Nih Source Annotaion

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1. National Institute of Health - Stem Cell Primer - Source Annotation Info Center. In Stem Cell Information [World Wide Web site]. Bethesda, MD: National Institutes of Health, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 2010 [cited Saturday, October 19, 2013] In the article Stem Cell Basics, the National Institution of Health, discusses the biological properties of stem cell and explains the difference of adult stem cells and embryotic stem cell. MAPS Medium- The type of source this is an article and it presents background knowledge to the general people. Audience- its focuses is the general people to inform them about the research they are conducting and to possibly correct any misleading information. Purpose- The overall purpose is to help readers understand the unique feature of stem cell and its benefits that need further research in order to perfect their findings. This article comes from the National Institution of Health, and the article impact on its reader is that one can believe what it states because it is a governmentfounded organization. Furthermore, it makes it a reliable source since its a part of the branches of government biological research. Quotes Stem cells have the remarkable potential to develop into many different cell types in the body during early life and growth. In addition, in many tissues they serve as a sort of internal repair system, dividing essentially without limit to replenish other cells as long as the person or animal is still alive. (1) o I could use this quote to demonstrate why the properties of stem cells are so unique and this would support by my argument that the funding for stem cell research should be continued. Research on stem cells continues to advance knowledge about how an organism develops from a single cell and how healthy cells replace damaged cells in adult organisms. (2) o Our further understanding of the life cycle of cells could not only help us find cures to disease but also understand the cycle developing disease such as cancer in order to stop the cycle. One major difference between adult and embryonic stem cells is their different abilities in the number and type of differentiated cell types they can become. Embryonic stem cells can become all cell types of the body because they are pluripotent. Adult stem cells are thought to be limited to differentiating into different cell types of their tissue of origin. (12) o I could uses this quote to inform readers about the differences and to link it to why we use embryotic cell instead of adult cell for their unique features that adult stem cells do not posses. The author uses visuals and on-going research as their evidence to their knowledge on stem cell research. It does seem creditable because it comes from






the NIH a government-funded organization with scientists who are specialized in their felid. It is effective in supporting its information and informing readers since the text is reader friendly and easy to follow. The visuals provided give a further understanding of the process that stem cells take. 7. I agree with the information provided in this article. It supports why we need to continue funding stem cell research and put aside our ethical believes when man kinds understanding of the human body and preventing or providing more advance therapies can be accomplished.

This Evidence shows how I constructed a source annotation of the NIH Document of stem cells in order to break it down into smaller digestible parts. My analysis of the certain quotes show how I can use the quote to back up my argument

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