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I produced a newspaper article that elaborates on the issues on overpopulations.

It will reveal many problems people are already facing and will see in the near future.

Overpopulation: Does the World have Enough Resources to Sustain Us All

Student President: Tracy Moore Insider Look into Overpopulation Posted 11/10/2013 As the worlds population approaches 7.3 billion people, the concern for overpopulation becomes a major issue. Overpopulation is the driving factor for many problems facing people both now and in the future. Issues like world hunger, desertification, species depletion and resource scarcity can be closely related to the increase in population. As world leaders try to tackle economic turmoil, poverty, hunger and natural disasters, the lack of focus on overpopulation may lead the world to a point of no return. In the last twenty years there have been an estimated 200 million hunger related deaths per year worldwide. Undernourishment and lack of proper food are the contributing factors to these people deaths.

Is the world ready to listen?

Although food shortages and human suffering are important aspects, overpopulation affects much more than just people. Ecologists have found studies that the collapse in global biodiversity is linked to overpopulation. Many countries have found a significant loss in species. A staggering number of scientists have found that by transforming the natural landscape of the

earth we are jeopardizing the life that supports us and enables us to exist. The number of people on earth are reaching the limits of the finite planet. Humans have taken over the earth without any regard to the consequences surrounding the actions. Ann Hoevel wrote Nothing ever continues at its present rate, neither the stock market nor population growth. Without implementation of a strategy to help maintain the population to a reasonable level the world may reach a point where it cannot sustain the proper life for people living on it. Ann went on to say Overpopulation occurs when a populations density exceeds the capacity of the environment to supply the health requirements of an individual. Without changing the way we conduct our view and standpoint on this issue the problem will only become larger in size.

How can the world help limit growth?

The problem doesnt lie in urban areas but in rural areas, mostly within developing countries. Places like India, and Africa are losing the battle against hunger and poverty, which contributes to the fluctuation in population. Without education, health care and family planning opportunities, developing nations populations soar to an all-time high. Sub-Sahara Africa ranks at the bottom on every health indicator level and the consensus in that improvement for those region is not at the top of the worlds priority list. The lack of proper health care is a major issue facing poor developing countries.

Climate Change:

As the worlds population increases as does the climate containing it. Aside from the already millions of people battling with Hunger and poverty, environmental change can expect to contribute another 50 million people to the amount starving around the world. The main issue is the greatest proportion (exposed to hunger) is going to be in Africa. It is not just climate change, it is the number of people exposed to it. As the climate changes it effects more than just the environment it affects business and food expectancies.

The Time is Now:

The time has come to incorporate a way to control the population, otherwise not only are humans affected but the earth as a whole will be in serious danger. The environment has suffered greatly from deforestation, water consumption, waste exposure and natural disasters. Countries with already high population rates have become more reliant on resources that are slowly diminishing. As the population soars the Earths capability to contain everything on it slowly decreases, leaving more people searching for basic needs of food and water than ever before.

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