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IN THE HIGH COURT OF DELHI AT NEW DELHI WP(C) No.7455/2001 Date of decision : 2nd J !"# 200$

Na% &o ndation ()'o *):

.... Petitione' +'.,nand -'o.e'# /'.,d.ocate 0it) +'.('idee1 Pais# +s./)*i 2ai and +s.+e)a3 /ot)i and +s.('i1ti (andon# ,d.ocates

.e's s -o.e'n4ent of NC( of De!)i and 5t)e's .... 2es1ondents ()'o *) : +'.P.P. +a!)ot'a# ,/- 0it) +'.C)etan C)a0!a# ,d.ocate fo' 657. +s.+ 3ta - 1ta# /tandin* Co nse! (C'!.) 0it) +'.-a 'a. /)a'4a and +'./)an3a' C))a8'a# ,d.ocates fo' -NC( of De!)i. +'.2a.i /)an3a' 9 4a' 0it) +'.,s) tos) D 8e"# ,d.ocates fo' 'es1ondent No.:/Joint ,ction Co nci! 9ann '. +'.;.P./)a'4a# ,d.ocate fo' 'es1ondent No.7/+'.<.P. /in*)a!. +'./ /'. ,d.ocate 0it) +'.=.9)ande!0a!# +'.,'.ind Na'ain# +s./. Nandini# +'.+a" ' / 'es)# +s.='inda -'o.e' and +'.Ja0a)a' 2a>a# ,d.ocates fo' 'es1ondent No.?@=oices a*ainst A77. CORAM: HONBLE THE CHIEF JUSTICE HONBLE DR. JUSTICE S.MURALIDHAR 1.W)et)e' 'e1o'te's of t)e !oca! ne0s 1a1e's 8e a!!o0ed to see t)e > d*4entB C 2.(o 8e 'efe''ed to t)e 2e1o'te' o' not B C A. W)et)e' t)e > d*4ent s)o !d 8e 'e1o'ted in t)e Di*estBC


Pa*e 1 of 105

AJIT PRAKASH SHAH, CHIEF JUSTICE: 1. ()is 0'it 1etition )as 8een 1'efe''ed 8" Na% &o ndation# a Non -o.e'n4enta! 5'*anisation (N-5) as a P 8!ic 7nte'est Fiti*ation to c)a!!en*e t)e constit tiona! .a!idit" of /ection A77 of t)e 7ndian Pena! Code# 1?:0 (7PC)# 0)ic) c'i4ina!!" 1ena!i%es 0)at is desc'i8ed as G nnat 'a! offencesH# to t)e eItent t)e said 1'o.ision c'i4ina!ises consens a! seI a! acts 8et0een ad !ts in 1'i.ate. ()e c)a!!en*e is fo nded on t)e 1!ea t)at /ection A77 7PC# on acco nt of it co.e'in* seI a! acts 8et0een consentin* ad !ts in 1'i.ate inf'in*es t)e f nda4enta! 'i*)ts * a'anteed nde' ,'tic!es 14# 15# 1$ J 21 of t)e Constit tion of 7ndia. Fi4itin* t)ei' 1!ea# t)e

1etitione's s 84it t)at /ection A77 7PC s)o !d a11!" on!" to non@consens a! 1eni!e non@.a*ina! seI and 1eni!e non@ .a*ina! seI in.o!.in* 4ino's. ()e 6nion of 7ndia is

i41!eaded as 'es1ondent No.5 t)'o *) +inist'" of ;o4e ,ffai's and +inist'" of ;ea!t) J &a4i!" We!fa'e. 2es1ondent No.4 is t)e Nationa! ,ids Cont'o! 5'*anisation ()e'einafte' 'efe''ed to as GN,C5H) a 8od" fo'4ed nde' t)e ae*is of

+inist'" of ;ea!t) J &a4i!" We!fa'e# -o.e'n4ent of 7ndia. N,C5 is c)a'*ed 0it) fo'4 !atin* and i41!e4entin*

1o!icies fo' t)e 1'e.ention of ;7=/,7D/ in 7ndia. 2es1ondent No.A is t)e De!)i /tate ,ids Cont'o! /ociet". 2es1ondent

No.2 is t)e Co44issione' of Po!ice# De!)i. 2es1ondents No.: to ? a'e a!s and N-5s# 0)o 0e'e 1e'4itted to inte'.ene on t)ei' 'eK est. ()e 0'it 1etition 0as dis4issed DWP(C)7455/2001E Pa*e 2 of 105

8" t)is Co 't in 2004 on t)e *'o nd t)at t)e'e is no ca se of action in fa.o ' of t)e 1etitione' and t)at s c) a 1etition cannot 8e ente'tained to eIa4ine t)e acade4ic c)a!!en*e to t)e constit tiona!it" of t)e !e*is!ation. Co 't .ide o'de' dated 0A.02.200: in ()e / 1'e4e Ci.i! ,11ea!

No.$52/200: set aside t)e said o'de' of t)is Co 't o8se'.in* t)at t)e 4atte' does 'eK i'e conside'ation and is not of a nat 'e 0)ic) co !d )a.e 8een dis4issed on t)e afo'esaid *'o nd. decision. ()e 4atte' 0as 'e4itted to t)is Co 't fo' f'es)



,t t)e co'e of t)e cont'o.e's" in.o!.ed )e'e is t)e 1ena! 1'o.ision /ection A77 7PC 0)ic) c'i4ina!i%es seI ot)e' t)an )ete'oseI a! 1eni!e@.a*ina!. ()e !e*is!ati.e )isto'" of t)e s 8>ect indicates t)at t)e fi'st 'eco'ds of sodo4" as a c'i4e at Co44on Fa0 in Ln*!and 0e'e c)'onic!ed in t)e &!eta# 12$0# and !ate' in t)e <'itton# 1A00. <ot) teIts 1'esc'i8ed t)at sodo4ites s)o !d 8e 8 'nt a!i.e. ,cts of sodo4" !ate' 8eca4e 1ena!i%ed 8" )an*in* nde' t)e < **e'" ,ct of

15AA 0)ic) 0as 'e@enacted in 15:A 8" M een L!i%a8et) 7# afte' 0)ic) it 8eca4e t)e c)a'te' fo' t)e s 8seK ent c'i4ina!isation of sodo4" in t)e <'itis) Co!onies. 5'a!@ *enita! seI a! acts 0e'e !ate' 'e4o.ed f'o4 t)e definition of 8 **e'" in 1?17. ,nd in 1?:1# t)e deat) 1ena!t" fo' 8 **e'" 0as fo'4a!!" a8o!is)ed in Ln*!and and Wa!es. DWP(C)7455/2001E Pa*e 3 of 105

;o0e.e'# sodo4" o' 8 **e'" 'e4ained as a c'i4e Nnot to 8e 4entioned 8" C)'istians.N A. 7ndian Pena! Code 0as d'afted 8" Fo'd +aca !a" and int'od ced in 1?:1 in <'itis) 7ndia. /ection A77 7PC is

contained in C)a1te' O=7 of t)e 7PC tit!ed G5f 5ffences ,ffectin* t)e ; 4an <od"H. A77 7PC is cate*o'ised Wit)in t)is C)a1te' /ection

nde' t)e s 8@c)a1te' tit!ed G5f

6nnat 'a! 5ffencesH and 'eads as fo!!o0s: GA77. 6nnat 'a! 5ffences @ W)oe.e' .o! nta'i!" )as ca'na! inte'co 'se a*ainst t)e o'de' of nat 'e 0it) an" 4an# 0o4an o' ani4a!# s)a!! 8e 1 nis)ed 0it) i41'ison4ent fo' !ife# o' 0it) i41'ison4ent of eit)e' desc'i1tion fo' a te'4 0)ic) 4a" eItend to ten "ea's# and s)a!! a!so 8e !ia8!e to fine. LI1!anation @ Penet'ation is s fficient to constit te t)e ca'na! inte'co 'se necessa'" to t)e offence desc'i8ed in t)is section.N


()e 4a'*ina! note 'efe's to t)e acts 1'osc'i8ed as G nnat 'a! offencesH. ()is eI1'ession# )o0e.e'# is not sed in t)e teIt of /ection A77 7PC. inte'co 'seH is ()e eI1'ession Gca'na!

sed in /ection A77 7PC as distinct f'o4 t)e

eI1'ession GseI a! inte'co 'seH# 0)ic) a11ea's in /ections A75 and 4$7 7PC. ,cco'din* to t)e Concise 5Ifo'd

Dictiona'" (nint) edition# 1$$5)# t)e te'4 Gca'na!H 4eans Gof t)e 8od" o' f!es)P 0o'!d!"H and Gsens a!# seI a!H. Consent is no defence to an offence DWP(C)7455/2001E nde' /ection A77 7PC Pa*e 4 of 105

and no distinction 'e*a'din* a*e is 4ade in t)e section. 7n Khanu v. Emperor, ,72 1$25 /ind 2?:# 9enned" ,.J.C. )e!d t)at Gsection A77 7PC 1 nis)es ce'tain 1e'sons 0)o )a.e ca'na! inte'co 'se a*ainst t)e o'de' of nat 'e 0it) inter alia ) 4an 8ein*s.... Dif t)e o'a! seI co44itted in t)is case is ca'na! inte'co 'seE# it is c!ea'!" a*ainst t)e o'de' of nat 'e# 8eca se t)e nat 'a! o8>ect of ca'na! inte'co 'se is t)at t)e'e s)o !d 8e t)e 1ossi8i!it" of conce1tion of ) 4an 8ein*s# 0)ic) in t)e case of coitus er os is

i41ossi8!e.HD1a*e 2?:E 7t a11ea's t)at t)e co 'ts )ad ea'!ie' )e!d in R. V. Jacobs (1?17) Russ & Ry AA1 C.C.2.# and Govindarajula In re.# (1??:) 1 Wei' A?2# t)at inse'tin* t)e 1enis in t)e 4o t) 0o !d not a4o nt to an offence nde' /ection A77 7PC. Fate'# /ection A77 7PC )as 8een

inte'1'eted to co.e' o'a! seI# ana! seI and 1enet'ation of ot)e' o'ifices. 7n Lohana Vasantlal Devchand v. State# ,72 1$:? - > 252# t)e iss e 0as 0)et)e' o'a! seI a4o nted to an offence nde' /ection A77 7PC. 7t 0as )e!d t)at t)e

Go'ifice of t)e 4o t) is not# acco'din* to nat 'e# 4eant fo' seI a! o' ca'na! inte'co 'se.H 7n alvin !rancis v. "rissa,

1$$2 (2) C'i4es 455# 'e!"in* on Lo!ana# it 0as )e!d t)at o'a! seI fe!! 0it)in t)e a48it of /ection A77 7PC. ()e Co 't sed t)e 'efe'ences to t)e Co'1 s J 'is /ec nd 4 'e!atin* to seI a! 1e'.e'sit" and a8no'4a! seI a! satisfaction as t)e * idin* c'ite'ia. 7n !a#al Rab houdhary v. State o$

%ihar, ,72 1$?A /C A2A# it 0as o8se'.ed t)at /ection A77 DWP(C)7455/2001E Pa*e 5 of 105

7PC i41!ied GseI a! 1e'.e'sit"H. 7t is e.ident t)at t)e tests fo' att'actin* t)e 1ena! 1'o.isions )a.e c)an*ed f'o4 t)e non@1'oc'eati.e to i4itati.e to seI a! 1e'.e'sit". 5. ()e Ln*!is) !a0 0as 'efo'4ed in <'itain 8" t)e /eI a! 5ffences ,ct# 1$:7# 0)ic) de@c'i4ina!ised )o4oseI a!it" and acts of sodo4" 8et0een consentin* ad !ts (a8o.e a*e of 21) 1 's ant to t)e 'e1o't of Wo!fenden Co44ittee. ()e Co44ittee ad.isin* t)e Pa'!ia4ent )ad 'eco44ended in 1$57 'e1ea! of !a0s 1 nis)in* )o4oseI a! cond ct.


()e 1etitione' N-5 )as 8een 0o'3in* in t)e fie!d of ;7=/,7D/ 7nte'.ention and 1'e.ention. ()is necessa'i!" in.o!.es

inte'action 0it) s c) sections of societ" as a'e . !ne'a8!e to cont'actin* ;7=/,7D/ and 0)ic) inc! de *a" co44 nit" o' a!s desc'i8ed as G4en 0)o )a.e seI 0it) 4enH (+/+). &o' sa3e of con.enient 'efe'ence# t)e" 0o !d )e'einafte' 8e 'efe''ed to as G)o4oseI a!sH o' G*a"H 1e'sons o' *a" co44 nit". ;o4oseI a!s# acco'din* to t)e 1etitione'# 'e1'esent a 1o1 !ation se*4ent t)at is eIt'e4e!" . !ne'a8!e to ;7=/,7D/ infection. ()e 1etitione' c!ai4s to

)a.e 8een i41e!!ed to 8'in* t)is !iti*ation in 1 8!ic inte'est on t)e *'o nd t)at ;7=/,7D/ 1'e.ention effo'ts 0e'e fo nd to 8e se.e'e!" i41ai'ed 8" disc'i4inato'" attit des

eI)i8ited 8" state a*encies to0a'ds *a" co44 nit"# +/+ o' t'ans@*ende'ed a!s# nde' t)e co.e' of


Pa*e 6 of 105

enfo'ce4ent of /ection A77 7PC# as a 'es !t of 0)ic) 8asic f nda4enta! ) 4an 'i*)ts of s c) a!s/*'o 1s (in 4ino'it") stood denied and t)e" 0e'e s 8>ected to a8 se# )a'ass4ent# assa !t f'o4 1 8!ic and 1 8!ic a t)o'ities. 7. ,cco'din* to t)e 1etitione'# /ection A77 7PC is 8ased 1on

t'aditiona! J deo@C)'istian 4o'a! and et)ica! standa'ds# 0)ic) concei.e of seI in 1 'e!" f nctiona! te'4s# i.e.# fo' t)e 1 '1ose of 1'oc'eation on!". ,n" non@1'oc'eati.e seI a!" is t) s .ie0ed as 8ein* Ga*ainst t)e o'de' of nat 'eH. ()e s 84ission is t)at t)e !e*is!ation c'i4ina!isin* consens a! o'a! and ana! seI is o tdated and )as no 1!ace in 4ode'n societ". 7n fact# st dies of /ection A77 7PC > 'is1' dence 'e.ea! t)at !ate!" it )as *ene'a!!" 8een e41!o"ed in cases of c)i!d seI a! assa !t and a8 se. <"

c'i4ina!isin* 1'i.ate# consens a! sa4e@seI cond ct# /ection A77 7PC se'.es as t)e 0ea1on fo' 1o!ice a8 seP detainin* and K estionin*# eIto'tion# )a'ass4ent# fo'ced seI#

1a"4ent of ) s) 4one"P and 1e'1et ates ne*ati.e and disc'i4inato'" 8e!iefs to0a'ds sa4e@seI 'e!ations and

seI a!it" 4ino'itiesP 0)ic) conseK ent!" d'i.e t)e acti.ities of *a" 4en and +/+# as 0e!! as seI a!it" 4ino'ities nde'*'o nd t)e'e8" c'i11!in* ;7=/,7D/ 1'e.ention effo'ts. /ection A77 7PC t) s c'eates a c!ass of . !ne'a8!e 1eo1!e t)at is contin a!!" .icti4ised and di'ect!" affected 8" t)e 1'o.ision. 7t )as 8een s 84itted t)at t)e fie!ds of

1s"c)iat'" and 1s"c)o!o*" no !on*e' t'eat )o4oseI a!it" as DWP(C)7455/2001E Pa*e 7 of 105

a disease and 'e*a'd seI a! o'ientation to 8e a dee1!" )e!d# co'e 1a't of t)e identities of a!s. ?. ()e 1etitione' s 84its t)at 0)i!e 'i*)t to 1'" is i41!icit in t)e 'i*)t to !ife and !i8e't" and * a'anteed to t)e citi%ens# in o'de' to 8e 4eanin*f !# t)e 1 's it of )a11iness enco41assed 0it)in t)e conce1ts of 1'"# ) 4an di*nit"# a! a tono4" and t)e ) 4an need fo' an inti4ate 1e'sona! s1)e'e 'eK i'e t)at 1'" Q di*nit" c!ai4 conce'nin* 1'i.ate# consens a!# seI a! 'e!ations a'e a!so affo'ded 1'otection 0it)in t)e a48it of t)e said f nda4enta! 'i*)t to !ife and !i8e't" *i.en nde' ,'tic!e 21. 7t is a.e''ed

t)at no as1ect of oneRs !ife 4a" 8e said to 8e 4o'e 1'i.ate o' inti4ate t)an t)at of seI a! 'e!ations# and since 1'i.ate# consens a!# seI a! 'e!ations o' seI a! 1'efe'ences fi* 'e 1'o4inent!" 0it)in an a!Rs 1e'sona!it" and !ie easi!" at t)e co'e of t)e G1'i.ate s1aceH# t)e" a'e an ina!iena8!e co41onent of t)e 'i*)t of !ife. <ased on t)is !ine of

'easonin*# a case )as 8een 4ade to t)e effect t)at t)e 1'o)i8ition of ce'tain 1'i.ate# consens a! seI a! 'e!ations ()o4oseI a!) 1'o.ided 8" /ection A77 7PC n'easona8!"

a8'id*es t)e 'i*)t of 1'" and di*nit" 0it)in t)e a48it of 'i*)t to !ife and !i8e't" nde' ,'tic!e 21. ()e 1etitione' nde' ,'tic!e 21

a'* es t)at f nda4enta! 'i*)t to 1'"

can 8e a8'id*ed on!" fo' a co41e!!in* state inte'est 0)ic)# in its s 84ission# is a4iss )e'e. f nda4enta! 'i*)t to !ife DWP(C)7455/2001E ,!so 8ased on t)e

nde' ,'tic!e 21 is t)e f 't)e' Pa*e 8 of 105

s 84ission t)at /ection A77 7PC )as a da4a*in* i41act 1on t)e ! of )o4oseI a!s inas4 c) as it not on!" 1e'1et ates socia! sti*4a and 1o!ice/1 8!ic a8 se 8 t a!so d' )o4oseI a! ;7=/,7D/" 1'e.ention nde'*'o nd effo'ts t)e'e8" t) s#



'ende'in* *a" 4en and +/+ inc'easin*!" . !ne'a8!e to cont'actin* ;7=/,7D/. $. & 't)e'# it )as 8een s 84itted on 8e)a!f of t)e 1etitione' t)at /ection A77 7PCSs !e*is!ati.e o8>ecti.e of 1ena!i%in* G nnat 'a! seI a! actsH )as no 'ationa! neI s to t)e c!assification c'eated 8et0een 1'oc'eati.e and non@

1'oc'eati.e seI a! acts# and is t) s .io!ati.e of ,'tic!e 14 of t)e Constit tion of 7ndia. /ection A77Ss !e*is!ati.e o8>ecti.e is 8ased 1on ste'eot"1es and 4is nde'standin* t)at a'e

o t4oded and en>o"s no )isto'ica! o' !o*ica! 'ationa!e 0)ic) 'ende' it a'8it'a'" and n'easona8!e. 7t is f 't)e' t)e case

of t)e 1etitione' t)at t)e eI1'ession GseIH as sed in ,'tic!e 15 cannot 8e 'ead 'est'icti.e to G*ende'H 8 t inc! des GseI a! o'ientationH and# t) s 'ead# eK a!it" on t)e 8asis of seI a! o'ientation is i41!ied in t)e said f nda4enta! 'i*)t a*ainst disc'i4ination. of ()e 1etitione' a'* es t)at



)o4oseI a!"

t)'o *) /ection A77 7PC is disc'i4inato'" on t)e 8asis of seI a! o'ientation and# t)e'efo'e# .io!ati.e of ,'tic!e 15. 7t is f 't)e' t)e case of t)e 1etitione' t)at t)e 1'o)i8ition a*ainst )o4oseI a!it" in /ection A77 7PC c 'tai!s o' DWP(C)7455/2001E Pa*e 9 of 105

inf'in*es t)e 8asic f'eedo4s * a'anteed nde' ,'tic!e 1$ (1) (a) (8) (c) J (d)P in t)at# an a!Rs a8i!it" to 4a3e 1e'sona! state4ent a8o t oneRs seI a! 1'efe'ences# 'i*)t of association/asse48!" and 'i*)t to 4o.e f'ee!" so as to en*a*e in )o4oseI a! cond ct a'e 'est'icted and c 'tai!ed. 10. <'oad!" on t)e a8o.e 'easonin*# it )as 8een s 84itted t)at t)e'e is a case fo' consens a! seI a! inte'co 'se (of t)e 3ind 4entioned a8o.eP i.e. )o4oseI a!) 8et0een t0o 0i!!in* ad !ts in 1'" to 8e sa.ed and eIce1ted f'o4 t)e 1ena! 1'o.ision contained in /ection A77 7PC. REPLY "Y UNION OF INDIA # CONTRADICTORY STANDS OF $INISTRY OF HO$E AFFAIRS AND $INISTRY OF HEALTH % FA$ILY &ELFARE 11. , 'at)e' 1ec !ia' feat 'e of t)is case is t)at co41!ete!" cont'adicto'" affida.its )a.e 8een fi!ed 8" t0o 0in*s of 6nion of 7ndia. ()e +inist'" of ;o4e ,ffai's (+;,) so *)t to > stif" t)e 'etention of /ection A77 7PC# 0)e'eas t)e +inist'" of ;ea!t) J &a4i!" We!fa'e insisted t)at contin ance of /ection A77 7PC )as )a41e'ed t)e ;7=/,7D/ 1'e.ention effo'ts. We s)a!! fi'st dea! 0it) t)e of t)e +inist'" of ;o4e ,ffai's. ()e Di'ecto' (J dicia!) in t)e +inist'" of

;o4e ,ffai's# -o.e'n4ent of 7ndia# in )is see3s to > stif" t)e 'etention of /ection A77 7PC on t)e stat te 8oo3 8'oad!" on t)e 'eason t)at it )as 8een *ene'a!!" in.o3ed in cases of a!!e*ation of c)i!d seI a! a8 se and fo'

co41!e4entin* !ac nae in t)e 'a1e !a0s and not 4e'e


Pa*e 10 of 105

)o4oseI a!it". ()is 1ena! c!a se )as 8een sed 1a'tic !a'!" in cases of assa !t 0)e'e 8odi!" )a'4 is intended and/o' ca sed. 7t )as 8een s 84itted t)at t)e i41 *ned 1'o.ision is necessa'" since t)e de!etion t)e'eof 0o !d 0e!! o1en f!ood *ates of de!inK ent 8e) ' and can 1ossi8!" 8e 4isconst' ed )o4oseI a!it". )o4oseI a!it" is as 1'o.idin* P'oceedin* on nfette'ed t)e !icence fo' t)at

ass 41tion

n!a0f !# it )as 8een s 84itted in t)e t)at s c) acts cannot 8e 'ende'ed !e*iti4ate on!" 8eca se t)e 1e'son to 0)ose det'i4ent t)e" a'e co44itted )as *i.en consent to it. Concedin* *'o nd in fa.o ' of 'i*)t to 'es1ect fo' 1'i.ate and fa4i!" !ife# in t)e s 84ission of 6nion of 7ndia# inte'fe'ence 8" 1 8!ic a t)o'ities in t)e inte'est of 1 8!ic safet" and 1'otection of )ea!t) as 0e!! as 4o'a!s is eK a!!" 1e'4issi8!e. 12. (e'4in* t)e iss es 'aised in t)e 1etition at )and as a s 8>ect 'e!atin* to 1o!ic" of !a0 'at)e' t)an t)at of its !e*a!it"# 6nion of 7ndia 'e!ies 1on t)e 'e1o'ts of Fa0

Co44ission of 7ndia 1a'tic !a'!" on t)e iss e 0)et)e' to 'etain o' not to 'etain /ection A77 7PC. 2efe'ence )as 8een 4ade to 42nd 'e1o't of t)e Co44ission 0)e'ein it 0as o8se'.ed t)at 7ndian societ" 8" and !a'*e disa11'o.ed of )o4oseI a!it"# 0)ic) disa11'o.a! 0as st'on* eno *) to > stif" it 8ein* t'eated as a c'i4ina! offence e.en 0)e'e t)e ad !ts ind !*e in it in 1'i.ate. 6nion of 7ndia s 84its t)at !a0 cannot ' n se1a'ate!" f'o4 t)e societ" since it on!" DWP(C)7455/2001E Pa*e 11 of 105

'ef!ects t)e 1e'ce1tion of t)e societ". 7t c!ai4s t)at at t)e ti4e of initia! enact4ent# /ection A77 7PC 0as 'es1ondin* to t)e .a! es and 4o'a!s of t)e ti4e in t)e 7ndian societ". 7t )as 8een s 84itted t)at in fact in an" 1a'!ia4enta'" sec !a' de4oc'ac"# t)e !e*a! conce1tion of c'i4e de1ends 1on

1o!itica! as 0e!! as 4o'a! conside'ations not0it)standin* conside'a8!e o.e'!a1 eIistin* 8et0een !e*a! and safet" conce1tion of c'i4e i.e. 4o'a! facto's. 1A. ,c3no0!ed*in* t)at t)e'e )a.e 8een !e*a! 'efo'4s in a !a'*e n 48e' of co nt'ies so as to de@c'i4ina!ise )o4oseI a! cond ct# 6nion of 7ndia see3s to att'i8 te t)is t'end of c)an*e to inc'eased to!e'ance s)o0n 8" s c) societies to ne0 seI a! 8e) ' o' seI a! 1'efe'ence. 1 8!ic to!e'ance of diffe'ent acti.ities ,'* in* t)at

nde'*oes c)an*e

0it) t)e ti4es in t 'n inf! encin* c)an*es in !a0s# it is so *)t to 8e 1ointed o t t)at e.en t)e 'efo'4s in t)e nat 'e of /eI a! 5ffences ,ct# 1$:7 (0)e'e8" 8 **e'" 8et0een t0o consentin* ad !ts in 1'i.ate ceased to 8e an offence in t)e 6nited 9in*do4) )ad its o0n s)a'e of c'iticis4 on t)e *'o nd t)at t)e !e*is!ation )ad ne*ati.ed t)e 'i*)t of t)e state to s 11'ess Ssocia! .icesS. 6nion of 7ndia a'* es t)at 7ndian societ" is "et to de4onst'ate 'eadiness o' 0i!!in*ness to s)o0 *'eate' to!e'ance to 1'actices of )o4oseI a!it". +a3in* o t a case in fa.o ' of 'etention of /ection A77 7PC in t)e s)a1e it stands at 1'esent# 6nion of 7ndia 'e!ies on t)e a'* 4ents of 1 8!ic 4o'a!it"# 1 8!ic )ea!t) and )ea!t)" DWP(C)7455/2001E Pa*e 12 of 105

en.i'on4ent c!ai4in* t)at /ection A77 7PC se'.es t)e 1 '1ose. 14. &'o4 t)e a8o.e s 44a'" of s 84issions of t)e 6nion of 7ndia t)'o *) t)e +;, it is c!ea' t)at t)e t)' st of t)e 'esistance to t)e c!ai4 in t)e 1etition is fo nded on t)e a'* 4ent of 1 8!ic 4o'a!it". ()o *) t)e +;, )as 'efe''ed to t)e iss e of 1 8!ic )ea!t) and )ea!t)" en.i'on4ent# t)e )as not set o t e!a8o'ate!" t)e said defence.


Nationa! ,ids Cont'o! 5'*anisation (N,C5) )as s 84itted its 'es1onse in t)e s)a1e of an affi'4ed 8" t)e 6nde' /ec'eta'" of +inist'" of ;ea!t) and &a4i!" We!fa'e# 0)ic) t) s a!so 'e1'esents t)e .ie0s of t)e said +inist'" of t)e -o.e'n4ent of 7ndia. ()e s 84issions of N,C5 on!"

confi'4 t)e case set o t 8" t)e 1etitione' t)at )o4oseI a! co44 nit" (+/+ etc.) is 1a'tic !a'!" s sce1ti8!e to

att'actin* ;7=/,7D/ in 0)ic) .ie0 a n 48e' of )a.e 8een ta3en 8" N,C5 to ens 'e t)at 1'o1e' ;7= inte'.ention and 1'e.ention effo'ts a'e 4ade!a8!e to t)e said section of t)e societ" 8"# a4on*st ot)e' t)in*s# 1'otectin* and 1'o4otin* t)ei' 'i*)ts. 7n t)e 'e1!" N,C5 states t)at t)e *'o 1s identified to 8e at *'eate' 'is3 of acK i'in* and t'ans4ittin* ;7= infection d e to a )i*) !e.e! of 'is3" 8e) ' and ins fficient ca1acit" o' 1o0e' fo' decision 4a3in* to 1'otect t)e4se!.es f'o4 infection# DWP(C)7455/2001E Pa*e 13 of 105

*ene'a!!" desc'i8ed as S;i*) 2is3 -'o 1sS (;2-)# 8'oad!" inc! de 4en 0)o )a.e seI 0it) 4en (+/+) and fe4a!e seI 0o'3e's and in>ectin* d' * se's. 1:. N,C5 )as ado1ted a st'ate*" fo' 1'e.entin* and f 't)e' t'ans4ission of infection# 0)ic) inc! de t)e fo!!o0in* effo'ts: (a) ()e st'ate*" fo' 1'e.entin* and t)e f 't)e'

t'ans4ission of infection inc! des: i. +a3in* t)e -ene'a! Po1 !ation and ;i*) 2is3 -'o 1s a0a'e t)'o *) st'ate*ic 7LC

(7nfo'4ation Ld cation Co44 nication) J <CC (<e) ' C)an*e Co44 nication) 1'o.idin* t)e4 0it) t)e necessa'" too!s and info'4ation fo' 1'otectin* t)e4se!.es f'o4 ;7= infection. ii. +oti.atin* safe' seI a! 1'actices 8" 'ed cin* seI a! 1a'tne's# 8ein* fait)f ! to a sin*!e 1a'tne' a8stainin* f'o4 cas a! seI and t)e co''ect and consistent se of condo4s. iii. Cont'o!!in* /eI a!!" ('ans4itted 7nfections

(/(7s) a4on* ;i*) 2is3 -'o 1s a!on* 0it) 1'o4otin* 4eas 'e. i.. Pee' ed cation and Co44 nit" 1a'tici1ation (8ein* t)e essentia! co41onent of P'i4a'" ;ea!t) Ca'e). DWP(C)7455/2001E Pa*e 14 of 105 se of condo4s as 1'e.enti.e

.. Lns 'in*!a8i!it" of safe 8!ood and 8!ood 1'od ctsP and .i. 2einfo'cin* t)e t'aditiona! 7ndian 4o'a! .a! es of a8stinence# de!a"ed seI a! de8 t ti!!

4a''ia*e and fide!it" a4on* "o t) and ot)e' i41'essiona8!e *'o 1s of 1o1 !ation. (8) (o c'eate an ena8!in* socio@econo4ic

en.i'on4ent so t)at a!! sections of 1o1 !ation can )a.e access to 1'o1e' info'4ation# )ea!t) ca'e J co nse!in* se'.ices to 1'otect t)e4se!.es f'o4 t)e infection and at t)e sa4e ti4e e41o0e' fa4i!ies and co44 nities to 1'o.ide 8ette' ca'e J s 11o't to 1eo1!e !* 0it) ;7=/,7D/. (c) 741'* se'.ices fo' t)e ca'e of 1eo1!e !*

0it) ,7D/ 8ot) in )os1ita! and at )o4es t)'o *) co44 nit" ca'e. 17. 7n t)e 'e1!" fi!ed on 8e)a!f of N,C5# it )as 8een s 84itted t)at t)e 'e1o't of t)e LI1e't -'o 1 on /i%e Lsti4ation of Po1 !ation 0it) ;i*) 2is3 <e) ' fo' N,CP@ 777 P!annin*# Jan a'" 200: esti4ated t)at t)e'e a'e a8o t 25 !a3) +/+ (+en )* seI 0it) 4en). ()e Nationa! /entine! / '.ei!!ance Data 2005 s)o0s t)at 4o'e t)an ?% of t)e 1o1 !ation of +/+ is infected 8" ;7= 0)i!e t)e ;7= 1'e.a!ence a4on* t)e *ene'a! 1o1 !ation is esti4ated to 8e !esse' t)an 1%. -i.en t)e )i*) . !ne'a8i!it" of +/+ to ;7= DWP(C)7455/2001E Pa*e 15 of 105

infection# N,C5 )as de.e!o1ed 1'o*'a44es fo' ta'*eted inte'.entions a4on* t)e4.


()ese 1'o>ects a'e

i41!e4ented 8" N-5s 0it) financia! s 11o't f'o4 N,C5. P'esent!" 1#4:#A$7 +/+ (:%) a'e 8ein* co.e'ed t)'o *) A0 ta'*eted inte'.entions. 6nde' t)e ta'*eted inte'.ention

1'o>ects# t)e o8> a'e to: a. 'ed ce n 48e' of 1a'tne's and 8" 8'in*in*

a8o t a c)an*e in t)ei' 8e) 'P 8. 'ed ce t)ei' !e.e! of 'is3 8" info'4in* t)e4

a8o t and 1'o.idin* access to condo4sP c. 1'o.idin* access to /(D se'.ices.

1?. ,cco'din* to t)e s 84issions of N,C5# t)ose in t)e ;i*) 2is3 -'o 1 a'e 4ost!" 'e! ctant to 'e.ea! sa4e seI 8e) ' d e to t)e fea' of !a0 enfo'ce4ent a*encies# 3ee1in* a !a'*e section in.isi8!e and n'eac)a8!e and t)e'e8" 1 s)in* t)e

cases of infection nde'*'o nd 4a3in* it .e'" diffic !t fo' t)e 1 8!ic )ea!t) 0o'3e's to e.en access t)e4. 7t i!! st'ates t)is 1oint 8" 'efe''in* to t)e data 'ef!ected in t)e Nationa! <ase!ine <e) ' / '.ei!!ance / '.e" (N<<// of 2002) 0)ic) indicates t)at 0)i!e :?.:% +/+ 1o1 !ation is a0a'e a8o t t)e 4et)ods of 1'e.entin* infection# on!" A:% of t)e4 act a!!" se condo4s. N,C5 )as f 't)e' s 84itted t)at

enfo'ce4ent of /ection A77 7PC a*ainst )o4oseI a! *'o 1s 'ende's 'is3" seI a! 1'actices to *o nnoticed and

nadd'essed inas4 c) as t)e fea' of )a'ass4ent 8" !a0 DWP(C)7455/2001E Pa*e 16 of 105







) ''ied# ti!ise

1a'tic !a'!" 8eca se t)ese *'o 1s !ac3 Ssafe 1!aceS#

1 8!ic 1!aces fo' t)ei' ind !*ence and do not )a.e t)e o1tion to conside' o' ne*otiate safe' seI 1'actices. 7t is stated t)at t)e .e'" )idden nat 'e of s c) *'o 1s constant!"

in)i8its/i41edes inte'.entions

nde' t)e Nationa! ,7D/ () s N,C5

Cont'o! P'o*'a44e ai4ed at 1'e.ention.

'einfo'ces t)e 1!ea 'aised 8" t)e 1etitione' fo' t)e need to )a.e an ena8!in* en.i'on4ent 0)e'e t)e 1eo1!e in.o!.ed in 'is3" 8e) ' a'e enco 'a*ed not to concea! info'4ation so t)at t)e" can 8e 1'o.ided tota! access to t)e se'.ices of s c) 1'e.enti.e effo'ts.

1$. S=oices a*ainst /ection A77 7PCS ()e'einafte' 'efe''ed to as G'es1ondent No.?H) is a coa!ition of 12 o'*anisations t)at 'e1'esent c)i!d 'i*)ts# 0o4enSs 'i*)ts# ) 4an 'i*)ts# )ea!t) conce'ns as 0e!! as t)e 'i*)ts of sa4e seI desi'in* 1eo1!e inc! din* t)ose 0)o identif" as Fes8ian# -a"# <iseI a!# ('ans*ende's# Hi)ra and *ot!i 1e'sons (0)ic) a'e 'efe''ed to in t)e as GF-<(H). 7t )as 8een s 84itted on its

8e)a!f t)at o'*anisations t)at constit te 'es1ondent No.? a'e in.o!.ed in di.e'se a'eas of 1 8!ic and socia! i41o'tance and t)at in t)e co 'se of t)ei' 0o'3 t)e" )a.e 'e1eated!" co4e ac'oss *'oss .io!ation of 8asic ) 4an 'i*)ts of GF-<(H 1e'sons# 8ot) as a di'ect and indi'ect conseK ence of t)e enfo'ce4ent of /ection A77 7PC. DWP(C)7455/2001E 7t 'e!ies 1on its 'e1o't

Pa*e 17 of 105

ti!ted S2i*)ts fo' ,!! : Lndin* Disc'i4ination

nde' /ection

A77S 1 8!is)ed in 2004 to c'eate a0a'eness a8o t ne*ati.e i41act of t)is !a0 on societ" in *ene'a! and Fes8ian# -a"# <iseI a! and ('ans*ende's 1eo1!e in 1a'tic !a'. 20. 2es1ondent No.? s 11o'ts t)e ca se es1o sed 8" t)e 1etitione' in t)is P7F and a.e's t)at /ection A77 7PC# 0)ic) c'i4ina!ises Sca'na! inte'co 'se a*ainst t)e o'de' of t)e nat 'eS# is an a'c)aic 4o'a! nconstit tiona! and a'8it'a'" !a0 8ased on and 7t 'e!i*io s t)at notions of seI on!" of fo'

1'oc'eation. consens a! seI



ad !t

nde' /ection A77 7PC does not se'.e an"

8eneficia! 1 8!ic 1 '1ose o' !e*iti4ate state inte'est. 5n t)e cont'a'"# acco'din* to 'es1ondent No.?# /ection A77 7PC 8" c'i4ina!isin* t)e afo'e4entioned 3inds of seI a! acts )as c'eated an association of c'i4ina!it" to0a'ds 1eo1!e 0it) sa4e seI desi'es. 7t 1!eads t)at t)e contin ed eIistence of t)is 1'o.ision on t)e stat te 8oo3 c'eates and foste's a c!i4ate of f nda4enta! 'i*)ts .io!ations of t)e *a"

co44 nit"# to t)e eItent of 8o!ste'in* t)ei' eIt'e4e socia! ost'acis4. 21. (o i!! st'ate t)e 4a*nit de and 'an*e of eI1!oitation and )a's) and c' e! t'eat4ent eI1e'ienced as a di'ect

conseK ence of /ection A77 7PC# 'es1ondent No.? )as 1!aced on 'eco'd 4ate'ia! in t)e fo'4 of affida.its# &72s# > d*4ents and o'de's 0it) o8>ecti.e!" doc 4ented instances of


Pa*e 18 of 105

eI1!oitation# .io!ence# 'a1e and to't 'e s ffe'ed 8" F-<( 1e'sons. ()e 1a'tic !a's of t)e incidents a'e d'a0n f'o4

diffe'ent 1a'ts of t)e co nt'". 7n an instance 'efe''ed to as GF c3no0 incident Q 2002H in t)e 'e1o't tit!ed SL1ide4ic of ,8 se : Po!ice ;a'ass4ent of ;7=/,7D/ 5 t'eac) Wo'3e's in 7ndiaS 1 8!is)ed 8" ; 4an 2i*)ts Watc)# t)e 1o!ice d 'in* in.esti*ation of a co41!aint nde' /ection A77 7PC 1ic3ed 1 so4e info'4ation a8o t a !oca! N-5 (<)a'osa (' st) 0o'3in* in t)e a'ea of ;7=/,7D/ 1'e.ention and seI a! )ea!t) a4on*st +/+s 'aided its office# sei%ed safe seI ad.ocac" and info'4ation 4ate'ia! and a''ested fo ' )ea!t) ca'e 0o'3e's. L.en in a8sence of an" 1'i4a facie 1'oof !in3in* t)e4 to t)e 'e1o'ted c'i4e nde' /ection A77 7PC# a

1'osec tion 0as !a nc)ed a*ainst t)e said )ea!t) ca'e 0o'3e's on c)a'*es t)at inc! ded /ection 2$2 7PC t'eatin* t)e ed cationa! !ite'at 'e as o8scene 4ate'ia!. ()e )ea!t) 0o'3e's 'e4ained in c stod" fo' 47 da"s on!" 8eca se /ection A77 7PC is a non@8ai!a8!e offence. 22. ()en t)e'e is a 'efe'ence to S<an*a!o'e incident# 2004S 8'in*in* o t instances of c stodia! to't 'e of F-<( 1e'sons. ()e .icti4 of t)e to't 'e 0as a !i)ra (e n c)) f'o4 <an*a!o'e# 0)o 0as at a 1 8!ic 1!ace d'essed in fe4a!e c!ot)in*. ()e 1e'son 0as s 8>ected to *an* 'a1e# fo'ced to )a.e o'a! and ana! seI 8" a *'o 1 of )oo!i*ans. ;e 0as !ate' ta3en to 1o!ice station 0)e'e )e 0as st'i11ed na3ed# )andc ffed to t)e 0indo0# *'oss!" a8 sed and to't 'ed DWP(C)7455/2001E Pa*e 19 of 105

4e'e!" 8eca se of )is seI a! identit". 2efe'ence 0as 4ade to a > d*4ent of t)e ;i*) Co 't of +ad'as 'e1o'ted as Jayala&shmi v. 'he State o$ 'amil (adu, (2007) 4 +FJ ?4$# in 0)ic) an e n c) )ad co44itted s icide d e to t)e )a'ass4ent and to't 'e at t)e )ands of t)e 1o!ice office's afte' )e )ad 8een 1ic3ed 1 on t)e a!!e*ation of in.o!.e4ent in a case of t)eft. ()e'e 0as e.idence indicatin* t)at d 'in* 1o!ice c stod" )e 0as s 8>ected to to't 'e 8" a 0ooden stic3 8ein* inse'ted into )is an s and so4e 1o!ice 1e'sonne! fo'cin* )i4 to )a.e o'a! seI. ()e 1e'son in K estion

i44o!ated )i4se!f inside t)e 1o!ice station on 12.:.200: and !ate' s cc 48ed to 8 'n in> 'ies on 2$.:.200:. ()e

co41ensation of 2s.5#00#000/@ 0as a0a'ded to t)e fa4i!" of t)e .icti4. ,not)e' instance cited is of a case 0)e'e t)e

+a*ist'ate in )is o'de' o8se'.ed t)at t)e case in.o!.ed a )idden a!!e*ation of an offence nde' /ection A77 7PC as

0e!!# t)e'e8" st'etc)in* t)e 'eac) of /ection A77 7PC to t0o !es8ian ad !t 0o4en 0)o 0e'e in.o!.ed in a 'o4antic 'e!ations)i1 0it) eac) ot)e' 0)i!e t)e initia! acc sation 0as on!" nde' /ection A:: 7PC. ,n of a *a" 1e'son is 1 f'o4 a 8 s

a!so fi!ed on 'eco'd. ()e 1e'son 0as 1ic3ed

stand at a8o t 10 1.4. 8" t)e 1o!ice# 0)o acc sed )i4 of 8ein* a )o4oseI a!. ;e 0as 1)"sica!!" assa !ted 0it) 0ooden stic3s# ta3en to 1o!ice 1ost 0)e'e )e 0as s 8>ected to seI a! and de*'adin* a8 si.e !an* a*e. D 'in* t)e

inca'ce'ation in t)e 1o!ice 1ost o.e' t)e ni*)t# fo ' 1o!ice DWP(C)7455/2001E Pa*e 20 of 105

4en act a!!" 'a1ed and seI a!!" a8 sed )i4 inc! din* fo'cin* )i4 to )a.e o'a! and ana! seI. ()e 'es1ondent No.? )as 'e!ied 1on se.e'a! ot)e' instances of f nda4enta! ()e

'i*)ts .io!ation of )o4oseI a!s and *a" 1e'sons.

4ate'ia! on 'eco'd# acco'din* to t)e 'es1ondent No.?# c!ea'!" esta8!is)es t)at t)e contin ance of /ection A77 7PC on t)e stat te 8oo3 o1e'ate to 8' ta!ise a . !ne'a8!e# 4ino'it" se*4ent of t)e citi%en'" fo' no fa !t on its 1a't. ()e

'es1ondent No.? contends t)at a section of societ" )as 8een t) s c'i4ina!ised and sti*4ati%ed to a 1oint 0)e'e a!s a'e fo'ced to den" t)e co'e of t)ei' identit" and .ita! di4ensions of t)ei' 1e'sona!it". 2A. 2es1ondents No.1 (-o.t. of NC( of De!)i)# No.2

(Co44issione' of Po!ice# De!)i) and No.A (De!)i /tate ,ids Cont'o! /ociet") did not fi!e an" co nte'!eadin*s. 2es1ondent No.: (Joint ,ction Co nci! 9ann ') and

'es1ondent No.7 (+'. <.9./in*)a!)# 0)o 0e'e i41!eaded as inte'.eno's# fi!ed co nte' affida.its 4ain!" ado1tin* t)e .ie0s / stand of t)e +inist'" of ;o4e ,ffai's# 6nion of 7ndia on t)e iss e.

24. Fea'ned co nse! a11ea'in* fo' t)e 1a'ties )a.e add'essed t)e Co 't at !en*t). D 'in* t)e co 'se of s 84issions#

eItensi.e 'efe'ences 0e'e 4ade to .o! 4ino s 4ate'ia! 0)ic) inc! ded .a'io s 'e1o'ts# 1 8!ications# a'tic!es# 7ndian DWP(C)7455/2001E Pa*e 21 of 105

and fo'ei*n > d*4ents inc! din* t)ose of 6/ / 1'e4e Co 't# L 'o1ean Co44ission of ; 4an 2i*)ts# ; 4an 2i*)ts Co44ittee etc. Co nse! a!so 1'o.ided co41'e)ensi.e

0'itten s 84issions s 11o'ted 8" a t)o'ities 8 t as 0e nde'stand it# t)e 1'i4e a'* 4ents can 8e *ene'a!!" s 44a'ised in t)is 0a":@ (i) ()e s 84ission of +'. ,nand -'o.e'# /'. ,d.ocate#

a11ea'in* fo' t)e 1etitione'# and +'. /)"a4 /'. ,d.ocate# a11ea'in* fo' 'es1ondent No.?# is t)at /ection A77 7PC .io!ates t)e constit tiona! 1'otections e48odied in ,'tic!es 14# 1$ and 21. 7t s ffe's f'o4 t)e .ice of

n'easona8!e c!assification and is a'8it'a'" in t)e 0a" it nfai'!" ta'*ets t)e )o4oseI a!s o' *a" co44 nit". 7t a!so n'easona8!" and n> st!" inf'in*es 1on t)e 'i*)t of 7t a!so con.e"s t)e

1'"# 8ot) %ona! and decisiona!.

4essa*e t)at )o4oseI a!s a'e of !ess .a! e t)an ot)e' 1eo1!e# de4eans t)e4 and nconstit tiona!!" inf'in*es 1on t)ei' 'i*)t to !i.e 0it) di*nit". /ection A77 7PC a!so c'eates st' ct 'a! i41edi4ents to t)e eIe'cise of f'eedo4 of s1eec) and eI1'ession and ot)e' f'eedo4s nde' ,'tic!e 1$ 8"

)o4oseI a!s o' *a"s and is not 1'otected 8" an" of t)e 'est'ictions contained t)e'ein. & 't)e'4o'e# 4o'a!it" 8" nde'

itse!f cannot 8e a .a!id *'o nd fo' 'est'ictin* t)e 'i*)t ,'tic!es 14 and 21.

P 8!ic disa11'o.a! o' dis* st fo' a 1)o!d t)e

ce'tain c!ass of 1e'sons can in no 0a" se'.e to constit tiona!it" of a stat te. DWP(C)7455/2001E

7n an" e.ent# a8 ndant Pa*e 22 of 105

4ate'ia! )as 8een 1!aced on 'eco'd 0)ic) s)o0s t)at t)e 7ndian societ" is .i8'ant# di.e'se and de4oc'atic and )o4oseI a!s )a.e si*nificant s 11o't in t)e 1o1 !ation. 7t is s 84itted t)at co 'ts in ot)e' > 'isdictions )a.e st' c3 do0n si4i!a' !a0s t)at c'i4ina!ise sa4e@seI seI a! cond ct on t)e *'o nds of .io!ation of 'i*)t to 1'" o' di*nit" o' eK a!it" o' a!! of t)e4. 9ee1in* in 4ind t)at /ection A77 7PC is t)e on!" !a0 t)at 1 nis)es c)i!d seI a! a8 se and fi!!s a !ac na in 'a1e !a0# it is 1'a"ed t)at /ection A77 7PC 4a" 8e dec!a'ed as constit tiona!!" in.a!id insofa' as it affects 1'i.ate seI a! acts 8et0een consentin* ad !ts o' in t)e a!te'nati.e to 'ead do0n /ection A77 7PC to eIc! de consentin* sa4e@seI seI a! acts 8et0een ad !ts. (ii) 7n 'e1!"# !ea'ned ,/- s 84its t)at t)e'e is no

f nda4enta! 'i*)t to en*a*e in t)e sa4e seI acti.ities. 7n o ' co nt'"# )o4oseI a!it" is a8)o''ent and can 8e

c'i4ina!ised 8" i41osin* 1'o1o'tiona! !i4its on t)e citi%ensS 'i*)t to 1'" and eK a!it". Fea'ned ,/- s 84its t)at

'i*)t to 1'" is not a8so! te and can 8e 'est'icted fo' co41e!!in* state inte'est. ,'tic!e 1$(2) eI1'ess!" 1e'4its i41osition of 'est'ictions in t)e inte'est of decenc" and 4o'a!it". /ocia! and seI a! 4o'es in fo'ei*n co nt'ies cannot > stif" de@c'i4ina!isation of )o4oseI a!it" in 7ndia.

,cco'din* to )i4# in t)e 0este'n societies t)e 4o'a!it" standa'ds a'e not as )i*) as in 7ndia. Fea'ned ,/- f 't)e' s 84its t)at /ection A77 7PC is not disc'i4inato'" as it is DWP(C)7455/2001E Pa*e 23 of 105

*ende' ne t'a!. 7f /ection A77 7PC is st' c3 do0n t)e'e 0i!! 8e no 0a" t)e /tate can 1'osec te an" c'i4e of non@ consens a! ca'na! inte'co 'se a*ainst t)e o'de' of nat 'e o' *'oss 4a!e indecenc". ;e )astens to add t)at /ection A77 7PC is not enfo'ced a*ainst )o4oseI a!s and t)e'e is no need to G'ead do0nH t)e 1'o.isions of /ection A77 7PC. Fea'ned ,/- f 't)e' contends t)at s1'ead of ,7D/ is c 'tai!ed 8" /ection A77 7PC and de@c'i4ina!isation of consens a! Q sa4e Q seI acts 8et0een ad !ts 0o !d ca se a dec!ine in 1 8!ic )ea!t) ac'oss societ" *ene'a!!" since it 0o !d foste' t)e s1'ead of ,7D/. A77 7PC does not i41act ;e s 84its t)at /ection nde' ,'tic!e

1on t)e f'eedo4

1$(1) as 0)at is c'i4ina!ised is on!" a seI a! act. Peo1!e 0i!! )a.e t)e f'eedo4 to can.ass an" o1inion of t)ei' c)oice inc! din* t)e o1inion t)at )o4oseI a!it" 4 st 8e de@ c'i4ina!ised. ;e# t)e'efo'e# s 84its t)at t)e /ection A77 7PC is constit tiona!!" .a!id. (iii) +'.2a.i /)an3a' 9 4a'# a11ea'in* fo' 'es1ondent

No.:# and +'.;.P. /)a'4a# a11ea'in* fo' 'es1ondent No.7# s 84itted t)at t)e 1etitione'Ss a'* 4ents 0it) 'es1ect to t)e s1'ead of ;7= and ,7D/ a'e fo nded on 1'o1a*anda and a'e not fact a!!" co''ect. /ection A77 7PC 1'e.ents ;7= 8" disco 'a*in* 'a41ant )o4oseI a!it". ,cco'din* to t)e4#

7ndian societ" conside's )o4oseI a!it" to 8e 'e1 *nant# i44o'a! and cont'a'" to t)e c !t 'a! no'4s of t)e co nt'".


Pa*e 24 of 105


25. 6nti! t)e decision of t)e / 1'e4e Co 't in )ane&a Gandhi v. *nion o$ +ndia, (1$7?) 1 /CC 24?# a 'at)e' na''o0 and const'icted 4eanin* 0as *i.en to t)e * a'antee e48odied in ,'tic!e 21. < t in )ane&a Gandhi, a se.en@J d*e <enc) decision# P.N. <)a*0ati# J. (as )is Fo'ds)i1 t)en 0as) )e!d t)at t)e eI1'ession G1e'sona! !i8e't"H in ,'tic!e 21 is of t)e 0idest a41!it de and it co.e's a .a'iet" of 'i*)ts 0)ic) *o to constit te t)e 1e'sona! !i8e't" of 4an and so4e of t)e4 )a.e 8een 'aised to t)e stat s of distinct f nda4enta! 'i*)ts and *i.e additiona! 1'otection nde' ,'tic!e 1$. ,n" !a0

inte'fe'in* 0it) 1e'sona! !i8e't" of a 1e'son 4 st satisf" a t'i1!e test: (i) it 4 st 1'esc'i8e a 1'oced 'eP (ii) t)e 1'oced 'e 4 st 0it)stand a test of one o' 4o'e of t)e f nda4enta! 'i*)ts confe''ed nde' ,'tic!e 1$ 0)ic) 4a" 8e

a11!ica8!e in a *i.en sit ationP and (iii) it 4 st a!so 8e !ia8!e to 8e tested 0it) 'efe'ence to ,'tic!e 14. ,s t)e test

1'o1o nded 8" ,'tic!e 14 1e'.ades ,'tic!e 21 as 0e!!# t)e !a0 and 1'oced 'e a t)o'isin* inte'fe'ence 0it) t)e 1e'sona! !i8e't" 4 st a!so 8e 'i*)t and > st and fai' and not a'8it'a'"# fancif ! o' o11'essi.e. 7f t)e 1'oced 'e 1'esc'i8ed does not satisf" t)e 'eK i'e4ent of ,'tic!e 14# it 0o !d 8e no 1'oced 'e at a!! 0it)in t)e 4eanin* of ,'tic!e 21. ()e Co 't t) s eI1anded t)e sco1e and a48it of t)e 'i*)t to !ife and 1e'sona! !i8e't" ens)'ined in ,'tic!e 21 and so0ed t)e seed DWP(C)7455/2001E Pa*e 25 of 105

fo' f t 'e de.e!o14ent of t)e !a0 en!a'*in* t)is 4ost f nda4enta! of t)e f nda4enta! 'i*)ts. ()is decision in

)ane&a Gandhi 8eca4e t)e sta'tin* 1oint fo' a .e'" si*nificant e.o! tion of t)e !a0 c !4inatin* in t)e decisions in ).,. ,os&ot v. State o$ )aharashtra, (1$7?) A /CC 544# ,ussainara Khatoon and "rs. v. ,ome Secretary State o$ %ihar, (1$?0) 1 /CC ?1# Sunil %atra v. Delhi -dmn., (1$7?) 4 /CC 4$4# .rem Shan&ar Shu&la v. Delhi -dmn., (1$?0) A /CC 52:# !rancis oralie )ullin v.

-dministrator/ *nion 'erritory o$ Delhi and others, (1$?1) 1 /CC :0?.


2:. Di*nit" as o8se'.ed 8" FS;e 'e I@D 8e# J is a diffic !t conce1t to ca1t 'e in 1'ecise te'4s DE0an v. anada/

(1$$5) 2$ C22 (2nd) 7$ at 10:E. ,t its !east# it is c!ea' t)at t)e constit tiona! 1'otection of di*nit" 'eK i'es s to

ac3no0!ed*e t)e .a! e and 0o't) of a!! a!s as 4e48e's of o ' societ". 7t 'eco*nises a 1e'son as a f'ee

8ein* 0)o de.e!o1s )is o' )e' 8od" and 4ind as )e o' s)e sees fit. ,t t)e 'oot of t)e di*nit" is t)e a tono4" of t)e 1'i.ate 0i!! and a 1e'sonSs f'eedo4 of c)oice and of action . ; 4an di*nit" 'ests on 'eco*nition of t)e 1)"sica! and s1i'it a! inte*'it" of t)e ) 4an 8ein*# )is o' )e' ) 4anit"# and )is .a! e as a 1e'son# i''es1ecti.e of t)e ti!it" )e can

1'o.ide to ot)e's. ()e eI1'ession Gdi*nit" of t)e a!H


Pa*e 26 of 105

finds s1ecific 4ention in t)e P'ea48!e to t)e Constit tion of 7ndia. =.2. 9'is)na 7"e'# J. o8se'.ed t)at t)e * a'antee of

) 4an di*nit" fo'4s 1a't of o ' constit tiona! c !t 'e D.rem Shan&ar Shu&la v. Delhi -dmn. (s 1'a)#1a*e 52$ of /CCE. 27. 7n !rancis 'erritory o$ oralie )ullin v. -dministrator/ *nion Delhi and others (s 1'a)# J stice P.N.

<)a*0ati eI1!ained t)e conce1t of 'i*)t to di*nit" in t)e fo!!o0in* te'4s:

... We t)in3 t)at t)e 'i*)t to !ife inc! des t)e 'i*)t to !i.e

0it) ) 4an di*nit" and a!! t)at *oes a!on* 0it) it# na4e!"# t)e 8a'e necessa'ies of !ife s c) as adeK ate n t'ition# c!ot)in* and s)e!te' and faci!ities fo' 'eadin*# 0'itin* and eI1'essin* onese!f in di.e'se fo'4s# f'ee!"* a8o t and 4iIin* and co44in*!in* 0it) fe!!o0 ) 4an 8ein*s. ......... L.e'" act 0)ic) offends a*ainst o' i41ai's ) 4an di*nit" 0o !d constit te de1'i.ation 1'o tanto of t)is 'i*)t to !i.e and it 0o !d )a.e to 8e in acco'dance 0it) 'easona8!e# fai' and > st 1'oced 'e esta8!is)ed 8" !a0 0)ic) stands t)e test of ot)e' f nda4enta! 'i*)ts.H D1a'a ? of /CCE

2?. ()e Canadian / 1'e4e Co 't in La1 v.

anada 2)inistry

o$ Employment and +mmi0ration3# D1$$$ 1 /.C.2. 4$7E atte41ts to ca1t 'e t)e conce1t of di*nit" in t)ese 0o'ds : G; 4an di*nit" 4eans t)at an a! o' *'o 1 fee!s se!f@'es1ect and se!f@0o't). 7t is conce'ned 0it) 1)"sica! and 1s"c)o!o*ica! inte*'it" and e41o0e'4ent. ; 4an di*nit" is )a'4ed 8" nfai' t'eat4ent 1'e4ised 1on 1e'sona! t'aits o' ci'c 4stances 0)ic) do not 'e!ate to a! needs# ca1acities# o' 4e'its. 7t is en)anced 8" !a0s 0)ic) a'e sensiti.e to t)e needs# ca1acities# and 4e'its of diffe'ent a!s# ta3in* into acco nt t)e conteIt nde'!"in* t)ei' diffe'ences. ; 4an di*nit" is )a'4ed 0)en a!s and *'o 1s a'e 4a'*ina!i%ed# i*no'ed# o' de.a! ed# and is en)anced 0)en !a0s 'eco*nise t)e f !! 1!ace of a!! a!s and *'o 1s 0it)in Canadian societ".HDat 1a'a 5AE DWP(C)7455/2001E Pa*e 27 of 105


2$. ,'tic!e 12 of t)e 6ni.e'sa! Dec!a'ation of ; 4an 2i*)ts (1$4?) 'efe's to 1'" and it states: NNo one s)a!! 8e s 8>ected to a'8it'a'" inte'fe'ence 0it) )is 1'"# fa4i!"# )o4e o' co''es1ondence no' to attac3s 1on )is )ono ' and 'e1 tation. L.e'"one )as t)e 'i*)t to t)e 1'otection of t)e !a0 a*ainst s c) inte'fe'ence o' attac3s.N ,'tic!e 17 of t)e 7nte'nationa! Co.enant of Ci.i! and Po!itica! 2i*)ts (to 0)ic) 7ndia is a 1a't")# 'efe's to 1'" and states t)at: NNo one s)a!! 8e s 8>ected to a'8it'a'" o' n!a0f ! inte'fe'ence 0it) )is 1'"# fa4i!"# )o4e and co''es1ondence# no' to n!a0f ! attac3s on )is )ono ' and 'e1 tation.N A0. ()e L 'o1ean Con.ention on ; 4an 2i*)ts a!so states t)at: N1. L.e'"one )as t)e 'i*)t to 'es1ect fo' )is 1'i.ate and fa4i!" !ife# )is )o4e and )is co''es1ondence. 2. ()e'e s)a!! 8e no inte'fe'ence 8" a 1 8!ic a t)o'it" eIce1t s c) as is in acco'dance 0it) !a0 and is necessa'" in a de4oc'atic societ" in t)e inte'ests of nationa! sec 'it"# 1 8!ic safet" o' t)e econo4ic 0e!!@ 8ein* of t)e co nt'"# fo' t)e 1'otection of )ea!t) o' 4o'a!s o' fo' t)e 1'otection of t)e 'i*)ts and f'eedo4s of ot)e's.N A1. 7n 7ndia# o ' Constit tion does not contain a s1ecific 1'o.ision as to 1'" 8 t t)e 'i*)t to 1'" )as# as 0e s)a!! 1'esent!" s)o0# 8een s1e!t o t 8" o ' / 1'e4e Co 't f'o4 t)e 1'o.isions of ,'tic!e 1$(1)(a) dea!in* 0it) f'eedo4 of s1eec) and eI1'ession# ,'tic!e 1$(1)(d) dea!in* 0it) 'i*)t to f'eedo4 of 4o.e4ent and f'o4 ,'tic!e 21# 0)ic) dea!s


Pa*e 28 of 105

0it) 'i*)t to !ife and !i8e't". We s)a!! fi'st 'efe' to t)e case@ !a0 in 6/ 'e!atin* to t)e de.e!o14ent of t)e 'i*)t to 1'" as t)ese cases )a.e 8een ad.e'ted to in t)e decisions of o ' / 1'e4e Co 't. "lmstead v. *nited States, 277 6/ 4A? (1$2?)# 0as a case of 0i'e@ta11in* o' e!ect'onic s '.ei!!ance and 0)e'e t)e'e 0as no act a! 1)"sica! in.asion# t)e 4a>o'it" )e!d t)at t)e action 0as not s 8>ect to &o 't) ,4end4ent 'est'ictions. < t# in )is dissent# J stice

<'andeis# stated t)at t)e a4end4ent 1'otected t)e 'i*)t to 1'" 0)ic) 4eant Gt)e 'i*)t to 8e !et a!oneH# and its 1 '1ose 0as Gto sec 'e conditions fa.o 'a8!e to t)e 1 's it of )a11inessH# 0)i!e 'eco*nisin* Gt)e si*nificance of 4anSs s1i'it a! nat 'e# of )is fee!in*s and inte!!ect: t)e 'i*)t so *)t Gto 1'otect ,4e'icans in t)ei' 8e!iefs# t)ei' t)o *)ts# t)ei' e4otions and t)ei' sensationsH (1a*e 47?). ()e dissent

ca4e to 8e acce1ted as t)e !a0 afte' anot)e' fo ' decades. /+. In Gris1old v. State o$ onnecticut, A?1 6/ 47$ (1$:5)#

t)e Co 't in.a!idated a state !a0 1'o)i8itin* t)e se of d' *s o' de.ices of cont'ace1tion and co nse!in* o' aidin* and a8ettin* t)e se of cont' ()e Co 't desc'i8ed t)e

1'otected inte'est as a 'i*)t to 1'" and 1!aced e41)asis on t)e 4a''ia*e 'e!ation and t)e 1'otected s1ace of t)e 4a'ita! 8ed'oo4. AA. ,fte' Gris1old it 0as esta8!is)ed t)at t)e 'i*)t to 4a3e ce'tain decisions 'e*a'din* seI a! cond ct eItends 8e"ond


Pa*e 29 of 105

t)e 4a'ita! 'e!ations)i1. 7n Eisenstadt v. %aired, 405 6/ 4A? (1$72)# t)e Co 't in.a!idated a !a0 1'o)i8itin* t)e dist'i8 tion of cont' to case 0as decided 0it) 'es1ect to n4a''ied 1e'sons. ()e

nde' t)e LK a! P'otection C!a seP 8 t

n4a''ied 1e'sons# t)e Co 't 0ent on to

state t)e f nda4enta! 1'o1osition t)at t)e !a0 i41ai'ed t)e eIe'cise of t)ei' 1e'sona! 'i*)ts. 7t K oted f'o4 t)e

state4ent of t)e Co 't of ,11ea!s findin* t)e !a0 to 8e in conf!ict 0it) f nda4enta! ) 4an 'i*)ts# and it o8se'.ed: G7t is t' e t)at in -'is0o!d t)e 'i*)t of 1'" in K estion in)e'ed in t)e 4a'ita! 'e!ations)i1..... 7f t)e 'i*)t of 1'" 4eans an"t)in*# it is t)e 'i*)t of t)e a! 4a''ied o' sin*!e# to 8e f'ee f'o4 n0a''anted *o.e'n4enta! int' sion into 4atte's so f nda4enta!!" affectin* a 1e'son as t)e decision 0)et)e' to 8ea' o' 8e*et a c)i!d.H D1a'a 45AE

A4. Jane Roe v. 4ade, 410 6/ 11A (1$7A)# 0as a case in 0)ic) an n4a''ied 1'e*nant 0o4an# 0)o 0is)ed to te'4inate )e' 1'e*nanc" 8" a8o'tion instit ted action in t)e 6nited /tates Dist'ict Co 't fo' t)e No't)e'n Dist'ict of (eIas# see3in* a dec!a'ato'" > d*4ent t)at t)e (eIas C'i4ina! ,8o'tion /tat tes# 0)ic) 1'o)i8ited a8o'tions eIce1t 0it) 'es1ect to t)ose 1'oc 'ed o' atte41ted 8" 4edica! fo' t)e 1 '1ose of* t)e !ife of said t)e t)at 4ot)e'# a!t)o *) 0e'e t)e

nconstit tiona!.


Co 't

Constit tion of t)e 6/, does not eI1!icit!" 4ention an" 'i*)t of 1'"# t)e 6nited /tates / 1'e4e Co 't 'eco*nised t)at a 'i*)t of 1e'sona! 1'" o' a * a'antee of ce'tain a'eas o' DWP(C)7455/2001E Pa*e 30 of 105

%ones of 1'"# does eIist nde' t)e Constit tion# and t)at t)e 'oots of t)at 'i*)t 4a" 8e fo nd in t)e &i'st ,4end4ent# in t)e &o 't) and &ift) ,4end4ents# in t)e 1en 48'as of t)e <i!! of 2i*)ts in t)e Nint) ,4end4ent and in t)e conce1t of !i8e't" * a'anteed 8" t)e fi'st section of t)e &o 'teent) ,4end4ent. .a v. 7n .lanned .arenthood o$ Southeastern

asey, 505 6/ ?AA (1$$2)# t)e Co 't a*ain confi'4ed

t)e constit tiona! 1'otection to 1e'sona! decisions 'e!atin* to 4a''ia*e# 1'oc'eation# cont'ace1tion# fa4i!" 'e!ations)i1s# c)i!d 'ea'in* and ed cation. Constit tion de4ands fo' t)e 7n eI1!ainin* t)e 'es1ect t)e a tono4" of t)e 1e'son in

4a3in* t)ese c)oices# t)e Co 't stated as fo!!o0s: G()ese 4atte's# in.o!.in* t)e 4ost inti4ate and 1e'sona! c)oices a 1e'son 4a" 4a3e in a !ifeti4e# c)oices cent'a! to 1e'sona! di*nit" and a tono4"# a'e cent'a! to t)e !i8e't" 1'otected 8" t)e &o 'teent) ,4end4ent. ,t t)e )ea't of !i8e't" is t)e 'i*)t to define oneSs o0n conce1t of eIistence# of 4eanin*# of t)e ni.e'se# and of t)e 4"ste'" of ) 4an !ife. <e!iefs a8o t t)ese 4atte's co !d not define t)e att'i8 tes of 1e'son)ood 0e'e t)e" fo'4ed nde' co41 !sion of t)e /tate.H D1a*e ?51E


A5. 7n Khara& Sin0h v. 'he State o$ *..., (1$:4) 1 /C2 AA2# t)e 6.P. 2e* !ations 'e*a'din* do4ici!ia'" .isits 0e'e in K estion and t)e 4a>o'it" 'efe''ed to )unn v. +llinois, $4 6/ 11A (1?77)# and )e!d t)at t)o *) o ' Constit tion did not 'efe' to t)e 'i*)t to 1'" eI1'ess!"# sti!! it can 8e t'aced f'o4 t)e 'i*)t to G!ifeH in ,'tic!e 21. DWP(C)7455/2001E ,cco'din* to t)e Pa*e 31 of 105

4a>o'it"# c!a se 2A: of t)e 'e!e.ant 2e* !ations in 6.P.# 0as 8ad in !a0P it offended ,'tic!e 21 inas4 c) as t)e'e 0as no !a0 1e'4ittin* inte'fe'ence 8" s c) .isits. ()e 4a>o'it" did not *o into t)e K estion 0)et)e' t)ese .isits .io!ated t)e G'i*)t to 1'"H. < t# / 88a 2ao# J. 0)i!e conc ''in* t)at t)e f nda4enta! 'i*)t to 1'" 0as 1a't of t)e 'i*)t to !i8e't" in ,'tic!e 21# 1a't of t)e 'i*)t to f'eedo4 of s1eec) and eI1'ession in ,'tic!e 1$(1)(a)# and a!so of t)e 'i*)t of 4o.e4ent in ,'tic!e 1$(1)(d)# )e!d t)at t)e 2e* !ations 1e'4ittin* s '.ei!!ance .io!ated t)e f nda4enta! 'i*)t to 1'". 7n effect# a!! t)e se.en !ea'ned J d*es )e!d t)at t)e G'i*)t to 1'"H 0as 1a't of t)e 'i*)t to G!ifeH in ,'tic!e 21. A:. We no0 co4e to t)e ce!e8'ated > d*4ent in Gobind v. State o$ )..., (1$75) 2 /CC 14?# in 0)ic) +at)e0# J. de.e!o1ed t)e !a0 as to 1'" f'o4 0)e'e it 0as !eft in Khara& Sin0h. ()e !ea'ned J d*e 'efe''ed to Gris1old v. onnecticut and Jane Roe v. ,enry 4ade and o8se'.ed: G()e'e can 8e no do 8t t)at t)e 4a3e's of o ' Constit tion 0anted to ens 'e conditions fa.o 'a8!e to t)e 1 's it of )a11iness. ()e" ce'tain!" 'ea!i%ed as <'andeis# J. said in )is dissent in Ol0stea1 2. Unite1 States, +33 US 4/5, 43, t)e si*nificance of 4anRs s1i'it a! nat 'e# of )is fee!in*s and of )is inte!!ect and t)at on!" a 1a't of t)e 1ain# 1!eas 'e# satisfaction of !ife can 8e fo nd in 4ate'ia! t)in*s and t)e'efo'e t)e" 4 st 8e dee4ed to )a.e confe''ed 1on t)e a! as a*ainst t)e -o.e'n4ent a s1)e'e 0)e'e )e s)o !d 8e !et a!one.H D1a'a 20 of /CCE A7. +at)e0# J. )e!d t)at 1'" Q di*nit" c!ai4s dese'.e to 8e eIa4ined 0it) ca'e and to 8e denied on!" 0)en an


Pa*e 32 of 105

i41o'tant co nte'.ai!in* inte'est is s)o0n to 8e s 1e'io'# o' 0)e'e a co41e!!in* state inte'est 0as s)o0n. 7f t)e co 't t)en finds t)at a c!ai4ed 'i*)t is entit!ed to 1'otection as a f nda4enta! 1'" 'i*)t# a !a0 inf'in*in* it 4 st satisf" t)e co41e!!in* state inte'est test. ()en t)e K estion 0o !d 8e 0)et)e' t)e state inte'est is of s c) 1a'a4o nt i41o'tance as 0o !d > stif" an inf'in*e4ent of t)e 'i*)t. ()e !ea'ned

J d*e o8se'.ed t)at t)e 'i*)t to 1'" 0i!! )a.e to *o t)'o *) a 1'ocess of case@8"@case de.e!o14ent. ()e

!ea'ned J d*e f 't)e' o8se'.ed t)at t)e 'i*)t is not a8so! te. ()e iss e 0)et)e' enfo'ce4ent of 4o'a!it" is a /tate inte'est s fficient to > stif" inf'in*e4ent of f nda4enta! G1'" 'i*)tH 0as )e!d not necessa'" to 8e conside'ed fo' 1 '1oses of t)e case. ()e Co 't 'ef sed Gto ente' into t)e cont'o.e'sia! t)ic3et 0)et)e' enfo'ce4ent of 4o'a!it" is a f nction of t)e /tate.H A?. , t0o@J d*e <enc) in R. Raja0opal v. State o$ '.(., (1$$4) : /CC :A2# )e!d t)e 'i*)t to 1'" to 8e i41!icit in t)e 'i*)t to !ife and !i8e't" * a'anteed to t)e citi%ens of 7ndia 8" ,'tic!e 21. G7t is t)e 'i*)t to 8e !eft a!oneH. , citi%en )as a 'i*)t to safe* a'd t)e 1'" of )is o0n# )is fa4i!"# 4a''ia*e# 1'oc'eation# 4ot)e')ood# c)i!d 8ea'in* and

ed cation a4on* 4an" ot)e' 4atte's. A$. 7n District Re0istrar and another v. ollector/ ,yderabad and

anara %an& and another, (2005) 1 /CC 4$:#


Pa*e 33 of 105

anot)e' t0o@J d*e <enc) )e!d t)at t)e 'i*)t to 1'" dea!t 0it) 1e'sons and not 1!aces. ()e 'i*)t to 1'" )as 8een acce1ted as i41!ied in o ' Constit tion# in ot)e' cases# na4e!"# .eople5s *nion $or ivil Liberties v. *nion o$

+ndia, (1$$7) 1 /CC A01 and Sharda v. Dharampal/ (200A) 4 /CC 4$A.

40. ()e 'i*)t to 1'" t) s )as 8een )e!d to 1'otect a G1'i.ate s1ace in 0)ic) 4an 4a" 8eco4e and 'e4ain )i4se!fH. ()e a8i!it" to do so is eIe'cised in acco'dance 0it) a! a tono4". +at)e0 J. in Gobind v. State o$ )... (s 1'a) 'efe''in* to t)e fa4o s ,'tic!e# G()e 2i*)t to P'"H 8" C)a'!es Wa''en and Fo is D. <'andeis# (4 ;F2 1$A)# st'essed t)at 1'" @ t)e 'i*)t to 8e !et a!one Q 0as an inte'est t)at 4an s)o !d 8e a8!e to asse't di'ect!" and not de'i.ati.e!" f'o4 )is effo'ts to 1'otect ot)e' inte'ests. <!ac34 n# J. in )is dissent in %o1ers/ -ttorney General o$ Geor0ia v. ,ard1ic& et al/ 47? 6/ 1?: (1$?:)# 4ade it c!ea' t)at t)e 4 c) @ K oted G'i*)t to 8e !et a!oneH s)o !d 8e seen not si41!" as a ne*ati.e 'i*)t to occ 1" a 1'i.ate s1ace f'ee f'o4 *o.e'n4ent int' sion# 8 t as a 'i*)t to *et on 0it) "o ' !ife# "o ' 1e'sona!it" and 4a3e f nda4enta! decisions a8o t "o ' inti4ate 'e!ations 0it)o t 1ena!isation. ()e 1'"

'eco*nises t)at 0e a!! )a.e a 'i*)t to a s1)e'e of 1'i.ate inti4ac" and a tono4" 0)ic) a!!o0s s to esta8!is) and


Pa*e 34 of 105

n 't 'e ) 4an 'e!ations)i1s 0it)o t inte'fe'ence f'o4 t)e o tside co44 nit". ()e 0a" in 0)ic) one * eI1'ession to oneSs seI a!it" is at t)e co'e of t)is a'ea of 1'i.ate inti4ac". 7f# in eI1'essin* oneSs seI a!it"# one acts

consens a!!" and 0it)o t )a'4in* t)e ot)e'# in.asion of t)at 1'ecinct 0i!! 8e a 8'eac) of 1'". (,c3e'4ann J. in 'he (ational oalition $or Gay and Lesbian E6uality v. 'he

)inister o$ Justice, decided 8" Constit tiona! Co 't of /o t) ,f'ica on $t) 5cto8e'# 1$$?). 41. 7n %o1ers v. ,ard1ic& (s 1'a) <!ac34 n# J. cited t)e fo!!o0in* 1assa*e f'o4 Pari D41A 6/ 4$ (1$7A)# 1a*e :AE : G5n!" t)e 4ost 0i!!f ! 8!indness co !d o8sc 'e t)e fact t)at seI a! inti4ac" is a sensiti.e# 3e" 'e!ations)i1 of ) 4an eIistence# cent'a! to fa4i!" !ife# co44 nit" 0e!fa'e# and t)e de.e!o14ent of ) 4an 1e'sona!it". ()e 0a" in 0)ic) 0e *i.e eI1'ession to o ' seI a!it" is at t)e co'e of t)is a'ea of 1'i.ate inti4ac". 7f# in eI1'essin* o ' seI a!it"# 0e act consens a!!" and 0it)o t )a'4in* one anot)e'# in.asion of t)at 1'ecinct 0i!! 8e a 8'eac) of o ' 1'".H A!"#$ T%ea$re I &. S#a$'n#


42. ()e'e is a *'o0in* > 'is1' dence and ot)e' !a0 'e!ated 1'actice t)at identifies a si*nificant a11!ication of ) 4an 'i*)ts !a0 0it) 'e*a'd to 1eo1!e of di.e'se seI a!

o'ientations and *ende' identities. ()is de.e!o14ent can 8e seen at t)e inte'nationa! !e.e!# 1'inci1a!!" in t)e fo'4 of 1'actice 'e!ated to t)e 6nited Nations Q s1onso'ed ) 4an 'i*)ts t'eaties# as 0e!! as nde' t)e L 'o1ean Con.ention on DWP(C)7455/2001E Pa*e 35 of 105

; 4an 2i*)ts. ()e seI a! o'ientation and *ende' identit" Q 'e!ated ) 4an 'i*)ts !e*a! doct'ine can 8e cate*o'ised as fo!!o0s: (a)non@disc'i4inationP (8) 1'otection of 1'i.ate

'i*)tsP and (c) t)e ens 'in* of s1ecia! *ene'a! ) 4an 'i*)ts 1'otection to a!!# 'e*a'd!ess of seI a! o'ientation o' *ende' identit". 4A. 5n 2:t) +a'c)# 2007# a *'o 1 of ) 4an 'i*)ts eI1e'ts !a nc)ed t)e Co*"a3a'ta P'inci1!es on t)e ,11!ication of ; 4an 2i*)ts Fa0 in 2e!ation to /eI a! 5'ientation and -ende' 7dentit" (Co*"a3a'ta P'inci1!es). ()e 1'inci1!es a'e intended as a co)e'ent and co41'e)ensi.e identification of t)e o8!i*ation of /tates to 'es1ect# 1'otect and f !fi!! t)e ) 4an 'i*)ts of a!! 1e'sons 'e*a'd!ess of t)ei' seI a! o'ientation o' *ende' identit". ()e eI1e'ts ca4e f'o4 25 ()e"

co nt'ies 'e1'esentati.e of a!! *eo*'a1)ica! 'e*ions.

inc! ded one fo'4e' 6N ;i*) Co44issione' fo' ; 4an 2i*)ts# 1A c ''ent o' fo'4e' 6N ; 4an 2i*)ts /1ecia! +ec)anis4 5ffice ;o!de's o' ('eat" <od" +e48e's# t0o se'.in* J d*es on do4estic co 'ts and a n 48e' of acade4ics and acti.ists. ,!t)o *) 'e!ati.e!" s)o't 1e'iod of ti4e )as e!a1sed since t)e !a nc) of t)e P'inci1!es# a n 48e' of 4e48e' and o8se'.e' /tates )a.e a!'ead" cited t)e4 in Co nci! 1'oceedin*s. Wit)in da"s of t)e -ene.a

!a nc)# 4o'e t)an A0 /tates 4ade 1ositi.e inte'.entions on seI a! o'ientation and *ende' identit" iss es# 0it) se.en /tates s1ecifica!!" 'efe''in* to t)e Co*"a3a'ta P'inci1!es. DWP(C)7455/2001E Pa*e 36 of 105

D+ic)ae! 5S&!a)e't" and Jo)n &is)e'# G/eI a! 5'ientation# -ende' 7dentit" and 7nte'nationa! ; 4an 2i*)ts Fa0:

ConteIt a!isin* t)e Co*"a3a'ta P'inci1!esH @ ; 4an 2i*)ts Fa0 2e.ie0 ?:2 (200?)# 207@24?E. 44. ()e Co*"a3a'ta P'inci1!es define t)e eI1'ession GseI a! o'ientationH and G*ende' identit"H as fo!!o0s: GSe7ual Orientation8 is nde'stood to 'efe' to eac) 1e'sonRs ca1acit" fo' 1'ofo nd e4otiona!# affectiona! and seI a! att'action to# and inti4ate and seI a! 'e!ations 0it)# a!s of a diffe'ent *ende' o' t)e sa4e *ende' o' 4o'e t)an one *ende'PH

GGen1er I1entit98 is nde'stood to 'efe' to eac) 1e'sonRs dee1!" fe!t inte'na! and a! eI1e'ience of *ende'# 0)ic) 4a" o' 4a" not co''es1ond 0it) t)e seI assi*ned at 8i't)# inc! din* t)e 1e'sona! sense of t)e 8od" (0)ic) 4a" in.o!.e# if f'ee!" c)osen# 4odification of 8odi!" a11ea'ance o' f nction 8" 4edica!# s '*ica! o' ot)e' 4eans) and ot)e' eI1'essions of *ende'# inc! din* d'ess# s1eec) and 4anne'is4s.H ()e P'inci1!es 'eco*nise:

; 4an 8ein*s of a!! seI a! o'ientation and *ende' identities a'e entit!ed to t)e f !! en>o"4ent of a!! ) 4an 'i*)tsP ,!! 1e'sons a'e entit!ed to en>o" t)e 'i*)t to 1'"# 'e*a'd!ess of seI a! o'ientation o' *ende' identit"P L.e'" citi%en )as a 'i*)t to ta3e 1a't in t)e cond ct of 1 8!ic affai's inc! din* t)e 'i*)t to stand fo' e!ected office# to 1a'tici1ate in t)e fo'4 !ation of 1o!icies affectin* t)ei' 0e!fa'e# and to )a.e eK a! access to a!! !e.e!s of 1 8!ic se'.ice and e41!o"4ent in 1 8!ic f nctions# 0it)o t disc'i4ination on t)e 8asis of seI a! o'ientation o' *ende' identit".


Pa*e 37 of 105

45. P'of Ld0in Ca4e'on in )is ,'tic!e G/eI a! 5'ientation and t)e Constit tion : , (est Case fo' ; 4an 2i*)tsH# (1$$A) 110 /,FJ 450 defines seI a! o'ientation: G.... seI a! o'ientation is defined 8" 'efe'ence to e'otic att'action: in t)e case of )ete'oseI a!s# to 4e48e's of t)e o11osite seIP in t)e case of *a"s and !es8ians# to 4e48e's of t)e sa4e seI. Potentia!!" a )o4oseI a! o' *a" o' !es8ian 1e'son can t)e'efo'e 8e an"one 0)o is e'otica!!" att'acted to 4e48e's of )is o' )e' o0n seI.H 4:. 7n %ernstein and "thers v. %ester and "thers NNO# 1$$: (4) <CF2 44$ (CC)# ,c3e'4ann J. 1ointed o t t)at t)e sco1e of 1'" )ad 8een c!ose!" 'e!ated to t)e conce1t of identit" and t)at G'i*)ts# !i3e t)e 'i*)t to 1'"# a'e not 8ased on a notion of t)e nenc 48e'ed se!f# 8 t on t)e

notion of 0)at is necessa'" to )a.e oneRs a tono4o s identit" ..... 7n t)e conteIt of 1'" t)is 4eans t)at it is ..... t)e inne' sanct 4 of t)e 1e'son s c) as )is/)e' fa4i!" !ife# seI a! 1'efe'ence and )o4e en.i'on4ent 0)ic) is s)ie!ded f'o4 e'osion 8" conf!ictin* 'i*)ts of t)e co44 nit".H D1a'a 117E 47. ()e / 1'e4e Co 't )as ac3no0!ed*ed t)at t)e s1)e'e of 1'" dea!s 0it) 1e'sons and not 1!aces. LI1!ainin* t)is conce1t in District Re0istrar & ollector/ ,yderabad v.

anara %an& (/ 1'a) Fa)oti# CJ. 'efe''ed to o8se'.ations of /te.ens# J. in 'hornbur0h v. -merican olle0e o$ " and

G, 47: 6/ 747 (1$?:)# t)at Gt)e conce1t of 1'" e48odies t)e 4o'a! fact t)at a 1e'son 8e!on*s to )i4se!f and not to ot)e's no' to societ" as a 0)o!eH. Fa)oti# CJ. a!so DWP(C)7455/2001E Pa*e 38 of 105

'efe''ed to an o8se'.ation of a co44entato' in (1$7:) :4 Ca!. F. 2e. 1447# t)at 1'" cente's 'o nd .a! es of 'e1ose# sanct a'" and inti4ate decision. f'eedo4 f'o4 2e1ose 'efe's to

n0anted sti4 !iP sanct a'" to 1'otection

a*ainst int' si.e o8se'.ationP and inti4ate decision# to a tono4" 0it) 'es1ect to t)e 4ost 1e'sona! of !ife c)oices. &o' e.e'" a!# 0)et)e' )o4oseI a! o' not# t)e sense of *ende' and seI a! o'ientation of t)e 1e'son a'e so e48edded in t)e a! t)at t)e a! ca''ies t)is as1ect of )is o' )e' identit" 0)e'e.e' )e o' s)e *oes. ,

1e'son cannot !ea.e 8e)ind )is sense of *ende' o' seI a! o'ientation at )o4e. W)i!e 'eco*nisin* t)e niK e 0o't) of

eac) 1e'son# t)e Constit tion does not 1'es 11ose t)at a )o!de' of 'i*)ts is as an iso!ated# !one!" and a8st'act fi* 'e 1ossessin* a dise48odied and socia!!" disconnected se!f. 7t ac3no0!ed*es t)at 1eo1!e !i.e in t)ei' 8odies# t)ei'

co44 nities# t)ei' c !t 'es# t)ei' 1!aces and t)ei' ti4es. ()e eI1'ession of seI a!it" 'eK i'es a 1a'tne'# 'ea! o' i4a*ined. 7t is not fo' t)e state to c)oose o' to a''an*e t)e c)oice of 1a'tne'# 8 t fo' t)e 1a'tne's to c)oose t)e4se!.es. D/ac)s# J. in 'he (ational oalition $or Gay and Lesbian

E6uality v. 'he )inister o$ Justice (s 1'a)E. 4?. ()e s1)e'e of 1'" a!!o0s 1e'sons to de.e!o1 ) 4an 'e!ations 0it)o t inte'fe'ence f'o4 t)e o tside co44 nit" o' f'o4 t)e /tate. ()e eIe'cise of a tono4" ena8!es an a! to attain f !fi!!4ent# *'o0 in se!f@estee4# 8 i!d DWP(C)7455/2001E Pa*e 39 of 105

'e!ations)i1s of )is o' )e' c)oice and f !fi!! a!! !e*iti4ate *oa!s t)at )e o' s)e 4a" set. 7n t)e 7ndian Constit tion# t)e 'i*)t to !i.e 0it) di*nit" and t)e 'i*)t of 1'" 8ot) a'e 'eco*nised as di4ensions of ,'tic!e 21. /ection A77 7PC

denies a 1e'sonSs di*nit" and c'i4ina!ises )is o' )e' co'e identit" so!e!" on acco nt of )is o' )e' seI a!it" and t) s .io!ates ,'tic!e 21 of t)e Constit tion. ,s it stands# /ection A77 7PC denies a *a" 1e'son a 'i*)t to f !! 1e'son)ood 0)ic) is i41!icit in notion of !ife Constit tion. I$PACT OF CRI$INALISATION ON HO$OSE6UALS 4$. P'of. 2"an -ood4an of t)e ;a'.a'd Fa0 /c)oo!# in )is 0e!! 'esea'c)ed st d" of t)e i41act of t)e sodo4" !a0s on )o4oseI a!s in /o t) ,f'ica a'* es t)at conde4nation eI1'essed t)'o *) t)e !a0 s)a1es an a!Ss identit" and se!f@estee4. a!s !ti4ate!" do not t'" to confo'4 to t)e !a0Ss di'ecti.e# 8 t t)e disa11'o.a! co44 nicated t)'o *) it# ne.e't)e!ess# s 8stanti.e!" affects t)ei' sense of se!f@estee4# 1e'sona! identit" and t)ei' 'e!ations)i1 to t)e 0ide' societ". <ased on fie!d 'esea'c)# )e a'* es t)at nde' ,'tic!e 21 of t)e

sodo4" !a0s 1'od ce 'e*i4es of s '.ei!!ance t)at o1e'ate in a dis1e'sed 4anne'# and t)at s c) !a0s se'.e to e48ed i!!e*a!it" 0it)in t)e identit" of )o4oseI a!s. ;e cate*o'ises )o0 sodo4" !a0s 'einfo'ce 1 8!ic a8)o''ence of !es8ians and *a"s 'es !tin* in an e'osion of se!f@estee4 and se!f@ 0o't) in n 4e'o s 0a"s# inc! din* (a) se!f@'ef!ection# (8) DWP(C)7455/2001E Pa*e 40 of 105

'ef!ection of se!f t)'o *) fa4i!"# (c) .e'8a! assess4ent and dis1 tes# (d) 'esidentia! %ones and 4i*'ations# (e) 'est'icted 1 8!ic 1!aces# (f) 'est'icted 4o.e4ent and *est 'es# (*) Gsafe 1!acesH and ()) conf!icts 0it) !a0 enfo'ce4ent a*encies. (<e"ond t)e Lnfo'ce4ent P'inci1!e: /odo4" Fa0s# /ocia! No'4s and /ocia! Pano1ticsH# ?$ Ca!. F. 2e.. :4A). 50. ()e st dies cond cted in diffe'ent 1a'ts of 0o'!d inc! din* 7ndia s)o0 t)at t)e c'i4ina!isation of sa4e@seI cond ct )as a ne*ati.e i41act on t)e ! of t)ese 1eo1!e. L.en 0)en t)e 1ena! 1'o.isions a'e not enfo'ced# t)e" 'ed ce *a" 4en o' 0o4en to 0)at one a t)o' t) s )as 'efe''ed to as and

G na11'e)ended




enco 'a*in* disc'i4ination in diffe'ent s1)e'es of !ife. ,1a't f'o4 4ise'" and fea'# a fe0 of t)e 4o'e s

conseK ences a'e )a'ass4ent# 8!ac34ai!# eIto'tion and disc'i4ination. ()e'e is eItensi.e 4ate'ia! 1!aced on t)e

'eco'd in t)e fo'4 of affida.its# a t)o'itati.e 'e1o'ts 8" 0e!! 3no0n a*encies and > d*4ents t)at testif" to a 0ides1'ead se of /ection A77 7PC to 8' ta!ise +/+ and *a" co44 nit". /o4e of t)e incidents i!! st'atin* t)e i41act of s.

c'i4ina!isation on )o4oseI a!it" a'e ea'!ie' noted 8" We 4a" K ote anot)e' *!a'in* eIa41!e.

D 'in* Co!onia!

1e'iod in 7ndia# e n c)s (!i)ras) 0e'e c'i4ina!ised 8" .i't e of t)ei' identit". ()e C'i4ina! ('i8es ,ct# 1?71 0as enacted 8" t)e <'itis) in an effo't to 1o!ice t)ose t'i8es and co44 nities DWP(C)7455/2001E 0)o S0e'e addicted to t)e s"ste4atic

Pa*e 41 of 105

co44ission of non@8ai!a8!e offences.S ()ese co44 nities and t'i8es 0e'e dee4ed c'i4ina! 8" t)ei' identit"# and 4e'e 8e!on*in* to one of t)ose co44 nities 'ende'ed t)e a! c'i4ina!. inc! de e n c)s. 7n 1?$7# t)is ,ct 0as a4ended to ,cco'din* to t)e a4end4ent t)e !oca!

*o.e'n4ent 0as 'eK i'ed to 3ee1 a 'e*iste' of t)e na4es and 'esidences of of a!! e n c)s o' 0)o a'e G'easona8!" o' of

s s1ected




co44ittin* offences

nde' /ection A77 7PC.


on t)e C'i4ina! ('i8es ,ct in a s1eec) 4ade in 1$A:# Pt. Ja0a)a'!a! Ne)' said: G7 a4 a0a'e of t)e 4onst'o s 1'o.isions of t)e C'i4ina! ('i8es ,ct 0)ic) constit te a ne*ation of ci.i! !i8e't"... an atte41t s)o !d 8e 4ade to )a.e t)e ,ct 'e4o.ed f'o4 t)e stat te 8oo3. No t'i8e can 8e c!assed as c'i4ina! as s c) and t)e 0)o!e 1'inci1!e as s c) is o t of consonance 0it) ci.i!i%ed 1'inci1!es of c'i4ina! > stice and t'eat4ent of offende's...H DDa!i1 DS/o %a# <'anded 8" !a0: Foo3in* at 7ndiaSs Denotified ('i8es# Pen* in# Ne0 De!)i# 2001: 1a*e 57E W)i!e t)is ,ct )as 8een 'e1ea!ed# t)e attac)4ent of c'i4ina!it" to t)e !i)ra co44 nit" sti!! contin es. 51. 7n 200:# t)e /tate of (a4i! Nad .ide -.5. (+s) No.1$$

dated 21.12.200: 'eco*nisin* t)at Ga'a.anis (!i)ras) a'e disc'i4inated 8" t)e societ" and 'e4ain iso!atedH iss ed di'ections t) s: G7. co nse!in* 8e *i.en to c)i!d'en 0)o 4a" fee! diffe'ent f'o4 ot)e' a!s in te'4s of t)ei' *ende' identit". 77. &a4i!" co nse!in* 8" t)e teac)e's 0it) t)e )e!1 of N-5s sensiti%ed in t)at a'ea s)o !d 8e 4ade 4andato'" DWP(C)7455/2001E Pa*e 42 of 105

so t)at s c) c)i!d'en a'e not diso0ned 8" t)ei' fa4i!ies. ()e C.L.5.s# D.L.5.s# Dist'ict /ocia! We!fa'e 5ffice's and 5ffice's of /ocia! Defence a'e 'eK ested to a''an*e co41 !so'" co nse!in* 0it) t)e )e!1 of teac)e's and N-5s in t)e Dist'icts 0)e'e.e' it is 'eK i'ed. 777. ,d4ission in /c)oo! and Co!!e*es s)o !d not 8e denied 8ased on t)ei' seI identit". 7f an" 'e1o't is 'ecei.ed of den"in* ad4ission of a'a.aniSs s ita8!e disci1!ina'" action s)o !d 8e ta3en 8" t)e a t)o'ities conce'ned.H


()e c'i4ina!isation of )o4oseI a!it" conde4ns in 1e'1et it" a si%a8!e section of societ" and fo'ces t)e4 to !i.e t)ei' ! in t)e s)ado0 of )a'ass4ent# eI1!oitation# ) 4i!iation# c' e! and de*'adin* t'eat4ent at t)e )ands of t)e !a0

enfo'ce4ent 4ac)ine'". ()e -o.e'n4ent of 7ndia esti4ates t)e +/+ n 48e' at a'o nd 25 !acs. ()e n 48e' of !es8ians and t'ans*ende's is said to 8e se.e'a! !acs as 0e!!. ()is .ast 4a>o'it" (8o''o0in* t)e !an* a*e of t)e /o t) ,f'ican Constit tiona! Co 't) is denied G4o'a! f !! citi%ens)i1H. /ection A77 7PC *'oss!" .io!ates t)ei' 'i*)t to 1'" and !i8e't" e48odied in ,'tic!e 21 insofa' as it c'i4ina!ises consens a! seI a! acts 8et0een ad !ts in 1'i.ate. ()ese

f nda4enta! 'i*)ts )ad t)ei' 'oots dee1 in t)e st' **!e fo' inde1endence and# as 1ointed o t 8" -'an.i!!e , stin in G()e 7ndian Constit tion Q Co'ne'stone of , NationH# Gt)e" 0e'e inc! ded in t)e Constit tion in t)e )o1e and

eI1ectation t)at one da" t)e t'ee of t' e !i8e't" 0o !d 8!oo4 in 7ndiaH. 7n t)e 0o'ds of J stice =.2. 9'is)na 7"e'

t)ese 'i*)ts a'e ca'dina! to a decent ) 4an o'de' and DWP(C)7455/2001E Pa*e 43 of 105

1'otected 8" constit tiona! a'4o '. ()e s1i'it of +an is at t)e 'oot of ,'tic!e 21# a8sent !i8e't"# ot)e' f'eedo4s a'e f'o%en. D)ane&a Gandhi (s 1'a) at 1a'a 7: /CCE




s ccessf !


) 4an



conce'nin* t)e 1'" on sa4e@seI 'e!ations 0e'e ta3en nde' t)e LC;2. 7n Dud0eon v. 'he *nited Kin0dom, 45 L '. Ct. ;.2. (se'. ,) (1$?1)# and (orris v. Republic o$ +reland, 142 L '. Ct. ;.2. (se'. ,) (1$??)# t)e c'i4ina!isation of s c) 1'actices 0as dee4ed a .io!ation of t)e 1'" 1'otection in ,'tic!e ? of t)e LC;2. 7n Dud0eon v. 'he

*nited Kin0dom, t)e L 'o1ean Co 't of ; 4an 2i*)ts )e!d t)at G4aintenance in fo'ce of t)e i41 *ned !e*is!ation constit tes a contin in* inte'fe'ence 0it) t)e a11!icantSs 'i*)t to 'es1ect fo' )is 1'i.ate !ife (0)ic) inc! des )is seI a! !ife) 0it)in t)e 4eanin* of ,'tic!e ? 1a'a 1 (a't.?@1). 7n t)e 1e'sona! ci'c 4stances of t)e a11!icant# t)e .e'" eIistence of t)is !e*is!ation contin o s!" and di'ect!" affect )is 1'i.ate !ife. 7n (orris v. Republic o$ +reland, t)e L 'o1ean Co 't of ; 4an 2i*)ts ' !ed t)at 7'e!andSs 8!an3et 1'o)i8ition on *a" seI 8'eac)ed t)e LC;2. ()e Co 't K oted 0it) a11'o.a! t)e findin* of an 7'is) J d*e t)at: GDoEne of t)e effects of c'i4ina! sanctions a*ainst )o4oseI a! acts is to 'einfo'ce t)e 4isa11'e)ension and *ene'a! 1'e> dice of t)e 1 8!ic and inc'ease t)e anIiet" and * i!t fee!in*s of )o4oseI a!s !eadin*# on


Pa*e 44 of 105

occasion# to de1'ession and t)e se'io s conseK ences 0)ic) can fo!!o0 ...H D1a'a 21E 54. 7n )odinos v. yprus, +:$ L '. Ct. ;.2. (se'. ,) (1$$A)# t)e

L 'o1ean Co 't of ; 4an 2i*)ts a*ain )e!d t)at s c) a !a0 .io!ated t)e 'i*)t to 1'"# and 4aintained t)at e.en a Gconsistent 1o!ic"H of not 8'in*in* 1'osec tions !a0 0as no s 8stit te fo' f !! 'e1ea!. 55. 7n 'oonen v. -ustralia, (No.4??/1$$2 CCP2/C/ 50/D/4?? /1$$2# +a'c) A1# 1$$4)# t)e ; 4an 2i*)ts Co44ittee )e!d t)at t)e contin o s eIistence of (as4anian sodo4" !a0s .io!ates ,'tic!e 17 of 7nte'nationa! Co.enant of Ci.i! and Po!itica! 2i*)ts. ()e Co44ittee o8se'.ed: G()e Co44ittee conside's t)at sections 122(a) and (c) and 12A of t)e (as4anian C'i4ina! Code Ninte'fe'eN 0it) t)e a t)o'Ss 1'"# e.en if t)ese 1'o.isions )a.e not 8een enfo'ced fo' a decade. 7n t)is conteIt# it notes t)at t)e 1o!ic" of t)e De1a't4ent of P 8!ic P'osec tions not to initiate c'i4ina! 1'oceedin*s in 'es1ect of 1'i.ate )o4oseI a! cond ct does not a4o nt to a * a'antee t)at no actions 0i!! 8e 8'o *)t a*ainst )o4oseI a!s in t)e f t 'e# 1a'tic !a'!" in t)e !i*)t of ndis1 ted state4ents of t)e Di'ecto' of P 8!ic P'osec tions of (as4ania in 1$?? and t)ose of 4e48e's of t)e (as4anian Pa'!ia4ent. ()e contin ed eIistence of t)e c)a!!en*ed 1'o.isions t)e'efo'e contin o s!" and di'ect!" Ninte'fe'esN 0it) t)e a t)o'Ss 1'".HD1a'a ?.2E 5:. 7n 'he (ational oalition $or Gay and Lesbian E6uality nde' t)e

v. 'he )inister o$ Justice (s 1'a)# t)e Constit tiona! Co 't of /o t) ,f'ica st' c3 do0n t)e sodo4" !a0s on t)e *'o nd of .io!ation of 'i*)ts to 1'"# di*nit" and eK a!it". ,c3e'4ann J. na''ated t)e 1a!1a8!e in.asion of t)ei' 'i*)ts: G()e co44on@!a0 1'o)i8ition on sodo4" c'i4ina!ises a!! seI a! inte'co 'se 1e' an 4 8et0een 4en: 'e*a'd!ess DWP(C)7455/2001E Pa*e 45 of 105

of t)e 'e!ations)i1 of t)e co 1!e 0)o en*a*e t)e'ein# of t)e a*e of s c) co 1!e# of t)e 1!ace 0)e'e it occ 's# o' indeed of an" ot)e' ci'c 4stances 0)atsoe.e'. 7n so doin*# it 1 nis)es a fo'4 of seI a! cond ct 0)ic) is identified 8" o ' 8'oade' societ" 0it) )o4oseI a!s. 7ts s"48o!ic effect is to state t)at in t)e e"es of o ' !e*a! s"ste4 a!! *a" 4en a'e c'i4ina!s. ()e sti*4a t) s attac)ed to a si*nificant 1'o1o'tion of o ' 1o1 !ation is 4anifest. < t t)e )a'4 i41osed 8" t)e c'i4ina! !a0 is fa' 4o'e t)an s"48o!ic. ,s a 'es !t of t)e c'i4ina! offence# *a" 4en a'e at 'is3 of a''est# 1'osec tion and con.iction of t)e offence of sodo4" si41!" 8eca se t)e" see3 to en*a*e in seI a! cond ct 0)ic) is 1a't of t)ei' eI1e'ience of 8ein* ) 4an. J st as a1a't)eid !e*is!ation 'ende'ed t)e ! of co 1!es of diffe'ent 'acia! *'o 1s 1e'1et a!!" at 'is3# t)e sodo4" offence 8 i!ds insec 'it" and . !ne'a8i!it" into t)e dai!" ! of *a" 4en. ()e'e can 8e no do 8t t)at t)e eIistence of a !a0 0)ic) 1 nis)es a fo'4 of seI a! eI1'ession fo' *a" 4en de*'ades and de.a! es *a" 4en in o ' 8'oade' societ". ,s s c) it is a 1a!1a8!e in.asion of t)ei' di*nit" and a 8'eac) of section 10 of t)e Constit tion.H D1a'a 2?E

57. 7n La1rence v. 'e7as, 5A$ 6/ 55? (200A)# )o!din* t)e (eIas sodo4" !a0s as nconstit tiona!# t)e 6/ / 1'e4e

Co 't 'e.e'sed its ea'!ie' decision in %o1ers v. ,ard1ic& (s 1'a). 9enned"# J.# 0)o de!i.e'ed t)e o1inion of t)e Co 't# said: G.... 7t s ffices fo' s to ac3no0!ed*e t)at ad !ts 4a" c)oose to ente' 1on t)is 'e!ations)i1 in t)e confines of t)ei' )o4es and t)ei' o0n 1'i.ate ! and sti!! 'etain t)ei' di*nit" as f'ee 1e'sons. W)en seI a!it" finds o.e't eI1'ession in inti4ate cond ct 0it) anot)e' 1e'son# t)e cond ct can 8e 8 t one e!e4ent in a 1e'sona! 8ond t)at is 4o'e end 'in*. ()e !i8e't" 1'otected 8" t)e Constit tion a!!o0s )o4oseI a! 1e'sons t)e 'i*)t to 4a3e t)is c)oice. ...... D1a*e 5:7E ......()e iss e is 0)et)e' t)e 4a>o'it" 4a" se t)e 1o0e' of t)e /tate to enfo'ce t)ese .ie0s on t)e 0)o!e societ" t)'o *) o1e'ation of t)e c'i4ina! !a0. G5 ' o8!i*ation is to define t)e !i8e't" of a!!# not to 4andate o ' o0n 4o'a! code.H D1a*e 571E DWP(C)7455/2001E Pa*e 46 of 105

.....W)en )o4oseI a! cond ct is 4ade c'i4ina! 8" t)e !a0 of t)e /tate# t)at dec!a'ation in and of itse!f is an in.itation to s 8>ect )o4oseI a! 1e'sons to disc'i4ination 8ot) in t)e 1 8!ic and in t)e 1'i.ate s1)e'es. ...H D1a*e 575E

5?. /ince 1$:7 t)e 1'ocess of c)an*e )as info'4ed !e*a! attit de to0a'ds seI a! o'ientation. ()is 1'ocess )as

c !4inated in t)e de@c'i4ina!isation of sodo4" in 1'i.ate 8et0een consentin* ad !ts# in se.e'a! > 'isdictions. ()e

s 1e'io' co 'ts in so4e of t)ese > 'isdictions )a.e st' c3 do0n anti@sodo4" !a0s# 0)e'e s c) !a0s 'e4ain on t)e stat te 8oo3. 7n 1$:7 in Ln*!and and Wa!es and in 1$?0 in /cot!and sodo4" 8et0een consentin* ad !t 4a!es in 1'i.ate 0as de@c'i4ina!ised. ;o0e.e'# in No't)e'n 7'e!and t)e nc)an*ed. 7n

c'i4ina! !a0 'e!atin* to sodo4" 'e4ained

1$?2# in 1 's ance of t)e decision of t)e LC;2 in Dud0eon v. *nited Kin0dom (s 1'a)# sodo4" 8et0een ad !t

consentin* 4a!es in 1'i.ate 0as de@c'i4ina!ised in No't)e'n 7'e!and. ()e sa4e conc! sion 0as 'eac)ed in 1$?? in No''is .. 7'e!and (s 1'a) and 7'e!and 'e1ea!ed sodo4" !a0s in 1$$A. Fa0s 1'o)i8itin* )o4oseI a!" 8et0een consentin* ad !ts in 1'i.ate )* e'adicated 0it)in 2A 4e48e'@states t)at )ad >oined t)e Co nci! of L 'o1e in 1$?$ and of t)e 10 L 'o1ean co nt'ies t)at )ad >oined since (as at 10t)

&e8' a'"# 1$$5)# nine )ad de@c'i4ina!ised sodo4" !a0s eit)e' 8efo'e o' s)o't!" afte' t)ei' 4e48e's)i1 a11!ications 0e'e *'anted. 7n , st'a!ia# a!! t)e /tates 0it) t)e eIce1tion


Pa*e 47 of 105

of (as4ania# )ad 8" 1$?2 de@c'i4ina!ised seI a! acts in 1'i.ate 8et0een consentin* ad !ts and )ad a!so 1assed anti@ disc'i4ination !a0s 0)ic) 1'o)i8ited disc'i4ination on t)e *'o nd# a4on*st ot)e's# of seI a! o'ientation. (as4ania 'e1ea!ed offendin* sections in its C'i4ina! Code in 1$$7 in .ie0 of t)e decision of 6nited Nations ; 4an 2i*)ts Co44ittee in 'oonen v. -ustralia. Consens a! seI a! 'e!ations 8et0een ad !t 4a!es )a.e 8een de@c'i4ina!ised in Ne0 Tea!and. 7n Canada# consens a! ad !t sodo4"

(G< **e'"H) and so@ca!!ed G*'oss indecenc"H 0e'e de@ c'i4ina!ised 8" stat te in 1$?$ in 'es1ect of s c) acts co44itted in 1'i.ate 8et0een 21 "ea's and o!de' 0)ic) 0as s 8seK ent!" 8'o *)t do0n to a*e of 1? "ea's o' 4o'e. 7n 6nited /tates of ,4e'ica t)o *) t)e c)a!!en*e to sodo4" !a0s 0as t 'ned do0n in %o1ers v. ,ard1ic& (s 1'a)# 8 t s 8seK ent!" in La1rence v.'e7as# t)e sodo4" !a0s insofa' as 8et0een consentin* ad !ts in 1'i.ate 0e'e st' c3 do0n. , n 48e' of o1en de4oc'atic societies )a.e t 'ned t)ei' 8ac3s to c'i4ina!isation of sodo4" !a0s in 1'i.ate 8et0een consentin* ad !ts des1ite t)e fact t)at seI a! o'ientation is not eI1'ess!" 1'otected in t)e eK a!it" ;o4oseI a!it" )as 8een

1'o.isions of t)ei' constit tions.

de@c'i4ina!ised in se.e'a! co nt'ies of ,sia# ,f'ica and /o t) ,4e'ica. ()e ;i*) Co 't of ;on*3on* in its > d*4ents in

Leun0 '. .4illiam Roy v. Secy $or Justice# dated 24t) , * st# 2005 and 20t) /e1te48e'# 200: st' c3 do0n si4i!a' DWP(C)7455/2001E Pa*e 48 of 105

sodo4" !a0s.

(o t)e sa4e effect is t)e > d*4ent of t)e

;i*) Co 't of &i>i in Dhirendra (andan & -nother v. State# C'i4ina! ,11ea! Case No. ;,, ?5 J ?: of 2005# decided on 2:t) , * st# 2005. Ne1a!ese / 1'e4e Co 't )as a!so st' c3 do0n t)e !a0s c'i4ina!isin* )o4oseI a!it" in 200? D/ 1'e4e Co 't of Ne1a!# Di.ision <enc)# 7nitia! Note of t)e Decision 21.12.2007E. 5$. 5n 1?t) GDece48e'# 200?# in Ne0 Co'3# t)e 6N -ene'a! ,sse48!" 0as 1'esented 0it) a state4ent endo'sed 8" :: /tates f'o4 a'o nd t)e 0o'!d ca!!in* fo' an end to disc'i4ination 8ased on seI a! o'ientation and *ende' identit". ()e state4ent# 'ead o t 8" t)e 6N 2e1'esentati.e fo' ,'*entina Jo'*e ,'* e!!a# conde4ns .io!ence#

)a'ass4ent# disc'i4ination# eIc! sion# sti*4atisation# and 1'e> dice 8ased on seI a! o'ientation and *ende' identit". 7t a!so conde4ns 3i!!in*s and eIec tions# to't 'e# a'8it'a'" a''est# and de1'i.ation of econo4ic# socia!# and c !t 'a! 'i*)ts on t)ose *'o nds. ()e state4ent 'ead at t)e -ene'a! ,sse48!" 'eaffi'4s eIistin* 1'otections fo' ) 4an 'i*)ts in inte'nationa! !a0. 7t 8 i!ds on a 1' s >oint state4ent

s 11o'ted 8" 54 co nt'ies# 0)ic) No'0a" de!i.e'ed at t)e 6N ; 4an 2i*)ts Co nci! in 200:. 6N ;i*) Co44issione' fo' ; 4an 2i*)ts# 0)o add'essed t)e -ene'a! ,sse48!" .ia a .ideo ta1ed 4essa*e stated: G7'onica!!" 4an" of t)ese !a0s# !i3e ,1a't)eid !a0s t)at c'i4ina!ised seI a! 'e!ations 8et0een consentin* ad !ts DWP(C)7455/2001E Pa*e 49 of 105

of diffe'ent 'aces# a'e 'e!ics of t)e co!onia! and a'e inc'easin*!" 'eco*nised as anac)'onistic and as inconsistent 8ot) 0it) inte'nationa! !a0 and 0it) t'aditiona! .a! es of di*nit"# inc! sion and 'es1ect fo' a!!.H


:0. ()e 6nion +inist'" of ;o4e ,ffai's )as o11osed t)e 1etition c!ai4in*# inte' a!ia# t)at /ection A77 7PC is a > stified inte'fe'ence 8" G1 8!ic a t)o'ities in t)e inte'est of 1 8!ic safet" and 1'otection of )ea!t) and 4o'a!s.H 5n t)e ot)e' )and# 6nion +inist'" of ;ea!t) and &a4i!" We!fa'e )as s 11o'ted t)e 1etition and ad4itted t)at /ection A77 7PC# 8" c'i4ina!isin* consens a! seI 8et0een ad !ts of t)e sa4e seI# )a41e's ;7= inte'.ention effo'ts ai4ed at seI a! 4ino'ities. 7ndeed it is t)e 1!ea of t)e 1etitione' t)at /ection A77 7PC inf'in*es 'i*)t to )ea!t) as e48odied in ,'tic!e 21 of t)e Constit tion of 7ndia. We s)a!! ta3e 1 t)e iss e of 1 8!ic safet" and )ea!t) fi'st.

:1. ,'tic!e 12 of t)e 7nte'nationa! Co.enant on Lcono4ic# /ocia! and C !t 'a! 2i*)ts 4a3es it o8!i*ato'" on t)e G/tate to f !fi!! e.e'"oneSs 'i*)t to t)e )i*)est attaina8!e standa'd of )ea!t).H ()e / 1'e4e Co 't of 7ndia inte'1'etin* ,'tic!e 21 of t)e 7ndian Constit tion in t)e !i*)t of ,'tic!e 12 of t)e Co.enant )e!d t)at t)e 'i*)t to )ea!t) in)e'ed in t)e


Pa*e 50 of 105

f nda4enta! 'i*)t to !ife nde' ,'tic!e 21. D.aschim %an0a Khet )a#door Samity v. State o$ 4.%., (1$$:) 4 /CC A7E. :2. 7t is s 84itted 8" N,C5 t)at /ection A77 acts as a se'io s i41edi4ent to s ccessf ! 1 8!ic )ea!t) inte'.entions.

,cco'din* to N,C5# t)ose in t)e ;i*) 2is3 -'o 1 a'e 4ost!" 'e! ctant to 'e.ea! sa4e@seI 8e) ' d e to fea' of !a0 enfo'ce4ent a*encies# 3ee1in* a !a'*e section in.isi8!e and n'eac)a8!e and t)e'e8" 1 s)in* t)e cases of infection nde'*'o nd 4a3in* it .e'" diffic !t fo' t)e 1 8!ic )ea!t) 0o'3e's to e.en access t)e4. ()e sit ation is a**'a.ated 8" t)e st'on* tendencies c'eated 0it)in t)e co44 nit" 0)o den" +/+ 8e) ' itse!f. /ince 4an" +/+ a'e 4a''ied o' )a.e seI 0it) 0o4en# t)ei' fe4a!e seI a! 1a'tne's a'e conseK ent!" a!so at 'is3 fo' ;7=/infection. ()e N,C5 .ie0s it i41e'ati.e t)at t)e +/+ and *a" co44 nit" )a.e t)e a8i!it" to 8e safe!" .isi8!e t)'o *) 0)ic) ;7=/,7D/ 1'e.ention 4a" 8e s ccessf !!" cond cted. C!ea'!"# t)e 4ain

i41edi4ent is t)at t)e seI a! 1'actices of t)e +/+ and *a" co44 nit" a'e )idden 8eca se t)e" a'e s 8>ect to c'i4ina! sanction. :A. -ene'a! Co44ent No.14 (2000) DL/C.12/2000/4P 11 , * st 2000E on ,'tic!e 12 of t)e 7nte'nationa! Co.enant on Lcono4ic# /ocia! and C !t 'a! 2i*)ts states t)at 'i*)t to )ea!t) is not to 8e nde'stood as a 'i*)t to 8e )ea!t)". ()e

'i*)t to )ea!t) contains 8ot) f'eedo4s and entit!e4ents.


Pa*e 51 of 105

()e f'eedo4s inc! de t)e 'i*)t to cont'o! oneSs )ea!t) and 8od"# inc! din* seI a! 'e1'od cti.e f'eedo4# and t)e 'i*)t to 8e f'ee f'o4 inte'fe'ence# s c) as t)e 'i*)t to 8e f'ee f'o4 to't 'e# non@consens a! 4edica! t'eat4ent and

eI1e'i4entation. <" cont'ast# t)e entit!e4ents inc! de t)e 'i*)t to a s"ste4 of )ea!t)# 1'otection 0)ic) 1'o.ides eK a!it" of o11o't nit" fo' 1eo1!e to en>o" t)e )i*)est attaina8!e !e.e! of )ea!t). 7t f 't)e' states: GNon@disc'i4ination and eK a! t'eat4ent <" .i't e of a'tic!e 2.2 and a'tic!e A# t)e Co.enant 1'osc'i8es an" disc'i4ination in access to )ea!t) ca'e and nde'!"in* dete'4inants of )ea!t)# as 0e!! as to 4eans and entit!e4ents fo' t)ei' 1'oc 'e4ent# on t)e *'o nds of 'ace# co!o '# seI# !an* a*e# 'e!i*ion# 1o!itica! o' ot)e' o1inion# nationa! o' socia! o'i*in# 1'o1e't"# 8i't)# 1)"sica! o' 4enta! disa8i!it"# )ea!t) stat s (inc! din* ;7=/,7D/)# seI a! o'ientation and ci.i!# 1o!itica!# socia! o' ot)e' stat s# 0)ic) )as t)e intention o' effect of n !!if"in* o' i41ai'in* t)e eK a! en>o"4ent o' eIe'cise of t)e 'i*)t to )ea!t). ()e Co44ittee st'esses t)at 4an" 4eas 'es# s c) as 4ost st'ate*ies and 1'o*'a44es desi*ned to e!i4inate )ea!t)@'e!ated disc'i4ination# can 8e 1 's ed 0it) 4ini4 4 'eso 'ce i41!ications t)'o *) t)e ado1tion# 4odification o' a8'o*ation of !e*is!ation o' t)e disse4ination of info'4ation...H D1a'a 1?E

:4. ()e 2001 6N -ene'a! ,sse48!" /1ecia! /ession (6N-,//) Dec!a'ation of Co44it4ent on ;7=/,7D/# )e!d on 25@27

J ne# 2001# ado1ted 8" a!! 6N +e48e' /tates e41)asised t)e i41o'tance of Gadd'essin* t)e needs of t)ose at t)e *'eatest 'is3 of# and 4ost . !ne'a8!e to# ne0 infection as indicated 8" s c) facto's as ... seI a! 1'actices.H 7n 2005# 22 *o.e'n4ents DWP(C)7455/2001E f'o4 diffe'ent 'e*ions a!on* 0it)

Pa*e 52 of 105






1eo1!e !* 0it) ;7= as 4e48e's of t)e 6N,7D/ *o.e'nin* 8oa'd# ca!!ed fo' t)e de.e!o14ent of 1'o*'a44es ta'*eted at 3e" affected *'o 1s and 1o1 !ations# inc! din* 4en 0)o )a.e seI 0it) 4en# desc'i8in* t)is as Gone of t)e essentia! 1o!ic" actions fo' ;7= 1'e.entionH. D6N,7D/ (2005)

7ntensif"in* ;7= P'e.ention# -ene.a# Joint 6nited Nations P'o*'a44e on ;7=/,7D/E. /ince t)en# co nt'" and 'e*iona! cons !tations )a.e confi'4ed t)at t)e sti*4a# disc'i4ination and c'i4ina!isation faced 8" 4en 0)o )a.e seI 0it) 4en a'e 4a>o' 8a''ie's to t)e 4o.e4ent fo' ni.e'sa! access to ;7=

1'e.ention# t'eat4ent# ca'e and s 11o't. D6nited Nations ,/:0/7A7 ,ssess4ent 8" 6N,7D/ to t)e -ene'a! ,sse48!" on /ca!in* 1 ;7= P'e.ention# ('eat4ent# Ca'e and / 11o't#

+a'c) 24# 200:E. ,t t)e 200: ;i*) Fe.e! +eetin* on ,7D/# t)e +e48e' /tates and ci.i! societ" 4e48e's 'eite'ated t)e co44it4ent nde'!inin* t)e need fo' Gf !! and acti.e

1a'tici1ation of . !ne'a8!e *'o 1s ... and to e!i4inate a!! fo'4s of disc'i4ination a*ainst t)e4 .... 0)i!e 'es1ectin* t)ei' 1'" and confidentia!it"H. DPa'a*'a1) :4 of 2001 Dec!a'ation of Co44it4ent on ;7=/,7D/ and Pa'a*'a1)s 20 and 2$ of t)e 200: Po!itica! Dec!a'ation on ;7=/,7D/E. 7n t)is conteIt 6N,7D/# inte' a!ia# 'eco44ended t)e fo!!o0in*: G2es1ect# 1'otect and f !fi!! t)e 'i*)ts of 4en 0)o )a.e seI 0it) 4en and add'ess sti*4a and disc'i4ination in societ" and in t)e 0o'31!ace 8" a4endin* !a0s 1'o)i8itin* seI a! acts 8et0een consentin* ad !ts in 1'i.ateP enfo'cin* anti@disc'i4inationP 1'o.idin* !e*a! DWP(C)7455/2001E Pa*e 53 of 105

aid se'.ices# and 1'o4otin* ca41ai*ns t)at add'ess )o4o1)o8ia.H D;7= and /eI 8et0een +en : 6N,7D/E :5. , 'e1o't of t)e Nationa! Confe'ence on ; 4an 2i*)ts and ;7=/,7D/# )e!d on 24@25 No.e48e'# 2000 in Ne0 De!)i and o'*anised 8" t)e Nationa! ; 4an 2i*)ts Co44ission# in co!!a8o'ation 0it) ot)e' o'*anisations# conc! des: G()e'efo'e# to 4o'e s ccessf !!" 1'e.ent and 4ana*e ;7=/,7D/ a4on* t)ese 4a'*ina!i%ed 1o1 !ations# (int'a.eno s d' * se's and +/,)# a 'e.ision of t)e eIistin* !a0s and 1'ocesses is st'on*!" 'eco44ended........ 7n te'4s of 1'e.entin* ;7=/,7D/ a4on* 4en 0)o )a.e seI 0it) 4en# it 0o !d 8e 4ost sef ! to 4a3e section A77 7PC o8so!ete# and instead 'e.ie0 t)e !e*is!ation and endea.o ' to define 4o'e c!ea'!" t)e a*e of seI a! consent.






7n a n ts)e!!# t)e 1'otection of ; 4an 2i*)ts and t)e e41o0e'4ent of 4a'*ina!i%ed 1o1 !ations 0o !d# in t)e conteIt of ;7=/,7D/ 1'e.ention# c'eate an en.i'on4ent t)at 0o !d ena8!e 7ndia to 'eac) t)e 4ost . !ne'a8!e 0it) ;7=/,7D/ 4essa*es and s 11o'tin* 4ec)anis4s.H D2e1o't of t)e Nationa! Confe'ence on ; 4an 2i*)ts and ;7=/,7D/ : )tt1://n)' 8!ications/'e1o'tU)i.@ aids.)t4E

::. ()e GDe!)i Dec!a'ation

of Co!!a8o'ation#

200:H iss ed

1 's ant to 7nte'nationa! Cons !tation on +a!e /eI a! ;ea!t) and ;7=# co@)osted 8" t)e -o.e'n4ent of 7ndia# 6N,7D/ and Ci.i! /ociet" 5'*anisations# 'eco*nised t)at: G... t)e sti*4a# disc'i4ination and c'i4ina!isation faced 8" 4en 0)o )a.e seI 0it) 4en# *a" 4en and t'ans*ende' 1eo1!e a'e 4a>o' 8a''ie's to ni.e'sa! DDe!)i access to of ;7= 1'e.ention : and 2:t)





Pa*e 54 of 105

/e1te48e'# 200:E.

5n J ne A0# 200?# t)e P'i4e +iniste'

+'.+an4o)an /in*) in a s1eec) de!i.e'ed at t)e 'e!ease of t)e 2e1o't of t)e Co44ission on ,7D/ in ,sia stated Gt)e fact t)at 4an" of t)e . !ne'a8!e socia! *'o 1s# 8e t)e" seI 0o'3e's o' )o4oseI a!s o' d' * se's# face *'eat socia!

1'e> dice )as 4ade t)e tas3 of identif"in* ,7D/ .icti4s and t'eatin* t)e4 .e'" diffic !tH DP'i4e +iniste'Ss add'ess on t)e 'e!ease of t)e 2e1o't of t)e Co44ission on ,7D/ in ,sia: J ne A0# 200:E. 5n , * st 0?# 200?# t)e 6nion +iniste' of ;ea!t) and &a4i!" We!fa'e# D'. ,48 4ani 2a4adoss

s1ea3in* at t)e 17t) 7nte'nationa! Confe'ence on ,ids in +eIico Cit" is 'e1o'ted to )a.e stated' ct 'a!

disc'i4ination a*ainst t)ose 0)o a'e . !ne'a8!e to ;7= s c) as seI 0o'3e's and +/+ 4 st 8e 'e4o.ed if o ' 1'e.ention# ca'e and t'eat4ent 1'o*'a44es a'e to s cceedH. ;e said# G/ection A77 of t)e 7ndian Pena! Code# 0)ic) c'i4ina!ises 4en 0)o )a.e seI 0it) 4en# 4 st *oH D2e1o'ted in 7ndian LI1'ess: , * st $#200: )tt1://000.indianeI1'ess.co4/sto'"/ A4::4$.)t4!E. 6nion +iniste' of ;ea!t) is a!so 'e1o'ted to

)a.e stated at t)e 7nte'nationa! ;7=/,7D/ Confe'ence in (o'onto# 200: t)at /ection A77 7PC 0as to 8e a4ended as 1a't of t)e *o.e'n4entSs 4eas 'es to 1'e.ent ;7=/,7D/.D()e ;ind : , * st 1:#200:E :7. ()e'e is a!4ost nani4o s 4edica! and 1s"c)iat'ic o1inion

t)at )o4oseI a!it" is not a disease o' a diso'de' and is > st anot)e' eI1'ession of ) 4an seI a!it". ;o4oseI a!it" 0as DWP(C)7455/2001E Pa*e 55 of 105

'e4o.ed f'o4 t)e Dia*nostic and /tatistica! +an a! of +enta! Diso'de's (D/+) in 1$7A afte' 'e.ie0in* e.idence t)at )o4oseI a!it" is not a 4enta! diso'de'. 7n 1$?7# e*o@ d"stonic )o4oseI a!it" 0as not inc! ded in t)e 'e.ised t)i'd edition of t)e D/+ afte' a si4i!a' 'e.ie0. 7n 1$$2# t)e Wo'!d ;ea!t) 5'*anisation 'e4o.ed )o4oseI a!it" f'o4 its !ist of 4enta! i!!nesses in t)e 7nte'nationa! C!assification of

Diseases (7CD 10).

- ide!ines of t)e 7CD 10 'eads:

Gdiso'de's of seI a! 1'efe'ence a'e c!ea'!" diffe'entiated f'o4 diso'de's of *ende' identit" and )o4oseI a!it" in itse!f is no !on*e' inc! ded as a cate*o'".H :?. ,cco'din* to t)e ,4ic s 8'ief fi!ed in 2002 8" t)e ,4e'ican Ps"c)iat'ic ,ssociation 8efo'e t)e 6nited /tates / 1'e4e Co 't in t)e case of La1rence v. 'e7as: G,cco'din* to c ''ent scientific and 1'ofessiona! nde'standin*# )o0e.e'# t)e co'e fee!in*s and att'actions t)at fo'4 t)e 8asis fo' ad !t seI a! o'ientation t"1ica!!" e4e'*e 8et0een 4idd!e c)i!d)ood and ea'!" ado!escence. +o'eo.e'# t)ese 1atte'ns of seI a! att'action *ene'a!!" a'ise 0it)o t an" 1'io' seI a! eI1e'ience.H D1a*e 7 of ,4ic s 8'iefE () s# )o4oseI a!it" is not a disease o' 4enta! i!!ness t)at needs to 8e# o' can 8e# Sc 'edS o' Sa!te'edS# it is > st anot)e' eI1'ession of ) 4an seI a!it". :$. Fea'ned ,dditiona! /o!icito' -ene'a! 4ade an atte41t at can.assin* t)e inte'est of 1 8!ic )ea!t) to > stif" 'etention of /ection A77 7PC on t)e stat te 8oo3. ;e 'efe''ed to t)e 6N 2e1o't on -!o8a! ,7D/ L1ide4ic# 200?# 1a'tic !a'!" t)e DWP(C)7455/2001E Pa*e 56 of 105

section dea!in* 0it) ,sia to )i*)!i*)t t)at ;7= /,7D/ is t'ans4itted t)'o *) t)e 'o te of seI and s1ecifica!!" t)at of seI 8" 4en@0it)@4en. 2e!iance 0as 1!aced on t)e findin*s indicated at 1a*es 47@50 of t)e 2e1o't to t)e effect t)at in ,sia an esti4ated 5.0 4i!!ion 1eo1!e 0e'e !* 0it) ;7= in 2007 o t of 0)ic) A#?0#000 1eo1!e 0e'e t)ose 0)o )ad 8een ne0!" infected in t)at "ea' a!one. ()e 6N 2e1o't att'i8 tes t)is a!a'4in* inc'ease in t)e ;7= infection# a4on*st ot)e's# to G n1'otected seIH in 0)ic) n1'otected ana! seI 8et0een 4en is stated to 8e a 1otentia! si*nificant facto'. Fea'ned

,/- 1!aced 'e!iance on a n 48e' of a'tic!es# 1a1e's and 'e1o'ts# inc! din* 1 8!ications of Cent'e fo' Disease Cont'o! and P'e.ention (CDC). ()e o8>ecti.e of ,/-# in 'e!"in* 1on

t)is 4ate'ia!# is to s)o0 t)at ;7=/,7D/ is s1'ead t)'o *) seI and t)at 4en@to@4en seI ca''ies )i*)e' 'is3 of eI1os 'e as co41a'ed to fe4a!e@to@4a!e o' 4a!e@to@fe4a!e. 7n )is s 84ission# de@c'i4ina!isation of /ection A77 7PC cannot 8e t)e c 'e as )o4oseI a!s instead need 4edica! t'eat4ent and f 't)e' t)at ,7D/ can 8e 1'e.ented 8" a11'o1'iate ed cation# 1'actices. 70. We a'e ()e at na8!e to accede to t)e s 84issions of !ea'ned ,/-. se of condo4s and ad.ocac" of ot)e' safe seI

nde'standin* of )o4oseI a!it"# as 1'o>ected 8" )i4# is odds 0it) t)e c ''ent scientific and 1'ofessiona!


,s a!'ead" noticed 0it) 'efe'ence to

Dia*nostic and /tatistica! +an a! of +enta! Diso'de's (D/+)# DWP(C)7455/2001E Pa*e 57 of 105

as 'e.ised in 1$?7 (A'd edition)# G)o4oseI a!it"H is no !on*e' t'eated as a disease o' diso'de' and no0 nea' nani4o s

4edica! and 1s"c)iat'ic eI1e't o1inion t'eats it as > st anot)e' eI1'ession of ) 4an seI a!it". 71. ()e s 84ission of ,/- t)at /ection A77 7PC does not in an" 4anne' co4e in t)e 0a" of +/+ accessin* ;7=/,7D/ 1'e.ention 4ate'ia! o' )ea!t) ca'e inte'.ention is in cont'ast to t)at of N,C5# a s1ecia!i%ed a*enc" of t)e *o.e'n4ent ent' sted 0it) t)e d t" to fo'4 !ate and i41!e4ent 1o!icies fo' 1'e.ention of s1'ead of ;7=/,7D/. ,s 4entioned ea'!ie'# N,C5 confi'4s t)e case of t)e 1etitione' t)at enfo'ce4ent of /ection A77 7PC cont'i8 tes ad.e'se!"P in t)at# it !eads to constant!" in)i8itin* inte'.entions t)'o *) t)e Nationa! ,7D/ Cont'o! P'o*'a44e nde'ta3en 8" t)e said a*enc". 7t needs to 8e noted )e'e t)at -o.e'n4ent of 7ndia is a 1a't" to t)e dec!a'ed co44it4ent to add'ess t)e needs of t)ose at *'eate' 'is3 of ;7= inc! din* a4on*st ;i*) 2is3 -'o 1s# s c) as +/+ D/ee Unite1 Nations General Asse0;l9 Declaration o< Co00it0ent on HI'(AIDS, +==,, at 1a'a :4P N,C5# +o;&W# National AIDS Control Pro>ra00e P!ase III ?+==3@ +=,+A Strate>9 an1 I0 le0entation Plan, No.e48e' 200:# at 1a*es 1?@A2E. () s# t)e s 84issions 4ade o'a!!" on 8e)a!f of t)e 6nion of 7ndia a'e not 8o'ne o t 8" t)e 'eco'ds. 5n one )and# t)e of N,C5 cate*o'ica!!" states t)at /ection A77 7PC 1 s)es *a"s and +/+ nde'*'o nd# !

t)e4 . !ne'a8!e to 1o!ice )a'ass4ent and 'ende's t)e4 DWP(C)7455/2001E Pa*e 58 of 105








t'eat4ent. instances of

5n t)e ot)e'# t)e eItensi.e!" doc 4ented N-5s 0o'3in* in t)e fie!d of ;7=/,7D/

1'e.ention and )ea!t) ca'e 8ein* ta'*eted and t)ei' staff a''ested nde' /ection A77 7PC a41!" de4onst'ate t)e

i41act of c'i4ina!i%ation of )o4oseI a! cond ct. 72. ()e s 84ission of ,/- t)at /ection A77 7PC )e!1s in 1 ttin* a 8'a3e in t)e s1'ead of ,7D/ and if consens a! sa4e@seI acts 8et0een ad !ts 0e'e to 8e de@c'i4ina!ised# it 0o !d e'ode t)e effect of 1 8!ic )ea!t) se'.ices 8" foste'in* t)e s1'ead of ,7D/ is co41!ete!" inco''ect and 0'on* notions. nfo nded since it is 8ased on /eI a! t'ans4ission is on!"

one of t)e se.e'a! facto's fo' t)e s1'ead of ;7= and t)e disease s1'eads t)'o *) 8ot) )o4oseI a! as 0e!! as )ete'oseI a! cond ct. ()e'e is no scientific st d" o'

'esea'c) 0o'3 8" an" 'eco*nised scientific o' 4edica! 8od"# o' fo' t)at 4atte' an" ot)e' 4ate'ia!# to s)o0 an" ca sa! connection eIistin* 8et0een dec'i4ina!isation of

)o4oseI a!it" and t)e s1'ead of ;7=/,7D/. ()e a'* 4ent# in fact# ' ns co nte' to t)e 1o!ic" fo!!o0ed 8" t)e +inist'" of ;ea!t) and &a4i!" We!fa'e in co48atin* t)e s1'ead of t)is disease. 7A. , si4i!a' !ine of a'* 4ent ad.anced in t)e case of 'oonen v. State o$ -ustralia (s 1'a) 8efo'e ; 4an 2i*)ts

Co44ittee 0as 'e>ected 0it) t)e fo!!o0in* o8se'.ations:


Pa*e 59 of 105

G,s fa' as t)e 1 8!ic )ea!t) a'* 4ent of t)e (as4anian a t)o'ities is conce'ned# t)e Co44ittee notes t)at t)e c'i4ina!i%ation of )o4oseI a! 1'actices cannot 8e conside'ed a 'easona8!e 4eans o' 1'o1o'tionate 4eas 'e to ac)ie.e t)e ai4 of 1'e.entin* t)e s1'ead of ,7D//;7=. ()e -o.e'n4ent of , st'a!ia o8se'.es t)at stat tes c'i4ina!i%in* )o4oseI a!" tend to i41ede 1 8!ic )ea!t) 1'o*'a44es N8" d'* nde'*'o nd 4an" of t)e 1eo1!e at t)e 'is3 of infectionN. C'i4ina!i%ation of )o4oseI a!" t) s 0o !d a11ea' to ' n co nte' to t)e i41!e4entation of effecti.e ed cation 1'o*'a44es in 'es1ect of t)e ;7=/,7D/ 1'e.ention. /econd!"# t)e Co44ittee notes t)at no !in3 )as 8een s)o0n 8et0een t)e contin ed c'i4ina!i%ation of )o4oseI a!" and t)e effecti.e cont'o! of t)e s1'ead of t)e ;7=/,7D/ .i' s.HD1a'a ?.5E 74. Fea'ned ,/- 0as at 1ains to a'* e t)at /ection A77 7PC is not 1'one to 4is se as it is not enfo'ced a*ainst

)o4oseI a!s 8 t *ene'a!!"

sed in cases in.o!.in* c)i!d

a8 se o' seI a! a8 se. ,*ain# t)e s 84ission is a*ainst t)e facts. , n 48e' of doc 4ents# affida.its and a t)o'itati.e 'e1o'ts of inde1endent a*encies and e.en > d*4ents of .a'io s co 'ts )a.e 8een 8'o *)t on 'eco'd to de4onst'ate t)e 0ides1'ead a8 se of /ection A77 7PC fo' 8' ta!isin* +/+ and *a" co44 nit" 1e'sons# so4e of t)e4 of .e'" 'ecent .inta*e. 7f t)e 1ena! c!a se is not 8ein* enfo'ced a*ainst

)o4oseI a!s en*a*ed in consens a! acts 0it)in 1'"# it on!" i41!ies t)at t)is 1'o.ision is not dee4ed essentia! fo' t)e 1'otection of 4o'a!s o' 1 8!ic )ea!t) said section of societ". ()e 1'o.ision# f'o4 t)is 1e's1ecti.e#

s)o !d fai! t)e G'easona8!enessH test.


Pa*e 60 of 105





75. ,s )e!d in Gobind (s 1'a)# if t)e co 't does find t)at a c!ai4ed 'i*)t is entit!ed to 1'otection as a f nda4enta! 1'" 'i*)t# t)e !a0 inf'in*in* it 4 st satisf" t)e

co41e!!in* state inte'est test.

W)i!e it co !d 8e Ga

co41e!!in* state inte'estH to 'e* !ate 8" !a0# t)e a'ea fo' t)e 1'otection of c)i!d'en and ot)e's inca1a8!e of ** a .a!id consent o' t)e a'ea of non@consens a! seI#

enfo'ce4ent of 1 8!ic 4o'a!it" does not a4o nt to a Gco41e!!in* state inte'estH to > stif" in.asion of t)e %one of 1'" of ad !t )o4oseI a!s en*a*ed in consens a! seI in 1'i.ate 0it)o t intendin* to ca se )a'4 to eac) ot)e' o' ot)e's. 7n La1rence v. 'e7as (s 1'a)# t)e Co 't )e!d t)at 4o'a! disa11'o.a! is not 8" itse!f a !e*iti4ate state inte'est to > stif" a stat te t)at 8ans )o4oseI a! sodo4". 9enned" o8se'.ed: G()e 1'esent case does not in.o!.e 4ino's. 7t does not in.o!.e 1e'sons 0)o 4i*)t 8e in> 'ed o' coe'ced o' 0)o a'e sit ated in 'e!ations)i1s 0)e'e consent 4i*)t not easi!" 8e 'ef sed. 7t does not in.o!.e 1 8!ic cond ct o' 1'ostit tion. 7t does not in.o!.e 0)et)e' t)e *o.e'n4ent 4 st *i.e fo'4a! 'eco*nition to an" 'e!ations)i1 t)at )o4oseI a! 1e'sons see3 to ente'. ()e case does in.o!.e t0o ad !ts 0)o# 0it) f !! and 4 t a! consent f'o4 eac) ot)e'# en*a*ed in seI a! 1'actices co44on to a )o4oseI a! !ifest"!e. ()e 1etitione's a'e entit!ed to 'es1ect fo' t)ei' 1'i.ate ! ()e /tate cannot de4ean t)ei' eIistence o' cont'o! t)ei' destin" 8" 4a3in* t)ei' 1'i.ate seI a! cond ct a c'i4e. ()ei' 'i*)t to !i8e't" nde' t)e D e P'ocess C!a se * t)e4 t)e f !! 'i*)t to en*a*e in t)ei' cond ct 0it)o t inte'.ention of t)e *o.e'n4ent. G7t is a 1'o4ise of DWP(C)7455/2001E Pa*e 61 of 105 J stice

t)e Constit tion t)at t)e'e is a 'ea!4 of 1e'sona! !i8e't" 0)ic) t)e *o.e'n4ent 4a" not ente'.H .... ()e (eIas stat te f 't)e's no !e*iti4ate state inte'est 0)ic) can > stif" its int' sion into t)e 1e'sona! and 1'i.ate !ife of t)e a!.HD1a*e 57?E 7:. & 't)e'# J stice 5SConno' 0)i!e conc ''in* in t)e 4a>o'it" > d*4ent added t)at: G7ndeed# 0e )a.e ne.e' )e!d t)at 4o'a! disa11'o.a!# 0it)o t an" ot)e' asse'ted state inte'est# is a s fficient 'ationa!e nde' t)e LK a! P'otection C!a se to > stif" a !a0 t)at disc'i4inates a4on* *'o 1s of 1e'sons.HD1a*e 5?2E 77. 7n Dud0eon v. *nited Kin0dom (s 1'a)# t)e 69


'*ed t)at t)e'e is fee!in* in No't)e'n 7'e!and

a*ainst t)e 1'o1osed c)an*e# as it 0o !d 8e se'io s!" da4a*in* to t)e 4o'a! fa8'ic of No't)e'n 7'is) societ". ()e iss e 8efo'e t)e Co 't 0as to 0)at eItent# if at a!!# t)e 4aintenance in fo'ce of t)e !e*is!ation is Gnecessa'" in a de4oc'atic societ"H fo' t)ese ai4s. ()e Co 't afte' 'efe''in* to Wo!fenden 'e1o't o8se'.ed t)at o.e'a!! f nction se'.ed 8" t)e c'i4ina! !a0 in t)is fie!d is to 1'ese'.e 1 8!ic o'de' and decenc" and to 1'otect t)e citi%en f'o4 0)at is offensi.e o' in> 'io s. & 't)e'4o'e# t)e necessit" fo' so4e de*'ee of cont'o! 4a" e.en eItend to consens a! acts co44itted in 1'i.ate# 0)e'e t)e'e is ca!! to 1'o.ide socia! safe* a'ds a*ainst eI1!oitation and co'' 1tion of ot)e's# 1a'tic !a'!" t)ose 0)o a'e s1ecia!!" . !ne'a8!e 8eca se t)e" a'e "o n*# 0ea3 in 8od" o' 4ind# ineI1e'ienced# o' in a state of s1ecia!


Pa*e 62 of 105

1)"sica!# officia!# o' econo4ic de1endence. conc! ded as fo!!o0s:

()e Co 't

G,s co41a'ed 0it) t)e e'a 0)en t)at !e*is!ation 0as enacted# t)e'e is no0 a 8ette' nde'standin*# and in conseK ence an inc'eased to!e'ance# of )o4oseI a! 8e) ' to t)e eItent t)at in t)e *'eat 4a>o'it" of t)e 4e48e' /tates of t)e Co nci! of L 'o1e it is no !on*e' conside'ed to 8e necessa'" o' a11'o1'iate to t'eat )o4oseI a! 1'actices of t)e 3ind no0 in K estion as in t)e4se!.es a 4atte' to 0)ic) t)e sanctions of t)e c'i4ina! !a0 s)o !d 8e a11!iedP t)e Co 't cannot o.e'!oo3 t)e 4a'3ed c)an*es 0)ic) )a.e occ ''ed in t)is 'e*a'd in t)e do4estic !a0 of t)e 4e48e' /tates ..... 7n No't)e'n 7'e!and itse!f# t)e a t)o'ities )a.e 'ef'ained in 'ecent "ea's f'o4 enfo'cin* t)e !a0 in 'es1ect of 1'i.ate )o4oseI a! acts 8et0een consentin* 4a!es o.e' t)e a*e of 21 "ea's ca1a8!e of .a!id consent. No e.idence )as 8een add ced to s)o0 t)at t)is )as 8een in> 'io s to 4o'a! standa'ds in No't)e'n 7'e!and o' t)at t)e'e )as 8een an" 1 8!ic de4and fo' st'icte' enfo'ce4ent of t)e !a0. 7t cannot 8e 4aintained in t)ese ci'c 4stances t)at t)e'e is a G1'essin* socia! needH to 4a3e s c) acts c'i4ina! offences# t)e'e 8ein* no s fficient > stification 1'o.ided 8" t)e 'is3 of )a'4 to . !ne'a8!e sections of societ" 'eK i'in* 1'otection o' 8" t)e effects on t)e 1 8!ic...H D1a'a :0E 7?. 7n (orris v. Republic o$ +reland (s 1'a)# t)e Co 't d'e0 a co41a'ison 0it) t)e Dud0eon case and 'e!ied on t)e 'easonin* in t)e !atte' case to )o!d t)at: G7t cannot 8e 4aintained t)at t)e'e is a G1'essin* socia! needH to 4a3e s c) acts c'i4ina! offences. 5n t)e s1ecific iss e of P'o1o'tiona!it"# t)e Co 't is of t)e o1inion t)at Gs c) > stifications as t)e'e a'e fo' 'etainin* t)e !a0 in fo'ce na4ended a'e o t0ei*)ed 8" t)e det'i4enta! effects 0)ic) t)e .e'" eIistence of t)e !e*is!ati.e 1'o.isions in K estion can )a.e on t)e !ife of a 1e'son of )o4oseI a! o'ientation !i3e t)e a11!icant. ,!t)o *) 4e48e's of t)e 1 8!ic 0)o 'e*a'd )o4oseI a!it" as i44o'a! 4a" 8e s)oc3ed# DWP(C)7455/2001E Pa*e 63 of 105

offended o' dist '8ed 8" t)e co44ission 8" ot)e's of 1'i.ate )o4oseI a! acts# t)is cannot on its o0n 0a''ant t)e a11!ication of 1ena! sanctions 0)en it is consentin* ad !ts a!one 0)o a'e in.o!.ed.H D1a'a 4:E 7$. () s 1o1 !a' 4o'a!it" o' 1 8!ic disa11'o.a! of ce'tain acts is not a .a!id > stification fo' 'est'iction of t)e f nda4enta! 'i*)ts nde' ,'tic!e 21. Po1 !a' 4o'a!it"# as distinct f'o4 a

constit tiona! 4o'a!it" de'i.ed f'o4 constit tiona! .a! es# is 8ased on s)iftin* and s 8>ectin* notions of 'i*)t and 0'on*. 7f t)e'e is an" t"1e of G4o'a!it"H t)at can 1ass t)e test of co41e!!in* 4o'a!it" state and inte'est# 1 8!ic it 4 st 8e Gconstit tiona!H as1ect of




constit tiona! 4o'a!it" 0as st'on*!" insisted ,48ed3a' in t)e Constit ent ,sse48!".

1on 8" D'.

W)i!e* t)e

D'aft Constit tion in t)e ,sse48!" DConstit tiona! ,sse48!" De8ates : 5fficia! 2e1o'ts =o!.=77: No.e48e' 4# 1$4?# 1a*e A?E# D'. ,48ed3a' K oted -'ote# t)e )isto'ian of -'eece# 0)o )ad said: N()e diff sion of constit tiona! 4o'a!it"# not 4e'e!" a4on* t)e 4a>o'it" of an" co44 nit" 8 t t)'o *)o t t)e 0)o!e# is an indis1ensa8!e condition of *o.e'n4ent at once f'ee and 1eacea8!eP since e.en an" 1o0e'f ! and o8stinate 4ino'it" 4a" 'ende' t)e 0o'3in* of a f'ee instit tion i41'actica8!e 0it)o t 8ein* st'on* eno *) to conK e' t)e ascendanc" fo' t)e4se!.es.N ,fte' K otin* -'ote# D'. ,48ed3a' added:

NW)i!e e.e'"8od" 'eco*nised t)e necessit" of diff sion of constit tiona! 4o'a!it" fo' t)e 1eacef ! 0o'3in* of t)e de4oc'atic constit tion# t)e'e a'e t0o t)in*s inte'connected 0it) it 0)ic) DWP(C)7455/2001E Pa*e 64 of 105

a'e not# nfo't nate!"# *ene'a!!" 'eco*nised. 5ne is t)at t)e fo'4 of ad4inist'ation 4 st 8e a11'o1'iate to and in t)e sa4e sense as t)e fo'4 of t)e Constit tion. ()e ot)e' is t)at it is 1e'fect!" 1ossi8!e to 1e'.e't t)e Constit tion# 0it)o t c)an*in* its fo'4 8" 4e'e!" c)an*in* its fo'4 of ad4inist'ation and to 4a3e it inconsistent and o11osed to t)e s1i'it of t)e Constit tion. ......()e K estion is# can 0e 1'es 4e s c) a diff sion of constit tiona! 4o'a!it"B Constit tiona! 4o'a!it" is not a nat 'a! senti4ent. 7t )as to 8e c !ti.ated. We 4 st 'ea!ise t)at o ' 1eo1!e )a.e "et to !ea'n it. De4oc'ac" in 7ndia is on!" a to1 d'essin* on an 7ndian soi! 0)ic) is essentia!!" nde4oc'atic.H ?0. -'an.i!!e , stin in )is t'eatise G()e 7ndian Constit tion Q Co'ne'stone of , NationH )ad said t)at t)e 7ndian ()e

Constit tion is fi'st and fo'e4ost a socia! doc 4ent.

4a>o'it" of its 1'o.isions a'e eit)e' di'ect!" ai4ed at f 't)e'in* t)e *oa!s of t)e socia! 'e.o! tion o' atte41t to foste' t)is 'e.o! tion fo' its 8" esta8!is)in* ()e t)e conditions of t)e




co44it4ents to t)e socia! 'e.o! tion !ies in Pa'ts 777 and 7=# in t)e & nda4enta! 2i*)ts and in t)e Di'ecti.e P'inci1!es of /tate Po!ic". ()ese a'e t)e conscience of t)e Constit tion. ()e & nda4enta! 2i*)ts# t)e'efo'e# 0e'e to foste' t)e socia! 'e.o! tion 8" c'eatin* a societ" e*a!ita'ian to t)e eItent t)at a!! citi%ens 0e'e to 8e eK a!!" f'ee f'o4 coe'cion o' 'est'iction 8" t)e state# o' 8" societ" 1'i.ate!"P !i8e't" 0as no !on*e' to 8e t)e 1'i.i!e*e of t)e fe0. ()e Constit tion of 7ndia 'eco*nises# 1'otects and ce!e8'ates di.e'sit". (o

sti*4atise o' to c'i4ina!ise )o4oseI a!s on!" on acco nt of t)ei' seI a! o'ientation 0o !d 8e a*ainst t)e constit tiona! 4o'a!it". DWP(C)7455/2001E Pa*e 65 of 105

?1. ()e K estion of t)e /tate in fact 8ein* a 1'otecto' of constit tiona! 4o'a!it" 0as a!so can.assed 8" t)e

Constit tiona! Co 't of /o t) ,f'ica in 'he (ational oalition $or Gay and Lesbian E6uality v. 'he )inister o$ Justice (s 1'a): G, state t)at 'eco*nises diffe'ence does not 4ean a state 0it)o t 4o'a!it" o' one 0it)o t a 1oint of .ie0. 7t does not 8anis) conce1ts of 'i*)t and 0'on*# no' en.isa*e a 0o'!d 0it)o t *ood and e.i!..... ()e Constit tion ce'tain!" does not de8a' t)e state f'o4 enfo'cin* 4o'a!it". 7ndeed# t)e <i!! of 2i*)ts is not)in* if not a doc 4ent fo nded on dee1 1o!itica! 4o'a!it". W)at is cent'a! to t)e c)a'acte' and f nctionin* of t)e /tate# )o0e.e'# is t)at t)e dictates of t)e 4o'a!it" 0)ic) it enfo'ces# and t)e !i4its to 0)ic) it 4a" *o# a'e to 8e fo nd in t)e teIt and s1i'it of t)e Constit tion itse!f.H D1a'a 1A:E ?2. ()e Wo!fenden Co44ittee in conside'in* 0)et)e'

)o4oseI a! acts 8et0een consentin* ad !ts in 1'i.ate s)o !d cease to 8e c'i4ina! offences eIa4ined a si4i!a' a'* 4ent of 4o'a!it" in fa.o ' of 'etainin* t)e4 as s c). 7t 0as '*ed t)at cond ct of t)is 3ind is a ca se of t)e

de4o'a!isation and deca" of ci.i!isations# and t)at# t)e'efo'e# n!ess t)e Co44ittee 0is)ed to see t)e nation de*ene'ate and deca"# s c) cond ct 4 st 8e sto11ed# 8" e.e'" 1ossi8!e 4eans. 2e>ectin* t)is a'* 4ent# t)e Co44ittee o8se'.ed: GWe )a.e fo nd no e.idence to s 11o't t)is .ie0# and 0e cannot fee! it 'i*)t to f'a4e t)e !a0s 0)ic) s)o !d *o.e'n t)is co nt'" in t)e 1'esent a*e 8" 'efe'ence to )"1ot)etica! eI1!anations of t)e )isto'" of ot)e' 1eo1!es in a*es distant in ti4e and diffe'ent in ci'c 4stances f'o4 o ' o0n. 7n so fa' DWP(C)7455/2001E Pa*e 66 of 105

as t)e 8asis of t)is a'* 4ent can 8e 1'ecise!" fo'4 !ated# it is often no 4o'e t)an t)e eI1'ession of 'e. !sion a*ainst 0)at is 'e*a'ded as nnat 'a!# sinf ! o' dis* stin*. +an"

1eo1!e fee! t)is 'e. !sion# fo' one o' 4o'e of t)ese 'easons. < t 4o'a! con.iction o' instincti.e fee!in*# )o0e.e' st'on*# is not a .a!id 8asis fo' o.e''idin* t)e a!Ss 1'" and fo' 8'in*in* 0it)in t)e a48it of t)e c'i4ina! !a0 1'i.ate seI a! 8e) ' of t)is 3ind.H D1a'a 54E ()e Co44ittee 'e*a'ded t)e f nction of t)e c'i4ina! !a0 in t)is fie!d as: Gto 1'ese'.e 1 8!ic o'de' and decenc"# to 1'otect t)e citi%en f'o4 0)at is offensi.e o' in> 'io s# and to 1'o.ide s fficient safe* a'ds a*ainst eI1!oitation and co'' 1tion of ot)e's# 1a'tic !a'!" t)ose 0)o a'e s1ecia!!" . !ne'a8!e 8eca se t)e" a'e "o n*# 0ea3 in 8od" o' 4ind# ineI1e'ienced# o' in a state of s1ecia! 1)"sica!# officia!# o' econo4ic de1endence# 8 t not to inte'.ene in t)e 1'i.ate ! of citi%ens# o' to see3 to enfo'ce an" 1a'tic !a' 1atte'n of 8e) '# f 't)e' t)an is necessa'" to ca''" o t t)e 1 '1oses 0e )a.e o t!ined.H D1a'a 1A and 14E ?A. 7n t)e 172nd 'e1o't# t)e Fa0 Co44ission )as 'eco44ended de!etion of /ection A77 7PC# t)o *) in its ea'!ie' 'e1o'ts it )ad 'eco44ended t)e 'etention of t)e 1'o.ision. 7n t)e 172nd 'e1o't# t)e Fa0 Co44ission of 7ndia# foc sed on t)e need to 'e.ie0 t)e seI a! offences !a0s in t)e !i*)t of inc'eased incidents of c stodia! 'a1e and c'i4e of seI a! a8 se a*ainst "o n*ste's# and inte' a!ia# 'eco44ended de!etin* t)e section A77 7PC 8" effectin* t)e 'eco44ended a4end4ents DWP(C)7455/2001E in /ections A75 to A7:L of 7PC. ()e

Pa*e 67 of 105

Co44ission disc ssed .a'io s 1'o.isions 'e!ated to seI a! offences and 0as of conside'ed o1inion to a4end 1'o.isions in t)e 7ndian Pena! Code# 1?:0P t)e Code of C'i4ina! P'oced 'e# 1$7AP and 7ndian L.idence ,ct# 1?72. 7n t)e 7ndian 1ena! Code# 'ecastin* of A75 7PC )as 8een

'eco44ended 8" 'edefinin* it

nde' t)e )ead of V/eI a!

,ssa !tR enco41assin* a!! 'an*es of non consens a! seI a! offences/assa !ts# 0)ic) in 1a'tic !a' 1ena!i%e not on!" t)e seI a! inte'co 'se 0it) a 0o4an as in acco'dance 0it) t)e c ''ent V2a1e Fa0sRP 8 t an" non@consens a! o' non@0i!!in* 1enet'ation 0it) 8odi!" 1a't o' o8>ect 4ani1 !ated 8" t)e anot)e' 1e'son eIce1t ca''ied o t fo' 1'o1e' )"*ienic o' 4edicina! 1 '1oses. ()e 'eco44ended 1'o.ision to s 8stit te t)e eIistin* section A75 7PC 'eads t) s: GA75./eI a! ,ssa !t: /eI a! assa !t 4eans @ (a) 1enet'atin* t)e .a*ina (0)ic) te'4 s)a!! inc! de t)e !a8ia 4a>o'a)# t)e an s o' 'et)'a of an" 1e'son 0it) @ i) an" 1a't of t)e 8od" of anot)e' 1e'son o' ii) an o8>ect 4ani1 !ated 8" anot)e' 1e'son eIce1t 0)e'e s c) 1enet'ation is ca''ied o t fo' 1'o1e' )"*ienic o' 4edica! 1 '1osesP (8) 4ani1 !atin* an" 1a't of t)e 8od" of anot)e' 1e'son so as to ca se 1enet'ation of t)e .a*ina (0)ic) te'4 s)a!! inc! de t)e !a8ia 4a>o'a)# t)e an s o' t)e 'et)'a of t)e offende' 8" an" 1a't of t)e ot)e' 1e'sonSs 8od"P


Pa*e 68 of 105

(c) int'od cin* an" 1a't of t)e 1enis of a 1e'son into t)e 4o t) of anot)e' 1e'sonP (d) en*a*in* in c nni!in* s o' fe!!atioP o' (e) contin in* seI a! assa !t as defined in c!a ses (a) to (d) a8o.e in ci'c 4stances fa!!in* nde' an" of t)e siI fo!!o0in* desc'i1tions: &i'st@ ,*ainst t)e ot)e' 1e'sonSs 0i!!. /econd!"@ Wit)o t t)e ot)e' 1e'sonSs consent. ()i'd!"@ Wit) t)e ot)e' 1e'sonSs consent 0)en s c) consent )as 8een o8tained 8" 1 ttin* s c) ot)e' 1e'son o' an" 1e'son in 0)o4 s c) ot)e' 1e'son is inte'ested# in fea' of deat) o' ) 't. &o 't)!"@ W)e'e t)e ot)e' 1e'son is a fe4a!e# 0it) )e' consent# 0)en t)e 4an 3no0s t)at )e is not t)e ) s8and of s c) ot)e' 1e'son and t)at )e' consent is *i.en 8eca se s)e 8e! t)at t)e offende' is anot)e' 4an to 0)o4 s)e is o' 8e! )e'se!f to 8e !a0f !!" 4a''ied. &ift)!"@ Wit) t)e consent of t)e ot)e' 1e'son# 0)en# at t)e ti4e of ** s c) consent# 8" 'eason of nso ndness of 4ind o' intoIication o' t)e ad4inist'ation 8" t)e offende' 1e'sona!!" o' t)'o *) anot)e' of an" st 1ef"in* o' n0)o!eso4e s 8stance# t)e ot)e' 1e'son is na8!e to nde'stand t)e nat 'e and conseK ences of t)at to 0)ic) s c) ot)e' 1e'son * consent. /iIt)!"@ Wit) o' 0it)o t t)e ot)e' 1e'sonSs consent# 0)en s c) ot)e' 1e'son is nde' siIteen "ea's of a*e. LI1!anation: Penet'ation to an" eItent 1enet'ation fo' t)e 1 '1oses of t)is section. is

LIce1tion: /eI a! inte'co 'se 8" a 4an 0it) )is o0n 0ife# t)e 0ife not 8ein* nde' siIteen "ea's of a*e# is not seI a! assa !t.N Pe'tinent!"# t)e 4a>o' t)' st of t)e 'eco44endation is on t)e 0o'd VPe'sonR 0)ic) 4a3es t)e seI a! offences *ende' DWP(C)7455/2001E Pa*e 69 of 105

ne t'a!

n!i3e *ende' s1ecific as

nde' t)e V2a1e Fa0sR

0)ic) is t)e c ''ent 1osition in stat te 8oo3. ,4end4ents in section A7: ,# A7:<# A7:C# A7:D )a.e 8een 'eco44ended on t)e sa4e !ines 0it) en)anced 1 nis)4ents. ,n added eI1!anation definin* seI a! inte'co 'se is so *)t to 8e int'od ced *o.e'nin* section A7:<# A7:C# A7:D. 7nse'tion of ne0 section A7: L )as 8een 'eco44ended to 1ena!i%e non consens a!# di'ect o' indi'ect# intentiona! n!a0f ! seI a!

contact 0it) 1a't of 8od" o' 0it) an o8>ect# an" 1a't of 8od" of anot)e' 1e'son. ()is section s1ecifica!!" 1ena!i%es t)e 1e'son co44ittin* n!a0f ! seI a! contact 0)o is in a

1osition of t' st o' a t)o'it" to0a'ds a "o n* 1e'son (8e!o0 t)e a*e of siIteen "ea's)# t)e'e8" 1'otectin* c)i!d'en. Conc! si.e!" t)e /ection A77 7PC in t)e o1inion of t)e Co44ission# 'eco44ended dese'.es to 8e de!eted ;o0e.e' in t)e !i*)t of




ca'na! inte'co 'se 0it) an" ani4a!# 0e'e to 8e !eft to t)ei' > st dese'ts. ()o *) t)e Fa0 Co44ission 'e1o't 0o !d not eI1'ess!" sa" so# it is i41!icit in t)e s **ested a4end4ents t)at e!e4ents of G0i!!H and GconsentH 0i!! 8eco4e 'e!e.ant to dete'4ine if t)e seI a! contact ()o4oseI a! fo' t)e 1 '1ose at )and) constit te an offence o' not. ?4. 5 ' attention 0as a!so d'a0n to a state4ent of t)e /o!icito' -ene'a! of 7ndia a11ea'in* on 8e)a!f of 7ndia at t)e Pe'iodic 2e.ie0 8efo'e t)e 6nited Nations ; 4an 2i*)ts Co nci! t)at 7ndian societ" 0as acce1tin* of seI a! diffe'ences. DWP(C)7455/2001E Pa*e 70 of 105 7n

'es1onse to a K estion f'o4 t)e de!e*ate f'o4 /0eden on t)e state of )o4oseI a! 'i*)ts in 7ndia# )e stated: G,'o nd t)e ea'!" 1$t) Cent '"# "o 1'o8a8!" 3no0 t)at in Ln*!and t)e" f'o0ned on )o4oseI a!it"# and t)e'efo'e t)e'e a'e )isto'ica! 'e1o'ts t)at .a'io s 1eo1!e ca4e to 7ndia to ta3e ad.anta*e of its 4o'e !i8e'a! at4os1)e'e 0it) 'e*a'd to diffe'ent 3inds of seI a! cond ct. ... ,s a 'es !t# in 1?:0 0)en 0e *ot t)e 7ndian Pena! Code# 0)ic) 0as d'afted 8" Fo'd +aca !a"# t)e" inse'ted s.A77 in t)e 7ndian Pena! Code# 0)ic) 8'o *)t in t)e conce1t of GseI a! offences a*ainst t)e o'de' of nat 'eH. No0 in 7ndia 0e didnSt )a.e t)is conce1t of so4et)in* 8ein* Ga*ainst t)e o'de' of nat 'eH. 7t 0as essentia!!" a Weste'n conce1t 0)ic) )as 'e4ained o.e' t)e "ea's. No0 )o4oseI a!it" as s c) is not defined in t)e 7ndian Pena! Code# and it 0i!! 8e a 4atte' of *'eat a'* 4ent 0)et)e' itSs Ga*ainst t)e o'de' of nat 'eH. D()e
add'ess of t)e /o!icito' -ene'a! of 7ndia 8efo'e 6nited Nations ; 4an 2i*)ts Co nci!: 'ts1://0e8cast. n.o'*/onde4and/ confe'ences/ n)'c/ 1'/1st/)'c0?041014@n*.'4Bsta'tW02:1?:A2J endW02:A7:42 at ti4e indeI 1:.A0E

?5. J stice +ic)ae! 9i'8"# a distin* is)ed fo'4e' J d*e of , st'a!ian ;i*) Co 't# eI1'essin* in si4i!a' .ein said t)at c'i4ina!isation of 1'i.ate# consens a! )o4oseI a! acts is a !e*ac" of one of t)'ee .e'" si4i!a' c'i4ina! codes (of +aca !a"# /te1)en and -'ifit))# i41osed on co!onia! 1eo1!e 8" t)e i41e'ia! ' !es of t)e <'itis) C'o0n. 0'on*:

/ c) !a0s a'e

W'on* in !e*a! 1'inci1!e 8eca se t)e" eIceed t)e 1'o1e' a48it and f nction of t)e c'i4ina! !a0 in a 4ode'n societ"P W'on* 8eca se t)e" o11'ess a 4ino'it" in t)e co44 nit" and ta'*et t)e4 fo' an att'i8 te of t)ei' nat 'e t)at t)e" do not c)oose and cannot c)an*e. 7n t)is 'es1ect Pa*e 71 of 105


t)e" a'e !i3e ot)e' !a0s of co!onia! ti4es t)at disad.anta*es 1eo1!e on t)e *'o nd of t)ei' 'ace o' seIP

W'on* 8eca se t)e" f!" in t)e face of 4ode'n scientific 3no0!ed*e a8o t t)e incidence and .a'iet" of ) 4an seI a!it"P and W'on* 8eca se t)e" 1 t a co)o't of citi%ens into a 1osition of sti*4a and s)a4e t)at 4a3es it )a'd to 'eac) t)e4 0it) .ita! 4essa*es a8o t safe seI a! cond ct# essentia! in t)e a*e of ;7=/,7D/.

D;o4oseI a! Fa0 2efo'4 : ,n 5n*oin* <!ind /1ot of t)e Co44on0ea!t) of Nations 8" t)e ;onS8!e +ic)ae! 9i'8" ,C C+-# 1:t) Nationa! Co44on0ea!t) Fa0 Confe'ence# ;on* 9on*# ?t) ,1'i!# 200$E.

?:. ()e a'* 4ent of t)e !ea'ned ,/- t)at 1 8!ic 4o'a!it" of )o4oseI a! cond ct 4i*)t o1en f!ood*ates of de!inK ent 8e) ' is not fo nded 1on an" s 8stanti.e 4ate'ia!#

e.en f'o4 s c) > 'isdictions 0)e'e sodo4" !a0s )a.e 8een a8o!is)ed. 7nsofa' as 8asis of t)is a'* 4ent is conce'ned# as 1ointed o t 8" Wo!fenden Co44ittee# it is often no 4o'e t)an t)e eI1'ession of 'e. !sion a*ainst 0)at is 'e*a'ded as nnat 'a!# sinf ! o' dis* stin*. +o'a! indi*nation# )o0soe.e' st'on*# is not a .a!id 8asis fo' o.e''idin* a!sSs f nda4enta! 'i*)ts of di*nit" and 1'".7n o ' sc)e4e of t)in*s# constit tiona! 4o'a!it" 4 st o t0ei*) t)e a'* 4ent of 1 8!ic 4o'a!it"# e.en if it 8e t)e 4a>o'ita'ian .ie0. 7n

7ndian conteIt# t)e !atest 'e1o't (172nd) of Fa0 Co44ission on t)e s 8>ect instead s)o0s )ei*)tened 'ea!isation a8o t '*ent need to fo!!o0 *!o8a! t'ends on t)e iss e of seI a!


Pa*e 72 of 105

offences. 7n fact# t)e ad4itted case of 6nion of 7ndia t)at /ection A77 7PC )as *ene'a!!" 8een sed in cases of seI a!

a8 se o' c)i!d a8 se# and con.e'se!" t)at it )as )a'd!" e.e' 8een sed in cases of consentin* ad !ts# s)o0s t)at

c'i4ina!isation of ad !t sa4e@ seI cond ct does not se'.e an" 1 8!ic inte'est. ()e co41e!!in* state inte'est 'at)e' de4ands t)at 1 8!ic )ea!t) 4eas 'es a'e st'en*t)ened 8" de@c'i4ina!isation of s c)"# so t)at t)e" can 8e identified and 8ette' foc sed 1on. ?7. &o' t)e a8o.e 'easons 0e a'e na8!e to acce1t t)e stand of

t)e 6nion of 7ndia t)at t)e'e is a need fo' 'etention of /ection A77 7PC to co.e' consens a! seI a! acts 8et0een ad !ts in 1'i.ate on t)e *'o nd of 1 8!ic 4o'a!it". &HETHER SECTION /33 IPC 'IOLATES CONSTITUTIONAL GUARANTEE OF EBUALITY UNDER ARTICLE ,4 OF THE CONSTITUTION ??. ()e sco1e# content and 4eanin* of ,'tic!e 14 of t)e Constit tion )as 8een t)e s 8>ect 4atte' of intensi.e eIa4ination 8" t)e / 1'e4e Co 't in a catena of decisions. ()e decisions !a" do0n t)at t)o *) ,'tic!e 14 fo'8ids c!ass !e*is!ation# it does not fo'8id 'easona8!e c!assification fo' t)e 1 '1ose of !e*is!ation. 7n o'de'# )o0e.e'# to 1ass t)e test of 1e'4issi8!e c!assification# t0o conditions 4 st 8e f !fi!!ed# na4e!"# (i) t)at t)e c!assification 4 st 8e fo nded on an inte!!i*i8!e diffe'entia 0)ic) distin* is)es 1e'sons o' t)in*s t)at a'e *'o 1ed to*et)e' f'o4 t)ose t)at a'e !eft o t of t)e


Pa*e 73 of 105

*'o 1P and (ii) t)at t)e diffe'entia 4 st )a.e a 'ationa! 'e!ation to t)e o8>ecti.e so *)t to 8e ac)ie.ed 8" t)e stat te in K estion. ()e c!assification 4a" 8e fo nded on

diffe'entia! 8asis acco'din* to o8>ects so *)t to 8e ac)ie.ed 8 t 0)at is i41!icit in it is t)at t)e'e o *)t to 8e a neI s# i.e.# ca sa! connection 8et0een t)e 8asis of c!assification and o8>ect of t)e stat te nde' conside'ation. D%udhan 7n

houdhry v. State o$ %ihar# ,72 1$55 /C 1$1E.

conside'in* 'easona8!eness f'o4 t)e 1oint of .ie0 of ,'tic!e 14# t)e Co 't )as a!so to conside' t)e o8>ecti.e fo' s c) c!assification. 7f t)e o8>ecti.e 8e i!!o*ica!# nfai' and n> st#

necessa'i!" t)e c!assification 0i!! )a.e to 8e )e!d as n'easona8!e. DDeepa& Sibal v. .unjab *niversity#

(1$?$) 2 /CC 145E ?$. ()e ot)e' i41o'tant facet of ,'tic!e 14 0)ic) 0as st'essed in )ane&a Gandhi is t)at it esc)e0s a'8it'a'iness in an" fo'4. ()e Co 't 'eite'ated 0)at 0as 1ointed o t 8" t)e 4a>o'it" in E... Royappa v. State o$ 'amil (adu# (1$74) 4 /CC A t)at Gf'o4 a 1ositi.istic 1oint of .ie0# eK a!it" is antit)etic to a'8it'a'inessH. $0. ,ffi'4in* and eI1!ainin* t)is .ie0# t)e Constit tion <enc) in -jay ,asia v. Khalid )ujib Sehravardi# (1$?1) 1 /CC 722 )e!d t)at it 4 st# t)e'efo'e# no0 8e ta3en to 8e 0e!! sett!ed t)at 0)at ,'tic!e 14 st'i3es at is a'8it'a'iness 8eca se an" action t)at is a'8it'a'" 4 st necessa'i!" in.o!.e ne*ation of


Pa*e 74 of 105

eK a!it".

()e Co 't 4ade it eI1!icit t)at 0)e'e an ,ct is neK a! 8ot) acco'din*

a'8it'a'"# it is i41!icit in it t)at it is

to 1o!itica! !o*ic and constit tiona! !a0 and is# t)e'efo'e# .io!ati.e of ,'tic!e 14. THE CLASSIFICATION "EARS NO RATIONAL NE6US TO THE O"JECTI'E SOUGHT TO "E ACHIE'ED $1. ()e 1etitione'Ss case is t)at 1 8!ic 4o'a!it" is not t)e 1'o.ince of c'i4ina! !a0 and /ection A77 7PC does not )a.e an" !e*iti4ate 1 '1ose. /ection A77 7PC 4a3es no distinction 8et0een acts en*a*ed in t)e 1 8!ic s1)e'e and acts en*a*ed in t)e 1'i.ate s1)e'e. 7t a!so 4a3es no distinction 8et0een t)e consens a! and non@consens a! acts 8et0een ad !ts. Consens a! seI 8et0een ad !ts in 1'i.ate does not ca se an" )a'4 to an"8od". () s it is e.ident t)at t)e

dis1a'ate *'o 1in* in /ection A77 7PC does not ta3e into acco nt 'e!e.ant facto's s c) as consent# a*e and t)e nat 'e of t)e act o' t)e a8sence of )a'4 ca sed to an"8od". P 8!ic ani4 s and dis* st to0a'ds a 1a'tic !a' socia! *'o 1 o' . !ne'a8!e 4ino'it" is not a .a!id *'o nd fo' c!assification nde' ,'tic!e 14. /ection A77 7PC ta'*ets t)e )o4oseI a!

co44 nit" as a c!ass and is 4oti.ated 8" an ani4 s to0a'ds t)is . !ne'a8!e c!ass of 1eo1!e. $2. ,cco'din* to 6nion of 7ndia# t)e stated o8>ect of /ection A77 7PC is to 1'otect 0o4en and c)i!d'en# 1'e.ent t)e s1'ead of ;7=/,7D/ and enfo'ce societa! 4o'a!it" a*ainst

)o4oseI a!it". 7t is c!ea' t)at /ection A77 7PC# 0)ate.e' its DWP(C)7455/2001E Pa*e 75 of 105

1'esent 1'a*4atic a11!ication# 0as not enacted 3ee1in* in 4ind instances of c)i!d seI a! a8 se o' to fi!! t)e !ac na in a 'a1e !a0. 7t 0as 8ased on a conce1tion of seI a! 4o'a!it" s1ecific to =icto'ian e'a d'a0in* on notions of ca'na!it" and sinf !ness. 7n an" 0a"# t)e !e*is!ati.e o8>ect of 1'otectin* 0o4en and c)i!d'en )as no 8ea'in* in 'e*a'd to consens a! seI a! acts 8et0een ad !ts in 1'i.ate. ()e second

!e*is!ati.e 1 '1ose e! cidated is t)at /ection A77 7PC se'.es t)e ca se of 1 8!ic )ea!t) 8" c'i4ina!isin* t)e )o4oseI a! 8e) '. ,s a!'ead" )e!d# t)is 1 '1o'ted !e*is!ati.e

1 '1ose is in co41!ete cont'ast to t)e a.e'4ents in N,C5Ss N,C5 )as s1ecifica!!" stated t)at enfo'ce4ent of /ection A77 7PC ad.e'se!" cont'i8 tes to 1 s)in* t)e inf!iction nde'*'o nd# 4a3e 'is3" seI a! 1'actices *o nadd'essed. /ection A77 7PC t) s )a41e's

nnoticed and

;7=/,7D/ 1'e.ention effo'ts. Fast!"# as )e!d ea'!ie'# it is not 0it)in t)e constit tiona! co41etence of t)e /tate to in.ade t)e 1'" of citi%ens ! o' 'e* !ate cond ct to 0)ic) t)e citi%en a!one is conce'ned so!e!" on t)e 8asis of 1 8!ic 4o'a!s. ()e c'i4ina!isation of 1'i.ate seI a! 'e!ations

8et0een consentin* ad !ts a8sent an" e.idence of se'io s )a'4 dee4s t)e 1'o.isionSs o8>ecti.e 8ot) a'8it'a'" and n'easona8!e. ()e state inte'est G4 st 8e !e*iti4ate and

'e!e.antH fo' t)e !e*is!ation to 8e non@a'8it'a'" and 4 st 8e 1'o1o'tionate to0a'ds ac)* t)e state inte'est. o8>ecti.e is i''ationa!# n> st and nfai'# 7f t)e



Pa*e 76 of 105

c!assification 0i!! )a.e to 8e )e!d as



nat 'e of t)e 1'o.ision of /ection A77 7PC and its 1 '1ose is to c'i4ina!ise 1'i.ate cond ct of consentin* ad !ts 0)ic) ca ses no )a'4 to an"one e!se. 7t )as no ot)e' 1 '1ose

t)an to c'i4ina!ise cond ct 0)ic) fai!s to confo'4 0it) t)e 4o'a! o' 'e!i*io s .ie0s of a section of societ". ()e

disc'i4ination se.e'e!" affects t)e 'i*)ts and inte'ests of )o4oseI a!s and dee1!" i41ai's t)ei' di*nit". $A. We 4a" a!so 'efe' to Dec!a'ation of P'inci1!es of LK a!it" iss ed 8" t)e LK a! 2i*)ts (' st in ,1'i!# 200?# 0)ic) can 8e desc'i8ed as c ''ent inte'nationa! nde'standin* of

P'inci1!es on LK a!it". ()is dec!a'ation 0as a*'eed

1on 8"

a *'o 1 of eI1e'ts at a confe'ence entit!ed GP'inci1!es on LK a!it" and t)e De.e!o14ent of Fe*a! /tanda'd on

LK a!it"H )e!d on A@5 ,1'i!# 200? in Fondon. Pa'tici1ants of diffe'ent 8ac3*'o nds# inc! din* acade4ics# !e*a!

1'actitione's# ) 4an 'i*)ts acti.ists f'o4 a!! 'e*ions of t)e 0o'!d too3 1a't in t)e Confe'ence. ()e Dec!a'ation of

P'inci1!es on LK a!it" 'ef!ects a 4o'a! and 1'ofessiona! consens s a4on* ) 4an 'i*)ts and eK a!it" eI1e'ts. ()e dec!a'ation defines t)e te'4s SeK a!it"S and SeK a!

t'eat4entS as fo!!o0s: G(;L 27-;( (5 LM6,F7(C ()e 'i*)t to eK a!it" is t)e 'i*)t of a!! ) 4an 8ein*s to 8e eK a! in di*nit"# to 8e t'eated 0it) 'es1ect and conside'ation and to 1a'tici1ate on an eK a! 8asis 0it) ot)e's in an" a'ea of econo4ic# socia!# 1o!itica!# c !t 'a! o' ci.i! !ife. ,!! ) 4an 8ein*s a'e eK a! 8efo'e t)e !a0 DWP(C)7455/2001E Pa*e 77 of 105

and )a.e t)e 'i*)t to eK a! 1'otection and 8enefit of t)e !a0.

LM6,F (2L,(+LN( LK a! t'eat4ent# as an as1ect of eK a!it"# is not eK i.a!ent to identica! t'eat4ent. (o 'ea!ise f !! and effecti.e eK a!it"# it is necessa'" to t'eat 1eo1!e diffe'ent!" acco'din* to t)ei' diffe'ent ci'c 4stances# to asse't t)ei' eK a! 0o't) and to en)ance t)ei' ca1a8i!ities to 1a'tici1ate in societ" as eK a!s.H

Pa't@77 of t)e Dec!a'ation !a"s do0n t)e 'i*)t to non@ disc'i4ination. ()e 'i*)t to non@disc'i4ination is stated to 8e a f'ee@standin* f nda4enta! 'i*)t# s 8s 4ed in t)e 'i*)t to eK a!it". Disc'i4ination is defined as fo!!o0s: GDisc'i4ination 4 st 8e 1'o)i8ited 0)e'e it is on *'o nds of 'ace# co!o '# et)nicit"# descent# seI# 1'e*nanc"# 4ate'nit"# ci.i!# fa4i!" o' ca'e' stat s# !an* a*e# 'e!i*ion o' 8e!ief# 1o!itica! o' ot)e' o1inion# 8i't)# nationa! o' socia! o'i*in# nationa!it"# econo4ic stat s# association 0it) a nationa! 4ino'it"# seI a! o'ientation# *ende' identit"# a*e# disa8i!it"# )ea!t) stat s# *enetic o' ot)e' 1'edis1osition to0a'd i!!ness o' a co48ination of an" of t)ese *'o nds# o' on t)e 8asis of c)a'acte'istics associated 0it) an" of t)ese *'o nds. (e0 !asis su lie1) Disc'i4ination 8ased on an" ot)e' *'o nd 4 st 8e 1'o)i8ited 0)e'e s c) disc'i4ination (i) ca ses o' 1e'1et ates s"ste4ic disad.anta*eP (ii) nde'4ines ) 4an di*nit"P o' (iii) ad.e'se!" affects t)e eK a! en>o"4ent of a 1e'sonRs 'i*)ts and f'eedo4s in a se'io s 4anne' t)at is co41a'a8!e to disc'i4ination on t)e 1'o)i8ited *'o nds stated a8o.e. Disc'i4ination 4 st a!so 8e 1'o)i8ited 0)en it is on t)e *'o nd of t)e association of a 1e'son 0it) ot)e' 1e'sons to 0)o4 a 1'o)i8ited *'o nd a11!ied o' t)e 1e'ce1tion# 0)et)e' acc 'ate o' ot)e'0ise# of a 1e'son


Pa*e 78 of 105

as )* a c)a'acte'istic associated 0it) a 1'o)i8ited *'o nd. Disc'i4ination 4a" 8e di'ect o' indi'ect. Di'ect disc'i4ination occ 's 0)en fo' a 'eason 'e!ated to one o' 4o'e 1'o)i8ited *'o nds a 1e'son o' *'o 1 of 1e'sons is t'eated !ess fa.o 'a8!" t)an anot)e' 1e'son o' anot)e' *'o 1 of 1e'sons is# )as 8een# o' 0o !d 8e t'eated in a co41a'a8!e sit ationP o' 0)en fo' a 'eason 'e!ated to one o' 4o'e 1'o)i8ited *'o nds a 1e'son o' *'o 1 of 1e'sons is s 8>ected to a det'i4ent. Di'ect disc'i4ination 4a" 8e 1e'4itted on!" .e'" eIce1tiona!!"# 0)en it can 8e > stified a*ainst st'ict!" defined c'ite'ia. 7ndi'ect disc'i4ination occ 's 0)en a 1'o.ision# c'ite'ion o' 1'actice 0o !d 1 t 1e'sons )* a stat s o' a c)a'acte'istic associated 0it) one o' 4o'e 1'o)i8ited *'o nds at a 1a'tic !a' disad.anta*e co41a'ed 0it) ot)e' 1e'sons# n!ess t)at 1'o.ision# c'ite'ion o' 1'actice is o8>ecti.e!" > stified 8" a !e*iti4ate ai4# and t)e 4eans of ac)* t)at ai4 a'e a11'o1'iate and necessa'". ;a'ass4ent constit tes disc'i4ination 0)en n0anted cond ct 'e!ated to an" 1'o)i8ited *'o nd ta3es 1!ace 0it) t)e 1 '1ose o' effect of .io!atin* t)e di*nit" of a 1e'son o' of c'eatin* an inti4idatin*# )osti!e# de*'adin*# ) 4i!iatin* o' offensi.e en.i'on4ent. (e0 !asis su lie1) DDec!a'ation of P'inci1!es on LK a!it" 200? @ ()e LK a! 2i*)ts (' stE

SECTION /33 IPC TARGETS HO$OSE6UALS AS A CLASS $4. /ection A77 7PC is facia!!" ne t'a! and it a11a'ent!" ta'*ets not identities 8 t acts# 8 t in its o1e'ation it does end nfai'!" ta'*etin* a 1a'tic !a' co44 nit". 1

()e fact is t)at


Pa*e 79 of 105

t)ese seI a! acts 0)ic) a'e c'i4ina!ised a'e associated 4o'e c!ose!" 0it) one c!ass of 1e'sons# na4e!"# t)e )o4oseI a!s as a c!ass. /ection A77 7PC )as t)e effect of .ie0in* a!! *a" 4en as c'i4ina!s. W)en e.e'"t)in* associated 0it)

)o4oseI a!it" is t'eated as 8ent# K ee'# 'e1 *nant# t)e 0)o!e *a" and !es8ian co44 nit" is 4a'3ed 0it) de.iance and 1e'.e'sit". ()e" a'e s 8>ect to eItensi.e 1'e> dice

8eca se 0)at t)e" a'e o' 0)at t)e" a'e 1e'cei.ed to 8e# not 8eca se of 0)at t)e" do. ()e 'es !t is t)at a si*nificant

*'o 1 of t)e 1o1 !ation is# 8eca se of its seI a! non@ confo'4it"# 1e'sec ted# 4a'*ina!ised and t 'ned in on itse!f. D/ac)s# J. in 'he (ational oalition $or Gay and Lesbian

E6uality v. 'he )inister o$ Justice# 1a'a 10?E. $5. ,s J stice 5SConno' s ccinct!" stated in )e' conc ''in* o1inion in La1rence v. 'e7as (s 1'a): GW)i!e it is t' e t)at t)e !a0 a11!ies on!" to cond ct# t)e cond ct ta'*eted 8" t)is !a0 is cond ct t)at is c!ose!" co''e!ated 0it) 8ein* )o4oseI a!. 6nde' s c) ci'c 4stances# (eIasSs sodo4" !a0 is ta'*eted at 4o'e t)an cond ct. 7t is instead di'ected to0a'ds *a" 1e'sons as a c!ass.H D1a*e 5?AE $:. 7n Romer v. Evans# 517 6./. :20 (1$$:)# t)e c)a!!en*e 0as to an a4end4ent to Co!o'adoSs Constit tion 0)ic) na4ed as a so!ita'" c!ass 1e'sons 0)o 0e'e )o4oseI a!s# !es8ians# o' 8iseI a! eit)e' 8" No'ientation# cond ct# 1'actices o'

'e!ations)i1sN and de1'i.ed t)e4 of 1'otection state anti@disc'i4ination

nde' t)e

!a0s. ()e 6/ / 1'e4e Co 't


Pa*e 80 of 105

conc! ded t)at t)e 1'o.ision 0as N8o'n of ani4osit" to0a'ds t)e c!ass of 1e'sons affectedN and f 't)e' t)at it )ad no 'ationa! 'e!ation to a !e*iti4ate *o.e'n4enta! 1 '1ose. J stice 9enned" s1ea3in* fo' t)e 4a>o'it" o8se'.ed: G7t is not 0it)in o ' constit tiona! t'adition to enact !a0s of t)is so't. Cent'a! 8ot) to t)e idea of t)e ' !e of !a0 and to o ' o0n Constit tionRs * a'antee of eK a! 1'otection is t)e 1'inci1!e t)at *o.e'n4ent and eac) of its 1a'ts 'e4ain o1en on i41a'tia! te'4s to a!! 0)o see3 its assistance. GLK a! 1'otection of t)e !a0s is not ac)ie.ed t)'o *) indisc'i4inate i41osition of ineK a!itiesH. SCeatt 2. Painter# AA$ 6./. :2$# :A5 (1$50) (K otin* S!elle9 2. *rae0er# AA4# 6./. 1# 22 (1$4?). 2es1ect fo' t)is 1'inci1!e eI1!ains 0)" !a0s sin*!in* o t a ce'tain c!ass of citi%ens fo' disfa.o 'ed !e*a! stat s o' *ene'a! )a'ds)i1s a'e 'a'e. , !a0 dec!a'in* t)at in *ene'a! it s)a!! 8e 4o'e diffic !t fo' one *'o 1 of citi%ens t)an fo' a!! ot)e's to see3 aid f'o4 t)e *o.e'n4ent is itse!f a denia! of eK a! 1'otection of t)e !a0s in t)e 4ost !ite'a! sense. G()e * a'ant" of eK a! 1'otection of t)e !a0s is a 1!ed*e of t)e 1'otection of eK a! !a0s....H DPa*e :AAE
, second and 'e!ated 1oint is t)at !a0s of t)e

3ind no0 8efo'e s 'aise t)e ine.ita8!e infe'ence t)at t)e disad.anta*e i41osed is 8o'n of ani4osit" to0a'ds t)e c!ass of 1e'sons affected. GD7Ef t)e constit tiona! conce1tion of VeK a! 1'otection of t)e !a0sR 4eans an"t)in*# it 4 st at t)e .e'" !east 4ean t)at a 8a''e to )a'4 a 1o!itica!!" n1o1 !a' *'o 1 cannot constit te a !e*iti4ate *o.e'n4enta! inte'est....H DPa*e :A4E. $7. ()e / 1'e4e Co 't of Canada in Vriend v. -lberta# (1$$?) 1 /.C.2. 4$A# )e!d: GPe')a1s 4ost i41o'tant is t)e 1s"c)o!o*ica! )a'4 0)ic) 4a" ens e f'o4 t)is state of affai's. &ea' of disc'i4ination 0i!! !o*ica!!" !ead to concea!4ent of t' e identit" and t)is 4 st 8e DWP(C)7455/2001E Pa*e 81 of 105

)a'4f ! to 1e'sona! confidence and se!f@estee4. Co41o ndin* t)at effect is t)e i41!icit 4essa*e con.e"ed 8" t)e eIc! sion# t)at *a"s and !es8ians# n!i3e ot)e' a!s# a'e not 0o't)" of 1'otection. ()is is c!ea'!" an eIa41!e of a distinction 0)ic) de4eans t)e a! and st'en*t)ens and 1e'1et'ates DsicE t)e .ie0 t)at *a"s and !es8ians a'e !ess 0o't)" of 1'otection as a!s in CanadaRs societ". ()e 1otentia! )a'4 to t)e di*nit" and 1e'cei.ed 0o't) of *a" and !es8ian a!s constit tes a 1a'tic !a'!" c' e! fo'4 of disc'i4ination.HD1a'a 102E









disc'i4ination on *'o nds of seI a! o'ientation in t)e e41!o"4ent fie!d and 0o !d a11!" 0it) e.en *'eate' fo'ce to t)e c'i4ina!isation of consens a! seI in 1'i.ate 8et0een ad !t 4a!es. $?. ()e ine.ita8!e conc! sion is t)at t)e disc'i4ination ca sed to +/+ and *a" co44 nit" is nfai' and n'easona8!e and#

t)e'efo'e# in 8'eac) of ,'tic!e 14 of t)e Constit tion of 7ndia. INFRINGE$ENT OF ARTICLE ,: # &HETHER -SE6UAL ORIENTATION- IS A GROUND ANALOGOUS TO -SE6$$. ,'tic!e 15 is an instance and 1a'tic !a' a11!ication of t)e 'i*)t of eK a!it" 0)ic) is *ene'a!!" stated in ,'tic!e 14. ,'tic!e 14 is *en s 0)i!e ,'tic!e 15 a!on* 0it) ,'tic!e 1: a'e s1ecies a!t)o *) a!! of t)e4 occ 1" sa4e fie!d and t)e doct'ine of GeK a!it"H e48odied in t)ese ,'tic!es )as 4an" facets. ,'tic!e 15 1'o)i8its disc'i4ination on se.e'a!

en 4e'ated *'o nds# 0)ic) inc! de SseIS. ()e a'* 4ent of t)e 1etitione' is t)at SseIS in ,'tic!e 15(1) 4 st 8e 'ead eI1ansi.e!" to inc! de a 1'o)i8ition of disc'i4ination on t)e DWP(C)7455/2001E Pa*e 82 of 105

*'o nd of seI a! o'ientation as t)e 1'o)i8ited *'o nd of seI@ disc'i4ination cannot 8e 'ead as a11!"in* to *ende' si0 liciter. ()e 1 '1ose nde'!"in* t)e f nda4enta! 'i*)t

a*ainst seI disc'i4ination is to 1'e.ent 8e) ' t)at t'eats 1eo1!e diffe'ent!" fo' 'eason of not 8ein* in confo'4it" 0it) *ene'a!i%ation conce'nin* Gno'4a!H o' Gnat 'a!H *ende' 'o!es. itse!f Disc'i4ination on t)e 8asis of seI a! o'ientation is *'o nded in ste'eot"1ica! > d*4ents and

*ene'a!i%ation a8o t t)e cond ct of eit)e' seI. ()is is stated to 8e t)e !e*a! 1osition in 7nte'nationa! Fa0 and co41a'ati.e > 'is1' dence. 2e!iance 0as 1!aced on > d*4ents of ; 4an 2i*)ts Co44ittee and a!so on t)e > d*4ents of Canadian and /o t) ,f'ican co 'ts. 100. 7nte'nationa! Co.enant on Ci.i! and Po!itica! 2i*)ts (7CCP2) 'eco*nises t)e 'i*)t to eK a!it" and states t)at# Gt)e !a0 s)a!! 1'o)i8it an" disc'i4ination on an" *'o nd s c) as 'ace# co!o '# seI# !an* a*e# 'e!i*ion# 1o!itica! o' ot)e' o1inion# nationa! o' socia! 'e*ion# 1'o1e't"# 8i't) o' ot)e' stat sH. 7n Toonen 2. Australia (s 1'a)# t)e ; 4an 2i*)ts Co44ittee# 0)i!e )o!din* t)at ce'tain 1'o.isions of t)e (as4anian C'i4ina! Code 0)ic) c'i4ina!ise .a'io s fo'4s of seI a! cond ct 8et0een 4en .io!ated t)e 7CCP2# o8se'.ed t)at t)e 'efe'ence to SseIS in ,'tic!e 2# 1a'a*'a1)s 1 and 2: (of t)e 7CCP2) is to 8e ta3en as inc! din* SseI a! o'ientationS.


Pa*e 83 of 105

101. Des1ite t)e fact t)at /ection 15(1) of t)e Canadian C)a'te' does not eI1'ess!" inc! de seI a! o'ientation as a 1'o)i8ited *'o nd of disc'i4ination# t)e Canadian / 1'e4e Co 't )as )e!d t)at seI a! o'ientation is a *'o nd ana!o*o s to t)ose !isted in /ection 15(1): G7n L*an# it 0as )e!d# on t)e 8asis of G)isto'ica!# socia!# 1o!itica! and econo4ic disad.anta*e s ffe'ed 8" )o4oseI a!sH and t)e e4e'*in* consens s a4on* !e*is!at 'es (at 1a'a 17:)# as 0e!! as 1' s > dicia! decisions (at 1a'a 177)# t)at seI a! o'ientation is a *'o nd ana!o*o s to t)ose !isted in s.15(1). D='iend .. ,!8e'ta (s 1'a) 1e' Co'" J. 1a'a $0E. 102. /i4i!a'!"# in orbiere v. anada# D1$$$E 2 /.C.2. 20A# t)e

Canadian / 1'e4e Co 't identified t)e t)'ead ' nnin* t)'o *) t)ese ana!o*o s *'o nds Q G0)at t)ese *'o nds )a.e in co44on is t)e fact t)at t)e" often se'.e as t)e 8asis fo' ste'eot"1ica! decisions 4ade not on t)e 8asis of 4e'it 8 t on t)e 8asis of a 1e'sona! c)a'acte'istic t)at is i44 ta8!e o' c)an*ea8!e on!" at 1e'sona! identit".H D1a'a 1AE. 10A. ()e /o t) ,f'ican Constit tiona! Co 't 'eco*nised in nacce1ta8!e cost to

.rinsloo v. Van Der Linde# 1$$7 (A) /, 1012 (CC) t)at disc'i4ination on ns1ecified *'o nds is s a!!" S8ased on

att'i8 tes and c)a'acte'isticsS attac)in* to 1eo1!e# t)e'e8" i41ai'in* t)ei' Sf nda4enta! di*nit" as ) 4an 8ein*sSH. 7n ,ar&sen v. Lane# 1$$? (1) /, A00 (CC)# t)e Co 't f 't)e' de.e!o1ed t)e idea to sa" t)at t)e'e 0i!! 8e disc'i4ination on an ns1ecified *'o nd if it is 8ased on att'i8 tes o' Pa*e 84 of 105


c)a'acte'istics 0)ic) )a.e t)e 1otentia! to i41ai' t)e f nda4enta! di*nit" of 1e'sons as ) 4an 8ein*s# o' to affect t)e4 ad.e'se!" in a co41a'a8!" se'io s 4anne'.

L!a8o'atin* on 0)at it 4eans 8" 1otentia! i41ai'4ent of di*nit"# t)e Co 't 'esisted t)e te41tation of !a"in* do0n an" s c) StestS fo' disce'nin* S ns1ecifiedS *'o nds# 8 t )as t)is to sa" 8" 0a" of * ide!ines# G7n so4e cases t)e" 'e!ate to i44 ta8!e 8io!o*ica! att'i8 tes o' c)a'acte'istics# in so4e to t)e associationa! !ife of ) 4ans# in so4e to t)e inte!!ect a!# eI1'essi.e and 'e!i*io s di4ensions of ) 4anit" and in so4e cases to a co48ination of one o' 4o'e of t)ese feat 'esH. 7t needs to 8e noted t)at on acco nt of t)e 1'e.a!ent 0ide' 3no0!ed*e of t)e disc'i4ination on acco nt of seI a! o'ientation# t)e /o t) ,f'ican constit tion# 0)en it 0as d'afted# s1ecifica!!" inc! ded t)at as a *'o nd. 104. We )o!d t)at seI a! o'ientation is a *'o nd ana!o*o s to seI and t)at disc'i4ination on t)e 8asis of seI a! o'ientation is not 1e'4itted 8" ,'tic!e 15. & 't)e'# ,'tic!e 15(2)

inco'1o'ates t)e notion of )o'i%onta! a11!ication of 'i*)ts. 7n ot)e' 0o'ds# it e.en 1'o)i8its disc'i4ination of one citi%en 8" anot)e' in 4atte's of access to 1 8!ic s1aces. 7n o ' .ie0# disc'i4ination on t)e *'o nd of seI a! o'ientation is i41e'4issi8!e e.en on t)e )o'i%onta! a11!ication of t)e 'i*)t ens)'ined nde' ,'tic!e 15.


Pa*e 85 of 105

DSTRICT SCRUTINY8 AND DPROPORTIONALITY RE'IE&8 # ANALYSIS OF ANUJ GARG '. HOTEL ASSOCIATION OF INDIA, ?+==5A / SCC , 105. We 4a" no0 eIa4ine in so4e detai! t)e 'ecent decision of t)e / 1'e4e Co 't in -nuj Gar0 v. ,otel -ssociation o$ +ndia# (200?) A /CC 1# 0)ic) )as i41o'tant 8ea'in* on t)e 1'esent case. 7n -nuj Gar0# constit tiona! .a!idit" of

/ection A0 of t)e P n>a8 LIcise ,ct# 1$14 1'o)i8itin* e41!o"4ent of Gan" 4an nde' t)e a*e of 25 "ea'sH o' Gan" 0o4anH in an" 1a't of s c) 1'e4ises in 0)ic) !iK o' o' intoIicatin* d' * is cons 4ed 8" t)e 1 8!ic 0as c)a!!en*ed 8efo'e t)e ;i*) Co 't of De!)i. /ection A0 of t)e ,ct as ()e ;i*) Co 't dec!a'ed

!t'a .i'es ,'tic!es 1$(1)(*)# 14 and

15 of t)e Constit tion of 7ndia to t)e eItent it 1'o)i8its e41!o"4ent of an" 0o4an in an" 1a't of s c) 1'e4ises# in 0)ic) !iK o' o' intoIicatin* d' *s a'e cons 4ed 8" t)e 1 8!ic. Nationa! Ca1ita! (e''ito'" of De!)i acce1ted t)e said > d*4ent 8 t an a11ea! 0as fi!ed 8" fe0 citi%ens of De!)i. ()e a11ea! 0as !ti4ate!" dis4issed 8" t)e / 1'e4e Co 't#

8 t t)e 1'inci1!es !aid do0n 8" t)e Co 't 'e!atin* to t)e sco1e of t)e 'i*)t to eK a!it" en nciated in ,'tic!es 14 and 15 a'e 4ate'ia! fo' t)e 1 '1ose of t)e 1'esent case. ,t t)e o tset# t)e Co 't o8se'.ed t)at t)e ,ct in K estion is a 1'e@ constit tiona! !e*is!ation and a!t)o *) it is sa.ed in te'4s of ,'tic!e A72 of t)e Constit tion# c)a!!en*e to its .a!idit" on t)e to c)stone of ,'tic!es 14# 15 and 1$ of t)e Constit tion of 7ndia# is 1e'4issi8!e in !a0. ()e'e is t) s no 1'es 41tion DWP(C)7455/2001E Pa*e 86 of 105

of constit tiona!it" of a co!onia! !e*is!ation.


t)o *) t)e stat te co !d )a.e 8een )e!d to 8e a .a!id 1iece of !e*is!ation 3ee1in* in .ie0 t)e societa! condition of t)ose ti4es# 8 t 0it) t)e c)an*es occ ''in* t)e'ein 8ot) in t)e do4estic as a!so inte'nationa! a'ena# s c) a !a0 can a!so 8e dec!a'ed in.a!id. 7n t)is connection# t)e Co 't 'efe''ed to t)e fo!!o0in* o8se'.ations 4ade in John Vallamattom v. *nion o$ +ndia# (200A) : /CC :11: G()e constit tiona!it" of a 1'o.ision# it is t'ite# 0i!! )a.e to 8e > d*ed 3ee1in* in .ie0 t)e inte'1'etati.e c)an*es of t)e stat te affected 8" 1assa*e of ti4e.......t)e !a0 a!t)o *) 4a" 8e constit tiona! 0)en enacted 8 t 0it) 1assa*e of ti4e t)e sa4e 4a" 8e )e!d to 8e nconstit tiona! in .ie0 of t)e c)an*ed sit ation.H D1a'as 2? J AA of /CCE 10:. ()e Co 't f 't)e' )e!d t)at 0)en t)e .a!idit" of a !e*is!ation is tested on t)e an.i! of eK a!it" c!a ses contained in ,'tic!es 14 and 15# t)e 8 'den t)e'efo' 0o !d 8e on t)e /tate. GW)en t)e o'i*ina! ,ct 0as enacted# t)e conce1t of eK a!it" 8et0een t0o seIes 0as n3no0n. ()e 4a3e's of t)e Constit tion intended to a11!" eK a!it" a4on*st 4en and 0o4en in a!! s1)e'es of !ife. 7n f'a4in* ,'tic!es 14 and 15 of t)e Constit tion# t)e constit tiona! *oa! in t)at 8e)a!f 0as so *)t to 8e ac)ie.ed. ,!t)o *) t)e sa4e 0o !d not 4ean t)at nde' no ci'c 4stance# c!assification# inte' a!ia# on t)e *'o nd of seI 0o !d 8e 0)o!!" i41e'4issi8!e 8 t it is t'ite t)at 0)en t)e .a!idit" of a !e*is!ation is tested on t)e an.i! of eK a!it" c!a ses contained in ,'tic!es 14 and 15# t)e 8 'den t)e'efo' 0o !d 8e on t)e /tate. W)i!e conside'in* .a!idit" of a !e*is!ation of t)is nat 'e# t)e co 't 0as to ta3e notice of t)e ot)e' 1'o.isions of t)e Constit tion inc! din* t)ose contained in Pa't 7=@ , of t)e Constit tion.H D1a'a 21of /CCE.


Pa*e 87 of 105

107. ()e Co 't disc ssed t0o distinct conce1ts Q Gst'ict sc' tin"H 8o''o0ed f'o4 t)e 6/ > 'is1' dence# and G1'o1o'tiona!it" 'e.ie0H 0)ic) )as its o'i*in in t)e > 'is1' dence of Canadian and L 'o1ean co 'ts. ()e Co 't )e!d t)at t)e inte'fe'ence 1'esc'i8ed 8" t)e /tate fo' 1 's in* t)e ends of 1'otection s)o !d 8e 1'o1o'tionate to t)e !e*iti4ate ai4s. ()e standa'd fo' > d*in* t)e 1'o1o'tiona!it" s)o !d 8e a standa'd ca1a8!e of 8ein* ca!!ed 'easona8!e in a 4ode'n de4oc'atic societ". ()e Co 't f 't)e' )e!d t)at !e*is!ations 0it) 1'ono nced G1'otecti.e disc'i4inationH ai4s# s c) as /ection A0#

1otentia!!" se'.e as do 8!e ed*ed s0o'ds.

/t'ict sc' tin"

s)o !d 8e e41!o"ed 0)i!e assessin* t)e i41!ications of t)is .a'iet" of !e*is!ations. Fe*is!ation s)o !d not 8e on!"

assessed on its 1'o1osed ai4s 8 t 'at)e' on t)e i41!ications and t)e effects. ()e Co 't t)en 0ent on to state t)e

1'inci1!e of 1e'sona! a tono4" 0it) a s1ecia! > dicia! 'o!e 0)en dea!in* 0it) !a0s 'ef!ectin* o11'essi.e c !t 'a! no'4s t)at es1ecia!!" ta'*et 4ino'ities and . !ne'a8!e *'o 1s. G.....t)e iss e of ;iolo>ical 1i<<erence ;etCeen se7es *at)e's an o.e'tone of societa! conditions so 4 c) so t)at t)e 'ea! diffe'ences a'e 1'ono nced 8" t)e o11'essi.e c !t 'a! no'4s of t)e ti4e. ()is co48ination of 8io!o*ica! and socia! dete'4inants 4a" find eI1'ession in 1o1 !a' !e*is!ati.e 4andate. / c) !e*is!ations definite!" dese'.e dee1e' > dicia! sc' tin". 7t is fo' t)e co 't to 'e.ie0 t)at t)e 4a>o'ita'ian i41 !ses 'ooted in 4o'a!istic t'adition do not i41in*e 1on a! a tono4". ()is is t)e 8ac3d'o1 of dee1e' > dicia! sc' tin" of s c) !e*is!ations 0o'!d o.e'.H D1a'a 41 of /CCE


Pa*e 88 of 105

10?. ()e

Co 't








disc'i4ination i41!ies t)e 'i*)t to a tono4" and se!f@ dete'4ination# 0)ic) 1!aces e41)asis on a! c)oice. ()e'efo'e# a 4eas 'e t)at disad.anta*es a . !ne'a8!e *'o 1 defined on t)e 8asis of a c)a'acte'istic t)at 'e!ates to 1e'sona! a tono4" 4 st 8e s 8>ect to st'ict sc' tin". G4:. ....()e i41 *ned !e*is!ation s ffe's f'o4 inc 'a8!e fiIations of ste'eot"1e 4o'a!it" and conce1tion of seI a! 'o!e. ()e 1e's1ecti.e t) s a''i.ed at is o t4oded in content and stif!in* in 4eans. 47. No !a0 in its !ti4ate effect s)o !d end 1 1e'1et atin* t)e o11'ession of 0o4en. Pe'sona! f'eedo4 is a f nda4enta! tenet 0)ic) cannot 8e co41'o4ised in t)e na4e of eI1edienc" nti! and n!ess t)e'e is a co0 ellin> state ur ose. ;ei*)tened !e.e! of sc' tin" is t)e no'4ati.e t)'es)o!d fo' > dicia! 'e.ie0 in s c) cases. ...... ...... ...... 50. ()e test to 'e.ie0 s c) a P'otecti.e Disc'i4ination stat te 0o !d entai! a t0o@1'on*ed sc' tin": (a) t)e !e*is!ati.e inte'fe'ence (ind ced 8" seI disc'i4inato'" !e*is!ation in t)e instant case) s)o !d 8e > stified in 1'inci1!e# (8) t)e sa4e s)o !d 8e 1'o1o'tionate in 4eas 'e. 51. ()e Co 'tRs tas3 is to dete'4ine 0)et)e' t)e 4eas 'es f 't)e'ed 8" t)e /tate in fo'4 of !e*is!ati.e 4andate# to a *4ent t)e !e*iti4ate ai4 of 1'otectin* t)e inte'ests of 0o4en a'e 1'o1o'tionate to t)e ot)e' 8 !3 of 0e!!@sett!ed *ende' no'4s s c) as a tono4"# eK a!it" of o11o't nit"# 'i*)t to 1'" et a!. ()e 8otto4 !ine in t)is 8e)a!f 0o !d 8e a f nctionin* 4ode'n de4oc'atic societ" 0)ic) ens 'es f'eedo4 to 1 's e .a'ied o11o't nities and o1tions 0it)o t disc'i4inatin* on t)e 8asis of seI# 'ace# caste o' DWP(C)7455/2001E Pa*e 89 of 105

an" ot)e' !i3e 8asis. 7n fine# t)e'e s)o !d 8e a 'easona8!e 'e!ations)i1 of 1'o1o'tiona!it" 8et0een t)e 4eans sed and t)e ai4 1 's ed.H (e0 !asis su lie1)

10$. 7n -nuj Gar0# t)e Co 't# )o0e.e'# c!a'ified t)at t)e )ei*)tened 'e.ie0 standa'd does not 4a3e seI a 1'osc'i8ed c!assification# G...se7 classi<icationsH 4a" 8e sed to

co41ensate 0o4en Gfo' 1a'tic !a' econo4ic disa8i!ities (t)e" )a.e) s ffe'edH# Gto 1'o4ote eK a! e41!o"4ent o11o't nit"H# to ad.ance f !! de.e!o14ent of t)e ta!ent and ca1acities of o ' nationSs 1eo1!e. / c) c!assifications 4a" not 8e sed# as t)e" once 0e'e# to c'eate o' 1e'1et ate t)e

!e*a!# socia!# and econo4ic infe'io'it" of 0o4en.H 110. 7n -sho& Kumar 'ha&ur v. *nion o$ +ndia# (200?) : /CC 1# t)e / 1'e4e Co 't 'ef sed to a11!" st'ict sc' tin" to an affi'4ati.e action 4eas 'e. ()e Co 't )e!d t)at t)e

1'inci1!es !aid do0n 8" t)e 6nited /tates / 1'e4e Co 't s c) as Ss s1ect !e*is!ationS# Sst'ict sc' tin"S and Sco41e!!in* state necessit"S a'e not a11!ica8!e fo' c)a!!en*in* t)e .a!idit" of 'ese'.ations o' ot)e' affi'4ati.e action


nde' ,'tic!e 15(5) of t)e Constit tion. D1e'

<a!a3'is)nan# C.J.# / 44a'" 1oint $ : 1a*e 52: of /CCE 111. 5n a )a'4onio s const' ction of t)e t0o > d*4ents# t)e / 1'e4e Co 't 4 st 8e inte'1'eted to )a.e !aid do0n t)at t)e 1'inci1!e of Sst'ict sc' tin"S 0o !d not a11!" to affi'4ati.e action nde' ,'tic!e 15(5) 8 t a 4eas 'e t)at disad.anta*es Pa*e 90 of 105


a . !ne'a8!e *'o 1 defined on t)e 8asis of a c)a'acte'istic t)at 'e!ates to 1e'sona! a tono4" 4 st 8e s 8>ect to st'ict sc' tin". 112. () s 1e'sona! a tono4" is in)e'ent in t)e *'o nds

4entioned in ,'tic!e 15. ()e *'o nds t)at a'e not s1ecified in ,'tic!e 15 8 t a'e ana!o*o s to t)ose s1ecified t)e'ein# 0i!! 8e t)ose 0)ic) )a.e t)e 1otentia! to i41ai' t)e 1e'sona! a tono4" of an a!. ()is .ie0 0as ea'!ie' indicated in +ndra Sa1hney v. *nion o$ +ndia# (1$$2) / 11. A /CC 217. 7n -nuj Gar0# /.<. /in)a# J. e41)asised t)is as1ect 0it) *'eat c!a'it": G.....()e 8otto4 !ine in t)is 8e)a!f 0o !d 8e a f nctionin* 4ode'n de4oc'atic societ" 0)ic) ens 'es f'eedo4 to 1 's e .a'ied o11o't nities and o1tions 0it)o t disc'i4inatin* on t)e 8asis of seI# 'ace# caste o' an" ot)e' !i3e 8asis....H (e41)asis s 11!ied) D1a'a 51 of /CCE 11A. ,s )e!d in -nuj Gar0# if a !a0 disc'i4inates on an" of t)e 1'o)i8ited *'o nds# it needs to 8e tested not 4e'e!" a*ainst G'easona8!enessH sc' tin"H. nde' ,'tic!e 14 8 t 8e s 8>ect to Gst'ict

()e i41 *ned 1'o.ision in /ection A77 7PC

c'i4ina!ises t)e acts of seI a! 4ino'ities 1a'tic !a'!" 4en 0)o )a.e seI 0it) 4en and *a" 4en. 7t dis1'o1o'tionate!" i41acts t)e4 so!e!" on t)e 8asis of t)ei' seI a! o'ientation. ()e 1'o.ision ' ns co nte' to t)e constit tiona! .a! es and t)e notion of ) 4an di*nit" 0)ic) is conside'ed to 8e t)e co'ne'stone of o ' Constit tion. /ection A77 7PC in its

a11!ication to seI a! acts of consentin* ad !ts in 1'" DWP(C)7455/2001E Pa*e 91 of 105

disc'i4inates a section of 1eo1!e so!e!" on t)e *'o nd of t)ei' seI a! o'ientation 0)ic) is ana!o*o s to 1'o)i8ited *'o nd of seI. , 1'o.ision of !a0 8'andin* one section of 1eo1!e as c'i4ina! 8ased 0)o!!" on t)e /tateRs 4o'a! disa11'o.a! of t)at c!ass *oes co nte' to t)e eK a!it" * a'anteed 'e.ie0. 114. , constit tiona! 1'o.ision 4 st 8e const' ed# not in a na''o0 and const'icted sense# 8 t in a 0ide and !i8e'a! 4anne' so as to antici1ate and ta3e acco nt of c)an*in* conditions and 1 '1oses so t)at t)e constit tiona! 1'o.ision does not *et at'o1)ied o' fossi!i%ed 8 t 'e4ains f!eIi8!e eno *) to 4eet t)e ne0!" e4e'*in* 1'o8!e4s. D!rancis oralie )ullin v. nde' ,'tic!es 14 and 15 nde' an" standa'd of

*nion 'erritory o$ Delhi (s 1'a)# 1a'a : of /CCE. 7n ). (a0raj v. *nion o$ +ndia# (200:) ? /CC 212#t)e

Constit tion <enc) noted t)at: GConstit tion is not an e1)e4e'a! !e*a! doc 4ent e48od"in* a set of !e*a! ' !es fo' t)e 1assin* )o '. 7t sets o t 1'inci1!es fo' an eI1andin* f t 'e and is intended to end 'e fo' a*es to co4e and conseK ent!" to 8e ada1ted to t)e .a'io s c'isis of ) 4an affai's. ()e'efo'e# a 1 '1osi.e 'at)e' t)an a st'ict !ite'a! a11'oac) to t)e inte'1'etation s)o !d 8e ado1ted. , Constit tiona! 1'o.ision 4 st 8e const' ed not in a na''o0 and const'icted sense 8 t in a 0ide and !i8e'a! 4anne' so as to antici1ate and ta3e acco nt of c)an*in* conditions and 1 '1oses so t)at constit tiona! 1'o.ision does not *et fossi!i%ed 8 t 'e4ains f!eIi8!e eno *) to 4eet t)e ne0!" e4e'*in* 1'o8!e4s and c)a!!en*esH.D1a'a 1$ of /CCE


Pa*e 92 of 105

115. /i4i!a' is t)e senti4ent eI1'essed 8" 9enned"# J. in La1rence v. 'e7as (s 1'a): G;ad t)ose 0)o d'e0 and 'atified t)e D e P'ocess C!a ses of t)e &ift) ,4end4ent o' t)e &o 'teent) ,4end4ent 3no0n t)e co41onents of !i8e't" in its 4anifo!d 1ossi8i!ities# t)e" 4i*)t )a.e 8een 4o'e s1ecific. ()e" did not 1'es 4e to )a.e t)is insi*)t. ()e" 3no0 ti4es can 8!ind s to ce'tain t' t)s and !ate' *ene'ations can see t)at !a0s once t)o *)t necessa'" and 1'o1e' in fact se'.e on!" to o11'ess. ,s t)e Constit tion end 'es# 1e'sons in e.e'" *ene'ation can in.o3e its 1'inci1!es in t)ei' o0n sea'c) fo' *'eate' f'eedo4H. Dat 1a*e 5:AE

SCOPE OF THE COURT-S PO&ER TO DECLARE A STATUTORY PRO'ISION IN'ALID 11:. Fea'ned ,/- st'en o s!" contended t)at t)e J d*es 4 st 4aintain > dicia! se!f@'est'aint 0)i!e eIe'cisin* t)e 1o0e' of > dicia! 'e.ie0 of !e*is!ation. ()e'e is a 8'oad se1a'ation of 1o0e's nde' t)e Constit tion# and t)e t)'ee o'*ans of t)e

/tate Q t)e !e*is!at 'e# t)e eIec ti.e and t)e > dicia'"# 4 st 'es1ect eac) ot)e' and 4 st not o'dina'i!" enc'oac) into eac) ot)e'sS do4ain. ()e !e*is!at 'e is a de4oc'atica!!"

e!ected 8od" 0)ic) eI1'esses t)e 0i!! of t)e 1eo1!e# and in a de4oc'ac"# t)is 0i!! is not to 8e !i*)t!" f' st'ated o' o8st' cted. ()e Co 't s)o !d# t)e'efo'e# o'dina'i!" defe' to t)e decision of t)e !e*is!at 'e as it is t)e 8est > d*e of 0)at is *ood fo' t)e co44 nit". ;e 1!aced 'e!iance on a 'ecent > d*4ent of t)e / 1'e4e Co 't in t)e case of -o.e'n4ent of -ndhra .radesh v. .. La7mi Devi/ (200?) 4 /CC 720# 0)e'e t)e Co 't afte' 'efe''in* to t)e c!assic essa" of DWP(C)7455/2001E Pa*e 93 of 105

P'ofesso' Ja4es <'ad!e" ()a"e' entit!ed G()e 5'i*in and /co1e of t)e ,4e'ican Doct'ine of Constit tiona! Fa0H and ce'tain o8se'.ations of J stice &e!iI &'an3f 'te'# )e!d as fo!!o0s: G4:. 7n o ' o1inion# t)e'e is one and on!" one *'o nd fo' dec!a'in* an ,ct of t)e !e*is!at 'e (o' a 1'o.ision in t)e ,ct) to 8e in.a!id# and t)at is if it c!ea'!" .io!ates so4e 1'o.ision of t)e Constit tion in so e.ident a 4anne' as to !ea.e no 4anne' of do 8t. ()is .io!ation can# of co 'se# 8e in diffe'ent 0a"s# e.*. if a /tate !e*is!at 'e 4a3es a !a0 0)ic) on!" t)e Pa'!ia4net can 4a3e nde' Fist 7 to t)e /e.ent) /c)ed !e# in 0)ic) case it 0i!! .io!ate ,'tic!e 24:(1) of t)e Constit tion# o' t)e !a0 .io!ates so4e s1ecific 1'o.ision of t)e Constit tion (ot)e' t)an t)e di'ecti.e 1'inci1!es). < t 8efo'e dec!a'in* t)e stat te to 8e nconstit tiona!# t)e Co 't 4 st 8e a8so! te!" s 'e t)at t)e'e can 8e no 4anne' of do 8t t)at it .io!ates a 1'o.ision of t)e Constit tion. 7f t0o .ie0s a'e 1ossi8!e# one 4a3in* t)e stat te constit tiona! and t)e ot)e' 4a3in* it nconstit tiona!# t)e fo'4e' .ie0 4 st a!0a"s 8e 1'efe''ed. ,!so# t)e Co 't 4 st 4a3e e.e'" effo't to 1)o!d t)e constit tiona! .a!idit" of a stat te# e.en if t)at 'eK 'ies ** a st'ained const' ction o' na''o0in* do0n its sco1e .ide +a'3 Netto .. /tate of 9e'a!a and 5's. (1$7$) 1 /CC 2A# 1a'a : of /CC. ,!so# it is none of t)e conce'n of t)e Co 't 0)et)e' t)e !e*is!ation in its o1inion is 0ise o' n0ise. ....... ....... 50. 7n o ' o1inion > d*es 4 st 4aintain > dicia! se!f@'est'aint 0)i!e eIe'cisin* t)e 1o0e' of > dicia! 'e.ie0 of !e*is!ation.... 51. 7n o ' o1inion t)e !e*is!at 'e 4 st 8e *i.en f'eedo4 to do eI1e'4ientations in eIe'cisin* its 1o0e's# 1'o.ided of co 'se it does not c!ea'!" and f!a*'ant!" .io!ate its constit tiona! !i4its. ....... ....... DWP(C)7455/2001E Pa*e 94 of 105

57. 7n o ' o1inion# t)e co 't s)o !d# t)e'efo'e# o'dina'i!" defe' to t)e 0isdo4 of t)e !e*is!at 'e n!ess it enacts a !a0 a8o t 0)ic) t)e'e can 8e no 4anne' of do 8t a8o t its nconstit tiona!it".H

117. ()e !ea'ned ,/- a!so 'efe''ed to t)e !oc s c!assic s > d*4ent of t)e / 1'e4e Co 't in State o$ )adras v. V.G. Ro1/ ,72 1$52 /C 1$:# 0)e'ein 1a'a 15 dea!in* 0it) test of 'easona8!eness 'eads as fo!!o0s: G,:. X 7t is i41o'tant in t)is conteIt to 8ea' in 4ind t)at t)e test of 'easona8!eness# 0)e'e.e' 1'esc'i8ed# s)o !d 8e a11!ied to eac) a! stat te i41 *ned# and no a8st'act standa'd# o' *ene'a! 1atte'n of 'easona8!eness can 8e !aid do0n as a11!ica8!e to a!! cases. ()e nat 'e of t)e 'i*)t a!!e*ed to )a.e 8een inf'in*ed# t)e nde'!"in* 1 '1ose of t)e 'est'ictions i41osed# t)e eItent and '*enc" of t)e e.i! so *)t to 8e 'e4edied t)e'e8"# t)e dis1'o1o'tion of t)e i41osition# t)e 1'!in* conditions at t)e ti4e# s)o !d a!! ente' into t)e > dicia! .e'dict. 7n e.a! atin* s c) e! si.e facto's and fo'4in* t)ei' o0n conce1tion of 0)at is 'easona8!e# in a!! t)e ci'c 4stances of a *i.en case# it is ine.ita8!e t)at t)e socia! 1)i!oso1)" and t)e sca!e of .a! es of t)e J d*es 1a'tici1atin* in t)e decision s)o !d 1!a" an i41o'tant 1a't# and t)e !i4it to t)ei' inte'fe'ence 0it) !e*is!ati.e > d*4ent in s c) cases can on!" 8e dictated 8" t)ei' sense of 'es1onsi8i!it" and se!f@ 'est'aint and t)e so8e'in* 'ef!ection t)at t)e Constit tion is 4eant not on!" fo' 1eo1!e of t)ei' 0a" of t)in3in* 8 t fo' a!!# and t)at t)e 4a>o'it" of t)e e!ected 'e1' of t)e 1eo1!e )a.e# in a t)o'isin* t)e i41osition of t)e 'est'ictions# conside'ed t)e4 to 8e 'easona8!e.H 11?. 7t is t' e t)at t)e co 'ts s)o !d o'dina'i!" defe' to t)e 0isdo4 of t)e !e*is!at 'e 0)i!e eIe'cisin* t)e 1o0e' of > dicia! 'e.ie0 of !e*is!ation. < t it is eK a!!" 0e!! sett!ed

t)at t)e de*'ee of defe'ence to 8e *i.en to t)e !e*is!at 'e is de1endent on t)e s 8>ect 4atte' DWP(C)7455/2001E nde' conside'ation. Pa*e 95 of 105

W)en 4atte's of G)i*) constit tiona! i41o'tanceH s c) as constit tiona!!" ent'anc)ed ) 4an 'i*)ts Q a'e nde'

conside'ation# t)e co 'ts a'e o8!i*ed in disc)a'*in* t)ei' o0n so.e'ei*n > 'isdiction# to *i.e conside'a8!" !ess

defe'ence to t)e !e*is!at 'e t)an 0o !d ot)e'0ise 8e t)e case. 7n State o$ )adras v. V.G.Ro1 (s 1'a)# 0)i!e nde' ,'tic!e 1A it

i41!ied!" eI1!icatin* t)e sco1e of 1o0e'

0as )e!d t)at if t)e !e*is!ation in K estion .io!ated a f nda4enta! 'i*)t# it 0o !d )a.e to 8e st' c3 do0n Gin disc)a'*e of a d t" 1!ain!" !aid Constit tionH D1a'a 1A of ,72E. 11$. 7n R. 2-lconbury Ltd.3 v. Environment Secretary# D2001E 2 WF2 1A?$# Fo'd ;off4ann s1o3e of t)e a11'oac) in s c) cases: G()e'e is no conf!ict 8et0een ) 4an 'i*)ts and t)e de4oc'atic 1'inci1!e. 2es1ect fo' ) 4an 'i*)ts 'eK i'es t)at ce'tain 8asic 'i*)ts of a!s s)o !d not 8e ca1a8!e in an" ci'c 4stances of 8ein* o.e''idden 8" t)e 4a>o'it"# e.en if t)e" t)in3 t)at t)e 1 8!ic inte'est so 'eK i'es. 5t)e' 'i*)ts s)o !d 8e ca1a8!e of 8ein* o.e''idden on!" in .e'" 'est'icted ci'c 4stances. ()ese a'e 'i*)ts 0)ic) 8e!on* to a!s si41!" 8" .i't e of t)ei' ) 4anit"# inde1endent!" of an" ti!ita'ian ca!c !ation. ()e 1'otection of t)ese 8asic 'i*)ts f'o4 4a>o'it" decision 'eK i'es t)at inde1endent and i41a'tia! t'i8 na!s s)o !d )a.e t)e 1o0e' to decide 0)et)e' !e*is!ation inf'in*es t)e4 and eit)e' (as in t)e 6nited /tates) to dec!a'e s c) !e*is!ation in.a!id o' (as in t)e 6nited 9in*do4) to dec!a'e t)at it is inco41ati8!e 0it) t)e *o.e'nin* ) 4an 'i*)ts inst' 4ent. < t o tside t)ese 8asic 'i*)ts# t)e'e a'e 4an" decisions 0)ic) )a.e to 8e 4ade e.e'" da" (fo' eIa41!e# a8o t t)e a!!ocation of 'eso 'ces) in 0)ic) t)e on!" fai' DWP(C)7455/2001E Pa*e 96 of 105 1on t)e co 'ts 8" t)e

4et)od of decision is 8" so4e 1e'son o' 8od" acco nta8!e to t)e e!ecto'ate. DR. ?Alcon;ur9 Lt1.A 2. En2iron0ent Secretar9 D2001E 2 WF2 1A?$# at 1411EH 120. 7n t)is 'e*a'd# t)e 'o!e of t)e > dicia'" can 8e desc'i8ed as one of 1'otectin* t)e co nte' 4a>o'ita'ian safe* a'ds en 4e'ated in t)e Constit tion. 7t is a1t to 'efe' to t)e

o8se'.ations of J stice 2o8e't Jac3son in 4est Vir0inia State %oard o$ Education v. %arnette/ A1$ 6/ :24 (1$4A): G()e .e'" 1 '1ose of t)e 8i!! of 'i*)ts 0as to 0it)d'a0 ce'tain s 8>ects f'o4 t)e .icissit des of 1o!itica! cont'o.e's"# to 1!ace t)e4 8e"ond t)e 'eac) of 4a>o'ities and officia!s and to esta8!is) t)e4 as !e*a! 1'inci1!es to 8e a11!ied 8" t)e Co 'ts. 5neSs 'i*)t to !ife# !i8e't"# and 1'o1e't"# to f'ee s1eec)# a f'ee 1'ess# f'eedo4 of 0o's)i1 and asse48!"# and ot)e' f nda4enta! 'i*)ts 4a" not 8e s 84itted to .ote: t)e" de1end on t)e o tco4e of no e!ections.H D1a*e :A?E 121. We 4a" a!so 'efe' to t)e t0o 'ecent decisions of t)e / 1'e4e Co 't in.o!.in* t)e 1o0e' of t)e co 'ts to 'e.ie0 Pa'!ia4entSs !e*is!ati.e and non@!e*is!ati.e f nctions Q i.e. t)e > d*4ents in +.R. oelho 2Dead3 by LRs v. State o$

'amil (adu & "rs.# (2007) 2 /CC 1 and Raja Ram .al v. ,on5ble Spea&er/ Lo& Sabha & "rs.# (2007) A /CC 1?4. 7n oelho# t)e / 1'e4e Co 't )e!d t)at it co !d st'i3e do0n

an" !a0 inse'ted into t)e Nint) /c)ed !e if it 0e'e cont'a'" to Constit tiona! 1'o.isions. 7t 0as o8se'.ed: G....t)e > 'is1' dence and de.e!o14ent a'o nd f nda4enta! 'i*)ts )as 4ade it c!ea' t)at t)e" a'e not !i4ited# na''o0 'i*)ts 8 t 1'o.ide a 8'oad c)ec3 a*ainst t)e .io!ations o' eIcesses 8" t)e /tate a t)o'ities. ()e f nda4enta! 'i*)ts )a.e in DWP(C)7455/2001E Pa*e 97 of 105

fact 1'o.ed to 8e t)e 4ost si*nificant constit tiona! cont'o! on t)e -o.e'n4ent# 1a'tic !a'!" !e*is!ati.e 1o0e'......7t cannot 8e said t)at t)e sa4e Constit tion t)at 1'o.ides fo' a c)ec3 on !e*is!ati.e 1o0e'# 0i!! decide 0)et)e' s c) a c)ec3 is necessa'" o' not. 7t 0o !d 8e a ne*ation of t)e Constit tion.H D1a'as 5: J 102E 122. 7n Raja Ram .al case# t)e Co 't dis1osed of t)e a'* 4ents 'e*a'din* t)e nconstit tiona!it" of t)e eI1 !sion of

+e48e's of Pa'!ia4ent 0)i!e si4 !taneo s!" 1'inci1!es of > dicia! 'e.ie0.

1)o!din* t)e

()e Co 't 8e*an 8" statin*

t)at t)e Constit tion 0as t)e Gsu re0e le7 in t)is co nt'"H and 0ent on to sa" t)at: GPa'!ia4ent indeed is a coo'dinate o'*an and its .ie0s do dese'.e defe'ence e.en 0)i!e its acts a'e a4ena8!e to > dicia! sc' tin".....4e'e coo'dinate constit tiona! stat s....does not disentit!e t)is Co 't f'o4 eIe'cisin* its > 'isdiction of > dicia! 'e.ie0....H D1a'as A$1 and 4A1 of /CCE 12A. 7n t)e 1'esent case# t)e t0o constit tiona! 'i*)ts 'e!ied 1on i.e. S'i*)t to 1e'sona! !i8e't"S and S'i*)t to eK a!it"S a'e f nda4enta! ) 4an 'i*)ts 0)ic) 8e!on* to a!s si41!" 8" .i't e of t)ei' ) 4anit"# inde1endent of an" ti!ita'ian conside'ation. , <i!! of 2i*)ts does not Sconfe'S

f nda4enta! ) 4an 'i*)ts. 7t confi'4s t)ei' eIistence and acco'ds t)e4 1'otection. 124. 7n .eerless General !inance +nvestment o. Ltd. v.

Reserve %an& o$ +ndia, (1$$2) 2 /CC A4A# t)e Co 't )i*)!i*)ted t)e 'o!e of t)e > dicia'" as 1'otecto' of f nda4enta! 'i*)ts in fo!!o0in* 0o'ds:


Pa*e 98 of 105

GW)e'e.e' a stat te is c)a!!en*ed as .io!ati.e of t)e f nda4enta! 'i*)ts# its 'ea! effect o' o1e'ation on t)e f nda4enta! 'i*)ts is of 1'i4a'" i41o'tance. 7t is t)e d t" of t)e co 't to 8e 0atc)f ! to 1'otect t)e constit tiona! 'i*)ts of a citi%en as a*ainst an" enc'oac)4ent *'ad a!!" o' stea!t)i!" t)e'eon. W)en a !a0 )as i41osed 'est'ictions on t)e f nda4enta! 'i*)ts# 0)at t)e co 't )as to eIa4ine is t)e s 8stance of t)e !e*is!ation 0it)o t 8ein* 8e* i!ed 8" t)e 4e'e a11ea'ance of t)e !e*is!ation. ()e Fe*is!at 'e cannot diso8e" t)e constit tiona! 4andate 8" e41!o"in* an indi'ect 4et)od. ()e co 't 4 st conside' not 4e'e!" t)e 1 '1ose of t)e !a0 8 t a!so t)e 4eans )o0 it is so *)t to 8e sec 'ed o' )o0 it is to 8e ad4iniste'ed. ()e o8>ect of t)e !e*is!ation is not conc! si.e as to t)e .a!idit" of t)e !e*is!ation...... ()e co 't 4 st !ift t)e .ei! of t)e fo'4 and a11ea'ance to disco.e' t)e t' e c)a'acte' and t)e nat 'e of t)e !e*is!ation# and e.e'" endea.o ' s)o !d 8e 4ade to )a.e t)e efficac" of f nda4enta! 'i*)t 4aintained and t)e !e*is!at 'e is not in.ested 0it) n8o nded 1o0e'. ()e co 't )as# t)e'efo'e# a!0a"s to * a'd a*ainst t)e *'ad a! enc'oac)4ents and st'i3e do0n a 'est'iction as soon as it 'eac)es t)at 4a*nit de of tota! anni)i!ation of t)e 'i*)t.H D1a'a 4? of /CCE 125. ,fte' t)e conc! sion of o'a! )ea'in*# !ea'ned ,/- fi!ed )is 0'itten s 84issions in 0)ic) )e c!ai4ed t)at t)e co 'ts )a.e on!" to inte'1'et t)e !a0 as it is and )a.e no 1o0e' to dec!a'e t)e !a0 in.a!id. ,cco'din* to )i4# t)e'efo'e# if 0e 0e'e to a*'ee 0it) t)e 1etitione'# 0e co !d on!" 4a3e 'eco44endation to Pa'!ia4ent and it is fo' Pa'!ia4ent to a4end t)e !a0. We a'e const'ained to o8se'.e t)at t)e

s 84ission of !ea'ned ,/- 'ef!ects 'at)e' 1oo'!" on )is nde'standin* of t)e constit tiona! sc)e4e. 7t is a

f nda4enta! 1'inci1!e of o ' constit tiona! sc)e4e t)at e.e'" o'*an of t)e /tate# e.e'" a t)o'it" Constit tion de' its 1o0e' o' a t)o'it" DWP(C)7455/2001E nde' t)e nde' t)e

Pa*e 99 of 105

Constit tion and )as to act 0it)in t)e !i4its of 1o0e's. ()e > dicia'" is constit ted as t)e !ti4ate inte'1'ete' of t)e

Constit tion and to it is assi*ned t)e de!icate tas3 of dete'4inin* 0)at is t)e eItent and sco1e of t)e 1o0e' confe''ed on eac) 8'anc) of *o.e'n4ent# 0)at a'e t)e !i4its on t)e eIe'cise of s c) 1o0e' nde' t)e Constit tion

and 0)et)e' an" action of an" 8'anc) t'ans*'esses s c) !i4its. ()e 'o!e of t)e > dicia'" is to 1'otect t)e f nda4enta! 'i*)ts. , 4ode'n de4oc'ac" 0)i!e 8ased on t)e 1'inci1!e of 4a>o'it" ' !e i41!icit!" 'eco*ni%es t)e need to 1'otect t)e f nda4enta! 'i*)ts of t)ose 0)o 4a" dissent o' de.iate f'o4 t)e 4a>o'ita'ian .ie0. 7t is t)e >o8 of t)e > dicia'" to 8a!ance t)e 1'inci1!es ens 'in* t)at t)e *o.e'n4ent on t)e 8asis of n 48e' does not o.e''ide f nda4enta! 'i*)ts. ,fte' t)e en nciation of t)e 8asic st' ct 'e doct'ine# f !! > dicia! 'e.ie0 is an inte*'a! 1a't of t)e constit tiona! sc)e4e. (o K ote t)e 0o'ds of 9'is)na 7"e'# J. G... ()e co41 !sion of constit tiona! ) 4anis4 and t)e ass 41tion of f !! fait) in !ife and !i8e't" cannot 8e so f ti!e o' f'a*4enta'" t)at an" t'ansient !e*is!ati.e 4a>o'it" in tant' 4s a*ainst an" 4ino'it" 8" t)'ee K ic3 'eadin*s of a <i!! 0it) t)e 'eK isite K o' 4# can 1'esc'i8e an" n'easona8!e 4oda!it" and

t)e'e8" ste'i!ise t)e *'andi!oK ent 4andate.H D)ane&a Gandhi v. *nion o$ +ndia (s 1'a)# 1a'a ?1 of /CCE.


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INFRINGE$ENT OF ARTCILE ,E?,A?aA to ?1A 12:. 7n t)e !i*)t of o ' findin*s on t)e inf'in*e4ent of ,'tic!es 21# 14 and 15# 0e fee! it nnecessa'" to dea! 0it) t)e iss e of

.io!ation of ,'tic!e 1$(1)(a) to (d). ()is iss e is !eft o1en. DOCTRINE OF SE'ERA"ILITY 127. ()e 1'a"e' of t)e 1etitione' is to dec!a'e /ection A77 7PC as nconstit tiona! to t)e eItent t)e said 1'o.ision affects 1'i.ate seI a! acts 8et0een consentin* ad !ts in 1'i.ate. ()e 'e!ief )as 8een so *)t in t)is 4anne' to ens 'e t)e contin ance of a11!ica8i!it" of /ection A77 7PC to cases in.o!.in* non@consens a! seI. 5 ' attention 0as d'a0n to a 1assa*e f'o4 Constit tiona! Fa0 of 7ndia (&o 't) Ldition# =o!. 1) 8" ;.+. /ee'.ai# 0)e'ein t)e !ea'ned a t)o' )as eI1!ained t)e Doct'ine of /e.e'a8i!it" in t)e fo!!o0in* 0o'ds: GA.7 /e.e'a8i!it" 0e )a.e seen t)at 0)e'e t0o inte'1'etations a'e 1ossi8!e# a Co 't 0i!! acce1t t)at inte'1'etation 0)ic) 0i!! 1)o!d t)e .a!idit" of !a0. 7f# )o0e.e'# t)is is not 1ossi8!e# it 8eco4es necessa'" to decide 0)et)e' t)e !a0 is 8ad as a 0)o!e# o' 0)et)e' t)e 8ad 1a't can 8e se.e'ed f'o4 t)e *ood 1a't. ()e K estion of const' ction# and t)e K estion of se.e'a8i!it" a'e t) s t0o distinct K estionsH .... A.$ ()e'e a'e t0o 3inds of se.e'a8i!it" : a stat to'" 1'o.ision 4a" contain distinct and se1a'ate 0o'ds dea!in* 0it) distinct and se1a'ate to1ics# as fo' eIa41!e# one s 8@section 4a" a11!" it 'et'os1ecti.e!". ()e fi'st s 8@section 4a" 8e .a!id and t)e second .oid. 7n s c) a case# t)e Co 't 4a" de!ete t)e second s 8@section 8" t'eatin* it as se.e'a8!e.


Pa*e 101 of 105

A.10 ()e'e is )o0e.e' anot)e' 3ind of se.e'a8i!it" na4e!" se.e'a8i!it" in a11!ication# o' se.e'a8i!it" in enfo'ce4ent. ()e K estion of t)is ot)e' 3ind of se.e'a8i!it" a'ises 0)en an i41 *ned 1'o.ision is one indi.isi8!e 0)o!e# as fo' instance# t)e definition of a 0o'd. ;e'e se.e'a8i!it" cannot 8e a11!ied 8" de!etin* an offendin* 1'o.ision and !* t)e 'est standin*. 7t 8eco4es necessa'" t)e'efo'e to enK i'e 0)et)e' t)e i41 *ned definition e48'aces distinct c!asses and cate*o'ies of s 8>ect 4atte' in 'es1ect to so4e of 0)ic) t)e Fe*is!at 'e )as no 1o0e' to !e*is!ate o' is ot)e'0ise s 8>ect to a Constit tiona! !i4it. 7f it is fo nd t)at t)e definition does co.e' distinct and se1a'ate c!asses and cate*o'ies# t)e Co 't 0i!! 'est'ain t)e enfo'ce4ent of t)e !a0 in 'es1ect of t)at c!ass of s 8>ects in 'es1ect of 0)ic) t)e !a0 is in.a!id. ()is 4i*)t 8e done 8" *'antin* 1e'1et a! in> nction 'est'ainin* t)e enfo'ce4ent of !a0 on t)e fo'8idden fie!d# as )e!d in C!a0ar;au>!Calla-s Case (1$57) /.C.2. $A0. A.11 ()e 1'inci1!e of se.e'a8i!it" in a11!ication 0as fi'st ado1ted 8" o ' / 1. Ct. 0)en dea!in* 0it) t)e contention t)at a taI !a0 4 st 8e dec!a'ed 0)o!!" .oid if it 0as 8ad in 1a't as t'ans*'essin* Constit tiona! !i4itations. /ast'i C.J.# de!i.e'in* t)e 4a>o'it" > d*4ent# o8se'.ed: G7t is a so nd ' !e to eItend se.e'a8i!it" to inc! de se1a'a8i!it" in enfo'ce4ent....and 0e a'e of t)e o1inion t)at t)e 1'inci1!e s)o !d 8e a11!ied in dea!in* 0it) taIin* stat tes.....H. ;e 'efe''ed to t)e decision in "oC0an 2. Continental Oil Co., (1$20) 25: 6/ :42. 7n C)a4a'8a *)0a!!aSs case# it 0as a'* ed t)at t)is ' !e 0as eIce1tiona! and a11!ied on!" to taIin* stat tes. < t =en3ata'a4a ,i"a' J. 'e>ected t)is contention.H 12?. 7n R.).D. hamarbau01alla v. *nion o$ +ndia# ,72 1$57

/C :2?# t)e Constit tion <enc) !aid do0n: GW)en a !e*is!at 'e 0)ose a t)o'it"# is s 8>ect to !i4itations afo'esaid enacts a !a0 0)ic) is 0)o!!" in eIcess of its 1o0e's# it is enti'e!" .oid and 4 st 8e co41!ete!" i*no'ed. < t 0)e'e t)e !e*is!ation fa!!s in 1a't 0it)in t)e a'ea a!!otted to it and in 1a't o tside it# it is ndo 8ted!" .oid as to t)e !atte'P 8 t does it on t)at acco nt 8eco4e necessa'i!" .oid in its enti'et"B ()e ans0e' to t)is DWP(C)7455/2001E Pa*e 102 of 105

K estion 4 st de1end on 0)et)e' 0)at is .a!id co !d 8e se1a'ated f'o4 0)at is in.a!id# and t)at is a K estion 0)ic) )as to 8e decided 8" t)e Co 't on a conside'ation of t)e 1'o.isions of t)e ,ct. ()is is a 1'inci1!e 0e!! esta8!is)ed in ,4e'ican J 'is1' dence# =ide Coo!e"Ss Constit tiona! Fi4itations# =o!. 7# C)a1. =77# C'a0fo'd on /tat to'" Const' ction# C)a1. 1: and / t)e'!and on /tat to'" Const' ction# A'd Ldn.# =o!. 2# C)a1. 24.H D1a'a 12 of ,72E

7n t)at case# t)e Co 't acce1ted t)e contention of t)e 'es1ondent t)at t)e 1'inci1!e of se.e'a8i!it" is a11!ica8!e 0)en a stat te is 1a'tia!!" .oid fo' 0)ate.e' 'eason t)at 4i*)t 8e# and t)at t)e i41 *ned 1'o.isions a'e se.e'a8!e and# t)e'efo'e# enfo'cea8!e as a*ainst co41etitions 0)ic) a'e of a *a48!in* c)a'acte'. ()e 'atio in

hamarbau01alla 0as fo!!o0ed in Kedar (ath v. State o$ %ihar# ,72 1$:2 /C $55# %him Sin0hji v. *nion o$ +ndia# (1$?1) 1 /CC 1:: and State o$ -ndhra .radesh v. (ational 'hermal .o1er orporation# (2002) 5 /CC 20A.

CONCLUSION 12$. ()e notion of eK a!it" in t)e 7ndian Constit tion f!o0s f'o4 t)e V58>ecti.e 2eso! tionR 4o.ed 8" Pandit Ja0a)a'!a! Ne)' on Dece48e' 1A# 1$4:. Ne)' # in )is s1eec)#* t)is 2eso! tion 0is)ed t)at t)e ;o se s)o !d conside' t)e 2eso! tion not in a s1i'it of na''o0 !e*a! 0o'din*# 8 t 'at)e' !oo3 at t)e s1i'it 8e)ind t)at 2eso! tion. ;e said# HWo'ds a'e 4a*ic t)in*s often eno *)# 8 t e.en t)e 4a*ic of 0o'ds DWP(C)7455/2001E Pa*e 103 of 105

so4eti4es cannot con.e" t)e 4a*ic of t)e ) 4an s1i'it and of a NationRs 1assionXX.. (()e 2eso! tion) see3s .e'" fee8!" to te!! t)e 0o'!d of 0)at 0e )a.e t)o *)t o' d'ea4t of so !on*# and 0)at 0e no0 )o1e to ac)ie.e in t)e nea' f t 'e.H DConstit ent ,sse48!" De8ates: Fo3 /a8)a

/ec'eta'iat# Ne0 De!)i: 1$$$# =o!. 7# 1a*es 57@:5E. 1A0. 7f t)e'e is one constit tiona! tenet t)at can 8e said to 8e nde'!"in* t)e4e of t)e 7ndian Constit tion# it is t)at of Sinc! si.enessS. ()is Co 't 8e! t)at 7ndian Constit tion 'ef!ects t)is .a! e dee1!" in*'ained in 7ndian societ"# n 't 'ed o.e' se.e'a! *ene'ations. ()e inc! si.eness t)at 7ndian societ" t'aditiona!!" dis1!a"ed# !ite'a!!" in e.e'" as1ect of !ife# is 4anifest in 'eco*nisin* a 'o!e in societ" fo' e.e'"one. ()ose 1e'cei.ed 8" t)e 4a>o'it" as Gde.iantsS o' Sdiffe'entS a'e not on t)at sco'e eIc! ded o' ost'acised. 1A1. W)e'e societ" can dis1!a" inc! si.eness and nde'standin*# s c) 1e'sons can 8e ass 'ed of a !ife of di*nit" and non@ disc'i4ination. ()is 0as t)e Ss1i'it 8e)ind t)e 2eso! tionS of 0)ic) Ne)' s1o3e so 1assionate!". 7n o ' .ie0# 7ndian

Constit tiona! !a0 does not 1e'4it t)e stat to'" c'i4ina! !a0 to 8e )e!d ca1ti.e 8" t)e 1o1 !a' 4isconce1tions of 0)o t)e F-<(s a'e. 7t cannot 8e fo'*otten t)at disc'i4ination is anti@ t)esis of eK a!it" and t)at it is t)e 'eco*nition of eK a!it" 0)ic) 0i!! foste' t)e di*nit" of e.e'" a!.


Pa*e 104 of 105

1A2. We dec!a'e t)at /ection A77 7PC# insofa' it c'i4ina!ises consens a! seI a! acts of ad !ts in 1'i.ate# is .io!ati.e of ,'tic!es 21# 14 and 15 of t)e Constit tion. ()e 1'o.isions of /ection A77 7PC 0i!! contin e to *o.e'n non@consens a! 1eni!e non@.a*ina! seI and 1eni!e non@.a*ina! seI in.o!.in* 4ino's. <" Sad !tS 0e 4ean e.e'"one 0)o is 1? "ea's of a*e and a8o.e. , 1e'son 8e!o0 1? 0o !d 8e 1'es 4ed not to 8e a8!e to consent to a seI a! act. ()is c!a'ification 0i!! )o!d ti!!# of co 'se# Pa'!ia4ent c)ooses to a4end t)e !a0 to effect ate t)e 'eco44endation of t)e Fa0 Co44ission of 7ndia in its 172nd 2e1o't 0)ic) 0e 8e!ie.e ' a *'eat dea! of conf sion. /econd!"# 0e c!a'if" t)at o ' > d*4ent

0i!! not 'es !t in t)e 'e@o1enin* of c'i4ina! cases in.o!.in* /ection A77 7PC t)at )a.e a!'ead" attained fina!it". We a!!o0 t)e 0'it 1etition in t)e a8o.e te'4s.

C;7L& J6/(7CL

J6FC 2# 200$ Gn4/./13H

/.+62,F7D;,2# J


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