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Sidney Garrison

402.699.3313 Omaha, Nebras a 6!022

$ard%&or ing s'(den' a' 'he )ni*ersi'y o# Nebras a a' +incoln &i'h e,-erience in S-anish lang(age and 'eaching. .ajoring in Secondary S-anish /d(ca'ion. $onor 0oll s'(den' and *ol(n'eer.

1ns'r(c'or 2ssis'an', )ni*ersi'y o# Nebras a%+incoln, +incoln, Nebras a 2013

2ssis' 'he ins'r(c'or by leading &or sho-s, ed(ca'ional ac'i*i'ies, and 'a ing a''endance. 2ns&er essen'ial 3(es'ions 'he s'(den's ha*e and aid 'he -rocess o# crea'ing a s-eech. Grade s-eeches and assignmen's.
2ssocia'e, /l horn 4ids 5am-(s, /l horn, Nebras a 2011%2013

"lan and o*ersee ac'i*i'ies #or elemen'ary school children in 'he a#'er% school -rogram, /l horn 4ids 5am-(s 6/457. Gi*e direc'ions #or 'as s and ins'r(c' 'he children in an a--ro-ria'e manner.
Nanny, /l horn, Nebras a 2010%2013 5are #or '&o children a' 'heir home d(ring 'he s(mmer'ime.

8ol(n'eer /,-erience
9amily +i'eracy 5lass 8ol(n'eer, 5lin'on /lemen'ary School, +incoln, Nebras a 2013

$el- 'each #oreign ad(l' s'(den's /nglish. 2id s'(den's &i'h reading, &ri'ing, and s-ea ing 'he /nglish lang(age 'hro(gh *ario(s ac'i*i'ies.
:een 8ol(n'eer, ;omen<s .e'hodis' $os-i'al, Omaha, Nebras a 2010%2012

=eli*er coo ies and ne&s-a-ers 'o -a'ien's in addi'ion 'o con*ersing &i'h 'hem. 5rea'ing decora'ions #or 'he hos-i'al% seasonal decora'ions, ne&born baby names, e'c.

)ni*ersi'y o# Nebras a a' +incoln, +incoln, Ne> Secondary S-anish /d(ca'ion, So-homore /l horn $igh School Grad(a'e% 5lass o# 2012

S ills


40 2 .6 99 .33 13


si dney jga rr iso n@gma i l. co m

/,cellen' comm(nica'ion and leadershi- s ills. 2ble 'o &or &ell &i'h o'hers 'o sol*e -roblems and share no&ledge. "lanning and organi?a'ion s ills are -ro#icien'. 5an -lan e##ec'i*e lessons #or high school le*el classes.

"age 2

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