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lurl vllllums
8 U l L L l N C A 8 L 1 1 L R l U 1 U R L
vhut's Colng Cn?
1hls newsletter's
urose ls to lnform
consumers of
lnnovutlve methods to
lmrove efflclency ln
regurds to energy,
muterluls, und wuter.
Eeut Pums
Eeut ums work by movlng heut to from u cool suce to u wurm
suce, keelng cool suces cool und wurm suces wurm. 1hls cun
decreuse the gus or electrlc blll by cc, deendlng on the tye of
heuter used ln u home.
lnsulutlon ls one of the flrst thlngs u consumer cun do to thelr home
to suve on energy. ln uddltlon to energy efflclency, lnsulutlon ulso
uffects comfort, decreuses drufts, und hels kees temerutures
constunt lndoors. 1here ure ulso lncentlves uvulluble to muke the
cholce more ufforduble.


Crey vuter Recycllng System
1ollets use mukes u uroxlmutely z6., of
household wuter usuge uccordlng to the LPA. 1he
8RAC wuter fllter ls lnstulled to u household's
lumblng system. 1hls uurutus tukes wuter from
showers, slnks, wushlng muchlnes, und dlshwushers
und then fllters out contumlnunts. 1he flltered
wuter then ls dlrected to tollets. Recycllng wuter
wlth u 8RAC fllter could lower wuter usuge by ubout
vutts lnstunt Eot vuter Reclrculutlng System
1hls devlce ls uttuched to the exlstlng wuter llne on the
hot wuter heuter. vhen the hot wuter runs out, cool
wuter ls umed buck through the heuter. 1hls devlce
cun suve u to ,ccc gullons of wuter u yeur, und
decreuse the wuter blll by ubout c.
vhole Eouse luns
vhole house funs ure usuully lnstulled ln the uttlc
suce. vhen outdoor ulr ls cooler, wlndows ure
oened, und the fun ulls the cool ulr ln, clrculutlng
lt throughout the house. 1hls cun drumutlcully
decreuse ulr condltlonlng costs. vhole house funs
work best ln moderute to hot cllmutes.

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