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Works Cited "Andrei Dmitriyevich Sakharov." Student Research Center. Ebsco. Web. 25 Oct. 2013. !sed this doc!

ment to "ind ho# the $SS% "e&&. "Andrei Sakharov 'io(ra)hy." Web. 25 Oct. 2013. !sed this statement on Sakharov to "i(!re o!t #hat he did "or the h!man ri(hts. "Andrei Sakharov* Soviet +hysics, -!c&ear Wea)ons and .!man %i(hts." Andrei Sakharov: Soviet hysics! "uclear Weapons and #uman Rights. Web. 25 Oct. 2013. /his is a statement on the $SS%s h!man ri(hts by %ona&d %ea(on. /his statement he&)ed me !nderstand #hat the $SA did abo!t it. "Andrei Sakharov." Web. /his a 01' "i&e on the $SS% e2i&in( Sakharov. !sed this to see #hy they e2i&ed Sakharov. 'rad&ey, 3ohn. Russia. 1445. +rint. !sed this to see ho# Sakharov #as a#arded "or his (ood deeds. Carrier, /., and An(e&a '. Wise$eek. Con6ect!re, 21 -ov. 2013. Web. 04 Dec. 2013. Carrier, /., and An(e&a '. Wise$eek. Con6ect!re, 21 -ov. 2013. Web. 04 Dec. 2013. /his )ict!re sho#ed #here the Soviet $nions )o#ers &ie Centra& nte&&i(ence A(ency. "/he 01' 7i&e o" Andrei Sakharov." Web. 10 Oct. 2013. 8###.cia.(ov9&ibrary9center:"or:the:st!dy:o":inte&&i(ence9csi: )!b&acation9csist!dies9vo&sono29htm&"i&es9'0;%1'"i&e<=. /his "i&e (ave me ba&ance and sho#ed me #hat the Soviet $nion tho!(ht abo!t Sakharov "Chan( Dai." %ou&ube. >o!/!be. Web. 04 Dec. 2013. !sed this to see the Soviet $nion Symbo&

"Chernoby&."'hibits/archives/cher.html. Web. 30 Oct. 2013. !sed this to see ho# #orkers #ere at risk at Chernoby&. "?a(a@ine." &()*.com. Web. 02 Dec. 2013. /his #as Sakharov on a ma(a@ine cover. "?onth&y Archives* 3!&y 2004." +valscreams. Web. 0A Dec. 2013. /his )ict!re #as to see #hat a hydro(en bomb e2)&osion &ooked &ike. Smith, 'renda. &he Collapse o, &he Soviet -nion. 144B. +rint. /his book in"ormed me on the Soviet $nions co&&a)se. "Soviet $nion Covers." ./C+0*RS&R**&.C+). Web. 04 Dec. 2013. /his )ict!re is (ood "or this #ebsite beca!se it re)resent the Soviet $nion "&a(s. "Statement on a 'i&& Concernin(.!man %i(hts in the Soviet $nion ?arch, 22,14A2." )iddle Search lus. E'SCO. Web. 15 Oct. 2013. "Statement on the E2i&e o" Andrei Sakharov and .!man %i(hts in the Soviet $nion ?ay 15, 14A5." Student Research Center. American %e"erence Cibrary. Web. 10 Oct. 2013. /his statement in"ormed me o" Sakharovs e2i&e Web. A Dec. 2013. !sed this )hoto to see #hat a .ydro(en 'omb &ooks &ike.

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