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Vocabulary Tick (n) o Sound of clock Raw (adj) Yield (v) Synopsys (n) Herein (adv) Drawback (n)

ck (n) Feedback (n) new product Ex: negative or positive feedback. Frustrate (v) : to make s.o feel bad, annoyed or discouraged because they : song, chua tinh che, tho to be not processed : a very short time

o Raw material / raw vegetable : to supply or provide : a summary of piece of writing or piece, play : in this place, document : disadvantage , nhuoc diem : a satement or criticsm or information about an opinion or a

dont achieve what they want. Frustration (n), frustrating (Adj), Ex: Frustrating experience Milestone (n) : ct mc frustrated (adj), frustratingly (adv)

EX: Six decades of success and growth have been marked by numerous milestones Imperative (n) Drop out of school Earn a living

: very important : give up learning : kim sng

to prevent a fast sender from overwhelming a slow receiver

preference (n)

: greater interest in or desire for sb/sth than sb/sth else; a thing that is liked better or best

Penetrate / penitreit / (v): (into, through, to) go into or through sth ; to understand or discover sth that is difficult to understand or hidden. Resilient /rizili ent/ (adj): able to quickly return to a previous good condition. There is a popular comparison that underscores the pace of change or lack thereof regarding our nations grid. Endeavor (v) : try, attempt Since 1982, growth in peak demand for electricity driven by population growth, bigger houses, bigger TVs, more air conditioners and more computers has exceeded transmission growth by almost 25% every year. Instance (n) : v d, trng hp c bit. in the first instance : giai on u. at the instance of : theo ngh ca, theo s gi ca. hereafter (adv):in the rest of this document; from this time, in the future ; after death. Ex: Do you believe in a life hereafter? The hereafter : a life believed to begin after death (kip sau). by means of : via, by the way, by. Outstanding (n) : extremely good, excellent; ni bt, ng ch . Coincident = coincidental (adv) : happening in the same place or the same time.

the second parameter is the number of bytes which the host either wants to send to or is able to receive from the module.

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