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Tahnee Eisenbarth 1/18/08 Eagle Elementary My Experience Wow it has been an awesome ride.

I have learned a lot o things abo!t how to teach and abo!t mysel . It too" a little time getting !sed to teaching little "ids b!t once I did I had a lot o !n. The irst day I was there I was really nervo!s b!t once I started to help "ids I was ine. The "ids had to get !sed to another teacher in the classroom. When I wal"ed in I reali#ed how little they were. When I started helping some o the "ids read$ they str!ggled a lot. I reali#ed that$ that was me when I was that yo!ng and I "new exactly what they needed. They needed someone to tell them they co!ld do it and help them so!nd the words o!t% I also had to as" them &!estions to ma"e s!re they !nderstood the story. I had to ind a balance between helping them and hindering them. 'art way thro!gh some o the "ids wo!ld test me and become really la#y so I had to "eep coxing them to do it and that they co!ld do it. I had a lot o !n when I ta!ght my big lesson. The "ids were really excited or me to teach and they were ready to learn. (t irst I was nervo!s I wo!ld mess !p b!t as the lesson went on I got me con ident and com ortable with teaching the "ids. I ta!ght several small lessons and when I inished I co!ld not wait to teach again. There is "ids that excel and there are "ids that have a lot o tro!ble with things li"e reading. When I ta!ght I had to ind the middle and help the "ids that str!ggled with what we were doing% and I had to p!sh the "ids that excelled to do more.

With this experience it has made !p my mind o becoming a teacher. I have always wanted to teach scene I was in the second grade. )eing in the classroom and teaching really showed me how m!ch I really love teaching.

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