+ pototales and chicken broth, #over and cook on @ow 6 / hours Eigh 3-.!, 0uring the last hour add Burgundy and cook on high, :arnish with chopped parsley,

CROCKPOT CO- AU .IN WITH SHIITAKE MUSHROOMS 2 tbs, olive oil 3 lb, chicken pieces+ rinsed ; patted dry 1-3 c finely chopped shallot 1-3 c finely chopped onion 2 carrots+ %uartered lengthwise ; cut crosswise into 1-.' pieces about 1-2 cup! 1-2 lb, pearl onions+ blanched in boiling water for 3 "inutes+ drained+ ; peeled 1 bay leaf 3-. tsp thy"e+ cru"bled 2 tbs, #ognac 1 c dry white wine 2 c chicken broth 1-. lb, shiitake "ushroo"s+ ste"s discarded ; caps sliced thin 1-. c cornstarch )reshly ground nut"eg to taste -In a heavy kettle+ heat the oil over "oderately high heat until it is hot but not s"oking and in it saute the chicken pieces+ seasoned with salt and pepper+ in batches+ turning the" once+ for / to 13 "inutes+ or until they are browned, 2ransfer the chicken pieces as they are browned to a plate and keep the" war"+ covered, -(lace the shallot+ onions+ carrots+ pearl onions+ bay leaf+ and thy"e in a crockpot, (lace the browned chicken on top of the vegetables, #o"bine the #ognac+ white wine and 1 3-. cup of chicken broth and add to the cooker, #over and cook on @=5 for $ hours or until chicken is tender, -2urn control to EI:E and add the "ushroo"s, 0issolve the cornstarch in the re"aining 1-. cup chicken stock, Stir into the "i&ture, #over and cook for 23 "inutes "ore+ or until sauce is thickened+ stirring once, 2ransfer the chicken to a plate+ and keep war", 0iscard the bay leaf+ and season the sauce with freshly ground nut"eg and salt and pepper to taste, Serve war", Serves . to $

CROCKPOT CORN CHOWDER I 6 slices bacon+ diced 1-2 c, chopped onion 2 c, diced peeled potatoes 2 pkgs, 13 o* each! fro*en whole-kernel corn+ broken apart 1 can 16 o*! crea"-style corn 1 2bs, sugar 1 tsp, 5orcestershire sauce 1 tsp, seasoned salt 1-. tsp, pepper 1 c, water In skillet+ fry bacon until crisp6 re"ove and reserve, Add onion and potatoes to bacon drippings and saute for about $ "inutes6 drain well, #o"bine all ingredients in #(6 stir well, #over and cook on @ow setting for . to 1 hours, 7akes about 1 H %uarts,

CROCKPOT CORN CHOWDER II 3 16o* cans of corn+ drained 2 large potatoes+ cut into 1' chunks 1 ; 1-2 can chicken broth4 1 large onion+ diced 1 tsp,, salt pepper to taste 2 pints half and half4 1-2 stick butter 4ad8ust volu"e so"ewhat lower for thicker chowder (ut everything e&cept the dairy products in the crockpot and cook on low for 1-/ hours, 9e"ove to a blender+ and puree, 9eturn to crockpot+ add half ; half and butter6 stir, #ook on high for one hour, Stir and serve, Serves si&,

CROCKPOT CORN PUDDING / o*, crea" cheese+ softened 2 eggs+ beaten 1-3 cup sugar / 1-2 o* package corn bread "i& 16 o* can crea" style corn 2 1-3 cups fro*en sweet corn 1 cup "ilk 2 tablespoons "argarine+ "elted 1 tsp, salt 1-. tsp nut"eg @ightly grease #(, In a bowl+ blend crea" cheese+ eggs and sugar, Add re"aining ingredients and "i& well, (our into #(, #over and cook on Eigh 3 to . hours, Serves 13 to 12

CROCKPOT CORNED BEEF AND CABBAGE Kield? 6 servings . 1-2 lb, #orned beef brisket 2 "d onions+ %uartered 1 cabbage head+ cut in s"all wedges 1-2 tsp, pepper 3 tbsp, vinegar 3 tbsp, sugar 2 c, water #o"bine ingredients in re"ovable liner with cabbage on top, #ut "eat to fit+ if necessary, (lace liner in base, #over and cook on low 13-12 hours+ high 6-1 hours+ or auto 6-/ hours,

CROCKPOT CORNED BEEF AND CABBAGE 3 lb uncooked corned beef brisket in pouch with pickling 8uice is okay! 2 carrots+ chopped into 2' pieces $ s"all red potatoes+ halved 1 onion+ %uartered 1 s"all turnip+ chopped into 2' pieces 3-. cup "alt vinegar 1-2 bottle 6 o*! Irish stout :uinessS! 1 tsp "ustard seed 1 tsp coriander seed 1 tsp black peppercorns whole! 1 tsp dill seed 1 tsp allspice whole! 1 bay leaf 1 s"all 2 @b! head cabbage+ cut into wedges In a @A9:> 6,$ %t! #rock-(ot+ place the carrots+ spuds+ onion and turnip in botto", Add the li%uids, Spice rub the brisket, (lace on top, #over and cook on @=5 for / hours, Add cabbage wedges, #ook an additional 3 hours on @=5, Serve with #oarse :rain 7ustard and Eorseradish Sauce7 -H$rs&r(2 s0 S(u/&: 1-2 pint whipping crea" 3 2bsp prepared horseradish 5hip crea" until it peaks+ then fold in horseradish,

CROCKPOT CORNED BEEF HASH I 1 can of corned beef =r 2 cups of cooked corned beef! 1 "ed onion shredded 2 "ed, celery sticks chopped $ fair si*ed potatoes chopped 2 tbsp, butter 1 diced green pepper garlic to your taste I use about 3 cloves or so! 1 cup "ushroo"s I o"it this now since "y daughter has decided they are gross ! @=@ 1 tbsp of worcestshire sauce a dash or two of italian seasoning salt and pepper to taste 2- 13 o* cans of chicken broth -:rind up or chop your corned beef and toss it in the crock pot with all the other ingredients in the list above, -#ook in your crock pot on low for / hours, 5hen the potatoes are well cooked I "ash the" in the pot and add a little water if need be, 2hen serve it with war" bread and saladJ

CROCKPOT CORNED BEEF HASH II 1 tin of corned beef hash 3 BI: potatoes 3 ribs of celery chopped 1 large onion chopped 2 big cloves of garlic salt and pepper to taste a dash or so of basil 2 tins of chicken broth -)ry the :arlic+ celery+ onion+ and salt and pepper in a tbsp of garlic til veggies are tender, -2hen toss everything in the crock pot and turn on low for about $-6 hours, -Serve with lots of war" bread and butter,

CROCKPOT CORNY HAM AND POTATO SCALLOP $ potatoes+ peeled and cubed 1 1-2 cups cubed cooked ha" 1 1$ ounce! can whole kernel corn+ drained 1-. cup chopped green bell pepper 2 teaspoons instant "inced onion 1 11 ounce! can condensed cheddar cheese soup 1-2 cup "ilk 3 tablespoons all-purpose flour In a 3 1-2 to . %uart slow cooker+ co"bine potatoes+ ha"+ corn+ green pepper and onion6 "i& well, In a s"all bowl+ co"bine soup+ "ilk and flour6 beat with wire whisk until s"ooth, (our soup "i&ture over potato "i&ture and stir gently to "i&, #over and cook on low setting for about / hours or until potatoes are tender,

CROCKPOT COSTA RICAN BEEF * .EGETABLE SOUP WITH YELLOW RICE Kield? 6 servings 2 lb @ean+ boneless beef chuck in 1 1-2 inch cubes 1 lg =nion+ thinly sliced 1 c #elery+ thinly sliced 3 #loves garlic+ "inced 1 0ry bay leaf 1 lg 9ed bell pepper+ seeded and cut into thin+ bite-si*e strips 1 1-2 c 5ater 2 #ans about 1. 1-2 o*,W! Beef broth 444K>@@=5 9I#>444 1 lg >ar corn+ cut into 3-. inch thick slices . c #oarsely shredded cabbage 1-3 c @ightly packed cilantro leaves Salt and pepper 2E> S=L(? Arrange beef cubes slightly apart in a single layer in a shallow baking pan, Bake in a $33 oven until well browned about 23 "inutes!, 7eanwhile+ in a 3 1-2 %uart or larger crockpot+ co"bine onion+ celery+ garlic+ bay leaf and bell pepper, 2ransfer browned beef to crockpot, (our a little of the water into baking pan+ stirring to dissolve drippings and pour into crockpot, Add broth and re"aining water, #over and cook on low about / hours, About 1$ "inutes before beef is done+ prepare Kellow 9ice, 5hile rice is cooking+ increase cooker setting to high6 add corn, #over6 cook for $ "inutes, Add cabbage6 cover and cook until cabbage is bright green+ / to 13 "ore "inutes, Stir in cilantro6 season with salt and pepper, @adle soup into wide+ shallow bowls6 add a scoop of rice to each, 2E> 9I#>? 1 tablespoon salad oil 1 s"all onion+ finely chopped 1 cup long-grain white rice 1-. teaspoon ground tur"eric 1 3-. cups water Eeat oil in 2-%uart pan over "ediu" heat, Add the onion6 cook+ stirring until onion is soft but not browned+ 3 to $ "inutes!, Stir in the rice and tu"eric6 cook+ stirring occasionally+ for about 1 "inute, (our in the water and reduce heat to low and cook until rice is tender+ about 23 "inutes,

CROCKPOT COUNTRY CHICKEN STEW WITH BASIL DUMPLINGS 12 s"all white onions water 1 pound boneless skinless chicken thighs 1 pound bonless skinless chicken breasts halves 1-2 2ablespoon chopped fresh basil leaves or 1-2 teaspoon dried+ cru"bled! salt and pepper to taste 1 large red bell pepper cut into 1' s%uares (age 1.. of 2.$ #rockpot 9ecipes 2-16-2333 e-book?--(ages-crockpotPrecipes,ht" . cloves garlic - thinly sliced 2 cups canned chicken broth 1-3 cup dry white wine 2 2ablesppons all purpose flour 2 2ablespoon butter - roo" te"perature 1 pound fres asparagus - cut into 1-1-2' lengths 0L7(@I<:S? 1 cup butter"ilk and baking "i& 1-3 cup whole "ilk 1-. cup chopped fresh basil leaves or 1 2ablespoon dried+ cru"bled! 1, Lsing a sharp knife+ "ake a s"all X in the root end of each onion, Bring a saucepan of water to boil, Add the onions+ lower the heat+ and si""er for $ "inutes, 0rain and rinse under running cold water, Slip skins off onions, 2, 9inse chicken and pat dry, Iuarter the thighs and chicken breast halves, Stir in basil and seaons with salt and pepper, 3, (ut chicken pieces in a 3-1-2 %uart or larger crockery slow-cooker, 2op with onions+ bell peppers+ and garlic, (our in stock+ and wine, 0= <=2 sitr, #over and cook on @=5 for 6 - / hours or EI:E for 2 - 2-1-2 hours, ., Stir the stew, If cooking on @=5+ change setting to EI:E, In a s"all bowl+ blend together the flour and butter, Stir into slow-cooker, cook+ stirring until sauce begins to thicken+ about $ "inutes, Stir in asparagus, $, In "ediu" bowl+ co"bine du"pling ingredients until evenly "oistened, 0rop by 2ablespoons onto hot stew in 6 s"all rounds, #over and cook for another 2$ to 33 "inutes+ until du"plings are cooked through, Serve i""ediatelyJ

CROCKPOT COUNTRY STYLE RIBS AND KRAUT 12 o* sauerkraut brown sugar to taste 1-2 lbs country style ribs (lace the ribs in a crockpot, Sweeten the sauerkraut to taste with the brown sugar, #ook the" all day while at work and co"e ho"e to tender and delicious ribs and kraut, 7ash a potato and dinner is readyJ

CROCKPOT CRANAPPLE SAUCE 13-12 "ediu" apples 1-2 cups cranberry 8uice le"on 8uice -- use 1-. to 1-2 le"on 2 tbs sugar -- or up to 1-. cup if you want it sweet 1-. to 1-2 cup dried cranberries or 'craisins' sweetened dried cranberries! -5ash the apples and chop the" up without peeling, S%uee*e le"on 8uice over the" as you cut the", -(ut apples in crockpot with cranberry 8uice -- use 1 cup if you want the applesauce thick+ "ore if you want it thin, Stir in sugar to suit your taste, -@et apples stew on low for 6-/ hours, About an hour or two before serving+ stir in cranberries or craisins, All I found at "y store was craisins--since theyCre sweetened+ I used less sugar,! -2he applesauce is a very pretty pink and the cranberries ; 8uice give it a nice *ing, -As you can see+ the recipe is si"ple and forgiving -- let the apples stew a little longer or a little less -- the longer you stew the" the "ushier the applesauce will be, It war"s up nicely+ or you can eat it cold,

CROCKPOT CRANBERRIES 4 1 pkg, fresh cranberries 4 2 c, sugar 4 1-. c, water #o"bine cranberries with sugar and water in #rock (ot, #over and cook on high 2 to 3 hours until so"e pop, Serve with turkey or chicken,

CROCKPOT CRANBERRY CHICKEN 1 s"all onion+ thinly sliced 1 cup fresh or fro*en unthawed! cranberries 12 skinless+ boneless chicken thgihs about 2 1-. lbs, total! 1-. cup catsup 2 tablespoons fir"ly packed brown sugar 1 teaspoon dry "ustard 2 teaspoons cider vinegar 1 1-2 tablespoons cornstarch blended w-2 tablespoons cold water salt -In a 3-%uart or larger electric slow cooker+ co"bine onion+ cranberries, Arrange chicken on top, In s"all bowl+ "i& catsup+ sugar+ "ustard and vinegar and pour over chicken, #over, #ook at low setting until chicken is very tender when pierced 6 1-2 to 1 1-2 hours!, -@ift out chicken when done+ blend cornstarch "i&ture into cooking li%uid, Increase cooker heat setting to high6 cover and cook+ stirring 2 or 3 ti"es until sauce thickens 13 to 1$ "ore "inutes!, Season to taste with salt6 pour over chicken, 7akes 6 servings, -9>A@ 5=9@0 #==FI<:? I cooked at a higher heat setting than they did because I was in a hurry, I also did not re"ove the chicken+ 8ust threw the cornstarch in and stirred it in and then cranked up the heat a bit, 0idnCt stir again "ore than once, 2hen du"ped it onto a big platter, It was fine, I also chose to use 1 chicken breasts instead of the 12 thighs, It also didnCt take as long as 6 1-2 hours,

CROCKPOT CRANBERRY PORK 1 16 ounce! can cranberry sauce 1-3 cup )rench salad dressing 1 onion+ sliced 3 pounds pork roast In a "ediu" bowl+ co"bine the cranberry sauce+ salad dressing and onions, (lace pork in a slow cooker and pour the sauce over the pork, #ook on high setting for . hours =9 on low setting for / hours, (ork is done when its internal te"perature has reached 163D) 13D#!,

CROCKPOT CRANBERRY PORK ROAST Serves? . to 6 . "ediu" potatoes+ peeled and cut into 1' chunks =ne 3-pound boneless center-cut pork loin roast+ rolled and tied 1 can 16 ounces! whole-berry cranberry sauce 1 can $,$ ounces! apricot nectar (age 1.1 of 2.$ #rockpot 9ecipes 2-16-2333 e-book?--(ages-crockpotPrecipes,ht" 1 "ediu" onion+ coarsely chopped 1-2 cup coarsely chopped dried apricots 1-2 cup sugar 1 teaspoon dry "ustard 1-. teaspoon crushed red pepper (lace the potatoes in a 3 1-2-%uart or larger! slow cooker+ then place the roast over the potatoes, In a large bowl+ co"bine the re"aining ingredients6 "i& well and pour over the roast, #over and cook on the low setting for $ to 6 hours, 9e"ove the roast to a cutting board and thinly slice, Serve with the potatoes and sauce,

CROCKPOT CRAZY STANDING UP PORK CHOPS Kield? . servings . @oin pork chops -- lean 2 "d =nions -- sliced 1 ts Butter Salt ; (epper -- to taste Spices of your choice Stand chops in crockpot+ thin side down, Sprinkle with salt+ pepper and spices of your choice, #over with the onion slices+ which have been separated into rings, (lace butter on top+ and cook on @=5 heat for 6 to / hours+ or until chops are tender and onions are done, 2he result is "oist+ tender chops with a deep brown color as if broiled in the oven,

CROCKPOT CREAM CHEESE CHICKEN 1 frying chicken -- cut up 2 tablespoons "elted butter or "argarine salt ; pepper -- to taste 2 tablespoons dry Italian salad dressing 1 can condensed "ushroo" soup 6 ounces crea" cheese6 -- cut in 1' cubes 1-2 cup sauterne wine or sherry (age 1./ of 2.$ #rockpot 9ecipes 2-16-2333 e-book?--(ages-crockpotPrecipes,ht" 1 tablespoon onion -- "inced Brush chicken with butter and sprinkle with salt and pepper, (lace in a crockpot and sprinkle dry "i& over all, #over and cook on low for 6 - 1 hours, About .$ "inutes before done+ "i& soup+ crea" cheese+ wine+ and onion in a s"all saucepan, #ook until s"ooth, (our over the chicken and cover and cook another .$ "inutes, Serve with sauce,

CROCKPOT CREAM OF SWEET POTATO SOUP 3 Sweet potatoes+ peeled and sliced 2 c #hicken bouillon 1 ts Sugar 1-/ ts >ach ground cloves and nut"eg Salt to taste 1 1-2 c @ight crea"+ half-and-half+ or "ilk (ut sweet potatoes and bouillon in cooker, #over and cook on high 2 to 3 hours or until potatoes are tender, )orce potatoes and li%uid through food "ill or puree in blender, (ut back in cooker with re"aining ingredients, #over and cook on high 1 to 2 hours, Serve hot or chilled with a dollop of sour crea" if desired, 7akes about 1 %uart,

CROCKPOT CREAMY CHICKEN DINNER . boneless-skinless chicken breasts seasoned with garlic powder+ onion powder and season salt 1 large can crea" of chicken soup 2 cans crea" of "ushroo" soup 3-. c fro*en cut carrots 3-. c fro*en green beans 0u"p it all in the crockpot and cook it about 1 hours on low, Add 2 cups of "inute rice to it the last $ "inutes before dinner,

CROCKPOT CREAMY HASH BROWNS 1 2-lb pkg fro*en cubed hash brown potatoes / o* shredded or cubed Gelveeta 16 o* sour crea" 1 can crea" of celery soup 1 can crea" of chicken soup 1 lb bacon+ cooked ; cru"bled 1 lg onion+ chopped I o"itted this! 1-. # butter or "argarine+ "elted 1-. tsp pepper I used alot "ore and also added so"e salt! (lace potatoes in an ungreased crockpot, In a bowl+ co"bine the re"aining ingredients, (our over potatoes and "i& well, #over and cook on low for .-$ hours until potatoes are tender and heated through!, Kou can serve it with biscuits and fruit salad,

CROCKPOT CREAMY ORANGE CHEESECAKE Crust: 3-. cup cookie or graha" cracker cru"bs 2 tablespoons sugar 3 tablespoons "elted butter F !! "#: 16 ounces crea" cheese light! 2-3 cup sugar 2 eggs 1 egg yolk 1-. cup fro*en orange 8uice concentrate+ thawed 1 teaspoon orange or le"on *est+ or dried grated rind 1 tablespoon flour 1-2 teaspoon vanilla -#o"bine cru"bs with sugar6 "i& in "elted butter until well "oistened, (at into a (age 1$3 of 2.$ #rockpot 9ecipes 2-16-2333 e-book?--(ages-crockpotPrecipes,ht" 1-inch springfor" pan, -In a "ediu" bowl+ crea" together the crea" cheese and sugar, Add eggs and yolk and beat for about 3 "inutes on "ediu" with a hand-held electric "i&er, Beat in orange 8uice+ *est+ flour+ and vanilla, Beat for another 2 "inutes, (our batter into prepared crust6 place on a rack or alu"inu" foil ring in the crockery cooker so it doesnCt rest on the botto" of the pot!, #over and cook on high for 2 1-2 to 3 hours, 2urn off and leave for 1 to 2 hours+ until cool enough to re"ove, #ool co"pletely and re"ove the sides of the pan, #hill before serving+ and store leftovers in the refrigerator,

CROCKPOT CREAMY RED POTATOES 2 lbs s"all red potatoes+ %uartered 2 / o*! pkgs, crea" cheese+ softened 1 can crea" of potato soup+ undiluted 1 envelope rance salad dressing "i& (lace potatoes in crockpot, In a s"all bowl+ beat crea" cheese+ soup and salad dressing+ "i&, Stir into potatoes, #over and cook on low for / hours or until potatoes are tender, Also add about a tablespoon of "ilk,

CROCKPOT CREAMY SPINACH N8ODLE CASSEROLE Served alongside baked or roasted chicken+ this delicious side dish will please every person at your dinner table, )eel free to use low-fat sour crea" and cottage cheese or increase the a"ount of hot sauceJ 7akes appro&i"ately $ side servings, / ounces dry spinach noodles 2 tbsp, vegetable oil 1 1-2 cups sour crea" 1-3 cup all-purpose flour 1 1-2 cups cottage cheese . green onions+ "inced 2 tsp, 5orcestershire sauce 1 dash hot pepper sauce 2 tsp, garlic salt -#ook noodles in a pot of salted+ boiling water until 8ust tender, 0rain and rinse with cold water, 2oss with vegetable oil, -#o"bine sour crea" and flour in a large bowl+ "i&ing well, Stir in cottage cheese+ green onions+ 5orcestershire sauce+ hot pepper sauce and garlic salt, )old noodles into "i&ture until well co"bined, -:enerously grease the inside of a slow cooker and pour in noodle "i&ture, #over and cook on high for 1 1-2 to 2 hours,

CROCKPOT CREOLE BLACK BEANS 1 to 2 pounds S"oked sausage+ cut into 1' slices 3 1$ o* cans black beans+ drained 1 1-2 cups =nions -- chopped 1 1-2 cups :reen pepper+ chopped 1 1-2 cups #elery+ chopped 3 cloves :arlic+ "inced 2 teaspoons @eaf thy"e 1 1-2 teaspoons @eaf oregano 1 1-2 teaspoons 5hite pepper 1-. teaspoon Black pepper 1-. teaspoon #ayenne pepper 1 #hicken bouillon cube $ Bay leaves 1 can /-o*, to"ato sauce 1 cup 5ater Eot boiled rice -Brown sausage in a skillet over "ed, heat, 0rain fat and transfer to crockpot, #o"bine re"aining ingredients in crockpot, #over and cook on low / hrs, or on high . hrs, 9e"ove bay leaves, Serve over cooked rice, Serves 6 to /,

CROCKPOT CREOLE CHICKEN / chicken thighs I used 3 big breasts! 1 can diced to"atoes I used 1 can whole to"atoes chopped up! 1 can to"ato paste I used 1 can 9otel drained! 1 chopped bell pepper 1 chopped onion chopped ha" I used one thick slice ha" chopped up! diced sausage I left this out only because I didnCt have any! 2abasco sauce to taste I left this out! -2hrow it all in the crock and cook on low .-$ hours, I thickened it a little at the end with cornstarch, I served it over brown rice, 2he ha" gave it really good flavor, 5e really liked it,

CROCKPOT CRYSTAL9S LEFTO.ER PORK ROAST CASSEROLE 1 package cooked noodles any type is fine! 1 package beans any type is fine! Beef Boullion 1 package long grain and wild rice I prefer Lncle BenCs! 3 potatoes+ cut into 1' cubes @eftover pork fro" your roast or any other leftover "eat reallyJ! Salt and (epper to taste -)ill your crockpot a little "ore than half way with water+ then flavor it with the beef boullion to taste, Add the sliced up potatoes+ beans and rice, #ook until potatoes and rice are done+ "ost of the day on low or half of the day on high, Add the pork and let that cook while you boil the noodles, Add the noodles to the pot when theyCre done, @et cook for $ to 13 "ore "inutes and serve,

CROCKPOT CUSTARD 3 eggs+ lightly beaten 1-3 cup sugar 1 teaspoon vanilla 2 cups "ilk 1-. teaspoon ground nut"eg In a "i&ing bowl co"bine eggs+ sugar+ vanilla and "ilk6 "i& well, (our into a lightly buttered 1- or 1 1-2-%uart baking dish or souffle which will fit in the slow cooker-#rock (ot+ and sprinkle with the nut"eg, (lace a rack or ring of alu"inu" foil in the slow cooker-#rock (ot+ then add 1 1-2 to 2 cups of hot water to the pot, #over the baking dish with alu"inu" foil and place on the rack in the slow cooker-#rock (ot, #over and cook on high for 2 1-2 to 3 hours+ or until set, Serves . to 6,

CROCKPOT DRESSING 1 / inch! pan cornbread / slices dry white bread . eggs 2 c, chicken broth 2 cans crea" of chicken soup 1 tsp, sage 1-2 tsp, black pepper #elery to taste 1 "ed, onion 2 tbsp, butter 7i& ingredients e&cept butter, (lace in crock pot, 0ot butter on top, #ook 2 hours on Eigh then . hours on low,

CROCKPOT FRUIT DESSERT 4 3 :rapefruit+ peeled 4 sectioned 4 1 can 11 o*! "andarin orange+ sections+ drained 4 1 can 16 o*! fruit cocktail+ well drained 4 1 can 23 o*! pineapple chunks+ well drained 4 1 can 16 o*! sliced peaches+ well drained 4 3 Bananas+ sliced 4 1 tablespoon @e"on 8uice 4 1 can 21 o*! cherry pie filling (lace all ingredients in cooker, 2oss gently, #over and cook on low about . hours, 7akes about 2 %uarts,

CROCKPOT HAMBURGER CASSEROLE 2 lbs, browned ground beef 3 carrots+ peeled and sliced 2 onions+ sliced . potatoes+ peeled and sliced 1 can peas+ drained 2 stalks celery+ diced 1 can crea" of chicken soup 1 can water (lace potatoes in botto" of crockpot+ top with carrots and other vegetables, (lace ground beef on top, #o"bine soup and water and pour over ground beef, #over and cook on low for 6 to / hours,

CROCKPOT HAMBURGER-SAUSAGE DIP 4 1 pound ground chuck 4 1 cup picante sauce 4 1 can crea" of "ushroo" soup 4 2 pound Gelveeta cheese,,,cut into pieces 4 1 pound pork sausage 4 1 teaspoon garlic powder 4 1 can 9otel to"atoes 4 3-. teaspoon oregano #o"bine picante sauce+ garlic powder+ soup+ to"atoes+ oregano and cheese in #rock (ot, Brown ground chuck and sausage until it is done, 0rain very well and place in slow cooker-#rock (ot, #ook on low until cheese is "elted, Serve with your favorite chips,

CROCKPOT HOT DIP 4 1 pound Italian Sausage - hot 4 1 pounds velveeta - 7e&ican type - hot 4 1 can rotel to"atoes drained! 4 1 8ar pace picante sauce - hot 4 1 8alapeno pepper - finely diced - -Brown sausage and drain along with 8alapeno pepper, - -Add to slow cooker-#rock (ot with other ingredients and si""er on low for 1 hour or "ore until "elted and blended, - -Serve with tortilla strips or chips+ large )ritos corn chips+ or even lightly toasted and cubed sourdough bread,

CROCKPOT 1AMBALAYA 4 1 pound #hicken breasts+ boneless 4 - cut in 1' cubes 4 1 pound S"oked sausage+ sliced 4 1 pound Shri"p+ cooked 4 2/ ounces #rushed to"atoes 4 1 "d =nion+ chopped 4 1 :reen pepper+ chopped 4 1 cup #hicken broth 4 1-2 cup 5hite wine 4 2 teaspoons =regano 4 2 teaspoons (arsley 4 2 teaspoons #a8un seasoning 4 1 teaspoon #ayenne pepper 4 2 cups 9ice+ cooked #ut chicken and slice sausage, #hop onion and green pepper, (ut all in slow cooker-#rock (ot, Add re"aining ingredients+ e&cept shri"p and rice, #ook in slow cooker-#rock (ot on low for 6-/ hours, 33 "inutes before eating+ add cooked shri"p and cooked rice6 allow to heat, #an be cooked on high for 3-. hours instead,

CROCKPOT LASAGNA 1 pkg, pepperoni slices 1 lb, ha"burger 1 onion+ diced 1 green pepper+ diced 1 can "ushroo"s 1 pkg, kluski noodles 1 lg, 8ar pi**a sauce 1 lg, 8ar spaghetti sauce 1 pkg, each shredded #olby ; 7o**arella cheese #ook together ha"burger+ onion+ green pepper and "ushroo"s, @ayer this with the rest of the ingredients in the crock pot, #ook on high for 2 to 3 hours,

CROCKPOT LITTLE SMOKIES 4 2 packages #ocktail wieners 4 1 7ediu" bottle chili sauce 4 1 7ediu" 8ar grape 8elly #o"bine in #rock (ot and cook on low 6 to / hours,

CROCKPOT MACARONI AND CHEESE 4 1 16 o*,! pkg, "acaroni+ cooked ; drained 4 1 tbsp, salad oil 4 1 13 o*,! can evaporated "ilk 4 1 1-2 c, "ilk 4 1 tsp, salt 4 3 c, shredded sharp cheddar cheese 4 1-2 c, "elted butter @ightly grease #rock (ot, 2oss "acaroni and oil, Add all re"aining ingredients, Stir+ cover and cook on low 3 to . hours+ stirring occasionally,

CROCKPOT MEATBALLS 4 2 pounds Ea"burger 4 1 cup Breadcru"bs 4 1 each >gg 4 :rated (ar"esan cheese 4 (arsley and oregano 4 =nion and garlic powder 4 7ilk 4 1 can Beer 4 1 bottle Fetchup+ regular si*e 7i& ha"burg+ breadcru"bs+ egg+ seasonings and "ilk together, 7ake s"all "eatballs, 7i& ketchup and beer in the #rock (ot and start to heat, Kou can put the raw "eatballs into the sauce and si""er for several hours, I like to bake the "eatballs first to get out "ost of the grease,

CROCKPOT POTATO SOUP 6-/ potatoes+ chunked 2 "ed, carrots+ cubed 2 stalks celery+ cubed 1 "ed, onion+ chopped 1 tbsp, parsley flakes $ c, water Salt and pepper to taste #ook in crock pot on low for / hours or until vegetables are done, =ne hour before serving+ add one can of evaporated "ilk,

CROCKPOT ROAST 2 1-2 lb, #huck roast 2 packets dry Italian dressing "i& =9 9anch dressing "i& 1 cup water (lace beef in #(+ sprinkle seasonings over "eat+ pour water over all, #ook on low 6-/ hours or until "eat shreds easily,

CROCKPOT SCRABBLE 4 2 cups wheat che& 4 2 cups corn che& 4 2 cups rice che& 4 3 cups thin pret*el sticks 4 1 13 ounce can or 8ar of salted peanuts or asst, "i&ed nuts 4 1 teaspoon garlic salt 4 1 teaspoon celery salt 4 1-2 teaspoon seasoned salt 4 2 tablespoons grated par"esan cheese 4 1-3 cup "elted butter 4 1-3 cup worcestershire sauce 1, In large double! paper bag+ "i& together pret*els+ cereals+ and nuts along with the garlic salt+ celery salt+ seasoned salt+ and grated cheese, 2, >"pty bag into large "i&ing bowl and sprinkle the "elted butter and worcestershire sauce over all "i&ing gently with your hands, 3, >"pty bowl into slow cooker-#rock (ot and cook on low for 3 or . hours, ., 2ear open paper bags you used to originally "i& the scrabble and spread the" out onto a counter, $, Spread heated slow cooker-#rock (ot scrabble onto torn open bags and let dry for a "ini"u" of one hour letting the paper absorb any e&cess "oisture, 6, Store in 9ubber"aid or 2upperware type airtight containers, Feeps for several weeks without going stale,

CROCKPOT SPAGHETTI SAUCE . tbsp, cooking oil 1 s", onion+ finely chopped 1 1$ 1-2 o*,! can to"ato sauce 1 1-2 c, water 1-2 tsp, pepper 1-2 tsp, red pepper+ optional 1 lb, ground beef 1 2B o*,! can to"ato puree 1 6 o*,! can to"ato paste 1 tsp, salt 1-2 tsp, oregano 2 lbs, sausage Italian links or country style! Brown ground beef in 2 tablespoon hot oil in frying pan, 5hen al"ost browned+ add onion and continue browning until onion is tender, (our "eat and onion into 3 H %uart crockpot, Add puree+ sauce+ paste+ water+ salt+ pepper and oregano and set dial on low setting, #ut 2 lbs, sausage into pieces and brown in re"aining 2 tablespoons oil, 5hen brown+ place sausages in sauce in crockpot, #ontinue cooking for 12 hours, If you like your sauce sweeter+ you could add 1-. to 1-2 cup sugar to this,!

CROCKPOT SPICY DIP 4 2 lb, Gelveeta cheese 4 2 lb, ha"burger+ cooked and drained 4 1 lg, 8ar =ld >l (aso taco sauce or 9otel to"atoes! 4 1 lg, onion+ chopped fine 7i& all together in #rock (ot where cheese will "elt and all will re"aining war",

CROCKPOT SPLIT PEA SOUP 1 16 o*,! pkg, dried green split peas+ rinsed 1 ha"bone+ or 2 "eaty ha"hocks+ or 2 c, diced ha" 3 carrots+ peeled ; sliced 1 "ed, onion+ chopped 2 stalks of celery plus leaves+ chopped 1 or 2 cloves of garlic+ "inced 1 bay leaf 1-. c, fresh parsley+ chopped optional! 1 tbsp, seasoned salt or to taste! 1-2 tsp, fresh pepper 1 1-2 %ts, hot water @ayer ingredients in slow cooker+ pour in water, 0= <=2 S2I9, #over and cook on high . to $ hours or on low / to 13 hours until peas are very soft and ha" falls off bone, 9e"ove bones and bay leaf, Serve garnished with croutons, 4)ree*es well,

CROCKPOT SWISS STEAK 1 1-2 - 2 lb, round steak 2 tbsp, flour 1 sliced green pepper 1 tsp, salt 1-/ tsp, pepper 2 tbsp, salad oil 1 lg, onion+ sliced 1 16 o*,! can to"atoes+ cut up 1 stalk celery+ thinly sliced 1 tbsp, thick bottled steak sauce #ut steak into serving si*e pieces, #oat with flour+ salt and pepper, In large skillet or slow cooking pot with browning unit+ brown "eat in oil, (our off e&cessive fat, In slow cooking pot+ co"bine "eat with to"atoes+ onion+ green pepper and steak sauce, #over pot and cook on low for 6 to / hours or until tender, 2hicken 8uices with additional flour+ dissolved in a s"all a"ount of water+ if desired, 7akes $ or 6 servings, Serve with "ashed potatoes,

CROCKPOT TENDERLOIN TIPS 1 lb, tenderloin tips 1 can "ushroo" soup 1 pkg, onion soup "i& 1-. c, water #o"bine ingredients in crock pot, #ook / hours, Serve over noodles,

CROCKPOT TURKEY MEATBALLS 4 1 1-2 cups barbecue sauce your favorite! 4 13 ounces Apple 8elly 4 2 tablespoons 2apioca for thick sauce if desired! 4 1 tablespoon Ginegar 4 1 >gg+ beaten 4 1-. cup Seasoned bread cru"bs+ fine 4 2 tablespoons 7ilk 4 1-. teaspoon :arlic powder 4 1-. teaspoon salt 4 1-. teaspoon onion powder 4 1 pound :round turkey 4 <on-stick vegetable spray In 3 1-2 or . %uart crockery cooker? stir together barbecue sauce+ 8elly+ tapioca if used!+ and vinegar, #over6 cook on high-heat setting while preparing "eatballs, )or "eatballs+ in large bowl co"bine egg+ bread cru"bs+ "ilk+ garlic powder+ salt+ and onion powder, Add ground turkey and "i& well, Shape into 1-2 to 3-.-inch "eatballs, Spray a 12-inch non-stick skillet6 add "eatballs and brown on all sides over "ed, heat, 0rain "eatballs, Add "eatballs to crock pot6 stir gently, #over6 cook on high heat setting for 1 1-2 to 2 hours, 7akes 33 "eatballs, <ote? for $ or 6-%uart #rock (ot+ double all ingredients, (repare as above, 7akes 63 "eatballs,

CROCKPOT TURKEY SANDWICHES 6 c, diced turkey 3 c, diced cheese A"erican or Gelveeta! 1 can crea" of "ushroo" soup 1 can crea" of chicken soup 1 onion+ chopped 1-2 c, 7iracle 5hip 7i& all of above and put in #rock (ot for 3-. hours, Stir occasionally, Add li%uid+ if needed, Serve with buns,

CURRIED FRUIT BAKE 1 package (runes+ 16 o*! pitted 1 package 0ried apricots 11 o*! 2 cans (ineapple chunks 13 1-2 o*! drained 1 can (eaches6 sliced 1 lb 13 o*! 1 cup Brown sugar 1-2 teaspoon #urry powder 1. ounces :inger ale #o"bine all ingredients in re"ovable liner, (lace in base, #over and cook on low .-$ hours or auto 3 hours,

DUMPLING SOUP 4 1 lb, lean steak+ cut into 1' cubes 4 1 pkg, onion soup "i& 4 6 c, water hot! 4 2 carrots+ peeled ; shredded 4 1 stalk finely chopped celery 4 1 to"ato+ peeled ; chopped 4 1 c, pkg, biscuit "i& 4 6 tbsp, "ilk 4 1 tbsp, finely chopped parsley 5ith pot on low+ sprinkle steak with dry onion soup "i&, (our hot water over steak, Stir in carrots+ celery and to"ato, #over and cook on low .-6 hours or until "eat is tender, 2urn pot control to EI:E, In separate s"all bowl+ co"bine biscuit "i& with parsley, Stir in "ilk with fork until "i&ture is "oistened, 0rop du"pling "i&ture into #rock (ot with a teaspoon, #over and cook on high for about 33 "inutes, $-6 servings,

EASY CHOCOLATE CLUSTERS 4 2 pounds white candy coating + broken into s"all pieces 4 2 cups se"isweet chocolate chips 4 1 pkg, . o*! :er"an sweet chocolate 4 1 8ar 2. o* ! dry roasted peanuts In a slow cooker+ co"bine candy coating+ :er"an chocolate and chocolate chips, #over and cook on high for 1 hour+ then reduce heat to low, #over and cook 1 hour longer or until "elted+ stirring every 1$ "inutes, Add peanuts and "i& well, 0rop by teaspoonfuls onto wa&ed paper6 let stand until set, Store at roo" te"perature, 7akes about 3 1-2 do*en,

EGGPLANT PARMIGIANA 4 . large >ggplant 4 2 >ggs 4 1-3 cup 5ater 4 3 tablespoons )lour 4 1-3 cup Seasoned bread cru"bs 4 1-2 cup (ar"esan cheese 4 1 can 7arinara sauce+ 2 lb 4 1 pound 7o**arella cheese+ sliced 4 =live oil+ e&tra virgin (are eggplant and cut in 1-2 inch slices6 place in bowl in layers and sprinkle each layer with salt and let stand 33 "inutes to drain e&cess water6 dry on paper towels, 7i& egg with water and flour, 0ip eggplant slices in "i&ture+ drain slightly, Saute a few slices at a ti"e %uickly in hot olive oil, #o"bine seasoned bread cru"bs with the (ar"esan cheese, In re"ovable liner+ layer one-fourth of the eggplant+ top with one-fourth of the cru"bs+ one-fourth of the "arinara sauce and one-fourth of the "o**arella cheese, 9epeat three ti"es to "ake four layers of eggplant+ cru"bs+ sauce and "o**arella cheese, (lace liner in base, #over and cook on low .-$ hours or auto 3 hours,

FA.ORITE CROCKPOT CHILI 2 lbs, coarsely ground beef chuck 2 16 o*,! cans red kidney beans+ drained 2 1. 1-2 o*,! cans to"atoes+ drained 2 "ed, onions+ coarsely chopped 1 green pepper+ seeded and coarsely chopped 2 cloves garlic+ peel and crushed 2-3 tbsp, chili powder 1 tsp, black pepper 1 tsp, cu"in Salt and pepper to taste In a large+ preferably non-stick+ saucepan brown the chuck and drain off the fat, (ut the ground beef and other ingredients in a 3 1-2 to . %uart #rock (ot, If you have a s"all #rock (ot+ cut the recipe in half, Stir well, #over and cook on low for 13-12 hours, 7akes 12 cups of chili

FIESTA CHICKEN 4 2 tablespoons oil 4 3 pounds boneless+ skinless chicken breasts+ cut into 1-inch pieces 4 1 "ediu" onion+ chopped 4 1 teaspoon oregano 4 1 s"all 8alapeno pepper+ finely chopped 4 3 cloves garlic+ "inced 4 1 can 1. 1-2 ounce! 7e&ican style diced to"atoes 4 1-. teaspoon ground cu"in Eeat oil in skillet, #ook chicken pieces until browned, 9e"ove and drain, (lace onion+ green bell pepper+ garlic and 8alapeno pepper in skillet and saute until slightly cooked, Add all ingredients to crockpot and stir to co"bine, #over6 cook on @=5 / hours EI:E . hours!, Serve on flour tortillas,

FRANKS IN SPICY TOMATO SAUCE 4 1 cup ketchup 4 1-2 cup fir"ly packed brown sugar 4 1 tablespoon red wine vinegar 4 2 teaspoons soy sauce 4 1 teaspoon 0i8on "ustard 4 1 clove garlic+ "inced 4 1 pound beef or chicken frankfurters+ cut into 1' pieces (lace ketchup+ brown sugar+ vinegar+ soy sauce+ "ustard+ and garlic in the crockery pot, #over and cook on Eigh until blended, Stir occasionally, Add frankfurters and stir to coat, #ook until thoroughly blended, Serve with toothpicks or wooden skewers to spear franks,

FRESH APPLE COFFEECAKE 2 cups biscuit "i& 2-3 cup applesauce 1-. cup "ilk 2 tablespoons sugar 2 tablespoons butter or "argarine+ softened or "elted 2 apples+ peeled+ cored and diced 1 teaspoon cinna"on 1 teaspoon vanilla 1 egg egg+ lightly beaten Str&us&! 1-. cup biscuit "i& 1-. cup brown sugar 2 tablespoons fir" butter or "argarine 1 teaspoon cinna"on 1-. cup chopped nuts+ if desired #o"bine first B ingredients, Spread in a lightly greased 3 1-2 %uart #rock (ot or spread in a lightly greased baking dish which fits in a larger si*ed #rock (ot!, #o"bine streusel ingredients with a fork or pastry blender6 sprinkle over the batter, #over and cook on high for about 2 1-2 hours+ until a toothpick inserted in the center co"es out clean, Lncover and let cool in the pot, 5hen cool enough to handle+ loosen the sides and lift out carefully with a fle&ible spatula+ or loosen sides and invert the pot slightly and re"ove with your hand you could hold a s"all piece of foil or wa&ed paper!,

FRIED APPLES Lse these apples as a topping+ a filling+ or alone topped with whipped crea", 4 3 pounds :ranny S"ith apples+ peeled+ cored+ and sliced 4 1 teaspoon cinna"on 4 dash of fresh grated nut"eg+ optional 4 3 tablespoons cornstarch 4 1 cup granulated sugar 4 1 to 2 tablespoons of butter+ cut in s"all pieces (lace apple slices in the slow cooker-#rock (ot6 stir in re"aining ingredients and dot with the butter, #over and cook on low for about 6 hours+ or until apples are tender but not "ushy, Stir about halfway through cooking, 7akes 2 1-2 to 3 cups,

GARLIC CHICKEN WITH CABBAGE 1 whole chicken 1-2-to 1whole red or white onion chopped 3-/ garlic cloves or use garlic salt-powder to you liking salt and pepper to taste Season chicken and place in slow cooker-#rock (ot, Add onion and garlice cloves and salt and pepper, )ill slow cooker-#rock (ot 1-.-way with water+ cover and cook on high 6-/ hours, 2he chicken should fall off of the bone, 0uring the last hour of cooking the chicken+ cut up 1 head of green cabbage,,,I use red also,,,core re"oved, (lace in a large pot of pan with a shallow a"ount of water,,,1-2-to 1-cup, Add two tablespoons of butter or "argarine and sprinkle liberally with garlic salt and pepper, #over and cook on "ed-high heat for 23-33 "inutes, =nce chicken and cabbage are done+ place so"e cabbage in a bowl and top with chicken and so"e of the chicken broth, 2alk about yu""y, Kou can alter any of the seasonings and the butter or "argarine to your satisfaction,

GARLIC PEPPER CHICKEN PARMESAN . chicken leg %uarters 2 2bsp, 7rs, 0ashCs :allant :arlics 9oasted :arlic (epper seasoning 1 can 0el 7onte Mucchini with 2o"ato Sauce 3 o*, shredded "o**arella cheese (ut chicken in pot, Sprinkle with seasoning, (our *ucchini with to"ato sauce over chicken, #ook for 6 hours on high, Sprinkle with cheese and cook until cheese "elts - about 33 "ins,

GARLIC ROASTED CHICKEN $ pound 9oasting chicken Salt (epper (aprika $ :arlic cloves+ "inced 1-. pound Sweet butter 1-2 cup #hicken broth Sprinkle the chicken+ inside and out+ with salt+ pepper and paprika, Spread half of the garlic in the cavity and spread the rest on the outside of the bird, (lace the bird in the slow cooker-#rock (ot and place a few pats of butter on its breast, Add the re"aining ingredients and cook on low for 6 to / hours, Serve the garlic butter sauce with the chicken,

GERMAN POTATO SALAD 4 2 potatoes+ sliced 4 1-2 c, onions+ chopped 4 1-2 c, celery sliced 4 1-. c, green peppers+ diced 4 1-. c, vinegar 4 1-. c, oil 4 #hopped parsley 4 Sliced bacon+ cooked and cru"bled #o"bine all ingredients e&cept parsley and bacon, Add salt and pepper to taste, Stir and cook for $-6 hours in #rock (ot, Add sugar if needed, :arnish with bacon and parsley,

GINGER BROWN BREAD 4 1 1.-o*,! pkg, gingerbread "i& 4 1-. cup yellow corn "eal 4 1 tsp, salt 4 1-1-2 cups "ilk 4 1-2 cup raisins #o"bine gingerbread "i& with corn "eal and salt in large bowl6 stir in "ilk until "i&ture is evenly "oist, Beat at "ediu" speed with electric "i&er for 2 "in, Stir in raisins, (our into a greased and floured 1 or 1 cup "old, #over with foil and tie, (ut a trivet or "etal rack in #rock (ot, (our 2 cups hot water in the pot, (lace the filled "old on the rack or the trivet, #over the pot and cook on high for 3 - . hours or until the bread is done, 9e"ove fro" pot and cool on a rack for $ "in, @oosen the edges with a knife and turn out on a rack and cool slightly, Serve war" with butter or crea" cheese,

GLAZED COCKTAIL SAUSAGES 4 3-. cup apricot preserves 4 1-. cup prepared yellow "ustard 4 2 scallions chopped 4 1-2 pound precooked "ini s"oked sausages the ones with cheese in the" will work also! In a 1-%uart "ini electric slow cooker6 "i& together the preserves and "ustard, Stir in scallions and sausages, #over+ plug in the cooker and cook for 3 hours or until very hot, 9e"ove the cover+ stir to "i& and serve i""ediately with toothpicks6 keep the heat on for another 33-63 "inutes if desired while serving,

GRAPE 1ELLY MEATBALLS 4 1 1-2 cups chili sauce 4 1 cup grape 8elly can use currant 8elly! 4 1 to 3 teaspoons 0i8on "ustard 4 1 pound lean ground beef 4 1 egg+ lightly beaten 4 3 tablespoons fine dry bread cru"bs 4 1-2 teaspoon salt #o"bine chili sauce+ 8elly+ and "ustard in #rock (ot and stir well, #ook+ covered+ on high while preparing "eatballs, #o"bine re"aining ingredients and "i& thoroughly, Shape into 33 "eatballs, Bake "eatballs in a preheated .33 degree oven for 1$ to 23 "inutes6 drain well, Add "eatballs to sauce+ stir to coat+ cover and cook on low for 6 to 13 hours,

GREEK CHICKEN 6 skinless chicken breasts 1 lg, can to"ato sauce 1 s", can to"ato puree 1 can sliced "ushroo"s 1 can ripe olives 1 tbsp, garlic 1 tbsp, le"on 8uice 1 tsp, oregano 1 onion+ chopped 1-2 c, wine or brandy optional! 2 c, rice Salt to taste 5ash and re"ove fat fro" chicken, Bake in 3$3 degree oven for about an hour, 7eanwhile+ co"bine all other ingredients e&cept rice!, (ut chicken and sauce in a slow cooker-#rock (ot on low heat and cook for at least . hours to blend flavors, Before serving+ cook rice according to directions on bo&, Serve chicken and sauce over rice, Serves 6,

GREEK STEW 3 pounds of stewing beef 1 1-2 pounds s"all onions about 1! 3 cloves garlic+ "inced 1- 2/ o*, can to"atoes 1-2 cup beef stock 1- $ 1-2 o*, can to"ato paste 2 2BS red wine vinegar 2 tsp dried oregano 1-2 tsp each salt ; pepper 1-2 cup all purpose flour 1-2 cup cold water 1 sweet green pepper+ chopped 1-2 cup cru"bled feta cheese 2 2bsp, chopped fresh parsley #ut beef into 1 inch cubes+ tri""ing off any fat #ut onions into wedges leaving root end intact, (ut "eat ; onions into slow cooker along with garlic ; to"atoes, #o"bine beef stock+ vinegar+ oregano+ salt ; pepper and add to slow cooker+ stirring gently to blend, #ook on @ow for /-B hours or Eigh for 6 hours, Add flour ; water "i&ture and chopped green pepper, #ook on high for 1$ "inutes or until thickened, Serve sprinkled with feta ; parsley,

GREEN BEAN AND POTATO CASSEROLE 4 About 6 cups fresh tri""ed and cut green beans about 2 pounds! or 2 16-ounce packages fro*en cut green beans 4 . to 6 "ediu" red-skinned potatoes+ sliced about 1-.-inch 4 1 large onion+ sliced 4 1 teaspoon dried dill weed 4 1 teaspoon salt 4 1-2 teaspoon pepper 4 1 can crea" of chicken soup or other crea" soup+ undiluted+ or use about 1 cup of ho"e"ade seasoned white sauce+ veloutU or cheese sauce 4 "argarine Spray the crockpot with cooking spray or lightly grease with butter or "argarine, @ayer sliced potatoes+ sliced onion and green beans+ sprinkling with dill and salt and pepper as you go, 0ot with "argarine+ about 1 tablespoon total+ and add about 2 tablespoons of water, #over and cook on EI:E for . hours @=5+ about / hours!, Stir in soup or sauce6 turn to @=5 and cook an additional 33 "inutes or leave on 5A97 S"art-(ot! until serving ti"e or up to . hours, Serves 6 to /, <ote? Add bits of cooked bacon for e&tra flavor,

GREEN CHILE-STUFFED CHICKEN BREASTS 5ith the cheese "i&ture in the center+ these chicken breasts co"e out tender and "oist, 4 . boneless+ skinned chicken breast halves+ pounded thin 4 3 ounces crea" cheese 4 3-. cups shredded #heddar or 7onterey Aack cheese 4 . ounces green chiles 4 1-2 teaspoon chili powder 4 salt and pepper to taste 4 1 can crea" of "ushroo" soup 4 1-2 cup hot enchilada sauce #o"bine crea" cheese+ shredded cheese+ chiles+ chili powder and salt and pepper, (lace a generous dollop on each flattened chicken breast+ then roll up, (lace chicken rolls in the slow cooker-#rock (ot+ sea"-side down, 2op chicken breast rolls with re"aining cheese "i&ture+ soup+ and enchilada sauce, #over and cook on @=5 for 6 to 1 hours, Serves .,

HAMBURGER DIP 4 2 pounds lean ground beef 4 1 cup chopped onion 4 2 cloves garlic+ "inced or 1-. teaspoon garlic powder 4 salt to taste 4 2 cans /-ounces each! to"ato sauce 4 1-2 cup ketchup 4 1 1-2 teaspoons oregano 4 2 teaspoons white granulated sugar 4 2 package /-ounces each! crea" cheese+ softened and cut in cubes 4 2-3 cup grated (ar"esan cheese 4 1 teaspoon "ild chili powder In skillet+ brown ground beef with onion+ discard fat, (our browned "eat and onion into Slow #ooker, Add garlic+ salt+ to"ato sauce+ ketchup+ oregano+ sugar+ crea" cheese+ (ar"esan cheese and chili powder, Set slow cooker-#rock (ot on @=5 until crea" cheese has "elted and is thoroughly blended+ 1 1-2 to 2 hours, Stir+ taste and ad8ust seasoning if desired, Serve with cube )rench bread or tortilla chips, If spicier dip is desired+ use hot chili powder in place of "ild chili powder, )inely chopped 8alapenos "ay be added+ if desired,

HEALTHY CROCKPOT CHICKEN CREOLE 4 3 lbs, chicken thighs or breasts+ skinned 4 1 cup celery+ diced 4 1 red bell pepper+ sliced 4 1 green bell pepper+ sliced 4 1 onion+ sliced 4 1 can sliced "ushroo"s 4 1 can to"atoes 4 1 tsp, garlic powder 4 3 pkg, sugar substitute 4 1 tsp, #a8un seasoning 4 1-2 tsp, paprika 4 salt ; pepper to taste 4 @ouisiana hot sauce to taste 4 2 cups "inute rice+ cooked (lace chicken in botto" of slow cooker-#rock (ot, #o"bine re"aining ingredients e&cept rice! ; add to slow cooker-#rock (ot, #ook on high . to $ hours or on low 1-/ hours, #ook rice according to package direction, Spoon #reole "i&ture over hot cooked rice,

HEARTY BEEF DIP 4 / ounces #rea" cheese+ cubed 4 1 1-. ounces Sliced dried beef+ diced 4 2 tablespoons :reen onion+ chopped 4 1-. cup 7ilk 4 1-. cup (ecans+ chopped 4 1 :arlic clove #o"bine crea" cheese and "ilk in greased #rock (ot, #over and heat until cheese is "elted+ 33 to 63 "inutes, Add re"aining ingredients6 stir thoroughly, #over and heat 33 "inutes, Serve with crackers or bread pieces,

HEARTY CHILI 1 pound ground turkey 1-2 ground chuck 33 o*, to"ato sauce 2. o*, G-/ to"ato-vegetable 8uice! 1-2 c, chopped onion 1-2 c, chopped celery 1 tbsp, chili powder 1 c, chopped green pepper 1 c, chopped "ushroo"s 1 s", 8alapeno pepper optional! 1. o*, stewed to"atoes 1-2 c, uncooked wild rice 2-3 c, brown sugar 1. o*, chili beans 1 o*, chili seasoning "i& Brown ground turkey and ground beef, 0rain well, (lace all other ingredients in a slow cooker and add the "eat, #ook on low for 6 to B hours, Serve with crackers or cornbread,

HOME-STYLE BREAD PUDDING 2 >ggs+ slightly beaten 2 1-. cups 7ilk 1 teaspoon Ganilla 1-2 teaspoon #inna"on 1-. teaspoon Salt 2 cups 1-inch bread cubes 1-2 cup Brown sugar 1-2 cup 9aisins or chopped dates In "ediu" "i&ing bowl+ co"bine eggs with "ilk+ vanilla+ cinna"on+ salt+ bread+ sugar+ and raisins or dates, (our into 1 1-2-%uart baking or souffle dish, (lace "etal trivet or alu"inu" foil shaped in a ring to keep the dish off the botto" of the pot! or rack in botto" of slow cooker-#rock (ot, Add 1-2 cup hot water, Set baking dish on trivet, #over pot6 cook on high for about 2 hours, Serve pudding war" or cool, 7akes . to 6 servings,

HONEYED CHICKEN WINGS 4 3 lb, chicken wings 4 Salt ; pepper+ to taste 4 1 c, honey 4 1-2 c, soy sauce 4 2 tbsp, vegetable oil 4 2 tbsp, ketchup 4 1-2 garlic clove+ "inced #ut off and discard chicken wing tips, #ut each wing into 2 parts and sprinkle with salt and pepper, #o"bine re"aining ingredients and "i& well, (lace wings in slow cooker and pour sauce over, #ook 6 to / hours on low,

HOT ARTICHOKE DIP 4 6 ounces Artichoke hearts+ "arinated 4 1-3 cup 7ayonnaise 4 1 tablespoon (i"ento+ diced optional! 4 1-2 cup (ar"esan cheese+ grated 4 1-3 cup Sour crea" 4 1-/ teaspoon :arlic powder 0rain and chop artichoke hearts, #o"bine all ingredients and place in #rock (ot, #over and heat 33 to 63 "inutes until hot, Serve with tortilla chips or assorted crackers,

HOT BROCCOLI DIP 4 1 13 o*,! chopped fro*en broccoli+ thawed 4 1 stick "argarine 4 1 "ed, onion+ chopped 4 1 13 3-. o*,! cans of crea" of "ushroo" soup 4 1. o*, Gelveeta cheese+ cut up 4 1 to 2 1-2 o*, can "ushroo" ste"s and pieces #o"bine first 3 ingredients in a saute pan and cook until onions are clear, 2ransfer to the slow cooker-#rock (ot, Add soup+ cheese+ and "ushroo"s+ heat on low for about 1 1-2 to 2 hours+ or until cheese is "elted and "i&ture is hot, 0ip with large corn chips or can be poured over baked potatoes, )ree*es well,

HOT CARAMEL APPLES . @g, tart apples+ cored 1-2 #, apple 8uice / 2blspoons brown sugar 12 red-hot candies . 2blspoons butter or "argarine / cara"els 1-. tsp, ground cinna"on (eel about 3-. inch off the top of each apple6 place in crock, (our 8uice over apples, )ill the center of each apple with 2 2blspoons of sugar+ 3 red-hots+ 12blspoon of butter and 2 cara"els, Sprinkle with cinna"on, #over and cook on low for .-6 hours or until apples are tender, 7ay serve i""ediately with whipped crea" if desired, 7akes . servings,

HOT CHICKEN SANDWICHES 12 eggs 1 loaf of bread cubed! 2 large or 3 s"all! boiler chickens reserve so"e broth for use in recipe! salt to taste pepper to taste Boil the chickens until done and let cool, 5hen the chicken "eat is co"pletely cool to the touch+ pick the chicken "eat fro" the bones and set aside, 9eserve a little of the broth for later, #ube the loaf of bread and put it in a large bowl, 7i& in the 12 eggs with the cubed bread, Add the chicken "eat you picked fro" the bone and enough broth fro" the chicken to "oisten, Add salt and pepper to your own taste, 7i& well, Spread "i&ture into a lightly greased casserole dish and bake in a preheated 3$3 degrees ) 11$ degrees #! oven for 33 "inutes, =r spray a slow cooker-#rock (ot with cooking spray to prevent sticking and pour in the chicken "i&ture, @et cook on low for about 6 hours, Serve by scooping onto buns, 7akes 12 to 1/ servings 2inaCs #o""ents? 7y husband thinks it could use so"e chopped up onions in it IC" not an onion fan,,,,,,! but I did add a little bit of parsley to it,

HOT CHILI CON -UESO 4 1 1-2 cups half-and-half+ scalded 4 1-2 pound grated 7onterrey Aack cheese (age 11/ of 2.$ #rockpot 9ecipes 2-16-2333 e-book?--(ages-crockpotPrecipes,ht" 4 1-2 pound grated sharp process cheese 4 1 tablespoon butter 4 1-2 onion+ "inced 4 1 "ediu" clove garlic+ "inced 4 1-. cup dry white wine or low-sodiu" stock 4 1-. cup flour 4 1-. cup water 4 1 can chopped green chile peppers . o*! 4 1 to 2 tablespoons chopped 8alapeno "ore or less depending on taste! 4 salt and pepper 4 dash cayenne pepper (our scalded half-and-half into buttered #rock (ot, 2urn to high and stir in cheeses, In s"all skillet+ saute onion and garlic in butter until onion is tender, Add wine or stock and stir well, Add to cheese "i&ture, #o"bine flour with water and stir in, #ook covered on high for 33 "inutes+ or until cheese begins to "elt, 2urn to low and cook about . to 6 hours+ stirring 2 or 3 ti"es during the first hour and occasionally after that, If the "i&ture is too thin+ "i& 2 tablespoons of flour with 2 tablespoons of water and add, Serve war" with tortilla chips and-or other dippers,

HOT DOG AND BACON ROLLUPS 4 2 pkg, hot dogs+ cut in half 4 brown sugar 4 1 lb, bacon+ cut into in the "iddle 2ake a piece of hot dog and piece of bacon+ wrap bacon around hot dog, Stick a toothpick through bacon to hold, (lace one layer in botto" of #rock (ot and cover with brown sugar, 9epeat until all the hot dogs have been used, #ook 3 to . hours,

HOT DOG HORS D9OEU.RES 4 2 1 lb,! pkgs all beef hot dogs+ sliced in half 4 1 lb, bacon+ sliced in half 4 Brown sugar 5rap each hot dog half with bacon strip, )asten with toothpick, @ayer in slow cooker-#rock (ot+ sprinkling each layer with a thin layer of brown sugar, 9epeat layers until hot dogs run out, #ook on low for 2-3 hours+ stirring gently with wooden spoon every 33 "inutes,

HOT FRUIT COMPOTE 1 can peaches+ drained 1 can pears+ drained 1 can pineapple chunks+ drained 1 cup brown sugar 1 tsp, cinna"on 1-2 stick "argarine .o*! 1 can cherry pie filling #ut all fruit into bite-si*e pieces, Add rest of ingredients, Stir all together, #over and cook on low 3 to 6 hours, Lse as a side dish for breakfast or a "eal+ or as a topping for a dessert,

HOT 9N9 SPICY PECANS 4 1-. cup butter+ cut in pieces . o*! 4 6 cups pecans 4 2 teaspoons chili powder 4 1-2 teaspoon onion salt 4 1-2 teaspoon garlic powder (lace cut up butter in #rock (ot and heat+ uncovered+ on high until "elted 1$ to 23 "inutes!, Add pecans6 stir to coat, #over and cook on high 33 "inutes, Lncover and cook on high 2 1-2 hours longer+ stirring occasionally, Sprinkle with the seasonings and toss to coat6 Spread on a baking sheet to cool, Store in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 6 weeks+ or free*e for up to 3 "onths, Serve at roo" te"perature or war",

HOT SPINACH DIP 4 2 13 o*,! pkgs, fro*en chopped spinach 4 1 lg, 8ar 8alapeno #hee* 5hi* 4 1 can crea" of "ushroo" soup 4 1 3 o*,! pkg, crea" cheese 4 2 tbsp, dried "inced onion 2haw spinach co"pletely, 0rain+ and s%uee*e as "uch "oisture as possible fro" spinach, #o"bine all ingredients in the slow cooker-#rock (ot and cook on low about 2 hours+ until hot stir a few ti"es to blend well!, Feep war" in #rock (ot or chafing dish, Serve with corn chips or crackers,

INDIAN PUDDING 4 3 c, "ilk 4 1-2 c, corn"eal 4 1-2 tsp, salt 4 3 eggs 4 1-. c, light brown sugar 4 1-3 c, "olasses 4 2 tbsp, butter 4 1-2 tsp, cinna"on 4 1-. tsp, allspice 4 1-2 tsp, ginger @ightly grease crockpot, (reheat on high for 23 "inutes, 7eanwhile bring "ilk+ corn"eal and salt to a boil, Boil+ stirring constantly+ for $ "inutes, #over and si""er an additional 13 "inutes, In a large bowl+ co"bine re"aining ingredients, :radually beat in hot corn"eal "i&ture and whisk until s"ooth, (our into crock and cook on high for 2 to 3 hours or low for 6 to / hours,

INSTANT APPETIZER MEATBALLS I find the following to be a real crowd pleaser? I take about half a bag of those great fro*en "eatballs fro" Sa"Cs #lub and du"p the" into the slow cooker-#rock (ot, 2hen I take 2 packages of brown gravy+ "i& the" up according to the directions and then pour over the "eatballs, Eeat on low for . hours or so and you have instant appeti*ers,

ITALIAN GREEN BEANS 1-3-1-2 lb, sweet Italian sausage 1$ o* can stewed to"atoes+ chopped . cans / o*! sliced "ushroo"s do not drain! 1-.-1-2 tsp, onion ;-or garlic powders 1-2 tsp, basil ;-or oregano 3 1 lb,! cans Italian style green beans+ 2 of the" drained 1-2 cup (ar"esan cheese Brown sausage and drain, Add all ingredients e&cept green beans, 7i& thoroughly and si""er for 1$ "inutes, Add green beans and "i&, Bake at 2$3 degrees in a covered casserole for 33 "inutes to 2 hours6 or in a slow cooker on low up to 3 hours,

1ERK CHICKEN A traditional Aa"aican dish adapted to the crockpot! 1 large onion+ cut into / pieces 1 generous tablespoon chopped crystalli*ed ginger 1-2 to 1 habanero pepper+ seeded+ deveined+ and finely "inced wear glovesJ! 1-2 teaspoon ground allspice 2 tablespoons dry "ustard 1 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper 2 tablespoons red wine or balsa"ic vinegar 2 tablespoons soy sauce 2 cloves garlic+ crushed and "inced 3 to . pounds chicken tenders #o"bine onion and ginger in a food processor6 process until finely chopped, Add re"aining ingredients+ e&cept chicken+ and pulse until well co"bined, (lace chicken in a 3 1-2-%uart or larger! slow cooker-#rock (ot and cover with sauce, #over+ set on low+ and cook for 6 to / hours, or until chicken is tender 3 to . hours on high!, . servings,

LAZY CROCKPOT CHICKEN 1 pkg, boneless chicken breasts 1 can crea" of "ushroo" soup 1-. c, flour 1 8ar sliced "ushroo"s Salt+ pepper and paprika 9inse chicken breasts, (ut salt+ pepper and paprika on both sides, (lace in #rock (ot, 7i& other ingredients together, Add to #rock (ot, #ook on @=5 all day, Serve over noodles+ rice+ or "ashed potatoes,

LEMON BAKED CHICKEN 16 ounces skinned and boned uncooked chicken breasts+ cut into . pieces 1 le"on 1 teaspoon le"on pepper 1 teaspoon paprika (lace chicken pieces in a slow cooker, S%uee*e 8uice of half a le"on over chicken, Sprinkle le"on pepper and paprika over top, #ut re"aining le"on half into thin slices, Arrange slices around chicken, #over and cook on EI:E for . hours,

LEMON-GARLIC CHICKEN 3 pounds #hicken 1-2 cup @e"on 8uice 1-2 cup :arlic cloves+ crushed 1 teaspoon Seasoned salt 1 teaspoon (oultry seasoning 2 dashes 2abasco 1 cup 5hite wine Skin and cut up chicken, #o"bine with other ingredients in slow cooker-#rock (ot, Set on low, Lpon return fro" work+ debone chicken, Serve over rice, If you free*e chicken pieces separately+ and "i& up other ingredients the night before+ you can du"p it all together %uickly in the "orning, And if you start with fro*en chicken it doesnCt fall apart,

LEMON PEPPER CHICKEN $ boneless skinless chicken breasts or any chicken pieces! @e"on (epper seasoning 2 tbsp, "elted or s%uee*e "argarine (ut chicken in slow cooker-#rock (ot, Sprinkle generously with seasoning, (our "argarine over chicken, #ook on low for 13 hrs, or on high for 6 hrs,

LEMON-POPPYSEED UPSIDE DOWN CAKE 2his cake "akes its own custard-like topping, 1 pkg, @e"on-(oppyseed Bread 7i& 1 egg / ounces light sour crea" 1-2 cup water S(u/&: 1 tablespoon butter 3-. cup water 1-2 cup sugar 8uice fro" one le"on about 1-. cup! (age 1/. of 2.$ #rockpot 9ecipes 2-16-2333 e-book?--(ages-crockpotPrecipes,ht" 7i& the first . ingredients together until well "oistened, Spread batter in a lightly greased 3 H %uart slow cooker-#rock (ot, #o"bine sauce ingredients in a s"all saucepan6 bring to a boil, (our boiling "i&ture over the batter6 cover and cook on high for 2 to 2 1-2 hours, >dges will be slightly browned, 2urn heat off and leave in the pot for about 33 "inutes with cover slightly a8ar, 5hen cool enough to handle+ hold a large plate over the top of the pot then invert,

LEMON-ROSEMARY CHICKEN 1-2 c, le"on 8uice 1 tbsp, vegetable oil 1 garlic clove+ crushed 1 teaspoon, dried rose"ary 1-. teaspoon, salt 1-. teaspoon, pepper 1 1-2 to 2 lbs,boneless+ skinless chicken breasts In a large food storage bag+ place le"on 8uice+ oil+ garlic+ rose"ary+ salt and pepper, Add chicken, #lose bag and "arinate in refrigerator . hours or overnight+ turning bag fre%uently, (lace chicken in the slow cooker-#rock (ot and pour "arinade over, #over and cook for 6 to / hours+ or until tender+ basting occasionally with the "arinade+ if possible, Kou "ay add fro*en broccoli and carrots about 1 to 1 1-2 hours before done, Serves . to 6,

LEMON TARRAGON CHICKEN WITH ASPARAGUS 1 pound fro*en chicken breasts+ boneless 1-. cup le"on 8uice 1-. cup chicken stock 1 teaspoon tarragon dried! 1 package fro*en asparagus or fresh partially cooked! 2 tablespoons flour 1-2 cup heavy or whipping crea" salt and pepper to taste (ut fro*en chicken breasts in #rock (ot and add le"on 8uice+ broth+ and tarragon, #ook on low 6 hours, Add asparagus6 whisk crea" and flour together and add, #ook another hour on high or until asparagus is tender and sauce is thickened, Serve over noodles or rice, Artichokes are good in this tooJ

L$-C(! Cr$/) P$t C0 /)&" 2 "ed, onions+ thinly sliced 2-3 lb, chicken+ cut up and skinned 2 cloves garlic+ "inced 1 lg, can to"atoes 1 tsp, salt 1-. tsp, pepper 1-2 tsp, oregano+ crushed 1-2 tsp, basil 1-2 tsp, celery seed 1 bay leaf @ayer in order and cook on low 6-/ hours+ or on high 2 1-2 - . hours,

LOW-FAT CHICKEN * .EGGIE BAKE / boneless+ skinless chicken breasts 2 cans whole potatoes+ drained 1 tsp garlic powder 1 bottle fat free Italian salad dressing 1 pkg fro*en veggies 1 can water chestnuts optional! salt ; pepper Sprinke chicken breasts with salt+ pepper and garlic, (ut chicken in botto" of slow cooker-#rock (ot, Add re"aining ingredients, #ook on high for .-6 hours or on low for /-13 hours, Serves /

LOW-FAT GLAZED CHICKEN IN SLOW COOKER 6 ounces orange 8uice+ fro*en concentrate-thawed 3 chicken breasts+ split 1-2 tsp "ar8ora" 1 dash ground nut"eg 1 dash garlic powder optional! 1-. cup water 2 2bsp cornstarch #o"bine thawed orange 8uice concentrate not regular orange 8uice! in bowl along with the "ar8ora"+ garlic powder and nut"eg, Split the chicken breasts to "ake 6 serving si*es, 0ip pieces into the orange 8uice to coat co"pletely, (lace in slow cooker-#rock (ot, (our the re"aining orange 8uice "i&ture over the chicken, #over and cook on low for 1-B hours+ or cook on high for . hours if you wish, (recise cooking ti"e is not i"portant in slow cooker-#rock (ot cooking, 5hen chicken is done+ re"ove to serving platter, (our the sauce that re"ains into a saucepan, 7i& the cornstarch and water and stir into the 8uice in pan, #ook over "ediu" heat+ stirring constantly+ until thick and bubbly, Serve the sauce over the chicken,

LUSCIOUS LEMON CHEESECAKE Crust: 1 cup vanilla wafer cru"bs 1-2 teaspoon le"on *est 1 tablespoons sugar 3 tablespoons butter+ "elted F !! "#: 16 ounces crea" cheese 2-3 cup sugar 2 large eggs 1 tablespoon flour or cornstarch 1 teaspoon fresh le"on *est 2 tablespoons fresh le"on 8uice #o"bine crust ingredients, (at into a 1-inch springfor" pan, Beat crea" cheese and sugar together until s"ooth6 beat in eggs and continue beating on "ediu" speed of a hand-held electric "i&er for about 3 "inutes, Beat in re"aining ingredients and continue beating for about 1 "inute, (our batter into the prepared crust, (lace the cheesecake on a rack in the #rock (ot, #over and cook on high for 2 1-2 to 3 hours, @et stand in the covered pot after turning it off for about an hour or 2+ until cool enough to handle, #ool thoroughly before re"oving pan sides, #hill in the refrigerator before serving+ and refrigerate any leftovers,

MACARONI PIE / o*, bo& cooked! "acaroni 3 c, grated cheese 1 16 o*,! can of evaporated "ilk 1 1-2 c, sweet "ilk 2 eggs 1-. c, "argarine 1 tsp, sugar Salt and pepper to taste #o"bine cooked "acaroni with other ingredients and pour into a greased crockpot, #ook 3 1-2 hours on "ediu" heat,

MANHATTEN MEATBALLS 4 1 lb ground beef 4 1 lb, "ild pork sausage or use all beef! 4 2 c, soft bread cru"bs or 1 1-2 c, oat"eal 4 2 eggs 4 1-2 c, chopped onion 4 2 tbsp, parsley 4 2 tsp, salt 4 1-2 tsp, garlic salt Sauce? 4 1 12 o*! 8ar apricot preserves 4 1-2 c, barbecue sauce 7i& first / ingredients together and for" "eatballs, Brown in skillet+ or in oven at .$3 degrees for 1$ "inutes, Eeat sauce+ pour over "eatballs, Bake at 3$3 degrees for 2$ "inutes or cook in #rock (ot, #an be served over rice or as an appeti*er with toothpicks, 7akes . or $ do*en,

MAPLE-FLA.ORED BARBECUE CHICKEN 1 c, ketchup 1-2 c, "aple flavored syrup 2 tbsp, prepared "ustard 2 tbsp, 5orcestershire sauce 2 tsp, le"on 8uice 1-2 tsp, chili powder 1-. tsp, garlic powder . boneless+ skinned chicken breasts (lace all ingredients in slow cooker-#rock (ot and cook on low for about 1 to / hours or until chicken is done, 9e"ove "eat+ shred and return to sauce, (lace on buns for sandwiches or serve over hot rice, Serves . to 6,

MAPLE GLAZED SWEET POTATOES $ "ediu" sweet potatoes 1-. cup brown sugar 1-. cup pure "aple syrup 1-. cup apple cider dash salt and pepper to taste (eel sweet potatoes and cut into 1-. to 1-2-inch thick slices6 place in #rock (ot, 5hisk re"aining ingredients together and pour over potatoes, #over and cook on low 1 to B hours, Stir a few ti"es+ if possible+ to keep the" coated, Serves .,

MARINER FONDUE 4 2 cans 13 3-. o* each! condensed crea" of celery soup 4 2 c, grated sharp process cheese 4 1 c, chunked cooked lobster 4 1-2 c, chopped cooked shri"p 4 1-2 c, chopped cooked crab"eat 4 1-. c, finely chopped+ cooked scallops 4 dash paprika 4 dash cayenne peppe 4 1 loaf of )rench bread+ cut into 1 inch cubes #o"bine all ingredients e&cept bread cubes in lightly greased #rock(ot6 stir thoroughly, #over and cook on Eigh for 1 hour or until cheese is "elted, 2urn to @ow for serving, Lsing fondue forks+ dip bread cubes into fondue, 7akes about 1 1-2 %ts,

MARMALADE-GLAZED CARROTS 1 package 32o*! fresh baby carrots 1-2 cup "ar"alade 1 tablespoon water 2 tablespoon brown sugar 1 tablespoon butter 1-2 teaspoon cinna"on 1-. teaspoon nut"eg 1 tablespoons cornstarch (age 1B3 of 2.$ #rockpot 9ecipes 2-16-2333 e-book?--(ages-crockpotPrecipes,ht" 2 tablespoons water salt and pepper to taste #o"bine all ingredients in #rock (ot and cook on low for 1 to B hours+ until carrots are tender, About 1$ "inutes before serving+ "ake a paste of the cornstarch and cold water6 stir into carrots, 2aste and ad8ust seasonings, Serves . to 6 as a side dish,

MEATBALLS 4 2 pounds :round beef 4 1 "ediu" =nion-grated or "inced 4 23 9it* crackers+ crushed 4 1-. teaspoon Black pepper 4 1-. teaspoon :arlic salt 4 1-2 teaspoon 0ry "ustard 4 2 large >ggs+ beaten 4 1 1-2 cups Bottled Barbecue Sauce 4 3-. cup 2o"ato paste 4 1 teaspoon @i%uid s"oke 4 1-3 cup #atsup 4 1-3 cup Brown sugar 4 1-2 cup 5ater or as needed In a large bowl co"bine the ground beef+ onion+ crushed crackers+ pepper+ garlic salt+ dry "ustard and eggs, S%uish the "i&ture together by hand until well "i&ed and for" into walnut si*ed balls, (lace the" on a flat wire rack in a roasting pan or a large cake pan, Bake the "eatballs in a 3$3 degree oven for 1$ "inutes+ turn and bake for 1$ "inutes "ore, In a #rock (ot co"bine the re"aining ingredients, #ook on high 33 "inutes, Add the "eatballs and si""er for several hours, 7akes about 63 "eatballs,

MEDITERRANEAN STYLE CHICKEN 6 skinless and boneless chicken breasts 1 large can to"ato sauce 1 s"all can to"ato puree 1 can sliced "ushroo"s 1 can ripe olives+ sliced or whole 1 tablespoon garlic 1 tablespoon le"on 8uice 1 teaspoon oregano 1 onion+ chopped 1-2 cup wine or brandy optional! cooked rice Salt to taste 5ash and re"ove e&cess fat fro" chicken, #o"bine all ingredients in the slow cooker-#rock (ot+ e&cept the rice, #over and cook on low for 6 to / hours, Serve chicken and sauce over rice, Serves 6,

ME5ICAN CHEESE DIP 4 1-2 pound Gelveeta 4 1 teaspoon 2aco seasoning optional! 4 1-2 can 9o-2el 2o"atoes with chilies #ube cheese and place in #rock (ot, #over and heat 33 to 63 "inutes+ until "elted+ stirring occasionally, Stir in to"atoes and seasoning, #over and continue heating 33 "inutes, Serve with tortilla chips or corn chips,

ME5ICAN CHICKEN IN CROCKPOT 4 #hicken pieces 4 2aco seasoning @et cook all day on low or several hours on high, Serve as chicken tacos or with a side dish as the "ain course, Super si"ple, Kou really cannot go wrong, Be careful because if you cook too long the bones could co"e apart into s"all pieces and could be difficult to separate fro" "eat,

ME5ICAN CHILI 2 1$ 1-2 o*,! cans red kidney beans+ drained 1 2/ o*,! can to"atoes+ cut up 1 c, chopped celery 1 c, chopped onion 1 6 o*,! can to"ato paste 1-2 c, chopped green pepper 1 . o*,! can green chili peppers+ drained and chopped 2 tbsp, sugar 1 bay leaf 1-2 tsp, garlic powder 1 tsp, salt 1 tsp, dried+ crushed "ar8ora" 0ash of pepper 1 lb, ground beef In skillet brown ground beef and drain, In crockery cooker co"bine all ingredients, #over+ cook on low heat for / to 13 hours, 9e"ove bay leaf and stir before serving, Appro&i"ately 13 servings and great with corn breadJ

MINT BUTTER WAFERS 4 2 2, butter 4 1-. #, "ilk 4 1 pkg, white frosting "i& dry! 4 3 drops pepper"int flavoring 7elt butter and "ilk together in a covered cooker on high, Stir in frosting and cook 1 to 2 "inutes "ore, Add flavoring, 2urn to low and drop by teaspoonfuls onto wa&ed paper, 7akes $ do*en,

MI5ED .EGETABLE BAKE 4 2 cans #rea"ed corn+ 11 o* each 4 2 cans :reen beans6 cut+ 16 o* each 4 2 cans (eas+ 16 o* each 4 1 can 2o"atoes+ 11 o* 4 1-2 cup 7ayonnaise 4 1 teaspoon 2arragon 4 1 teaspoon Basil 4 1-2 teaspoon Salt 4 (epper #o"bine all ingredients in re"ovable liner+ "i& well to blend herbs, (lace liner in base, #over and cook on low .-6 hours,

NO-BEAN CHILI 2 pounds ground beef+ or cubed lean stew beef 1 / o*! can 2o"ato sauce 1 6 o*! can 2o"ato paste 1 16 o*! can Stewed to"atoes + optional 2 tablespoons #hili powder 1 1-2 teaspoons Salt 1 teaspoon Eot pepper sauce+ or "ore #o"bine all ingredients in slow cooker, #over and cook on low for /-13 hours, Add a can of your favorite beans if you wish,! Serves . to 6,

OLD FASHIONED CROCKPOT APPLE BUTTER 1. cooking apples 5inesap! 2 1-2 c, sugar 1 c, apple 8uice 1 tbsp, cinna"on 1 tbsp, cloves 1 tsp, Allspice 5ash and core apples6 cut in 1-. pieces, Slightly grease crockpot+ put in apples and apple 8uice, #ook on high for $ hours, Add other ingredients and cook for 6 hours on high, Stir each hour, (ack in 1-2 pint 8ars and seal, 7akes $ 1-2 pint! 8ars,

ONE POT CHICKEN AND GRA.Y Boneless+ skinless chicken breasts (otatoes+ %uartered+ with 8ackets About 6 stalks celery 1-2 pkg baby carrots 1 can crea" of chicken soup4 1 pkg dry onion soup "i& (lace vegetables on botto" of #rock (ot, Brown chicken breasts in (A7 or vegetable spray, (lace over vegetables, #over with the crea" of chicken soup+ undiluted, Sprinkle with dry onion soup "i&, 0o not add water, #over and cook all day on low+ or 6 hours on high, 4 I had planned to substitute either #a"pbellCs healthy choice or reduced fat crea" of chicken, I have done this in other recipes+ and cannot taste the difference,

ORANGE-GLAZED CHICKEN 6 ounces orange 8uice+ fro*en concentrate+ thawed 6 chicken breast halves 1-2 teaspoon "ar8ora" 1 dash ground nut"eg 1 dsah garlic powder 1-. cup water 2 tablespoons cornstarch #o"bine thawed orange 8uice concentrate in a bowl with the "ar8ora"+ garlic powder and nut"eg, 0ip each chicken breast half into the orange 8uice to coat co"pletely, (lace in slow cooker-#rock (ot, (our the re"aining orange 8uice "i&ture over the chicken, #over and cook on low for 6-/ hours+ or on high for about . hours,

ORANGE BURGUNDY CHICKEN 4 2 1-2 to 3 pounds frying chicken+ cut up 4 1-2 cup orange "ar"alade 4 1-2 cup orange 8uice 4 1-2 cup dry red wine 4 2 tablespoons cornstarch 4 2 tablespoons brown sugar+ packed 4 1 tablespoon le"on 8uice 4 1 teaspoon salt 9e"ove skin fro" chicken, 9inse and place in slow cooker, #o"bine re"aining ingredients in a bowl and pour over chicken, #over and cook on low 6 to / hours, Serve with rice and spinach salad, Serves 6,

ORANGE GLAZED CARROTS +CROCKPOT, 4 3 cups 2hinly sliced carrots 4 3 tablespoons Butter or "argarine 4 2 cups 5ater 4 3 tablespoons =range "ar"alade 4 1-. teaspoon Salt 4 2 tablespoons #hopped pecans #o"bine carrots+ water+ and salt in #rock (ot, #over and cook on high 2 to 3 hours or until the carrots are done, 0rain well6 stir in re"aining ingredients, #over and cook on high 23-33 "inutes, 7akes $ to 6 servings,

PAPRIKOSH $ large #arrots cubed! / large (otatoes cubed! $ large #elery stalks 2 large =nions sliced thin! 3 tablespoons (aprika4+ salt ; pepper to taste 2hrow all ingredients into the slow cooker-#rock (ot+ add water to top veggies it "akes a sort of 'gravy'! and cook on high for . hours,

PARMESAN SCALLOPED POTATOES $ to 6 red potatoes+ sliced about $ cups sliced! 6 slices turkey bacon or other s"oked "eat 3 ounces freshly grated par"esan cheese 1 can condensed crea" of "ushroo" soup salt and pepper to taste @ayer all ingredients in lightly buttered 3 1-2-%uart #rock (ot or use a souffle dish to fit in a larger #rock (ot!6 cover and cook on low for 1 to B hours, Ad8ust seasonings, Serves .,

PARTY HAMBURGER DIP 4 1 pound Ea"burger 4 1 1-2 pounds Gelveeta 4 1 can 9o-2el to"atoes and chiles 4 1-2 =nion+ diced 4 1 / - 12 o* fresh "ushroo"s+ sliced Brown ha"burger+ "ushroo"s ; onion6 drain, 7elt Gelveeta in slow cooker, Add re"aining ingredients and si""er high! for about 33 "inutes, Serve with corn chips or crackers, 2urn pot to low while serving,

PARTY MI5 4 1 cups assorted cereal oat+ rice+ wheat in various shapes! 4 1 cup peanuts+ pecans+ cashews+ or "i&ed nuts 4 1 cup "ini pret*el sticks 4 1-2 cup butter or "argarine+ "elted 4 . tablespoons 5orcestershire sauce 4 dash hot pepper sauce 4 1-2 teaspoon seasoned salt 4 1-2 teaspoon garlic salt 4 1-2 teaspoon onion salt #o"bine cereals+ nuts and pret*els in #rock (ot, 7i& "elted butter with re"aining ingredients and pour over the cereal "i&ture+ tossing to coat, #ook uncovered on high for 2 hours+ stirring about every 33 "inutes, 2urn to low and cook another 2 to 6 hours, Store in an airtight container, 7akes about 13 cups,

PASTA AND BROCCOLI 1 "ed, onion 1 can crea" of "ushroo" soup 1 lb, Gelveeta 1 pkg, fro*en broccoli ; cauliflower 1 pkg, shell noodles 7i& onion+ crea" of "ushroo" soup and Gelveeta in a slow cooker-#rock (ot on high until "elted, Add broccoli and cauliflower until hot, Add cooked shells right before serving,

PEACH BUTTER 6 cups unsweetened peaches 3 cups white sugar 1 1-2 cups apricot nectar 2 tablespoons orange or le"on 8uice 1 teaspoon vanilla (ut peaches through food "ill or food processor, 7i& all ingredients together well and put in #rock (ot, Bring to a good boil+ uncover and boil until thick or . hours+ high or low to keep it boiling, 5hen it boils good+ re"ove cover,

PHEASANT AND WILD RICE 1 cup raw wild raw rice 1 can crea" of "ushroo" soup 1 can crea" of chicken soup 1 can "ushroo"s 2 1-2 cups water 2 pheasants+ cut up+ flour and brown 1 pkg instant onion soup "i& 7i& rice+ canned soup+ water+ "ushroo"s and water together in slow cooker-#rock (ot, (lace pheasants in slow cooker-#rock (ot I never brown "ine+ I 8ust put the" in and they co"e out fine!, Sprinkle with onion soup "i&, #over, #ook on low 6 to / hours, Add a splash "ore water if rice is looking dry towards end of cooking ti"e,

PHILIPPINE CHICKEN 4 1 chicken+ cut up 4 1 cup water 4 1-2 cup vinegar 4 1-. cup soy sauce 4 2 cloves garlic+ sliced (ut all in #rock (ot6 cook for 6 to / hours on low, Serve over rice,

PICANTE CHEESE DIP 4 1 1-2 pounds ground beef browned! 4 1 can 11 o*,! crea" of "ushroo" soup 4 2 pound processed cheese Gelveeta! 4 1 stick "argarine 4 1 onion+ chopped 4 2 tbsp, chili powder 4 1 cup picante sauce Brown "eat and onion, 0rain, Add all ingredients to slow cooker-#rock (ot and cook on low heat until cheese "elts+ about 1 1-2 hours, Serve in slow cooker-#rock (ot with tortilla chips,

PIZZA DIP 4 1 large crea" cheese softened 4 1 8ar pi**a sauce 4 1 s"all can chopped olives 4 1 "ediu" onion chopped 4 1 pkg, sliced pepperoni 4 1 pkg, grated cheese for pi**a Spread crea" cheese in botto" of slow cooker-#rock (ot, 2hen "i& up the pi**a sauce+ onion+ olives and pepperoni and spread on top of the crea" cheese, Sprinkle with the pi**a cheese and cook on low until the cheese on top "elts, Serve with tortilla chips, Kou could add other pi**a toppings to this or delete so"e that are listed,

PIZZA FONDUE 4 1 lb, ground beef 4 2 cans #hef Boy-ardee pi**a sauce with cheese 4 / o*, grated cheddar cheese 4 / o*, grated 7o**arella 4 1 tsp, oregano 4 1-2 tsp, fennel seed 4 1 tbsp, cornstarch Brown ground beef and drain, Add all other ingredients place in slow cooker-#rock (ot and heat through, Serve with tortilla chips,

POTATO CASSEROLE 1 pkg fro*en hash browns 1 s"all carton 9anch 0ip 1 can #rea" of (otato Soup salt+ pepper dried onions to taste .-$ o* of grated cheddar cheese 7i& 1st . ingredients, (ut into slow cooker-#rock (ot, (lace grated cheese on top, I cooked on high for about . hours, 2hey were delicious, Kou could probably add ha" or other "eat+ for a co"plete "eal in one,

POTATOES PERFECT 1-. pound Bacon+ diced 2 "d =nions+ thinly sliced . "d (otatoes+ thinly sliced 1-2 pound #heddar cheese+ thinly slice Salt and pepper Butter @ine slow cooker-#rock (ot with alu"inu" foil+ leaving enough to overlap poatoes when finished, @ayer half each of the bacon+ onions+ potatoes and cheese in slow cooker-#rock (ot, Season to taste and dot with butter, 9epeat layers of bacon+ onions+ potatoes and cheese, 0ot with butter, =verlap with re"aining foil, #over and cook on low setting for 13 to 12 hours,

PRO.INCIAL CHICKEN 4 1 1-2 pounds chicken tenders+ fro*en 4 2 s"all *ucchini+ diced 4 1 can . o*! sliced black olives 4 1 tablespoon sherry wine vinegar or balsa"ic vinegar 4 1 can good-%uality diced to"atoes about 1$ ounces! 4 1 can 13 o*! crea" of chicken soup with herbs 4 2 teaspoons dried parsley flakes 4 1 teaspoon dried basil 4 1 tablespoon dried "inced onion 4 1 cup shredded cheddar cheese 4 2 to 3 tablespoons sour crea" optional! 4 hot noodles+ rice or pasta #o"bine first B ingredients in 3 1-2-%uart slow cooker-#rock (ot or larger!, #over and cook on low for 6 to / hours, Add cheese and sour crea" during the last 1$ "inutes, Serve over hot noodles+ rice or pasta,

PUDDING CAKE 1 cup )lour 1-2 cup Sugar 1-2 cup #oarsely chopped pecans+ or walnuts 1-. cup Lnsweetened cocoa 2 teaspoons Baking powder 1-2 teaspoon Salt 1-2 cup 7ilk 1-. cup =il 1 teaspoon Ganilla e&tract 1 cup Boiling water 1-2 cup #hocolate syrup 5hipped crea" or ice crea" 7i& together first 6 ingredients in 6-cup "old, Stir in "ilk+ oil and vanilla, 7i& boiling water and chocolate syrup, (our over batter , (lace s"all trivet or band fro" canning 8ar in botto" of cooker + add 2 cups war" water , (lace "old in cooker and cover with . layers of paper towels, #over cooker and cook on high 3 to . hours, Serve war" with crea",

PUMPKIN BREAD 4 1 cup all-purpose flour 4 1 1-2 tsp baking powder 4 1 tsp pu"pkin pie spice 4 1-2 cup brown sugar+ fir"ly packed 4 2 2b vegetable oil 4 2 eggs 4 1-2 cup pu"pkin canned! 4 . 2b raisins or dried currants+ finely chopped In s"all bowl co"bine flour+ baking powder and pu"pkin pie spice6 set aside, In "ed, "i&ing bowl co"bine brown sugar and oil6 beat till well co"bined, Beat in eggs, Add pu"pkin6 "i& well, Add flour "i&ture, Beat 8ust until co"bined, Stir in raisins, (our pu"pkin "i&ture into 2 well-greased and floured 1-2-pint straight-sided canning 8ars, #over 8ars tightly with greased foil, (lace a piece of cru"pled foil in 3-1-2 or . %t, crockery cooker with liner in place, (lace 8ars atop cru"pled foil, #over6 cook on high setting for 1-1-2 to 1-3-. hours or until a wooden toothpick inserted near centers co"es out clean, 9e"ove 8ars fro" cooker6 cool 13 "inutes in 8ars, 9e"ove bread fro" 8ars, #ool thoroughly on wire rack, 7akes 2 loaves,

PUMPKIN TEA BREAD 4 1-2 c, oil 4 1-2 c, sugar 4 1-2 c, brown sugar 4 2 beaten eggs 4 1 c, canned pu"pkin 4 1 1-2 c, sifted flour 4 1-2 tsp, salt 4 1-2 tsp, cinna"on 4 1-2 tsp, nut"eg 4 1 tsp, soda 4 1 c, chopped walnuts Blend oil and two sugars, Stir in beaten eggs and pu"pkin, Sift dry ingredients together, Add and then stir in nuts, (our batter into greased and floured 1 lb, 13 o*, coffee can, (lace can in #rock (ot, #over top of can with 6-/ paper towels6 place lid on top, Bake on high 2 1-2 - 3 1-2 hours, <o fair peeking until last hour,

RED RICE 4 . to 6 slices bacon+ fried ; cru"bled 4 1 large onion+ coarsely chopped 4 2 cans chopped to"atoes+ 1$ o* each! 4 1 cup converted rice 4 1-2 to 1 cup cooked chopped ha" 4 salt and pepper+ to taste 4 1-/ teaspoon hot pepper sauce+ or to taste )ry bacon6 drain and cru"ble, #ook onion in bacon grease 8ust until softened, #o"bine all ingredients in the slow cooker-#rock (ot, #over and cook on low for 6 to 1 hours+ or until rice is tender but not "ushy, Serves 6 to /

REFRIED BEAN DIP 4 1 23 o* can! refried beans 4 1-. teaspoon salt 4 1 cup shredded cheddar cheese 4 1 . o* can! chopped green chiles 4 2 tablespoons bottled taco sauce 4 1-2 cup chopped green onions 4 tortilla chips In #rock (ot co"bine beans with cheese+ chiles+ onions+ salt+ and taco sauce, #over and cook on low for 2 to 2-1-2 hours, Serve hot fro" the pot,

REUBEN DIP 4 1 s"all can sauerkraut 4 1 / o*,! crea" cheese 4 1 6 o*,! shredded Swiss cheese 4 6 ounces diced corned beef 4 2 tbsp, 2housand Island 0ressing 0rain and rinse sauerkraut+ "i& with crea" cheese and Swiss cheese, Add diced corned beef and 2housand Island dressing, #over and heat on low until cheeses are "elted+ stirring occasionally to blend all ingredients, Serve war" with crackers or cocktail rye bread,

RHUBARB BAKE 4 1 3-. cup fresh rhubarb 4 3-. cup sugar 4 1 cinna"on stick 4 2 whole cloves 4 1 teaspoon grated le"on peel 4 1-. cup butter or "argarine 4 1-3 cup flour 4 1-3 cup sugar #ut rhubarb into s"all pieces, #o"bine rhubarb with 3-. cup sugar+ cinna"on+ cloves and le"on peel in cooker, #over and cook on low for 3 to . hours, 9e"ove whole spices, Spoon rhubarb into baking dish, #o"bine re"aining ingredients and sprinkle over rhubarb, Bake at .33 degrees for 23 to 2$ "inutes, Serves . to 6,

RICE PUDDING 4 2 1-2 c, cooked rice 4 1 1-2 c, scalded "ilk 4 2-3 c, white or brown sugar 4 3 eggs+ beaten 4 1 tsp, salt 4 2 tbsp, vanilla 4 1 tsp, cinna"on 4 1 tsp, nut"eg 4 1-2 c, raisins 4 3 tbsp, soft butter #o"bine all ingredients, (our into lightly greased #rock (ot, #ook on high 1 to 2 hours, Stir during first 33 "inutes, 9ecipe can be doubled,

RICE PUDDING WITH FRUIT 1-2 gallon "ilk4 1 cup uncooked rice 1 cup sugar 3 tablespoons cold "argarine 1-. teaspoon salt+ optional 1 teaspoon vanilla e&tract 1-2 cup dried apricots or peaches+ "inced 1-. teaspoon ground cinna"on 4Lse half nonfat and half whole "ilk or all nonfat for lower fat content, #an substitute evaporated "ilk for a very rich flavor, 2he cooking ti"e will vary greatly+ anywhere fro" 1 1-2 to 3 1-2 hours, 2he longer it cooks+ the thicker it will be, It is i"portant to have the dried apricots "inced, (ut all ingredients into the slow cooker-#rock (ot, Stir to blend well, #over and cook on high for 1 1-2 hours6 stir once after about an hour, =r+ cook on high for the first 33 "inutes+ turn to low and cook as long as desired, #heck after the first 2 hours of low cooking and stir, If the rice is not absorbing the "ilk %uickly enough+ turn the slow cooker-#rock (ot up to high again, Feep cover on at all ti"es, Slow #ooker te"peratures vary widely a"ong different brands, =nly e&peri"entation can tell you the correct a"ount of ti"e for cooking in your slow cooker-#rock (ot, 9arely will a slow cooker-#rock (ot recipe fail+ though+ as the long+ slow cooking process does not re%uire precise ti"ing, Serves /,

RICH BROWNIES IN A NUT CRUST 1-. cup butter or "argarine+ "elted 1 cup chopped nuts 1 fa"ily-si*e package brownie "i& about 23 o*,! (our "elted butter into 2-pound coffee can6 swirl to butter sides, Sprinkle with half the nuts, 7i& brownies according to the package directions, (our half the batter into coffee can+ covering nuts evenly, Add re"aining half of nuts+ then batter, (lace can in #rock-(ot, #over top of can with / paper towels, #over and bake on Eigh setting for 3 hours, 0o not check or re"ove cover until last hour, If using Bread Cn #ake Bake pan+ bake in covered pan on Eigh setting for 2 to 3 hours,! 9e"ove can and discard paper towels, @et stand $ "inutes, Ln"old and serve war", 2. brownies for 3 1-2- or $-%uart #rock-(ot!,

RICOTTA AMARETTO CHEESECAKE Crust: 1 cup vanilla wafer cru"bs about 21 to 23 cookies! 1 tablespoon sugar 1-/ teaspoon al"ond e&tract 3 tablespoons butter F !! "#: 1$ ounces light ricotta cheese / ounces crea" cheese 2-3 cup sugar 3 large eggs plus 1 egg yolk (age 231 of 2.$ #rockpot 9ecipes 2-16-2333 e-book?--(ages-crockpotPrecipes,ht" 1-. cup A"aretto li%ueur 2 tablespoons all-purpose flour 1-. teaspoon al"ond e&tract 1-2 teaspoon vanilla e&tract #o"bine crust ingredients well6 pat into a 1-inch springfor" pan, Beat sugar into the cheeses6 add eggs6 beat for 2 to 3 "inutes on "ediu" speed of an electric hand-held "i&er, Add re"aining filling ingredients and beat about 2 "inutes "ore, (our into prepared crust, (lace the cheesecake on a rack in the #rock (ot or use a 'ring' of alu"inu" foil to keep it off the botto" of the pot!, #over and cook on high for 2 1-2 to 3 hours, @et stand in the covered pot after turning it off! for about 1 to 2 hours+ until cool enough to handle, #ool thoroughly before re"oving pan sides, #hill before serving6 store leftovers in the refrigerator,

ROASTED .EGGIE TRIO POT 3 cups 1$ o*! sliced raw potatoes 3 cups sliced carrots 1-3-. cups one 1$ o* can! Swanson Beef Broth 1-2 cup chopped onions In a slow cooker+ co"bine potatoes+ carrots and onion, (our beef broth evenly over top, #over and cook on EI:E for . - 6 hours, 7i& well before serving,

RUSSIAN CHICKEN 4 1 bottle 9ussian dressing 16 o*,! 4 1 envelope onion soup "i& 4 1 8ar apricot preserves 13 o*,! 4 . pieces chicken -- . to 6! 4 Seasoned salt and pepper to taste #o"bine dressing+ preserves and onion soup "i& in bowl and pour into a slow cooker-#rock (ot, Sprinkle chicken with seasoned salt and pepper, (lace chicken+ skin side down+ in slow cooker-#rock (ot, #ook on @=5 for / hours EI:E . hours! Serves . - 6,

SALMON AND POTATO CASSEROLE 4 . potatoes+ peeled and thinly sliced 4 3 tablespoons flour 4 salt and pepper 4 1 can 16 ounces! sal"on+ drained and flaked 4 1 "ediu" onion+ chopped 4 1 can 13 3-. ounces! crea" of "ushroo" soup 4 1-. cup water 4 nut"eg (lace half of the potatoes in greased slow cooker-#rock (ot, Sprinkle with half of the flour+ salt and pepper, #over with half the sal"on6 sprinkle with half the onion, 9epeat layers in order, #o"bine soup and water, (our over potato-sal"on "i&ture, 0ust with nut"eg, #over and cook on @ow for 1-13 hours, Serves 6,

SALMON BAKE IN CROCKPOT 4 3 cans Sal"on+ 1 lb each 4 . cups Bread cru"bs+ soft 13 slices 4 1 can 2o"atoes in puree+ 1 lb, 4 1 :reen pepper+ chopped 4 3 teaspoons @e"on 8uice 4 1 can #rea" of onion soup+ cond, 4 2 #hicken bouillon cubes+ crushed 4 6 >ggs+ well beaten 4 1 can #rea" of celery soup+ cond, 4 1-2 cup 7ilk :rease re"ovable liner well, #o"bine all ingredients+ e&cept celery soup and "ilk+ in re"ovable liner, (lace liner in base, #over and cook on low .-6 hours or auto for 3 hours, #o"bine crea" of celery soup with 1-2 cup of "ilk and heat in saucepan, Lse as sauce for sal"on bake,

SA.ORY SALSA-CORN CAKE 4 2 bo&es corn "uffin "i&+ / o* each! 4 1 can crea"ed corn+ 1$ ounce! 4 2 eggs 4 1-2 cup sour crea" 4 1 can chopped green chiles+ . ounces! undrained 4 2 tablespoons soft "argarine 4 3 to . 2bs chunky salsa In a "ediu" bowl+ co"bine crea"ed corn+ eggs+ sour crea"+ chiles+ and "argarine, 5hisk together until well co"bined, Add corn "uffin "i&+ stirring well to co"bine, :enerously grease a 3 1-2-%uart slow cooker-#rock (ot with "argarine or butter, (our batter into the slow cooker-#rock (ot, Spoon salsa over the top and cut into the batter, #over and cook on high for about 2 1-2 hours, 2urn heat off and let cool with lid a8ar+ for about 1$ "inutes, @oosen sides with a knife and invert onto a large plate, If a little of the top sticks to the botto" of the pot+ dollop a little salsa on the top+ or decorate with sour crea" and chopped green onion, 0elicious side dishJ Serves 6 to /,

SCALLOPED CORN 3 large eggs 1 cup half and half 1 2ablespoon sugar 1-. teaspoon salt 1-. teaspoon pepper 3 to . tablespoons "inced onion 2 cups fro*en crea"ed corn+ thawed 1 cup coarsely crushed cracker cru"bs 5isk "ilk and eggs together+ then "i& in re"aining ingredients, (our into lightly buttered casserole which will fit in the slow cooker-#rock (ot, #over and cook on high for 2 1-2 hours+ or until knife inserted in center co"es out clean, Serves 6 as a side dish,

SCALLOPED POTATO-TOMATO POT 6 cups 23 o*! fro*en shredded hash browns 2 cups one 16 o* can! cut green beans+ rinsed and drained 1-. cup finely chopped onion 1 teaspoon dried parsley flakes 1 13-3-. o*! can Eealthy 9e%uest #rea" of #elery Soup 1-3-. cups one 1.-1-2 o* can! stewed to"atoes+ undrained In a slow cooker+ co"bine hash browns+ green beans and onion, In a "ediu" bowl+ co"bine parsley flakes+ celery soup and undrained stewed to"atoes, Add soup "i&ture to potato "i&ture, 7i& well to co"bine, #over and cook on @=5 for 6 - / hours, 7i& well before serving,

SCALLOPED POTATOES 13 large (otatoes+ thin slice 2 large =nions+ chopped 2 cans #heddar cheese soup+ cond, 1 cup 7ilk In a s"all bowl+ co"bine soup with "ilk, In re"ovable liner+ layer one half the potatoes and one half the chopped onions6 spread one half the soup-"ilk "i&ture, 9epeat layering using rest of ingredients, (laced in base, #over and cook on low for 6-/ hours+ high for 3-. hours or auto for $ hours,

SCALLOPED POTATOES WITH HAM 1-2 cup diced ha" / to 13 "ed, potatoes+ thinly sliced 1 c, grated A"erican cheese Salt and pepper 1 can crea" of "ushroo" soup+ or 1 cup "ediu" white sauce (aprika 1 onion+ thinly sliced In slow cooker-#rock (ot layer half of ha"+ half of potatoes+ half of onions+ half of cheese, Sprinkle with salt and pepper, 9epeat layers with re"aining half of ingredients, Spoon undiluted soup or white sauce over top and sprinkle with paprika, #over and cook on low for 1 to B hours,

SHRIMP CREOLE 1 1-2 c diced celery 1 1-. c chopped onion 3-. c chopped bell pepper 1 /o*! can to"ato sauce 1 2/ o*! can whole to"atoes 1 clove garlic4 1 tsp salt 1-. tsp pepper 6 drops 2abasco sauce optional! 1 lb shri"p+ deveined and shelled #o"bine all ingredients e&cept shri"p, #ook 3 - . hours on high or 6 / hours on low, Add shri"p last hour of cooking, Serve over hot rice, #hicken+ rabbit or crawfish "ay be substituted for the shri"p, 4 1 tsp garlic salt or 1-. tsp garlic powder "ay be substituted,

SHRIMP MARINARA 4 1 16 o*,! can of to"atoes+ cut up 4 2 tbsp, "inced parsley 4 1 clove of garlic+ "inced 4 1-2 tsp, dried basil 4 1 tsp, salt 4 1-. tsp, pepper 4 1 tsp, dried oregano 4 1 6 o*,! can to"ato paste 4 1-2 tsp, seasoned salt 4 1 lb, cooked shelled shri"p 4 :rated (ar"esan cheese 4 #ooked spaghetti In a #rock (ot+ co"bine to"atoes with parsley+ garlic+ basil+ salt+ pepper+ oregano+ to"ato paste and seasoned salt, #over and cook on low for 6 to 1 hours, 2urn control to high+ stir in shri"p+ cover and cook on high for 13 to 1$ "inutes "ore, Serve over cooked spaghetti, 2op with (ar"esan cheese,

SIMPLE SAUCY POTATOES 4 . cans 1$ ounces each !sliced white potatoes + drained 4 2 cans condensed crea" of celery soup + undiluted 4 2 cups sour crea" 4 13 bacon strips+ cooked and cru"bled 4 6 green onions + thinly sliced (lace potatoes in slow cooker, #o"bine the re"aining ingredients6 pour over the potatoes and "i& well, #over and cook on high for .-$ hours,

SLOW-COOKED BROCCOLI 2 packages 13 o*, each! fro*en chopped broccoli+ partially thawed 1 can 13-3-. o*,! condensed crea" of celery soup+ undiluted 1-1-2 cups shredded sharp cheddar cheese+ divided 1-. cup chopped onion 1-2 teaspoon 5orchestershire sauce 1-. teaspoon pepper 1 cup crushed butter-flavored crackers about 2$! 2 tablespoons butter or "argarine In a large bowl+ co"bine broccoli+ soup+ 1 cup cheese+ onion+ 5orcestershire sauce and pepper, (our into a greased slow cooker, Sprinkle crackers on top6 dot with butter, #over and cook on high for 2-1-2 to 3 hours, Sprinkle with re"aining cheese, #ook 13 "inutes longer or until the cheese is "elted, Kield? /-13 servings,

SLOW-COOKED CORN PUDDING 1-. cup chopped onion 1-. cup chopped green pepper 1-. cup chopped fresh to"ato 1 16 o* can crea"-style corn . large eggs 1-2 cup evaporated "ilk 1-2 teaspoon salt 1-. teaspoon pepper Saute onion and green pepper until slightly softened6 add to"ato and saute for 1 "inute "ore, In a "ediu"-si*ed bowl+ whisk together the eggs+ "ilk+ crea"ed corn and seasonings6 add the sauteed vegetables, @ightly grease a 3 1-2 %uart #rock (ot or a souffle dish which fits in a larger #rock (ot! and pour the "i&ture in, #ook on high 2 1-2 to 3 hours6 add grated cheese to the top and cook until cheese is "elted,

SLOW-COOKER CANDY 4 2 lbs, white al"ond bark 4 . o*, bar :er"an chocolate 4 12 o*, pkg, se"i-sweet chocolate chips 4 2. o*, 8ar dry roasted peanuts (ut all ingredients in #rock (ot6 cook 1 hour on high, 0o not stir, 2urn #rock (ot to low and stir every 1$ "inutes for 1 hour, 0rop on wa&ed paper and cool, Store in an air-tight container,

SLOW-COOKER CREAMY CORN 4 1 large Bag fro*en corn 4 / ounces (kg, crea" cheese 4 1 Stick "argarine 4 Salt and pepper to taste 7elt crea" cheese and "argarine in "icrowave, Spray slow cooker-#rock (ot with vegetable spray, (ut "elted crea" cheese and "argarine in slow cooker-#rock (ot, Add corn+ salt and pepper, #ook in slow cooker-#rock (ot for two hours on low,

SLOW-COOKER CREAMY SCALLOPED POTATOES AND HAM 3 lbs, "ed, si*e potatoes peeled and sliced 1 onion chopped 1 cup shredded cheddar cheese 1 cup cooked ha" 1 can 13 3-. o*! reduced fat crea" of "ushroo" soup 1-2 cup water #o"bine potatoes+ onion+ cheese and ha" in slow cooker-#rock (ot, In s"all bowl+ stir together soup ; water, (our over potato "i&ture, #over pot, #ook on Eigh for . hours or until potatoes are tender, Stir "i&ture 8ust before serving, 7akes 6 servings

SLOW-COOKER SEAFOOD CHOWDER 4 2 lbs, fro*en fish filets 4 1-. lb, bacon or salt pork+ diced 4 1 "ediu" onion+ chopped 4 . "ediu" potatoes+ peeled and cubed 4 2 cups water 4 1 1-2 tsp, salt unless you are using fresh salt-water fish! 4 1-. tsp, pepper 4 1 can evaporated "ilk 2haw fro*en fish in refrigerator, #ut into bite-si*ed pieces, In skillet+ saute bacon or salt pork and onion until "eat is cooked and onion is golden, 0rain and put into #rock (ot with the fish pieces, Add potatoes+ water+ salt and pepper, #over and cook on low for 6 - B hours, Add evaporated "ilk during last hour, If the chowder is thicker than you like+ add "ore "ilk any kind!,

SLOW-COOKER SHRIMP CREOLE 4 1 1-2 c, diced celery 4 1 1-. c, chopped onion 4 3-. c, chopped bell pepper 4 1 / o*,! can to"ato sauce 4 1 2/ o*,! can whole to"atoes 4 1 clove garlic4 4 1 tsp, salt 4 1-. tsp, pepper 4 6 drops 2abasco opt,! 4 1 lb, shri"p+ deveined ; shelled 41 teaspoon garlic salt or 1-. teaspoon garlic powder "ay be substituted, #o"bine all ingredients e&cept shri"p, #ook 3 to . hours on high or 6 to / hours on low, Add shri"p last hour of cooking, Serve over hot rice, #hicken+ rabbit or crawfish "ay be substituted for shri"p, Stove top version+ if you donCt have a #rock (ot, Saute celery+ onion and bell peppers in oil or butter until tender, Better if left a bit crunchy,! Add re"aining ingredients e&cept "eat being used, Si""er at least 33 "inutes to an hour, Add shri"p or whatever "eat you wish and si""er 33 "inutes "ore, 2his is even better reheated the ne&t day,

SOUTHERN STYLE GREEN BEAN * POTATO CASSEROLE . to 6 "ediu" red potatoes+ sliced about 1-.' thick peeled or not! . to $ cups whole fresh green beans+ tri""ed 6 slices bacon+ diced fried and drained 2 tablspoons "inced dried onion 1 can B/R fat free crea" of celery soup salt and pepper to taste (lace sliced potatoes and green beans in slow cooker-#rock (ot6 add other ingredients, #over and cook on low 1 to B hours, Serves . to 6,

SOUR CREAM CHILI BAKE 1 pound :round beef 1 can (into beans+ drained 1$ o*! 1 can >nchilada sauce 13 o*! 1 can 2o"ato sauce / o*! 1 cup Shredded process A"er cheese 1 tablespoon Instant "inced onion 1 cup 5ater . cups #orn chips 1 cup Sour crea" 1-2 cup Shredded process A"erican cheese Brown ground beef6 drain, 2ransfer "eat to #rock (ot, Stir in beans+ enchilada sauce+ to"ato sauce+ 1 cup of cheese+ onion and 1 cup of water, 9eserve 1 cup of corn chips6 crush the re"aining chips and add to the "eat "i&ture, #over and cook on low heat for / to 13 hours, 2o serve+ top with sour crea"+ re"aining cheese+ and reserved corn chips,

SPAGHETTI SAUCE WITH CHICKEN * SAUSAGE 4 1 lb, Italian sausage 4 3-. boneless chicken breasts+ cut into 1-inch chunks 4 1 cup chopped green pepper 4 1 cup chopped onion 4 1-2 tsp, Italian seasoning 4 2 . o*, each! cans "ushroo" ste"s and pieces+ drained 4 2 8ars favorite spaghetti sauce 4 Eot cooked pasta In skillet+ brown Italian sausage+ piercing casings to allow e&cess fat to run out, 9e"ove to plate and cut into 1-2 to 1-inch chunks, In sa"e skillet+ brown chicken pieces, I like to sautU the pepper and onion a bit+ too,! (lace sausage and chicken in slow cooker, Add pepper and onion, Sprinkle with Italian seasoning, Add "ushroo"s, (our sauce over everything, #over and cook on low for 6 to / hours, Stir before serving over spaghetti or other pasta,

SPAGHETTI S-UASH 2 cups water 1 spaghetti s%uash+ a si*e which will fit in slow cooker-#rock (ot 5ith a skewer or large fork+ puncture several holes in the s%uash, (our water in the slow cooker-#rock (ot+ add the whole s%uash, #over and cook on low for / to B hours, Split and re"ove seeds+ then transfer the 'spaghetti' strands to a bowl, Serve tossed with butter and salt and pepper+ (ar"esan cheese or your favorite sauce,

SPANISH CHICKEN 2 lb, boneless skinless chicken breast Seasoned salt ; pepper to taste Black olives+ pitted Sliced "ushroo"s+ drained Stewed to"atoes @i%uid to cover beer+ to"ato soup or to"ato sauce w-e%ual a"ount of water or stock! #ut chicken into bite-si*ed pieces6 season, (lace with re"aining ingredients in slow cooker, Si""er all day on low, Serve over rice, Serves .,

SPICY CHICKEN WINGS 4 3 tbsp, vinegar 4 2. chicken wings+ dru""ettes 4 1-. c, hot pepper sauce+ or less 4 1-2 c, "elted butter 4 1 pkg, Eidden Galley 9anch original dry salad dressing "i& (reheat oven to 3$3 degrees, 7i& all ingredients together e&cept chicken wings and salad dressing "i&, (lace chicken wings in baking dish or pan in a single layer, (our "i&ture over wings, Sprinkle with dry dressing "i&, Bake 2$ - 33 "inutes or until browned, Sprinkle with paprika if you like, #hicken wings "ay be "ade in slow cooker-#rock (ot - cook on low . to $ hours,

SPICY FRANKS 4 1 cup ketchup 4 1-. cup brown sugar+ packed 4 1 tablespoon red wine vinegar 4 2 teaspoons soy sauce 4 2 teaspoons 0i8on "ustard 4 1-/ teaspoon garlic powder 4 1 pound hot dogs+ cut into bite-si*e pieces+ or cocktail wieners+ s"oked sausage+ etc, #o"bine everything but hot dogs in the #rock (ot6 cover and cook on high 1 to 2 hours+ until well blended, Add hot dogs+ stir+ and cook another 1 to 2 hours+ until heated through, 2urn to low to keep war" and serve fro" the #rock (ot,

SPICY MARMALADE MEATBALLS 7eatballs? 4 2 lbs ground beef chuck! 4 1-2 cup bread cru"bs 4 1 teaspoon 5orcestershire sauce 4 1-2 teaspoon salt 4 1-. teaspoon pepper 4 1 s"all onion+ "inced 4 1-2 teaspoon chili powder 4 1-. teaspoon garlic powder 4 3 eggs Sauce? 4 2 cups ketchup 4 1-. cup 5orcestershire sauce 4 1 8ar orange "ar"alade 13 to 12 ounces! 4 dash cayenne+ "ore or less to taste 4 1 teaspoon chili powder #o"bine sauce ingredients in slow cooker-#rock (ot6 cover and cook on high while preparing "eatballs, #o"bine "eatball ingredients, Eeat a large skillet over "ediu" high heat, Add "eatballs6 brown on all sides, Kou "ight have to do this in batches, (lace browned "eatballs in a 32$D oven and bake for .$ "inutes if the skillet isnCt ovenproof+ transfer to a baking dish!, 2ransfer "eatballs to slow cooker-#rock (ot with a slotted spoon or drain on brown paper first, #over and reduce to @=5 for 2 to . hours, Serve hot as an appeti*er or over rice for a "ain dish, 7akes 2. to ./ "eatballs+ depending on si*e,

SPICY REFRIED BEAN DIP 4 2 cans refried beans+ 16ounce each! 4 1 package taco seasoning "i&+ about 1 1-. o* 4 1-2 cup chopped onion 4 2 cups 7onterey 8ack cheese+ shredded 4 a few drops 2abasco sauce+ to taste 4 chopped 8alapeno or "ild chiles+ to taste (lace refried beans+ taco seasoning+ onion+ cheese+ and 2abasco sauce in the slow cooker-#rock (ot6 stir well, Stir in chopped chiles, #over and cook on low until cheese is "elted+ about 1 hour6 add a little water if "i&ture see"s too thick, Serve fro" the slow cooker-#rock (ot with )rench bread+ crackers+ or chips, 7akes about . cups,

SPINACH3 CHEESE * BACON STRATA . cups sliced ; buttered )rench bread+ cubed 1 bag fro*en spinach 16 o*! 6 to / ounces diced+ cooked bacon+ ha"+ or turkey ha" 1 1-2 to 2 cups shredded cheddar cheese salt and pepper+ to taste 1 can 13o*! crea" of "ushroo" soup the B/R fat free is fine! 1-2 cup evaporated "ilk $ eggs 1 tablespoon "inced dried onion optional! @ightly butter a 3 1-2-%uart slow cooker-#rock (ot, @ayer with half of the buttered bread cubes+ spinach+ bacon+ and cheese6 salt and pepper to taste, 9epeat layers ending with cheese, 5hisk together the soup+ "ilk+ eggs+ and dried onion, (our over slow cooker-#rock (ot "i&ture, #hill for 1 hour or overnight, #over and cook on low for 3 1-2 to . 1-2 hours, Serves . to 6,

SPINACH SOUFFLE 2 pounds fro*en spinach+ thawed and drained 1-. cup grated onion 1 / o* pkg light crea" cheese+ softened 1-2 cup "ayonnaise 1-2 cup shredded #heddar cheese 2 eggs+ beaten 1-. teaspoon white or black pepper dash nut"eg 7i& thawed and drained spinach together with onion, Beat re"aining ingredients and blend in spinach "i&ture, Spoon "i&ture into a lightly buttered 3 1-2-%uart #rock (ot or souffle dish to fit in a larger crock pot! and cook on high for 2 to 3 hours,

SPOON PEACHES 1-3 cup sugar 1-2 cup brown sugar 2 tsp, "argarine+ "elted 1-2 can evaporated "ilk 3-. cup Bis%uik 2 eggs 2 cups peaches+ "ashed 2 tsp, vanilla 3-. tsp, cinna"on Spray slow cooker-#rock (ot with non-stick cooking spray, #o"bine sugars and Bis%uik, Add eggs and vanilla, Add "argarine and "ilk, Add peaches and cinna"on, (our into slow cooker-#rock (ot, #ook on low for 6 to / hours,

S-UASH CASSEROLE I $ cups yellow s%uash+ canned or fro*en 1-2 cup butter or "argarine+ "elted 1 can crea" of chicken soup 2 slices cubed bread 1 cup sour crea" (lace s%uash in slow cooker with butter and cook for 1 hour, Add soup as it co"es fro" the can+ and cook until hot, Add bread and sour crea" and cook until bubbly,

S-UASH CASSEROLE II 2 pounds yellow su""er s%uash or *ucchini+ thinly sliced about 6 cups! 1-2 "ediu" onion+ chopped 1 cup pared shredded carrot 1 can 13 1-. ounces! condensed crea" of chicken soup 1 cup sour crea" 1-. cup flour 1 package / ounces! seasoned stuffing cru"bs 1-2 cup butter or "argarine+ "elted In large bowl+ co"bine s%uash+ onion+ carrot and soup, 7i& sour crea" and flour+ stir into vegetables, 2oss stuffing cru"bs with butter and place half in slow cooker-#rock (ot, Add vegetable "i&ture and top with re"aining stuffing cru"bs, #over and cook on @=5 for 6-/ hrs, Serves . to 6,

STEWED TOMATOES 6 to / ripe to"atoes 2 tablespoons "argarine 1 "ediu" onion+ thinly sliced 3-. cup chopped celery 1-2 cup chopped green pepper 3 tablespoons sugar "ore or less! 1 s"all bay leaf 1 teaspoon salt 1-/ teaspoon pepper #ore to"atoes6 place in boiling water for about 1$ to 23 seconds+ then into ice water to cool %uickly6 peel, #ut to"atoes in wedges, In #rock (ot+ co"bine all ingredients, #over and cook on low /-B hours, 9e"ove bay leaf, Sprinkle top with parsley+ if desired, Serve as a side dish or free*e in portions for soups or other recipes, Serves 6,

STREUSEL POUND CAKE 1 pkg, pound cake "i& 16 o*,! si*e 1-. c, packed brown sugar 1 tbsp, flour 1-. c, finely chopped nuts 1 tsp, cinna"on 7i& cake "i& according to package directions, (our batter into well greased and floured 2 pound coffee tin, #o"bine sugar+ flour+ nuts and cinna"on and sprinkle over cake batter, (lace can in crockpot, #over top of can with / layers of paper towels, #over pot and bake on high 3 to . hours,

STUFFED GREEN PEPPERS 1 package 13 o*! fro*en corn kernels 1 can 1$ o*! red kidney beans drained and rinsed 1 can 1.,$ o*! diced to"atoes 1-. cup salsa 1-. cup chopped onions 1 1-2 cups cooked rice 1 tsp 5orcestershire sauce 1-. tsp salt 1-2 tsp pepper 2 cups shredded reduced fat #heddar cheese+ divided 6 green peppers, tops re"oved ; seeded #o"bine all ingredients+ e&cept 1-. cup cheese and green peppers, Stuff peppers, Arrange peppers in #rock (ot, #over+ cook on low 6 - / hours high 3 - . hours! Sprinkle with 1-. cup cheese during the last 33 "inutes, 7akes 6 servings

STUFFED POTATOES 4 6 baking potatoes+ washed 4 3 tbsp butter 4 1 cup "ilk 4 chopped chives 4 1 tsp salt 4 1--/ tsp pepper 4 3 tbls (ar"esan cheese 4 shredded cheddar cheese (lace da"p potatoes in botto" of cooker, #over and cook on low for 6 to / hours, 9e"ove and cut a slice+ lengthwise+ fro" each potato, Scoop out insides, Save shell, Add re"aining ingredients and beat until fluffy, Spoon "i&ture back into shells and top each with shredded cheddar cheese, Bake at .2$ degrees for 1$ "inutes or until cheese is "elted and bubbly, Serves 6,

SUGARED PECANS 4 16 ounces pecan halves 4 1-2 cup butter+ "elted 4 1-2 cup powdered sugar 4 1 1-2 teaspoons ground cinna"on 4 1-. teaspoon ground ginger 4 1-. teaspoon ground allspice Stir the pecans and butter in a 3 1-2-%uart #rock (ot until co"bined, Add powdered sugar+ stirring to coat, #over and cook on high for 1$ "inutes, 2urn to low and cook uncovered for about 2 hours+ or until the nuts are covered with a crisp gla*e, 2ransfer to a bowl+ co"bine spices and sift over nuts+ tossing to distribute evenly, #ool before serving,

SUGARED WALNUTS * PECANS 4 1 pound (ecans or 5alnut pieces 4 1-2 cup Lnsalted butter - "elted 4 1-2 cup (owdered sugar 4 1-. tsp Allspice - ground 4 1-/ tsp #loves - ground 4 1 1-2 tsp #inna"on - ground 4 1-. tsp :inger - ground - - (reheat slow cooker-#rock (ot on high for 1$ "inutes, - - )irst+ in preheated slow cooker-#rock (ot stir the walnuts or pecans! and butter until "i&ed well, - - Add the powdered sugar+ stirring to coat evenly, - - #over and slow-cook on high for 1$ "inutes, - - 9educe the heat to low and slow cook+ L<#=G>9>0+ stirring occasionally+ until the nuts are coated with a crisp gla*e should be about 2 hours,! - - 2ransfer the nuts to a bowl, - - In another s"all bowl+ co"bine the spices and sift the" over the nuts+ stirring to coat evenly, - - @et cool before serving,

SUN-DRIED TOMATO SPAGHETTI SAUCE 1 1-2 cups chopped sun-dried to"atoes 1 "ediu" onion+ chopped 1 cup celery+ chopped 2 cloves garlic+ "inced 36 o* whole or chopped to"atoes+ undrained 2-3 cup chablis or other dry white wine 1 teaspoon dried fennel seed 1 1-2 tsp, basil 1-2 teaspoon oregano 1-2 teaspoon pepper Salt to taste (lace all ingredients in slow cooker-#rock (ot and cook on low for 6-/ hours, <ote? Kou can add "ushroo"s if desired,

SUNSHINE S-UASH 1 butternut s%uash+ about 2 pounds+ peeled+ seeded and diced 1 can 1.-1-2-ounce! to"atoes+ undrained 1 can about 1$-ounces! corn+ drained 1 "ediu" onion+ coarsley chopped 1 clove garlic+ "inced well 1 green bell pepper+ seeded and cut into 1-' pieces 1 canned green chili+ coarsely chopped 1-2 cup chicken broth 1-2 teaspoon salt 1-. teaspoon black pepper 1 tablespoon plus 1-1-2- teaspoons to"ato paste #o"bine all ingredients e&cept to"ato paste in slow-cooker, #over and cook on @=5 6 hours or until s%uash is tender, 9e"ove about 1-.- cup cooking li%uid and blend with to"ato paste, Stir into slow-cooker, #ook 33 "inutes or until "i&ture is slightly thickened and heated through, Serves 6- /,

SWEET AND SOUR CABBAGE . bacon slices+ diced 1-. cup packed brown sugar 2 tbsp, all-purpose flour 1-2 tsp, salt 1-/ tsp, pepper 1-. cup water 1-. cup vinegar 1 "ediu" head red cabbage+ shredded about / cups! 1 s"all onion finely chopped In a skillet+ cook bacon until crisp6 reserve drippings, #o"bine 1 tbsp, drippings in a slow cooker with re"aining ingredients+ e&cept cooked bacon, #over and cook on @=5 6 1-2 to 1 hours or until cabbage is tender, Spoon into serving bowl6 sprinkle with reserved bacon,

SWEET :N; SOUR CHICKEN 6 "ed, carrots+ cut into 1-2' chunks 1-2 c, finely chopped green pepper 1 s", onion+ finely chopped 3 split chicken breasts re"ove skin+ optional! 1-2 tsp, salt 1 13 o*,! 8ar Sweet < Sour sauce 1 1$ o*,! can pineapple chunks+ drained 2 tbsp, cornstarch (lace all ingredients in slow cooker-#rock (ot with chicken on top, #over and cook on low 6-/ hours, 9e"ove chicken and thicken with 2 tablespoons cornstarch dissolved to a "ediu" thick paste with water, (our over chicken breasts - or re"ove chicken fro" bone and co"e with sauce "i&ture, Serve with stea"ed white or brown rice,

SWEET AND SOUR FRANKS 4 1 cup chili sauce 4 1 cup currant 8elly 4 3 tablespoons le"on 8uice 4 1 tablespoon prepared "ustard 4 2 pounds cocktail franks or hot dogs cut into bite-si*ed pieces 4 2 cans (ineapple chunks+ 21 o*s #o"bine first four ingredients in #rock (ot6 "i& well to break up 8elly chunks, #over and cook on high 1$ to 23 "inutes to soften 8elly and blend sauce ingredients, Add cut-up hot dogs or cocktail franks, Add pineapple, #over and cook on high for 2 hours6 or low for . hours, Feep on low while serving,

SWEET AND SOUR KIELBASA 4 1 pound kielbasa 4 1 13 o*,! 8ar red currant 8elly 4 1-2 $ o*,! 8ar golden spicy "ustard add whole 8ar for "ore spicy! #ut kielbasa to bite-si*e pieces, Add to boiling water, Boil / to 13 "inutes6 poke with fork to release grease fro" "eat, In slow cooker-#rock (ot+ "elt 8elly on low heat, Add "ustard, 5hen kielbasa is done boiling+ rinse+ then add to slow cooker-#rock (ot "i&ture, #oat all of the "eat, Si""er for 1 hour or "ore on low,

SWEET AND SOUR SAUSAGE BALLS 4 1-2 c, brown sugar 4 2 lbs, sausage 4 1 1-. c, ketchup 4 1 tbsp, soy sauce 4 1 tbsp, le"on 8uice 4 1 can chunk pineapple 9oll sausage in balls+ brown and add other ingredients, #ook until done in slow cooker,

SWEET AND SOUR SHRIMP 1 package 6 o&,! fro*en #hinese pea pods+ partially thawed 1 can 13 o*,! 8uice-pack pineapple chunks or tidbits drain and reserve 8uice! 2 tbls cornstarch 3 tbls sugar 1 chicken bouillon cube 1 cup boiling water 1-2 cup reserved pineapple 8uice (age 22B of 2.$ #rockpot 9ecipes 2-16-2333 e-book?--(ages-crockpotPrecipes,ht" 2 tsp soy sauce 1-2 tsp ground ginger 2 cans . 1-2 o*, each! shri"p+ rinsed ; drained 2 tbls cider vinegar )luffy rice (lace pea pods and drained pineapple in #rock-(ot, In a s"all saucepan+ stir together cornstarch and sugar, 0issolve bouillon cube in boiling water and add with 8uice+ soy sauce and ginger to saucepan, Bring to a boil+ stirring+ and cook sauce for about 1 "inute or until thickened and transparent, :ently blend sauce into pea pods and pineapple, #over and cook on @ow setting for . to 6 hours, Before serving+ add shri"p and vinegar+ stirring carefully to avoid breaking up shri"p, Serve over hot rice, . to $ servings about 1 1-2 %uarts!

SWEET POTATO AND PINEAPPLE PUDDING 3 pounds sweet potatoes+ peeled and shredded 2 cans / o*,! crushed pineapple in unsweetened 8uice+ undrained 1 can 12 o*,! evaporated "ilk 1 1-. cups brown sugar+ fir"ly packed 6 2, "argarine or butter+ cut in cubes 3 eggs+ slightly beaten 1 t, ground cinna"on 1-2 t, nut"eg @ightly grease #rock (ot, In #rock (ot+ co"bine sweet potatoes+ pineapple+ evaporated "ilk+ brown sugar+ "argarine+ eggs+ cinna"on+ and nut"eg, #over and cook on low 1-/ hours or on Eigh . hours+ stirring every 2 hours until the potatoes are tender, Serve hot or at roo" te"perature, <=2>? 2his dish "ay appear to be curdling+ however it will co"e together toward the end of the cooking, Serve 13 - 12, 2his was for the $ %uart "odel!,

SWEET POTATOES WITH APPLES $ "ediu" sweet potatoes 3 apples such as :ranny S"ith! peeled ; cored+ cut in wedges 1-. teaspoon :round nut"eg 1-. teaspoon ground cinna"on 1-. cup 7aple flavored syrup 2 tablespoons butter+ "elted 1-. cup pecan pieces :enerously grease the botto" and sides of the slow cooker-#rock (ot with butter or "argarine, (eel sweet potatoes6 cut into 1-2' slices, (lace on botto" of slow cooker-#rock (ot, 2op with apple wedges6 then nut"eg and cinna"on+ "aple syrup+ and the "elted butter, #over and cook on low about . hours or until potatoes are tender, Sprinkle with pecans the last 33 "inutes, Serves . to 6,

SWEET SWEET-POTATOES 2 pounds sweet potatoes---peel and grated 1-3 cup brown sugar---packed good 1-. cup butter---"elted 1-. cup coconut---flaked 1-. cup broken pecans---toasted 1-. teaspoon cinna"on 1-. teaspoon coconut e&tract 1-. teaspoon vanilla In a slow cooker-#rock (ot+ co"bine potatoes+ sugar+ butter+ coconut+ pecans and cinna"on, #over and cook on @=5 for 6-/ hours or on EI:E for 3-. hours, Stir in coconut and vanilla e&tracts,

SWISS CHEESE SCALLOPED POTATOES 4 2 pounds baking potatoes+ peeled and thinly sliced 4 1-2 cup finely chopped yellow onion 4 1-. tsp salt 4 1-. tsp ground nut"eg 4 3 2BS butter+ cut into 1-/-inch pieces 4 1-2 cup "ilk 4 2 2BS all-purpose flour 4 3 o*, Swiss cheese slices+ torn into s"all pieces 4 1-. cup finely chopped green onion optional! 1, @ayer half the potatoes+ 1-. cup onion+ 1-/ tsp salt+ 1-/ tsp nut"eg+ 1 2BS butter in slow cooker, 9epeat layers, #over and cook on @=5 1 hours or on EI:E . hours, 9e"ove potatoes with slotted spoon to serving dish, 2, Blend "ilk and flour in s"all bowl until s"ooth, Stir "i&ture into slow cooker, Add cheese6 stir to co"bine, If slow cooker is on @=5+ turn to EI:E+ cover and cook until slightly thickened+ about 13 "inutes, Stir, (our cheese "i&ture over potatoes and serve, :arnish with chopped green onions+ if desired, 7akes $ to 6 servings,

SWISS CHICKEN CASSEROLE 4 6 chicken breasts+ boneless and skinless 4 6 slices Swiss cheese 4 1 can crea" of "ushroo" soup 4 1-. cup "ilk 4 2 cups stuffing "i& 4 1-2 cup butter or "argarine+ "elted @ightly greas #rock (ot or spray with cooking spray, (lace chicken breasts in pot, 2op with cheese, #o"bine soup and "ilk+ stirring well, Spoon over cheese6 sprinkle with stuffing "i&, 0ri**le "elted butter over stuffing "i&, #ook on low / to 13 hours or high . to 6 hours, Serves 6,

TACO CHILI 1 1-2 to 2 pounds lean ground beef 1 "ediu" onion+ chopped 1 pkg 1 1-.o*! taco seasoning "i& 2 cans 1. 1-2o* ea,! diced to"atoes 1 can 13o*! diced to"atoes with green chilies 1 can 16o*! pinto beans+ rinsed and drained 1 1$o* can chili beans in sauce 1 cup fro*en whole kernel corn Shredded cheese "o**arella+ 7onterey Aack or cheddar! Slightly crushed tortilla chips In a large skillet+ cook ground beef and onion+ one-half at a ti"e+ till "eat is browned and onion is tender, 0rain off fat, 2ransfer to a 3 1-2to $-%uart crockery cooker, Stir in dry taco seasoning "i&+ diced to"atoes+ diced to"atoes with green chilies+ pinto beans+ chili beans in chili sauce+ and corn, #over6 cook on low for / to 13 hours or on high for . to $ hours, Sprinkle each serving with so"e cheese and chips, 7akes / servings,

TE5AS CHILI 6 strips bacon 2 lbs, boneless beef cubes 2 cans 1$ o*,! kidney beans+ drained 1 can 2/ o*,! to"atoes+ cut up 1 can / o*,! to"ato sauce 1 c, finely chopped onion 1-2 c, thinly sliced carrots 1-2 c, finely chopped green pepper 1-2 c, finely chopped celery 2 tbsp, "inced parsley 2 cloves garlic "inced 1 bay leaf 2 tbsp, chili powder 1 tsp, salt 1-/ tsp, pepper )ry bacon until crisp, 9e"ove bacon and drain on paper towel, Brown half the beef cubes in pan with bacon drippings five "inutes, (lace in slow cooker, 9epeat with re"aining "eat, Stir bacon and re"aining ingredients into 3 1-2 %uart slow cooker, #over and cook on low setting about 13 hours or until beef is tender, Stir occasionally, If you donCt have a slow cooker place in large pot+ cover+ place on stove under low heat and follow directions above,

TERIYAKI SAUCE WINGS 4 3 pounds chicken wings 4 1 onion+ chopped 4 1 cup soy sauce 4 1 cup brown sugar 4 2 teaspoons ground ginger 4 2 cloves garlic+ crushed 4 1-. cup dry sherry 9inse chicken+ and pat dry, #ut off wing tips and discard, #ut each wing into 2 pieces+ cutting at the 8oint, Broil wings . inches fro" heat for about 13 "inutes on each side+ or until browned, 2ransfer to #rock (ot, 7i& all re"aining ingredients together and pour over chicken wings, #ook+ covered+ on low for $ to 6 hours or on high for 2 to 3 hours, Stir once or twice to keep wings coated with sauce, 7akes about 32 wings,

TRIPLE CHOCOLATE MESS 1 package chocolate cake "i& any! 1 pint sour crea" 1 pkg, instant chocolate pudding any si*e! 1 6o*, bag chocolate chips 3-. c, oil . eggs 1 c, water Spray c,p, with non-stick spray, 7i& all ingrediants, #ook on low for 6/ hours 2ry not to lift the lid, Serve with ice crea", I tried this with low fat cake "i&+sour crea" and fat free pudding, It turned out greatJ It is G>9K rich+ so be sure to have so"e ice crea" in the house, A little goes a long way, Feeps in fridge for a while, Aust heat and serve,

TUNA NOODLE CASSEROLE 4 2 cans crea" of celery soup 4 1-3 cup dry sherry 4 2-3 cup 7ilk 4 2 tablespoons parsley flakes 4 13 ounces fro*en peas 4 2 cans tuna+ drained 4 13 ounces egg noodles+ cooked 4 2 tablespoons butter or "argarine 4 dash curry powder optional! In a large bowl+ thoroughly co"bine soup+ sherry+ "ilk+ parsley flakes+ vegetables+ and tuna, )old in noodles, (our into greased #rock (ot, 0ot with butter or "argarine, #over and cook on @ow 1 to B hours, #ook noodles 8ust until tender,!

TUNA SALAD CASSEROLE 2 cans tuna+ drained and flaked 1 can crea" of celery soup . hard-cooked eggs+ chopped 1 cup diced celery 1-2 cup "ayonnaise 1-. tsp, pepper 1 1-2 cups crushed potato chips #o"bine all ingredients e&cept 1-. cup of the crushed potato chips6 stir well, (our into greased #rock (ot, 2op with re"aining potato chips, #over and cook on @ow setting for $-/ hours,

TURKEY AND RICE CASSEROLE 2 cans crea" of "ushroo" soup 3 cups water 3 cups converted long-grain white rice uncooked! 1 cup thinly sliced celery 1 to 2 cups cubed cooked turkey 2 cups fro*en "i&ed vegetables peas ; carrots+ oriental "i&+ etc,! 1 teaspoon poultry seasoning 1 tablespoon dried "inced onion (our soup and water into #rock (ot and stir to co"bine, Add re"aining ingredients and "i& well, #over and cook 6 to / hours on low or 3 to . hours on high, Add soy sauce if desired,

TURKEY BARBECUE 2 to 3 lb, turkey fillets 2 green peppers 1 teaspoon, celery salt 0ash of pepper 2 teaspoon, chopped onion 1/ ounce thick barbecue sauce (repare turkey fillets with dash of pepper across tops, Bake in 3$3 degree oven for 1 hour covered, Lncover for desired darker color, (repare chopped green peppers+ onions, 7i& barbecue sauce+ celery salt+ thin with water if needed! in $ %uart slow cooker-#rock (ot+ set on high, Add green peppers and onions, Allow to heat while turkey is baking, #hop turkey as desired in s"all to"ediu" chunks! and add to slow cooker-#rock (ot, Si""er for 2 to 3 hours+ or turn to low and cook for . to 6 hours, Serve on fresh rolls, Serves . to 6,

TURKEY MADEIRA 1 1-2 lb turkey breast tenders 2 ounce porcini "ushroo"s dried! 3-. cup chicken broth 3 tablespoons 7adeira wine 1 tablespoon le"on 8uice salt and pepper to taste #over and cook on low for 6 to / hours, 2hicken 8uices with cornstarch if desired+ and serve with rice, Serves .,

.EGETABLE BEEF SOUP 1 pound ground chuck 1 cup chopped onion 1 large 2/ o*,! can whole to"atoes chopped! 3 cup diced potatoes 1 16 o*,! can cut green beans 2 teaspoon chili powder 2-3 dashes cayenne pepper sauce 2 13 1-2 o*,! cans condensed beef bouillon 1 cup chopped celery 1 cup sliced carrots 1 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon 5orcestershire sauce Brown "eat with onion and celery6 drain off fat, Stir in re"aining ingredients and add 1 or 2 cups water, #over and cook on low for /-13 hours,

.EGETABLE CASSEROLE 4 2 cups carrots+ cut in strips+ cooked ; drained 4 2 cups celery+ diced 4 1 onion+ diced 4 1-. cup green pepper+ diced 4 1 pint to"ato 8uice 4 . cups green beans+ drained 4 1 teaspoon salt 4 dash of pepper 4 3 tablespoons tapioca 4 1 tablespoon sugar 7i& all ingredients together in slow cooker-#rock (ot, 0ot with 2 tablespoons "argarine and cook on low for /-13 hour or on high for .-$ hours,

.EGETABLE CURRY 4 . "ediu" #arrots+ bias sliced into inch slices 4 2 "ediu" (otatoes+ cut into 1-2 cubes 4 1$ ounces #an garban*o beans+ drained 4 / ounces :reen beans+ cut into 1 pieces 4 1 cup #oarsely chopped onion 4 3 to . cloves :arlic+ "inced 4 2 tablespoons Iuick-cooking tapioca 4 2 teaspoons #urry powder 4 1 teaspoon :round coriander 4 1-2 teaspoon #rushed red pepper optCl! 4 1-. teaspoon Salt 4 1-/ teaspoon :round cinna"on 4 1. ounces #an vegetable broth 4 16 ounces #an to"atoes+ cut up 4 2 cups Eot cooked rice In a 3 1-2+ .+ or $ %uart crockery cooker co"bine carrots+ garban*o beans+ potatoes+ green beans+ onion+ garlic+ tapioca+ curry powder+ coriander+ red pepper if desired!+ salt+ and cinna"on, (our broth over all, #over6 cook on low-heat setting for / to 13 hours or on high-heat setting for . to $ hours, Stir in Lndrained to"atoes, #over6 let stand $ "inutes, Serve with cooked rice, 7akes . servings,

.EGETABLE PASTA FOR CROCKPOT 4 2 tablespoons Butter =r 7argarine 4 1 Mucchini+ 1-.' slice 4 1 Kellow S%uash+ 1-.' slice 4 2 #arrots+ thinly sliced 4 1 1-2 cups 7ushroo"s+ fresh+ sliced 4 1 package Broccoli+ )ro*en+ cuts 4 . :reen =nions+ sliced 4 2 to 3 cloves :arlic+ "inced 4 1-2 teaspoon Basil+ dried 4 1-. teaspoon Salt 4 1-2 teaspoon (epper 4 1 cup (ar"esan #heese+ grated 4 12 ounces )ettucine 4 1 cup 7o**arella #heese+ 4 Shredded 4 1 cup #rea" 4 2 >gg Kolks 9ub crock wall with butter, (ut *ucchini+ yellow s%uash+ carrots+ "ushroo"s+ broccoli+ onions+ garlic+ seasonings and par"esan in the #rock (ot, #over6 cook on Eigh 2 hours, #ook fettucine according to package directions6 drain, Add cooked fettucine+ "o**arella+ crea" and egg yolks, Stir to blend well, Allow to heat for 1$ to 33 "inutes, )or serving turn to @ow for up to 33 "inutes, Serves 6,

.EGETABLE SLOW COOKER / (otatoes 1 =nion+ chopped . #arrots+ peeled and sliced 2 Stalks celery+ sliced . #hicken bouillon cubes 1 tablespoon (arsley flakes $ cups 5ater 1-3 cup Butter or "argarine Ea" - cubed to taste 13 ounces #an evaporated "ilk (eel ; cut potatoes into bite-si*ed pieces, (ut all ingredients e&cept evaporated "ilk in #rock (ot, #over and cook 13 to 12 hours, Stir in evaporated "ilk during last hour, Add flour to thicken+ if desired, 2his is "ade in the #rock (ot-very easy recipes and yu""yJ

.EGETABLES ITALIAN-STYLE 1 teaspoon salt 1 "ediu" eggplant+ cut in 1' cubes 2 to 3 "ediu" *ucchini+ halved ; sliced 1-2' 1 large onion+ sliced thinly 12 ounces fresh "ushroo"s+ sliced 1 tablespoon olive oil . plu" to"atoes+ sliced 1-.' thick 1 1-2 cups "o**arella cheese+ shredded 2 cups to"ato sauce 1 teaspoon oregano salt and pepper+ to taste 2oss eggplant and *ucchini with the 1 teaspoon of salt, (lace in a large colander over a bowl to drain for about 1 hour, 0rain and s%uee*e e&cess "oisture out, In a large skillet over "ediu" heat+ saute onion+ eggplant+ *ucchini+ and "ushroo"s until slightly tender, In the slow cooker-#rock (ot+ layer 1-3 of the vegetables including sliced to"atoes!+ 1-3 of the the to"ato sauce, and 1-3 of the cheese, Sprinkle with oregano+ salt and pepper, 9epeat layering 2 "ore ti"es, #over and cook on low 6 to / hours, Serve over rice+ pasta+ or other grain, Serves 6,

.EL.EETA SALSA DIP 4 1 pound Gelveeta #heese spread+ cubed can use light 4 1 package (icante sauce or salsa 4 2 tablespoons #ilantro optional! 1, (lace brick of Gelveeta and 8ar of picante sauce in a slow cooker or #rock (ot+ and turn on high stirring occasionally until "elted and blended, Stir in cilantro when "elted, 2, Serve with tortilla chips, <ote? Kou can substitute two cans of chopped to"atoes and chiles for the salsa+ or add one can of to"atoes and chiles, (lay around with this+ and you "ight even add a little @ouisiana hot sauceJ

W0 t& C0 ! < t0 C0 /)&" 1 lb, dry white northern beans $ 1-. c, chicken broth 2 cloves garlic+ "inced 1 lg, white onion+ chopped 1 tbsp, ground white pepper 1 tsp, salt 1 tbsp, dried oregano 1 tbsp, ground cu"in 1-2 tsp, ground cloves 1 1 o*,! can diced green chilies $ c, diced cooked chicken breast 1 3-. c, chicken broth 1 tbsp, diced 8alapeno pepper optional! )lour tortillas #ondi"ents? Shredded 7onterey Aack cheese Sliced black olives #hunky salsa Sour crea" 0iced avocados Soak beans in water to cover for 2. hours then drain, In slow cooker-#rock (ot or large kettle+ co"bine beans+ $ 1-. cup chicken broth+ garlic+ onion+ white pepper+ salt+ oregano+ cu"in+ cloves, Si""er covered for at least $ hours until beans are tender, Stir occasionally, Stir in green chiles+ chicken and 1 3-. chicken broth, )or hotter taste+ add 8alapeno, #over and si""er for 1 hour, Serve with flour tortillas and condi"ents,

WILD RICE CASSEROLE 1 1-2 c, uncooked long-grained rice 1-2 c, uncooked wild rice 1 envelope dry onion soup "i& 1 tbsp, snipped parsley optional! . c, water 1 bunch green onions+ chopped / o*, fresh or canned "ushroo"s+ sliced 1-. c, butter or "argarine+ "elted #o"bine all ingredients, (our into lightly greased slow cooker, #over+ cook on high 2 1-2 hours+ stirring occasionally,

WINNING WINGS IN SWEET AND SOUR SAUCE 4 16 #hicken wings 4 . tablespoons 5ine or balsa"ic vinegar 4 1 cup Apricot preserves 4 2 tablespoons (eanut butter optional! 4 1 cup Fetchup 4 . tablespoons Eorseradish 4 1 cup Sweet onion+ finely chopped 4 1 teaspoon Eot sauce optional! (at the chicken wings dry and place then in the slow cooker-#rock (ot, In a bowl+ "i& together re"aining ingredients, 2aste-check for a good balance of sweet and sour, (our the sauce over the wings, #over the slow cooker-#rock (ot and cook on low until the chicken is tender+ about . hours,

YUMMY CHICKEN WINGS 12-1/ chicken wings 1-3 c soy sauce 1 tsp, ginger 2 garlic cloves "inced 2 green onions "inced 1 2BS honey 2 tsp, oil #o"bine ingredients in your #rock (otJJ #ook on low for 6-/ hours serves 2-. people depending on appeti*er or "ain dish

ZUCCHINI BREAD 4 2 eggs 4 2-3 c, vegetable oil 4 1 1-. cup sugar 4 1 1-3 c, *ucchini+ peeled and grated 4 2 tsp, vanilla 4 2 c, flour 4 1-. tsp, salt 4 1-2 tsp, baking powder 4 1 tsp, cinna"on 4 1-2 tsp, nut"eg 4 1-2 to 1 c, chopped nuts 5ith "i&er+ beat eggs until light and foa"y, Add oil+ sugar+ grated *ucchini and vanilla, 7i& well, Stir dry ingredients with nuts, Add to *ucchini "i&ture, 7i& well, (our into greased and floured 2 pound coffee can or 2 %uart "old, (lace in #rock (ot, #over top with / paper towels, #over and bake on high 3 to . hours, 0= <=2 #E>#F =9 9>7=G> cover until last hour of baking, @et stand $ "inutes before un"olding,

ZUCCHINI CASSEROLE 1 red onion+ sliced 1 green pepper+ cut in thin strips . "ed, *ucchini+ sliced ; unpeeled 1 16 o*,! can diced to"atoes+ undrained 1 tsp, salt 1-2 tsp, pepper 1-2 tsp, basil 1 tbsp, oleo 1-. c, grated (ar"esan cheese #o"bine all ingredients+ e&cept oleo and cheese+ in a slow cooker, Set te"perature on low and heat for 3 hours, 0ot casserole with oleo and sprinkle with cheese, #ook 1 1-2 hours "ore on low setting, 7akes 6 servings,

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