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Basic Lesson Plan How Are You Feeling?

Title: Grade: Subject: Key Goal:

Exploring Emotions
Pre K Facial Expressions Learning and expressing emotions through:
Face Chart Acting out emotions

Essential Question:

What are the different emotions being expressed? Early Childhood Standard of Quality for Pre K
Michigan State Board of Education Understanding emotions through signs, charts, and other students Being able to identify the different emotions Expressing their emotions

Learning Standards:

Learning Objectives:

Preschoolers will be able to: 1. Express their emotions 2. Notice emotions in others 3. Understand the emotions; some examples: Happy Sad

Basic Lesson Plan How Are You Feeling?

Angry Loved

Materials Needed:

After showing the child different expressions and acting them out you will need: Paper plates Popsicle sticks Glue Black Marker


Parents or Teachers can print out different faces. Or create a face chart by exploring different images from the interent.

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