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For immediate release 12 December 2013


Port hypocrisy reveals green agenda

THE extreme Greens have exposed their real agenda by focusing on Abbot Points port expansion while completely ignoring a much larger project in the Great Barrier Reef world heritage area just 150km further north. Federal Member for Dawson, George Christensen, said the extreme Greens were jumping up and down about 3 million cubic metres of dredging at Abbot Point while ignoring 10 million cubic metres of dredging for the Townsville port expansion. He said the Townsville port expansion plan includes dredging in a the world heritage area, with 5 million cubic metres of the spoil to be disposed of in the world heritage area. But the extreme Greens havent said a word about it and they wont say a word about it because it is not a coal-exporting port, he said. That hypocrisy proves they dont care about the reef, they just want to shut down coal mining. The Townsville Port expansion project is still to be approved and public comment on the draft Environmental Impact Statement closed in July. Mr Christensen said if the extreme Greens had any genuine concerns about the impact on the reef, they would be opposing all dredging whether it was for exporting agricultural produce, general cargo, or just for the use of the tourism industry. Resounding silence from the extreme Greens about all the other dredging projects can only mean they are lying about their concern for the reef and they are using the reef as a weapon to fight another battle, he said. If the extreme Greens feel so strongly about shutting down the coal industry, they should have the guts to argue their case without resort to tawdry tactics of using a national icon as a weapon. Mr Christensen said the importance of the resource sector to Queensland was reflected in the total contribution to government revenues, estimated to be $6 billion last financial year. Last financial year, the Queensland Resources Sector delivered one in every four dollars of the state's economy and supports one in every five Queensland jobs, he said. If the extreme Greens were to have their way, Queensland would be the basket-weaving State. ENDS
For further information, contact Dave Westman on 0402 411 984

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