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Enclosed is a letter I sent to a public official named Walter Goss.

I wanted to bring attention to the growth of population and asked him to pass the letter along to higher up official to get this issue to the surface.

Letter to Public Official 11/12/2013 Public Hall/Municipal Hall Address

Dear Walter Goss, I am writing to you in regards to the overpopulation issue facing the world today. I want you to see exactly what concerns the people throughout the globe are having. I believe Its time to implement a strategy to limit growth, which in tune will help secure our little resources we have left and limit any more lives lost from hunger. I want to focus on the impact people are having on the environment specifically, and what changes if any that would help adverse the effects we have created. As the worlds population soars well past 7 billion, the environment and the resources in it are steadily beginning to diminish. It has been shown that a consequence of climate change will be higher ground ozone levels that in years would reduce the amount of soy bean crops by 20%. Reducing food output when countries like Africa and India are already struggling to feed the hungry will only add to the turmoil. The populations in India and Africa reach unprecedented numbers, creating more uncertainty about the environments future and the people living there. Environmentalists are growing more concerned about the resources threatened by overpopulation. Issues such as deforestation, desertification, air pollution and global warming have been directly related to the number of people living on earth. When the growth of a population becomes uncontrollable the need for fresh water severely outweighs the supply. Ann Hoevel stated how important water is to the population with the quote If water goes, the species goes. Without water human life as we know it will no longer exist. There is water surrounding every continent but roughly 97% is solely salt water and deemed undrinkable. The

remaining 3% of fresh water is steadily being consumed at a faster rate every year. The accessibility of fresh water is low when the competition and demand for it is high. This means that the availability for humans to have enough water to sustain life is something humans will face in our life time. Climate change is going to affect developing countries more harshly than others. This will lead to more deaths due to improper nutrition and a changing diversifying climate that people are not prepared for. Overpopulation only contributes to damaging an already affected environment. The resources humans consume are steadily becoming less available, from all the deforestation and pollution to building more urban areas. There has been major damages to the earth systems such as the ecosystem, wild life, organisms and specie variety. These damages not only affect animals and organisms but it will impact humans. The depletion of essential resources will become a growing concern in years to come as oils, minerals, nutrients and gases become used up without any means of gathering more. These resources and lack of awareness of overpopulation will result in extinction of many species around the globe. The environmental author Jeremy Rifkin said perfectly Our burgeoning population and urban way of life have been purchased at the expense of vast ecosystems and habitatsits no accident that as we celebrate the urbanization of the world we are quickly approaching another historic wasteshed, the disappearance of wild life. As we try to maintain a flow of food for people around the world, wildlife becomes less adaptive to the new world leaving humans without the food to survive in it. Im asking for your help to bring this issue to politicians, newspapers and the media to help solve the problem the world is facing. There are some solutions to help limit growth for instances, Chinas one child per household policy however, there are ethical dilemmas when facing a limit of children one person can produce. Birth regulation may be part of the solution but there are many contributing factors that play a role in the growth of population. Another major factor that would help this major issue is education. With proper education people are more reluctant to produce an offspring without proper preparation. Roughly 40% of pregnancies are unintended. However, in developing

countries the ability to use protection and other tools to limit birth rates are not readily available. As starvation and environmental issues continue the ability for public officials to avoid the concern becomes less likely. I am writing to bring hope to people around the globe and to help bring this issue to the surface, so plans and strategies can be implemented now to help conserve the one and only earth we have. Thank You, Paul Sevigny

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