Evangelitsacartwright Resume

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Evangelitsa Cartwright

(647)455-5290 yellow.lemons@hotmail.com 2206-666 Spandina Ave o!onto" #$ %5S 2&'

PERSONAL PROFILE Display excellent customer communication and customer service Adhered to company standards and policies Motivated to learn in class and on the job Ability to work well within a team environment as well as independently Basic knowledge of Excel

EDUCATION Baking and Pastry Arts Management #umber $nstitute of %echnology & Advanced 'earning Psych ! gy ,lendon -ollege. /ork 0niversity Ontari Sec ndary Sch ! Di"! ma #OSSD$ (outh -ollegiate $nstitute F d %and!er Certi&icati n Pr gram Middlesex*'ondon #ealth 0nit

April 2 !"

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1une 2 !!

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EMPLO'MENT E(PERIENCE F d "re" ) Dish*asher (ummer 2 !+ By %he 3ay -afe 4repared food for weekend brunches including cracking large amounts of eggs in a short period of time. cutting fruits and vegetables for salads. readied any food line*cooks needed prepared 0tili5ed + -ompartment sinks and a dish sterili5er to wash large amounts of dishes over busy brunch rushes F d Pre"+ Sand*ich Artist+ ,eekend C!eaner+ Cre* Trainer 2ov) 2 6*1uly 2 !+ Arby7s -anada 4repared food for backline use & prepared food on backline for customers -ame in weekly to clean and saniti5e entire store -alled in new staff for interviews & trained new staff on becoming a working part of a team Acted as manager when others were unable to show up to work -OLUNTEER E(PERIENCE , men.s C mm/nity Center #elped prepare lunch 4erformed office errands such as mail*outs. shredding. and sorting -ared for children under the age of ten L nd n Chi!dren.s C nnecti n 4lanned out activities 4repared afternoon meals for the children

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