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Elisa Benitez English 1102-017

Reflection I was originally upset about doing a video and as the ti!e approached to actually start this pro"ect I beca!e !ore nervous# I$! not very tech-savvy and did not %now !uch about i&ovie or how to create a video and upload it on 'outube# (owever once I began and received help I really en"oyed creating this video and I$! very happy with it# I will probably start recording !y organization !uch !ore so that we can start having videos and photos of all the wor% we do and I can create a larger video to encourage people to "oin us# &y strengths with this video are that I have so!e good action photos and a s!all clip of !y organization at a protest# I thin% starting !y video off with a protest really draws attention and gives people an idea of what to e)pect# &y wea%ness is that !y video is not representative of all the different ethnicities genders and gender identities and !uch !ore# I only interviewed two cis-gendered straight *atino !ales# &y video would have been stronger if I had included +ndocu,ueers wo!en so!e first generation drea!ers and undocu!ented youths fro! other parts of the world# +nfortunately because two of !y class!ates weren$t present the first day and we had bad weather it was a bit harder to get the feedbac% I needed# (owever I do thin% that they offered positive feedbac% and what I could do to !a%e !y points a bit stronger as well as !y professor# I was told I needed to describe who our organization really is what we do etc# so that people who watch !y video will be able to follow along# -hat was i!portant because we$re s!all and not !any people outside of the *atino i!!igrant co!!unity have heard of us# -here is nothing in particular that I want !ore focus on about !y video# .or a first atte!pt I thin% it$s decent /uality and I$! very happy with how it all turned out#

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