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5 Movies That Completely Violate Their Message

Id like to kick off this article by clarifying that in this context, violate is not used in a horrifying, prison scariness context. No, this article simply chats about five movies that propose a message, and then tears it down violently.

#5 Bruno
First up is Sacha Baron Cohens controversial gay movie, Bruno. Starring Sacha Baron Cohen and a host of the most forgettable supporting cast of all time, the English comic plays a homosexual Austrian journalist who is clearly just like Hitler, despite being tall, blonde, flamboyant, stylish, loves the men, and is a journalist. I actually take that all back, he is nothing like Hitler. Anyway, the film has a central moral/message that can be summed up like this: homophobia is bad. It must be torn apart. America has a huge bias and aggression against the homosexual population, and this is wrong. Now, the central premise of the film is Cohen acts like a homosexual to poke fun at the publics reaction. Now is where the movie aggressively violates its message with a broken broom handle in the closet of an English boarding school in the countryside. Cohen provokes the reaction not by acting as a (Im going to try to say this as inoffensively as possible) real life homosexual, but pretending to be the epitome of every gay stereotype. The Bruno he portrays is frankly unrealistic. He is the most aggressively in your face man-lover out there, and all he seems to be doing is proving to these weird American southern folk that the homosexual population really do hate God.

Why, the LGBT population is much more down to Earth.

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