Michael Ruge: Software Testing Skills

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Michael Ruge

3960 Overlake Dr. Denton TX, 76210 (972)-795-1813 mic aelr!"e#m$.!nt.e%!

Skills: Software Testing Skills &i'!al (t!%io, )**+)D,, -cli.'e De/!""e% an% ran m!lti.le te'tin" t$.e' on "ame' create% in cla''e'. 0.- 1e"re''ion te'tin", 2'a/ilit$ Te'tin", (tre'' Te'tin" Te'te% man$ .ro"ram' over 35 o!r' o4 com.!ter 'cience co!r'e' Programming Skills *+*55, 676, 8ava, 7T9: De'i"ne% an% .ro"ramme% t;o %i44erent vi%eo "ame .ro<ect', one 2D an% one 3D. =or /ot "ame' 0 ;orke% in team' o4 2-3 .eo.le an% create% t e en"ine 4rom 'cratc in *55 *reate% an an%roi% a.. t at .!lle% a 8(O> re?!e't 4rom "oo"le an% li'te% t e to. ten .lace' !n%er !'er entere% cate"orie'. *reate% an an%roi% a.. in 8ava to vie; 3% mo%el'. Written Communication Skills @rote a man!al 4or o; to /e an e44ective .roce''or 4or @almart Di'tri/!tion 7ave taken 6 o!r' o4 tec nical comm!nication co!r'e', ; ic incl!%e% ;ritin"A 9an!al' 6ro.o'al' 9emo' =ea'i/ilit$ 1e.ort' Education: University of orth Te!as" #enton" T$ *!rrentl$ 6!r'!in" a ,.B. 0n *om.!ter (cience -C.ecte% "ra%!ation %ateA B!"!'t 2013 *erti4icate in )ame De'i"n B%vance% *o!r'e'A &i%eo )ame 6ro"rammin" Bl"orit m' 2% an% 3% )ra. ic' Data (tr!ct!re' @e/ 6ro"rammin" Em%loyment &istory: Walmart #istri'ution Center" Sanger" T$ Di'tri/!tion 1eceivin" 2nloa%er >ovem/er 2012 D 6re'ent (a'inal" #enton" T$ 6ro%!ction B''ociate 8!ne 2011 D >ovem/er 2012 Pi))a &ut" (ewisville" T$ Deliver$ Driver B.ril 2009 D 8!ne 2011

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