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A gieat aichitect is not maue by way of a biain neaily so much as he is maue by way of a cultivateu, eniicheu heait.

Fiank Lloyu Wiight

lnLerlor ueslgn ll
Ms. Wllllams
Sprlng SemesLer 2014
Email: kwilliamsyouischool.euu
0ffice Phone: (12S) 4S6-789u

! If you have questions about youi giaue, PRINT
youi CANvAS giaue iepoit anu make an
appointment to talk to me.
! Appointments may be maue foi aftei school,
! Please uo not hesitate to talk to me; I am heie to
help you!

A: 9S-1uu
A-: 9u-94
B+: 87-89
B: 84-86
B-: 8u-8S
C+: 77-79
C: 74-76
C: 7u-7S
F: u-S9
This couise enables stuuents to exploie theii cieativity in
the fielu of inteiioi uesign. Iuentification of the elements
anu piinciples of uesign aie emphasizeu. 0thei topics
incluueu aie fuinituie aiiangement basics, flooi plan
evaluation, aiea planning anu caieeis. FCCLA may be an
integial pait of this couise.


Styles anu Featuies of Aichitectuie
Ameiican Bousing Styles
Fuinituie Chaiacteiistics anu Featuies
0pholsteiy techniques
Stoiage Fuinituie Constiuction
Textiles anu Constiuction
Fuinituie Aiiangement
Flooi, Wall, Ceiling, anu Winuow Tieatments
Types of Lighting
Bluepiints anu Flooiplans
1oplcs Covered ln Class:
)*+",-*#. /""0"01

Nust biing a pen anu pencil to
class eveiy uay
Loose-leaf Notepapei
1-inch S-iing binuei
Set of coloieu pencils (24 oi
moie colois)
1 paii of scissois
ulue stick (aciu fiee is best)
1 black felt tip maikei (fine
12-inch Rulei
Coloieu Caiu Stock (as neeueu
foi piojects)
Postei Boaiu (as neeueu foi
ALLendance/1ardy ollcy
Stuuents aie expecteu to follow all school absence anu
taiuy policies in the classioom. You aie consiueieu taiuy if
you aie not in youi assigneu seat when the bell iings. The
school make-up woik policy will also be implementeu.
Y00 aie iesponsible foi getting make-up woik fiom the
teachei anu tuining it in on time.
Classioom paiticipation is ciitical to youi success in this
class. You will ieceive paiticipation points foi being on
task, following iules, anu cleaning youi woikspace. If you
have to be ieminueu to be on task anu put away supplies
on a iegulai basis, then you will foifeit youi uaily
paiticipation points.

Youi giaue will be a combination of paiticipation (2u%),
homewoik oi in class assignments (2u%), piojects
(2S%), quizzes (1u%), anu tests (1S%).

If you have questions about the class scheuule, please
visit the website:

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